Page created by Vanessa Bryant
Your DirectAsia
              Travel Insurance Policy Details

                                Thank you for choosing
                             DirectAsia travel insurance.

           We have made this policy simple and straightforward
               so that you can understand what we cover
                       and what we do not cover.

                             Direct Asia Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd
                                 (Company Reg. No. 200822611G)
                               20 Anson Road #08-01 Twenty Anson
                                         Singapore 079912

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        1         your DirectAsia travel insurance policy

        2         when we cover you

        3         your benefits

        4         what we do not cover

        5         accidents and claims

        6         what you need to do

        7         keeping your DirectAsia travel insurance up to

        8         customer care

        9         questions and feedback

      10          definitions

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1 > your DirectAsia                                   Singapore time on the last day of the period of
travel insurance policy                               Please read carefully your certificate of insurance
                                                      and these policy details to make sure all the
Your DirectAsia travel insurance policy tells you
                                                      information in your policy is complete and
what you need to know about your travel
                                                      If you need to change anything, please contact us
We explain your DirectAsia travel insurance, what
happens if you have to make a claim and what
you need to do when you insure with DirectAsia.       The exceptions, exclusions, sums insured, limits
                                                      and payment requirements referred to in these
At any time, if you encounter any difficulty or
                                                      policy details apply to all sections of your policy.
have any questions about your cover or your
policy, you can visit us at,       To the extent permitted by law, you will receive
email us at or         your policy electronically. There may be some
call us on 6532 2888.                                 documents that we cannot deliver electronically
                                                      due to legal and technological constraints. These
important notice                                      will be posted to you.
We are required by law to tell you that               We will send you your policy documents
before we provide cover, you must fully               electronically when you purchase a single trip
and faithfully tell us everything you                 policy. You can also either go online via
know or could reasonably be expected         to view your policy
to know that is relevant to our decision              documents under “My Account”, call us at 6532
                                                      2888          or      email      us         at
to give you the insurance, otherwise
                                             to request for
you may receive no benefit from your                  a copy.
                                                      Your policy uses words that have definite
                                                      meanings. To make sure that you are aware of
your policy                                           these words and their meanings, please read the
                                                      list of definitions set out in section 10.
Your DirectAsia travel insurance policy is a
contract between you and us and is made up of
the information and any declarations submitted        your duty to tell us
by you to us, the terms and conditions of use set
out in or on our website, your         The insurance cover under your policy is based on
certificate of insurance and these policy details     the information you have given to us.
and any other written change to these documents
                                                      When we agree to insure you, to renew or vary
that is advised by us in writing (such as an
                                                      your policy, or to pay your claim, our decision
amendment).       Together, we will call these
                                                      relies on the accuracy of the information you give
documents your DirectAsia travel insurance
policy or your policy.
                                                      If that information is not accurate, we can reduce
Your policy is proof of the contract between you
                                                      or deny any claim you make. We can also cancel
and us. It is based on the information given by
                                                      your policy and treat it as if it had never existed.
you or for you when you applied for this
insurance.                                            To avoid any cancellation of your policy or non-
                                                      payment of your claim, you must answer
This information is shown on your certificate of
                                                      honestly, correctly and completely the questions
insurance. We will take it that you promise, as far
                                                      we ask about:
as you know, that the information you have given
us is true.                                           o   you;
You will not be covered for anything that is not      o   any other people who are or are to be insured
described on your certificate of insurance.               under your policy;
Subject to payment of your premium, your policy       o   the insurance history of you and any other
will become effective on the date and time                people who are or are to be insured under
specified in your certificate of insurance and            your policy; and
continues for the period of cover specified in your
certificate of insurance, ending at 23:59 standard

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o   any events involving you or any other person          at renewal – for annual travel
    insured under your policy that result in a
    claim on your DirectAsia travel insurance
    policy.                                               In order to offer you continued cover on your
                                                          annual DirectAsia travel insurance policy, we may
You must comply with:
                                                          renew your annual policy automatically at the
o   all of the terms and conditions in your               premium and on the terms determined by us. You
    DirectAsia travel insurance policy;                   should be aware that we can only consider
                                                          automatic renewal when:
o   any amendment to your DirectAsia travel
    insurance policy; and                                 o   you have made us aware of and we have
                                                              accepted any changes to your policy details
o   all of the terms and conditions set out on or             (including those of all insured persons);
    in our website and which are
    and shall be deemed to be incorporated by             o   the credit card details given to us by you
    reference in these policy details.                        have not changed; and
                                                          o   there are no outstanding payments or other
eligibility                                                   breaches of your policy.

Unless we agree in writing, each person who is to         Unless we hear to the contrary, we are entitled to
be insured under this DirectAsia travel insurance         assume that the details provided by you to us
policy must meet all of the following eligibility         (including those of all insured persons) have not
requirements from the start date of your policy:          changed and that you have the consent of the
                                                          credit card holder. We may then automatically
o   be named as an insured person in your                 debit the credit card we have on file with the
    certificate of insurance;                             renewal premium.
o   you and your spouse must both be between              You may opt out of automatic renewal at any time
    18 and 70 years of age (both inclusive) for a         by emailing us at least 30 days before the expiry
    new policy and between 19 and 75 years of             of your policy.
    age (both inclusive) for renewal of such a
                                                          PPF Statement
o   for an insured child of yours, he or she must
    be between 15 days and less than 18 years             Your DirectAsia travel insurance policy is
    of age. If your child is unmarried and in full-       protected under the Policy Owners' Protection
    time tertiary education, that child may be            Scheme which is administered by the Singapore
    aged up to 24 years of age;                           Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage
                                                          for your policy is automatic and no further action
o   be a resident of Singapore;                           is required from you. For more information on the
o   the policy must be purchased before the trip          types of benefits that are covered under the
    commences;                                            scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where
                                                          applicable, please contact us or visit the GIA / LIA
o   the trip must commence from Singapore and             or    SDIC     websites     (       or
    end in Singapore; and                        or
o   be insurable in accordance with our terms
    and conditions.                                       who we are
Please note that an insured person who                    DirectAsia travel insurance in Singapore is issued
is a child must travel with at least one                  by Direct Asia Insurance (Singapore) Pte Ltd
adult insured person for that child’s                     (Reg. No: 200822611G) of 20 Anson Road #08-
cover to be valid. This requirement                       01 Twenty Anson Singapore 079912.
applies to both annual travel policies
and single trip policies under family
Our family plan covers you, your
spouse and children together under an                     2 > when we cover you
annual or single trip policy. You can                     Your DirectAsia travel policy covers an insured
include up to 4 children.                                 person in covered countries and during that
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insured person’s period of insurance as shown on                        days (for single trip policies). The cover for
your certificate of insurance. Your cover is subject                    annual travel policies will reactivate upon your or
to the terms and conditions contained in these                          that insured person’s next trip outside Singapore.
policy details.
                                                                        automatic extension of policy cover
Under your policy, a trip is deemed to commence
when the insured person leaves his residence or                         If at any time during the trip the insured person
place of business in Singapore (whichever is the                        is hospitalised and/or quarantined outside
later) for a direct journey to commence his trip
                                                                        Singapore as directed by a doctor, then your
and ends:
                                                                        cover will be extended by an additional 30 days
o      upon his arrival at his residence or place of                    even if this goes past the original period of
       business in Singapore (whichever is the                          insurance or past the 90 or 182 day limits
       earlier); or                                                     referred to above.

o      two hours after the insured person’s arrival                     We will also automatically extend your cover if
       in Singapore,                                                    the public transport in which you are travelling is
                                                                        delayed through no act or omission of yours, with
whichever is the earlier.                                               the result that your trip is not completed when
Coverage for trips outside Singapore is subject to                      your original period of insurance expires.
the time limit(s) described on your certificate of                      This extension is for a maximum of 14 days or
insurance.                                                              when you arrive back in Singapore, whichever is
If you or an insured person is on a trip outside                        the earlier.
Singapore for a period in excess of 182
consecutive days (for a single trip DirectAsia
travel policy) or 90 consecutive days per trip (for                     3 > your benefits
an annual DirectAsia travel policy), then your
policy will not cover you for the period of time you                    your available DirectAsia                    travel
or that insured person is outside Singapore in                          insurance benefits
excess of 90 consecutive days (for annual
                                                                        A summary of your available benefits is set out in
policies) or in excess of 182 consecutive
                                                                        the table below:

                                                                                        Aggregate Maximum Limits Payable
                                                                                       TR100         TR200          TR500

    Core Benefits
    Accidental Death      /     Total   &   Permanent   Per Adult 70 years old or   S$100,000     S$300,000      S$500,000
    Disablement                                         younger
    (Lump Sum)                                          Per Child or per Adult 71   S$50,000      S$150,000      S$250,000
                                                        years and older

    Medical Expenses                                    Per Adult 70 years old or   S$100,000     S$200,000      S$500,000
                                                        Per Child or per Adult 71   S$50,000      S$100,000      S$250,000
                                                        years or older
         -    TCM                                                                   S$300         S$300          S$300

    Evacuation & Repatriation                           Per Adult 70 years old or   S$500,000     S$500,000      S$500,000
                                                        Per Child or per Adult 71   S$250,000     S$250,000      S$250,000
                                                        years or older
    Loss of Personal Possessions                        Per insured person          S$1,000       S$3,000        S$5,000

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-      per article or set of articles for                             S$500         S$500          S$500
             valuables /mobile phone or PDA

 Delayed Baggage                                  Per insured person        S$1,000       S$1,000        S$1,000

 Travel Cancellation, Trip Disruption and         Per insured person        S$3,000       S$10,000       S$15,000
 Travel Cancellation due to Insolvency
      -      Travel Delay                         Per insured person        S$1,000       S$1,000        S$1,000

 Rental Car Excess                                Per insured person        S$1,500       S$1,500        S$1,500

 Personal Liability                               Per occurence             S$200,000     S$400,000      S$1,000,000

 Optional Benefits
 Pet Hotel                                        01 Pet                    S$1,000       S$1,000        S$1,000

Important Note: The benefits described in this                    Your final policy cover depends on the type and
section 3 are subject to the maximum limits of                    level of DirectAsia travel insurance you choose
your insurance as detailed in these policy details                and is subject to the things that we do not cover
(including the personal liability limits detailed                 as described in these policy details. We have the
below in these policy details) and on your                        right to ask you to provide us with a certification
certificate of insurance.                                         of your condition and/or injury by a doctor of our
                                                                  choosing. In this event, our chosen doctor’s
All amounts payable by us under the policy shall                  certification shall be final and binding on you.
not exceed in aggregate the total policy limits set
out in these policy details and/ or on your
certificate of insurance.                                         The available DirectAsia travel insurance covers
Your certificate of insurance and these policy                    are:
details set out and describe the benefits available
to you and to all insured persons.                                     accidental death and total and
                                                                        permanent disablement
your policy benefits
                                                                  If an insured person sustains injury in an accident
The benefits described in this section 3 are                      that occurs during a trip within the period of
payable only if the insured event affects an                      insurance, and the injury results in death or total
insured person while he is covered under your                     and permanent disability within 90 days of that
policy.                                                           accident, we will pay the sum insured specified on
                                                                  your certificate of insurance.
Our maximum liability in respect of one or more
accidents during a period of insurance will not                   We will pay for the insured person only once
exceed the limits of the sum insured specified in                 under this cover up to 100% of the sum insured
these policy details and on your certificate of                   as shown in the table below and not for both
insurance.                                                        death and total and permanent disability.

All limits and amounts that may be payable by us
to you as shown in these policy details and on
your certificate of insurance are in Singapore
dollars and are inclusive of goods and services

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nature of claim                                               maximum compensation

    for death                     we will pay you a lump sum payment in the sum insured specified on your certificate of

    for permanent                 percentage of principal sum insured as described in your certificate of insurance
    disablement as
    specified below -

    total and     permanent                                                 100%

    loss of two or more                                                     100%

    loss of one limb and                                                    100%
    total loss of sight in at
    least one eye

    injuries resulting in                                                   100%
    being     permanently

    total loss of sight in both                                             100%

    total loss of sight in one                                               60%

                                                                           Singapore for that injury or               sickness
This benefit does not cover death or total and                             sustained outside Singapore; and
permanent disability caused by:
                                                                      o    expenses of a chinese medical practitioner
x     food poisoning and/or drinks poisoning;                              necessarily incurred for medical treatment or
x     illness,  sickness,    infirmity,   psychiatric                      follow-up treatment of that injury or sickness
      disorder including insanity, bacterial or viral                      by a chinese medical practitioner either
      infections even if contracted by accident,                           outside Singapore or upon the insured
      except for any infection that is a direct result                     person’s return to Singapore to continue with
      of an accidental cut or wound; and/or                                treatment in Singapore for up to a maximum
                                                                           of 60 days after that person’s return to
x     any pre-existing medical condition.                                  Singapore.
                                                                      When medical treatment was sought outside
        medical expenses                                             Singapore, we will cover the insured person for
                                                                      medical expenses in Singapore for a maximum of
If an insured person suffers injury or sickness
                                                                      60 days from his return to Singapore for
during a trip, we will reimburse or pay up to the
                                                                      continuation of that treatment in Singapore.
maximum limit for the following:
                                                                      When medical treatment was not sought outside
o     medical expenses necessarily incurred for
                                                                      Singapore, provided the insured person seeks
      medical treatment of that injury or sickness
                                                                      treatment in Singapore within 48 hours of his
      outside Singapore;
                                                                      return, then the insured person will be covered
o     medical expenses necessarily incurred for a                     for treatment in Singapore for a maximum of 60
      pregnancy    related   sickness     outside                     days from the date of his return to Singapore.
                                                                      Reimbursement of expenses incurred for medical
o     medical expenses necessarily incurred for                       treatment or follow-up treatment by a chinese
      medical treatment or follow-up treatment in                     medical practitioner is limited to one consultation

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per day and up to a maximum of $300 per                    o   how the evacuation will be carried out,
accident and/or event.
                                                           after    considering    relevant    facts   and
This benefit does not cover any medical or other           circumstances, including the medical severity of
expenses:                                                  the insured person’s condition, which we or our
                                                           appointed assistance company is aware of at that
x   due to events occurring during the first 12            time.
    weeks of pregnancy;
                                                           If an emergency medical evacuation is required
x   due to an ectopic pregnancy, childbirth                and takes place, our appointed assistance
    (including premature childbirth or stillbirth);        company will pay for the insured person’s return
x   due to or related to abortion or miscarriage,          if his original ticket is not valid for this purpose.
    except if caused by an accident and not                The insured person will be flown by scheduled
    attributable to any natural causes and/or              airline on economy class or any other appropriate
    sickness;                                              means of transportation (which may include sea
x   for tests or treatment relating to fertility,          or land transportation) as determined by our
    contraception, sterilization, birth defects or         appointed assistance company.
    congenital illness;                                    We will at our option pay our appointed
x   due to or for any depressive, psychological or         assistance company directly for expenses
    psychiatric illness or sickness including post         authorised by us and incurred by our appointed
    natal depression;                                      assistance company pursuant to your policy, up
                                                           to the limit detailed on your certificate of
x   that are refundable to you by any other                insurance.
    person or source; and/or
x   due to or arising from any pre-existing                repatriation of mortal remains or local
    medical condition.                                     burial
The maximum amount of medical expenses that                If an insured person dies during a trip resulting
we will reimburse is detailed on your certificate of       from an injury or sickness sustained during that
insurance.                                                 trip, our appointed assistance company will make
                                                           all necessary arrangements (including procedures
      evacuation and repatriation                         to meet local requirements) to return the insured
                                                           person’s body or ashes to his home in Singapore
The maximum limits payable under your                      or another country of his next of kin’s choice.
emergency medical evacuation cover will be
                                                           As an alternative, and subject to local laws, upon
aggregated with your repatriation of mortal
                                                           specific request of the insured person’s next of
remains or local burial cover.
                                                           kin, and where possible, our appointed assistance
We will not pay you or an insured person any               company will organise and pay for the cost of
more than the maximum limit payable for the                local burial in the country in which the insured
aggregate of evacuation and repatriation cover             person was visiting at the time of his death.
than is detailed on your certificate of insurance.
                                                           Our financial responsibility under this cover is
                                                           limited to the maximum limit detailed on your
emergency medical evacuation                               certificate of insurance.
If an insured person suffers injury or sickness            If the insured person’s body or ashes were
during a trip and in our opinion or the opinion of         repatriated to a country other than Singapore or
our appointed assistance company (or their                 were buried locally in the country in which the
authorised representative(s)) it is medically              insured person was visiting at the time of his
appropriate to move that insured person to                 death, we will only pay expenses up to the
another location for medical treatment or return           amount we would have incurred to return the
to Singapore, our appointed assistance company             body or ashes to Singapore.
or their authorised representative(s) will arrange
for the evacuation of that person.
                                                           general conditions
We or our appointed assistance company will
                                                           o   While our appointed assistance company
have the absolute right to decide on:
                                                               provides services on a worldwide basis, it will
o   the evacuation location; and                               not be required to provide such services to
                                                               insured persons who are located in areas
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which represent war risks or political                     In such event, we will reimburse you only
    conditions such as to make such services                   for those expenses incurred for services
    impossible or reasonably impractical.                      which our appointed assistance company
                                                               would have provided under the same
o   Neither we nor our appointed assistance                    circumstances;
    company will be responsible for any failure to
    provide services or for delays caused by                 x services provided by any party other than
    strikes or conditions beyond our and/or its                our appointed assistance company for
    control (including flight conditions and where             which no charge is usually made;
    local or regulatory agencies prevent our
    appointed     assistance     company      from           x medical    treatment  administered or
    providing such services).                                  provided by relatives, whether or not
o   You and all insured persons acknowledge and
    accept that our appointed assistance                     x costs which would have been payable if the
    company and the professionals and other                    event that led to our appointed assistance
    persons to whom our appointed assistance                   company’s intervention had not occurred;
    company has referred the insured person are              x minor injury or sickness which, in the
    responsible for their own acts as independent              opinion of our appointed assistance
    contractors and are not employees, agents or               company’s doctor, can be adequately
    servants of DirectAsia.                                    treated locally and which does not prevent
    We are not and will not be responsible for any             the insured person from continuing the
    act or failure to act by our appointed                     travel;
    assistance company or these professionals                x expenses incurred where, in the opinion of
    and other persons (e.g. doctors, hospitals                 our appointed assistance company’s
    etc).                                                      doctor, the insured person is physically
o   If the services and benefits provided by our               able to return to Singapore as a normal
    appointed assistance company under these                   passenger and without medical escort;
    repatriation of mortal remains or local burial           x any event occurring or treatment received
    cover and emergency medical evacuation                     when you are in Singapore; or
    cover are covered entirely or partially by
    another insurance policy or other health plan            x the cost of burial in Singapore.
    held by you or an insured person, we will only
    be responsible for a rateable portion of the
                                                              loss of personal possessions
    cost of such services and benefits.
                                                         Any amounts payable by us under this loss of
o   If, when using these services, the insured
                                                         personal possessions cover for the personal
    person has any unused portion of a travel
                                                         possessions detailed below (namely, baggage,
    ticket, that ticket must be transferred and
                                                         personal effects, travel documents, personal
    surrendered to us.
                                                         money and credit card cover) will be aggregated
o   We are entitled at any time at our expense,          and shall not exceed the maximum limit for this
    to take over and conduct proceedings in your         cover as detailed on your certificate of insurance.
    name and/or the name(s) of the insured
                                                         You must take all reasonable care to safeguard
    person(s) to obtain compensation or
                                                         your personal possessions while travelling.
    payment from another party for any loss or
    injury that gives rise to the rendering of the       If you leave your personal possessions
    services under these benefits.                       unsupervised in a public place we will not pay
                                                         your claim.
o   We and our appointed assistance company
    will not be liable for:
    x services rendered (including evacuation or
      repatriation)      without    the      prior       We will pay for an insured person’s loss of or
      authorisation or intervention of our               damage to those items of luggage, valuables and
      appointed     assistance   company.     We         personal effects owned by that insured person
      reserve the right to waive this exclusion if       and while that insured person is on a trip being
      you or your travelling companion(s)                limited to:
      cannot for reasons beyond your/their
      control notify our appointed assistance            o   luggage bags (including clothing and
      company during an emergency situation.                 personal effects which are stored in the
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luggage bags) owned by and either hand                o    one laptop computer and its standard
     carried or checked in by the insured person;               accessories owned by and carried by the
                                                                insured person; and
o    valuables (including watches and jewellery)
     owned by and worn or carried by the insured           o    one mobile phone or personal digital
     person;                                                    assistant (pda) and its standard accessories
                                                                owned by and carried by the insured person.
o    clothing and personal effects owned by and
     that are on, worn or carried by the insured           The amount we will pay will be the original price
     person;                                               paid for the owned item or pair or set of items
                                                           (less allowance calculated by us for wear, tear
                                                           and depreciation) or the limits set out below,
                                                           whichever is lower:

    type of personal     limits               amount applicable

        1)   Luggage     policy limit for     o   with receipt and purchase date is within 1 year: no
             bags        any single               depreciation
                         article or pair of
        2)   Clothing    articles or set of   o   with receipt and purchase date is within 2 years:
             and         articles                 50% depreciation
             effects                          o   with receipt and purchase date is more than 2 years:
                                                  75% depreciation
        3)   laptop
                                              o   without receipt: a payment of up to $50 per article or
                                                  pair or set of articles up to a maximum of 5 articles or 5
                                                  pairs of articles or 5 sets of articles

    valuables            $500 for any         o   with receipt: no depreciation
                         single article,
                         pair or set of       o   without receipt: no payment

    mobile phone or      $500                 o   with receipt and purchase date is within 1 year: subject
    pda                                           to the limit, we will pay the higher of the purchase price
                                                  or the trade-in value
                                              o   with receipt and purchase date is more than 1 year OR
                                                  without receipt: subject to the limit, we will pay the
                                                  higher of the published value in the relevant Singapore
                                                  telecommunication company’s ‘mobile phones trade in
                                                  listing’ or $50
                                              o   with receipt and purchase date is more than 1 year OR
                                                  without receipt: subject to the limit, $50 if the model is
                                                  not found in the relevant Singapore telecommunication
                                                  company’s ‘mobile phones trade in’ listing.

We retain the right to either make payment or, at         as a warranty card, certificate etc) must be
our option, reinstate or repair.                          provided to us.
For items (laptop, mobile phone or pda) where the         If any article is proven to be beyond economic
receipt is unavailable, a proof of purchase (such         repair, the claim will be dealt with as if that item
                                                          had been lost or stolen.
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In the event of loss or damage to any insured                cheques due to robbery, burglary or theft during
property that forms part of a pair or a set, our             a trip.
liability shall not exceed a proportionate part of
the value of that pair or set.                               We require that any robbery, burglary or theft that
                                                             results in the loss of cash, banknotes and
We shall only be responsible to pay a maximum of             traveller’s cheques must be reported by the
$500 for any one item or for any pair or set of              insured person to the police having jurisdiction at
items for valuables, mobile phone or pda.                    the place of the incident within 24 hours after the
A pair or set of items shall be deemed as one
single item inclusive of its standard accessories,           We also require that any claim made by an insured
batteries, lenses and the like (for example and not          person under this cover must be accompanied by
limited to a pair of shoes; a bike and any of its            written documentation confirming the incident
accompanying accessories; a camera and its                   and issued by the police who have jurisdiction at
accompanying lens and any accessories even if                the place of the incident and to whom the insured
purchased separately and are of different brands;            person reported the incident.
a set of diving gear and any accessories even if
purchased separately and are of different brands).
                                                             credit card cover
We require that any loss of baggage, valuables
                                                             If, during a trip, an insured person’s credit card(s)
and personal effects must be reported by the
                                                             are lost or stolen and this results in those credit
insured person to the police having jurisdiction at
                                                             card(s) being fraudulently used during that trip,
the place of the incident within 24 hours after the
                                                             we will pay for such unauthorised transactions up
                                                             to the maximum limit of $200 in total.

travel documents                                             We require that any loss of credit card(s) must be
                                                             reported by the insured person:
We will pay up to the maximum limit for:
                                                             o   to the credit card issuer(s) within 6 hours
o   the cost of replacing passports, travel tickets              after becoming aware of the incident; and
    and other relevant travel documents of an
    insured person that were lost or damaged                 o   in the case of robbery, burglary or theft to the
    during that insured person’s trip due to                     police having jurisdiction at the place of the
    robbery, burglary or theft; and                              incident within 24 hours after the incident.

o   the reasonable and additional travel and                 We require a report issued by the credit card
    accommodation       expenses       that      are         company or companies to be provided to us
    necessarily incurred to replace travel                   substantiating the report of the loss and providing
    documents that were lost or damaged due to               details of any unauthorised transactions.
    robbery, burglary or theft during a trip by that         In the case of robbery, burglary or theft, we also
    insured person.                                          require that any claim made by an insured person
We require that any robbery, burglary or theft that          under this cover must be accompanied by written
results in the loss of or damage to passports,               documentation confirming the incident and issued
travel tickets and other relevant travel documents           by the police who have jurisdiction at the place of
must be reported by the insured person to the                the incident and to whom the insured person
police having jurisdiction at the place of the               reported the incident.
incident within 24 hours after the incident.                 This credit card cover is not available and does not
We also require that any claim made by an insured            apply to an insured person below the age of 18
person under this cover must be accompanied by               years.
written documentation confirming the incident,
listing each lost item (with serial numbers where            what we will not pay
                                                             We will not pay claims for loss of personal
and issued by the police who have jurisdiction at            possessions for:
the place of the incident and to whom the insured
person reported the incident.                                x   losses not reported within 24 hours (or in the
                                                                 case of a credit card, 6 hours) of the incident
                                                                 to the police who have jurisdiction in the place
personal money                                                   the loss occurred, airline, transport company
We will pay up to the maximum limit of $500 in                   or other carrier who had custody of the
total for the loss of cash, banknotes and traveller’s
SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
baggage or property and may be responsible            for every full 6 hours of delay up to the limit shown
    for the loss;                                         on your certificate of insurance.
x   loss of baggage, money or other insured               If the delay results in loss of personal possessions,
    property left unattended, mailed or shipped           we will either pay for delayed baggage or loss of
    separately or as a result of the insured              personal possessions, whichever is higher in
    person’s failure to take due care and                 value, but not for both.
    precaution for the safeguard and security of
    such property;
                                                          what we will not pay
x   loss of baggage, money or other insured
                                                          We will not pay for claims in respect of:
    property left with a concierge or other hotel
    employee or any person you have not                   x   delay, detention, seizure or confiscation by
    previously met;                                           customs or other government officials;
x   loss of consumables and perishables including         x   delay which could have been avoided by the
    fruits, food and medication/supplements;                  taking of reasonable precautions; and/or
x   loss of valuables, clothing, personal effects         x   delay not reported within 2 hours of discovery
    (including personal money), laptop, mobile                of the delay to the airline, transport company
    phone or pda not on, worn or carried by the               or other carrier who had custody or control of
    insured person;                                           the baggage or property and who may be
                                                              responsible for the delay;
x   business goods or samples, data on tapes,
    discs or cards, portable computer or                  x   delay of baggage mailed or transported
    telecommunication equipment, software and                 separately from you;
                                                          x   delay where we have reasonable grounds for
x   loss or damage caused by wear and tear,                   believing that your claim is not made in good
    depreciation, deterioration, insects, vermin,             faith.
    mildew, atmospheric conditions, the action of
    light, any process of heating, cleaning,
    repairing, restoring, mechanical or electrical              travel    cancellation,   trip
    breakdown, misuse, faulty design or                          disruption , travel delay and
    workmanship;                                                 travel cancellation due to
x   delay, detention, seizure or confiscation by                 insolvency
    customs or other government officials;
                                                          Any amounts payable under your travel
x   unexplained disappearance, or shortage due            cancellation, trip disruption, travel delay and
    to error, omission or exchange rate                   travel cancellation due to insolvency covers will be
    differences or depreciation in value;                 aggregated and shall not exceed the maximum
                                                          limit and any applicable sub-limits detailed on
x   any fine or penalty that the insured person           your certificate of insurance.
    incurs due to non-replacement or late
    replacement of the lost personal documents;
                                                          travel cancellation
x   loss or damage which could have been
    avoided by the taking of reasonable                   If an insured person’s trip is unavoidably cancelled
    precautions; and/or                                   within 30 days before the start of the trip but after
                                                          arranging it due to:
x   loss or damage of property where we have
    reasonable grounds for believing that your            o   death of the insured person, any member of
    claim is not made in good faith.                          his family or his travel companion;
                                                          o   serious injury of the insured person, any
     delayed baggage                                         member of his family or his travel companion;

If during a trip an insured person’s checked-in           o   serious sickness of the insured person, any
baggage is temporarily lost in transit or                     member of his family or his travel companion;
misdirected by the carrier and not restored to him
                                                          o   a natural disaster, an Act of God or adverse
within 6 hours after his arrival at the baggage
                                                              weather conditions which prevents the
pick-up point of that person’s scheduled
                                                              insured person from making that trip;
destination both outside and back in Singapore,
we will pay the insured person an amount of $200
SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
o   an unexpected outbreak of strike, riot or civil                      travelling to the planned destination
    commotion arising in the planned destination                          or any parts of that planned
    and which is beyond the insured person’s                              destination for any other reason or
    control; or                                                           cause.
o   an   epidemic,    pandemic,    outbreak   of
    contagious disease or other such similar                what we will not pay
    health hazard in the planned destination,
                                                            We will not pay for claims where you are:
we will pay up to the amount stated on your
                                                            x   travelling against the advice of the mass
certificate of insurance for the unused travel fare,
                                                                media and/or any government or official body
accommodation charges and deposits that the
                                                                to any particular country or parts of a
insured person has paid or is legally obliged to pay
and which are not recoverable from any other
source.                                                     x   travelling against the advice of the mass
                                                                media and/or any government or official body
To make a claim under this cover:
                                                                in respect of a strike, riot, bad weather, civil
o   for death, we require the relevant formal                   commotion, epidemic, pandemic, contagious
    death certificate;                                          disease or other similar health hazard; or

o   due to serious injury or serious sickness, we           x   travelling to a country which has been
    require you to provide us with written                      reported to be suffering from an epidemic,
    confirmation from a doctor on the nature of                 pandemic, outbreak of contagious disease or
    the serious injury or serious sickness; or                  other such similar health hazard in the
                                                                planned     destination   prior   to    the
o   due to:                                                     commencement of the trip.
             a natural disaster, an Act of God or
              adverse weather conditions which              trip disruption
              prevents the insured person from
              making that trip;                             If an insured person’s trip is disrupted due to:

             an unexpected outbreak of strike,             o   the unexpected death of that insured person
              riot or civil commotion arising                   or of any member of his immediate family or
              beyond the insured person’s control               of his travel companion;
              in the planned destination; or
                                                            o   the serious injury of a member of that insured
             an epidemic, pandemic, outbreak of                person or of any member of his immediate
              contagious disease or other such                  family or of his travel companion;
              similar health hazard in the planned
                                                            o   the serious sickness of that insured person or
                                                                of any member of his immediate family or of
a report, notice, warning, advisory or other such               his travel companion;
similar thing must have been published or
                                                            o   hijacking of the aircraft in which the insured
produced before the start date of your trip but
                                                                person is on board as a passenger;
after the date you arranged that trip by a
government, government authority or other                   o   a natural disaster, an Act of God or adverse
internationally recognised entity and which                     weather conditions which prevents the
advised against:                                                insured person from continuing with that trip;
             travelling to the planned destination         o   an unexpected outbreak of strike, riot or civil
              or to any part of the planned                     commotion arising from circumstances in the
              destination because of a strike, riot,            planned destination which is beyond the
              bad weather, civil commotion; or                  insured person’s control; or
             travelling to the planned destination         o   an   epidemic,    pandemic,    outbreak   of
              or to any part of the planned                     contagious disease or other such similar
              destination because of a reported                 health hazard in the planned destination,
              epidemic, pandemic, outbreak of
              contagious disease or other such              we will
              similar health hazard in the planned          o   reimburse the insured person for the
              destination; or                                   proportional return of that part of the prepaid

SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
cost of that insured person’s trip which is not          If during a trip the insured person is booked to
    recoverable from any other person or source;             travel on a public transport and the scheduled
                                                             departure of that public transport is cancelled by
o   pay for any additional economy class                     the carrier and:
    transport expenses (air, sea or land travel)
    and reasonable hotel costs that are                      o   the cancellation is due to strike or other
    necessarily incurred by reason of any of the                 industrial action, riot, civil commotion, a
    events mentioned above for this trip                         natural disaster, an Act of God, adverse
    disruption cover.                                            weather    conditions    in    that planned
                                                                 destination or the mechanical breakdown or
Our calculation will be prorated for each full day of            derangement of that public transport;
the trip that is lost. Our payment shall include
reasonable additional hotel costs that are                   o   an   epidemic,    pandemic,    outbreak   of
necessarily and unavoidably incurred due to the                  contagious disease or other such similar
necessary and unavoidable curtailment or                         health hazard in the planned destination;
disruption of the insured person’s trip.
                                                             o   the insured person has checked in, in
                                                                 accordance with his original itinerary; and
travel delay
                                                             o   the relevant carrier or its handling agent
If during a trip an insured person is booked to                  provides us with written confirmation of that
travel on a public transport and the scheduled                   cancellation, the reasons for that cancellation
departure of that public transport or scheduled                  and details of the amount of refund due to the
arrival at the planned destination is delayed from               insured person,
the time specified by the carrier for a minimum of
6 hours and:                                                 we will reimburse the insured person for the
                                                             difference between the refund receivable from the
o   the delay is due to strike or other industrial           carrier and the cost of the next available
    action, riot, civil commotion, a natural                 equivalent ticket to facilitate continuation of the
    disaster, an Act of God, adverse weather                 trip, up to a maximum of $500.
    conditions or the mechanical breakdown or
    derangement of that public transport;                    We will not pay for any delay due to the
                                                             cancellation of the public transport by the carrier
o   an   epidemic,    pandemic,    outbreak   of             and/or any additional expenses incurred in
    contagious disease or other such similar                 connection with this cancellation including missed
    health hazard in the planned destination;                flights.
o   the insured person has checked-in in
    accordance with his original itinerary; and              travel cancellation due to insolvency
o   the carrier or their handling agent provides us          If an insured person’s trip is unavoidably cancelled
    with a written confirmation of the delay, the            due to insolvency of:
    reason for the delay and length of the delay,
                                                             o   a Singapore-licensed travel agency which is a
we will pay the insured person $100 for every full               member of the National Association of Travel
6 consecutive hours of delay up to the maximum                   Agents Singapore from which the insured
limit detailed on your certificate of insurance.                 person purchased the trip; or
We will either pay for delayed departure OR                  o   an airline that flies in or out of Singapore
delayed arrival, whichever is the lower in value,                Changi international airport,
but not for both.
                                                             we will reimburse the insured person for the loss
For this cover, travel delay includes diversion of           of irrecoverable travel deposits or travel fares paid
your public transport, an overbooked public                  in advance, up to the amount detailed on your
transport where the carrier did not permit you to            certificate of insurance.
travel or a missed travel connection due to a delay
caused by the public transport on which you were             We will not pay for any loss under this travel
travelling.                                                  cancellation due to insolvency cover:

We will not pay for any resultant delay costs or             x   where your policy was purchased 7 days or
expenses due to the delay of the public transport                less before the date of departure;
nor will we pay for any additional expenses                  x   caused directly or indirectly by government
incurred in connection with such delay.                          regulations or control;

SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
x   caused by cancellation by other provider(s) of                    arrangement immediately if it is found
    the travel and/or accommodation;                                  necessary to do so;
x   that is covered by        any other existing             x   for any loss arising from or relating to:
    insurance   scheme          or   government
    programme;                                                       your business, financial or contractual
                                                                      obligations or those of your travelling
x   which will be paid or refunded by a hotel,                        companion;
    airline, travel agency or other provider(s) of
    the travel and/or accommodation; or                              unlawful acts of or criminal proceedings
                                                                      against any person on whom the booked
x   insolvency that happened, or for which a                          trip depends;
    winding up application or petition for
    bankruptcy or company winding up (or such                        curtailment of your trip due to your
    other like matter) was filed or made before                       financial circumstances;
    the start date.                                                  curtailment of your trip due to
                                                                      government regulations, acts or decrees;
what we will not pay                                                 curtailment of your trip due to
For each of the travel cancellation, trip disruption,                 amendment of that trip (whether through
travel delay and travel cancellation due to                           error, omission or default) by the
insolvency covers, we will not pay:                                   provider of any service forming part of
                                                                      that trip (including the agent or tour
x   if any strike, industrial action, riot, civil                     operator through whom the trip was
    commotion, Act of God, natural disaster or                        booked); and/or
    adverse weather conditions started, has been
    announced or has occurred on or before the                       cancellation, curtailment or delay due to
    date of purchase of your policy for single trip                   you, an insured person’s and/or your
    DirectAsia travel policies and before the date                    travel companion’s disinclination to
    of booking or reservation of your trip in the                     travel.
    case of an annual DirectAsia travel policy;
x   where the planned destination has been                          rental car excess benefit
    reported (prior to the commencement of the               This rental car excess benefit is not available and
    trip) by the World Health Organisation or any            does not apply to an insured person under the age
    government or government authority, to be                of 18 years.
    suffering from an epidemic, pandemic,
    outbreak of a contagious disease or any other            If, during a trip, an insured person rents or hires
    such health hazard;                                      a motor car:
x   if your policy was purchased after you                   o   from a licensed rental agency; and
    became aware of any circumstances which
    could lead to the disruption of the trip;                o   that rental or hire agreement requires the
                                                                 insured person to pay an excess or deductible
x   if the reason or cause of the delay was made                 in respect of loss or damage to the rental
    known or was informed publicly prior to the                  motor car caused by an accident,
    purchase of your policy for single trip
    DirectAsia travel policies and before the date           we will reimburse that insured person for the
    of booking or reservation of your trip in the            excess or deductible up to the amount detailed on
    case of an annual DirectAsia travel policy;              your certificate of insurance.
    and/or                                                   We will only be obliged to pay a claim under this
x   for any failure on you or an insured person’s            cover if:
    part to:                                                 o   the insured person’s legal responsibility to
        check for the departure time specified by               pay the excess or deductible is as a result of
         the carrier or any changes prior to                     loss or damage to the motor car caused by
         departure; and/or                                       collision or theft while it is in the control of
                                                                 that insured person;
        notify the travel agent, tour operator,
         carrier or other provider of any service            o   the insured person complies with all
         forming part of the booked itinerary of                 obligations at law in the country where the
         the need to cancel or abandon the travel                motor car is being driven or used;

SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
o   as part of the rental or hiring arrangements,          x   any liability arising from personal injury or
    you have taken up a comprehensive motor                    bodily injury or loss of, damage to, or loss of
    insurance policy against loss or damage of the             use of property, directly or indirectly caused
    rental motor car;                                          by or out of a traffic or motor accident while
                                                               the insured person was driving a motor
o   the insured person complies with            all            vehicle;
    requirements of the rental agreement;
                                                           x   any   liability  arising         before      the
o   the insured person is duly licensed to drive               commencement of the trip;
    the motor car at the time of the accident or
    damage;                                                x   any liability arising after the end of the trip;
o   the insured person does not drive the motor            x   any liability arising from:
    car off a public road or take part in speed or
    time trials of any kind; and                                  death or bodily injury of the insured
                                                                   person’s employee or any member of the
o   the loss or damage does not arise from wear                    insured person’s family;
    and tear, gradual deterioration, damage from
    insects or vermin, inherent blemish, latent                   loss of or damage to property that
    defect or damage.                                              belongs to or is in the custody or control
                                                                   of the insured person or the insured
All other types of motor vehicles including motor                  person’s employee or any member of the
cycles, trucks and vans will not be covered by this                insured person’s family;
                                                                  the insured person’s employment, trade,
                                                                   business or profession;
      personal liability
                                                                  the ownership or occupation of any land
If, during a trip, an insured person becomes                       or buildings other than temporary
legally liable to pay compensation for an accident                 holiday accommodation; or
that results in:
                                                                  the ownership, possession or use of
o   the death or injury of another person; and/or                  animals,      firearms,     mechanically
                                                                   propelled vehicles, vessels or aircraft of
o   the loss of or damage to property belonging
                                                                   any description;
    to another person,
                                                           x   any claim or loss arising out of any activity or
we will indemnify that insured person up to the
                                                               business conducted or transacted via the
amount detailed on your certificate of insurance.
                                                               internet, intranet, extranet or via the insured
We will also pay for legal costs and expenses
                                                               person’s own website, internet site, web
incurred by the insured person provided that these
                                                               address or via the transmission of electronic
are only incurred with our prior written consent.
                                                               mail or documents or electronic means;
The maximum amount we will pay under this
                                                           x   any liability which is created by an agreement
personal liability cover in any one period of
                                                               but which would not have existed in the
insurance is limited to and shall not exceed the
                                                               absence of such agreement;
amount detailed on your certificate of insurance,
regardless of the number of insured persons                x   judgments which are not in the first instance
involved or the number of occurrences, whether                 delivered by or obtained from a court of
or not arising from the same source or original                competent jurisdiction within Singapore, or
cause.                                                         orders obtained in such a court for the
                                                               enforcement of judgments made outside
what we will not pay                                           Singapore, whether or not by any reciprocal
                                                               agreement to which Singapore is a party
Under this personal liability cover, we are not                unless such judgments and/or orders are first
responsible for and will not pay for:                          accepted by us in writing;
x   any liability arising from an insured person’s         x   any claim, loss, injury or damage arising
    wilful, malicious, unlawful or dishonest act;              directly or indirectly from, or in any way
                                                               involving asbestos, or the use, presence,
x   any liability arising from personal injury or
                                                               detection, elimination or avoidance of
    bodily injury or loss of, damage to, or loss of
                                                               asbestos or its potential exposure;
    use of property, directly or indirectly caused
    by seepage, pollution or contamination;                x   the cost of removing or cleaning up seeping,
                                                               polluting or contaminating substances; or
SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
x   fines, penalties, punitive,
    aggravated damages.
                                    exemplary    or
                                                            4 > what we do not cover
                                                            As mentioned in section 3, there are additional
        optional benefit cover –                           things that your DirectAsia travel insurance policy
                                                            does not cover.
         pet hotel
The benefit under this cover applies only if you            excluded countries
have paid the required additional premium and
                                                            We do not cover you for travel in excluded
the pet hotel benefit has been specifically stated
on your certificate of insurance as being
applicable. This benefit is subject to the terms and
conditions of your policy.                                  our total liability
If you place your cat or dog in a kennel/cattery or         Subject to your own individual limits detailed in
pet hotel for the duration of your trip and you are         your policy, our total liability for death or total and
delayed and unable to collect that pet on the day           permanent disablement occurring when a number
agreed with the kennel/cattery or pet hotel due to          of insured persons are together shall not exceed
the delay of your final inbound public transport to         $30,000,000 per event and/or conveyance. In the
Singapore or if you were hospitalised and/or                event the maximum liability exceeds $30,000,000
quarantined outside Singapore as directed by a              per event and/or conveyance, the limit amount
doctor during your trip, we will pay $50 for every          will be apportioned among the insured persons but
full 6 consecutive hours of delay, up to the limit          the total sum will not be greater than the
detailed on your certificate of insurance.                  maximum sum insured for each insured person.
This benefit is limited to one pet only.
For us to pay your claim, you must provide us with
                                                            fraudulent or false claims
written confirmation from:                                  We will not pay a claim which is in any part
o   the carrier stating the reason for the delay            fraudulent, false, exaggerated or if you or anyone
    and your scheduled date and time of                     acting for you, makes a claim in a fraudulent or
    departure and actual date and time of                   false way, or where we have been given
    departure of the carrier; or                            documents or information that are false or stolen
                                                            or incomplete.
o   a doctor confirming your injury or sickness;
                                                            extreme sports and activities claims
o   the kennel/cattery or pet hotel stating the
    original and actual pet collection dates.               Your policy automatically covers you for the
                                                            following sports and activities. You do not have to
We will not pay for a claim under this pet hotel            tell us that you are participating in these sports
cover if the reason for the delay was made known            and activities:
or was informed publicly prior to the purchase of
this policy.                                                o   baseball;
                                                            o   basketball;
general policy terms                                        o   bowling;
All limits and amounts shown in your policy are in          o   cycling – when not practised as a sport;
Singapore dollars and are inclusive of goods and
services tax.                                               o   fishing;

No amount payable by us during any one period               o   golf;
of insurance will in aggregate exceed 100% of the
                                                            o   handball;
total sum insured.
                                                            o   indoor gym activities(excluding but not
No amount payable by us under your policy shall
                                                                limited to martial arts, boxing, wrestling and
carry interest.
                                                                other activities with rough physical contact);
                                                            o   netball;
                                                            o   racquet sports;

SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
o   running, jogging, brisk walking;                         x   self inflicted injuries or any attempt to self
                                                                 inflict any such injuries while sane or insane;
o   sepak takraw;
                                                             x   pre-existing medical conditions, including any
o   soccer;                                                      treatment and complication arising from
o   softball;                                                    those pre-existing medical conditions;

o   swimming;                                                x   mental and nervous sleep disorders including
                                                                 infirmity, psychiatric, mental and nervous
o   volleyball; and                                              sleep disorders including insanity;
o   water polo.                                              x   the insured person’s unlawful act or his wilful
                                                                 exposure to danger (other than in an attempt
In addition and provided you declare to us before
                                                                 to save human life);
entering into your annual travel policy, your policy
will also cover you for extreme sports and                   x   suicide or attempted suicide, while sane or
activities except for those sports and activities                insane;
listed below. This is not available under single trip
policy.                                                      x   taking of poison, voluntarily or involuntarily,
                                                                 while sane or insane;
These excluded sports and activities are:
                                                             x   travelling against medical advice or where the
x   professional sports;                                         travel is made solely or predominantly for the
                                                                 purpose of obtaining medical treatment;
x   speed time trial or any form of race other than
    on foot, cycling or swimming;                            x   travelling against the advice of the mass
                                                                 media and/or any government or official body
x   trekking or hiking above 4000 metres in
                                                                 to any particular country or parts of a
    altitude; and/or
x   taking part in any of the following activities
                                                             x   travelling against the advice of the mass
    without a licensed guide:
                                                                 media and/or any government or official body
        trekking, hiking or mountain biking in                  in respect of a strike, riot, bad weather, civil
         extreme or hazardous areas;                             commotion, contagious disease or other
                                                                 health hazard;
        off piste skiing;
                                                             x   travelling to a country which has been
        scuba diving;                                           reported by the World Health Organisation to
        rafting, canoeing or kayaking in white                  be suffering from an epidemic or a pandemic
         water rapids;                                           prior to the commencement of the trip;

        parachuting, sky diving, paragliding and            x   medical, surgical or dental treatment except
         parascending, bungee jumping or other                   where such treatment is deemed necessary
         similar activities;                                     by an injury or illness within the scope of your
        rock climbing, caving, pot holing or
         mountaineering and any like activities              x   routine medical examinations or check-ups,
         that require or need the use of ropes;                  routine eye or ear examinations where there
                                                                 is no objective indication of impairment of
        hang gliding; or                                        normal health;
        hot air ballooning.                                 x   any treatment or investigation of a
                                                                 preventative nature including vaccinations;
other exclusions                                             x   rest cures and services or treatment in any
                                                                 home, spa hydro-clinic, sanatorium or long-
If any one or more of the following events occurs,               term care facility that is not a hospital;
we will also be able to refuse or reduce your claim.
We can also cancel your policy.                              x   acupuncture unless acupuncture is carried out
                                                                 for an injury arising from an accident and is
We do not pay claims for events that arise directly              treated under the heading medical expenses
or indirectly from:                                              above;
x   a time outside your period of insurance with             x   cosmetic  surgery  or       plastic    surgery,
    us as detailed on your certificate of insurance;             treatment for obesity,      weight    reduction

SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
(including  liposuction)         and       weight             worker on an oil-rig platform and/or
    improvement programmes;
                                                                   undertaking offshore work;
x   cosmetic (aesthetic) or plastic surgery or
    treatment except for reconstructive surgery:                  air crew;

     which is carried out to restore function or                 aerial photographer or aerial surveyor;
      appearance after an accident;                               fire-fighting, police, naval, military, air
     which is done at a medically appropriate                     force service or operations (other than as a
      stage after the accident; and                                serviceman in the Singapore National
                                                                   Service undergoing full-time or reservist
     the cost of the treatment is approved by us                  training);
      in writing before it is done;
                                                                  construction work, work at heights above
x   any treatment that relates to or is needed                     10 metres, repair activities involving
    because of a previous cosmetic treatment                       scaffolding or gondolas, work underground
    except for reconstructive surgery:                             in tunnels, demolition work and quarry
     which is carried out to restore function or
      appearance after an accident;                               journalist or news correspondent when
                                                                   working and/or reporting in a war zone;
     which is done at a medically appropriate
      stage after the accident; and                               employee, contractor and/or medical staff
                                                                   of disaster relief organisations;
     the cost of the treatment is approved by us
      in writing before it is done;                               security personnel; and/or
x   infertility, contraception, sterilisation (or its             any occupation or activity dealing with
    reversal), varicocele, impotence or erectile                   explosives, poisonous or hazardous gases
    dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, sex change;                   or substances;
x   sexually transmitted diseases;                           x   declared or undeclared war (including any
                                                                 civil war and/or any warlike operations) or
x   Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV),                          any act thereof except where the insured
    Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome                          person is a passive participant;
    (AIDS), AIDS-Related Complex (ARC) and
    any mutant derivatives or variations of these            x   military or naval service in time of declared or
    or any related experimental          medical                 undeclared war or while under orders for
    treatment;                                                   warlike operations;
x   pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage             x   supplying, transporting or otherwise handling
    or menopause and any complications, except                   facilities, equipment, devices, vehicles,
    where such treatment is deemed necessary                     weapons or other materials intended for use
    by injury within the scope of your policy;                   in war by a party engaged in hostile actions;
x   birth defects and/or congenital illness;                 x   invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities,
                                                                 civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection,
x   circumcision   operations    unless    medically             exercise of military or usurped power;
                                                             x   labour strike, riot or civil commotion;
x   flying or other aerial activities except as a
    fare-paying passenger in a fully licensed                x   any action whether direct or indirect to
    aircraft operated by a licensed commercial air               restore or resulting from the restoration of (or
    carrier or recognised charter company;                       attempt to restore) public order;
x   an insured person being engaged as a                     x   committing an assault or felony;
    professional sports person, entertainer, car or
    motorcycle racer;                                        x   drinking or being under the influence of
x   an insured person who at the time of the
    incident was actually working and engaged in             x   taking or being under the influence of drugs
    any of the following capacities or activities:               not prescribed by a doctor;

     ship crew, fisherman or professional                   x   regardless of any contributory cause, any
                                                                 event which is caused or contributed to by the
      diver;                                                     use or release or threat thereof of any
SGTravelVers6.3:6 Sep 2018
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