The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel - 2011 Edition
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Table of Contents World, Here You Come....................................................03 You Could Be in for a Shock.................................................... 25 Trip Planning at a Glance......................................................... 04 Checkpoint: 3–8 Months......................................................... 26 18–24 Months Prior to Trip.............................................05 6–12 Weeks Prior to Trip..................................................27 Your Journey as a Globetrotter............................................. 05 Get Down to Details................................................................... 27 Trip-Planning Timeline............................................................. 06 Know About the Dough............................................................ 28 Checkpoint: 18–24 Months..................................................... 08 Checkpoint: 6–12 Weeks......................................................... 30 12–16 Months Prior to Trip..............................................09 4–6 Weeks Prior to Trip...................................................31 Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Earnings and Savings for Your Trip....................................... 09 Pack Like a Pro............................................................................. 31 Your Adult Network.................................................................... 12 What’s Up with You?.................................................................. 32 The You Factor............................................................................ 14 Checkpoint: 4–6 Weeks........................................................... 33 Checkpoint: 12–16 Months...................................................... 15 On Your Trip.........................................................................34 8–12 Months Prior to Trip................................................16 Be a Savvy Traveler.................................................................... 34 Build Your Itinerary..................................................................... 16 Stay Safe........................................................................................ 35 Go Girl Scout Green!................................................................. 17 Journal Your Heart Out............................................................ 36 Fit to Travel?................................................................................. 19 Global Advocate......................................................................... 37 Checkpoint: 8–12 Months........................................................ 21 Home, Sweet Home.........................................................38 3–8 Months Prior to Trip........................................................... 22 Reverse Culture Shock............................................................. 39 Culture Quest.............................................................................. 22 Make a Difference in the World............................................. 41 Crossing Cultures....................................................................... 24 Where You’re Going, Where You’ve Been.......................... 43 Page 2
World, Here You Come There’s a world outside your window, just waiting for you. Now is your chance to explore new places and cultures, sample food and languages, and be the person you aspire to be. Make your way around the globe one trip at a time with Girl Scout travel. Just by reading Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel, you’ll already be on the road to changing your life forever. Consider Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel your step-by-step manual to exploring the world. Whether you choose a Girl Scout destination (trip exclusively designed for Girl Scouts) or travel with your Girl Scout group, the Girl’s Guide is like having your own personal travel agent. It provides the structure, timeline, tips, and to-do’s to start your adventure. Since travel and Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Plan and make decisions about your trip—location, destinations information is updated on the Girl Scout Web site regularly, be purpose, cost, and itinerary. sure to bookmark for important announcements and current details. Discover your inner strength, your values, and new skills One of the best parts of going on an international trip with Girl Scouts is that as you look at the world from different points of view. you’ll share the excitement and passion of your travels with others by creating a Take Action project inspired by your experiences. Connect with others by working together towards a goal. You’ll develop healthy relationships, feel a connection to the community you’ll be visiting, and share your trip with family, friends, and neighbors in your own community. Have an amazingly crazy good time, and a meaningful one, too. You’ll feel empowered to Take Action on something you care about, whether it’s in the place you’re visiting or in your own backyard. You’ll want your Take Action plan to truly make a difference by effectively sustaining itself long after you’ve moved on. Page 3
Progress Trip Planning at a Glance 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Choose Your Location 3-8 3-8 18-24 Months Months Develop the Purpose of Your Trip Months Brainstorm Trip Details 6-8 Weeks Create a Budget 12-16 Plan Money-Earning Projects 4-6 Months Weeks Build An Adult Network Check Your R (Readiness) Quotient On Your Trip Build Your Itinerary 8-12 Focus on Team Building Back at Months Determine Your Fitness Level Home Get Travel Documents in Order Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Define Your Own Culture 3-8 Explore the Culture You’ll Be Visiting Months Your progress Know How to Deal with Culture Shock is shown here! Finalize Itinerary Details 6-12 Check Paperwork Weeks Confirm Plans Track yourself throughout this guide by using this key. 4-6 Pack Smart Weeks Take Inventory on You Be Safe and Savvy On your Journal Your Heart Out trip Be a Global Advocate Reflect on Your Trip Back at Get Back into the Groove home Spread the Word Page 4 Take Action
Progress 18–24 Months Prior to Trip 18-24 18-24 Months Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Your Journey as a Globetrotter 3-8 Months Start planning your dreams right now! Want to backpack in Switzerland? Be part of a 6-8 conservation project in the Galapagos? Learn about dolphins in Honduras? The very first item ker s Weeks on your to-do list is to think about where you want to go. Get excited about the details of the trip. al M a De Traveling with your Girl Scout group? Start with a kickoff meeting so everyone gets a chance to 4-6 & Breaker Weeks voice her ideas. The Travelers Itinerary s On Your Trip Back at Who’s going? Does everyone have the Once you have your location, pull together To participate in a Girl Scout international trip Home you must: time and commitment needed forplanning ideas for an itinerary—a detailed outline • Be a registered Girl Scout (Cadette or older) and money-earning? Planning and prep of your proposed journey. Keep your • Travel as/with a group Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel time can be anywhere from one to two trip’s purpose in mind as you determine • Have at least two accompanying adults on your trip years or longer. where you want to go and when. See “8–12 • Have prepared for an international trip by taking Months Prior to Trip” for tips on building shorter trips with your group (Girl Scout Progression) Give Your Trip a Purpose your itinerary. • Get approval from your Girl Scout council What do you want to get out of your trip? • Submit all the required forms to your council This can be as broad as learning about All in the Timing another culture or as specific as exploring When is the best time to travel? Consider a particular language, the arts, environ- cost, weather, and school, family, and/or ment, an historical event, or a social issue. holiday obligations. How long can you be Your purpose will guide where you go and away? Consider the time it will take to earn what you do. and save the money you’ll need. Let your Trip Tip: family know of your big plans. You’ll also need to designate an adult as your trip Location Scout adviser, someone to guide and coach you Research countries you’re interested in is the perfect through the big stuff. Need help selecting t Travel Log t visiting. If you’re traveling with a group, The Girl Scou The Girl Scou an adviser? Find more information on this p an io n to Exploration: se ss encourage everyone to gather information, com se it to as under “Your Adult Network” on page 12. bal Travel. U t plan- then hash it out democracy-style. Every- Guide to Glo er, re co rd importan trav el . yourself as a experiences one gets a chance to make a case for her te s, an d re flect on your p ts to ning no ing prom location. Then make a decision as a team. filled with writ . The journal is in d se t for your trip t yo u in th e perfect m w .g irl sc o ut s. ge : ww e travel log at Download th wn journal. Page 5 te yo ur o crea org /travel or
Progress Trip-Planning Timeline 18-24 18-24 Months Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months A visual timeline that shows the steps leading to your Use the timeline below to chart your adventure—or create your own. Be sure to 3-8 departure date is a handy tool. It can help you plan, add important dates to your timeline: the benchmarks and smaller tasks you’ll Months need to complete to accomplish your goals. Copy it, decorate it, enlarge it—do accomplish goals, and gauge the time leading up whatever you need to keep yourself on task. Post it on a wall or locker or set it as to your exciting departure. your opening page when you turn on your computer. Place it somewhere you’ll 6-8 Weeks see everyday. 4-6 Weeks 18-24 12-16 8-12 3-8 On Your Months Months Trip Months Months Back at Home Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Page 6
Progress Trip-Planning Timeline (continued) 18-24 18-24 Months Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months 3-8 6-12 4-6 On your Back Months Weeks Weeks Trip Home 6-8 Weeks 4-6 Weeks On Your Trip Back at Home Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Trip Tip: ill be on a er yo ne who travels w N o t ev Adjust your nning cycle. two-year pla n’t skip step s. in e ac co rd ingly, but do timel Page 7
c k l ist e next phase Che on to th u: Progress 18-24 18-24 ove yo ou m r trip, did Months Months r e y u Befo ning yo 18-24 Months of pl an ip lo catio n? 12-16 u r t r Months e yo rmin ose? D e te r i p purp you ur t uals 8-12 y yo i v i d Months tif or in d Iden roup h e g ? ose t ? ities Cho ing with activ 3-8 Talk to people you know who have are g o idea s for t r i p mily ? Months m yo ur fa already been on at least one other Brai nst o r el se ed w it h and iser ? 6-8 ra v a d v Weeks destinations trip. Plan t the t u r Girl y t Scou urcounc o il o h y ion fro m k wit 4-6 —Yelean, 14 s Chec n permis Weeks b ta i o Connect with your global sisters through the World Association of On Your Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)/world centers (http://www. Trip Interested in England, Switzer- land, India, or Mexico? These countries are home to the four world Back at Home centers, where girls from around the globe can learn more about each other, the Girl Guide/Girl Scout movements, and the countries they are visiting. The centers offer special programs and the facilities provide Note Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel s & Id inexpensive lodging for Girl Scouts. Visit the world centers through our destinations program as well. The world centers: • Our Chalet (Switzerland) eas • Pax Lodge (United Kingdom) • Our Cabaña (Mexico) • Sangam (India) For additional Girl Scout travel advice and information, visit the Girl Scout travel site: ly for world center summer Book group reservations ear ut in advance. Visit the Girl Sco programs—at least one year Trip Tip: Web site, ho_ we_ are /glo bal /wa ggg s/ out world_centers.asp, or check for descriptions. Page 8
Progress 12–16 Months Prior to Your Trip 18-24 Months 12-16 12-16 Months Months 8-12 Months Money Makes YOU Go Round the World 3-8 Before you go money-earning crazy, you’ll need to know how much money Months your trip will cost. Fill in the boxes below to create a budget. Remember to 6-8 check exchange rates—the rate at which the U.S. dollar may be converted into Weeks another currency—when creating your daily expenses. 4-6 Weeks Travel Budget On Your Trip $ for You think about this... Back at $ for Group Home Expenses $________ • Where are you going to stay? $________ Passport $________ $________ Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel • What will airfare cost? Airfare $________ $________ Lodging $________ • Will you be attending events? $________ Food $________ $________ • Are there registration costs? Event fees $________ $________ • Will you sightsee? Souvenirs, gifts $________ $________ Local transporta tion $________ • How much will you spend on museums, $________ performances, etc.? Miscellaneous $________ $________ Emergency mon ey $________ • How much will you need for food? $________ Admission fees • Have you included personal expenses: ter, etc.) $________ (museums, thea $________ souvenirs, film, post cards, gifts, etc.? Total Help Y • How much for local travel: trains, buses, taxis, airport o the Co urself and shuttle, etc.? rsion of this age printable ve m the Sa munity at pendix for a full-p uals. • What do you need for emergencies? *Note: See the ap as well as a work sheet for individ budget work sh eet me Tim AM e! • Have you considered the cost of tips for tour assac guides, taxi drivers, etc.? almost husetts Girl S th cout sp bottles ree years co ent to rede lle em. Th cting cans an Page 9 not on ly help e actio d also co ed t n she t vered t he environm ook Austra he full ent, bu lia. cost of t her trip to
Progress Earning & Saving for your Trip 18-24 Months 12-16 12-16 Months Months 8-12 Months Now that you have an idea of ol Ideas 3-8 how much the trip is going to Money-Earning Months cost, how much do you need Co for Earning Money Guidelines 6-8 to earn? Weeks $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4-6 • Participate in the Girl Scout Cookie program • Get council approval for all If you’re traveling with a group, decide how much money-earning projects. Weeks • Provide childcare at an event such as a money each girl and her family can contribute. community meeting or celebration dinner • Always check with your council before Then determine how much you can earn and • Pick up litter after sports events requesting funds from local organizations, On Your Trip contribute on your own. What’s left is the foundations, or businesses. Imagine if • Organize a car wash they gave you $50 when your council could amount you’ll need to raise through money- • Do face-painting at a neighborhood event have gotten $5,000 if you had coordinated Back at earning projects. the request? Home • Hold a can or bottle drive • Present travel plans to potential • Teach dance or cooking contributors—but leave the “ask” to adults Establish a group goal. How much will your group Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel • Care for pets In other words, share your excitement need to earn together? Everyone needs to agree about your goal, but let the adults ask • Create your own product or service on who does the work and who benefits. For for donations. example, what if someone decides not to travel • Set up a group travel bank account with the group after she helped earn money? Look around your community and note what overseen by a designated adult. How will money be managed? The group must needs there are to be filled and how these • Review the money-earning needs match up with interests the girls in your information on the GSUSA Website: create a team agreement in advance. Be money group have. smart. Consult with your adult adviser about money_earning/ ways to keep money safe. Here’s the cool thing about working on money- earning projects: You’ll not only be working towards your trip, but you’ll be building skills like budgeting, goal setting, marketing, and working with custom- ers. You’ll also learn good business practices you’ll own forever! Page 10
Progress Been There, Done That 18-24 Months 12-16 12-16 Months Months 8-12 Months Girl Scouts have traveled everywhere, so why not benefit from their experience? 3-8 Here are ways Girl Scouts have earned money for travel: Months 6-8 Weeks 4-6 Weeks “I know of troop s in small comm big money-earni unities that have ng dinners and br put on On Your sell tickets ahea eakfasts. The ke “We sell roses d of time, so you y is to for Mother’s D Trip feed those who only buy enough wholesaler who ay. We partner RSVP. Otherwise food to sells us roses fo with a flower for extra food.” , you are out the sell them for $2 r $9 a dozen an money 0 a dozen. Ther d we Back at expense, and e is no out-of-p Home we get money oc ket time of the orde from the custom r. Then, we pick er at the flowers the da up and deliver y before Mothe the Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel nice boxes an r’s Day. The girls pr d each rose ha epare so they are real s a water vial on ly fresh.” its ba se, ‘Jolly Jars,’ jars with “We made and sold to make cookies or layered ingredients hot chocolate.” where n , w hich is Ore g o ys off. f c ourse, n s , so it pa e cans . O op c a 0. So, w c o ll e ct pop d e p o sit on p rth about $1 g .” “We e cent o ans is w ors all year lo n as a fiv f pop c I am, h g fu ll o nd n e ig h b age ba iends a A garb n s f rom fr “We run the town Father/Daughter Square tc a collec Dance and Spaghetti Supper.” Page 11
Progress Your Adult Network 18-24 Months 12-16 12-16 Months Months 8-12 Months Your network of trusted adults includes 3-8 your parents or guardians, Girl Scout adviser, Months volunteers and council staff, friends or relatives who have traveled, and others. Perhaps your 6-8 Weeks doctor, teacher, or guidance counselor can offer information, hands-on help, or advice as well. 4-6 Weeks Parental Buy-In On Your If you want to go on a trip, you’ll have to partner Trip with your adult adviser and let your parents or guardians in on your big plans. Once you have Back at Home figured out the trip basics, organize a meeting with families and Girl Scout adults to discuss details, timelines, and finances. Put a professional Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel spin on it by presenting your trip like a business plan. Use PowerPoint, for example, to make a slick slideshow. Include your purpose, itinerary, budget, money-earning projects, and more. Consider holding family update meetings every two to three months. Besides the group meeting, you’ll need to talk to your family individually. Review your council’s guidelines and qualifications for trips together. Talk to your parent or guardian about the trip— where you want to go, why, the cost, etc. Once you have their approval, use your timeline to keep you moving full steam ahead, adding dates for completing applications (for destinations), earning money, etc. Give yourself plenty of time to get references and review your application. Page 12
Progress Wheel of Chaperones 18-24 Months 12-16 12-16 Months Months Girl Scout group’s volunteer adviser 8-12 Months Wheel of Chaperones school adviser/ 3-8 Months Outside of giving you moral and financial support, you’ll need adults non-parent teacher to accompany you on your trip. These individuals might be Girl Scout relative volunteers, relatives, teachers, or someone completely different. wheel of 6-8 Weeks Chaperones can have a big impact on your traveling experience, chaperones Girl Scout so make sure you have a say. Check with adults to make sure 4-6 you have the right number of adults for your group. well-traveled Alumna Weeks family friend On Your Check out the Wheel of Chaperones. Think about each person Trip (and add two of your own). What are the pros and cons of add your add your having each person chaperone? Who do you think would make idea here idea here Back at the best chaperone? Consider age, travel experience, safety skills, Home temperament, level of responsibility, and familiarity with Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Take it a step further by writing the name of at least one person from each category who could be a potential chaperone. Who do you know 5 Things to look for in each category? in a Chaperone– Potential chaperone Girl Scout Volunteer Quality/Characteristic Maritza (a part-time volunteer with your group) Sets a positive example She is a great role model. Group’s Adviser Has prior traveling experience with girls She’s been on local trips with our group before and she went School Adviser/Teacher on a trip to Our Chalet with another group last year. Girl Scout Alumna Is someone I could trust/turn to for help I went to her when I was having that problem with Morgan. She gave me good advice and kept it just between us. (Your Category) Is knowledgeable (or willing to be) about Definitely! She’s already helped our group learn about the (Your Category) Girl Scout travel world centers. Well-traveled Family Friend Handles pressure and stress well When the bus never showed up for our whale-watching trip, Non-parent Relative all the girls freaked out, but Maritza calmed everyone down and figured out a way to get us to the boat in time. Page 13 Sounds like Maritza would make an excellent travel chaperone!
Progress The You Factor 18-24 Months 12-16 12-16 Months Months 8-12 Months Take a break from trip planning and focus on you planning. How ready are you to travel the 3-8 globe? Readiness means more than just packing the right shoes or being a good planner. Months It’s about having the maturity to handle situations that arise when you are traveling. After all, being a globetrotter doesn’t just happen overnight! Take the “R U Ready?” quiz below to find 6-8 Weeks out how much readiness you have and how much you have yet to attain. What’s Your R (Readiness) Quotient? 4-6 Weeks Read each statement. Rate yourself on a scale 1–5 in terms of how true each statement is to/ for you, with 1 being nothing like you and 5 being totally like you. Results On Your Trip Your Readiness Quotie nt Back at Home Are you Ready? Super Quiz If you scored 16 or less— your R quotient is on Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Discuss the low side. with your family if tra veling internationally is right for you. You ma y need to get a little 01 I have visited another country before. 1 2 3 4 5 travel experience un der your belt. Check more out the tips in the “Up Your R Quotient” box. There 02 I am interested in other cultures. 1 2 3 4 5 of time before your trip to up your level. ’s plenty 03 I’ve been away from home for more than one week. If you scored 17 or 1 2 3 4 5 27— your R quotient is so in the middle. mewhere 04 I’m open to trying new things, even foods. 1 2 3 4 5 Being in the middle me ans there’s room to 05 I’ve traveled without my family. 1 2 3 4 5 improve! Which statem low on? Focus on tur ents did you rate yours elf ning those statemen and you’ll be “ready” ts into 4’s 06 I adapt well in new situations. 1 2 3 4 5 to go in no time! If you scored 28 or 07 If I got separated from my group, I would be able to stay calm. 1 2 3 4 5 your R quotient is himore— You are gh. so ready to travel the 08 I have a positive attitude. 1 2 3 4 5 you make a great lea globe! Not only will der for your group, bu be a great role mode t you’ll 09 I follow the rules. 1 2 3 4 5 in your group who co l as well. Reach out to uld benefit from your a girl quotient. high R 10 I get along with different personalities. 1 2 3 4 5 11 I communicate my frustrations and fears openly. 1 2 3 4 5 Page 14
Progress t cklis he next phase 18-24 Months 12-16 Months Chee you movetornipt,oditd you: 12-16 12-16 Months Months r r ? Befo ning you dget pl an a t e a bu of re nd c cts 8-12 c o sts a ng p roje Months i n e r n i rm ea Save lots of money, plan to do a lot Dete i c h mo ? ney- 3-8 h de w o do of stuff, and get help planning from Deci going t u ’ re a pero nes? Months yo ial c h someone who’s familiar with where t i f y po tent mily ur fa group? 6-8 Ide n y o Weeks you are going. pt o of a t t h e tri as part en nd — Catherine, 17 Pres dually a 4-6 d i v i Weeks in Work hard to earn the money for On Your Trip your trip. It’ll be worth it! Back at — Alexandra, 14 Home We promised to pay for the trip Note Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel ourselves. We worked hard to earn s & Id the money. With the help of our community (through our bake eas sales), we were able to go! — Ruth, 15 • Talk to Girl Scouts who have traveled. Ask about what worked and what didn’t with their money-earning projects. • With council approval, talk to local organizations and media outlets about your travel plans. Planting seeds here and there can bring an unexpected and happy harvest of financial support. • Remember, you have a great money-earning project you’re already a natural at: the Girl Scout Cookie program. Put a lot of effort into this year’s sale! Page 15
Progress 8-12 Months Prior to Trip 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Months Build Your Itinerary 3-8 An itinerary is simply a plan for what you want to do on your trip. You can plan an itinerary Months that is tightly packed so you won’t miss all the exciting sights or you can keep it loose for a 6-8 more leisurely approach. Determine with your group an itinerary that fits everyone. Weeks Research activities you would like to do during each day of the trip. Do you need to buy tickets in advance or book additional 4-6 travel? Check out opening and closing times for the sights you plan to visit and make sure they fit into your schedule. Keep in mind Weeks that it’s important to be flexible and open-minded. How much can you really squeeze into a day? Create space for a last-minute addition you may learn about while on your trip. Also, be realistic about travel times, and have a backup plan—something unex- On Your Trip pected is bound to happen. Being spontaneous is part of the fun, but is less fun if you don’t have a plan B. Back at Use the daily itinerary below as a sample; a template is available in the appendix. When creating your Home itinerary, consider: Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel • Departure and arrival times • Designated group meeting spots • Transportation modes • How many miles you will walk each day. 6/2/08 • Do you have appropriate shoes and clothes? EL ITINERARY • Breaks for meals, snacks, water, bathroom AV DAILY TR Notes • Lodging locations, contact information, and eets in lobby check-in/check-out times Group m Schedule • Sites and event details Time t Breakfas • Rituals for night time, including bed-check G 7:00 per girl 1.40 euro MORNIN • Potential airline and other delays—weather, Cos t edral ups accidents, strikes, holidays, etc. 8:00 Notre Dame Cath plit into small gro ro to Girls s 9:00 Take Met !! re Dame Tour Not e ll y in small gro ups When you have your itinerary set, ro tothe Louvr Eat individ ua check out page 7 in The Girl Scout Take Met Travel Log and choose an itinerary Lunch item to get obsessed with! Page 16 Notes Schedule Time ouvre Tour the L ON 1:00
Progress Go Girl Scout Green! 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Months As you travel to unfamiliar lands and explore new cultures, remember you’re not just 3-8 Susie Q. from Anytown, USA. You’re a Girl Scout of the USA—and that’s pretty special. Months As corny as it may sound, it’s true. As a Girl Scout, you represent the largest voluntary organization for girls in the world. The name “Girl Scouts” and your uniform can open Trave l Resp 6-8 Weeks doors for you. Maintain the positive image of the organization and practice good man- ners. You’re representing the entire organization when you travel as a Girl Scout. Follow onsib the tips below to show your “Girl Scout green.” Girl S cout ly 4-6 Weeks do—a s ar nd th e respons mean is a ible fo s resp pplies to t r wha t the On Your their e r a cultu cting and b vel, too. Re y say and Trip Call or write ahead to make reservations. Wherever you go, inform whomever is in charge re, an e spon take p d the n efittin sible that a Girl Scout group is coming. Tell them how many are in the group and what you will ublic g loca owne trans p envir o n m l peop travel Back at be doing. d rest o e auran rtation, ea nt. When p le, Home ts, an t d try t in small-s ossible, o me c Decide with your group on rules for personal equipment (cell phones, iPods, etc.). et loc ale, locally al peo Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Remember you will need international calling service if you want to dial home on your ple. cell phone. Consider purchasing calling cards. t not broken, bu n g le a rro w is easily p rove rb Girl Scouts leave a place cleaner than they found it. A si anese ndle. —Jap ten in a bu Whether buddies are chosen or assigned, make sure no one feels left out or unwelcome. Practice living the Girl Scout Law by being a sister to everyone. Be sensitive to others’ needs, habits, and customs. Don’t forget to say “thank you” to your host, and to show your appreciation afterward. Maybe you’re living up to your greenness, but what if someone else on your trip isn’t? It could create one sticky situation and may even be embarrassing. Bring up the topic with your group. Page 17
Progress What would you do? 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Months Talk about the tips listed on the previous page, and, as group, agree on how you want to travel 3-8 together. Commit to helping and holding each other responsible for rules of travel. Don’t just make Months rules for the sake of making rules, however. Make it count. Talk about what will happen if someone breaks the agreement. Talk about what you’ll do if someone… 6-8 Weeks Wanders off on her own: Disrespects another person: 4-6 Weeks On Your Trip Lacks a positive attitude: Is cranky or mean: Back at Home Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Refuses to be open-minded, Disrespects the local customs of the flexible, or try new things: country in which you are traveling: u han dle it l yo Trip Tip How wil p? : u as a gro thly Four Re nt smoo s ponsib g o 10 0 perce e t yo u le Trave g to to g • Learn ler Tips ren’t goin gestion cout as muc h Things a me. Try this sug phrase , li k e “s custom as you re ti tc h o s ca • Be aw , values, pract n about the e nti with a c a rting g to are of p ices, an r te d : C ome up if th in g s are sta re fo c u s- eople’s d sta a re minder s a w ay of and bo dy behavio religion. shout,” a s atchphra s e a • Ask be language. r, dress se the c for , south. U and offe e you take som roup. • Respe r to sen e o n e’s pho ing the g d copie to ct the e s nvironm . Page 18 ent.
Progress Fit to Travel? 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Months Chances are you’ll be doing a lot of walking, carrying your own luggage, and having some long 3-8 days. Perhaps you’ll be taking a trip where you will hike, ski, or kayak. Ready for the challenge? Months Start by rating your fitness level; a good measure of this is how easily you can do everyday things. Can you run for the bus without your heart pounding like crazy? Can you carry a stack of books 6-8 Weeks home from school with no problem? 4-6 Take the fitness test below to help determine your physical condition. Weeks 01 On Your Run up two flights of stairs (at least 32 steps) without stopping. How do you feel? Trip a. I can talk comfortably and could run up another two flights. b. I’m too winded to talk. Back at c. Where’s the ambulance? Home 02 Take a three-hour hike. How do you feel? Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel a. I could do another three hours. b. The first hour and a half was a breeze. But, now I’m tired. c. I’ll just lie here until someone rescues me. Results 03 Carry a 30-pound bag for 20 minutes. How do you feel? a. No problem. Where to now? b. I did it, but I’m ready to put this thing down now. c. I had to ditch the bag after five minutes. If your answers we Your fitness level is a re mostly A’s: 3. 04 How do you feel after completing this test? a. What test? I feel great! You’re in great cond ition. Keep it going! b. I’m a little bit sore and tired. If your answers we You’re right in the mi re m ostly B’s: c. I’m ready for a vacation. ddle of the fitness me your trip has intense ter. If physical activities, yo ing to need to bump u’re go- your fitness level up a notch. If your answers we Your fitness level is a re m ostly C’s: 1. You international trip will be physically challe for you. The good ne nging ws: You have plenty get yourself into bette of time to A B C r condition. Ask your or an adviser for healt doctor h and fitness recom tions that will prepare menda- you for your trip. Page 19 Highest Lowest
Progress How Strenuous Will Your Trip Be? 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Months The physical activity level of your trip can range from mild to strenuous, depending on 3-8 where you’re going and what activities you will be enjoying. Go back to your itinerary and Months rate each activity using the scale below. Assign one, two, or three bullets depending on how much physical exercise your trip will require. 6-8 Weeks • Light walking and hiking for an hour or two a day. Bags stay at our place of lodging 4-6 the whole time. Weeks •• Moderate hiking, biking, rafting, kayaking, and other activities that require only an On Your average/moderate level of fitness to enjoy. We have to pick up and go with our bags Trip every couple of days. Back at Home ••• Hiking, trekking, or cycling of up to eight hours a day or other activities that require a high level of fitness. And those bags go where we go. Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel How does the physical activity level required for your trip match your personal fitness level? If there’s a gap, use your preparation time to get in shape. Marathon runners don’t just one day decide to run 26 miles—they build up endurance and stamina over time. You may not be running a marathon, but follow their example by gradually building up your personal fitness so you’re ready when trip-day arrives. Take frequent hikes or brisk walks so you will be prepared to endure long days on the road. Work out at the gym, play sports, take a dance class, lift light weights, and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Grab a buddy and find your own enjoyable way to get in shape. Trip Tip: ss group at the fitne Is everyone in your W ha t ca n the trip? level demanded by ve l wh os e fit - ter tra you do to help a sis at ’s ne ed ed? th an wh ness level is lower the chaperones? What if it’s one of ur ical activity into yo Incorporate phys a wa lki ng , hik ing, gges t group meetings. Su ur component of yo or biking club as a ar ation. group’s trip prep Page 20
e c k l ist next phase Ch Progress to the : ve on mo ou , did y 18-24 e you Befor ing your trip Months nn 8-12 Months of pla t? 12-16 sspor r a pa Months ly fo erary? App aily itin e d d tail e a de 8-12 h Creat ior wit behav Months Months e o f od Don’t cram too many activities into a short trip. Instead, Agree oup? on a c ation 3-8 r spend lots of time on things you really want to see—un- your g c o m munic as having Months and uch s afety he group s ing the less, of course, you only want an overview. Disc re u e s m s or t ents f ards and w c ear 6-8 ag calling Weeks s? — Melissa, 17 phone olor t-shirt t card ? sa m e c c y c ontac 4-6 n merge your e Weeks Have an open mind... Not everything goes according to Pre p a r e s leve l? fitnes plan, but that’s what makes it more exciting! Ident ify y o u r iv it y level of your On Your Trip al act — Sarah, 16 t h e physic Rate ivities? Back at t ke trip ac to ma Home need ss level? There was a lot of communication in the months mine Deter ents in yo if yo u ur fitn e before the trip—through online groups and message adjus t m cal Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel our lo v a l from y boards. The girls and adults were able to discuss what ppro Get a ut council c o ? Girl S we wanted to do, what to expect, and who was going to do what. — Della, 13 • Check with your Girl Scout council to make sure you’ve Note completed the proper forms and have met the necessary s & Id eas requirements for travel. Some councils require girls to participate in specific training. • Does your group have a designated first-aider? Check with your group adviser or chaperone. This is a must! • If you don’t have a passport, apply now. Also, look into visa, vaccination, or other requirements for entering the country you are visiting. Make all necessary preparations. Page 21
Progress 3-8 Months Prior to Trip 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Culture Quest 3-8 3-8 Months Months What makes one country different from another? What distinguishes one group 6-8 of people from another beyond geography, language, and food? Culture! Weeks Culture is defined as a shared set of values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors 4-6 widely held by members of the same group or community. But wait, culture is Weeks much more than meets the eye, literally. Certain features of cultures are visible (foods and clothing) but some aspects are not so easy to see (values, On Your Trip importance of family, etc.). Back at Home lture Visible Fea tures of Cu Invisible Ways to Learn Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Feature About the Culture of a Country s of Cultu ress re • Styles of d ple ay s o f gr eeting peo t • Beliefs about h •W and other ar ospitality Pa in ti ng s, sculpture, • Import ance of • Explore Web sites and visit the library for • time • Values books, magazines, newspapers, movies, • Literature d hand gest ures and travel DVDs. ressions an • Childre • Facial exp aring pra ctices (c stoms • Attitud • Holiday cu es abou t p hildren a nd teen • Contact your council to see if other girls • Respon ersonal s) • Music sibilities space/p or adults who have visited your destination o f c rivacy • Conce hildren a would be willing to talk to you. • Dance pts of fa irness nd teen s ns • Nature • Celebratio of friend ship • Find cultural, civic, or exchange organizations d s • Ideas a • Fo o bout clo that offer information. • Conce thing • Greetings pt of self rituals • Work e • Religious thic • Contact chambers of commerce or travel • Religio agencies willing to provide resources. us belie • Conce fs pts of be • Rules o auty • Don’t leave out your friends and family. f polite b Your aunt may have never been to Costa Rica, • Attitud e havior es towa but maybe her friend has. • Role of rd age family • Genera l world v iew Page 22
Progress Your Own Culture 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Before you “cross” into another culture, think about the culture that defines you. 3-8 3-8 Look at the questions below then write your responses in your Girl Scout Travel Log. Months Months 6-8 Weeks What languages do you speak? 4-6 Weeks What music do you listen to? What dances do you know? On Your Trip What foods do you eat at home? Back at Home In your family, what is considered polite and what is considered rude? What manners have you Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel been taught? (Think about such things as table manners, behavior toward guests in your home, what to say when answering the telephone, how to say thank you for a meal.) What do you wear on special occasions? What do you wear every day? How often do you see your extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins)? What role do they play in your life? What holidays and ceremonies are important in your family? Describe something you value: it could be an aspect of behavior like respect or honesty. It could be a person such as a mother, father, brother, sister, or friend. It could be a goal, such as going to college or designing a Web site. What do you like to do? Based on your answers, how would you describe your culture? Page 23
Progress Crossing Cultures 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months The more you know about the culture you’ll be 3-8 3-8 visiting, the less likely you’ll make a cultural faux Months Months pas. Could shaking someone’s hand, drinking milk, 6-8 or sitting down cause a cultural misunderstanding? Weeks It depends on where you are. 4-6 Weeks Check out these stories of girls who traveled abroad. What would you do? On Your Trip Akina’s Kisses the first spoonful she realized the milk was Back at Although France is known for amour, warm. Her host family explained that cold Home Akina didn’t expect kisses every time she met beverages are not good for your health. Warm someone. When she traveled to Paris and put milk with cereal isn’t so bad after all, Kate out her hand to shake, she was in for a surprise. realized. Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel On more than one occasion, the Parisians she’d met pulled her in and kissed her on both Annie’s Flowers cheeks. Her new friends’ expressions of greet- Annie was excited to present a bouquet ing were a little unsettling at first, but with time of flowers to her new Senegalese friends. Akina grew to appreciate their warmth. However, instead of looking happy, they looked a bit insulted. Annie didn’t realize that Susana’s Shoes it’s considered “unclean” to use your left Susana welcomed her Indian host mom’s hand for such things as eating, paying the bill, invitation to have a seat after a long day of shaking hands, and presenting gifts. From then exploring the city. She sat down in a chair, threw on, Annie made sure to use her right hand. up her legs, and kicked back. Her host mother’s reacted in horror. Little did Susana know it What would you do if you were in these was an insult to let the bottom of her feet (or situations? Avoid cultural pitfalls by doing shoes) face someone because that is consid- your homework and finding out about cultural ered the dirtiest part of the body. practices. It also helps to be aware of your sur- roundings. How are people reacting to you? Kate’s Cereal Take visual cues from the locals. If someone is After a long journey and a restless night’s sleep, reacting to you strangely, stop and think about Kate couldn’t wait for breakfast at her German what you’re doing! host family’s house. “Perfect. They have cereal. Page 24 Just like in the USA.”, Or so she thought. After
Progress You Could Be in for a SHOCK! 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Culture shock is more common than you realize. It doesn’t matter how short or long a trip is; everyone experiences some culture shock. That 3-8 3-8 doesn’t mean you are destined to spend the entire time in your room freaking out. Everyone handles culture shock in different ways and just as Months Months quickly as it comes, it may go. Your best defense is to understand what culture shock is and use the “Ward Off Culture Shock” tips listed here. 6-8 Weeks EU PHORIA ANXIETY RE JECTION JUSTMEN AD T 4-6 Weeks On Your Trip Back at Home Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel 1. You start off with over-the-top 2. Then, a feeling of nervous- 3. Negativity is often the 4. Finally, things start to come happiness or feeling totally ness or stress about being in an next phase. You may make together and you adjust to your excited about a new culture. unfamiliar place may start to judgments: things not only surroundings. Maybe you don’t Everything is new and you can’t set in. You may feel homesick. feel different, but wrong. But, love everything, but now you wait to explore. It’s perfectly natural to be a little remember, it’s not up to us to can see the positive. anxious by new surroundings or decide what is good or bad in like “I just don’t fit it in here.” other cultures. Ward Off Culture Shock Be open minded and receptive. Communicate your feelings and Have positive, realistic expecta- Ask questions. If someone concerns. Talking it out always tions about where you’re going responds to what you say or do Find humor. When does laugh- helps and lets others know and what you’ll be doing. in an unexpected way, inquire ing not make you feel better? what’s going on with you. about that response. It can lead Express warmth, empathy, and to an opportunity for cultural Be flexible. It’s not the end Accept that things may be respect for others. exchange. of the world if things don’t go unclear. Don’t judge because Page 25 exactly as planned. you don’t understand.
Checklist Progress ning hase of plan to the next p 18-24 u m ove o n Months Before yo you: ional trip, did 3-8 Months your internat 12-16 Months invisible st ig ate th e visible and In ve lture? make up a cu features that 8-12 Months r make up you Try to immerse yourself in the culture n e ch arac teristics that Defi 3-8 ? own culture 3-8 as fully as possible. be visiting Months Months culture you’ll — Brenna, 17 Explore the 6-8 ut? inside and o Weeks es of culture Really get to know where you are with the stag Get familiar 4-6 Weeks shock? going before you get there; it will form to tent to Travel mean more when you get there. Submit an In Appendix) On Your Trip GSUSA? (See — Anna, 18 and lodging Make airline Back at Home reservations? Since coming back from my trip, I realized I shouldn’t judge people Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel before really getting to know them. — Patrice, 13 Notes & Id • Spend time with a person or group who are part of a culture different than yours. Think of it as life practice for your trip. Analyze your experience. What went well? What did you learn? eas What surprised you? What didn’t go so well? Think about how you may have contributed to the positive or awkward moments. How can you apply what you learned to you upcoming trip? • Create a “language card” with common words and phrases to carry on your trip. Ciao Adio Hola s Page 26 Bonjour
Progress 6-12 Weeks Prior to Trip 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Get Down to Details 3-8 Months With less than three months before you leave, you’ve entered the nitty-gritty finalize 6-8 6-12 details zone! If you’re traveling with a group, now’s the time to pull together a meeting; Weeks Weeks remember to include chaperones and other adults. Look at all the information you and the other girls have gathered. What’s left to do? 4-6 Weeks Revisit the Itinerary On Your Trip Pull out your daily itineraries and go over them with a magnifying glass (not literally!). Has anything changed? Double-check places, dates, and times. Confirm your lodging. Even if nothing has Back at Home changed on your end, it doesn’t mean that the hotel you are staying at didn’t have a computer failure and lost your reservation or that popular tourist attraction had a last-minute closing for renovations. Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Safety Check As a group, go over all travel safety guidelines again. Do you know: • What to do if accidentally separated from the group? • What to do if emergency help is needed? • How to navigate a crowd? • How to perform basic first-aid procedures? • How to represent Girl Scouts? Family Meeting Just like you did all those months ago, hold a group family meeting. This time, go over the final details. Whoo Hoo! Your family will definitely be impressed with your ability to plan a solid international trip. Going over the details also will create clear communication with your family, so they’ll know where you’ll be at all times and be as excited as you are about the great experiences you’ll be having. They’ll also feel assured by your safety plans. The group family meeting is also a good time to have your parents or guardians fill out forms that haven’t been completed yet. Page 27
Progress Know About the Dough 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months 3-8 ATM / Debit Card Months 6-8 6-12 Weeks Weeks Pro: ATM machines abound internationally, giving you access to cash 4-6 virtually any time and generally at the best exchange rate. Weeks Con: International ATMs can carry fees as high as $5 per withdrawal, so it might be a good idea to use a bank that has a large international pres- On Your Trip ence. TIPS Back at Home • Ask your bank about withdrawal fees at overseas ATMs. Also, let them know you will be traveling abroad so they don’t think your card was stolen and block access to your account when they start seeing charges from Paris! Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel • Make sure your ATM card is linked through one of the major networks (PLUS, Cirrus, Mastercard, Visa, etc.). Travelers Checks Credit Card Pro: If they are lost or stolen, they can be replaced within 24 hours. They Pro: Credit cards are like insurance—hopefully you won’t need them, but can be exchanged for local currency at a bank or used directly at many if you run out of or lose your money, they come in handy. stores. Con: Not every card has the same replacement policy overseas. Plus, Con: You won’t get the best exchange rate for them. And most banks add some credit card companies charge fees for international transactions. a surcharge for issuing them. Also, you’ll need to find places during your trip that accept travelers checks or can convert them to local currency. TIPS • Most credit cards are widely accepted, but check your card’s policy on interna- TIPS tional transactions and replacing a lost or stolen card. • Travelers Checks come with serial numbers that you should record and keep in a • Call your credit card company to let them know you will be traveling abroad. safe place—without those numbers, there’s no refund! Page 28
Progress Know About the Dough (continued) 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months So, you’ve researched where to go, saved money, 3-8 and ordered a passport. Before hopping on that Months plane, get your monetary ducks in a row. 6-8 6-12 Weeks Weeks Review your budget and balance it against troop funds. Is it looking good? If you’re still 4-6 short on cash, have the group come up with a last-minute money-earning plan. By this Weeks point, airline tickets, lodging, transportation, event fees, and whatever can be purchased in advance should have been done. All troop funds should be collected. On Your Trip Deciding what kind of money to bring can be overwhelming, especially when there are so Back at many options. Weighing the pros and cons will help you decide what will work best for you. Home What kin Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel d of mone y is right for y ou? Cash Pro: Cash is universally accepted. Con: It will need to be converted to local currency. This can be done at local banks or currency exchange bureaus. Once money is lost or stolen, you cannot replace it. Carrying a lot of cash around may not be safe. TIPS • When converting US dollars to foreign currency, shop around for the best rate, as it will vary from place to place. In general, the best rates will be from major banks and the worst will be through exchange kiosks at airports or train stations. • If you exchange some money before leaving the United States, do so at a major bank to get the best rates. Page 29
e c k l ist next phase Ch ve on mo to the : ou Progress e you , did y Befor ing your trip 18-24 Months nn of pla 6-12 Weeks d fina li ze t h e bud get? 12-16 ce an going you’re Months Balan n e y of mo e w h at kind Decid with you? 8-12 Months g to brin ry? Make sure to plan ahead of time e th e t r ip itinera 3-8 Finaliz and the experience will be amazing. a fety gu idelin es? Months a ll s ies? — Katelin, 17 Meet ve l polic 6-8 t ra 6-12 ouncil Weeks Weeks re to c s? Adhe ticket ation I pushed myself everyday to go ase tr ans p o r t 4-6 Purch ns? Weeks outside of my comfort zone and e acc o m m odatio Finaliz I am really glad I did. I proved re q uired forms ? ts On Your Trip it a ll paren to myself that I’m capable Subm orm a t io n with rip inf Back at of anything. R e v ie w all t s? n Home uardia — MaryKate, 16 and g Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel Talk to other people that you know who have already been on a destination trip. — Yelean, 14 Notes & I • Do you have special food needs. Visit deas Survival-Guide.aspx for diet and health information for travelers. Trip Tip: your vel forms you (and Find out which tra to fill ou t. n) will need parent or guardia Page 30 cil. Contact your coun
Progress 4-6 Weeks Prior to Trip 18-24 Months 12-16 Months 8-12 Months Pack Like a Pro 3-8 Months What you pack can make or break your trip. Too much stuff and you’ll be lugging around a 6-8 heavy suitcase. No comfy shoes? Blisters could be in your future. Follow the packing tips below Weeks and people might just think you’re the pro! 4-6 Weeks Weeks • Know what you have to work with. Check • Leave a little room. Where are you going airlines to find out about restrictions on to put all the funky things you bought? On Your luggage size, weight, and carry-on. If you’re And don’t forget SWAPs and souvenirs. Trip traveling between countries, investigate Unless you’re prepared to ship things specific regulations for those countries. home, leave some wiggle room in your bags. Back at Home • Go light and easy to wash. Choose an • Bring special supplies with you. Get extra easy-care wardrobe that can be mixed film and sanitary supplies because they may Girl Scouts of the USA Exploration: The Girl Scout Guide to Global Travel and matched and adapted to unexpected be expensive abroad. Travel can sometimes occasions and unpredictable weather. disrupt menstrual schedules. Hand-washables and clothing that dries fast are good travelers. Layering is impor- • Keep the important stuff close to you. tant, especially when traveling at different Place airline tickets, passport, cash, travelers altitudes. Minimize bulky items, like shoes, checks, medicine, contact lenses, glasses, coats, and sweaters. etc. in your handbag or money belt. Pack your carry-on luggage with one spare change of • Pass on the bling. Keep expensive jewelry clothes just in case your checked luggage at home. Avoid appliances and electronics gets temporarily lost. like hairdryers and laptops that can weigh down your bag and often require special • Pull your own weight. Take a walk around the power converters. Instead, use that space block with all your luggage. If you come back for an extra pair of contact lenses, huffing and puffing, unpack things that might sunglasses, socks, etc. not be so vital. As a rule of thumb, you should be able to run for a train with all your things. • Go label crazy. Label your luggage, clothing, and equipment inside and • Don’t miss page 11 of The Girl Scout Travel out with your name and address. Log for a packing list that you can make your own. Page 31
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