Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine

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Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine

Pantano Real Estate
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CBD Oil:   The Stretch IRA is Dead.    The 10 Commandments
A Primer         Your Plan B                of Caregiving
 Page 5             Page 6                       Page 12
                                                           MARCH 2020
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        VITAL INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FOR A VITAL LIFE®

                             pring is finally here! Even though we really haven’t had very
                             much of a winter (I think my spring bulbs started popping up in
                             January), I’m still always so hopeful about the new beginnings the                                                                                                                                                                                                                EDITOR IN CHIEF
                       season brings. That’s why we thought what better way to continue our                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Karyn Cortez
                       Vital Life series on growth and new knowledge than by helping you                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                       to train yourself to look at the people, places and things around you
                       in a brand new light…through photography. Sometimes it seems that                                                                                                                                                                                                                           C R E AT I V E
    people today are so enthralled with taking selfies and documenting every little thing they                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ART DIRECTOR
    do that they’re missing out on really “seeing” the exquisite beauty of the world around us.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Heidi Atwell
    Check out the resources on page 3 for inspiration for your creativity, go grab a camera (or
    your phone) and see what you can see!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  C O V E R S T O RY
    This month we’re introducing you to Erik Bashford and Holly Henderson-Smith of Pan-                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nikki Shaw
    tano Real Estate. They’re Delaware’s Certified Senior Real Estate Specialists and your
    go-to people if you have any questions whatsoever about buying or selling a home in Dela-
    ware. They’re dedicated to helping the community and have the connections to help you                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Vital! Magazine is
    every step of the way! Learn more about them on pages 8 and 9 (and don’t forget to cut out                                                                                                                                                                                                                published monthly by
    and keep their Resource Corner!)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Vital Media LLC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Articles are intended for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          general information purposes
    Know anyone who has their medical marijuana card? Don’t get that confused with CBD.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        only and should not
    Although CBD oil can come from marijuana, it can also come from hemp. You don’t need                                                                                                                                                                                                                      replace your personal
    a medical marijuana card to buy CBD oil derived from hemp. It’s non-psychoactive, so                                                                                                                                                                                                                         advisor’s advice.
    you can’t get high. But you can get relief from nausea, sleeplessness and a host of other ail-                                                                                                                                                                                                         Any reproduction in part or
    ments. Your primer on CBD is on page 5.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in whole of any part of this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            publication is prohibited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             without express written
    And finally, as the poem goes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          consent of the publisher.

                                                                                                 The spring is sprung, the grass is riz.
                                                                                                     Wonder where the boidie is.                                                                                                                                                                                  Vital! Magazine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4556 Simon Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Wilmington, DE 19803
    Grab your camera and go find him!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              302-544-0684
    Happy March!
    Karyn and Heidi
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                                                                                                                                                Family: Make Train Your Brain:                                                The Best                                                                        U.S. equal opportunity law.
                                                                                                    Getting Fit:
                                                                                                                       5 Financial               Grand Plans The Will Power
                                                                                                                                                                                 Lower Interest
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lifelong                   Place to G
                                                                        7 Signs l
                                                                                                     Work Out        Tasks to Tackle
                                                                                                                      by Year-End              for the Holidays to Exercise
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                                                                                                                                                                                  Retirement               Learning:                             et                Better
                                                ring:                           Sel               Without Weights                                   Page 12             Page 3                           Skills for 2020
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2     MARCH 2020
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine

 ELEVATE                                                                                                       The Art of
  Your Lifestyle!                                                                                              Photography
                                                                                                               March 20th is the first day of spring!
                                                                                                               And what better way to welcome
                                                                                                               warm weather than to get outside
                                                                                                               and photograph Mother Nature in
                                                                                                               all her glory? These days it’s all too
                                                                                                               common to hear complaints that
                                                                                                               people spend too much time taking
                                                                                                               pictures of their experiences instead
                                                                                                               of living them. The thing is, the pho-
                                                                                                               tographs play an important role in          you. Why not aim for a part-time gig
                                                                                                               allowing people to hold on to memo-         on the side?
                                                                                                               ries and give the rest of the world a

                                                                                                               peek into their lives.                           Photography brings you clos-
                                                                                                                                                                er to your natural spirituality.
                                                                                                               Why take up photography? It makes                Look around at the wonders
                                                                                                               your life better!                           of nature. You simply can’t help but
                                                                                                                                                           understand how very small you are

                                                                                                                    Photography affords immor-             while considering how very vast and
                                                                                                                    tality. Don’t believe it? Look         majestic the world really is.
                                                                                                                    at all the old photographs your

                                                                                                               mom or grandmother had around.                    Photography lets you see
                                                                                                               Some of us are even lucky enough                  things that you may never
                                                                                                               to have photographs of great-grand-               notice otherwise. The play of
At The Summit Senior Living we believe                                                                         parents. What a difference between
                                                                                                               the lively, natural photographs to-
                                                                                                                                                           colors, the interactions of people and
                                                                                                                                                           things, a fleeting moment that will
that every day should be enhanced with                                                                         day and the stiff, formal pics from a       live forever.

lifestyles that are designed with our
                                                                                                               century ago!

                                                                                                                                                                 Photography preserves new
residents and their families in mind. Dine
                                                                                                                      Photography documents your                 and old memories. Think of
                                                                                                                      journey through life. From                 the wife or husband who has
out every day, celebrate with activities                                                                              your childhood pictures to           lost a spouse. Or the child who lost
                                                                                                                                                           a parent. With pictures not only can
                                                                                                               your child’s pictures to your grand-
and events, and let us make a great                                                                            child’s pictures. From first smiles to      they have no fear of forgetting their
                                                                                                                                                           loved one’s face, but can remember
impression with housekeeping and                                                                               first steps to first dates, your life can
                                                                                                               be documented and preserved.                exactly what was going on when that
maintenance included.                                                                                                                                      picture was snapped, cementing the

                                                                                                                     Photography is a wonderful            memory forever.

All our community is missing is you!                                                                                 stress reliever. I mean, really,
                                                                                                                     how much can you concen-              Get started!
                                                                                                               trate on that all-consuming problem         There are plenty of websites around
Schedule Your FREE Lunch & Tour!                                                                               when you turn your focus instead to
                                                                                                               the petals of a flower, the wings of
                                                                                                                                                           that can help you get started without
                                                                                                                                                           having to plunk down big bucks for
                                                                                                               a butterfly, the graceful curves of a       photography classes. Google “Learn

                                                                                                               majestic mountain, or the dimples of        photography” or visit these websites
                                                                                                               a smiling baby?                             and use these search terms within
                           THE                                                                                                                             the site:

                                                                                                                     Photography inspires your
                                                                                                                     imagination. Make connec-             1
                                                                                                                     tions in your world that oth-         Search for “20 effective ways to learn
                                                                                                               erwise might be lost. Just imagine          photography without going to pho-
                                                                                                               how the cracks in the sidewalk sur-         tography school.”
                                                                                                               rounding a couple’s shadow convey
                   302.635.9024                                                                                how solid their connection is, even
                                                                                                               in the midst of this crazy, cracked up
                                                                                                                                                           Search for “Learn Photography.”                                                                                   world.
   5850 Limestone Road, Hockessin, DE 19707
                                                                                                                    Photography as a career is             Search for “10 Best Free Online
INDEPENDENT LIVING | ASSISTED LIVING | MEMORY CARE                                                                  possible for anyone with a             Photography Courses.”
                                                                                                                    true passion for it. There are
       Prices, plans and programs are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Owned and operated by
       Discovery Senior Living. Void where prohibited by law. ©2019, Discovery Senior Living, SUMM-0052 5/19   classes, books, and websites to teach       You’re off to a great start! Next stop:
                                                                                                               you as much as you want to learn.           Photoshop and Lightroom. Have
                                                                                                               You have your whole life in front of        fun!
                                                                                                                                                                      w w w. Vit a lM a g O nline. co m   3
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine

How to Check Yourself for the
Deadliest Kind of Skin Cancer
        n estimated 1 in 54 Ameri-         size, color, or other characteristic.    Even though only 15 percent of mel-       including the ugly duckling sign in
        cans are at risk of develop-                                                anomas are nodular, they account          self-skin check guidelines. They call
        ing melanoma in their life-        Nodular Melanoma                         for 50 percent of melanoma deaths         the new criteria DUC, or “Do U C
time. The aggressive cancer begins         If you find an irregularity, see a       because they penetrate the skin and       Melanoma?” It stands for Different
in melanocytes (cells that make the        doctor immediately. Completely           reach the lymph nodes faster than         from other moles, Uneven in any
pigment melanin). Often the first          removing melanomas before they           other skin cancers.                       way (which includes the ABCDEs
sign of melanoma is a change in the        grow deeper into the skin is a cure                                                mentioned above), and Changes
shape, color, size, or feel of an exist-   for melanoma.                            DUC                                       over time.
ing mole.                                                                           In 1998, French dermatologist Jean-
                                           Be aware, though, that not all mel-      Jacques Grob proposed a new sys-          Be vigilant
Protect yourself. Check yourself.          anomas meet the above criteria.          tem to identify melanomas that slip       The good news is that melanoma is
It’s recommended that you have             Nodular melanoma, an invasive,           past the ABCDEs. Grob observed            preventable. The easiest ways to pro-
a dermatologist do an annual skin          aggressive form of skin cancer that      that people typically produce moles       tect yourself include learning your
check. But nobody knows your body          grows quickly, can look like a mole      that look similar to each other, so a     family’s melanoma history, educat-
better than you do, so it’s also rec-      or pimple. Nodular melanomas are         lesion that doesn’t conform to the        ing yourself about detection meth-
ommended that you periodically             harder to diagnose because they          body’s usual pattern for moles may        ods, and protecting yourself from
check your moles yourself. It’s easy       don’t fit the traditional ABCDEs of      be pre-cancerous or cancerous, even       UV rays. That means staying out of
to remember what to look for when          skin-cancer detection. They’re often     if it doesn’t bear the classic signs of   the sun when its rays are the stron-
doing your self-check if you just re-      symmetrical, small in diameter, and      skin cancer. Grob called it the “ugly     gest (between 10:00 and 2:00), be-
member your ABCDEs. The acro-              may be only one color. Many are          duckling sign.”                           ing vigilant about wearing sunscreen
nym stands for asymmetrical shape,         blue-black, but five percent are pink                                              (and reapplying every 2 hours or after
border irregularity, color variegation     or red so they look like infections or   Ashfaq A. Marghoob, director of           sweating or swimming) and covering
(multiple or uneven colors), a diam-       pimples. They can be dome-shaped,        clinical dermatology at the Memo-         your skin when outside. Just consider
eter larger than the size of a pencil      with varying color, although likely      rial Sloan Kettering Skin Cancer          it an opportunity to stock up on some
eraser (>6mm), and evolving shape,         don’t look like your other moles.        Center and his associates suggest         brand new SPF 50 clothing!

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                                               PH: (302) 998-6900 • CHURCHMANVILLAGE.COM

4     MARCH 2020
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine
CBD Oil: a Primer
As more states legalize marijuana         regulate biological functions such as
usage, cannabis products have be-         appetite, sleep, pain responses, in-
come increasingly common. Canna-          flammation and mood.
bidiol, or CBD, is one such product.
CBD is a chemical compound of the         What are some benefits of CBD
cannabis plant that offers therapeu-      oil?
tic properties without the psychoac-      As more research is conducted, new
tive “high” typically associated with     benefits and uses of CBD are be-
cannabis use. CBD products come           ing discovered all the time. CBD
in many different forms, including        has therapeutic properties for all
oral tinctures, gummies, and topical      age groups. Common uses by older
creams.                                   adults include treatment for:

CBD use has exploded across the              ain management. Because
                                          n P
nation, and the 50+ group is no ex-         CBD reduces inflammation, it
ception. According to one study,            has been shown to be effective for     are some helpful steps to take. First,      or light golden, depending on the
cannabis use among adults age 50            chronic pain, including arthritis      be sure to research the brand or            carrier oil used. These products
and over increased by 250 percent           and sciatica.                          company you’re interested in. CBD           have isolated and removed the
between 2006 and 2013. Nearly one                                                  products can be bought pretty much          cannabidiol and mixed it with a
in five Americans over the age of 50         leep problems. CBD can help
                                          n S                                      everywhere, from online stores,             carrier oil. Isolates strip out ben-
has used a CBD product, according           insomniacs sleep better; alter-        farmer’s markets, dispensaries and          eficial cannabinoids and fatty
to a recent Gallup poll.                                                           even major retailers like Walmart           acids that full-spectrum oils con-
                                            nately, it can be microdosed dur-
                                            ing the day to promote alertness.      and CVS in some areas.                      tain, so you may want to focus on
Adults age 65 and above are among                                                                                              full-spectrum oils.
the most medicated population                                                      However, before buying any CBD
                                             nxiety and depression. Stud-
                                          n A
group in the U.S. They represent                                                   products, be sure to research the           dibles: These are food items
                                                                                                                            n E
                                            ies show that CBD has mood-
12 percent of the total population                                                 brand and company. A reputable             infused with CBD concentrate,
                                            regulating effects that can safely
but account for more than a third                                                  brand will submit each batch to in-        including gummies and syrups.
                                            and effectively treat depression.
of the country’s prescription drug                                                 dependent third-party testing to           Edibles take longer to produce
                                            There’s evidence to believe that
use. As our bodies naturally age,                                                  verify the contents and be sure there      an effect since they must be ab-
                                            CBD can help treat other mood
older people are more likely to suf-                                               are no contaminants. Also, make            sorbed via the digestive system.
                                            disorders such as PTSD and
fer from serious health conditions.                                                sure the plants are hemp and grown
                                            OCD as well.
Therefore, this group could possibly                                               in the USA. While there is currently        opicals: CBD-infused lotions,
                                                                                                                            n T
see the greatest benefit from CBD                                                  no federal regulation for CBD prod-        balms or patches are applied di-
products. In fact, states that have le-     hemotherapy side effects.
                                          nC                                       ucts, the U.S. does have specific          rectly to the skin. They can help
galized cannabis including CBD re-         Cancer patients were among the          farming practices the industry must        with surface-level issues such as
liably prescribe fewer opioids, have       first group to experiment with med-     adhere to.                                 headaches and arthritis.
fewer deaths caused by prescription        ical marijuana to treat symptoms
opioids and fewer people in treat-         including nausea, vomiting and          Until the FDA steps in to issue          CBD oil dosage
ment for opioid addiction.                 loss of appetite. More recent studies   guidelines on CBD safety, the onus       While a doctor can provide guid-
                                           show that CBD can be equally ef-        is on the consumer to stay safe, so be   ance for your specific situation, a
Unfortunately, even though many            fective for these symptoms.             sure to closely read the label.          general guide to ensure seniors’ safe-
older adults are taking advantage of                                                                                        ty is to start at 2.5 mg, which is half
the benefits CBD has to offer, not           ementia. Several studies have
                                          n D                                      Using CBD                                the recommended dose for younger
everyone is on board. Many seniors          indicated that CBD treatment           Oral tinctures, vape pens and edibles    adults. Everyone’s metabolism and
may still hold onto outdated stereo-        may slow cognitive decline in de-      tend to be most popular with older       experience is different, so it’s im-
types of cannabis use, not realizing        mentia and Alzheimer’s patients.       adults. When shopping around,            portant to start slowly and gradually
that CBD could significantly im-                                                   keep in mind that different forms        increase the dose. Older adults are
prove their quality of life. In many      Is CBD oil safe?                         of CBD produce different effects,        more likely to be taking other medi-
cases, CBD may reduce or even re-         Research has shown that CBD is           and the same product can produce         cations and may feel the effects more
place pharmaceutical drugs. Here          a safe and effective treatment for       effects that vary from person to per-    quickly due to age.
are some answers to questions you         many people. Of course, anyone in-       son. Keep an open mind that find-
might have about CBD.                     terested in using CBD should speak       ing the perfect CBD product may be       Over the course of a few days to a
                                          with their doctor first, and never       a process of trial and error. Here are   week, the dose can be increased in
What is CBD?                              stop taking medication without a         a few types of products to consider:     2.5mg increments. Physical symp-
CBD is short for cannabidiol, one of      doctor’s guidance. Like any other                                                 toms tend to respond more quickly
more than 100 chemical compounds          substance, there are some known             ral tinctures: CBD oil or hemp
                                                                                   n O                                      to treatment than psychological
found in the cannabis plant. These        interactions between CBD and cer-          oil usually contains a food-grade      symptoms, so be sure to talk with
chemical compounds are called             tain medicines or supplements, so be       oil such as MCT or coconut oil. A      your doctor about your specific
cannabinoids and share a similar          sure to have a candid discussion with      full-spectrum hemp oil offers the      symptoms and a realistic outcome.
molecular structure to the endocan-       your primary care provider.                benefits of CBD, plus other valu-      Never stop taking any medication
nabinoid hormones our bodies pro-                                                    able nutrients.                        without a doctor’s supervision.
duce. CBD can bind to the human           Tips on CBD safety
endocannabinoid system, helping           With your doctor’s approval, here           BD Isolate: These may be clear
                                                                                   n C                            

                                                                                                                                       w w w. Vit a lM a g O nline. co m   5
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine

The Stretch IRA is Dead. Time for Plan B.
By Bob Carlson,                abolished the Stretch IRA. Now,           second disadvantage of the Stretch        IRA to fund their retirement, and
                                          when an IRA is inherited, the ben-        IRA was that distributions from           Max will have to take Required

         emember Stretch IRAs?            eficiary has to take distribution of      an inherited IRA were taxed to the        Minimum Distributions (RMDs).
         They weren’t really IRAs,        the entire IRA within 10 years. That      beneficiary just as they would have
         but rather a strategy used by    means the IRA has to be fully taxed       been taxed to the original owner, as      The Profits form a trust with their
people who inherited IRAs as ben-         within 10 years and the tax-deferred      ordinary income. So, in effect, a ben-    two children as beneficiaries. Max
eficiaries in order to make the IRA       compounding ends. The change also         eficiary inherited only the after-tax     and Rosie transfer the annual RMDs
last as long as possible to take advan-   applies to 401(k) plans and Roth          value of the IRA.                         to the trust. There are no gift and
tage of its tax-deferred compound-        IRAs. Congress wants that money                                                     estate taxes because of the annual
ing of income and gains. To accom-        out of the tax-advantaged IRAs and        Fortunately, there are alternatives       gift tax exclusion, which is $15,000
plish this, the beneficiary of the IRA    subject to taxes. (There are some ex-     to shelter your money that some-          in 2020. The trust takes out a joint
would have as little distributed from     ceptions. The 10-year distribution        times deliver better results than the     and survivor life insurance policy
the IRA each year as possible. In the     requirement doesn’t apply to a ben-       Stretch IRA.                              on Max and Rosie, naming the trust
ideal situation, the investment re-       eficiary who is a surviving spouse,                                                 as beneficiary. Because of their ages
turns would exceed the distributions      disabled person, a chronically ill        Alternative Strategies                    and good health, the policy benefit is
each year, so the IRA balance would       person, a minor child or someone          If you don’t plan to use most of a tra-   more than $1.4 million.
increase over time. The beneficiary       fewer than 10 years younger than the      ditional IRA during your lifetime,
ultimately could use the IRA bal-         original IRA owner.)                      there might be better strategies than     Max and Rosie use the RMDs to
ance to help finance his or her own                                                 to keep the money in the IRA. For         make annual gifts to the trust that
retirement or to pay for a substantial    There were several disadvantages to       example, you can distribute the mon-      are used to pay the premiums. After
expense later in life.                    the Stretch IRA. One disadvantage         ey, pay the taxes and invest the after-   Max and Rosie pass away, no matter
                                          was that the original IRA owner had       tax balance. One advantage is that        when that is, the insurance company
The Setting Every Community Up            a lack of control or influence over the   the portfolio can be managed to avoid     will pay at least $1.4 million to the
for Retirement Enhancement (SE-           disposition of the IRA. The original      ordinary income taxes on the income       trust, and the trust will use it for the
CURE) Act, which became law               owner might have intended for the         and gains. Instead, the earnings could    beneficiaries or distribute it to them
December 17, 2019, effectively            balance to benefit the heirs in the       be tax-advantaged long-term gains         as called for in the trust agreement.
wiped out this tax-saving strategy.       future, but most IRA beneficiaries        and qualified dividends. You also         The life insurance benefit is tax free
Among many provisions of the Act,         distributed and spent IRAs within a       could use any losses to offset gains      to the trust and also tax free when
one provision of the SECURE Act           few years after inheriting them. The      to minimize taxes. Your result could      distributed to the beneficiaries. The
                                                                                    be a higher after-tax return earned by    children also receive any amount
                 Problem House?                                                     investing the money outside the IRA.      that’s left in the Profits’ IRA.

                                                                                    Another benefit of this strategy is       The life insurance guarantees the
         Unwanted Inheritance?              Problem Tenants?                        that when your heirs inherit the as-      trust receives more than is currently
           Facing Foreclosure?             House Needs Repairs?                     sets, the tax basis of any appreciated    in the IRA. The amount the trust
          Behind on Payments?                  Owe Taxes?                           assets are increased to their current     eventually receives doesn’t change
                                                                                    fair market value. When you buy           with market fluctuations. Max and
     Fair price offer for your house                                                and hold stocks, mutual funds or
                                                                                    other investments, the gains that
                                                                                                                              Rosie can draft the trust agreement
                                                                                                                              to direct when distributions will be
                                                                                    accrued during your lifetime never
     Call 302-635-0205
                                                                                                                              made to their children. Of course,
                                                                 Fas                face capital gains taxes.                 the details depend on individual cir-
                                                               Closintg             A second strategy was explained to
                                                                                                                              cumstances and the type of policy
                                                                                    me by David Phillips of Phillips Fi-
                                                                                    nancial Services of Gilbert, Ariz. He     The bottom line is that if the Stretch
                                                                                    calls it the IRA Leverage Strategy.       IRA was part of your retirement and
                                                                                    It’s best explained with an example.      estate plan, it’s time to revise your
                                                                                                                              plan. The SECURE Act just took
                                                                                    Suppose Max and Rosie Profits are         away the Stretch IRA from your
                                                                                    age 71. Max has a $1 million tra-         heirs and is forcing you to consider
                                                                                    ditional IRA. They don’t need the         alternatives. Time to find a Plan B.

                                                                                                     9 Things to Give Up
                                                                                                  If You Want to Be Happy
                                                                                         1 Complaining                    6 Resistance to change
                                                                                         2 Limiting beliefs               7 The need to impress others
                                                                                         3 Blaming others                 8 The need to always be right
    Delaware’s # 1 House Buyer                                                           4 Negative salf-talk             9 The need for other’s approval
                                                                                         5 Dwelling on the past
     No realtors, no commissions, no closing costs, no fees

6     MARCH 2020
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine
Ways to Effectively Use Grandparent-Owned 529 Plans
                                          you’ve earned in your 529 account          should be opened in the same state
                                          may barely outweigh the loss in aid.       as the grandparent-owned 529 plan
                                                                                     to avoid recapture rules when funds          Average Annual Cost of
                                          If the 529 plan is owned by an inde-       are rolled over to a different state’s       College Statistics and
                                          pendent student it will be reported        529 plan.                                    Key Findings
                                          as a student asset on the FAFSA and                                                     n A verage Total Annual

                                          will reduce eligibility for need-based           Take a distribution later. If the         Cost of Public Colleges:
                                          aid by as much as 20% of the asset               student will graduate in four             $25,290 (in-state)
                                          value if the student does not have de-           years, grandparents can wait              $40,940 (out-of-state)
                                          pendents other than a spouse, and by       until after January 1 of the student’s
                                          as much as 3.29% if the student has        second semester of their sophomore           n Average Total Annual
                                          dependents other than a spouse. So a       year in college to take a distribution,         Cost of Private Colleges:
                                          $10,000 student asset means $2,000         after the student has completed his/            $50,900
                                          less financial aid. Note that assets are   her last FAFSA. This is because the          n T he majority of students
                                          reported as of the date the FAFSA is       FAFSA uses the prior-prior year’s in-           pay between $6,000 and
                                          filed, unlike income, which is based       come and tax information to calculate           $15,000 per year in tuition
                                          on the prior-prior year.                   eligibility. If the student will gradu-         for both public and private
                                                                                     ate in five years, families should wait

      pring can be a busy time of year,                                                                                              schools in the United
                                          A grandparent-owned 529 account            until January 1 of the student’s junior         States.
      especially for families with                                                   year to take a distribution.
      high-school seniors ready to        is not included as an asset on the
                                          FAFSA. However, any withdrawal

take the next step to college. In addi-                                                                                          pay for college. Another alterna-
                                          or distribution from a grandparent-             Wait until after junior year or
tion to thinking about college accep-                                                                                            tive is to wait until after the student
                                          owned 529 to pay for college could              graduation. To avoid the hit to
tance letters, parents (and grandpar-                                                                                            graduates to take a distribution to
                                          reduce the student’s financial aid              a grandchild’s eligibility, it’s of-
ents) should be thinking about how                                                                                               pay down the student loan debt.
                                          by 50% because the withdrawal is           ten advisable to wait until the grand-
a 529 account can help pay for col-                                                  child’s junior year of college (after he
lege when your child or grandchild        counted as income to the student
                                          the next time a FAFSA is filed for         or she files their last FAFSA) to help
may qualify for some level of federal
financial aid.                            financial aid. This means that a
                                          $10,000 distribution from a grand-
                                          parent-owned 529 plan will reduce
All colleges offering federal need-
                                          aid eligibility by as much as $5,000.
based financial aid require students
to complete the Free Application
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).          This disparate impact is simply a
Colleges use information from the         result of how the FAFSA treats 529
FAFSA to determine a family’s as-         account distributions.
sets, including a 529 account, to cal-
culate a student’s Expected Family        The good news is there are planning
Contribution.                             strategies that can help mitigate this
                                          potential impact while coordinating
The value of a 529 plan owned by          grandparent-owned 529s and finan-
a dependent student or one of their       cial aid effectively. Here are some
parents (529 plans do not allow joint     helpful 529 planning strategies:
ownership) is considered a paren-

tal asset on the FAFSA. A (rapidly             Change account owner. If the
declining…speak to your congres-               529 plan allows, the grandpar-
sional representatives!) portion of            ent can change the account
the value of the account will fall un-    owner to the parent. This will mini-
der the Asset Protection Allowance        mize the reduction in financial aid
(the exact amount depends on the          the next time you file a FAFSA.
parents’ age). Any parental assets        Check to see if your state will recap-
beyond that amount will reduce a          ture state income tax benefits if you
student’s aid package by a maximum        change the account owner.
of 5.64% of the asset’s value. This

means that if a parent’s 529 account            Rollover 529 plan funds.
exceeds the Asset Protection Allow-             Grandparents can roll over a
ance by $50,000, his child’s finan-             year’s worth of funds to a par-
cial aid award could be reduced by        ent-owned 529 plan. If the rollover
$2,820. If the allowance continues        occurs after the FAFSA is filed, the
to crash (age 48 is the median age        funds won’t be reported as an asset
of parents of college-age children.       on the FAFSA (assuming the funds
For these parents, the asset protec-      are spent before the next FAFSA is
tion allowance has dropped from           filed). Distributions will not affect
$52,400 in 2009-2010 to $6,000 in         aid eligibility because the 529 plan is
2020-2021, a $46,400 decrease) the        owned by the parent. It’s important
benefits of tax-free investment gains     to note, the parent-owned 529 plan
                                                                                                                                            w w w. Vit a lM a g O nline. co m   7
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine

                                                Vital: Pantano Real Estate is well-known             though, I discovered I received more joy from

     A BOUTIQUE                                 in the community. How did your company
                                                get its start?
                                                PRE: Pantano Real Estate was founded over 15
                                                                                                     real estate than from human resources, which
                                                                                                     led me down a different path. Before becoming a
                                                                                                     licensed real estate agent, I worked as a contrac-

     BROKERAGE                                  years ago by Paul Pantano. Paul wanted to serve
                                                the greater Wilmington community through a
                                                real estate brokerage that exhibited his values of
                                                                                                     tor for bank-owned properties and conducted
                                                                                                     home inspections. I began investing in rental
                                                                                                     properties in Delaware and New York and to this

    DEDICATED TO                                excellent customer service coupled with sound
                                                real estate decision-making principals. His
                                                journey started in the Trolley Square vicinity,
                                                                                                     day, real estate is my passion.

                                                                                                     Holly Henderson-Smith: My background is

    SERVING THE                                 not far from where he grew up in Wilmington,
                                                and from there his vision grew. Today we serve
                                                thousands of clients throughout the greater
                                                                                                     in advertising and marketing. Although I’m a
                                                                                                     native Delawarean, I worked in New York 13+
                                                                                                     years as a vice president of advertising and mar-

     COMMUNITY                                  New Castle County marketplace. As an indus-
                                                try veteran with over 30 years of experience,
                                                Paul also buys what he sells. And not only is he
                                                                                                     keting in the fashion industry. After moving
                                                                                                     back home and starting a family, I chose to use
                                                                                                     my skills locally and got involved in real estate.
                                                invested in our local community, but he’s also       The idea of being able to use my background
                                                heavily involved in community service, serving       to help people with what may possibly be the
                                                and leading numerous community-centric or-           single most important investment in their life
                                                ganizations, all of which contribute to his fresh    was a game changer for me. It’s been an amaz-
                                                approach to real estate.                             ing journey so far, and I haven’t looked back.
                                                                                                     I haven’t yet gotten into investing yet, but my
                                                Vital: You use the term “boutique broker-            broker’s mantra is “You’ve got to buy what you
                                                age” on your website. What exactly does              sell!” So that’s on my list in the near future.
                                                that mean?
                                                PRE: We call ourselves a boutique brokerage          Vital: Why are you focused on helping the
                                                not because we keep a small team, but because        over-50 market?
                                                we offer an elevated level of service we feel is     Erik: I’ve experienced first-hand how difficult
                                                important to many clients. We start by creat-        it can be to help a parent downsize while still
                                                ing a detailed plan of action for every client,      working full time myself. It was overwhelming.
    Pantano Real Estate has been a fix-         tailored specifically to their needs. We include     When my parents moved to a 55+ community
    ture in Wilmington and New Castle           services many other agencies charge for, includ-     back in 2007, I wasn’t aware of any realtors or
    County for over 15 years. The bou-          ing custom-designed brochures, minor staging         professional services I could lean on to help my
    tique full-service firm is known for        and professional photography. By offering a          parents move from their house into a condo.
                                                more personalized level of service, we really get    Now, with the knowledge both Holly and I have,
    the relationships agents forge with cli-    to know our clients and, in many cases, become       the things we’ve experienced and the contacts
    ents, and the pride they take in those      friends with them. We take on a lot more than        we’ve developed, we focus just as much on edu-
    relationships. This month we have the       just the sale or purchase of a home. We help         cating people as we do facilitating their moves.
                                                our clients navigate one of the most important
    pleasure of introducing you to Holly        transactions they’ll ever make in their lives, in    Vital: What makes Delaware attractive to
    Henderson-Smith and Erik Bashford,          the process creating a bond that remains well        so many people?
    Pantano’s Certified Senior Real Es-         beyond settlement.                                   Holly: Delaware really is a Small Wonder!
    tate Specialists. We think you’ll agree:                                                         There are so many benefits to retiring in Dela-
    it’s easy to see what makes them espe-      Vital: How did you two choose the field of           ware, it’s hard to know where to start. Delaware
                                                real estate?                                         has always been a popular place for people to
    cially well-suited to help Vital! readers   Erik Bashford: I was born and raised in New-         retire, not only for people who’ve lived here all
    with their home buying and selling          ark, went to Salesianum and graduated from the       their lives, but also for retirees in neighboring
    needs.                                      University of Delaware. After college, I began       states. Ask anyone who moved here from PA,
                                                a career in Human Resources. Very quickly,           New York or New Jersey and they’ll tell you
8     MARCH 2020
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine
our property taxes are nominal compared to their
previous states. Beaches are a short commute no
matter where you live, the cost of living is low, and
of course, there’s the tax-free shopping. That’s
why, over the past decade, we’ve seen the building
of more and more 55+ communities and assisted
living facilities than you can imagine, with plans
to build more in the works.

Vital: Can you tell us more about your mis-
sion to help seniors?
Erik: Nowadays, we more frequently use the
term mature or active adults. People aren’t slow-
ing down; instead they’re very actively enjoying
the fruits of their labor. Our mission is to educate
them on all things real estate so they can make in-
formed decisions that help pull together a compre-
hensive plan of action. Many people we work with
haven’t bought or sold a house in decades. The sale       a process. As realtors, we’ve also been to a num-       this process and that different people need differ-
or purchase of real estate can be terrifying – just the   ber of homes where the need for additional help         ent levels of help. In some cases, we advise on the
thought of leaving a home that’s been familiar to         and expert advice is apparent. To further support       need to hire third-party companies that can as-
them all their lives is unsettling. We understand. We     our mission, we spent considerable time further-        sist with the process. In other cases, the number
think of ourselves as the backbone of their support       ing our education, and we both are proud recipi-        of items to address is minimal, so it’s just about
system, connecting them with whomever they need           ents of the SRES Certification (Senior Real Estate      being a resource for them when it comes to who
to help alleviate the stress. Our network of contacts     Specialist). This better equips us with the tools we    they should call to remove unwanted items, sell
spans the widest range possible of services, from         need to help our clients make life-changing deci-       antique furniture, move furniture, and so forth.
move managers to cleanout companies, mortgage             sions. After all, their needs, financial means, and     But, regardless of the process involved in get-
and reverse mortgage providers to senior living re-       available options are different than traditional        ting from start to finish, we always emphasize the
ferral services, home health care providers to elder      homeowners. Working with an agent who has this          positive, knowing that many clients are downsiz-
law and estate planning attorneys, and everything in      specific training definitely has its perks!             ing because of necessity and not by choice. We’re
between. We hold our client’s hand and do a thor-                                                                 focused on emphasizing the upside of downsizing
ough job of bringing them up to speed about what’s        Vital: When a client invites you into their             and looking forward to making new friends. Our
going on in the current market so they can decide         home to talk about downsizing, what type of             mantra is that saying goodbye to personal items
what’s best for them. And sometimes, the best deci-       advice do you give them?                                doesn’t mean saying goodbye to the memories.
sion for them is to stay right where they are.            Erik: Our approach and our advice depends on
                                                          so many factors. It’s really a case-by-case basis.      Vital: It’s so easy to see you two are not only
Vital: What sets you apart from other realtors            Everyone’s circumstance is different. When we           compassionate, but dedicated to doing the
when it comes to helping clients buy or sell              first meet new clients, we spend time getting to        right thing. That’s so refreshing. If readers are
one of, if not the last home they’ll live in?             know them on a personal level. It’s very important      in the middle of the process of buying or sell-
Holly: Aside from both of us genuinely caring for         to us to understand their mindset, for instance, if     ing a home, are contemplating a move, or just
our client’s well-being, we both have personal ex-        they’re looking forward to downsizing or if they’re     want your advice, how can they get in touch
perience dealing with the transition of loved ones        struggling with the concept of a move. Our advice       with you?
and remember vividly the hoops we had to jump             also depends on their next home. For instance, are      Holly: We’re always just a phone call (or text or
through to get them settled. The tasks of figuring        they moving to another single-family home, a 55+        email) away! I can be reached at 302-298-2836 or
out their options, packing up their life, moving          community or an assisted living facility? Down-         by email at Erik
them to a new home, and making sure they do well          sizing typically involves some level of selling, giv-   can be reached at 302-540-8048 or by email at
adjusting to the new setting are extremely difficult.     ing away or throwing away personal items. We   We look for-
We’ve been through it. We know what it’s like. It’s       understand the need to be compassionate during          ward to helping!

                                                                               RESOURCE CORNER
                                                                               We’re here to help make your move easier! We’re proud to work with these
                                                                               local and national resources. Feel free to call us to help you connect.
                                                                                Real Estate Brokerage:
                                                                                 Erik Bashford, Pantano Real Estate, 302-540-8048
                                                                                 Holly Henderson-Smith, Pantano Real Estate, 302-298-2836
                                                                                 Reverse Mortgages:
                                                                                 Gail Alm, Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, 410-868-0423
                                                                                 Elder Law and Estate Planning:
                                                                                 Karla Levinson,, 302-656-3393
                                                                                 William Erhart,, 302-651-0113
                                                                                 Law Office of Kevin A. O’Brien,, 302-888-2707
                                                                                 Home Health Care and Move Management:
                                                                                 Your Own Home,, 302-478-7081
                                                                                 Senior Living Care Referral Service:, 800-371-5898
                                                                                 Senior Care Referral Service:, 800-973-1540
                                                                                 Cleanout Services:
                                                                       , 800-468-5865
                                                                                 Professional Clean Out Services, Inc., 610-872-5902

                                                                                                                                          w w w. Vit a lM a g O nline. co m   9
Your Community Resource - Pantano Real Estate - CBD Oil: A Primer The Stretch IRA is Dead - Vital! Magazine
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Climate is what you expect. Weather is what you get.
How Climate Change Plunders the Planet
We see climate change everywhere—          when we grow food is vitally con-       such as shellfish and coral, may       dustry started to boom. We’re on our
in weather patterns, across farmland,      nected to our climate’s normal          not have enough calcium to grow.       way toward 1.5° C by as early as 2030.
and throughout plant and animal            patterns. Worldwide, farmers are      n F
                                                                                    orests are more prone to deadly
habitats. In fact, 2015 to 2018 were       struggling to keep up with shift-                                              Why a half-degree more is such
                                                                                   infestations. Milder winters and
the four hottest years ever recorded.      ing weather patterns and increas-       longer summers allow tree-killing      a big deal
Here, three critical aspects of an in-     ingly unpredictable water sup-          insects to thrive. Meanwhile, trees    A warmer world—even by a half-
creasingly warmer planet.                  plies. Farms are more likely to         weakened by prolonged drought          degree Celsius—has more evapora-
                                           face attacks from weeds, diseases       have lower defense mechanisms.
                                           and pests, which affect yield. Ex-                                             tion, leading to more water in the
More heat alters ice, weather                                                      This cycle of warmer weather,
                                           treme events also threaten crop                                                atmosphere. Picture a cotton farm
and oceans.                                                                        weak trees and thriving insects is
                                           yields, such as through flooding                                               that’s been around since 1960, with
According to the United Nations,                                                   likely the culprit behind the mas-
                                           or reduced water supply.                                                       global average temperatures rising by
ninety percent of natural disasters                                                sive die-off of 70,000 square miles
                                                                                                                          roughly half a degree since it grew its
are weather-related. These are some      n W
                                            armer, polluted air affects our       of Rocky Mountain conifers.
                                           health. A warmer atmosphere in-                                                first crop. The increased evaporation
high-profile examples of how the
                                           creases the formation of ground-      This is why fighting climate             and additional moisture in the atmo-
extra warmth changes climate con-
ditions and weather patterns:              level ozone (smog) in polluted        change is so urgent                      sphere has led to 30% more intense
                                           regions. Smog irritates lungs and     In just the past few decades, rising     rain during heavy downpours in that
n T
   he cryosphere—the frozen water                                                                                        part of the U.S. Then a hurricane like
                                           triggers asthma attacks. Smoke        temperatures have worsened ex-
  on Earth—is melting. A warmer
                                           from wildfires further degrades       treme weather events, chunks of ice      2018’s Florence—already strength-
  atmosphere causes the planet’s
                                           the air. Extreme summer heat          in the Antarctic have broken apart,      ened by warmer oceans and higher
  snowpack, glaciers and sea and
                                           means more deaths during heat-        wildfire seasons are months longer,      seas—dumps this excess rainfall on
  freshwater ice to melt rapidly,
                                           waves. Warmer freshwater makes        coral reefs have been bleached, and      the farm. The crops are destroyed.
  contributing to unprecedented
                                           it easier for disease-causing         disease-spreading mosquitoes are
  sea level rise. Melting sea ice
                                           agents, such as bacteria, to grow     expanding their territory.               It’s how you go from a half-degree of
  exposes darker ocean waters,
                                           and contaminate drinking water.                                                warming to economic hardship.
  which absorb more sunlight than                                                Earth has already warmed by about
  ice—heating the ocean more and         n Infrastructure and transportation
                                                                                 1°C since the 19th century, before in-
  speeding up a relentless cycle of        are at risk. Hot weather, flooding
  melting and heating.                     and other extreme weather events
                                           damage infrastructure, put heavy
  he oceans are getting hotter,
                                           burdens on electrical supplies
 expanding and becoming more
                                           and disrupt how we travel and
 acidic. They are getting hotter
 because they absorb 90 percent of
 the extra heat in the climate. This     Natural habitats become hostile.
 shift causes the oceans to expand,
 contributing to higher sea levels       Habitats on land and in the sea are
 and bleaching coral. Mass coral         changing, making them inhospi-
 bleaching results in the starva-        table for some species, while letting
 tion, shrinkage and death of the        others move in and take over. Some
 corals that support the thousands       ecosystems are at risk of collapsing.
 of species that live on coral reefs.    n T
                                            he ice Arctic animals need is
 Meanwhile, nearly a third of car-         vanishing. As sea ice disappears,
 bon dioxide emissions end up in           ice-dependent mammals such as
 the oceans, triggering a chemistry        walruses and polar bears struggle
 change that makes the water more          to survive. In 2008, the polar bear
 acidic, dissolving the shells of sea      became the first animal to make
 creatures. The ocean is almost 40         the Endangered Species Act list
 percent more acidic than it used          of threatened species because of
 to be.                                    global warming.
n W
   eather is getting more ex-           nC
                                           oral and shellfish are suffer-
  treme. Heatwaves are more fre-          ing. Coral reefs are highly sensi-
  quent worldwide. The increased          tive to small changes in ocean
  evaporation of water is like fuel       temperatures. The heat stresses
  for storms, exacerbating extreme        the algae that nourish the corals
  weather events, such as hur-            and provide their vibrant colors.
  ricanes. Rising sea levels make         The algae then leave, and the cor-
  storm surges capable of much            als eventually starve—an event
  greater damage. In more natural-        known as bleaching. As coral reefs
  ly arid areas, droughts and wild-       are home to many other species,
  fires are intensifying.                 such as fish, their collapse would
                                          disrupt the entire ecosystem. A
Human life and prosperity suffer.         more acidic ocean also affects the
n C
   limate change is a major threat       normal calcium balance, mean-
  to agriculture. Where, how and          ing creatures with calcified shells,
                                                                                                                                    w w w. Vit a lM a g O nline. co m   11

The 10 Commandments of Caregiving
                                                                                    final decisions should take into ac-       recommended by her geriatrician,
                                                                                    count how all parties involved can         was more appropriate.
                                                                                    best maintain their quality of life.
                                                                                                                               The Ninth Commandment:
                                                                                    The Fifth Commandment:                     Stand Your Ground
                                                                                    Educate Yourself                           Doctors, social workers, and pro-
                                                                                    Knowledge is power. Knowing what           fessional caregivers are all just
                                                                                    to expect and what options are avail-      people, and though they have been
                                                                                    able makes it easier to cope with the      schooled, you know your loved one
                                                                                    challenges one may face. Resources         best. Listen to everyone’s advice,
                                                                                    are everywhere: books, websites,           and if there’s a problem, don’t let it
                                                                                    forums as well as caregiver support        be ignored. It’s your responsibility
                                                                                    groups. Use them.                          to call attention to the situation. You
                                                                                                                               are your loved one’s voice.
                                                                                    The Sixth Commandment:
                                                                                    Learn Every Bureaucracy                    The Tenth Commandment:
                                                                                    How many times have we heard               Take Care of Yourself
                                                                                    someone say, “That’s not my re-            Caregiver burnout is a constant
By Mimi Pockross,                                                     sponsibility”? Whether it’s con-           threat. That means eat right, ex-
                                                                                    tacting a physician, working with          ercise, get enough sleep and take

                                                                                    the Medicare system, managing              breaks. Don’t feel guilty about need-
       aking care of two elderly parents with differing needs                       medications, figuring out how home         ing time to yourself to read, to shop,
       was not an easy task. My on-the-job training came                            health care works, filing claims with      to get a massage. Whether a family
       from professionals I met along the way, from living                          insurance companies or knowing             member or friend takes over or you
day to day with the challenges that I experienced, and from                         who does what at the senior living         rely on caregiver respite services,
others who had gone through this “roller coaster ride of care-                      facility, the more one knows about         you can’t take care of someone else if
                                                                                    who to contact and how to proceed,         you’re not well yourself.
giving.” This is what I’ve learned.                                                 the less frustrated everyone will be.
                                                                                                                               There will always be ups and downs
The First Commandment:                   tion, spousal information, birth cer-      The Seventh Commandment:                   in the caregiving process, but if you
Analyze Your Personal                    tificates, marriage licenses, divorce      Stay Fluid                                 follow these commandments, there
Circumstances                            agreements, financial statements. It                                                  is a better chance that when you look
                                         should all be in one place – or at least   There are going to be times when           back on this stressful time, you will
Everyone is different and every-         know where the information can be          you will need help and support and         have comfort in knowing that you
one reacts to situations differently;    found. Many books are available to         the answers will not come quickly.         did the best you could, both for your
sometimes personalities clash. Some      help guide you. I started with one         It’s important not to panic and not        loved one and for yourself.
of us are deniers and refuse to admit    notebook and ended with notebooks          get mad. A sense of humor really
that there is trouble. Some of us are    for each parent and a file box filled      comes in handy if you can manage
needy and expect others to do all        with folders labeled by category.          to keep yours. If all that fails, take a
the things that we can no longer do.                                                few deep breaths, share the burden,
Some of us are naïve and just plod                                                  or, even though it might be hard,
                                         The Third Commandment:
along until there is a crisis. Some of                                              take an hour or two away from the
us know better but keep putting off      Communicate                                situation. I remember once near the
doing anything about the current         Whether it’s an ER physician who           time of Dad’s passing when I just let
situation until it becomes an emer-      needs to know your loved one’s situ-       loose on the CNA (certified nurse
gency. Some of us think we know ev-      ation, or your loved one who needs         assistant) who couldn’t find Dad’s
erything and want to stay in control,    to be reassured, or a family member        prescription. Turned out it was left
making all the decisions. Start the      who may have a differing opinion, life     in the mailbox. These things are go-
family conversation early to assess      is better if there is a continuing dia-    ing to happen; keep in mind you get
personalities, options and who will      logue, a respect for different points of   more bees with honey.
(or will not) help with what. It will    view, and a shared objective.
be a work in progress.                                                              The Eighth Commandment:
                                         The Fourth Commandment:                    Do Your Homework
The Second Commandment:                  Prioritize                                 Don’t make important decisions
Organize                                 Is it more important to save money         without consulting experts or by
Caregivers need all the care recipi-     or to have the very best amenities         seeking out credible reading materi-
ent’s basic information, not just liv-   possible? Is it more important to age      als. When my mother became more
ing wills and powers of attorney. It’s   in place with home health aides or         and more aggressive, the geriatric
social security numbers and comput-      to be in a continuing care commu-          care manager suggested that Mom
er passwords, keys and home mainte-      nity? Is it more important for your        needed psychiatric help. When I ran
nance information, medical history,      loved one to stay in their hometown        this by the head nurse of her demen-
Medicare paperwork. banking infor-       or move closer to a child? There are       tia unit, she laughed at the thought.
mation, safe deposit box information     myriad decisions to be made, so list       Ultimately, I felt that employing a
and more. It should include insurance    what’s important to everyone in-           psychologist would do more harm
policies, important contact informa-     volved. At the very minimum, the           than good. I decided a sedative, as
12      MARCH 2020
By Madisyn Taylor

                                                                        here is a popular misconception that we might be able to just wish our
                                                                        dreams into being. Maybe on some other level of consciousness this is the
                                                                        case, but here on earth what we need to do is take action in our lives. Vision
                                                               is an important companion to our efforts, but it can’t accomplish anything all by
                                                               itself. When we focus on what we want and ask for what we want, we are initiating
                                                               a conversation with the universe. Our desires, passionately defined and expressed,
                                                               bring about valuable and relevant opportunities, which we then respond to by either
                                                               taking or leaving them.

                                                               Many of us are afraid to step out into the world and make things happen, and so we
                                                               hang back, dreaming and waiting and watching. There are times in life when this is
                                                               the right thing to do, but this phase of inaction must eventually give way to its oppo-
                                                               site if we are to build our dreams into a reality. This can be really scary, and we may

               Take Action
                                                               fail and struggle, but that’s okay because that’s what we’re supposed to do. Waiting
                                                               for everything to be perfect before we act, or waiting for what we want to be handed
                                                               to us, leaves us waiting forever. No one expects us to be perfect, so the best thing we
                                                               can do for ourselves is to get out there and take action on our dreams.

  In order to make our dreams come                             One of the hardest parts about having a vision is that when we test it in the laborato-
                                                               ry of life, it often comes out looking completely different than what we had in mind
true,we must take action rather than                           or, worse, it doesn’t come out at all. If you read the life stories of people who have
  simply wishing for what we want.                             brought their dreams into reality, you will hear many stories about this experience.
                                                               But you will also hear about hard work, taking action, perseverance, and, finally, the
                                                               successful birthing of a dream.

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                                                                                                                                   w w w. Vit a lM a g O nline. co m   13

                                            By Dave Fisher

1      2    3    4           5    6    7      8                  9     10    11   12

13                           14                     15           16
                                                                                               Steak and
                                                                                               Spring Veg
17                           18                                  19

20                      21        22                      23

                                                                                       with Spicy Mustard
            24               25        26

27     28                         29          30                       31    32

33                                     34                 35                      36
                                                                                       This mustard sauce is
37                           38               39    40                 41              meant to have some zing,
                                                                                       but if you want less heat,
42               43     44             45                 46     47
                                                                                       swap smoked paprika for
       48                    49   50          51                                       the cayenne.
                 52                    53           54                                 4 servings

55     56   57                                58          59                 60   61   INGREDIENTS
62                           63                     64           65
                                                                                       •1 pound boneless New York
                                                                                         strip steak, patted dry
66                           67                                  68                    • Kosher
                                                                                         	       salt, freshly ground
69                                70                             71                    • 5 garlic cloves, 1 grated, 4 thinly sliced
                                                                                       • 1/3 cup Dijon mustard
©                                            Answers on page 12
                                                                                       • 1 tablespoon sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar
                                                                                       • 1 teaspoon honey
                                                                                       • 1–2 pinches cayenne pepper
ACROSS                                       DOWN                                      • 1/3 cup plus 3 tablespoons olive oil
1. Prostitute                                1. Insulation
                                                                                       • 1 bunch scallions, thinly sliced, divided
5. Boats                                     2. Wings
                                                                                       • 1 10-ounce bag frozen peas
9. Bright thought                            3. Reverent
13. Balm ingredient
                                                                                       • 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed, cut into 1-inch pieces
                                             4. Having toothlike projections
14. Ringworm cassia                          5. Request
16. Close                                    6. Cleave
17. Mountain pool                            7. Leg joints                             • Season steak all over with salt and pepper.
18. Work dough                               8. Noshes
19. Bacterium                                9. An artless innocent young girl         • W
                                                                                          hisk 1 grated garlic clove, 1/3 cup mustard, 1 Tbsp.
20. Exams                                    10. Accomplishment                          vinegar, 1 tsp. honey, a couple pinches of cayenne, 1/3 cup
22. Certainly                                11. Nobleman                                oil, and 1 Tbsp. water in a medium bowl to combine; season
24. Laugh                                    12. Ground forces                           spicy mustard with salt and pepper.
26. Coil of yarn                             15. French farewell
27. Snob                                     21. Tibia                                 • H
                                                                                          eat a dry medium skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium-
30. Bedroom community                        23. Claim                                   high. Rub steak all over with 1 Tbsp. oil and cook, turning
33. Maturation                               25. Largest continent                       every 2 minutes or so and making sure to get color on the fat
35. Clairvoyants                             27. Historical periods                      cap, until medium-rare (an instant-read thermometer inserted
37. Alien Life Form                          28. Light purple                            into the center will register 120°), about 10 minutes. Transfer
38. Coral island                             29. Explosive                               steak to a plate to rest. Pour off oil from skillet, leaving crispy
41. Loving murmur                            31. Remunerate                              bits behind.
42. Fry briefly                              32. Sweep
45. Balata tree                              34. Mouth (British slang)                 • H
                                                                                          eat remaining 2 Tbsp. oil in same skillet over low. Add 4
48. Priesthood                               36. Fizzy drink                             sliced garlic cloves and all but about 2 Tbsp. scallions (save
51. Quandary                                 39. Directed                                those for serving) and cook, stirring often, until translucent
52. Virtuous                                 40. Wreaths                                 and softened, about 3 minutes.
54. A cleansing agent                        43. Poster color
55. Cheated                                  44. God of love                           • A
                                                                                          dd peas and a splash of water and cook, stirring and
59. Extraordinary                            46. Whip                                    mashing to break up slightly, until peas are tender, about 5
62. Employ                                   47. Fatigued                                minutes. Add asparagus; season with salt and pepper. Cook,
63. Type of drum                             49. Lawn cover                              stirring often, until asparagus is just tender, about 5 minutes.
65. 12 in a foot                             50. A boring movie                          Remove from heat.
66. Anagram of “Rave”                        53. Depart
67. One more than 6                          55. “Pow!”                                • Slice steak and shingle over vegetables in skillet.
68. Feudal worker                            56. Apiary
69. Plateau                                  57. Angers                                • D
                                                                                          rizzle some mustard sauce over steak and top with reserved
70. Marsh plant                              58. To endure (archaic)                     scallions. Serve with remaining mustard sauce alongside.
71. Consider                                 60. Skin disease
                                             61. Not us                      
                                             64. Terminate

14     MARCH 2020
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