Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...

Page created by Bertha Moore
Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care,
Your Views
Summary version
February 2021

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views

                                                                             for illustrative purposes only

Our vision
T   he course is set for a
    transformational redesign
of health and hospital services
                                            Hertfordshire at the Watford General
                                            Hospital site (and adjacent land) and
                                            to extensively redevelop and refurbish
                                                                                        nearest hospital is not always the best
                                                                                        site to meet your needs. But it will be
                                                                                        the best site it can be in terms of how
in west Hertfordshire.                      Hemel Hempstead Hospital and                its services are grouped together to give
                                            St Albans City Hospital.                    the highest clinical outcomes possible.
We have plans to provide services and
buildings which will improve the patient    Our aim is to breathe new life into         We are grateful to our busy clinical
experience and the quality and safety       our hospitals, giving them all a unique     staff who have shaped the proposals
of our care.                                purpose in our three-site network           that are set out in this document.
                                            and also within the wider framework         There is also a more detailed version
This document summarises our                of local health and care services. We       as well as plenty of other information
new models of care; the reasons             will co-locate services that work well      on our website.
behind them and the benefits we             together and minimise duplication
think they will bring. Our proposals        across our sites where possible.
for new ways to deliver services are                                                      We really want to hear your
being developed alongside exciting          It is important to read and understand        views on our proposals and
plans for our three hospitals.              the story of our services because we          would be really grateful if,
                                            believe that the quality and safety of        once you have understood our
We are applying for funding to build        your care should be our priority. The         proposals, you could complete
a new general hospital for west             result of our plans may mean that your        our online survey.

The intention of this document is to generate discussion and assist in the ongoing development of our
proposals, so the information reflects our current thinking and may be subject to further change.

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views

Hospitals in and around Hertfordshire            04

Time for a change                                05

Starting with strategy / Words into action       06

Doing things differently                         07

Digital transformation                           08

Three’s company                                  09

Consolidate not duplicate                        10

A better working life for staff                  11

Services before sites                            12

Harnessing the full power of diagnostics         14

Making our sites right                           15

Travel and access issues                         18

How you can get involved                         19

Further reading                                  21

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views
                                                                                                                             Stoke Mandeville


                                                                                                                        A&E facilities

                                  Bedfordshire                                                                          No A&E facilities

                                                                                                                        Herts Valleys Clinical
                                                                                                                        Commissioning Group area
                                                              Luton                                                                                          Mi
                                                              Luton &
                                                                                  Lister Hospital                       County boundaries

        Aylesbury                                           M1
        Stoke Mandeville


                                                         Hemel                St Albans
                                                         Hempstead            St Albans
                                                         Hemel Hempstead      City Hospital
  Buckinghamshire                                        Hospital

   A&E facilities                                               Watford General                                                    Enfield
                                                M25             Hospital                       Barnet                              Chase Farm Hospital
                                                                                               Barnet Hospital
   No A&E facilities                                                                                   Barnet

   Herts Valleys Clinical
   Commissioning Group area                                            Harrow                                   Hampstead
                                        Middlesex                      Northwick Park                           Royal Free Hospital
   County boundaries
                                                 Uxbridge                           Greater
                                                 Hillingdon Hospital                London

Hospitals in and
around Hertfordshire
We provide care from three hospitals, located within around 10 miles of
each other:- Hemel Hempstead Hospital, St Albans City Hospital and
Watford General Hospital. We also provide outpatient physiotherapy at
the West Herts Therapy Unit at Jacketts Field in Abbots Langley.

Some people in the area covered by Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning
Group (HVCCG) use services provided by other hospitals in Hertfordshire,
Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Greater London.

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views

Time for a change
Y   our hospital services are
    changing dramatically.
Advances in technology, medical
                                           We have succeeded in making our
                                           case to the government for investment
                                           and we are delighted to be in the ‘New
practice and our work with partner         Hospital Programme’. Our preferred
organisations in the NHS and social        option is for a new emergency care
care means that we must think              hospital at the Watford site and for
differently about the hospitals            redevelopment at our two other sites.
of the future, their services and          We will hear more about our funding
buildings.                                 later this year. Our website has lots of
                                           detail on the business case process we
The need to come to hospital as an         are following.
outpatient is decreasing as we offer
other ways to be ‘seen’, such as video     Our new and refurbished buildings will
consultations or advice from a hospital    be very different. We want to create
specialist provided to you by your GP.     pleasant, healing environments which
The shift of services from hospitals       are easy to find your way around and
into the community and the increased       where the services fit logically together.
emphasis on patients being better
supported to manage their own care
means that we need to redesign our
services to reflect these changes and be
ready for new ways of working.

The proposed redesign of our services
across our three hospitals will go hand
in hand with plans to redevelop all
three sites.

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views

Starting with strategy
Our proposals reflect:-                    Our clinical strategy sets out the
                                           rationale for our plans and outlines
• our clinical strategy and our clinical   them broadly, and the clinical brief
  brief (both currently in draft)          provides detail on a service-by-service
                                           level including potential changes to
• our five year organisational strategy    which of our hospitals the services
                                           will be delivered from. The three
• the ‘Your Care, Your Future’             priorities in our strategy are:-
  programme involving Hertfordshire
  health organisations                     • integrating care with primary (ie care
                                             from your GP) and community care
• Hertfordshire and West Essex               (health visitors, for example)
  Integrated Care System’s ‘
  A Healthier Future’ strategy             • personalising the care each patient
                                             receives (reflecting patient’s wishes
• the NHS Long Term Plan.                    and individual health needs)

Links are provided in the                  • providing consistent, best
‘further reading’ section at                 practice care.
the end of this document.

Words into action
T   o achieve these strategic aims,
    we will:-
                                           • create more ‘one stop’ clinics
                                             where several steps of your
                                             treatment (diagnostic test, a
• continue to move services off              consultation based on the results
  hospital sites and into local settings     and a treatment plan) all happen
  where it is clinically appropriate to      on the same visit
  do so
                                           • redesign how our services work
• use technology, such as apps               together and how they contribute
  which transmit health data to our          to each site having its own
  clinical teams and a new integrated        unique purpose.
  electronic patient record, to improve
  the safety and efficiency of our care

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views

Doing things differently
T  he promise of investment, the
   advances in technology and the
positive changes we have made
                                          • incorporate the latest designs and
                                            best practice for infection control
                                                                                       • move to care models that mean
                                                                                         around 200,000 patients will no
                                                                                         longer have to travel in for an
recently are an excellent starting        • embrace technology to store,                 outpatient appointment
point for considering how your              transmit and monitor health data,
hospital services could look in the         thereby reducing hospital visits           • design buildings that promote
very near future.                                                                        health and healing
                                          • use robots and artificial intelligence
Below is a list of wide-ranging             (AI) to streamline support services,       • extend the service where hospital
improvements. We plan to:-                  such as linen deliveries and admin           doctors support GPs with specialist
                                            processes                                    advice for patients (which can avoid
• develop new models of care for                                                         the need for a referral and speed
  emergency services, endoscopy,          • group services and staff together            up treatment)
  maternity and surgery (and more           to enable better clinical outcomes,
  in time)                                  team working, training and                 • remove routine follow-up
                                            absence cover                                appointments (where clinically
• provide new facilities for cancer                                                      appropriate) and give patients the
  services                                • reduce duplication of services               choice to request one depending
                                            across sites which can affect                on their recovery or if symptoms
• offer more ‘one stop’ clinics             quality and efficiency                       or circumstances change.

• provide a vastly increased proportion   • upgrade and expand diagnostic
  of ensuite single rooms                   facilities at all three of our hospitals

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views

Digital transformation
T   he explosion of digital
    technologies will significantly
increase efficiencies and improve
                                         information (with permission) will lead
                                         to more joined-up care and digitised
                                         patient records will support online
                                                                                       High performing IT systems will boost
                                                                                       staff satisfaction and release more of
                                                                                       their time to care for patients.
the experience of our patients           booking and boost the ability of
and staff.                               clinicians to ‘see’ patients remotely, via
                                         their computer, phone or other device.
Easy-to-use apps and health monitoring
equipment can help patients manage       Digital technology is taking care directly
their own conditions and technology      into patients’ homes, proving that you
can also transmit health data from       don’t need to come to hospital to get
patients in their own homes to our       hospital care.
clinical teams looking after them.
                                         Our feedback so far is that virtual
Implementing an electronic patient       appointments are welcomed by many
record will bring major benefits to      but we will offer alternatives for patients
how we manage your care within our       who would prefer their healthcare to be
hospitals and also across other health   delivered in more traditional ways, such as
and care providers. Sharing your         face-to-face appointments or phone calls.

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views

Three’s company
O     ur proposals are based on
      each of our three hospital
sites having a clear and valuable
purpose; to be different but to
work together and share the same
high standards.

The broad outline for our three
hospitals is:-

 Watford General Hospital
 emergency, specialist
 and complex care

 *St Albans City Hospital
 planned surgical care,
 planned cancer care and
 an urgent care service

 Hemel Hempstead Hospital
 urgent and planned medical
 care, long term conditions

*Our minor injuries unit at St Albans
City Hospital is temporarily closed due
to the pandemic. Engagement will take
place later this year about the urgent
care services that will be offered.

The plans for our three hospitals
reflect the NHS Long Term Plan which
recommends a clear separation
between urgent and emergency care
and planned care. And within planned
care, there will also be a greater
distinction between surgery and
medicine which will improve the way
our teams and hospitals function.

Your Care, Your Views - Summary version February 2021 - West Hertfordshire ...
Your Care, Your Views

Consolidate not duplicate
T   eams of staff from the same
    and related areas of medicine
(which we call specialties) will be
                                           In future, we expect there to be less
                                           duplication, with a narrower range of
                                           services provided at all three sites. These
grouped together and will have             will include urgent care and outpatient
the right facilities to provide the        appointments for antenatal and
best care.                                 postnatal care, and audiology.

Consolidating staff and services will      Your hospital appointment will
help us provide many more ‘one stop’       be at the site which is the best for
clinics where several steps of treatment   your needs. This might not be the
are covered in one visit (such as a        nearest site to you.
diagnostic procedure, a consultation
based on the result and a discussion       More detail on what services will be at
about your treatment plan).                which site or sites follows later in this
                                           document at pages 15, 16 and 17.
There are considerable benefits in
terms of patient experience and staff
satisfaction from working this way
but will require us to reorganise our
staff and services across our sites. In
many cases the aim is to reduce the
number of our sites providing the same
specialty service from three to two, or
two to one. Not every site has every
speciality at present.

Your Care, Your Views

A better working
life for staff
H   aving teams stretched across
    services delivered from all three
hospital sites can reduce training
                                           two of the three hospitals) and so
                                           build stronger teams with better
                                           facilities and working environments.
opportunities for junior staff and         This will boost job satisfaction and
limit effective team working.              aid recruitment and retention.
                                           There will also be comfortable and
Our proposals will allow specialty staff   welcoming areas for our hard-
to work from fewer sites (in most cases    working staff to rest and recuperate.

Your Care, Your Views

Services before sites
O    ur clinicians have been sharing
     their ideas on how hospital
services could work better for you.
                                           The size and layout of the new ED
                                           (emergency department) will enable
                                           clinicians to have easy oversight of
                                                                                       admitted, whilst also continuing to work
                                                                                       with GPs and other health professionals
                                                                                       to avoid hospital admission for this
The following information sets out         patients, aided by new technology           patient group wherever possible.
our plans for your care. Improving         which means that their observation
your experience and the quality            data is instantly available. This will      Patients who no longer need specialist
and safety of our services is at the       help to ensure that care is directed to     care are not best served by remaining
heart of these proposals.                  patients with the greatest clinical need.   with us because our staff and services
                                           There will be assessment spaces and         are geared up for people who are acutely
Emergency and                              diagnostic equipment so that specialist     unwell. Our partners who commission
                                           teams can work in our ED to provide         and provide community-based beds are
specialist care                            care to the patient rather than moving      increasing the range and type of care
We are applying for funding which          the patient to another area to get all      available to patients who are well enough
will enable us to deliver emergency        the care they need.                         to leave hospital but need support or
and specialist care from the Watford                                                   rehabilitation in a healthcare setting.
General Hospital site. There is a          Having the right staff, services,           The main provider of adult community
strong view from clinicians that           equipment and access to diagnostics         health services in west Hertfordshire
patients requiring 24/7 consultant-led     within 24 hours of admission is in          (Central London Community Healthcare
emergency care should be seen on a         line with the NHS Plan’s ‘same day          NHS Trust) will be engaging on plans
specialised care site. This provides the   emergency care’ approach.                   to support people following a hospital
safest and most effective solution, with                                               stay later this year and this may include
access to the full range of specialist     Our new ED will cater for the increasing    reviewing the inpatient beds at Hemel
expertise and equipment.                   ratio of frail elderly patients who are     Hempstead Hospital.

Your Care, Your Views

Women’s and                                   clinical fit on a cancer site where there   more than half a million outpatient
children’s services                           will also be comprehensive diagnostics      attendances. And around 200,000 of
                                              and cancer care and support services,       those were for medical care.
Most women’s and children’s services          such as a cancer information centre.
(inpatient care and births) will be at        The new location will be a much             The opportunity to invest in the Hemel
Watford General Hospital where they           better environment for patients.            Hempstead site, the increase in the
will be close to theatres, assessment                                                     70+ population and a new approach
facilities, diagnostics and the ED. This      Some cancer care will be provided           (nationally and internationally) to
will reduce transfer time between             from all three sites, but St Albans will    planned medical care present the
departments and allow clinical teams          be the main cancer diagnostics, care        perfect backdrop for our changes.
to be based together. We will continue        and support base. This will help us
to provide antenatal, postnatal and           co-ordinate care better and reduce          We plan to bring clinicians from
outpatient care in all three hospitals        the number of hospital visits for           different medical specialties together
and planned gynaecology surgery at            patients who have been referred             and provide new diagnostic facilities
St Albans.                                    with suspected cancer.                      and the latest technology so that
                                                                                          we can give first class care to a large
Expectant mothers and their birth             Surgery for children and higher risk        and growing group of patients. This
partners will benefit from individual         or highly complex surgery will be           approach will improve teamworking
rooms that are equipped to support            provided at Watford, where there            and efficiency as well as provide
them at all stages of their labour.           is access to critical care if required.     easy access to an experienced physician
Delivery suites, in line with the very        Purpose-built spaces called ‘medirooms’     when a review or second opinion
latest building standards, will provide       will allow patients (at the Watford site)   is required.
spacious ensuite facilities.                  to have an individual room for both
                                              pre and post-operative care on the          Our intention is to make the hospital
Children who need inpatient care              day of their surgery.                       a calm and healing environment, for
will be cared for in purpose-designed                                                     it to be easy to find your way around
single rooms with improved facilities         St Albans City Hospital has been our        and for the services to use a ‘one stop’
for their carers, and there will be new       Covid-free site where we have been          approach.
outpatient facilities too.                    able to continue some services whilst
                                              our main site at Watford has been           Our care will be consultant-led,
                                              caring for large numbers of Covid-19        supported by other clinicians with
                                              patients. The advantages of separating      specialist expertise in medical care and
Planned surgery and cancer                    planned and emergency care have             long term conditions. Our patients will
                                              been brought into sharp focus in            be at the centre of a network of health
We plan to expand the volume and              2020 and 2021.                              and social care professionals and there
range of surgery provided at St Albans                                                    will be a shared ethos around patients
City Hospital. We will increase the                                                       remaining as well as possible in their
theatre and procedure room capacity,                                                      own homes without the need for an
provide enhanced post-surgical                Planned medical care                        emergency hospital admission.
recovery care and extend the range of
diagnostic facilities. These improvements,    Our vision is for Hemel Hempstead           There will be a strong ‘multidisciplinary’
combined with a stronger consultant           Hospital to be a centre of excellence       approach and our digitised patient
surgeon presence and more specialist          for people from across west                 records will aid closer working with
staff located together, will enable St        Hertfordshire who have long term            other parts of the health service
Albans City Hospital to develop into a        and/or multiple conditions and need         through the sharing of health data
comprehensive planned surgery and             care on an outpatient basis.                (with permission), including customised
cancer centre for patients across west                                                    electronic health records for chronically
Hertfordshire.                                Many tens of thousands of patients          ill patients.
                                              every year will benefit from the
Emergency endoscopy (insertion of a           transformation in how this site works.      Conditions catered for at Hemel
long, thin tube via the mouth or anus to                                                  Hempstead Hospital will include:
investigate tissue or organs) will continue   Most people’s experience of our             general medicine, older peoples’
to be provided at Watford. Our planned        hospital care is through planned            services, cardiology, dermatology,
endoscopy service at Hemel Hempstead,         appointments. In 2019/20 there were         diabetes and endocrinology,
which is in a cramped environment,            around 150,000 attendances at our           rheumatology, respiratory and many,
will move to St Albans, along with            urgent and emergency care services          many more. A full list can be found in
cystoscopy. These services are a better       across our three sites compared to          the longer version of this document.

Your Care, Your Views

Harnessing the full
power of diagnostics
O    ur proposals recognise
     that great hospital care has
diagnostics at its heart. We plan
                                      We are aiming to create a new rapid
                                      diagnostics centre at St Albans City
                                      Hospital, offering MRI, CT and other
                                                                              At Watford, which will be our emergency
                                                                              care site, we will be updating and
                                                                              expanding the diagnostic services to
to increase the speed with which      diagnostics including endoscopy and     best provide rapid and accurate
staff make diagnoses for patients     nuclear medicine (a medical imaging     diagnoses for our most unwell patients.
by investing in equipment across      and treatment specialty using a
our three hospitals.                  gamma camera). This will provide        Hemel Hempstead Hospital will have
                                      extensive support to all patients,      plain film x-rays, MRI, CT, ultrasound
A fast and accurate diagnosis can     especially cancer patients, and         and DEXA scanning (bone density
answer questions about symptoms,      underlines the rationale of St Albans   test) diagnostic facilities to support its
alleviate anxiety and determine the   being our planned surgery and           role as our base for planned medical
best course of treatment.             cancer site.                            care services.

Your Care, Your Views

Making our sites right
W     e have set out the rationale
      for the way we want to
reorganise our services and we
have described how we will group
specialty staff together to increase
quality and efficiency and reduce
duplication. The information set out
below is to help you understand
which services will go where. The
longer version of this document
gives more detail on any change
from site to site.

To be provided at the Watford
General Hospital site ...                    • women’s and children’s services (high        • a lower environmental impact from
                                               risk and low risk maternity, neonatal          using greener power, heat and light
• a well-designed and technology-              care, children’s inpatient care and            and by using materials with a lower
  enabled building for your healthcare         surgery and emergency and specialist           carbon emission count
  services                                     gynaecology)
                                                                                            • the ability to accommodate services
• extended and improved emergency            • a wide range of outpatient and clinical        from Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
  and specialist care services                 support services                               if required

• an urgent treatment centre                 • new specialist services (such as
                                               inpatient neurology, inpatient
• a larger emergency department                chemotherapy and some additional                We understand that news
  with assessment areas                        cardiology) so that local people will no        of construction at Watford
                                               longer need to travel outside of west           might make you worry about
• an acute inpatient admissions service        Hertfordshire for care                          disruption but please bear in
                                                                                               mind that we are not rebuilding
• high risk surgery                          • a multi-storey car park (which removes          on the same footprint as
                                               the need to walk up/down the steep              our current buildings. The
• critical care                                hill on this site and has pay-on-exit           construction is taking place
                                               technology)                                     on land next to the current
• a fracture clinic next to the                                                                buildings. Also, in line with the
  emergency department                       • reworked car and public transport               other frontrunners in the New
                                               access routes and drop off points               Hospital Programme, we will
• complex diagnostics                                                                          be using ‘modern methods of
                                             • a vastly improved working                       construction’ which means that
• multidisciplinary meeting spaces             environment for staff, with better              many components of our new
  so that staff from different specialties     areas for rest and recuperation                 building will be made off-site.
  can work together for the benefit                                                            This reduces the amount of on-
  of our patients                            • landscaped green spaces, coffee                 site building work.
                                               shops, restaurants and leisure facilities.

Your Care,
     care, your
           Your views

St Albans City Hospital will…                • become the location for a new           • benefit from enhanced technology
                                               endoscopy unit to support cancer
• have a new and unique purpose as             care and other specialties              • provide improved facilities for breast
  the site for specialist planned surgical                                               care services
  care and cancer services for people in     • offer gastroenterology and associated
  west Hertfordshire                           hepatology services                     • provide spaces for multidisciplinary
                                                                                         meetings so that staff from different
• broaden its range and volume of            • provide urgent care services              specialties can work together for the
  surgery (including surgery that was          (a review will take place in Spring       benefit of our patients
  previously provided at Watford)              2021 to establish the exact type
                                               and level of services)                  • offer refurbished recovery areas
• provide better and faster diagnosis                                                    following surgery
  following a significant upgrade to its     • be the location for an increasing
  MRI and CT provision                         number of ‘one stop’ clinics            • provide wheelchair access for
                                                                                         audiology (not previously available
• offer nuclear medicine (a medical          • offer cancer-related support services     at this site)
  imaging and treatment specialty              and an information centre
  using a gamma camera) – moved                                                        • remain as our ‘clean’ hospital; ie a
  to this site as it sits better with        • undergo a complete replacement of         site we can protect from infectious
  cancer care                                  theatre and procedure room facilities     disease outbreaks and where we
                                                                                         can continue to provide services
                                             • offer pre and post-surgery                whilst our main site provides care
                                               appointments                              to patients with infections, such as

Your Care, Your Views

Hemel Hempstead Hospital will…              • be the location for an increasing       “In creating a base for planned
                                              number of ‘one stop’ clinics            medical care at Hemel Hempstead
• have a new and unique purpose                                                       Hospital, our patients can see a
  as the site for specialist planned        • offer health and wellbeing support      range of clinicians all under one
  medical care site for people in             for a wide range of long term           roof. Great hospital care doesn’t
  west Hertfordshire                          conditions                              just happen on emergency sites or
                                                                                      on busy wards – it can be in a calm
• provide urgent care services              • provide spaces for multidisciplinary
                                                                                      environment where everything the
                                              meetings so that staff from different
                                                                                      patient needs has been thought
• broaden its range and volume of care        medical specialties can work
  for people with long term conditions        together for the benefit of our         through and is close at hand.”
                                              patients                                Dr Sundeept Bhalara
• become our site for specialist
  diabetes and rheumatology                 • become a model for how planned          Consultant rheumatologist and
                                              care can be delivered from a            clinical director for specialties
• benefit from enhanced technology            multi-specialty site, embracing         medicine
                                              the latest best practice
• expand outpatient services for
  paediatrics, respiratory, cardiology      • provide a calm and supportive
  and dermatology                             environment where services are
                                              logically grouped together and
• provide better and faster diagnosis,        where there is an ethos of keeping
  with MRI, CT and DEXA scanners              people as well as possible in their
                                              own homes.
• offer refurbished outpatient facilities

Your Care, Your Views

Travel and access
W     e know that access and
      travel are commonly cited
concerns associated with hospital
                                        our hospitals. And we will improve
                                        parking on all three sites.
                                                                                  the many improvements we plan
                                                                                  to put in place.

care in west Hertfordshire. We are      We understand that the relocation         We will be setting up a travel and
committed to addressing this as our     of some of our services may mean          access reference group, and will
plans progress. As well as reducing     that some people will need to travel      conduct indicative travel impact analysis
the need for people to visit our        further than they do now. However,        for several of our key service areas.
hospitals sites through adopting        some people will travel less far and      The outcome of this analysis will be
new models of care, we will work        hopefully all of our patients will make   available for consideration alongside the
with local authority partners to find   less frequent journeys as a result of     engagement feedback later this year.
ways to make it easier to get to

Your Care, Your Views

How you can
get involved
W      e want to enable feedback
       from our staff, patients,
carers, stakeholders and other             Take part in our survey
members of our local community
to be considered as part of our            This survey asks for your views on our draft clinical strategy, draft
decision-making. We are therefore          clinical brief, and our proposed three site model.
planning a two phase engagement
programme. The first phase will run        It would be helpful if you could read this document fully (or the fuller version here)
until 24 March 2021.                       before completing the survey. The closing date for the survey is midnight on 24
                                           March 2021.
We will review and analyse feedback at
the end of each phase of engagement
to ensure that any conflicting
suggestions can be considered
together. We have arranged for the         Attend online meetings and events
feedback from this first phase of
engagement to be independently             We will be running an extensive community engagement programme
analysed to help us consider the           so that you can learn more about our proposals, ask questions, hear
feedback as we develop more specific       from a wide range of people including patients, carers, community and voluntary
plans. We will share the independent       groups, in dialogue with healthcare organisations, professional partners, and our
analysis, our response and updated         managers and staff. There will be opportunities to learn about the many aspects of
proposals through a second phase           our redevelopment programme including design and planning.
of engagement in mid-May. This will
                                           Among the planned events, we will hold dedicated events for specific service areas:
enable us to test our proposals in more
detail and get further feedback from       • diagnostics - endoscopy, DEXA bone scanning and nuclear medicine
our community and stakeholders.            • medicine
                                           • surgery
We will address feedback from the
formal engagement through a response       Please also visit our website as we will continue to update it with additional content,
document and during any follow-up          such as interviews with key staff and bitesize presentations on key topics.
engagement activities, rather than
responding to individual responses
while the formal engagement is taking
place. We will, however, monitor
feedback as it comes in and will clarify
any frequently asked questions or
                                           Join our stakeholder reference group
common misunderstandings on our
dedicated website pages.                   We’ve already set up a stakeholder reference group (SRG) involving
                                           patients, carers, community and voluntary groups in thinking about
                                           our emerging ideas. New members are always welcome. If you would like
                                           to join this group, please visit our website.

Your Care, Your Views

Join our travel and access group
We are setting up a travel and access reference group to make sure
that transport and other access issues are fully considered as we
develop our plans. We very much want patients, carers and community groups
to be represented on this group, working alongside transport planners from
local councils, public transport providers and East of England Ambulance Service.
You can sign up to join this group on our website here.

Get involved in the design and planning process

There will also be opportunities for community engagement as part of
the building design and planning process. Running in parallel with the engagement
work outlined in this document, our architects BDP will be inviting members of the
local community to have their say on the design and access proposals which are
being created as part of the planning application process.

  The next steps
   Thank you for reading this and thank you again if you have completed
   the survey! We are grateful to everyone who has taken part in our
   various engagement activities over the past five years.

   We look forward to hearing more from those we have already
   engaged with and we also hope to reach new audiences who haven’t
   yet had their say on the future of health services in west Hertfordshire.

   The next milestone is to review the shortlisted options in more depth
   to identify the final preferred option (the one that provides the best
   overall balance of benefits and costs) which we will take forward to
   the next stage – full business case. We expect to make this decision
   this summer and then submit our proposal for approval from NHS
   England, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and by Her
   Majesty’s Treasury.

   We expect to hear if all the funding we have applied for has been
   approved by the end of 2021 or early 2022. It is possible that the
   impact of the current pandemic may lead to movement in some of
   these timescales.

Your Care, Your Views

Further reading
Press releases
Trust thrilled by hospital funding announcement          Naxton report – WHHT and HVCCG response         
newsandmedia/mediareleases/2019/september/               documents/Naxton%20report%20-%20%20WHHT%20
hospitalfundingannouncement.asp                          and%20HVCCG%20response%2028%20Jan%202021.pdf

Ambitious plans agreed to transform                      FAQs
hospital sites in west Herts                                      asp
Another honour for first in
country virtual Covid-19 hospital                        West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust 2020-25 strategy
mediareleases/2021/january/virtual_hospital.asp          strategy_A4_brochure.pdf

Architect-led design team appointed                      HVCCG ‘Your Care, Your Future’ programme
for hospital redevelopment                           Case_for_Change_Summer_2015_FV.pdf
hospital_redevelopment.asp                               Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System’s
                                                         ‘A Healthier Future’ strategy
Redevelopment                                            HWE_Integrated_Strategy__Executive_Slide_deck.pdf
The future of hospital services in west Hertfordshire
strategic outline case                                   NHS Long Term Plan
Future%20of%20Healthcare%20Services%20in%20              nhs-long-term-plan-version-1.2.pdf
                                                         NHS Five Year Forward View
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Site  
Feasibility Study                                        web.pdf
redevelopment/documents/WHHT%20Site%20                   Health infrastructure plan
Engagement document on the proposed shortlist            infrastructure-plan.pdf
redevelopment/documents/Working%20together%20            Clinical brief
Design principles             Clinical strategy
hospital%20%20redevelopment%20final.pdf                  documents/Clinical%20strategy%20final%20version.pdf

If you’d like to get in touch about
this document, please contact the
trust’s communications team on
01923 436280 or email:

Find us online @WestHertsNHS

Some images used in this document were taken
before the Covid-19 pandemic

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