Your 2021 Commvault Benefits

Page created by Matthew Crawford
Your 2021 Commvault Benefits
Your 2021
Commvault Benefits

Your 2021 Commvault Benefits
                                                                                 Be sure to take action
                                                                               between November 2 and
                                                                                 November 16 to elect
                                                                                   the benefits you
                                                                                     want for 2021!

Open Enrollment is November 2–16, 2020.
We are pleased to continue offering you and your family comprehensive and competitive health care plans.
For 2021, we are introducing several additional resources, so we encourage you to take the time to review the
information included in this brochure so you and your family can take full advantage of the new options. You
can also find plan details at

With that said, as the world is changing around us, Commvault is changing too. In our planning for the year
ahead, it’s important that we as an organization respond to our rising health care benefit costs to ensure the
long-term sustainability and affordability of our program for both you and Commvault. We are committed to
offering affordable coverage and will continue to cover the vast majority of your benefit costs. However, after an
extensive analysis, we identified the need to make some changes to our medical plans to be more in line with
the market.

We will continue to offer the same three medical plan options as we do today. However, in 2021 the Choice Plus
Savings Plan will remain free for employee only coverage, but you will be required to make a contribution if you
cover any dependents. Inside, you will find details about your medical plan options so you can decide which is
the best choice for you and your family in the upcoming year.

This year’s Open Enrollment is an active enrollment, which means you must elect all the benefits you want
to have for 2021. The only benefits that will roll over to 2021 are supplemental life insurance and spouse/child
life insurance. If you don’t take action, you will not have benefits coverage in 2021.

Our benefits are focused on caring for the whole you — this includes your physical, emotional and financial
health. COMMVAULT CARES — wherever you are, our benefits and programs are here to support your total

Your 2021 Commvault Benefits
What’s New for 2021
Your 2021 Medical Plans
You will have the same three medical plans to choose from, with some important differences. Those plan
features that are changing for 2021 are highlighted in red.

                              Choice Plus Preferred (PPO)                                                Choice Plus Savings
                                                                        Exclusive (EPO)

                             In-Network         Out-of-Network In-Network Only                      In-Network          Out-of-Network

                        $500/$1,000             $1,000/$2,000           $0/$0                  $3,000/$6,000*           $5,000/$10,000*

 Coinsurance            You pay 10%             You pay 30%             You pay 0%             You pay 10%              You pay 40%

 Maximum                $3,000/$6,000           $6,000/$12,000          $3,000/$6,000          $4,000/$8,000**          $7,000/$14,000**

 Preventive Care        $0                      30% after deductible    $0                     $0                       40%

 Primary Care Office    $25 copay               30% after deductible    $20 copay

 Specialist Office
                        $50 copay               30% after deductible    $40 copay

 Emergency Room                                                                                 You pay in full until   You pay in full until
                        $150 copay              $150 copay              $150 copay
 Visit                                                                                          the deductible has      the deductible has
                                                                                                been met; then          been met; then
 Outpatient Surgery     10% after deductible    30% after deductible    $150 copay              the plan pays 90%       the plan pays 60%
                                                                                                and you pay 10%         and you pay 40%
 Hospitalization        10% after deductible    30% after deductible    $300 copay              until you reach         until you reach
                                                                                                the out-of-pocket       the out-of-pocket
 Prescription Drug                                                                              maximum                 maximum

 (up to 31 days)
 Generic                $10                                             $10
                                                Not covered
 Preferred Brand        $45                                             $45
 Non-Preferred          $90                                             $90                     Applies to medical      Applies to medical
 Brand                                                                                          and prescription        and prescription
                                                                                                drug costs              drug costs
 Mail Order
 (up to 90 days)
 Generic                $20                                             $20
                                                Not covered
 Preferred Brand        $90                                             $90
 Non-Preferred          $180                                            $180

 *If you cover dependents, the entire family deductible must be met before the plan will begin to pay benefits
**If you cover dependents, the entire family out-of-pocket maximum must be met before the plan will cover costs at 100% for the remainder
  of the calendar year.

Your 2021 Commvault Benefits
Spotlight on the Choice Plus Savings Plan
Although there are changes to the Choice Plus Savings Plan, there are still plenty of advantages to enrolling in
this plan option. Here is an overview of how the plan will work in 2021.

                                                              Non-Preventive Care
     Preventive Care
                                       Deductible                 Coinsurance               Out-of-Pocket

 You still get all your           The amount you pay         The percentage you pay     The total amount you
 in-network preventive           before the plan begins        for the cost of care.    will pay out-of-pocket
 care at no cost.                   to pay benefits.                                        in calendar year.

                                 For non-preventive care,    After meeting the          You’re protected with
                                 you pay the full cost of    deductible, you pay only   an annual limit on your
                                 care until you meet the     10% of your expenses.      spending. Once you
                                 deductible. With the                                   meet this limit, the plan
                                 changes, the plan starts                               pays 100% of costs for
                                 paying your expenses                                   the remainder of the
                                 sooner, with a lower                                   calendar year. Both
                                 deductible.                                            the deductible and
                                                                                        coinsurance apply.

                                                    Save money by using your HSA to pay for
                                                     your health care with tax-free dollars!

The Triple Tax Advantage of the HSA
Don’t forget about the tax advantages to contributing to and using an HSA to pay for eligible health care

 Money goes into your account              Money grows tax-free                  Money stays tax-free when
 tax-free.                                 through interest and                  you spend it on eligible
 You contribute pre-tax dollars,           investment earnings.                  health care expenses.
 which helps reduce your                   Your account balance earns            When you withdraw funds, it’s
 taxable income.                           interest tax-free. Once you           tax-free, as long as you use
                                           have a minimum balance                the funds for eligible medical,
 For 2021, you can contribute:
                                           ($1,000), you can choose              dental, and vision expenses.
 • $3,600 for individual
                                           from a variety of available           Or, you can save the money
 • $7,200 for family
                                           investment funds.                     for future health care
 Plus an additional $1,000 if                                                    expenses, even in retirement.
 you’re age 55 or over

Remember! The money is yours to keep. Your account balance rolls over each year and you can take the
account with you if you retire or leave Commvault.

Your 2021 Commvault Benefits
What’s the Right Medical Plan for You
With the changes to the plan designs and contributions, it might be a good time to re-evaluate your current
needs, review your plan options, and decide if you need to make any changes for 2021.

“Pay Now” or “Pay Later”
As you consider your medical plan options, you need to look at the whole picture. You share in the cost of
coverage in two ways: through payroll contributions and when you receive care. Think about when you want to
pay for care — would you prefer to pay more out of your paycheck and less at the point of care, or less out of
your paycheck and more if, and when, you need care?

                                      Through Employee Contributions              At the Point of Care

Choice Plus Preferred (PPO)

Choice Exclusive EPO                                                             (In-network coverage only)

Choice Plus Savings

   Not sure which plan is best for you?                     NEW prescription management
   Ask ALEX!                                                programs
   As your virtual benefits counselor, ALEX                 The Commvault medical plans include
   can help you compare plans and figure out                coverage for prescription drugs. For 2021, we
   which one may offer the best value for your              are introducing several programs, such as Prior
   expected health care needs. Just answer                  Authorization, Step Therapy, Opioid Utilization
   a few questions to get a personalized                    Management and High Value Exclusion,
   recommendation. Get started at                           to ensure you receive the most clinically                           appropriate and cost-effective medication.
                                                            You will be contacted by UnitedHealthcare by
                                                            mail in November if you are affected by any of
                                                            these programs.

New Supplemental Medical Plans
To help keep you and your family protected from the financial impact of expensive medical care, Commvault is
introducing two new options to supplement your primary medical coverage. These plans make a great addition
to the Choice Plus Savings Plan, giving you an extra layer of protection at an affordable price — along with
priceless peace of mind. These plans are employee-paid and enrollment is voluntary.

Get to know your new supplemental coverage options

                                  Accident Insurance                    Hospital Indemnity Insurance

 What it is            Coverage for off-the-job accidental         Coverage for expenses related to
                       injuries and related medical expenses       hospital services
 What it covers        • Hospitalization                           • Hospital
                       • Fractures                                 • Outpatient
                       • Dislocations                              • Nursing
                       • Surgical procedures                       • Transportation
                       • Physical therapy                          • Physician services
                       • Ambulance
                       • And more
 Benefit amount        Varies depending upon the type of           Varies depending on the type and length
                       injuries you have and the type of           of hospital care you need
                       treatment you need
 How it works          Lump-sum payment directly to you; you       Lump-sum payment directly to you; you
                       get to decide how to spend the benefit      get to decide how to spend the benefit

See it in action
Consider this example: You fall and break your leg, needing an ambulance ride, emergency room visit, surgery,
hospital stay, numerous doctor appointments, and physical therapy. While you’re recovering, you need extra
help with housekeeping, child care, and grocery shopping.

Your primary medical plan pays your providers:                           Accident insurance pays you:
Covering the majority of your medical bills, but you’ll                  Giving you extra cash on hand to
be responsible for the plan deductible, coinsurance,                     help pay your medical bills as well as
or copays, up to your plan’s out-of-pocket maximum.                      any other expenses you may face as
                                                                         a result of your accident.

New Value-Added Benefits
We’re expanding our benefits program to include valuable programs that support your everyday needs. When
choosing your benefits for 2021, consider how these new options may help you save money and achieve your
financial goals. These plans are employee paid and enrollment is optional.

Legal Assistance
MetLife Legal Plans offers you convenient and affordable access to a nationwide network of attorneys. Once
enrolled, you can request legal services on an as-needed basis for a wide range of personal legal matters,
including will preparation, real estate, divorce, civil litigation, debt collection, adoptions, and much more.

Auto and Home Insurance
Through the MetLife Auto & Home insurance program, you can save money with discounted group rates on
personal insurance policies, including auto, home, renter’s, and more. You’ll receive no-obligation quotes and
competitive cost comparisons.

Student Loan Refinancing
Student debt is a burden for millions of Americans. Commvault has partnered with CommonBond to give you
access to preferred lending terms, which could save you thousands of dollars, when refinancing your student
loan. And, you’ll receive a $200 cash bonus when you apply!

Don’t forget that Commvault also offers tuition reimbursement. You are eligible to be reimbursed up to $5,250
each calendar year to help pay for an undergraduate or graduate degree program that’s relevant to your current
job or helps qualify you for future opportunities within our organization.

Dental and Vision Plans
You’ll have the same dental and vision options for 2021. Here is an overview of these benefits.

Dental coverage details
                                                     Delta Dental                                 DeltaCare USA Plan
                                                   PPO/Premier Plan                                    (DHMO)
                                       In-Network                     Out-of-Network               In-Network Only
 deductible (applies to basic                           $50/$150
 and major services)

 Annual maximum benefit                                   $1,500                                          None

                                                                                                   You pay $0 or copay
 Preventive services                                   You pay $0
                                                                                                    based on schedule

 Basic services                  You pay 10%, plan pays 90%       You pay 20%, plan pays 80%       You pay $0 or copay
                                                                                                    based on schedule

 Major services                  You pay 40%, plan pays 60%       You pay 50%, plan pays 50%    Cost varies by procedures

                                              You pay 50%, plan pays 50%
 Implants                                                                                              Not covered
                                           Separate lifetime maximum of $1,500

                                              You pay 50%, plan pays 50%                       Covered with restrictions for
 Orthodontia coinsurance/
                                                  Children up to age 26                            children and adults
 lifetime maximum
                                           Separate lifetime maximum of $1,500

Vision coverage details
                                                                         EyeMed Vision Plan

                                                      In-Network                               Out-of-Network
                                                        $0 copay                               Up to $40 covered
 (once every calendar year)

 Prescription glasses (once every calendar year)

 • Single vision                                        $0 copay                               Up to $40 covered

 • Lined bifocal                                        $0 copay                               Up to $60 covered

 • Lined trifocal                                       $0 copay                               Up to $80 covered

 • Standard progressive lenses                          $50 copay                              Up to $60 covered

 • Premium progressive lenses                        $70–$95 copay                             Up to $60 covered

 Frames                                      $130 allowance for a selection of                 Up to $91 covered
 (once every calendar year)                  frames plus 20% discount on the
                                                amount over the allowance

 Contact lenses (instead of glasses)           Conventional: $0 copay; $130                    Up to $105 covered
 (once every calendar year)                allowance; 15% off balance over $130
                                                                                       Up to $210 if medically necessary
                                          Disposable: $0 copay; $130 allowance

Your 2021 benefits at a glance
Your Commvault benefits provide support and
resources for your total well-being. Make sure you’re
taking full advantage of them in 2021.

           Your Health                                    Your Money
                 Medical                                     Life Insurance
        NEW! Supplemental Medical                          Disability Insurance
                 Dental                               Employee Stock Purchase Plan
                 Vision                                        401(k) Plan
              HSA and FSAs

                                    Your Life
                                    NEW! Legal Plan
                              NEW! Auto & Home Insurance
                              NEW! Student Loan Program
                                Tuition Reimbursement
                                    Employee Perks

                 Learn more about all of your Commvault
                   benefits at

It’s Time To Enroll
Open Enrollment is November 2–16, 2020.
This is your opportunity to update your Commvault benefits for 2021! There are some important changes
coming next year, so be sure to review what’s new before making your enrollment decisions.

Remember! You MUST actively enroll during Open Enrollment to have benefits in 2021. Your 2020 benefits will
not roll over so you must take action; otherwise the only coverage you will have is supplemental life coverage
for yourself and spouse/children (if you currently have this coverage today).

 LEARN what’s changing                   DECIDE which plans will best          ENROLL in your 2021 benefits
 for 2021 by reviewing this              fit your needs for next year.         through your Workday Inbox
 brochure, then go to                    Need help? Visit ALEX, your           starting November 2. Don’t                  virtual benefits counselor, at        forget to make your elections
 for more information about all                       by November 16. Remember:
 your benefits.                          commvault/2021.                       Your current elections DO NOT
                                                                               automatically continue in 2021.

Enrollment checklist
As you prepare to enroll in your 2021 benefits, here are some things to think about:

   Do you want extra financial protection from an unexpected accident or hospital stay?
   Consider adding supplemental accident or hospital indemnity insurance.

   Do you want to save money by paying for eligible health care or dependent care expenses with
   tax-free dollars? Consider contributing to an HSA and/or FSA.

   Will your family have the financial support they needed if something happened to you or your spouse?
   Consider supplemental life insurance.

   Do you see braces in your child’s future? Consider a Delta Dental plan.

   Are there any legal matters you’d like to attend to next year, such updating your will or refinancing your
   mortgage? Consider the MetLife Legal Plan.

2021 Bi-Weekly Paycheck Contributions
                      Choice Plus            Choice Plus Preferred        Choice Exclusive
                      Savings Plan                (PPO) Plan                (EPO) Plan
Employee only            $0.00                     $100.00                     $70.00

Employee + 1            $23.48                     $215.00                    $155.00

Employee + 2             $35.21                    $280.00                    $200.00

Employee +3 or more     $46.95                     $382.55                     $287.71


                          Delta Dental PPO/Premier Plan        DeltaCare USA Plan (DHMO)

Employee only                         $8.32                                $4.64

Employee + 1                         $16.60                                $9.27

Employee + 2                         $23.46                               $13.38

Employee +3 or more                  $26.42                                $14.77


                                                          EyeMed Vision Plan

Employee only                                                    $3.66

Employee + 1                                                     $6.65

Family                                                           $10.34

One Commvault Way
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

Open Enrollment is
November 2-16, 2020
Take action to choose your
2021 benefits.

                   2021 Open
                   Enrollment is Coming!
                   Look inside to learn what’s new for 2021

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