Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats

Page created by Janice Turner
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
                                                & North East         Durham | Yorkshire
                on yo r little ad
                       ur do         ventu
                             ors te        res
               Watch                p
               Bing l             w o rk
                      ey lo               ing t
                             cks                hro ug
             dams             ulars
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            Lee d s        t trip
                    and v             f ro m
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                  anal                he wa             ock i
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      Bike                                           o ok
     boats             the to
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                      ro ug h             and w
    C heck                      t h e locks        atch
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   Watch                      tersi d
             ang le                     e caf
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   chub,                    hing
           tench                     for r
                    and f
                            e a             oach,
  C heck                        r so me
            o                              p ike
 and d ut Stande
          isco v           d
                  er mo ge Visitor
Take                      re ab               Centr
                                  o ut t               e
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      or se             a
              als at nd keep a
                       Tees                lo ok
                               Bar ra

                                             Tees Barrage & Stockton, Ripon, Skipton, Bingley,
                                             Saltaire, Leeds, Woodlesford Lock, Hebden Bridge,
                                             Sowerby Bridge, Standedge Tunnel & Vistor Centre,
                                             Naburn, Pocklington, Sprotborough, Drakeholes
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
Are you looking for inspiring places to visit with the
family? Then look no further than your local canal or river.
This guide features a selection of our best waterside
places to visit in Yorkshire & North East – whatever the
weather! Each location includes a map, suggestions of
fun-packed activities you can do and useful information
on where to park, places to eat, toilets and boat trips.

                                                                                             Have a look
                                                                                             on our map
                                                                                             and find a little
                                                                                             adventure on
                                                                                             your doorstep!

  1.    Tees Barrage & Stockton
  2.    Ripon
  3.    Skipton
  4.    Bingley
  5.    Saltaire
  6.    Leeds
  7.    Woodlesford Lock
  8.    Hebden Bridge
  9.    Sowerby Bridge
  10. Standedge Tunnel & Vistor
  11.   Naburn
  12. Pocklington
  13. Sprotborough
  14. Drakeholes
            AINA Waterways

                                                               * This map shows waterways managed by members of the
                                                                 Association of Inland Navigation Authorities (AINA). We have
                                                                 not featured places to visit on waterways managed by these
                                                                 organisations. There are other inland waterways that have not
                                                                 been shown, the information on this map is for guidance only,
                                                                 for accurate information please visit our website.
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
White water
                                                                                                               The Talpore
                                                                                     Riverview Café
Princess of
Wales Bridge
                                                                        Tees Barrage
 Stockton                                                               International
                                                                        White Water

                                                           Infinity                Air Trail                    Middlesbrough
                                                                      River Tees          Archimedes

                                   River Cruises                                                        Tees
                                                                              Navigation Lock

                                                                                                   Dipping pond
        Yarm                                         the Tees Barrage & Stockton
                                                     Opened in1995, the Tees Barrage is one        Little adventures
             HM Bark Endeavour
                                                     the waterways wonders. It took four           on your doorstep
                                                     years to build and involved diverting the
   Stay Away From                                    mighty River Tees. Don’t miss it!
   the Edge

   Map not to scale: covers approx 0.5 miles/0.8km
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
A little bit of history
                                                                  The Tees Barrage was built to improve the river’s
                                                                  watersports facilities by making this stretch of the
                                                                  water non-tidal. Four massive floodgates control the
                                                                  flow of the river and prevent flooding. The Olympic-
                                                                  class White Water Centre built alongside it, hosts major
                                                                  watersports competitions. An awesome day out!

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

       Five things to do at t
                             he Te
                                  es Ba
                                       rrage & St kton                                                   Information
          See the Te
                     e   s Barrage               oc
          admire th                  f
                     is great en rom the viewing pla                                                     Tees Barrage
         ladder tha               gineering                    tform and                                 Tees Barrage Way
                      t allows m               feat. Don’t
         navigate t              igrating fis                 miss the f                                 Stockton-on-Tees
                    he barrag                   h such as                ish                             TS18 2QW
        Cycle to t              e.                           salmon to
                    he beautif
        the replic               ul Infinity                                                                        Parking
                   a of HM B                  Bridge an
       Lieutenan               ark Endea                  d then to
                   t James C                vour com                                                                Toilets +
                                ook on his              mand
       and New Z
                    ealand.                   first voyag ed by                                                     Café
      Take bino                                             e to Austr
                  culars and                                           alia
                               keep a loo                                                                           Pub
      Learn a ne                             k out for s
                  w water s                               eals.
     and jet-sk               port such                                                                             Picnic
                iing, sailin                a s windsur
     white-wat               g, rowing,                   fing, wate
                er rafting.               c anoeing o                r                                              Boat trips
     Climb the                                          r
                 18m-high                                                                                           Path
    and the o                Air Trail –
               nly one to                 the highes
    standard w               be found                  t in the UK                                                  Allow half to
                 hite water              alongside
                              course!                 an Olymp                                                      full day for this
                                                                                                         * Don’t forget:
                       Did you know?...                                                                  Although the site is always
                                                                                                         open the facilities and boat
                       It’s best to feed ducks tasty treats like:                                        trips may not be and some
                                                                                                         may be chargeable. Please
                       • porridge oats                                                                   check with local businesses
                       • rice                                                                            before setting out.
                       • peas
                       • chopped lettuce
                       • birdseed
                       Whilst they will gobble up white bread,                                                    r our
                                                                                                       Sign up fo         gular
                       crisps and chips its junk food for you                                      w sletter and et re
                                                                                                ne                      from
                                                                                                            nd offers
                       and ducks!                                                               updates a                 st.
                                                                                                             & River Tru
                                                                                                 the Canal
                                                                                                  Simply go
                                                                                                             h for
                                                                                                  and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                  ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                              © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                    02/18
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
Little adventures
                                                  Ripon Canal Head &
                                                                                                      on your doorstep
                                                  Ripon Scenic Cruises


                                                                       n B

                              The Forge

                              Farm Shop
                                                                Ri                                 B6265 Boroughbridge Road
                                                                                   l                                Old Lock
                                                                                                                    Keeper’s Cottage
                                                                                    m   i



Ripon Canal
This beautiful stretch of the Ripon Canal                                            Rhodesfield Lock                      Bird
was derelict until restored and reopened                                                                                   sanctuary
in 1996. Now, bordered by trees and
wildflowers, it runs like a pretty green                                                                                   Ripon
ribbon through the city.                                                                                                   Racecourse
                                                                                        Bellfurrows Lock

                                                                                                                                  STAY SAFE:
                                                                                                                             Stay Away From
                                                                                                                                    the Edge
Map not to scale: covers approx 0.5 miles/0.8km                                                     Boroughbridge
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
A little bit of history
                                                                  The River Ure becomes difficult to navigate upstream
                                                                  of Boroughbridge. So Ripon Canal, and other small
                                                                  sections of canal along the Ure, was cut so that boats
                                                                  could pass from Hull and York to Ripon. The main cargo
                                                                  was coal from Yorkshire and flax for the Knaresborough
                                                                  linen industry on the return industry.

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

            Five things to d
                            o at R
              Visit one                                   lCana                                         Information
                           of the bird
              canal. See                hid
                           how many es located along th                                                 Canal Wharf
             name in fiv                birds you              e                                        Ripon
                           e minutes              can spot a
             Take a bo                .                       nd                                        HG4 1AQ
                         at trip and
            Ripon Can                 discover m                                                                   Parking
                         al.                      ore about
            Walk dow
                        n the towp                                                                                 Toilets
            wildflower               ath and lo
                        s.                      ok for                                                             Café
           Spot old c
                        anal buildin
           other use                  gs now co                                                                    Boat trips
                      s.                         nverted in
          Visit Ripo                                        to
                      n Cathedr                                                                                    Path
          built on th             al. A churc
                      is site sinc            h has bee                                                            Allow 1-2 hours
                                   e 672AD.             n
                                                                                                                   for this visit

                                                                                                        * Don’t forget:
                                                                                                        Although the site is always
                                                                                                        open the facilities and boat
                                                                                                        trips may not be and some
                                                                                                        may be chargeable. Please
                            Did you know?...                                                            check with local businesses
                                                                                                        before setting out.
                            Our lock gates are handbuilt
                            by skilled carpenters in
                            our workshops in the West
                            Midlands and Yorkshire, from
                            FSC Green Oak. Each one is
                            unique and can take up to a
                            month to make. Once built                                                            r our
                                                                                                      Sign up fo         gular
                            they last for about 25 years.                                            letter and et re
                                                                                               ne w s                  from
                                                                                                           nd offers
                                                                                               updates a                 st.
                                                                                                            & River Tru
                                                                                                the Canal
                                                                                                 Simply go
                                                                                                            h for
                                                                                                 and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                 ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                             © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                   02/18
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats

 Skipton is a beautiful market town
                                                                                                            Skipton Castle
 situated on the Leeds & Liverpool
 Canal, the longest canal in Britain.                                   Mill
 With a Norman castle too, it’s all you
 need for a great day out!                                                                                            Church






                                                                                                   S tr

        Skipton Wharf                                                     W



                                                                                         t A
                         Brook                                                              ri
                                                                                                                    Coach Street

                         Street                                                                                     Bridge

                                                                                 h S                          Coach Street
       Leeds &

       Canal                                                                                                        Swadford/
                                                                                  Belmont Bridge
                                                     Cavendish Street

                                 6    06
                              etA            Ice                                        Gallows footbridge
                      S    tre               cream                                      Bus station
                 o nt                        tug


                              Lane                                                                    Leeds & Liverpool
Gargrave                                                                                              Canal

                                         Little adventures
                                         on your doorstep

                                                                                                                     STAY SAFE:
                                                                                                                Stay Away From
                                                                                                                       the Edge
 Map not to scale: covers approx 1.4 miles/2.4km
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
A little bit of history
                                                                  The Springs Branch leaves the Leeds & Liverpool Canal
                                                                  in the centre of Skipton. It was built for Lord Thanet,
                                                                  who lived in Skipton Castle and owned the limestone
                                                                  quarries served by the branch. Stone was brought from
                                                                  the quarries by horse drawn trams and loaded into
                                                                  boats for the journey to Leeds.

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

          Five things to d                                                                              Information
                          o at S                                                                        Coach Street Car Park
                                     n                                                                  Coach Street
               heck out                                                                                 Skipton BD23 1LE
                           Skipton C
             Springs B                 astle, built
                         ranch win                  in 1090. Th                                                    Parking
                                   ds round
            Walk alon
                        g the cana             it and form e                                                       (pay & display)
            water mill              l an                    s a moat.
                        and the ch d spot old warehou                                                              Toilets
                                    ute that w                  s
                        into the c               as used to es, a
           Sit at the              anal barge                 deliver                                              Café
                       wharf, eat               s.
          feed the d              fish and c
                       ucks.                   hips and                                                            Pub
          Take a bo
                     at ride and                                                                                   Information
         Leeds & L                 discover m
                     iverpool C                  ore about
         Explore th              anal.                       the                                                   Picnic
        independe ward-winning High                                                                                Cycling
                      nt shops a                 Street wit
                                 nd bustlin                 h its
                                              g market.                                                            Boat trips
                                                                                                                   Allow up to half
                                                                                                                   a day for this
 Can you name the different parts                                                                       * Don’t forget:
                                                                                                        Although the site is always
 of a narrowboat?                                                                                       open the facilities and boat
   1                                  2                                             3                   trips may not be and some
                                                                                                        may be chargeable. Please
                                                                                                        check with local businesses
                                                                                                        before setting out.

                                                                                                                   r our
                                                                                                      Sign up fo            ular
                                                                                                    sle tte r and get reg
                                                                                               new                       from
                                                                                                             nd offers
                                          4                                 5                  updates a                   st.
                                                                                                  e C  a n al & River Tru
                               Answers: 1 bow; 2 cabin; 3 tiller; 4 hull; 5 stern               th
                                                                                                 Simply go
                                                                                                              h for
                                                                                                 and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                 ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                             © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                   02/18
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
Five Rise
                                                               Locks Café
                           1.5 miles/2.4km
                          & Crossflats
                                  Viewing                                Beck
Explore Bingley                                                             Old Lock
                                                                            Keeper’s Cottage
Five Rise Locks                    Start of
Bingley Five Rise Locks are the                                          Overflow channel
                                                                         or ‘bywash’
most awesome feature on the
Leeds & Liverpool Canal. They are                                      Five Rise Locks
the steepest staircase locks on
the longest canal in the country!
                                                                     Old Blacksmith’s Forge

                                                                         Little adventures
                      North Bog                                          on your doorstep

                                                                                      (see below left):
      Three Rise                                                                      Access to site not

          Locks                                                                       suitable for push-

                                                                                      or wheelchairs here.

                                                                                      Access via Keighley
Access via
                                                  o   ol                              Road or Beck Lane
Keighley Road
                                           i verp
(next to the                             L
                                   s &
fire station)
                                                           Damart mills
   Bingley                                                 & chimney
                                                                                                 STAY SAFE:
                                                                                            Stay Away From
                                                Bingley                                            the Edge

                            Bowling             approx

                                                1/2 mile
                            Mills               0.7km

                   NOTE (see
                   above right)                                  Map not to scale: covers approx 1.4 miles/2.4km
Yorkshire & North East - Snaygill Boats
A little bit of history
                                                                  Bingley Five Rise Locks built more than 200 years go,
                                                                  are one of the ‘Seven Wonders of the Waterways’. The
                                                                  staircase locks open directly from one to another, lifting
                                                                  boats 18 metres (60 feet) up the valley along the Leeds
                                                                  & Liverpool Canal.

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

         Five things to d
                         o at B
                                                        ve Rise Lock  i                                  Information
           Watch bo
                      ats workin                                                                         Five Rise Locks,
           45 minute              g through
                      s to go up                 the locks                                               Beck Lane, Bingley
                                   the locks                – it
          to go dow
                      n.                        and 30 min can take                                      BD16 4DT
          Take a bre                                          utes
                      ak in the c                                                                                   Parking
         where hor                afé. It was
                     ses that h                 once the                                                            (in town)
         of canals              auled boa                   stables
                    rested.                   ts in the e
         Cycle alo                                        arly days                                                 Toilets
                    ng the tow
        Walk a sh               path and c                                                                          Café
                   ort way d                   atch a train
        Three Rise            o w n the valle                back.
                     Locks (0.3                 y and see                                                           Picnic
       Discover                  miles/0.5                   Bingley
                   more abo                   km).                                                                  Cycling
       download               ut B
                  ing our Sm ingley Five Rise Lo                                                                    Path
      code trail               artphone                    cks by
                  or Geoca                  App, Inter
      signs on s             shing trail                active QR                                                   Allow up to half
                 ite.                     . Look out
                                                       for                                                          a day for this

                            Did you know?...                                                             * Don’t forget:
                                                                                                         Although the site is always
                            It’s best to feed ducks tasty                                                open the facilities and boat
                                                                                                         trips may not be and some
                            treats like:                                                                 may be chargeable. Please
                            • porridge oats                                                              check with local businesses
                            • rice                                                                       before setting out.

                            • peas
                            • chopped lettuce
                            • birdseed
                            Whilst they will gobble up white                                                      r our
                                                                                                       Sign up fo         gular
                            bread, crisps and chips its junk                                          letter and et re
                                                                                                ne w s                  from
                            food for you and ducks!                                                         nd offers
                                                                                                updates a                 st.
                                                                                                             & River Tru
                                                                                                 the Canal
                                                                                                  Simply go
                                                                                                             h for
                                                                                                  and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                  ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                              © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                    02/18
                                                   Little adventures                                  Saltaire is a textile village built
Dowley Gap Aqueduct                                on your doorstep                                   on the River Aire and the Leeds
(1/2 mile/0.8km)                                                                                      & Liverpool Canal. It has World
& Bingley                                                                                             Heritage Status – that means it’s
                                                                                                      as important as Stonehenge!
                                                           Saltaire      Victoria Road
                                                           to Bingley    Bridge & The Aire
                                                           QR trail      Sculpture Trail
                                                                                               Mill      Ri


                 La                                 Lee d s & Liverpo o l Canal

                    n   e   Hirst Lock
Hirst Woods
                 Swingbridge                           Ice cream boat
                 footbridge                                                                                Saltaire

                                                                      Art gallery                          Centre

                                                                                    Victoria    Salts
                                                                                                Mill                 Salts Mill
       STAY SAFE:
  Stay Away From                                                                                                     Road Bridge
         the Edge

 Map not to scale: covers approx 0.5 miles/0.8km
A little bit of history
                                                                  Saltaire is named after Victorian industrialist Sir Titus
                                                                  Salt who sited his textile mills beside the Leeds &
                                                                  Liverpool Canal and the River Aire (hence Salt-Aire). He
                                                                  built the village with stone cottages, schools, hospitals
                                                                  and churches for his workers. It was a far cry from the
                                                                  slums where mill workers usually lived.

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

          Five things to d                                                                                Information
                          o at S                                                                          Salts Mill
                                altaire                                                                   Victoria Street
            Titus Salt
                        didn’t app                                                                        Saltaire BD98 8AA
           was a ‘dry                 rov
                       ’ village. Fo e of pubs so Saltair
           a break in                 llow his sp                 e                                                  Parking
                       cafés!                     irit and ta
          Bike along                                           ke
                        the towpa
          through th                  th and wa
                       e locks.                  tch boats                                                           Cafe
         Have a pic                                            go
                      nic in Rob                                                                                     Pub
         River Aire                 er
                    . Keep a lo ts Park on the bank
         been spot                ok out for                    s of the                                             Information
                     ted here.                 otters wh
        Follow the                                          ic h have
                      Saltaire to                                                                                    Picnic
        for signs o                  Bingley Q
                    n site.                     R trail. Loo                                                         Play area
        Visit Salts                                           k out
                    Mill built in                                                                                    Cycling
       style. Tod                   the grand
                  ay it hous                    Italianate
       of work b               es the larg                                                                           Path
                  y David H                 est collec
                               ockney, o                 tio
       great mod
                  ern painte               ne of Brita ns                                                            Sculpture Trail
                                rs.                     in’s
                                                                                                                     Allow 2-3 hours
                                                                                                                     for this visit

 Can you name the different parts                                                                         * Don’t forget:
                                                                                                          Although the site is always
 of a narrowboat?                                                                                         open the facilities and boat
                                                                                                          trips may not be and some
   1                                  2                                             3                     may be chargeable. Please
                                                                                                          check with local businesses
                                                                                                          before setting out.

                                                                                                                     r our
                                                                                                        Sign up fo            ular
                                                                                                      sle tte r and get reg
                                                                                                 new                       from
                                                                                                               nd offers
                                          4                                  5                   updates a                   st.
                                                                                                    e C  a n al & River Tru
                               Answers: 1 bow; 2 cabin; 3 tiller; 4 hull; 5 stern                 th
                                                                                                   Simply go
                                                                                                                h for
                                                                                                   and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                   ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                               © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                     02/18
                                                                                               Leeds Waterfront
                                                                                               Parts of Leeds
                        Leeds Station                                                          waterfront were once
                                                                                               almost derelict. Now
                                                                                               regenerated with vibrant
                                                                                               waterside cafés and
                                                                                               bars, a world-class
                                                  Leeds city
                                                    centre                                     museum, art galleries
                                                                                               and public art, it’s a
                                                                                               great place to visit.
Armley Mills
& Kirkstall                                                                     er A
                                                                                                  Royal Armouries

                                                                                                        Aire & Calder
             Leeds &
             Liverpool Canal
                                                                                                        Thwaite Mills
                                                                                                        & Woodlesford
Little adventures
                                     Aire & Calder                  A6
on your doorstep                                                       1
                                     Navigation       The Tetley

                                                                                  Leeds Dock
                                                               STAY SAFE:
                                                          Stay Away From
                                                                 the Edge
Map not to scale: covers approx 0.5 miles/0.8km
A little bit of history
                                                                  Leeds Dock, located on the Aire & Calder Navigation,
                                                                  was once a vast complex of store yards and
                                                                  warehouses busy offloading coal and goods from the
                                                                  barges that plied this wide canal. It was a nerve centre
                                                                  that provided a vital cross-Pennine link from Liverpool
                                                                  to the North Sea via the Aire & Calder Navigation and
                                                                  the Humber.

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

           Five things to d
                           o at L
                                 eeds                                                                    Information
            Take a bo
                                      Wate                      rfront
                        at trip fro                                                                      The Tetley
            waterfron               m    L
                        t from the eeds Dock and view
                                                                                                         Hunslet Road
            Visit The                 canal                          the                                 Leeds LS10 1JQ
                       Royal Arm
           collection               ouries and                                                                      Parking (all P&D)
                        of arms an                 discover a
           activities                 d armour.                   world-clas
                      for kids.                    Look out f                   s                                   Toilets (in pubs, cafes
          Take a wa                                              o r ex c iting
                      lk along th                                                                                   and attractions)
          km/1.7 mil               e towpath
                      es), a wate                to
         times mille              r-powered Thwaite Mills (2.7                                                      Café
                       d rape oil                mill which
         and crush                 for lubrica                  at various                                          Pub
                     ed wood f                   tion and li
        household                or dyes an                    ghting,
                      products                  d whiting                                                           Picnic bench
        Take a loo                                           for
                     k at The T                                                                                     Boat trips (from
       that has g               etley, a st
                    reat art ex               unning art                                                            Leeds Dock to Granary
       Pack a pic               h ib it io ns and fam deco building                                                 Wharf and back)
                    nic, choos                         ily art activ
       waterfron                e a picnic                             ities                                        Path
                   t and soak                  bench ove
                                up the atm                  r lo oking the
                                               osphere.                                                             Allow 3 hours for
                                                                                                                    this visit

Can you name the different parts                                                                         * Don’t forget:
of a narrowboat?                                                                                         Although the site is always
                                                                                                         open the facilities and boat
   1                                  2                                            3                     trips may not be and some
                                                                                                         may be chargeable. Please
                                                                                                         check with local businesses
                                                                                                         before setting out.

                                                                                                                  r our
                                                                                                      Sign up fo        regular
                                                                                                           r and get
                                                                                                newslette                from
                                                                                                  p dates a nd offers
                                          4                                 5                   u                          st.
                                                                                                             & River Tru
                                  Answers: 1 bow; 2 cabin; 3 tiller; 4 hull; 5 stern             the Canal
                                                                                                  Simply go
                                                                                                             h for
                                                                                                  and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                  ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                              © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                    02/18
                                                                                                 Woodlesford Lock
                                                                                                 Located just five miles from Leeds,
                                                                                                 Woodlesford Lock on the Aire &
                                                                                                 Calder Navigation, is one of the best
            Thwaite Mills                            Fishponds Lock                              places to escape the city and enjoy
            Museum                                                                               country walks.
            & Leeds

                                                                                r A ir
                                      Access to Rothwell               Air
                                                                          e &
                                      Country Park                            Cal                                 Woodlesford Lock
                                                   Rothwell                              ig a
                                                                                             t io
                                                   Country Park                                   n
                                                                                                                       Pottery Lane
                                                                       The Goit                                           Aberford Road
  Little adventures
  on your doorstep                                         Two Pointers

                                                                                                                        Lemonroyd Lock
                                                                                                                        and St Aidan’s
                                                                                                                        Nature Reserve

     STAY SAFE:                                                 Village                           Midland Hotel
Stay Away From                                                  green                             & local facilities
       the Edge

Map not to scale: covers approx 0.5 miles/0.8km
A little bit of history
                                                            The Aire & Calder Navigation was built to connect
                                                            Leeds to the Humber and the North Sea. Unique to this
                                                            navigation were ‘Tom Puddings’, huge open containers
                                                            for carrying coal, linked together and pushed along by
                                                            tugs. The waterway still carries commercial traffic but
                 Best of all                                today, it makes its way through peaceful countryside.
                 it’s FREE!*

         Five things to d
                         o at W
          Picnic Pa       ck binocu sfo                             rd Lock                          Information
            wildlife su               lars and tr
                          ch as elep                   ack down                                      Woodlesford Lock
           and the ve                  hant, ante                    exotic wo
                           ry rare Gr                   lope, giraf                    oden          Woodlesford
           Use the b                   u  f fa lo!                   fe, g  o r il la, deer
                         ird screen                                                                  West Yorkshire
          life. Look o                 to watch a                                                    LS26 8PU
                          ut for san                     huge varie
         blue flash                   d martins                        ty of bird
                         of a kingfis                  on the riv
         kite circlin                  he                           erbank, th                                  Parking (free &
                        g in the sk r or spot a forked-t                              e
        Visit Thwa                    y .                              a il ed red
                        ite Mills, a
        various tim                   water-pow                                                                 Toilets (in hotel,
                        es milled                      ered mill w
       lighting, a                   rape oil fo                      hich at                                   pubs and cafés
                     nd crushe                        r lubricatio
                                   d wood fo                        n
                       products                     r dyes and and                                              in village)
      Keep a lo                                                    whiting fo
                    ok about f                                                       r                          Café
      Take a wa                   o r working
                    lk. There’s                      boats and
     (1.75 miles                  a circular                       barges                                       Pub
                   ), or a tow                    w  alk to Fish
    (1.5 miles),                 path walk                         pon
                   or try par                    t o  Lemonroy ds Lock                                          Picnic bench
    mile long                    t of the Le                       d Lock
                  circular w                      eds Coun
                                alk divided                    t ry Way, a                                      Path
                                                  into 4-6 m                     62-
                                                                ile section
                                                                                 s.                             Allow 2 hours
 What to Spot                                                                                                   for this visit
 Explore the waterside together.                                                                     * Don’t forget:
 How many of these can you spot?
                                                                                                     Although the site is always
  A duck quacking                                                                                    open the facilities and boat
                                                                                                     trips may not be and some
                                                                                                     may be chargeable. Please
                                                                                                     check with local businesses
                                            fa                                                       before setting out.
                             The number o
                            bridge or lo ck       A fascinating insect

                            The names of                A face
                                                                                                                  r our
                            two boats                   or animal                                    Sign up fo         regular
                                                        in the                                  ew s lette r and et
                                                                                              n                          from
   An interesting                                       clouds                                              nd offers
                                                                                             updates a                    st.
   stone or brick                                                                                           & River T  ru
                                                                                              the Canal
                                                                                                Simply go
                                                                                                             h for
                                                                                                and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                          © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                02/18
                                                                                                         Hebden Bridge
                                                                                                         Discover this lovely old textile
                                                                                                         mill town on the Rochdale Canal.
                                                                                                         The spectacular scenery and
                                                                                                         quirky, independent shops,
                                                                                          Hardcastle     galleries and cafés in Hebden
                                                                                          Crags (NT)     Bridge, ensure a great day out.
                                                         Heptonstall           River        1 mile
  Stubbing                                                                     Hebden
  Lock House                               A64                                                        Packhorse Town Centre
                                                  6                                                   Bridge
                                                      Mar                     Theatre
                                                            t S
                                                                tre                                   Cinema
                                                                                                                           Hebden Bridge
                                                          R o c hda                                     New                Marina
                                                                        Can                                    Ro
                                                                              al                                    ad

                                   Stubbing                                                   Calder Holmes
                                   Upper Lock                                                 Park
Todmorden &
Pennine Way                                                 Alternative
                                                                                          Black Pit
                                                                              Black Pit   Lock
     Little adventures                                                        Aqueduct
     on your doorstep                                                                                 River
                                                                                                                         Hebden    Sowerby
                                                                                                                         Bridge    Bridge
                                                                        STAY SAFE:
                                                                        Stay Away From
Map not to scale: covers approx 0.5 miles/0.8km                         the Edge
A little bit of history
                                                                  Hebden Bridge was, and still is, famous for the
                                                                  production of corduroy. It was once known as ‘trouser
                                                                  town’! Packhorses took the cloth from the mills to the
                                                                  canal, and from there to Sowerby Bridge or Lancashire.
                                                                  Many of the old mills still stand, but most are now
                                                                  converted into studios and workshops.

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

          Five things to d
                          o at H
                                ebde                                                                    Information
                                    n                                Bridge                             Albert Street
             Take a bo
                        at trip and                                                                     Hebden Bridge
            Rochdale                 discover m
                        Canal.                   ore about                                              HX7 8AH
            Explore th                                       the
                        e many ar                                                                                  Parking
           shops in t               t galleries
                      he town c                 and indep
           Pick up a              entre.                   endent                                                  Toilets
                      heritage t
          Walk up t               rail and ex
                     o the old                plore Heb                                                            Café
          name to t              packhorse              den Bridg
                    he town.                  bridge tha            e.
                                                         t                                                         Pub
         Spot old m                                        gives its
                      ill building                                                                                 Information
         stacked u                 s
                    p the stee and workers’ cottag
                                 p valley.                 es                                                      Picnic
                                                                                                                   Boat trip
                                                                                                                   Allow 2-3
                                                                                                                   hours for this
                            Did you know?...                                                            * Don’t forget:
                                                                                                        Although the site is always
                            Our lock gates are handbuilt                                                open the facilities and boat
                            by skilled carpenters in                                                    trips may not be and some
                                                                                                        may be chargeable. Please
                            our workshops in the West                                                   check with local businesses
                            Midlands and Yorkshire, from                                                before setting out.
                            FSC Green Oak. Each one is
                            unique and can take up to a
                            month to make. Once built
                                                                                                                 r our
                            they last for about 25 years.                                             Sign up fo         gular
                                                                                                  w sletter and et re
                                                                                               ne                      from
                                                                                                           nd offers
                                                                                               updates a                 st.
                                                                                                            & River Tru
                                                                                                the Canal
                                                                                                 Simply go
                                                                                                            h for
                                                                                                 and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                 ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                             © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                   02/18
Tuel Lane Lock                                                                            Little adventures
                                   Church                    Shire Cruisers
                                                                                                    on your doorstep
       Hebden                                     Street     holiday
       Bridge                                                boat hire                Halifax
                                      Tuel Lane

                                                              Calder & Hebble      Navigat
                                                                                           i   on

                                                               River Calder


   Sowerby Bridge                                               Sowerby Bridge Wharf
                                                                Sowerby Bridge Wharf is where two waterways
Stay Away From                                                  meet on the edge of the Pennines. Once a
the Edge                                                        major industrial centre, now trendy pubs and
                                                                cafes occupy many of the old canal buildings.
Map not to scale: covers approx 0.5 miles/0.8km
A little bit of history
                                                                  Sowerby Bridge Wharf was a vital link in the chain of
                                                                  waterways stretching from the Humber to the Mersey.
                                                                  Here, cargo was transferred from long boats called
                                                                  Mersey flats to the shorter Yorkshire keels because
                                                                  they were too big for the locks on the Calder & Hebble

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

         Five things to d
                         o at S
                                   by B                     ridge Wharf
             Take a wa
             finest in th
                          lk round t
                                     he canal b                                                         Information
                           e country               asin – its
                                      .                       one of the                                Stanley Street
             Walk Ove                                                                                   Sowerby Bridge
                         r to Tuel T
            lock in Brit             unnel Loc
                          ain. Watch             k – the de                                             HX6 2AJ
           metres (18                  boats bein             epest
                         feet) and c                g raised n                                                     Parking
           Check ou                   hat to our               early 6
                       t the wate                   lock keep
          how many                  rside cafe                 er.                                                 Toilets
                        ha                      s  a n d spot
          canal ware ve been converted                                                                             Café
                        houses.                     from old
         Spot Wain
                       house Tow                                                                                   Pub
         owner, Jo                  er built fo
                     hn Wainho                  r local dye
         boomed h                 use. The t                  works                                                Picnic
                      ere with r              extile indu
        delivered                 aw and pr                stry once
                     to and fro              ocessed c                                                             Boat hire
        Boat build               m the mills               otton
                     ing has a                 b y  canal.                                                         Path
       still see co              long tradit
                     lourful nar              ion here. Y
       repaired o                 rowboats                 ou can                                                  Allow 3 hours
                    n the Wha                 being refit                                                          for this visit
                                rf.                        ted and

                                                                                                        * Don’t forget:
                                                                                                        Although the site is always
 Can you name the different parts                                                                       open the facilities and boat
                                                                                                        trips may not be and some
 of a narrowboat?                                                                                       may be chargeable. Please
   1                                  2                                             3                   check with local businesses
                                                                                                        before setting out.

                                                                                                                 r our
                                                                                                      Sign up fo         gular
                                                                                                  w sletter and et re
                                                                                               ne                      from
                                                                                                           nd offers
                                                                                               updates a                 st.
                                          4                                 5                               & River Tru
                                                                                                the Canal
                               Answers: 1 bow; 2 cabin; 3 tiller; 4 hull; 5 stern
                                                                                                 Simply go
                                                                                                            h for
                                                                                                 and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                 ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                             © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                   02/18
                                                                                                            Standedge Tunnel
                                                                                                            Standedge Tunnel is the longest,
                                                                                                            highest and oldest canal tunnel
 Tunnel End                                                                                                 to be built in Britain. It’s one of
 reservoir                                                                                                  the wonders of the waterways.
                                                                                                            Don’t miss it!
                                                   Standedge Tunnel
                                                   Visitor Centre
                                                                                               Little adventures
                                                                                               on your doorstep
                                                       garden +

                                                                                                      Station Road
Ashton-                                                        Hu
under-Lyne                                                        d   de                                                         Marsden
                                                                            ie                                                      Huddersfield
                             Standedge                                         ld
                             Tunnel                                                   rro
                                                      Riv                                   w C
                                                         er                                    anal

                                                                                                                                      STAY SAFE:
                                                                                                                                 Stay Away From
 Map not to scale: covers approx 0.5 miles/0.8km                                                                                        the Edge
A little bit of history
                                                                  Standedge Tunnel was cut through the Pennines by
                                                                  hundreds of navvies working with nothing but picks,
                                                                  shovels and muscle power. It took 16 years, and after
                                                                  many financial and constructional difficulties, opened in
                                                                  1811. More than three miles long, there’s no towpath so
                                                                  boats were ‘legged’ through. Phew!

                              Best of all
                              it’s FREE!*

          Five things to d
                          o at S
                                tande                                                                    Information
                                     dge Tunnel
             Take a bo                                                                                   HD7 6NQ
                        at trip int
            it must ha               o the tunn
                       ve been li                el and find                                                        Parking +
            Check ou                 ke to ‘leg’               out what
                       t the Visit               boats thro
           canal ware                or Centre                ugh.                                                  Toilets
                       ho                        lo c ated in an
           and how it use. Discover more                          old                                               Café
                        was built.                   about the
           Visit the L                                           tunnel
                      oft Space                                                                                     Visitor Centre
          Take a bre                 Creative h
                      ak in the W                ub.                                                                Picnic bench
          delicious                   atersedge
                    snack.                        Café and
         Keep an e                                            enjoy a                                               Play area
                     ye open f
         Reservoir               or wildlife                                                                        Boat trips
                    Nature Tra                in the Tun
                                 il.                       nel End
                                                                                                                    Allow half a
                                                                                                                    day for this

                            Did you know?...                                                             * Don’t forget:
                                                                                                         Although the site is always
                            It’s best to feed ducks tasty                                                open the facilities and boat
                            treats like:                                                                 trips may not be and some
                            • porridge oats                                                              may be chargeable. Please
                                                                                                         check with local businesses
                            • rice                                                                       before setting out.
                            • peas
                            • chopped lettuce
                            • birdseed
                            Whilst they will gobble up white                                                      r our
                                                                                                       Sign up fo         gular
                            bread, crisps and chips its junk                                          letter and et re
                                                                                                ne w s                  from
                            food for you and ducks!                                                         nd offers
                                                                                                updates a                 st.
                                                                                                             & River Tru
                                                                                                 the Canal
                                                                                                  Simply go
                                                                                                             h for
                                                                                                  and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                                  ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                              © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                                    02/18
Pocklington             Wellington
                                                                        York R            Hull
                                                                              oad A1
Explore                                                                              07 9
                                                      Canal Head
Pocklington Canal
Most of Pocklington Canal lies                                                        Top Lock
within a Site of Special Scientific
Interest (SSSI). It’s one of the
best places on the canal system                        Silburn Lock
to spot birds, insects, small
mammals and plants.
                                                                                    Giles Lock

                                     Pocklington Canal
                                                                         Sandhill Lock

                                             Coates Lock

                                                                         Coates Bridge

                       Thornton Lock

                      New Horizons                                    Swingbridge
                      Boat Trips

                                                  Walbut Lock

                                Melbourne Arms
                                                            Little adventures
                                                            on your doorstep

Stay Away From
the Edge

Map not to scale: covers approx 1.4 miles/2.4km
A little bit of history
                                                         Pocklington Canal is a broad canal that runs for almost
                                                         ten miles (15.3 km) through nine locks. It was built to
                                                         allow Yorkshire keels, which operated on the River
                                                         Derwent, to use it. In the 1960s, the canal was in serious
                                                         decline but thanks to a team of dedicated volunteers,
                                                         much of it has been restored.

                            Best of all
                            it’s FREE!*

          Five things to d
                          o at P
                                ocklin                                                           Information
                                      gto                         n Canal                        Melbourne YO42 4QJ
           Take a bo                                                                             &
                      at trip and
           Pocklingto              discover m                                                    Pocklington YO42 1NW
                      n Canal.                   ore about
          Look for s                                       the
                      wing bridg                                                                            Parking
          bridges, re              es, quaint
                      stored an                hump-bac
         Bring bino               d unresto              ked                                                Information
                     culars to lo           red locks.
         such as w                 ok out for                                                               (Sunday &
                    ater voles                 uncommo                                                      bank holiday
         Have a pic              and dams                n wildlife
                    nic on the              elflies.                                                        afternoons)
        out for ne                banks of t
                   sting bird                he canal a                                                     Picnic
        Pack wellie            s in the re              nd watch
                    s and find             eds.
                                 puddles to                                                                 Boat trips
                                              splash in.                                                    (Sunday &
                                                                                                            bank holiday

 What to Spot
                                                                                                            Allow 3-4 hours
 Explore the waterside together.                                                                            for this visit
 How many of these can you spot?
                                                                                                 * Don’t forget:
  A duck quacking                                                                                Although the site is always
                                                                                                 open the facilities and boat
                                                                                                 trips may not be and some
                                                                                                 may be chargeable. Please
                                            fa                                                   check with local businesses
                            The number o
                           bridge o r lo ck      A fascinating insect                          before setting out.

                           The names of              A face
                           two boats                 or animal                                              r our
                                                     in the                                    Sign up fo            ular
                                                                                                     r a nd get reg
   An interesting                                    clouds                             new  s lette
                                                                                                     nd offers
   stone or brick                                                                      updates a                   st.
                                                                                                      & River Tru
                                                                                         the Canal
                                                                                          Simply go
                                                                                                       h for
                                                                                          and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                          ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                      © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                            02/18
Old pumphouse
                                                    Sheffield &
                                                    South Yorkshire
                                                    Navigation                                      Old
                                                                Snow’s                            Doncaster
Sprotbrough Lock is one of
the loveliest spots on the
Sheffield & South Yorkshire
Navigation. It’s one of the
best places on the canal

system to watch birds.

                                                                                 r D


  The Boat




                         s e

                   N   ur

                                                                   Fish pass

Nature Reserve
Site of Special
Scientific Interest!

                                                        Levitt Hagg
                                       River D

                                                                   Little adventures
                                                                   on your doorstep

      STAY SAFE:
 Stay Away From                  Conisborough
        the Edge
                                                               Map not to scale: covers approx 1.4 miles/2.4km
A little bit of history
                                                         The Sheffield & South Yorkshire Navigation runs from
                                                         Sheffield to Keadby where it joins the River Trent.
                                                         Sprotbrough Locks is a peaceful spot surrounded by
                                                         woodlands and a nature reserve – a Site of Special
                                                         Scientific Interest (SSSI). It’s a wonderful place to escape
                                                         city life and enjoy country walks and easy bike rides.

                            Best of all
                            it’s FREE!*

          Five things to d
                          o at S
                                                          rough                                   Information
           Bird spott
                      ing is a m                                                                  Sprotbrough Locks
           and look o             ust in sum
                      ut for bird             mer. Pack                                           Nursery Lane
          Flash.                  s attracte             binoculars
                                             d to the S                                           Sprotbrough
          Take a bo                                     protbroug                                 Doncaster DN5 7NB
                    at trip and                                   h
         South Yor               discover m
                    kshire Nav                ore Sheffie                                                    Parking
         Enjoy a pic            igation.                  ld &
                     nic on the
        Watch an                  banks and                                                                  Pub
                  glers fishin                feed the d
        fearsome               g for roac                 ucks.
                   pike.                   h, chub, te                                                       Picnic
        Watch bo                                       nch and
                  ats pass t                                                                                 Cycling
                             hrough Sp
                                                     Lock.                                                   Holidays &
                                                                                                             taster cruises


 What to Spot                                                                                                Allow 1-2 hours
 Explore the waterside together.                                                                             for this visit
 How many of these can you spot?
                                                                                                  * Don’t forget:
  A duck quacking                                                                                 Although the site is always
                                                                                                  open the facilities and boat
                                                                                                  trips may not be and some
                                                                                                  may be chargeable. Please
                                          fa                                                      check with local businesses
                            The number o
                           bridge or lock       A fascinating insect                            before setting out.

                           The names of              A face
                           two boats                 or animal                                               r our
                                                     in the                                     Sign up fo         regular
   An interesting                                                                          ew s lette r and get
                                                     clouds                              n                          from
                                                                                                      nd offers
   stone or brick                                                                       updates a                 ru st.
                                                                                                       & River T
                                                                                          the Canal
                                                                                           Simply go
                                                                                                        h for
                                                                                           and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                           ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                       © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                             02/18
Little adventures
                                                                            on your doorstep

                          River Trent

                                                     A631 Gainsborough Road

                                                       Drakeholes Tunnel
This part of the

Chesterfield Canal,

which runs through
Drakeholes, is a Site                                           Beware fast


of Special Scientific

Interest (SSSI). It’s a

great place for family                                                             ns
country walks and for                                                            G
spotting wildlife.                                                         04
                 Ga            Flood
                   ins         sluice
                      b    oro
                               ug h R                                                The old gatehouses
                                                                                     to Wiseton Hall
                                                                Drakeholes Tunnel

                                                                           Ches terfield Canal

                                                 d               Wi
                                               oa                       to
                                              R                            n
                                          l                                    Ro
                                      o                                           ad
                       0 4                                 Beware fast               Clayworth
                     B6                                    traffic!
Stay Away From
the Edge

Map not to scale: covers approx 1.4 miles/2.4km
A little bit of history
                                                         The Chesterfield Canal carried bulky goods such as
                                                         coal, limestone, lead, timber and local produce such as
                                                         cheese between Chesterfield and the River Trent. On
                                                         this canal, boats weren’t painted with traditional ‘rose
                                                         and castles’ patterns, and boatmen lived ‘ashore’ with
                                                         their families rather than on boats.

                            Best of all
                            it’s FREE!*

          Five things to d
                          o at D
                                                     o      les
              Look out
             It was buil
                         for the en
                                     trance to                                                  Information
                         t without              Drakehole                                       Eel Pool Road
            ‘legged’ th             a towpath              s Tunnel.
                         rough.                  so the bo                                      Doncaster
           Take a fish                                     ats were
                                                                                                DH10 5DH
                        ing net an
           Look out                 d go cana
                      for the co                l dipping.                                                 Parking
          Pack a pic              lo  urful narro
                      nic, sit on                  wboats.
          peaceful a               the canal                                                               Toilets
                      tmospher                 banks and
         Bring bino               e.                       enjoy the
                      culars and                                                                           Picnic
         dragonflie                look for d
                     s that thriv              amselflies
                                  e on the s               and                                             Path
                                              till waters
                                                          of canals.
                                                                                                           Allow 1-2 hours
                                                                                                           for this visit

                                                                                                * Don’t forget:
                                                                                                Although the site is always
 What to Spot                                                                                   open the facilities and boat
                                                                                                trips may not be and some
 Explore the waterside together.                                                                may be chargeable. Please
 How many of these can you spot?                                                                check with local businesses
                                                                                                before setting out.
  A duck quacking

                            The number o
                           bridge or lock       A fascinating insect

                           The names of              A face
                           two boats                 or animal                                             r our
                                                     in the                                   Sign up fo         regular
   An interesting                                                                        ew s lette r and et
                                                     clouds                            n                          from
                                                                                                    nd offers
   stone or brick                                                                     updates a                 ru st.
                                                                                                     & River T
                                                                                        the Canal
                                                                                         Simply go
                                                                                                      h for
                                                                                         and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                         ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                     © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                           02/18
                                                                                       Naburn Locks
                                                                                       Part of the River Ouse navigation, Naburn
                                                                                       Locks were once busy with barges
                                       Naburn                                          transporting goods to and from York and Hull
                                       village                                         and beyond. Today it’s the perfect place for
                                                                                       country walks and spotting wildlife.
Little adventures
                                   York            River bus jetty
on your doorstep                                                                                    Naburn caravan park
                                                                     Lock keeper’s cottage

                                                                         Stables +

       Nature trail &                                                          Hall
       sensory garden

                   Naburn weir

                                                                                             World War II
                        Forge &                                                              bunker

                                                                                                                             STAY SAFE:
Map not to scale: covers approx 0.7 miles/1.2km                                      Selby                      Stay Away From the Edge
A little bit of history
                                                               The first lock at Naburn was built in 1757 – one of the
                                                               earliest examples of canal engineering in the country.
                                                               In Victorian times, a larger lock was built alongside
                                                               the original one to allow large freight barges to pass
                                                               through. It was opened with much ado by Queen
                                                               Victoria’s grandson, Prince Albert Victor.

                            Best of all
                            it’s FREE!*

          Five things to d
                          o at N
            Take a wa
                       lk on the      Locks                                                        Information
            watch out             banks of t
                        for red kit             he River O                                         Naburn Locks
           Check ou                 es, k ingfishers         use and
                                                      a                                            Naburn
                      t old cana                        nd herons
           workshop               l buildings                                                      York YO19 4RU
                     , the lock                  such as th
          iron swing             keeper’s c                  e forge,
                       bridge                  ottage an                                                      Parking
                                                          d the cast
         Explore th
                     e Naburn                                                                                 Toilets
         Take a leis             nature tra
                     urely scen               il and sens                                                     (at the locks)
         mighty Riv              ic boat trip              ory garde
                    er Ouse                      to York alo          n
        Walk or b                                             ng the                                          Pub
                   ike up the
        discover t              towpath t                                                                     Picnic
                   he historic               o Naburn
                                 church an               village and
                                              d tradition                                                     Boat trips
                                                          al pub.

                                                                                                              Nature Trail

                                                                                                              Allow 2 hours
                                                                                                              for this visit
 Can you name the different parts                                                                  * Don’t forget:
 of a narrowboat?                                                                                  Although the site is always
                                                                                                   open the facilities and boat
   1                               2                                            3                  trips may not be and some
                                                                                                   may be chargeable. Please
                                                                                                   check with local businesses
                                                                                                   before setting out.

                                                                                                              r our
                                                                                                 Sign up fo         regular
                                       4                               5                    ew s lette r and et
                                                                                          n                          from
                                                                                                        nd offers
                                                                                          updates a                 ru st.
                                                                                                         & River T
                           Answers: 1 bow; 2 cabin; 3 tiller; 4 hull; 5 stern
                                                                                           the Canal
                                                                                            Simply go
                                                                                                         h for
                                                                                            and searc
Go to canalriverexplorers.org.uk                                                            ‘canal new
to discover lots of fun things to
do with the family.
                                                                                        © Canal & River Trust Charity no. 1146792
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped produce these.                                                              02/18
For more inspiring places
to visit look out for our
other guides.

A place to walk, somewhere to feed the
                                                                   e w s lette
                                                              ur n          s
ducks or a place to simply be. Life by
                                                  u p  for o r update al &
                                           Si g n            u l a          a n
water is relaxing, friendly and healthy,          g e t reg m the C
it makes a difference to how we feel.       and fers fro
                                             and o Trust.                           h
                                              River                       nd  s earc
At Canal & River Trust we believe life                     go   onlin tter’.
                                                        ly            le
is better by water. We care for these           Simp nal news
waterways so they exist for you to               for ‘c
enjoy, for free, every day.

Discover, explore, enjoy.

                                                                 T: 0303 040 4040

© Canal & River Trust 2018. 03/18
Registered Charity Number 1146792.
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