YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute

YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute
       4 YEARS OF

                                     OLDEST ORGANISED YOGA CENTRE IN THE WORLD

                                                   GUIDE TO A
                                                 GOOD NIGHT’S
YOUTH AND                                               SLEEP
MENTAL                                                 SMT. HANSAJI JAYADEVA
PROBLEMS                                                          YOGENDRA


                                                     THE PERFECT
STHIRA                                                    HEALTH
SUKHAM                                              INVESTMENT!
ASANAM                                                              FROM THE
                                                               TEACHER’S DIARY

YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute
4 YEARS OF          YOGASATTVA                                                                              JULY 2021


                                   F E AT U R E D
                                                                         10-13               YOGIC
                                                                                             INSIGHTS                                  25
                                   On Campus Regular classes
                                   for men & women                                           Why we need to
                                                                                             overcome demonical
                                                                                             tendencies of the mind

                     4-5                                                                     Jayadeva

Guide to a Good Night’s
                                   Events & Happening at The Yoga Institute
Hansaji                            around the world.

Yoga, the perfect
                                                                                             RECIPE OF
health investment!                                                                                                                      26
Sneha Arora                6                                                                 THE MONTH
                                                                                             Power Packed Cereal
Sthira Sukham Asanam
                           7       Y O G A C E L E B R AT E S
                                   LIFE                                                      27 TESTIMONIALS
Dr. Sneha Rathi, MPT
                                    Youth and                                                29 UPCOMING
                                    Mental Problems                                             ACTIVITIES
OF THE MONTH                       Shri Yogendraji                          24
                                                                                             31 VIDEO OF THE
Yogendra Pranayama 6                                                                            MONTH
- Puraka
(Prolonged Inhalation)

THROUGH YOGA                                                                                 The Yoga Institute
                                                                                             Shri Yogendra Marg, Prabhat Colony,
How to embrace
one’s silent companion     9                                                                 Santacruz East, Mumbai - 400055, India.
                                                                                             Tel: +91-22-26122185/+91-22-26110506

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YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute


"Is the glass half empty or half full?" How we see it will give us a clear understanding about our perspective towards life.
Research states that seeing the glass half full not only makes us happier, it also makes us healthier and wealthier. And
now that we are halfway through 2021, let’s pause and reect on the last six months. As our Yoga ways of living help us to
be present in the moment, we also allow the wisdom of the glass half full or half empty to throw more light on our own linear

On 21st June 2021, on the occasion of 7th International Day of Yoga, The Yoga Institute celebrated Yoga Mahotsav in
association with Hon’ble Minister, Road Transport and Highways, Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari ji and Hon’ble Minister of
State, Ministry of Defence, Shri Shripad Y Naik ji. TYI also agged off IDY2021 at the Raj Bhavan, in the presence of our
Hon'ble Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari ji. Respecting the prevailing restrictions in view of the
COVID 19 situation, TYI commemorated IDY 2021 by hosting various ofine, online and virtual sessions along with many
live demonstrations, interactive meetings and webinars to encourage everyone to experience the goodness of Yoga.

Monsoon is here to indulge us in Mother Nature’s natural pristine beauty and bounty. As the lush green elds, joyful
mountains, happy owing rivers calm the mind and soothes the soul, our body also gets exposed to common water-borne
diseases, respiratory allergies, fever, u, cold, stomach infections etc. Therefore, we must inculcate healthy daily diet
routines and yoga practices to help strengthen the immune system and keep monsoon related health hazards at bay. This
will keep our immunity at an all-time high, not only during the monsoon season but throughout the year.

The youth of today is the reection of the society of today. The mental health of the youth depends upon parents, society
and the culture inherited. In this issue, Founder, Shri Yogendra ji shares more about Youth and their mental problems.

Yoga way of living inspires us to be aware of our experiences and transform in a healthy way. As we awaken our
awareness, we experience a greater sense of liveliness with ease.

Live life with awareness!

                                               Pranee Hrishi Yogendra

                                                                                                             3 YOGASATTVA
YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute

         Guide to a
      Good Night’s Sleep

YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute

        leep is one of the basic biological, psychological and         sleep. What is unwanted, the body throws it out; what is wanted,
        psychophysical needs of our body. And if a person does         the body stores it and keeps it and that good things are
        not sleep, all the aspects are going to get affected.          happening during sleep and that does not happen with sleep
Physically, the person will be weak because the hormones will          during the day.So try and organize your life so that you can
not be developed and so there is an imbalance in the hormones          sleep at night.
in our body. The nervous system, digestive system, respiratory
system; every system gets affected because of bad                      Sometimes it happens that one family member is out and all the
management. Food also will get affected because whatever               other family members are up, waiting for that person to come
food we eat, the body will not absorb or assimilate it. Our            and then they will eat food together and then they will sleep at
immunity will also go very low the moment we have a deciency          the same time. Now that is very wrong management.
of sleep.                                                              Everybody should be self-reliant and should see to it that if you
                                                                       can, you should eat early and sleep early. Food should be had
And so it is very, very clear as food is important, sleep is equally   three hours before sleeping. After that, no. One hour before if
important. Without food - for example when someone is fasting -        you feel any difculty in sleeping, have a quick bath also. And
a person can live for a few days, no problem, but without sleep, a     one hour before you should be away from all electronic items
person, within three days, is totally in a bad state. First, the       because the blue light of your computer, your mobile activates
psychology gets affected, and then the physiology and                  your optic nerves and that would prevent sleep. You will be very
everything gets affected. The mind gets affected rst; anger           happy doing all that but then you will be deprived of sleep and
comes in, frustration, depression, anxiety, neurosis,                  that could bring all the diseases. So try to understand and keep
schizophrenia comes, all these things happen because of lack           all those things away before sleeping, sit and relax.
of sleep.
                                                                       If you nd that the mind is busy thinking about many things, the
It has been observed that if someone even has a simple                 human mind needs training, divert your thoughts to some
problem like a common cold, if you sleep a little more when your       positive thinking, some good, pleasant thinking, joyful thinking.
body is in trouble, that sleep itself would be like therapy; a         Read some jokes, some good sayings, good stories, or count
person will get better if it’s a good sleep. So try and see that and   your blessings of the day, how many good things happened,
always remember that whenever there is any problem, you have           write ten positive points. Make this a habit in life and try to
a joint pain or backache or anything, sleep one hour early. A          decide what to do for the problems that you are facing right now.
person puts on weight, the body is going through some struggle,        The solution part of the problem could be a thought at night. If
sleep one hour early, that would help in reducing weight. If you       there is no solution, well, you can always say tomorrow, day
have any respiratory problems, sleep more. Cancer patients, I          after. But this is how we should handle this. Sometimes it
tell them to sleep one hour early so that they get additional          happens that negativity overpowers us. It is always better to
sleep. So in any health condition, any disease, sleep contributes      bring your mind into a very peaceful, positive state; in your mind,
to well-being and sleep helps in treatment of diseases and             there should be a nice wave state, which can be achieved
problems.                                                              through conditioning and other techniques mentioned in this
                                                                       month’s issue.
So try and take sleep very seriously. Nowadays, people
give sleep much less importance; they think that sleep
means a waste of time. And instead of sleeping, they are
watching movies, they are on the computer, talking to a
foreign country because their time zone is different and
their work is like that and people have to sacrice their
sleep. But we should know how to manage sleep. Number
one, the day is meant for work; the night is meant for sleep.
That rule is very clear by nature.

Though everybody should follow that rule but if it can’t be
avoided, if a person is working at night, see that priority is given
to sleep during the day. And when a person is sleeping during
the day, that person should remember to sleep with an empty
stomach and not on a full stomach. After eating, sleeping has no
meaning; it creates more dullness, a tamasik state. Before
eating, a person should rst sleep and then get up and eat and
then the deciency of sleep could be handled.

So this is a simple suggestion that a person should follow slowly.
See to it that you organize your life in such a way that the night
should be given for sleep because the entire atmosphere,                                                    Smt. Hansaji J. Yogendra
everything helps you sleep better and helps you in repairing all                                            Director, The Yoga Institute.
your body’s problems as all repair work takes place during

                                                                                                                           5 YOGASATTVA
YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute

the perfect

              e invest our time and effort in making a living for our   guidance given. Hence, if one is disciplined with the above 2
              survival, but never do we think about what use this       practices for the physical and mental body, stress levels surely
              survival is without a healthy body, mind and spirit.      will reduce.
 Most people relate to Yoga as a physical exercise, which
 undoubtedly is one of the important aspects to maintain                3 To channelize or give expression to one’s emotions, the
 optimum health. However, if one digs deeper into the roots, it is      psychology bit of Yoga gives a technique, which is also used by
 actually a way of life, and not just that one hour on the mat! With    NLP practitioners in our modern day. The technique of writing
 a fortunate exposure to Yoga in philosophy, psychology and             10 Positive points at the end of the day is the best way to
 technique from authentic schools of Yoga, in India, like The           conquer that overthinking and negative mind.
 Yoga Institute, I have clearly observed and tested as a Yoga
 teacher for 16 years now, that many of the diseases, mental and        4 In Italy, a 75-year-old Covid survivor, when receiving the
 physical, can be reversed with Yogic lifestyle changes in one’s        hospital bill, felt grateful for the breaths he had free for 75 years,
 routines, pranayama (breathing exercises) and attitude. I              which he took it for granted before the pandemic. One day of
 would like to share some tips that one can incorporate in daily        ventilator came to his rescue and that is when he learnt the
 living that combat stress levels in the ‘new normal’.                  importance of God-given bio-energy/prana breath! Hence, to
                                                                        calm the mind, 10 rounds of simple equal breathing is
 1. A simple technique of Vajarasana (Thunderbolt pose) after           highly suggested, on an empty stomach. These few tips can
 meals for 10 mins helps with good digestion and reduction of           make a magnitude of a difference.
 acidity. If the asana is difcult to do on the oor, one can sit up
 with an erect spine, completely touching the back of the chair
 too. Practise of this asana after meals itself makes a huge
 difference to acidity and constipation problems.

 2. Whilst everyone is coping with constant changes,
 acceptance is the key to settling the unsettled mind. As they say,
 what you resist, persists more, hence, if one brings in the Yogic
 attitude of acceptance and focuses on what one can do,
 instead of what one cannot, that will automatically take one in
 the direction of being present and mindful and diving deep into
 the potential of being creative in the NOW. The Yoga Sutras                                                Sneha Arora
 written by Patanjali emphasised on all aspects of a human being
 and discipline of the mind and focussing on the now, is the rst

YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute

               Sthira Sukham Asanam

         oga Sutra 2.46 denes Asana as Sthira Sukham                When we practice at the same spot, at the same time, our
        Asanam, which means a steady, blissful posture.These         nervous system is more aware and ready to explore greater
        three words describe the entire experience of Asana.         depths of the work that we are doing.
In order to achieve this state, a correct balance of the autonomic
and peripheral nervous system with the cortex is required. Here      7. Practice on an empty stomach
are 10 tips to incorporate into Asana practice accordingly:          We would not want to tax too many systems in our body
                                                                     altogether at the same time. Hence, it is important to have a gap
1. Determine level of activeness in the body                         of at least 3 hours post-meal.
Before starting the practice, we should rst know the level of
activity in the nerves. Feel the energy by rst conditioning the     8. Accept your body as it is
mind to observe the body. Now, plan for a faster Surya               We tend to get inspired by others, especially with an
Namaskar or a slower meditative stance.                              overwhelming number of social media accounts and people
                                                                     practicing Yoga. But it is important to know our body thoroughly
2. Ensure to get your mind to the present                            well before we tame it to reach advanced Asana goals.
Before practicing, it is important to make the mind do a blank       Acceptance is what is needed for a great practice. Goal-
run, just ready to explore the body in its various dimensions. If    orientedness can lead to a hardwork-frustration cycle,with
we work out with predetermined goals, we tend to skip some           delayed, reduced results or in worst case, injuries.
objective assessment of the body and may end up with an injury.
Hence,it is important to be in the present, ready to explore every   9. Follow your intuition
information that the body is going to provide.                       When we are well aware of our body with a good level of
                                                                     acceptance, the amount, force, positions to be attained become
3. Always use a Yoga mat                                             very intuitive. Following this intuition can help us get results at a
The earth has an intense amount of energy. A simple example is       faster pace.
that the temperature of the oor keeps varying, which can be
strong enough to distract us from the practice. Hence,it is          10. Start with warm-up and end with relaxation
important to use a Yoga mat, which is a good insulator and           It is important to reduce the risk of injury. Chalk out a plan that
remains neutral in termperature.                                     includes slowly tuning the nervous system and muscles to the
                                                                     peak of activity followed by tuning it to zero activity. This process
4. Switch off fans/AC                                                helps in balancing of activity in our system, which reduces the
Air temperature can cause changes in muscle tonicity and             risk of injury and keeps us on a continuous, sustained practice
nervous function. The natural response of the body in the form       without any hindrances.
of sweating gets altered in the presence of an air conditioner,
which reduces the elimination of waste from the body. Besides,       And nally: Enjoy your practice!
oxygen levels in the air are found to be lower with fans switched

5. Wear loose clothes
Tight tting clothes can alter the nervous system function,
muscle tone as well as restrict the range of motion of joints. In
order to reduce any kind of restrictions in our practice, wearing
loose clothes is preferable.

6. Practice at the same time, same spot, same                                                  Dr. Sneha Rathi
   temperament                                                                                 MPT (Musculoskeletal
Per the principles of learning, our nervous system works better
when the same stimulus is repeated under similar conditions.

                                                                                                                          7 YOGASATTVA
YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute

     Yogendra Pranayama 6 - Puraka
         (Prolonged Inhalation)
               There is so much I learn and imbibe to go ahead in life.

METHOD OF PRACTICE                                          Limitations / Contraindications
Starting Position                                           1. Cardiac and hypertensive patients must take caution
1. Sit erect preferably in either Padmasana or                 not to overexert.
   Sukhasana or in any meditative posture of your
   choice. Place your hands on your knees, palms            BENEFITS
   facing down.                                             Therapeutic
2. Close your eyes or x your gaze at a point ahead.        1. It improves the lung capacity by stimulating the lung
                                                            cellular structure.
3. After a short exhalation, begin a slow, long, unbroken   Psychological
   and gradual process of inhalation lling your entire     1. It improves focus.
   chest cavity till the diaphragm. Take care not to        2. It has a calming effect on the mind.
   forcefully extend your stomach. The inhalation time
   can be from 5 to 10 seconds depending on your lung
   capacity. The emphasis is on prolonged inhalation.
4. Once the inhalation is complete, exhale normally and
5. Take a few normal breaths before the next round.
6. Practise 4-5 rounds with pauses in between each

YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute

                                 How to embrace
                              one’s silent companion
                                                        A Case Study

M         any people have a silent                                                                    that she was able to look for
          companion but few talk                                                                      professional help. Yet, the remedy
          about it. Many don’t even                                                                   did not come in a straightforward
know it is there unless someone                                                                       path. “If you name any psychiatrist
tells them. Or they read symptoms                                                                     in Bombay, I have probably been
and nd themselves in many of                                                                         there,” chuckles Pinki. But then
them: Restlessness, trouble                                                                           she met The Yoga Institute’s very
sleeping, irritability, lack of                                                                       own Dr. Harish Shetty, who caught
concentration, racing thoughts,                                                                       on to her anxiety and suggested
unwanted thoughts or fatigue and                                                                      she visit the Institute.
sweating on the physical side. If
this sounds familiar, then you know                                                                   So Pinki signed up for a 1 Month
this companion. If not, then you                                                                      TTC in 2017 - and has been closely
surely know someone who is very                                                                       associated with the Institute ever
pally with it. Pinki Gandhiwaller is                                                                  since. “The rst week was tough. I
one of them. “I was clueless for so                                                                   felt I had come to do some rehab,”
many years, going from one                                                                            remembers Pinki. “I hated it but
psychiatrist to the next for 10                                                                       after the rst week, that feeling
years, feeling miserable,” she                                                                        completely turned and I did not
recalls.                                                                                              want to leave.”

Though anxiety is a common                                                                           She soon started practicing
mental disorder and with 38 million                                                                  techniques like Pratipaksha
Indians suffering from anxiety                                                                       Bhavana, Nispanda Bhavana and
disorders according to WHO data, making India number four in          Vipaksha Bhavana (10 positive points) and slowly gained more
the world after the USA, China and Brazil, few talk about it. It is   calmness and balance. She is also more aware of her thoughts
okay to go to any doctor when something is wrong with the body        now and can get out of a destructive spiral before it arises.
but seeing a specialist when the mind gives trouble? Not
everyone does. “There is still a lot of stigma associated with        Because as Samkhya philosophy teaches us - something cannot
mental disorders,” agrees Pinki.                                      go back to nothing, so a little bit of that anxiety remains even to the
                                                                      present day but now Pinki is prepared. “When an attack comes,
Yet, the rst psychologist, Maharishi Patanjali, more than 2000       make sure your body moves so that your mind surrenders. Go for
years ago in his Yoga Sutras, understood that most diseases           a run, that removes frustration,” she advises, echoing Hansa Maa
are psychosomatic - our mind is the culprit and our physical          who always says “when the mind gives you trouble, go into the
ailments are merely manifestations of mental discomfort. Why          body and vice versa”.
haven’t we caught on, so many centuries later, suffering silently
instead?                                                              Any creative outlet like painting, writing, singing will help too.
                                                                      Once the mind is back to a more stable state, then techniques like
“I had anxiety even as a child,” remembers Pinki. “It was coupled     the aforementioned ones can be practiced again as preventive
with anger - I got really triggered by anyone saying ‘no’, I would    measures. “There is nothing to feel ashamed of in terms of mental
get violently angry and at some point over the years, my energy       disorders,” says Pinki. “I am open to helping anyone who is going
changed into anxiety. My mind would start racing and I had no         through it.”
control over my thoughts.”

It was not until Pinki got married and carved out a life of her own

Have an interesting story to share how yoga has changed your life? Email us at and you could be
featured here soon.

                                                                                                                             9 YOGASATTVA
YOGASATTVA - The Yoga Institute

          Join Special Regular classes
    for men & women at e Yoga Institute

 On campus                                                  Limited Seats
  Women’s Classes - 5 Batches   Men’s Classes - 2 Batches   (First come rst serve)
  MON, TUE, THU & FRI           MON, TUE, THU & FRI         Prior registration
  6.30am to 7.30am              7am to 8am                  compulsory.
  7.45am to 8.45am              7pm to 8pm                  Contact: +91-22-26122185,
  10.30am to 11.30am                                        26110506 or
  4pm to 5pm                    Fees: `1000/month 
  5.15pm to 6.15pm                                


                     YOGA TEACHERS’
                    TRAINING COURSE
                    INTERMEDIATE LEVEL

                           I N T E R N AT I O N A L LY C E R T I F I E D

                    500 + HOURS
                      th                            th
                    19 July 2021 to 9 October 2021
                     7am-8.30am & 4:30pm-8:30pm (IST)
                              FEES- `50000

                                      For further details
                    Contact Tel: +91-22-26110506, 26122185

                                                                 11 YOGASATTVA

                        21 DAYS BETTER
                        LIVING COURSE
                                  NOW ON CAMPUS
                              Live better by enhancing your health and
                                  forming new habits over 21 Days!

                            12th July to 1st August 2021
                                       7.00am - 8.30am (IST)

                                             Fees: `1600

                     Limited Seats (First come rst serve) Prior registration compulsory.
     Contact: +91-22-26122185, 26110506 or VISIT


             Welcome back
          to The Yoga Institute

                                                 ON CAMPUS

                                                 HOURS TTC
                                                         Part Time (English)

                                            Starting from
                                            5th July to 28th August, 2021
                                            Time: 12pm-4pm Monday to Friday

                                             Non-Residential: `28,000/-
              For further details Contact    (Study material & snacks included)
     Tel: +91-22-26122185, 26110506          Residential: `70,000/-
           or      (Accommodation, Study material & food included)

                                                                              13 YOGASATTVA

  The Yoga Institute celebrates Yoga Mahotsav in association with Hon’ble Minister, Road Transport and Highways,
  Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari ji and Hon’ble Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, Shri Shripad Y Naik ji, on the
  occasion of 7th International Day of Yoga.


                     15 YOGASATTVA

  The Yoga Institute agged off the celebrations of The 7th International Day of Yoga at the Raj Bhavan, in the
  presence of our Hon'ble Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari ji. The Yoga Institute continues to
  spread the goodness of Yoga to all.

  Students of the 21-Days Better Living Course learn yoga as a way of life at The Yoga Institute.


 Hon’ble Shri Mahendra Nath Pandey, Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship of India, Dr. ,
 Director The Yoga Institute and other dignitaries throwing light on Yoga and its importance on 19th June

 Smt. Varsha Gala ji teaches classical yoga at Air Cargo India on account of the 7th International Day of Yoga.

                                                                                                       17 YOGASATTVA

  Students learning cat pose in their advanced asanas class with in depth knowledge of it.

  Dr. Neha ji explains the importance of yoga in daily life and especially Ahar Vihar Achar Vichaar (AVAV) at the
  ofce of the Commissioner of Central Tax.


 Dr. Hansaji sharing her wisdom at a virtual conference with the Embassy of Muscat.

 Dr. Hansaji Yogendra sharing her wisdom on DD news and spreading the message of Yoga and its countless

                                                                                             19 YOGASATTVA

  TYI teacher Swati ji explains the role of Yoga in physical wellness and prevention of diseases to the employees
  of an Indian bank

  Conditioning is a very effective technique and highly recommended at The Yoga Institute.
  Students conditioning themselves before asana class.


 Thousands of students across the globe learn various types of meditation techniques from TYI, which will help
 them to relax their mind.

 Shri Om Prakash ji, senior sadhaka conducted a Yoga workshop for frontline workers on the
 occasion of International Day of Yoga.

                                                                                                     21 YOGASATTVA

  An exclusive Yoga session on 7th International Day of Yoga for CCRAS Research Ayurveda employees.

  The Yoga Institute along with Times of India’s exclusive home edition of The Yoga the Bay
  on 7th International Day of Yoga with a message to practice Yoga and stay t.


 Little yoga ninjas excited for their fun Yoga session on 7th International Day of Yoga. Children’s during the camp
 have learnt various techniques to increase their concentration and awareness.

 Students from Naman Vidya School learn yoga to boost their academic and personal performance.

                                                                                                        23 YOGASATTVA

                                   Youth and
                                   Mental Problems
                                   By Shri Yogendraji

 Y       OUTH is biologically a product of                                                    elds of life.
         parentage and the yoga                                                               So he follows the path of his parents and
         environment of the society in                                                        the society automatically, and the
 which he lives. The youth of today                                                           misdirection that started at the beginning
 psychologically represents the memory-                                                       of amassing for oneself all wealth and
 potentials (saṁskāra) of the civilization or                                                 power (lakṣmi and śakti) still has a strong
 culture and the social impact of the                                                         appeal to him. All that a youth is made to
 parents of today. The man of the past is                                                     understand in modern life is somehow to
 not the same today: he has gone through                                                      earn money and gain power. He is seldom
 many changes in all aspects of his life –                                                    interested in other things like virtue and
 physical, mental, moral, intellectual and                                                    spirituality. Thus, without transforming the
 spiritual.                                                                                   pattern of modern civilization, we would
                                                                                              not be able to bring about the high level of
 The early age of childhood is the most                                                       idealism for youth.
 sensitive period and the child suffers, if extreme changes take
 place in the society during that period. Hence, before blaming        As stated before, the mental health of the youth depends upon
 the youth for wrongs, the parents should ask themselves what          his parents, his society and the culture he inherits. Today's youth
 really is at fault. The parents often do not want to take the         is distracted and partly disintegrated, because of the above
 initiative, but make the children do something as they like, and      three inuences, i.e. the permissive culture, society and
 later blame them for their own lapses. Thus blaming the children      parents. He requires proper guidance and models to inspire
 is merely an alibi, and therefore useless.                            him, but the moral status of the society around him is so evil that
                                                                       he just cannot hope for inspiration from any quarter.
 In the olden days, the youth was expected to live with his
 teacher in an āśrama so as to free himself from temporal              Even the most pious looking men of today, after praying to one
 changes and the student used to see everything, what is truly         God, if they do not get any success, start praying to another.
 just and good. So when he attained the age of 21, he remained         How can we expect or blame the youth for having an unsteady,
 unaffected by what was wrong or unjust in society. Whereas            unprincipled and opportunist mental structure?
 nowadays, the youth is pushed into the forefront as a buffer, by
 evil designs of religionists, politicians, and other social           The best thing is that youth be sent away from such vicious
 elements. They usually fall into the trap laid for the innocent and   environments to a more humane institution of total education
 credulous youth. The youth is thus kept ignorant of the real          where he learns moral teaching by example offered to him by his
 motive behind it, and is otherwise exploited by the people, who       teachers and co-students before accepting values of life
 want something for themselves.                                        implanted by mechanical education. If the moral educational
                                                                       system continues as today, how can we blame the youth for
 In ancient Greece, everyone wanted to be strong and so the            what he is; why not rather blame his parents, his civilization, his
 youth was more interested in athletics, with an eye for conquest      culture and his society for most of his mental problems?
 for the powers that be. In ancient India, the people with good
 principles were admired and the youth opted for virtue rather         Where should one begin to correct the youth or correct all the
 than money or power. The youth of today, however, is the              sources of his mental ill health? The fact is that many do not
 reection of the society of today, which is after wealth and          really want to understand this problem of modern youth and his
 power. The youth will have to be improved not by sermons from         mental health because they have to share the greater part of the
 pulpits but by changing the very ideals of the whole society,         blame and burden.
 which is only concerned with material progress. Today,
 everyone wants money, even the parents expect this from their
 progeny. The youth is thus conditioned to achieve success in
 material life because of its big propaganda value in all other


                                          Why we need to
                                          overcome demonical
                                          tendencies of the mind
                                          Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra

T       here are individuals                                                                                   more where there is clarity.
        who rely entirely on                                                                                   An individual called a
        their selshness.                                                                                      demon is not really one with
This signies a vegetative                                                                                     two horns and claws and
level, a low level of mind.                                                                                    things like that. It is one who
Personal pleasures,                                                                                            is full of negative qualities,
enjoyments, their own little                                                                                   such as selshness, over-
thinking and a total                                                                                           intellectuality, a false sense
condence in it, egoistic                                                                                      of values.
qualities – that is the
nucleus around which their                                                                                     In our practical life we can
whole personality is built.                                                                                    see this in action. If we think
And naturally this clouds                                                                                      o f o u r d i f c u l t i e s a n d
their vision, clouds the urge                                                                                  problems, let us
to transcend such a state.                                                                                     understand how they are
An individual who has                                                                                          related to this demoniacal
clarity realises what place                                                                                    nature of ours. A person
things like pleasure,                                                                                          who can rise beyond
selshness, egoism or                                                                                          selsh, materialistic
intellectuality have. He                                                                                       thinking, he enjoys a great
does not consider these as                                                                                     clarity, a great freedom. He
central, but as peripheral.                                                                                    is not identied with
                                                                                                               anything and he does not
So there are two                                                                                               get frustrated. He can see
mentalities. One builds                                                                                        the things as they are
around egoistic                                                                                                occurring, and he trusts
tendencies; this is                                                                                            them as they occur. He
considered as the                                                                                              knows that he himself is the
demoniacal nature. Such                                                                                        cause of what goes on
an individual does not think                                                                                   around because the
of others, he has no                                                                                           external world is a
sensitivity or feeling for                                                                                     projection of his own
them. He is totally                                                                                            personality. So he does not
immersed in his own self,                                                                                      blame anyone for anything.
his own pleasures, his own
development. Being so                                                                                            Overcoming one's inherent
selsh, he hurts others and                                                                                      negative tendencies that
thereby causes a chain                                                                                           often outweigh the positive
reaction. For instance, the                                                                                      ones is a continuous and an
act of violence. It is not that                                                                                  arduous job. There is no
he is only hurting another individual, he is also hurting himself.         answer to a question like ‘how far should I work on myself to
He is creating confusion. He is creating reactions and he is               secure my personal growth?’. The answer comes from our own
getting engulfed in the consequences of his actions. One who               effort and the experience it generates. It is such development
does not cause violence can maintain clarity. He is in the                 work which has to go on and on till the very thought of making an
presence of the understanding of life; he sees a unity in all              effort towards self-evolution ceases. One then rises and exists
nature. But this is lost when one descends into selshness and             in the state of absolute consciousness.
egoism. So the work that is to be carried out if one wants to come
out of a low level of mind is less where clarity is not there; and it is

                                                                                                                               25 YOGASATTVA

 Power Packed Cereal
  INGREDIENTS                                  METHOD OF PREPARATION

  •   3 tbsp Roasted Broken Wheat (Dalia)      1. Heat the ghee in a pan, saute dalia for a
  •   2 tbsp Roasted Poppy Seeds (Khus Khus)      few minutes, add milk or water and cook till
  •   2 Almonds chopped                           done.
  •   2 Dates chopped
  •   8 Raisins                                2. Add the remaining ingredients, mix well,
  •   ¾ Cup Milk                                  cook for 2 minutes and remove from ame.
  •   1 tbsp Jaggery
  •   1 tbsp Ghee                              3. 2 tsp of this mixture can be had everyday
                                                  for instant energy


                                   Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari,
                                   Hon’ble Minister, Road Transport and Highways

                                   The Yoga Institute has done a fabulous job in spreading the real message of Yoga to the world. Shri
                                   Yogendraji's contribution to Yoga has been tremendous, he has gifted the world with householder
                                   Yoga and that has transformed many lives. It is really impressive that now Dr. Hansaji is taking
                                   forward the legacy and thank you for including Yoga in the school syllabus for students. I wish The
                                   Yoga Institute continues to spread the goodness of Yoga to as many as possible.

                                                                      Dr. Sanjeevanee Kamat,
                                                         Bank medical ofcer, State bank of india

        This is to thank you and your excellent yoga instructors for providing an insightful session on
  International Day of Yoga to all SBI employees. Thanks to your team at The Yoga Institute, we, at
SBI, learnt some good exercises that we can easily do even at our desks in the ofce. Thank you for
                                                    helping us better our physical and mental health.

                                   Student from 200 Hrs TTC

                                   I had always been practicing Pranayamas for many years. However, applying yoga into life
                                   experiences was difcult, practicing Asanas was yet an impossible task. After joining The Yoga
                                   Institute, gradually, my life changed. Both body and mind got better and I understood how to bend -
                                   towards the higher reality. Understanding the surroundings and people around is much simpler
                                   now! I am better able to take care of the people who need me. Thank you everyone at TYI !

                                                                                                                     27 YOGASATTVA

                                     Manjiri Bhosale,
                                     3 Months TTC student

                                     My life has changed completely after joining The Yoga Institute. It has allowed me to acquire true
                                     knowledge of Yoga and helped me change to a healthy and happy lifestyle. I have become more
                                     condent in my day-to-day life and continue to grow by learning more things everyday. I am grateful
                                     to everyone from the Institute including Hansa Maa and all the other great teachers including staff
                                     for providing me the opportunity to learn from them and help me become a better version of myself.

                                                                                  Padma Mishra,
                                                                Student from Yoga Therapy Course
This course has been a milestone in my Yoga journey. The teachers, especially Dr. Taruna, have been
    extremely supportive and understanding of every student's needs. She went an extra mile to invite
       specialists and doctors to take a session with us to satiate our questions and curiosity. Manisha
     Ma'am has guided us throughout and discussed all kinds of dietary requirements for the diseases
 covered, speckled with several home-xes. I have realized well now that ‘no size ts all’ is the key to
 Yoga Therapy and as a teacher-to-be I've also come to know that I need to inculcate and embed the
                         yogic practices in my own life deeply to be able to extend the same to others.
                                                             This has been a great learning experience.

                                     Deepika Sharma ,

                                     I did 200 hours YTTC online mode recently from this institute. I learnt two major things- Yogic
                                     postures and life management. I would say this institute focuses on teaching the yogic approach of
                                     living life along with physical level yoga. The way our mentor taught the practical application of yogic
                                     scriptures into modern day life is just amazing. My experience with the knowledge given and faculty
                                     is great. this course was indeed a life changing experience. I thank everyone who was part of this
                                     teaching. I highly recommend the yoga institute.

 *All camps/ courses are subject to the extension of the lockdown period.

 CAMP                        DESCRIPTION                                          TIME
 1 Month TTC (Instructor’s   Offered in English, this course is best suited for   Monday to Saturday-10:00
 Course - QCI- LEVEL I)      individuals who wish to teach Yoga to school         am - 6:00 pm
 (English)                   students and young adults who have no health         and Sunday- 9:00 am -11:30
                             problems. An intensive Yoga teachers’ training       am
                             that introduces both, the theoretical and the
                             practical aspects of Yoga.

 7 Months TTC                Offered in English, this course covers Asanas,       Monday to Saturday -
 (Advanced Teachers          Pranayama, Kriyas, Bhavas, attitude training,        5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
 Training Course - QCI -     counseling, public speaking, methodology of          and Sunday- 9:30 am -10:30
 LEVEL II)                   teaching, practice teaching, essentials of           am
 (English)                   anatomy & physiology, Yoga Sutras and
                             Samkhya Philosophy.

 1 Year TTC (Advanced        Offered in Hindi, this course covers Asanas,         Monday to Friday
 Teachers Training Course    Pranayama, Kriyas, Bhavas, attitude training,        1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
 - QCI - LEVEL II)           counseling, public speaking, methodology of
 (Hindi)                     teaching, practice teaching, essentials of
                             anatomy & physiology, Yoga Sutras and
                             Samkhya Philosophy.

 1 Month TTC (Instructor’s   Offered in English, this course is best suited for   Saturday 10:00 am - 8:30 pm
 Course - QCI- LEVEL I)      individuals who wish to teach Yoga to school         Sunday 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
 (Part time English)         students and young adults who have no health
                             problems. An intensive Yoga teachers’ training
                             that introduces both, the theoretical and the
                             practical aspects of Yoga.

 1 Month TTC (Instructor’s   Offered in English, this course is best suited for   Monday - Friday
 Course - QCI- LEVEL I)      individuals who wish to teach Yoga to school         12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
 (On campus)                 students and young adults who have no health
                             problems. An intensive Yoga teachers’ training
                             that introduces both, the theoretical and the
                             practical aspects of Yoga.

 21 Days Better Living       Ideal for individuals who have no major health       7:00 am - 8:30 am
 Course                      problems and who wish to experience the yogic
 (On Campus)                 lifestyle to feel rejuvenated and fresh.

 21 Days Better Living       Ideal for individuals who have no major health       7:00 am - 8:30 am
 Course                      problems and who wish to experience the yogic
 (English Online)            lifestyle to feel rejuvenated and fresh.

 21 Days Better Living       Ideal for individuals who have no major health       6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
 Course                      problems and who wish to experience the yogic
 (Hindi Online)              lifestyle to feel rejuvenated and fresh.

 500 Hours Advanced          The 500 + hours part-time program is Teachers'       Monday - Saturday
 Teachers' Course YCB –      Training certicate course that prepares students    7:00 am - 8:30 am & 4:30 pm
 Level II (Yoga Alliance     for teaching Yoga techniques to healthy              - 8:30 pm
 Certied – RYS500)          individual. The course covers theoretical and
 (English)                   practical aspects of Yoga. The syllabus also
                             consists of experiential learning of unique
                             techniques & concepts pioneered by the
                             founders of our Institute.

 1 Month TTC (Instructor’s   Offered in English, this course is best suited for   Monday - Saturday
 Course - QCI- LEVEL I)      individuals who wish to teach Yoga to school         7:00 am - 8:30 am & 6:30 pm
 (Part time English)         students and young adults who have no health         - 8:30 pm
                             problems. An intensive Yoga teachers’ training
                             that introduces both, the theoretical and the
                             practical aspects of Yoga.

                                                                                              29 YOGASATTVA
  *All camps/ courses are subject to the extension of the lockdown period.

  CAMP                  DESCRIPTION                                          TIME
  Regular Classes       The hourly classes are scheduled for men who         6:30 am - 7:30 am
  (Online)              wish to incorporate Yoga as a part of their daily    7:30 am - 8:30 am
                        routine. They consist of Asanas, Pranayamas,         8:30 am - 9:30 am
                        Kriyas and guidelines on yogic lifestyle. Students   4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
                        can enrol on any day of the month.                   5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
                                                                             6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                                             7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

  Regular Classes for   The hourly classes are scheduled for men who         6:30 am - 7:30 am
  Men                   wish to incorporate Yoga as a part of their daily    7:30 am - 8:30 am
  (On campus)           routine. They consist of Asanas, Pranayamas,
                        Kriyas and guidelines on yogic lifestyle. Students
                        can enrol on any day of the month.

  Regular Classes for   The hourly classes are scheduled for women           6:30 am - 7:30 am
  Women                 who wish to incorporate Yoga as a part of their      7:30 am - 8:30 am
  (On Campus)           daily routine. They consist of Asanas,               8:30 am - 9:30 am
                        Pranayamas, Kriyas and guidelines on yogic           10:30 am - 11:30 am
                        lifestyle. Students can enrol on any day of the      11:30 am - 12:30 pm

  Weekend Classes       The duration of the class is one and half hour.      Saturday - 8:00 am - 9:30 am
  (On Campus)           Each class is planned for those who wish to          and 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
                        practice Yoga but can't spare time on weekdays       Sunday - 8: 00 am - 9:30 am
                        due to their busy schedule.                          and 10:30 am - 12:00 pm


                 THINGS TO DO                                                      SAY
                                                                                    GOODBYE TO
                 IMMEDIATELY AFTER
                         YOGA                                                        SWEATY
                 PRACTICES                                                           PALMS
                                                                                      APPLY THIS

                                                                                  DON’T DO THESE
                                                                                  5 MISTAKES IN
                  THE OLDEST                                                        CONSUMING
                  DOCUMENTARY                                                       VEGETABLES
                  MADE ON YOGA


                                                                                                      ANDHERI (W)                     JUHU - CENTRE 1
                                                                 HEADQUARTER -
                                                                 SANTACRUZ (E)                        The Yoga Institute, Andheri
                                                                                                      First Floor, Khajina Mahal,
                                                                                                                                      The Yoga Institute, Juhu
                                                                                                                                      Ground Floor Backside,
                                                                                                      S.V. Road Andheri (W),          Abhijat Bunglow, Plot No. 48,
                                                                 Shri Yogendra Marg,                  Mumbai - 400058                 NS Road Number 7,
                                                                 Prabhat Colony, Santacruz (E),                                       Opp. Siddhivinayak Building,
                                                                 Mumbai - 400055, India.                                              JVPD Scheme, Juhu.
                                                                 Tel: +91-22-26122185                 Call: 9820429029,
CENTRES INDIA & INTERNATIONAL                                    +91-22-26110506                      9820929029, 9920329029

JUHU - CENTRE 2                 JUHU - CENTRE 3                  KALYAN                               MATUNGA (CR)                    POWAI

The Yoga Institute, Juhu        The Yoga Institute, Juhu         The Yoga Institute, Kalyan           The Yoga Institute, Matunga     The Yoga Institute, Powai
Rotary Club of Bombay West      Sanyas Ashram Temple,            Saket College,                       Sri Kanyaka Parmeshwari         C - 308, Kailas Business Park,
Rotary Service Centre,          Off. Bajaj Road, Vile Parle W,   Saket Vidyanagri Marg,               Temple, Plot No 403,            Hiranandani Link Road, Powai,
Rotary Chowk,                   Mumbai - 400056                  Katemenivali,                        Vasavi Nilayam,                 Mumbai
Juhu Tara Road, Santacruz W,                                     Chinchpada Road, Kalyan,             Telang Road,
Mumbai 400049                                                    Maharashtra -421306                  Matunga (CR), Mumbai

                                Call: +91-9821367588,            Call: +91-9664976447                 Call: +91-8879955000            Call: +91-9820696800

DELHI                           GOA                              INDORE                               RAIPUR                          URUGUAY

The Yoga Institute, Delhi       The Yoga Institute, Goa          The Yoga Institute, Indore           The Yoga Institute, Raipur      The Yoga Institute,
Swami Parmanand Prakritik       Viva Chorão, Near Our Lady of    1st oor, Plot No. 3,                Opp. Indian Chilly Square Hotel Studio Jiva, Salto, Uruguay
Chikitsalaya (SPPC)             Grace Church, Madel Chorão,      Akshay Deep Colony MR 9,             Near Vidya Hospital,
Main Mother Dairy Road,         Tiswadi Goa, 403102              Near Lotus A.B. Road,                Shankar Nagar Main Road
Shanti Marg, Near Manglam                                        Indore-452010 (MP)                   Raipur - 492004 CG
Red Light, Narwana Rd, Block E,
West Vinod Nagar,
New Delhi, 110092               Call: +91-9820557676             Call: +91-9981114056,                Call: +9197525 50490            Call: (598) 92918278
Call: +91-9899904455                                             9920171359                           98203 50490                     WhatsApp: +59892918278

HONG KONG                       ITALY                            THAILAND                             FRANCE                          COSTA RICA

The Yoga Institute, Hong Kong   The Yoga Institute, Italy        Wise Living Yoga Academy, Thailand   The Yoga Institute, France      The Yoga Institute, Costa Rica,
35, Kimberly Road 11/F,         Dharmayogakaruna,                (Doi Saket Yoga Training Center)     Centre Lothlorien,              Finca Elefante,
Tsim Sha Tsul, Hong Kong.       Via delle Genziane 36,           198 Moo 2, Luang Nuea Sub-Ditrict,   Domaine de Moiron               Provincia de Alajuela,
                                36050 Creazzo (VI) Italy.        Doi Saket - 50220                    52800 Foulain, France           Atenas, 20501
                                                                 Chiang Mai - Thailand.
Call: 21919651                  Call: +39 348 2156449            Call: +66 931783213                  Call: +33 (0) 325034086         Call: (506) 8729 3102

                                                                                                                                              27 YOGASATTVA
Shri Yogendraji -
                            Father of modern Yoga
                            Nationalism alike individual religion is narrowness in
                            its broader sense. Let us refuse to be called Hindus,
                            Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or anything else that
                            suffers from sectarian propaganda. Let us rather be
                            called Man rst and last. Let us not invent more
                            words to divide humanity and ght over; Let us do
                            away with being called Asiatics, Europeans,
                            Americans or Whatever be our nationalities; let us for
                            once and all be called human being and be treated as
                            such. The role of Yoga, as conceived in the ancient
                            times, is to give relief to suffering humanity, to solve
                            human problems, to sublimate human beings, and
                            nally to bestow peace and absoluteness to the
                            individual and through him to the society. Further,
                            that the system of Yoga is archaic, that it is
                            comprehensive, that it has stood the test of time, that
                            it endows the benets it claims to the individual who
                            applies it, and nally that it is still likely to be of much
                            use to humanity are the only basic factors seriously
                            accepted on all sides by persons interested in Yoga.

The frequency of our negative thoughts has a
direct relationship to the strength of our faith.

                            FOUNDER, SHRI YOGENDRAJI

                          YOGASATTVA             JUNE 2021 ISSUE
                                                  MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE YOGA INSTITUTE, INDIA
                                                  OLDEST ORGANISED YOGA CENTRE IN THE WORLD
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