PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)

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PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
Delhi │Kolkata

MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade
               and Finance)

        PROSPECTUS 2019-2021


PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
Vision                                            IIFT Ranking in Various Surveys
   To be an academic Centre of Excellence             Ranked `A’ Grade by National Assessment and
   in the area of international business              Accreditation Council (NAAC) with CGPA Score
   and a well-networked institution                   of 3.53
   committed towards delivering globally              Ranked 11th in the Week-Hansa National
   competitive     business     education,            B-School Survey 2018
   training and research to individuals,              Ranked 10th In the Business Today-MDRA B-
   corporate      bodies,     government              School Survey 2018 Overall Ranking
   organizations and the society.                     Ranked 8th in Business Today – MDRA
                                                      B-School Survey 2018 in Placement
   Mission                                            Performance
   To     strengthen,      sustain     and            Ranked 3rd in Business Today-MDRA
   professionalize business knowledge                 B-School Survey 2018 in North Zone
   through     creative    research    and            Ranked 7th Best B-School in India in
   teaching, highlighting the significance            Business Chronicle Survey, 2019
   of learning and by collaborating with              Ranked 12th by IDEAS-RePC          Top
   organizations,     institutions     and            Institutions in Economics
   universities both within and well
   beyond the national boundaries.
                                                      Ranked 1st under Top Govt. B-Schools of
                                                      India by GHRDC-CSR B-School Survey

   In case of any problem, the candidates can contact Section Officer (Admissions Cell). They must
   indicate their Application No. in their communications to IIFT. [Tel. Nos. 011-39147213 (Direct),
   39147200-05 PBX (Extn. 621)]. E-mail:

   There are total number of thirty seats each for Delhi and Kolkata Campuses. Seats are reserved
   as per Government of India norms. The reservations are subject to candidates meeting the
   admission requirements of the Institute under this category.
   Application fee once paid will not be refunded.
   The Institute retains the right to shift the campus of a candidate if the total number of candidates
   are less than 10 in any of the campuses.
   All disputes would be subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi Courts only.
   Applications incomplete in any manner shall be summarily rejected.

                                                 For any Academic Query relating to the
All communication may be sent to:
                                                 MA (Economics) Programme, write to:
The Admissions Cell                              Prof. Ranajoy Bhattacharyya
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade                Programme Director--MA (Economics)
B-21 Qutub Institutional Area                    Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
New Delhi-110016                                 1583 Madurdaha, Chowbagha Road,
E-mail:                  Ward No. 108, Borough XII, Kolkata-700107
Tel: 91-11-39147213 (Direct),                    E-mail:
91-11-39147200-205 (Extn. 621)                   Ph. : 033-24195700 (Extn-2227)

PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) stands for academic & professional excellence. Over the last
five decades, IIFT has nurtured excellence in the area of international trade and investment. With a
modest beginning as a facilitator for external trade in 1963, IIFT has emerged as one of the pioneering
Institutes in the Asia Pacific, playing the role of a leading B-School in the Subcontinent besides being a
Think Tank Organization for foreign trade and policy matters and also a hub for research and
knowledge dissemination.

Recognizing the immense contribution of IIFT for promoting skill and knowledge in International
Business, it was accorded the status of “Deemed to be University” in 2002. The National Assessment
and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has recognized IIFT as Grade ‘A’ institution in 2005 as well as in
2015. The Wall Street Journal in its review of best Indian B-Schools had ranked IIFT as 6th best and
the QS Global in its survey of 200 Best Business Schools of Asia Pacific had ranked it as 27th. Needless
to mention that most domestic surveys conducted year after year have ranked IIFT amongst the top
10 B-Schools in India.

In the spectrum of IIFT’s activities, research occupies a unique place because of the institutional
emphasis on a strong and pervasive interface between research and theory. Research activities are
undertaken both as part of in-house research programmes and at the instance of client institutions,
which include Central and State Governments, various Public Sector Undertakings and International
Organizations like the World Bank, the FAO, International Trade Centre, UNCTAD, WTO, UNIDO,
UNESCAP, DFID, etc. The faculty of the Institute have contributed significantly in various disciplines by
regularly presenting and publishing their research in reputed academic and policy forums.

The launch of MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade & Finance) Programme in the year 2018
generated huge interest in the Programme due to the contemporary course content and delivery. We
are in the process of adding exceptionally talented faculty at both junior and senior levels.

I am confident that the MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade & Finance) Programme offered at IIFT
will become one of the most preferred master’s programmes in Economics in India because of its
emphasis on applied and policy issues in Economics. The vast experience of IIFT faculty in this domain
will prepare the students to become either trade policymakers or key strategists on trade issues in the
corporate sector or bloom as full time academicians in future.

I welcome you to join the IIFT MA (Economics) Programme.

                                                                                 (PROF. MANOJ PANT)
                                                                   Director & Professor of Economics

PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
About the Institute
The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), a
Deemed to be University, is the national Institute
in International Business Education and Research.
Established in 1963, as an autonomous body under
the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government
of India, it has contributed in the skill building for
the external trade sector of India.               The
contributions of the Institute have earned it the
status of “Deemed to be University” in the year
2002. The National Assessment and Accreditation
Council (NAAC) has recognized IIFT as Grade ‘A’
Institution in 2005 as well as in 2015. Over the
years, IIFT has emerged as a national university
with focus on International Business Management and Strategy, and such focus is reflected in all three
major activities of the Institute: Research, Training and Education. Recently, the Institute has been
granted graded autonomy by UGC/MHRD as Category–I institution.

IIFT was set up with the following objectives:

   Impart professional education in modern management techniques relevant to international
   Enable the participants to appreciate the inter-relationship between the diverse and complex
   tasks of international business.
   Develop capacities among business executives for improved understanding of various trade and
   economic issues.
   Conduct high quality research that addresses domestic as well as world trade and business issues.

The Institute’s portfolio of long-term programmes is diverse, catering to the requirements of aspiring
International Business executives and mid-career professionals alike. These are:

   PhD Programme at New Delhi and Kolkata.
   Two-year MBA (International Business) at New Delhi and Kolkata.
   Two Year MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance) at New Delhi and Kolkata.
   Two-year & Six-month MBA (International Business) Weekend Programme at New Delhi and
   Two-year MBA (International Business) at Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania).
   Executive Post Graduate Diploma in International Business at New Delhi and Kolkata.
   Executive Post Graduate Diploma in International Business--Hybrid (through HUGHES
   Communication Ltd.).
   Post Graduate Certificate Programme in International Business and Finance- Hybrid (through
   TECH Mahindra).
   Certificate Programme in Export Import Management: On Campus and Hybrid.
   Certificate Programme in Global Trade Logistics and Operations at New Delhi.

PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
Graduate Studies in Management
The Graduate Studies Management Division of the Institute is the nodal division for full time/and
executive long duration programmes. The division processes the admission to all these programmes,
besides providing administrative and academic support. It is the responsibility of the division to
ensure smooth conduct of the programme in coordination with all stakeholders, viz. faculty, students
and all other concerned.

In addition, the division also facilitates the following student driven activities:

        Aspirant City Meets - DRIFT                                TEDx-IIFT
        Trade Winds                                                International Business Conclave
        Annual Business Summit                                     Sport Activities- Ultimate Warrior
        Annual HR Summit                                           League and Adrenaline Sports Fest
        Annual Marketing Summit                                    Annual IIFT Marathon
        Annual Operations Summit                                   Blood Donation Camp
        Annual Pharma Summit                                       Treasure Hunt
        Annual Finance Summit                                      Quo Vadis
        Annual Leadership Summit
        Launchpad@ IIFT

International Collaborations
and Capacity Development
The International Collaborations & Capacity
Development (ICCD) Division of IIFT plays an
important role in the Institute through the
following activities:

1.   Establishing academic ties with domestic
     and      international   universities    /
     institutions to enable student exchange,
     faculty exchange and/or joint training and
     research programs.
2.   Conducting customized programmes for international students and executives.
3.   Hosting interactive information sessions for visiting delegations of students, academicians and
     policy makers from different countries.
4.   Obtaining and leveraging membership of renowned domestic and international organizations to
     strengthen academic standards and collaborations.
5.   Facilitating participation of faculty in National and International training programmes and

IIFT has collaborations with 25 Universities/B-Schools throughout the world. The key areas of
collaboration with partner institutes include the following:
     Student Exchange (Regular MBA-IB)           Faculty Development Programme
     Training Programmes/Study Tours             Joint Research

PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
Some of our key partners include the following Institutes/Universities:

  USA               Florida International University           MEMBERSHIP
                                                               IIFT is a Member of the following
CANADA              Brock University                           International / National organizations:
                                                                 Academy of International Business
                    School of Management, University of
  UK                                                             (AIB).
                    SKEMA Business School                        The Association to Advance
                    IESEG–School of Management                   Collegiate Schools of Business
                    Rennes School of Business
                                                                 (AACSB International).
                    Grenoble School of Management                International Association of Trade
                    EM-Strasbourg Graduate School of             Training Organizations (IATTO).
                    Management                                   The European Foundation for
                    University of Insubria                       Management Development (EFMD).
                    Universitá Commerciale L. Bocconi
                                                                 The Global Compact Network India
                    Universität des Saarlandes                   (Life Membership).
                    Pforzheim University
                                                                 The Association of Indian
                    HANKEN-Swedish School of Economics and
FINLAND                                                          Universities (AIU).
                    Business Administration
                    University of Madrid                         All India Management Association
                    University of Barcelona                      (AIMA).

PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
Research at IIFT
                                                             RESEARCH PROJECTS COMPLETED DURING LAST
Research occupies a critical place in the spectrum of        THREE YEARS
IIFT's activities because of the institutional emphasis on
                                                              Challenges and Strategies to Promote India as a
a strong and pervasive interface between research and         Sourcing Destination
training. The Institute has so far brought out more than
                                                              Developing a Detailed Project Report for Setting up
700 research studies and surveys. In addition, it has         a Centre of Excellence in International Business
developed substantial consulting capacity in analysing        and Trade Analytics at FDDI, Bannur
international business situations and developing
                                                              Study on Trading Across Borders Indicator of
appropriate corporate strategies. The Institute also          World Bank's Doing Business Assessment
offers a vibrant Ph.D. Programme and the students who
have been awarded doctoral degree at IIFT are placed          Development of Marketing Strategy for Promotion
                                                              of Handloom Exports
highly in academic institutes, government departments
and leading corporate houses. Focus on research has           Impact of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on the
                                                              Indian Copper Industry
been growing with special emphasis on Ph.D.
Programme, Trade and other conferences hosted at IIFT         Development of Export Promotion Strategy for
and inter departmental research & consultancy projects        Nagaland
conducted by faculty.                                        RESEARCH PROJECTS UNDER PROGRESS

Research activities are undertaken both as part of its        Study on Impact of Special Package on Exports of
own research programmes and at the instance of its            Apparel and Made-up
clients, which include Central and State Governments,         Study on Developing India’s         Service   Trade
Public Sector Undertakings, and International                 Restrictiveness Index (STRI)
organizations like the World Bank, the FAO,
                                                              India’s Imports from China: An Analysis of Impact
International Trade Centre, UNCTAD, WTO, UNIDO,               on Indian Manufacturing Sector
ESCAP, German Development Institute, etc. Current
portfolio of research includes: Trade Policy Research,        Prospects for India-UK Trade and Investment: An
                                                              Assessment of the Opportunities and Challenges
Functional Research, Preferential & Foreign Trade
Agreements,     Survey    Research    and    Database         Export Strategy Plan for Increasing Export of Spices
                                                              and Value Added Products of Spices from India.
                                                              Rationalisation of Export Promotion Councils
                                                              Employment Diagnostics of Labour-Intensive
                                                              Manufacturing Sector and Implication for India’s
   The Ph.D. Programme 2018 commenced on 10th                 Exports.
   September 2018. Twenty Five (25) students (19
   Part Time and 6 Full Time) have joined the                 Exploratory Study on          Linkages     between
                                                              Technology and Trade.
                                                              Exploratory Study on          Linkages     between
                                                              Technology and Trade.
   Total Registered Ph.D. Scholars till October, 2018 is
   o Full Time Ph.D. Scholars :       13 (UGC JRF -04)
   o Part Time Ph.D. Scholars :       119
   Till date the Institute has awarded 33 Ph.D. Degrees

The Sixth International Conference on Empirical
Issues in International Trade and Finance (EIITF)
The Institute has organised its Sixth International
Conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade
and Finance (EIITF) during 13-14 December 2018 at
its Delhi Campus. The Conference was inaugurated
by Prof. Alan L. Winters, a distinguished Professor of
Economics at University of Sussex, Prof. Joshua
Aizenman, Prof. Manoj Pant, Director IIFT and Prof.
PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Chairperson (Research) were present at Inaugural Function. The Conference
received wide response from the academia and the policy research community, and a total of 198
papers were submitted from Universities and Research Institutes from India and abroad.
IIFT faculty, students and staffs have been acknowledged for their involvement to make this
conference successful.

Management Development Programmes
Management Development Programmes Division is one of the major divisions of the Institute which
conducts various long & short duration training programmes for Industry, Govt. offices and export
promotion bodies. Today it has emerged as a knowledge resource division catering to the needs of
managers and executives at all levels drawn from the Government, Public Sectors and Corporate and
both in India and abroad.

MDP Division conducts programmes broadly in following categories:

       Open Programmes
   •   Sponsored Programmes
       A. For Corporate/PSUs
       B. For Government Officers of IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, ITS, etc.
       C. For private companies
   •   Collaborative Programmes
   •   Hybrid Programmes

The Division also conducts need-based training programmes for Senior & Mid-level government
officers belonging to the All-India Services and other Central Govt. Services like Indian Administrative
Service, Indian Forest Services, Indian Foreign Services, Indian Police Services, Indian Revenue
Services, Indian Economic Services, and Indian Statistical Services, etc.

In addition, IIFT is also a nodal institute for conducting Foundation training programmes for Indian
Trade Services (ITS) Probationers After successful completion of their training, the ITS Probationers
are played as Asst. DGFT at various offices of Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) who play
important role in formulation& implementation of India’s Foreign Trade Policy.

Further, at the behest of DGFT, Govt of India, MDP Division conducts a series of online certificate
programmes on Export Import Business entitled “NiryatBandhu@ Your Desktop” for the emerging
exporters and entrepreneurs across country under NiryatBandhu Scheme. So far, around 1200
exporters and entrepreneurs has been trained.

At the behest of DGR, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, for the last 2 years, the division has been
conducting professional courses in the areas of International Business & Global Supply Chain
Management the personnel of armed forces with and objective of their re-settlement.

Executive Management Programmes
The Executive Management Programmes Division (EMPD) has been conceived to provide training to
government officials, diplomats, entrepreneurs, exporters, corporate sector and civil society members
to develop broader understanding of issues related to international business and its implications on
trade policy. EMPD initializes programs designed to generate views, opinions, analysis on a number of
contemporary trade and economic issues which are of interest to different countries particularly the
developing countries. The flagship program of the Division is the Executive Post Graduate Diploma
programme in International Business (EPGDIB) in two formats run over approximately 13 months.
            On campus
            Hybrid (on campus + online)

PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
As part of decisions taken at India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS-I) in 2008, the Institute had been
selected by Government of India to conduct Capacity Development Programs on International
Business for African Countries. During 2009-2015, IIFT conducted 40 Executive Development
Programmes (EDPs) in 36 African countries. Under IAFS-III, IIFT has organized EDPs in Madagascar,
Tunisia, Angola & Eygpt in 2018.

Beside Africa Initiative, EMPD also launched one year Post Graduate Diploma Programme on
International Trade in April 2017 for the participants from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.

IIFT signed a MoU with Department of Commerce (Logistics Division) on 30 July 2018 for
establishment of Centre for Trade Facilitation & Logistics Excellence (CTFL) at IIFT.

This centre is conceived to act as an one stop centre of expertise in India's Trade and Logistics and
perform as a forum for collaborations with various stakeholders on domestic and international fronts
to gain competitiveness at a global level. CTFL will regularly collect, analyse and monitor logistics data
and create repository for it. . CTFL will also provide policy related inputs to various stakeholders.

    To bring together industry, academia, governments & organizations of national and
     international level, to work on the key supply chain and logistics, management challenges facing
     firms in the globalized environment.
    To handle all logistics related data and maintain its repository. The centre will use most modern
     tools & techniques to analyse data and will provide policy related input to various
    To provide diagnostic reports and policy inputs on Trade Facilitation & Logistics to the
     Department of Commerce and with particular reference to cost of logistics, efficiency &
     improving India’s performance in trading across borders including on Logistics Performance
     Index (LPI).
    To become internationally recognized Centre for Trade Facilitation & Logistics dedicated to
     research, develop innovative strategies and provide practical insights and address problems
     encountered by stakeholders in trade (Export–Import (EXIM) business & Domestic operations),
     logistics and supply chain.
    To establish strategic alliances and international collaboration with institutions/organizations
     working in the areas of Trade Facilitation & Logistics research and practices.

PROSPECTUS 2019-2021 MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade and Finance)
The Centre for WTO Studies was set up with the support of the Department of Commerce, Government
of India, in the year 1999. The Centre was established at IIFT in November 2002.
The activities undertaken by the Centre for WTO Studies seek to achieve three broad objectives:

   To assist India’s trade negotiators and policy-makers in participating effectively in the WTO and at
   the related multilateral trade negotiations.
   To enhance the understanding of key trade issues among stakeholders through outreach and
   dissemination activities.
   To develop capacities within India and in other developing countries for analysing WTO and other
   trade-related issues through training programmes.

In its various activities the Centre has collaborated with inter-governmental organizations including
the WTO, UNCTAD, UNESCAP, South Centre, Commonwealth Secretariat, etc.

The Centre for Trade and Investment Law (CTIL) was established by the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India in 2016. It is currently functioning at the Indian Institute of Foreign
Trade, New Delhi. The primary aim of the Centre is to be a thought leader in the various domains of
international economic law and policy-making. The core objectives inter alia include:

   To provide sound and rigorous analysis of legal issues pertaining to international trade and
   investment law.
   To provide technical and capacity-building support to the Government of India and to other
   developing countries without a risk of conflict of interest.
   To identify, analyse and provide innovative perspectives and ideas on current and emerging issues
   of global economic law and policy making, with a view to influence the international discourse.

In the pursuit of the above-mentioned objectives and to inculcate an enhanced awareness of
international economic global order, the Centre engages with different stakeholders including central
and state governments, think tanks, research centres, National Law Schools, independent legal
professionals, industry, private sector and other institutions rendering legal education on
international economic law. The Centre is also conceived as a ready repository of trade and
investment related information including updates on ongoing trade negotiations and disputes.

The Centre for Regional Trade (CRT), an autonomous Think-Tank, has been established recently by
the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
CRT is mandated to focus on policy-oriented research while viewing India's economic engagements
with the global economy through a regional lens. Broad areas of research, capacity building and
outreach programmes cover Trade in Goods, Trade in Services, Investment, Technology and
developmental issues.

IIFT Kolkata Campus with the support of North Eastern Council (NEC) recently initiated Centre for
North Eastern Studies (CeNEST) as a dedicated centre for the exclusive development of north-eastern
regions of India. This centre will provide handholding support to the entrepreneurs of the North
Eastern states, undertake research on developmental issues related to International trade and
business of various North Eastern states and conduct training programmes for the North Eastern
states. IIFT, with its Kolkata campus, wants to collaborate with NEC extensively and use its domain
expertise to assist North Eastern (NE) states of India in their development planning particularly in
export oriented entrepreneurship, venture funds, start-ups and skill development that will help in
generating jobs in the region.

Campus and Facilities at IIFT

Located at Qutub Institutional Area,
overlooking green ridge and historical
Qutub Minar, the IIFT Campus is
considered to be one of the finest in the
country. The campus spread over 6.5 acres
of land houses two academic blocks and
two residential blocks for students and
visiting faculty. Be it the imposing
structure of the “atrium”, the mystic beauty
of the architectural design called “eye of
the universe”, or the splendour of the
campus in full bloom in winter, it never
fails to impress the visitors.

The campus itself is a very picturesque
with artistically designed buildings and well-maintained plush gardens. The facilities available on the
campus include, fully air-conditioned lecture halls with modern audio-visual aids, conference halls for
round-table conferences, an auditorium of 450 seating capacity, two computer labs, indoor games,
sports ground, besides excellent residential facilities for the students. The campus is fully Wi-Fi

Another campus of the Institute spread over 5.6 acres, located at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi is also
under construction and will be operationalised very soon.

Library Facilities
A fully automated Foreign Trade Library is a vast knowledge bank with an impressive collection of
1,03,840 resources, that comprises nearly comprises 76,805 book/CDs-volumes, 17,631 bound
periodicals, and 255 periodicals on the subjects such as Statistical theory, Banking, Industries,
Management, Marketing, Economics, Logistics, Consumerism, Geopolitical Economic System, etc. The
library has access to Bloomberg Database as well.
The ‘WTO Resource Centre’ provides information exclusively on WTO and related issues. The Centre is
a depository of number of books, periodicals, reports, documents, video cassettes & CD ROMs on WTO,
published by WTO and government / non-government and international organizations. The subject
areas included are Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties; Bilateral Trade; Dispute / Dispute
Settlement; Countries Seeking Accession to WTO; Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights; Trade in
Services; Trade Related Investment Measures; World Trade Law; Government Procurement;
Electronic Commerce and WTO; Social Clause and Labour Standards; Trade and Environment; Trade
and Technology; Trade in Textiles; and General issues in WTO, etc.
In order to facilitate online access to information, IIFT Library has also subscribed to 27 trade related
online and offline databases, like EBSCO, Proquest, Emerald, Blackwell, CMIE, JSTOR, Indiastat, World
Trade Online, IMF Databases, OECD online, World Trade Atlas, and 'Bloomberg Terminals' with many
more to its list.

IIFT’s Kolkata Campus is located at the
picturesque East Kolkata off EM Bypass
in a sprawling area of around 7 acres.
The campus is developed as a green and
fully     integrated     campus       with
independent blocks for academic,
administration and student living areas
with all modern amenities. There are
centrally air-conditioned modern lecture
halls, syndicate rooms, common area,
auditorium, open air theatre, common
courtyard in its academic and
administration blocks with exemplary
designs to create a great learning environment. The campus is fully Wi-Fi enabled.

Library Facilities
The library at Kolkata Campus is gradually growing with resources and other electronic and virtual
information. It includes around 3,778 books and CDs and 5,000 national & international journals
(including e-journals) in the field of International Business management and related areas, such as
International Trade, Statistics, Economics, Mathematics, Marketing, Psychology, Operation Research,
Business Communication, Advertising and others. On-line databases (accessible from the campus) are
one of the most important and valuable resources of the library.

Computer Centre
A Computer Centre for the students provides access to various online resources and databases like
India Trade, Prowess, IAS, SPSS, World Trade Atlas, ACEquity, Bloomberg Terminal, etc. and high
speed internet connection.

Students of MA Economics (with Specialisation in Trade & Finance) programme either as day scholars
or hostel residents. Students can avail the hostel facility in IIFT Kolkata campus. The hostel facility in
IIFT Delhi campus can be provided, subject to availability. In case a selected student opting for Delhi
campus does not get hostel accommodation, he will be given the option to shift to the Kolkata campus.
For students under Foreign Nationals/NRIs Category, a suitable hostel accommodation shall be
arranged by the Institute.

The research carried out by the Institute is widely disseminated in the form of study reports,
monographs, etc. The major beneficiaries of these research findings are academicians, policy-makers,
trade & industry, multilateral organizations, researchers and NGOs. In addition, Foreign Trade Review,
the quarterly journal of the Institute is published by SAGE Publications India. The Journal intends to
serve as a comprehensive forum for theoretical and empirical research in cross border issues.
FOCUS.wto/IB, another quarterly published by the Institute, contains research articles, opinions,
essays, and monographs from academicians, practitioners, researchers and scholars. It may be theme-
based and also publish special editions with invited editors. Under the Working Paper Series, the main
aim of IIFT is to help faculty members share their research findings with professional colleagues in the
pre-publication stage. The papers are published on-line and uploaded on IIFT website.

MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade & Finance)
The M.A. in Economics programme has been
launched in IIFT to impart advanced knowledge
in Economics. The first two semesters in the
course will be at par with most major post
graduate programmes in Economics. Major
theoretical     models     in    Microeconomics,
Macroeconomics, Mathematical Economics and
Econometrics are taught during these semesters.
Two courses on International Economics and
Corporate Finance in second semester are
introduced as a prelude to the Trade and Finance
Specialisation of the Course. The last two
semesters focus solely on International Economics and Finance. Relatively, advanced topics on
theoretical model building as well as empirical analysis are part and parcel of the courses in third and
fourth semester. Students are also required to write a dissertation on a contemporary issue based on
their theoretical and empirical knowledge gained from the programme

The specific objectives of the Programme are:
1. To prepare students to become excellent trade policy-makers and key strategists on trade issues
   in the corporate sector, involved directly or indirectly in international trade and financial
2. To equip students with a set of tools, which would help them to solve real world problems.
3. To prepare students to be full-time academicians, with specialized knowledge in international
   economics and finance.

The Institute has over a half-a-century experience in working as a think tank to the Government of
India. It regularly advises the government on issues related to trade through commissioned research
reports. The expertise developed by such interactions and teaching applied issues to management

students is expected to give a new dimension to the course not available in similar programme in
other universities and institutes. Experienced Faculties equipped with knowledge of Trade and
Finance would guide the students to become managers and policy-makers of the future. Additionally,
those oriented towards taking up academics as their career would benefit immensely from the
rigorous courses taught in this programme.

Apart from regular activities of the Programme in the past year a number of lectures and Workshops
were conducted. The topics covered ranged from RBI monetary policy operations, risk management
methods used by Financial Institutions to learning basics of operating econometric software like
EViews, R, STATA. The experts included speakers from corporates and academics and research
institutions. Prof. Pami Dua, Member Monetary Policy Committee, Reserve Bank of India and Professor
Delhi School Economics and Mr. Anirban Dutta, Vice President, Credit Suisse were among the leading
speakers who delivered lectures to the Batch. Students have also undertaken Winter Internship in
Chamber of Commerce.

Core Courses
Semester I       Microeconomic Theory - 1          Semester III       International Macroeconomics and
                 Macroeconomic Theory                                 Finance
                 Mathematics for Economics                            Optional - 1
                 Basic Econometrics                                   Optional - 2
                                                                      Optional - 3
Semester II      Microeconomic Theory - 2          Semester IV        Indian Economy and Trade Policy
                 Advanced Topics in                                   Optional - 1
                 Macroeconomics                                       Optional - 2
                 Theory of International Trade                        Optional - 3
                 Corporate Finance                                    Dissertation / Comprehensive Project

Optional Courses**
International Trade-Related Electives               Finance-Related Electives
   WTO and Contemporary Trade Issues                   International Financial Management
   Empirical Issues in Trade Theory                    M&A and Valuations
   Monetary Theory                                     Financial Modelling
   Advanced Econometrics                               Equity and Fixed Income Markets
   International Trade and Business Law                Commodity Derivatives and Risk Management
   Trade and Development                               Project Appraisal and Management
                                                       Investment Theory and Portfolio Management
** Course Structure is subject to revision by the Institute’s Academic Council from time to time.

Fee Structure
The annual tuition fee payable by each participant for the MA (Economics -Specialisation in Trade &
Finance) 2019-21 batch is `1.75 lakh (for General/OBC Category) and US$5,500 (for Foreign Nationals
and NRIs), which can be paid in two instalments. Students of SC, ST and PWD category are given 50%
concession on tuition fee only. A few scholarships may be offered by the Institute to the
deserving candidates.

Note: After commencement of the Programme, Fees once paid will not be refunded. The Institute
reserves the right to charge any other fees from the students or increase the fees if considered
necessary. In case of making such changes, due notice would be given in advance. For any matter
relating to the conduct of the programme, the decision of the authority as per IIFT Rules will be

(Applicable to all categories of candidates)

1. If a student choose to withdraw from the programme, the Institute shall follow the following four
   tier system for the refund of fee remitted by the student :-

   Sr.      Percentage of refund     Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admission
   No.        of aggregate fee*                              is served
   1.               100%            15 days before the formally notified last date of
    2.              80%             Not more than 15 days after the formally notified last
                                    date of admission.
    3.              50%             Moe than 15 days but less than 30 days formally notified
                                    after last date of admission.
    4.              00%             More than 30 days after formally notified last date of
*Inclusion of course fee and non-tuition fee but exclusive of caution money and security deposit.

2. In case of (1) in the table above, the Institute shall deduct an amount not more than 10% of the
   aggregate fee as processing charges from the refundable amount.

Formally-notified last date of admission will be mentioned in the final offer letter sent to
selected candidates.

Admission Procedure
(For General/Reserved Category Candidates)

         Minimum qualification for admission to the MA (Economics - Specialisation in Trade &
         Finance) programme include BA/BSc in Economics with at least 50 per cent marks. The
         applicant must have studied Mathematics at the higher secondary or higher level. [45% in case
         of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Person with
         Disability (PWD) categories].
         No age limit.

Admission of the candidate who joins the MA Economics Programme on provisional basis but
       fails to obtain minimum percentage in the Bachelor's degree examination is liable to be
       cancelled forthwith. Such candidate should immediately inform the Institute on declaration of
       his/her results. Admission of candidates who do not inform the Institute of such a situation
       will automatically stand cancelled on 8th October 2019. No request for extension of time for re-
       evaluation, etc. will be entertained.

  An Objective Aptitude Test (based on Basic Mathematics and Statistics, Microeconomics,
  Macroeconomics, International Economics, Public Finance, etc., the syllabus of which will be of
  undergraduate level Economics Programme) and
  A Descriptive Test to judge analytical and writing skill of candidates on contemporary economic

A two-stage process is proposed to be followed for admission to the MA (Economics - Specialisation in
Trade & Finance) Programme.

Stage I: Eligible candidates will be called for the Written Entrance Test to be held at IIFT Delhi and
Kolkata Campuses.

Stage II: Candidates who would qualify in the Entrance Test will subsequently appear at the Institute
in New Delhi for Personal Interview.

  The written entrance examination will take place both at Kolkata and New Delhi campuses of the
  However, Stage II evaluation process for a candidate, qualifying the entrance examination, will only
  be conducted at the New Delhi campus of the Institute.

Candidates should be careful while opting for the Admission Test Centre. A fee of `1,000 will be
charged for changing the opted Centre. No request for change of centre will be entertained after 23rd
April 2019.

The Admit Cards can be downloaded from IIFT's website from 3rd May 2019. With a
print-out of the Admit Card, the candidates should reach the venue of the Exam Centre on 12th May
2019 latest by 9.00 a.m. with one of the following documents: (a) Passport, (b) Election I-Card, (c)
Aadhaar Card, (d) PAN Card or (e) Driving License.

Admission Procedure
(For Foreign Nationals / NRIs)
Minimum qualification for Foreign Students / NRIs is a CGPA of 4 in a 5-point scale or 8 in a 10-point
scale (or, equivalent) with a major in Economics in their undergraduate degree (equivalent to BA /
B.Sc. in India).

Admission of the candidate who joins the MA Economics Programme on provisional basis but fails to
obtain minimum CGPA in the Bachelor's degree examination is liable to be cancelled forthwith. Such
candidate should immediately inform the Institute on declaration of his/her results. Admission of

candidates who do not inform the Institute of such a situation will automatically stand cancelled on 8 th
October 2019. No request for extension of time for re-evaluation, etc. will be entertained.

For the batch 2019-21, 30 students each will be admitted in Delhi and Kolkata Campuses. Seats
are reserved as per Government of India’s norms.

A maximum of five seats are allocated to the foreign nationals / NRIs. No separate admission test
would be conducted. The admission can be considered on the basis of academic records (CGPA) in
Graduation level. A selection committee will scrutinize the applications and prepare the merit list.

How to Apply
Please visit IIFT website i.e. and click on the ADMISSIONS 2019 icon. Submit the online
form as per details given in website.

The cost of Prospectus and Application Form is one-time payment of `1600/- (`800/- in respect of
SC/ST/PwD candidates and US$80 / `4,500 for Foreign Nationals / NRIs) which includes
application screening and Entrance Test Fee. The Fee is payable online while submitting the
Application Form. The candidates are not required to pay any other fee.

SC/ST/PwD/OBC (Non-creamy layer) candidates need to upload the requisite
certificate with the Application Form.

1. Self-Attested copies of certificates & mark-sheets of qualifying degrees and other certificates (from
   SSC level).
2. SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PWD category candidates need to upload the requisite certificate.

PETITION NO. (C) 656/1998.

As per the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 4.5.2001, ragging is banned in the Institute and
anyone found indulging in ragging is likely to be punished appropriately which may include expulsion
from the Institute. The students who may be selected and opt to join the Programme will be required
to submit two affidavits as per the format given by UGC in the website

IIFT Faculty & Administration

DIRECTOR                     Sanjay Rastogi           Reena Nayyar              Karun Duggal
Prof. Manoj Pant,            Sheeba Kapil             Satwik Shekhar            Kavita Sharma
(Director and Professor of   Associate Professors     Shiny Pradeep             Lalita Gupta
Economics)                   Ashim Raj Singla         Sonu Verma                Mohini Madaan
                             Basanta K. Sahu          Swati Shukal Singh        P.K. Khanna
                             Bibek Ray Chaudhuri      Tamanna Chaturvedi        Rakesh Kumar Ojha
FACULTY                      Debashis Chakraborty     Triptendu Prakash Ghosh   Sumita Marwaha
Dean Admin.                  Deepankar Sinha          Tuheena Mukherjee
(Academics)                                                                     Assistant Finance Officer
                             Jayanta Kumar Seal
Vijaya Katti                 Jaydeep Mukherjee                                  Shahid Anwar
                             M. Venkatesan
Chairpersons                                                                    Hindi Officer
                             Niti Nandini Chatnani    Registrar
D. Sunitha Raju                                                                 Rajender Prasad
                             Pooja Lakhanpal          P.K. Gupta
Rakesh Mohan Joshi
                             Pralok Gupta
Ravi Shanker
                             Rajendra Prasad Sharma   Deputy Registrar
Satinder Bhatia                                                                 SUPPORTING
                             Sachin Kumar Sharma      Gaurav Gulati
Head, Kolkata Centre
                             Shailja Singh                                      STAFF
K. Rangarajan                Saswati Tripathi         Sr. Administrative        Placement & Corporate
                             Sweta Srivastava Malla   Officers                  Advisor
ECGC Chair Professor         V. Raveendra Saradhi     Bhuwan Chandra            Harkirat Singh
Partha Sen                                            Desh Raj
                             Assistant Professors                               Systems Manager
Professors                   Ankit Kesharwani         Sr. Finance Officer
                                                                                Bimal Kumar Panda
Abhijit Das                  Areej Aftab Siddiqui     Pitambar Behera
Biswajit Nag                 A.K. Srustishhar Chand                             Asstt. Systems Manager
Chandni Raina                Arunima Rana             Finance Officer
                                                                                S. Balasubramanian
Gautam Kumar Dutta           Ashish Gupta             Deepa P.G.
James J. Nedumpara           Divya Tuteja                                       Computer Programmer
                                                      Administrative Officers
Mukesh Bhatnagar             Ginni Chawla                                       Neha Vinayak
                                                      A.K. Lahiri (CWS)
Murali Kallummal             Himani Gupta
                                                      B. Prasanna Kumar
Nitin Seth                   Jacqueline Symss                                   Institute Engineer
                                                      Meenakshi Saxena
Om Prakash Wali              Kavita Wadhwa                                      R.K. Gupta
                                                      Nalini Meshram
Prabir K. Das                Liteshwar Rao
Radhika Prosad Datta         Papiya Ghosh                                       Assistant Librarians
                                                      Section Officers
Ram Singh                    Parul Singh                                        Amita Anand
                                                      Anil Kumar Meena
Ram Upendra Das              Prakash Singh                                      Nirmala
                                                      Chiranji Lal
Ranajoy Bhattacharyya        Pratik Maheshwari
                                                      Dwaipayan Ash
Rohit Mehtani                Preeti Tak
                                                      Gaurav Gupta
Saikat Banerjee              Priyanka Jayaswal
                                                      Jitender Saxena

 Last date for submission of Application                                        Monday, 15th April 2019
 Notification of eligible candidates for Written Entrance                       Thursday, 25th April 2019
 Last Date for Change of Admission Test Centre                                  Tuesday, 30th April 2019
 Downloading of Admit Cards from IIFT’s website                                 Friday, 3rd May 2019
 Date of Written Entrance Examination and Descriptive Test                      Sunday, 12th May 2019
                                                                                (10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon)
 Declaration of Result of Written Entrance Examination                          Friday, 31st May 2019
 Personal Interview at IIFT Campus in New Delhi                                 Second week of June 2019
 Declaration of Final Results                                                   Third week of June 2019
 Commencement of the Programme                                                  Second Week of July 2019
 ** Any change in the admission schedule would be notified to all candidates through announcements
 in the IIFT web-page.

                                                 APPLICATION FEE

 For General/OBC Category                                                   :   `1600/-

 For SC/ST/PWD Category                                                     :   `800/-

 For Foreign Nationals/NRIs                                                 :   US$ 80/ `4,500

                                      भारतीय विदेश व्यापार संस्थान
                                 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE
                                     (DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY)
                              (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, GOVT. OF INDIA)

                                        DELHI CAMPUS     KOLKATA CAMPUS
       B-21 Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016   1583 Madurdaha, Chowbagha Road, Ward No. 108,
Ph.: 011-39147213 (Direct), 011-39147200 – 205 (PBX)     Borough XII, Kolkata-700107
                                 Fax : 91-011-39147301   Ph.: 033- 24195700 & 24195900 (PBX)
                                                         Fax: +91-33-24432454

                         E-mail:          Website :

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