Year in Review and 2022 Forecast

Page created by Daniel Norris
Year in Review and 2022 Forecast
October/November 2021

                          Year in Review and 2022 Forecast
City Councilwoman J. Ruth Littlejohn, is hosting a Community Meeting for City Council
District 3, on November 30, 2021, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., at the C.C. Woodson Community
                                                                    APRIL NEWSLETTER
Center. City Manager Chris Story, Assistant City Manager Mitch Kennedy    &
Neighborhood Services Director, Martin Livingston, will be in attendance.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP by November 26, 2021. You can leave a message at 864-
573-5066 or email: Everyone is expected to wear a mask
and practice social distancing.

                              City Council Makes History
Congratulations to Councilman Jerome Rice, our newly elected Spartanburg City Mayor!
Rice is Spartanburg’s 2nd Black/African American Mayor. The 1st was Mayor James Talley.
Councilman Rice currently serves City Council District 5, which Janie Salley will represent
starting January 2022. We also congratulate Mayor Pro Tem Jamie Fulmer (Dist. 4) and
Councilwoman Erica Brown (Dist. 6) on their re-election.
Spartanburg City Council now has more women serving than ever before, Erica Brown, J.
Ruth Littlejohn, Megan Smith & (soon to be) Janie Salley.
On a sadder note….according to Spartanburg County Voter Registration & Elections, there are
36,721 registered voters in the City of Spartanburg and only 5,274 (14%) casted a ballot in the
citywide election. We applaud Janie Salley’s win, but she won with 259 votes in all of
District 5. The Park Hills precinct alone has 1,639 registered voters. We also applaud Jerome
Rice’s win, but he won a citywide election with 2,882 votes.

We must do better! Too many people have lost their lives for the right to vote. However,
whether you voted or not, these and all other elected officials need your support, in order
for Spartanburg to continue moving forward. Continued on page 2

                                  General Colin Powell
General Colin Powell, a Great American, passed on October 18, 2021. He was born in New
York City to Jamaican immigrants. He served four U.S. presidents (George Bush Sr., Bill
Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama). He rose to become the first Black/African
American and the youngest chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation’s highest-ranking
military office. Gen. Powell was a Trail Blazing Four Star Military Commander and first
Black/African American Secretary of State. General Powell is survived by three children, two
grandchildren and his wife Alma.
          “Unity does not just happen; we have to work at it.”           Ephesians 4
Year in Review and 2022 Forecast
Continued from page 1                                                                   Great News!!!!!!
                                                                      Spartanburg County government, in partnership with
                                                                      PAL, has been awarded a US Department of
                                                                      Transportation grant of $23.845.187 Million for The
                                                                      Daniel Morgan Trail System. The Daniel Morgan
                                                                      Trail System is a 55+ mile trail network made of
                                                                      existing and proposed trail segments that cross the
                                                                      urban area of Spartanburg County.
                                                                      This federal grant will fund almost 15 miles of new
                                                                      multi-use paths, primarily along Fairforest Creek
                                                                      starting at Mayfair Lofts on the northern end to CC
                                                                      Woodson Recreation Center on the southern end. In
                                                                      addition, there is an extension to the Spartanburg
                                                                      Memorial Airport and across highway 295 to R.P.
                                                                      Dawkins Middle School. Implementing this critical
                                                                      portion of the Dan will provide a seamless trail facility
                                                                      that connects our community and re-stitches our
                                                                      neighborhoods together. Provided by Scottie Kay
                                                                      Auton, Communications Manager.
Meet our newly elected Mayor, Jerome Rice.                            This is fantastic news!!! And we are grateful!!!
Jerome is an educator & football coach at Spartanburg
High School & is serving his 3rd term on Spartanburg                            More Good News $50,000!!!
City Council. Jerome & his wife Shay have four
children and four grandchildren.                                      On November 22, 2021, Tory Dandy and the Tory
                                                                      Dandy Foundation presented a $50,000 check to the
                    Oak Street Health                                 City’s Parks and Recreation Department, paid over 5
                                                                      years. Mr. Dandy and his foundation seeks to be
The grand opening for Oak Street Health, a new                        actively involved in this investment for our youth, and
Primary Care facility has opened on the Southside of                  this is most likely the beginning of a long-term
town! Primary Care handles everything from medical,                   partnership with Mr. Dandy. Mr. Dandy is a native of
social, and even behavioral health in a safe and clean                Woodruff, SC and he routinely expresses his love for
doctor’s office environment. Their primary care model                 the City of Spartanburg. Thank you Mr. Dandy!
connects patients to the right programs and resources.
You have a choice of phone, video, or in-person visits.
Oak Street Health is located at 550 S. Church Street,                              Piggly Wiggly is Back!!!
just two doors down from the soon to be Piggly                        The grocery is on pace to open in early 2022.
Wiggly grocery. Call (864) 309-0285 for your                          Renovations and other preparations are proceeding.
appointment.                                                          They’ve run into some difficulties sourcing some of
                                                                      the refrigeration units and other necessary equipment
                                                                      due to national supply chain troubles, but they expect
                                                                      to have that resolved soon.
                                                                      However, did you know the first Piggly Wiggly in
                                                                      Spartanburg opened on East Main Street, November
                                                                      12, 1920 and remained active into the 1940s! We are
                                                                      excited to have the Pig back and look forward to the
                                                                      opening in early 2022!
L-R: John Kimbrell (OneSpartanburg Chief Business Affairs Officer),   “Avoid having your ego so close to your
Ryan Stroh (Oak Street Health Outreach Director), Marion Hunter
( President & CEO with ReGenesis Health) and Harold Burnett (Oak
                                                                      position that when your position falls, your
Street Health Regional Director). Grand Opening, November 1, 2021.    ego goes with it.” General Colin Powell
Year in Review and 2022 Forecast
One Spartanburg, Inc. MOMENTUM Awards                                                       Women of Distinction
OneSpartanburg Inc., celebrated winners of 11 awards, 16                   On October 14, 2021, the Girl Scouts of South Carolina
historic businesses, economic and tourism development                      Mountains to Midlands, held their 9th Annual Karen H.
achievements, and its recognition as the 2021 U.S.                         Mitchell, Women of Distinction: Boots and Pearls
Chamber of the Year at MOMENTUM: The celebration                           celebration. This year’s honorees were Dr. Amy Baruch
was held on Oct. 26, 2021 at the Chapman Cultural Center.                  Clinical Pathologist @ Spartanburg Regional Healthcare
                                                                           System and Ms. Laura Ringo, Executive Director, PAL:
                                                                           Play, Advocate, Live Well.
                                                                           These Women of Distinction are leaders and innovators in
                                                                           their community and they lift up their community with their
                                                                           contributions and selflessness. “They have the courage to
                                                                           lead, the confidence to step-up, and character that is an
                                                                           inspiration to girls everywhere.” Congratulations ladies and
                                                                           thank you for your service to the community and your
                                                                           behaviors that reflect so positively on the women & girls
                                                                           around you!
L-R: Wes Lehrer (2019-2021 Chair of OneSpartanburg), S.C. Supreme
Court Chief Justice Don Beaty, Jay Taylor (Clayton Construction) &
Allen Smith (President & CEO of OneSpartanburg)

 Among those awarded were: S.C. Supreme Court Chief
Justice Don Beatty - received the Neville Holcombe
Distinguished Citizenship Award (highest honor); also
Spartanburg County Teachers of the Year were
recognized. USC Upstate Chancellor Bennie Harris, was
available for the presentation. Spartanburg City Council -
Inclusion Advocate of the Year; Blue Moon Specialty
Foods - James B. Thompson Small Business of the Year;
Senator International - Economic Champion Award; Play,
Advocate, Live Well, formerly known as Partners for
Active Living, and executive director Laura Ringo –
Elaine Harris Tourism Champion of the Year; The Chair-                     L-R: Lora Tucker (Pres./CEO Girl Scouts of S.C.-Mountains to
man’s Award Doug Smith – recognized for his leadership                     Midlands), Dr. Amy Baruch, Laura Ringo & Karen Mitchell (Girl
                                                                           Scout Champion). The Event was held on the Lawn at Drayton Mills.
and advocacy on behalf of Spartanburg; Duke Energy
Citizenship and Service Award – Habitat for Humanity of                    Past Honorees to receive the Girl Scout’s Women of
Spartanburg executive director Lee Close and Citizen                       Distinction are: J. Ruth Littlejohn & Stacy McBride (2020);
Scholars program executive director Gloria Close; Minor-                   Hope Blackley-Logan & Elaine Smith (2019); Valerie Manatis
ity-Owned Businessperson of the Year – Legacy Healthcare                   Barnet, Mary Ann Deku & Marsha H. Gibbs (2018); Rep.
Advantage CEO Cortella Wilkes; Ambassador of the Year                      Rita Ann Allison & Robyn Hussa Farrell (2017); Dr. Gloria
– Comporium business solutions specialist Lyle Bridgers &                  Webb Close, Kathy Dunleavy & Dr. Kay E. Woodward
Young Professional of the Year – Daniel Craig, attorney &                  (2016); Joy Ayers Couch & Dr. Fern Powell (2015); Ruth L.
partner with Johnson, Smith, Hibbard & Wildman.                            Cate & Renee Buyck Romberger (2014) and Randi Berry and
                                                                           Susu Johnson (2013).

                                                                                                    Thank you!
                                                                           A special thanks is extended to my husband Horace
                                                                           Littlejohn for his patience, support, encouragement
                                                                           and commitment to assisting with Littlejohn Speaks.
Rob Rain (City Council Dist. 2), Wes Lehrer (2019-2021                     “Leadership is not about titles, positions or
OneSpartanburg Chair), Allen Smith (Pres. & CEO OneSpartanburg),
Erica Brown (City Council Dist. 6), Megan Smith (City Council Dist.
                                                                           flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”
1), J. Ruth Littlejohn (City Council Dist. 3), Jerome Rice (City Council   John Maxwell
Dist. 5), Jamie Fulmer (City Council Dist. 4) and Dr. Russell
Booker(Exec. Dir. Spartanburg Academic Movement & Diversity &              “One of the greatest regrets in life is being what
Economic Inclusion (DEI) for OneSpartanburg.                               others want you to be, rather than being yourself.”
                                                                           Shannon Alder
Year in Review and 2022 Forecast
Honored for Bravery                                                 Leroy Jeter Honored
The Commission of Public Works of the City of                       Patrena Mims, Executive Director of the Bethlehem
Spartanburg and the Spartanburg Sanitary Sewer District             Center, presented Leroy Jeter, President of the High-land
Commission presented joint resolutions to City Police Chief         Neighborhood, a plat for his dedication, hard work and
Alonzo Thompson and Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck                years of service to the Highland Community. The Learning
Wright on October 14, 2021. The recognition was in                  Center has been named in honor of him and the plat will be
response to each of their department’s quick action in              hung in the Center for everyone to see. Mr. Jeter is
protecting Spartanburg Water personnel from a shooting              shown below with his family.
near Cleveland on July 1, 2021.

L-R: Commissioners Horace Littlejohn & Jeff Horton, Sheriff Chuck   L-R: Dexter & Kira Reaves, Little Madison, Sheila Davis Henderson,
Wright, Chief Alonzo Thompson, Commissioner Angela Viney, Sue       Gloria & Leroy Jeter and Patrena Mims
Schneider (Spartanburg Water Chief Executive Officer) &
Commissioner Louie Blanton.                                         The Highland Early Learning Center is now open. It is a
                                                                    FREE program to those who qualify and will provide 8
                   Save The Children                                hours of care per day, along with an extended school year
                                                                    schedule. Food is also provided at no cost to families. Go
The Upstate division of Save the Children Action                    online and check if your child is eligible to participate,
Network’s Volunteers, held an charitable event at the               complete the online application form and select The
Beacon Drive-In on Oct. 30, 2021, from 10-11:30 a.m.                Highland Early Learning Center-Spartanburg from the drop
                                                                    down option. Required documents to apply: Birth
                                                                    Certificate (state certified/official-not a hospital memento),
                                                                    Medicaid Card or Proof of Income, Proof of Residence and
                                                                    SC Immunization Certificate.

                                                                                             United Way

Volunteering at the event are, Dr. Audrey Grant, Dr. Benjamin
Snoddy & Dr. Authur Grant.
                                                                    L-R: Wilma Moore, Emilie Obrian, Sarah Daniel, Page Stevenson
               South Converse Cleanup                               (Pres. & CEO of United Way), Mitch Kennedy (City of Spartanburg
                                                                    Assist. City Manager), Hannah Jarrett, Maria Madden & Aileen
J. Ruth Littlejohn joined Angela Gist, Sheila Dawkins,              Eastergard. Hannah Jarret the Director of Financial Stability
Nichelle Nichols and Joyce Harrison, for a neighborhood             shared the Opportunity Housing Collaborative’s latest
cleanup on November 6, 2021, A thank you is also                    efforts to consolidate the available housing research and
extended to Louise Gossett. Thanks Ladies!                          develop a Housing Action Plan for Spartanburg.
“Get mad, then get over it.” General Colin Powell
Year in Review and 2022 Forecast
Litter Hero Celebration                                                  A Pre-Fair Celebration
On November 9, 2021, a celebration was held honoring the
first two crew members of the Litter Hero Program, at the
Opportunity Center. After 90-days, the two crew members
successfully completed life skills training, employment and
participation in their case management exercises. The Litter
Hero Program was created in response to decreased labor,
increased visibility and need to address homelessness in
Spartanburg and increased litter throughout Spartanburg

                                                                           Seated: James Talley (former Mayor of Spartanburg): Standing,
                                                                           L-R: Horace C. Littlejohn (Commissioner of Public Works),
                                                                           Derham Cole (Former member of the S.C. House of
                                                                           Representatives) & Atty Max Hyde (Hyde Law Firm).

                                                                           On October 5, 2021, the Fairground Committee came
                                                                           together for a celebration prior to the arrival of the
                                                                           Fair. The event is held yearly and City and local
                                                                           officials are invited. This event is sponsored by the
L-R: Mark Ford (City’s, Assist. Grounds Manager), J. Ruth Littlejohn       Fairground Vendors, as a way of showing their
(City Council Dist. 3), Litter Heroes, Brent & Thomas, Megan Smith         appreciation. W.C. Bain is the Chair of the
(City Council Dist. 1), Jeff Tillerson (City’s Code Enforcement Officer)
& Wesley Hammond (Chair/Keep One Spartanburg Beautiful Board)
                                                                           Fairground Committee.

Over ten community partners including Spartanburg                                                Wofford Tour
County, City of Spartanburg, OneSpartanburg Inc.,
Spartanburg Opportunity Center, United Way of the
Piedmont, Keep OneSpartanburg Beautiful (KOSB),
Miracle Hill Ministries, SC Works, H.O.P.E. Ministries
and GoForth Recovery came together to build a supportive
workforce program that provides employment, supportive
services and life skills training to individuals experiencing
homelessness. The program was launched on July 19, 2021.
Assistant City Manager Mitch Kennedy gave comments
from the City. KOSB Board members present for the
occas-ion were Christy Snow (Director), Wesley
Hammond (Board Chair), John Kimbrell, James Nelson
& J. Ruth Littlejohn.

                    Newsletter Delivery
Thanks to the following individuals that helped with                       On October 28, 2021, Council Representatives, J. Ruth
                                                                           Littlejohn, Jerome Rice and Megan Smith, each gave a
the newsletter delivery: Evelyn Blakley, Carolyn
                                                                           tour to six Wofford students. We were able to tell our own
Brewer, Elaine Collins, Sheila Dawkins, Joan &                             story or select historic areas within the City to tour. My
Bennie Drummond, Angela Gist, Bernice Lewis,                               group toured the location of the new Piggly Wiggly, C.C.
Horace Littlejohn, Tommy Richardson, Linda                                 Woodson Center, Mary H. Wright, Carver Middle School,
Sanders & Robay Stroble.                                                   location of the new MHW Apartments, parks,
                                                                           neighborhoods, VFW Memorial and the Southside
                                *****                                      Cemetery. Thanks to Beatrice Hill, co-author of South of
“Proverb 26:27 warns that those who cause                                  Main, for providing additional information.
trouble will reap trouble. What we have
intended for others may blow up in our own                                 “It’s not who you know---it’s how you are
faces.”                                                                    known by those who know you.” Gene Autry
Year in Review and 2022 Forecast
You Are Invited                                           Lead-Safe Health Homes
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Spartanburg                 The Neighborhood Services Department is offering a
Invites you to view Portraits in Courage and Determination,      Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Program in both
Notable Civil Rights and Social Justice Activists by Dr.         owner-occupied and rental units within the City of
Garrett Snipes, on Saturday, December 11th, from 9:00            Spartanburg for qualifying households. This program
a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:00-5:00 p.m. The viewing will            includes home Lead-Risk Assessment and Healthy Homes
take place in the UUCS Sanctuary, 210 Henry Street,              Assessment, Lead Hazard Removal Work, and Post-
Spartanburg.                                                     Clearance and Monitoring of units.
                                                                 Qualifications: (1) Home must be located within City of
                                                                 Spartanburg limits (2) A Child under the age of 6 must
                                                                 reside or regularly spend time in the home (over 60 hours
                                                                 per year), or a pregnant woman must reside in the home (3)
                                                                 Household income must be less than 80% of Area Median
                                                                 Income (4) Home must be built prior to 1978 (5) All
                                                                 property tax payments and homeowner’s insurance must be

We also welcome your memories of Dr. Snipes and your
responses to the exhibit, to be captured on film for the
Snipes family.

                 Amplify Graduation

                                                                 City of Spartanburg’s Dickens of A Christmas: December
                                                                 7, 6-9pm
                                                                 Spartanburg Jaycees Christmas Parade: December 14th

                                                                 Mary H. Wright Elementary School, held its Walk to
A graduation was held on November 18, 2021 for Amplify           School Day on October 6, 2021,
Launch. Eight individuals completed the program.
                                                                 J. C. Bull Apartments, held a Fall Festival & Thanks-
Amplify is an initiative of the City of Spartanburg in
                                                                 giving Celebration on November 12, 2021, from 12-2pm.
partnership with Spartanburg County, that provides African
                                                                 Oak Street Health provided Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson
American entrepreneurs with business training, mentorship,
                                                                 1st shots, Pfizer and Moderna booster shots.
networking opportunities, and access to capital. Amplify
                                                                 To-Go meals were provided by Anthony’s Catering
Launch is a 10-week program that teaches the fundamentals
of owning and operating a business. Its primary focus is to      Sympathy is extended to the following:
assist black-owned businesses who have started their own         Fannie Bates & her family on the passing of her husband
business but need assistance in launching their product into     M.B. Bates
the market. Those who complete the class will have a rough       Linda Sanders, on the passing of her brother.
draft of a completed business plan to present to investors for   The Porter Family on the passing of their sister Andrea.
access to capital. Natasha Pitts is the Equity and Inclusion                                *****
Manager.                                                         Contact:
                                                                 864-573-5066 (Hm) 864-909-7244 (Cell)
           Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!                               ©Copy Right 2021 Jessie Ruth Littlejohn. All Rights
Year in Review and 2022 Forecast Year in Review and 2022 Forecast Year in Review and 2022 Forecast Year in Review and 2022 Forecast
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