YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing

Page created by Philip Mcdonald
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
Welcome to Mater Christi College

YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
in all-girls
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
4    Welcome                                   16    Services
     Information and Contacts                        Student Support Services
	Transition from Primary School                     Health Care Centre Information
  to Secondary School                                • Information Update
                                                     • Students who are ill whilst at school
8    School Operations                               • Health Regulations
                                                     • Medication
     Upcoming Dates
                                                     • Asthma
                                                     • Allergies / Anaphylaxis
     College Uniform                                 • Medical Forms
     • Uniform Shop                                  • Sun Protective Clothing and Hats
     • Uniform Fitting Days

                                               18    Finance
13   Curriculum and Learning
                                                     My MCC
                                                     Fee Account
     Reporting Procedures
                                               	Camps, Sports, Excursions Fund (CSEF)
     Home Study
                                                     Catholic Education Benefit (CEB)
     Instrumental Music
                                                     Conveyance Allowance Program (CAP)
     Resource Lists
     Learning Technologies
                                                     Café Bene
     Network and Electronic Usage Guidelines
     College Expectations
     MCC Digital Technology Expectations

                                 		             Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022   3
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
Principal’s Welcome
    My wish for our students is to find in Mater                   A girls’ school provides a safe environment to
    Christi College a place to explore possibilities.              explore identity in the midst of a caring, forward-
                                                                   thinking, service-oriented community.
    At first these will be exciting subjects, fresh
    co-curricular activities, supportive mentors and               Meaning-making, Learning, Wellbeing and
    of course, new friends. The ‘newness’ of Year                  Enrichment are the pillars on which we build
    7 will keep your daughter engaged for a time,                  this educational community, and we are
    but eventually there will be other questions,                  delighted to welcome you.
    encounters and discoveries.
    As her journey at Mater continues, the                         Maria Haggett
    possibilities will broaden, and her questions                  Educator, Principal
    will deepen. This is where we strive to do our
    best work. For each student who comes here is
    invited to explore what it means to be…herself.

                                                    “Today you are
                                                    you, that is truer
                                                    than true
                                                    There is no one
                                                    alive who is
                                                    Youer than YOU”
                                                    Dr. Seuss

4                  Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
A New Journey
You and your daughter are embarking on an            Information and Contacts
important and exciting journey at Mater Christi
College (MCC). The College is a vibrant, inclusive   This guide highlights information of particular
and warm community where students feel safe,         relevance to new students and provides advice
build friendships and become intelligent and         on where to find further details. Most information
reflective learners.                                 about the College is also available on our website
                                                     and our parent portal, My MCC.
2021 has continued to be a year of challenge and
change across the whole community. We are            Arrangements surrounding coronavirus can be
proud of our students’ resilience and adaptability   accessed via the COVID-19 Management button
as they manage the shifts between school-based       on our website homepage.
and online learning. They have certainly lived the   Visit the Contact Us page to access phone
‘can do’ attitude of girls’ education.               numbers and email addresses of all key contacts
You are encouraged to participate fully in the       in the College, otherwise try the ‘Search’ function.
life of the College so that your daughter may        The MCC Student Guide is a useful reference
become ‘a compassionate woman of faith, who          for College guidelines and can also be found on
will participate actively and creatively in the      our website.
affairs of society’ (MCC Mission Statement).

                                     		               Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022         5
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
Transition from Primary School                                 Getting Involved
    to Secondary School                                            Early into first term, we will provide opportunities
    The move from primary to secondary school                      for you to meet your daughter’s teachers and
    is a social and educational shift that opens up                other relevant staff. Information about these and
    new experiences. Students often go through                     other College events will be provided to you via
    a range of emotions, display varying levels of                 email, the e-newsletter and on the Parent Portal.
    confidence and may feel a bit uncertain at
    times. Secondary school seems initially a
                                                                   Contacting Your Daughter’s
    complex place – usually a bigger school
                                                                   Home Group Mentor
    community with more choices and learning
    opportunities. Starting secondary school                       Home Group Mentors can provide first-hand
    means engaging in different subjects, working                  reassurance, monitor progress and help
    with new teachers and the daunting yet                         coordinate extra support at school. If you have
    exciting prospect of making new friends.                       concerns regarding your daughter, you are
                                                                   encouraged to contact her Home Group Mentor
    Some students may find it challenging to
                                                                   directly and early in the first term.
    move away from the familiarity of their
    primary school. It will take most students
    some time to adjust to the new demands,                        Establishing Consistent Routines
    routines and structure of secondary school.                    Both at Home and at School
    During the first few weeks, it is normal for
    them to display a range of emotions. The                       Routines and expectations will support your
    majority of students adjust and feel                           daughter as she settles into secondary school
    comfortable with these changes by the                          and sets up positive practices for her future years.
    end of the first term.                                         For example, having a copy of your daughter’s
                                                                   school timetable on the fridge door may help
    There are a number of important things                         with preparation for the day ahead. Others find
    parents can do to support their daughters                      creating lists together of what to do each day can
    during this time, including:                                   help students know what is going to happen and
                                                                   what is expected. We encourage you to find your
                                                                   own way to help her feel safe and secure.
    Providing Support and Encouragement
    Some young people will surprise you with
    their resilience during stressful times. Others                Providing Practical Support
    benefit from having someone there to give                      Be prepared for the first day. For example, the
    encouragement or a smile from the side-line.                   prospect of having to negotiate the trip to
    Reassure them, as difficulties faced are mostly                school on public transport may be challenging.
    temporary and you will be there for them.                      Consider accompanying your daughter on the
                                                                   train or bus as a ‘test-run’ before the first day.
                                                                   This will help familiarise her with the journey.
    Listening                                                      Your daughter may wish to pair up with a friend
    Provide your daughter with opportunities                       or sibling to help her gain confidence and
    to express her feelings about school,                          build independence. The College will provide a
    friendships or any other topics. Take a                        transport buddy for the first few afternoons.
    genuine interest in what she says and try
    to keep the focus on positive aspects of her
    school experiences.                                            Providing Balance
                                                                   Make sure your daughter maintains a healthy
                                                                   balance across the other aspects of her life. For
    Be Confident                                                   example, ensure she enjoys positive activities
    Your daughter will likely take her cues from                   outside of school - e.g. family outings, time
    you. Showing confidence in her ability to                      with friends from primary school, and other
    cope will build her own self-confidence                        extra- curricular activities. Sleep is an essential
    and resilience.                                                requirement for balance and teenagers need
                                                                   between 9 and 10 hours of sleep every night.

6                  Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
Helping Establish New Friendships                    If you feel that your daughter needs additional
                                                     support as she settles into secondary school,
Your daughter will expand her friendship group
                                                     please feel free to contact the College. The
and make new friends. You can support this
                                                     Home Group Mentor is the first point of
process by providing the opportunity for her to
                                                     contact. Support is also available through the
invite new friends home.
                                                     Year Learning Coordinator (YLC) or College
                                                     Psychologists. The best outcomes are achieved
                                                     when we work together.
Problem Solving
                                                     Further parent resources, including information
Make the time to listen to and talk with your
                                                     from Dr Michael Carr-Greg on SchoolTV, are
daughter. Sometimes young people are overly
                                                     available on our website.
challenged with problem solving. If your
daughter tells you of a problem she is having,
ask her to suggest three things she thinks that
she may be able to do about it. This gives you the
opportunity to understand how your daughter is
viewing the problem and also provides a way for
you to offer suggestions as to how the problem
might be solved.

                                    		                Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022    7
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
School Operations
    Upcoming Dates
    The College Calendar on our website and My MCC is an important reference throughout the year.
    During the pandemic and the resultant restrictions, we are not able to confidently set dates for
    the usual activities. The following provides an indicative schedule. Dates will be advised if we
    need to reschedule or change any events.

     17 Sept        MCC Charter Bus request due

     October        Uniform Fitting appointments

     21 Oct         Annual Fee Billing sent

     8 Nov          Resources Lists available online – link sent by email

     10 Nov         Year 7 2022 Orientation Program – 9.00am – 1.00pm
                    •	Where possible, girls should wear their MCC PE uniform as ID photos
                       will be taken on this day
                    • Students will need to bring morning tea and their pencil case
                    • The Uniform Shop open from 12.00pm – 4.00pm

     17 Nov         Grade 6 Testing – 4.00pm – 5.45pm
                    • English and Mathematics

     12 Dec         Resource Lists due

     15 Dec         Start of the year details emailed

     27 Jan         Resource Collection
                    • The Uniform Shop open 10.00am – 6.00pm

     31 Jan         First day for Years 7 and 10

                    Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) applications open from Term 1

                    Catholic Education Benefit (CEB) application due

8                Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
Communication                                        Canvas
Mater Christi fully embraces the opportunities       Canvas is our Learning Management System
that technology provides for communication           (LMS). Students access course materials,
and learning. In summary:                            classroom activities, assignments, assessment
                                                     information, schedules and more through our
                                                     LMS. Parents are also able to monitor student
Email                                                progress through visiting the LMS.
Email is our primary means of communication
with families for invitations, notice of upcoming    Website
events, excursion advice etc. Look out for these
emails in case your filters direct them to ‘junk’.   The College website hosts a range of reference
                                                     material, news and views. Links to relevant pages
The College e-newsletter email collates recent       are often included in emails or the e-newsletter.
items posted on the news section of our website.

                                                     Social Media
                                                     The College also uses social media, particularly
SMS is used for reminders, emergency                 Facebook and Instagram to feature and celebrate
notification and absence notifications.              student activities and achievement.

My MCC (parent portal)
My MCC provides access to password secured
information, including:
• College Calendar
• Attendance, reports, appointments, timetables
•	MaterShop: Café Bene, optional activities
   e.g. Central Australia Trip
•	Fee Account: View statements and pay
   MCC Fees

                                     		               Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022      9
YEAR 7 Welcome to Mater Christi College - Compassionate - Pronto Marketing
College Uniform                                                Uniform Fitting Days
     As a Good Samaritan College in the Benedictine                 Fitting days are arranged with an appointment
     tradition, we recognise the dignity of all                     time allocated to each student. The College will
     individuals. We also believe that wearing the                  advise families of their allocated uniform fitting
     uniform correctly is a display of respect for self             times. On these fitting days, experienced staff
     and for the College community.                                 completely fit students while still allowing room
                                                                    for growth.
     Enrolment at the College implies acceptance of
     the following uniform policy guidelines:                       We hope that most families will be able to
                                                                    attend at the allotted time. If the appointment
     •	Students must wear MCC uniform on all                       is not suitable, please phone the Uniform Shop
        school occasions                                            staff on 03 9757 0815 during shop hours, and
     •   Non-uniform items are not permitted                        they will endeavour to schedule another time.
     •	Uniforms must be kept neat and clean at all
        times. Dresses and skirts are to be worn no
        shorter than the top of the knee
     •   All clothing should be named clearly
     •	Students must wear items from the summer,
        winter or PE uniform sets. Mixing of these
        uniform sets is not permitted
     More information about the College uniform,
     including uniform policies and trading hours,
     is available on our website.

     Uniform Shop
     MCC student uniform is available exclusively
     from the College Uniform Shop located
     on the College campus. The direct
     phone number for the Uniform Shop
     is 03 9757 0815.
     The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays and
     Thursdays, 1.00pm to 4.00pm, during
     school terms. The last day of trading for
     the Uniform Shop in 2021 is Thursday
     2 December 1:00pm – 4:00pm.
     Please check the College website for
     any changes in the operating hours
     of the Uniform Shop during COVID-19
     Payment options include, cash, cheque,
     credit card or EFTPOS (no American
     Express or Diners Club).

10                  Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022

 Tuesday 19 October 2021

 Thursday 21 October 2021

 Tuesday 26 October 2021                                      3.00pm – 8.00pm

 Thursday 28 October 2021

 Thursday 4 November 2021

Uniform Shop Dates
The Uniform Shop is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1.00pm to 4.00pm, during school terms.
Please check the College website for any changes in the operating hours of the Uniform Shop during
COVID-19 restrictions.

 Last Day of Trading
                                                              1.00pm – 4.00pm
 Thursday 2 December 2021

 Uniform Shop extra trading hours
 Thursday 20 January 2022                                     10.00am – 4.00pm
 Thursday 27 January 2022

 Term 1 usual trading hours commence
                                                              1.00pm – 4.00pm
 Tuesday 1 February 2022

                                  		                 Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022   11
Transport                                                                                                          Traffic Management
                                                                                                                                                                                 D                              ROA
     Students travel to the College in various ways -                                                                   Safety around the College is a key priority   IEOW
                                                                                                                                                                     VR    ADROA
                                                                                                                                                                BEAW   I E W
     train, public bus, charter bus, car or by walking.                                                                 drivers, pedestrians and local residents.    V
                                                                                                                                                               VI AY D
                                                                                                                                                            BAY BROA                                W
                                                                                                                                                                     BAwith traffic flow,      YVIE
     Mater Christi Charter Buses service areas that                                                                     For the safety of all and to assist
     do not have direct public transport to the                                                                         please observe the following when driving near
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         F F
     College, including Berwick, Narre Warren,                                                                          the College:
     Endeavour Hills, Lysterfield, Rowville,
     Wantirna and Clyde.
                                                                                                                        •	Enter Bayview Road from the South end
                                                                                                                           (Belgrave-Gembrook Road), NOT the Belgrave
     The Charter Bus annual family fee for 2022 is                                                                         end, during peak times (8.00am – 9.00am and
                                                                                                                                                                   Chapel    D D                       Café
     $1,350. To secure a place on your preferred bus,                                                                      2.30pm – 3.30pm)
                                                                                                                                                             ChapelChapel                            Courtya

                                                                                                                                                                                                      E E
     applications must be returned by Friday 17                                                                         •	Use the drop-off zone              on the school side of Café       Courtyard
                                                                                                                                                 Textiles                           Science

                                                                                                                           Bayview Road                                                   Courtyard
     September 2021.
                                                                                                                                                CTextiles                           Science


                                                                                                                                              C C

                                                                                                        EW D

                                                                                                                        •	Do not      enterLOTEschool grounds during

     For any Transport or Conveyance Allowance                                                                                      Textiles

                                                                                                                                                                         Science                           B
                                                                                                    IEW AD
                                                                                                         RO                             C
                                                                                                                           peak times                          Main
     queries please contact the Finance Team at:                                                                                        LOTE LOTE           Courtyard

                                                                                                                                                         Main  Main
                                                                                              BA W R

                                                                                                  YVYV                  •	Keep     clear of ALL
                                                                                                                                  LOTE                 driveways, school entrances
                                                                                                                           and in front of         the FIRE STATION


     More information about transport can beVISITORS

     on our website.
                                        VISITORSVISITORS                                                                •	Travel with full attention and observe
                                                                                                                                                                                                 B                       G G
                                                                                                                                                                                               B B

                                         ENTRY ENTRY
                                                              VISITORSONLY ONLY                                            40kphStudentzoning                                                            Gym
                                                                ENTRY                                                                Services
                                                                                                                                     Student                                                             Gym
                                                                                                                              Student                                          Arts               Gym

                                                                                                                                                 mmg g
                                                                ONLY                                                    •	Obey      all parking signs – CouncilArts
                                                                                                                                     Services                              Parking


                                                                                                                                           Com ning
                                                                                                                           Officers are often in the area

                                                                       EXIT                                             Services

                                                                                                                                                             B B





                                                               EXIT                                                     • Avoid double parking
                                                       VISITORS STAFF                                                                                                           ArtsCourtyard
                                                         EXIT ENTRY/EXIT

                                                          STAFF STAFF                                                                                                     Arts
                                                       ENTRY/EXIT                                                                                                       Courtyard

                                                                                                                                         A A
                                                    STAFF ONLY ONLY

                                                                                                                        OADP        Administration
                                                                                                                                  A                                          J J
                                                    ONLY                                                      PR
                                                                                                          VIEW                      Administration
                                                                                                       BAY                      Administration                                      Hall
                                                                                                                         Administration                                      Hall   Hall

                                                                                                                                  F               Maintenance
                                                                                                                                                  & Loading Bay                                            Uniform
                                                                                                                                                  & Loading Bay
                                                                                                                                         & Loading Bay                                                      Shop
                                                                                      D                                          MaintenanceMusic
                                                                                                                                 & Loading Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shop Shop
                                                                                                                                              K                                                 Uniform
                                                                                     Chapel                                     Café
                                                                                                                            P                 Café
                                                                                                                                              Bene                P

                                                                C                                                   P

                                                               LOTE                                       P

                                                                               Courtyard                                                       P

                                                                                                   Arts                          Gym





                                                           & Loading Bay                                      Uniform

                                                                                                                                                                                                 O VE
                                                                                                                                                                                              BR RA
                                                                                                                                                                                             M LG
                                                                                                                                                                                           GE BE

             MAP KEY
             A Administration & Food Technology                                                                   E     Science & Maths                                          Main Entrance
               Student Services, Learning Commons, Health Centre,                                                 F     Learning Spaces                                      P   CarPPark - Staff
                                                                                                                                                                             P   CarPPark - Visitor
                 Careers, Arts, Media & Drama                                                                     G     Gym & Dance                               P          P
             C Textiles & LOTE                                                                                    J     Hall                            P         P              Car Park - Disabled
             D Chapel                                                                                             K     Pavilion, Café Bene & Music

12                           Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022
Curriculum and Learning
Curriculum                                             Students are required to study the essential
                                                       disciplines: English, Mathematics, Science,
The framework for the Year 7 – 10 Curriculum           Humanities, Religious Education, Technology,
is provided by the International Baccalaureate         The Arts, LOTE and Health & Physical Education.
Organisation’s (IBO) Middle Years Program (MYP)
and fulfils all requirements of the Australian         More information regarding Curriculum can be
National Curriculum.                                   found on our website.
Our program aims to develop inquiring,
knowledgeable and caring young people who              Reporting Procedures
help to create a better and more peaceful world
through intercultural understanding and respect.       Students at MCC receive regular feedback about
It encourages students to make practical               their academic progress.
connections between their studies and the              This can take many forms including updates on
real world, preparing them for success in their        Canvas, test and assignment grades, assessment
further study and life. It requires students to look   rubrics as well as teacher comments – both
beyond themselves and develop an awareness of          written and verbal.
the issues that challenge us at an international
level. In doing so students are encouraged to          Students are encouraged to discuss all forms of
be creative, critical and reflective thinkers. As      feedback with their teachers and parents.
such the Middle Years Program framework
aligns closely with our College motto “Informed,
Compassionate, Creative”.

                                     		                 Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022    13
Home Study                                                    Instrumental Music
     Students are encouraged to set themselves                     In addition to classroom music, individual
     goals with regard to the work that needs to be                instrument or singing lessons are available.
     completed each night. Home study is important                 Learning a musical instrument improves
     in order to be prepared for the day’s classes and             memory, organisational skills, co-ordination,
     to help consolidate concepts taught in class.                 teamwork and communication skills. Music
                                                                   students enjoy great camaraderie and can
     The suggestion that Year 7 students should
                                                                   enhance their skills through a variety of
     complete 6 hours per week over 4 nights is set
                                                                   ensembles and performance opportunities
     as an approximate guide. The actual needs may
                                                                   at the College.
     vary depending upon the individual student’s
     capabilities and workload throughout the term.                Lessons are provided on campus by the Mae
                                                                   Collard School of Music. More information
     At Year 7, the emphasis is on creating positive
                                                                   about the College Instrumental Tuition Program
     study habits early in secondary school. Learning
                                                                   can be found on our website.
     to be self-regulating and organised are skills
     that will ensure students are ready to manage                 For any Instrumental Music queries please
     an increased workload when they reach the                     contact the Finance Team at:
     Senior School.                                      

14                 Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022
Resource Lists                                          College Expectations
Links to the resources lists become live                The communications network at MCC has been
in November.                                            set up to provide and maintain:
All students will be provided with a combination        •	The highest level of communication
padlock for their individual locker at the start of        technology and software access
the school year. Replacement padlocks can be            •	An environment of ownership, respect
purchased from Main Reception.                             and responsibility
                                                        •	Every opportunity for growth and development
                                                           in the use of communications technology
Learning Technologies                                   •	A safe and secure environment for personal
Network and Electronic Usage Guidelines                    work and files
MCC provides a contemporary learning                    • Internet access for educational purposes
environment which includes the use of digital           Students are required to formally agree to
and online resources to prepare our students for        abide by the conditions of the ICT User
their future. In all instances, students are required   Agreement annually.
to follow College rules and procedures and
respect our values, especially those of respect,
honesty and integrity.                                  Responsibilities
Within this context, students are provided with         The College accepts no responsibility for lost,
College leased iPads (Years 7 & 8) or MacBook Air       stolen or damaged personal mobile devices
Laptops (Years 9 – 12). The exact arrangements          either at school or travelling to and from school.
for 2022 will be confirmed with parents.
                                                        The following websites provide further
Guidelines, expectations and procedures are             information and support:
provided to protect all students and the
security and integrity of the College data and
technology infrastructure. The College will             •
take appropriate disciplinary action for non-           •
compliance with these.
All students are required to secure mobile
phones in their lockers. They may not be
used during the school day unless specifically
authorised by a teacher for a particular lesson.
All communication systems within the MCC
network, including email and internet/ intranet
facilities, are the College’s property. The College
allows access to and use of its network for
legitimate work and education related purposes.

                                      		                 Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022       15
     Student Support Services                                     additional support needs are referred to
                                                                  appropriate agencies and mental health
     Further support for students is provided through             practitioners.
     the Counselling and Health Care Centres and
     both are open Monday – Friday during the                     Our registered nurses provide assistance for
     school terms.                                                first aid needs, school-based care for students
                                                                  with chronic medical conditions and health
     Our registered psychologists support student                 care resources.
     learning and wellbeing. They are actively
     engaged in the Pastoral Program and provide                  Parents may contact Student Support Services
     counselling, assessment and programs to                      via email:
     support individual students. Ongoing or                      and

16                Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022
Health Care Centre Information                      Asthma
Our Health Care Centre is staffed by Division 1     MCC is recognised as an Asthma Friendly School
Registered Nurses and is open each day from         by the Victorian Asthma Foundation.
8.00am – 3.45pm.                                    It is a legal requirement that we have an annual
                                                    Asthma Action Plan for each student with an
                                                    Asthma diagnosis.
Information Update
We aim to provide the best possible health
care for each student, therefore up-to-date         Allergies / Anaphylaxis
information is essential. Parents are asked to      Allergies can be life threatening and require rapid
notify the Health Care Centre of changes to any     medical attention.
personal or health details as soon as possible.
                                                    If your daughter has an allergy or anaphylaxis,
Phone 9757 0831 or email                            please ensure that the Health Care Centre has                    the most up to date information at all times.
                                                    An Action Plan for Anaphylaxis MUST be
Students who are ill whilst at school               completed for students who are at risk. In
                                                    addition, an anaphylaxis risk management
If a student becomes ill or is injured during the   plan and an EpiPen must also be provided to
day and is therefore unable to attend classes,      the school.
the student must go to the Health Care Centre
for attention. If necessary, the nurse on duty
will contact a parent or guardian to collect        Medical Forms
the student from school. It is essential that
communication with home is coordinated              All medical forms are available on our website
by the school (not the student) in order to         or can be obtained from the Health Care
ensure appropriate duty of care and to manage       Centre by emailing our nurses:
students’ health needs.                   

Health Regulations                                  Sun Protective Clothing and Hats

Parents are asked to notify the school if a         MCC follows procedures outlined in the Cancer
student has an infectious disease or has been       Council Victoria’s SunSmart Program.
in contact with a person who has. The student       Appropriate sun protective clothing is included
may be required to stay away from school for the    in the PE uniform and students are required to
prescribed time, as indicated by the Department     wear the College baseball cap or bucket hat for
of Health and Human Services.                       all outdoor sports in Terms 1 and 4.
                                                    Students are encouraged to keep to shaded
Medication                                          areas during the high UV period. Sunglasses may
                                                    be worn. The use of SPF 30+ broad spectrum
Students requiring medication other than            water resistant sunscreen is encouraged and is
paracetamol or naprogesic for occasional or daily   available through the Health Care Centre and
use MUST complete a ‘Student Own Medication’        from PE staff.
form and return it to the Health Care Centre with
the required medication so that it can be made
available to them when needed. Please make
sure the medication is in its original packaging
and the expiry date is visible.

                                    		               Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022        17
     My MCC                                                        Conveyance Allowance Program (CAP)
     The My MCC tab on the College website provides                Students attending MCC may be eligible for
     secure access to the College intranet.                        financial assistance with transport costs through
                                                                   the Conveyance Allowance Program (CAP).
     Further details including username and
     password will be emailed to parents.                          To be eligible for the Conveyance Allowance
                                                                   a student must reside 4.8km or more by the
                                                                   shortest practicable route from the College.
     Fee Account
                                                                   The Department of Education and Training (DET)
     Families can view their Fee Account through                   pays the Conveyance Allowance to the College
     My MCC and make payments by Direct Debit                      for distribution to families.
     or Credit Card within a secure environment.
                                                                   More information about CAP is available on
     Credit Card details are encrypted and stored                  our website.
     within the NAB Transact online payment
     gateway to ensure compliance with privacy laws
     and banking regulations.                                      MaterShop
     The Payment Arrangement and Direct Debit                      MaterShop is a debit card system which supports
     Form is available on our website.                             cashless transactions for photocopying, printing,
                                                                   at Café Bene, and for selected optional student
     Camps, Sports & Excursions
                                                                   Students use their Mater Christi Student Photo
     Fund (CSEF)                                                   ID Card as the debit card.
     The Victorian Government Camps, Sports and                    Use of the MaterShop service provides students
     Excursions Fund (CSEF) commenced in 2015                      with a safe and secure access to agreed funds.
     and provides payments for eligible students to
     attend camps, sports and excursions.                          MaterShop can be accessed and funds
                                                                   transferred via My MCC.
     More information about CSEF, including
     eligibility requirements, is available on
     our website.

     Catholic Education Benefit (CEB)
     MCC offers an annual rebate to families who have
     sons attending a Catholic Secondary College.
     The application form and more information
     about CEB is available on our website.

18                 Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022
Café Bene                                          myki
Café Bene is open from 8.45am to 2.00pm every      Some excursion destinations are best accessed
school day.                                        via public transport. All students will require a
                                                   myki with sufficient funds for those travels.
Students are able to purchase snacks, lunch
and drinks and can pre-order lunches at the        Information about myki is available on the
beginning of the day.                              PTV website.
More information about Café Bene is available on   We recommend that students also register
our website.                                       their card.

   We look forward to welcoming you and your daughter
   to our MCC Community.

                                  		                Welcome to Mater Christi College YEAR 7, 2022      19
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