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Year 6 English Curriculum Phonics, Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Vocabulary • Learn word endings with READING FICTION AND POETRY FICTION • Use spoken language well to different spellings but the same • Identify uses of the colon, semi-‐ • Develop familiarity with the work • Plan plot, characters and persuade, instruct or make a pronunciation, e.g. -‐tion, -‐cian, -‐ colon, parenthetic commas, of established authors and poets, structure effectively in writing an case, e.g. in a debate. sion, -‐ssion; -‐ance, -‐ence. dashes and brackets. identifying features which are extended story. • Vary vocabulary, expression and • Confirm correct choices when • Revise different word classes. common to more than one text. • Manage the development of an tone of voice to engage the representing consonants, e.g. • Consider how the author idea throughout a piece of listener and suit the audience, • Investigate the use of ‘ck’/’k’/’ke’/’que’/’ch’; ‘ch’/’tch’; manipulates the reaction of the writing, e.g. link the end to the purpose and context. conditionals, e.g. to express ‘j’/’dj’/’dje’. reader, e.g. how characters and beginning. • Prepare, practise and improve a possibility. • Continue to learn words, apply settings are presented. • Establish and maintain a clear spoken presentation or • Begin to show awareness of the patterns and improve accuracy • Look for implicit meanings, and viewpoint, with some performance. impact of writers’ choices of in spelling. make plausible inferences based elaboration of personal voice. • Present a topic of personal sentence length and structure. • Further investigate spelling rules on more than one point in the • Use different genres as models interest. Refer to research and • Revise language conventions and and exceptions, including text. for writing. use ICT and cue cards with grammatical features of different representing unstressed vowels. types of text. • Understand aspects of narrative • Use paragraphs, sequencing and practical demonstrations where • Develop knowledge of word • Explore use of active and passive structure, e.g. the handling of linking them appropriately to appropriate. (4 mins) roots, prefixes and suffixes, verbs within a sentence. time. support overall development of • Introduce and recite (from including recognising variations, • Analyse the success of writing in the text. memory) a poem or dramatic e.g. im, in, ir, il; ad, ap, af, al and • Understand the conventions of evoking particular moods, e.g. • Use a range of devices to support composition, explaining its knowing when to use double standard English usage in different suspense. cohesion within paragraphs. appeal. (2 mins) consonants. forms of writing. • Paraphrase explicit meanings • Develop some imaginative detail • Prepare 10-‐15 pages containing • Know how to transform meaning • Distinguish the main clause and based on information at more through careful use of vocabulary dialogue from a favourite book with prefixes and suffixes. other clauses in a complex than one point in the text. and style. for the teacher to choose an sentence. • Investigate meanings and • Comment on writer’s use of extract to be read aloud. spellings of connectives. language, demonstrating NON-‐FICTION Persuade listeners why they • Explore definitions and shades of WRITING awareness of its impact on the • Use the styles and conventions of should read it. (2 mins) meaning and use new words in • Punctuate speech and use reader. • Answer questions after apostrophes accurately. journalism to write context. • Begin to develop awareness that • Adapt the conventions of the reading/performing. Listen • Explore word origins and • Use a wider range of connectives the context for which the writer is responsively and contribute to clarify relationships between text type for a particular derivations and the use of words writing and the context in which purpose. personal thoughts to the from other languages. ideas, e.g. however, therefore, the reader is reading can impact discussion. although. • Select appropriate non-‐fiction • Understand changes over time in on how the text is understood. style and form to suit specific words and expressions and their • Use connectives to structure an • Take account of viewpoint in a argument or discussion. purposes. use. novel, and distinguish voice of • Write non-‐chronological reports • Explore proverbs, sayings and • Develop grammatical control of author from that of narrator. linked to work in other subjects. figurative expressions. complex sentences, manipulating • Discuss and express preferences • Develop skills of writing them for effect. in terms of language, style and biography and autobiography in • Develop increasing accuracy in themes. role. using punctuation effectively to • Articulate personal responses to • Argue a case in writing, mark out the meaning in complex reading, with close reference to developing points logically and sentences. the text. convincingly. • Explore how poets manipulate • Write a balanced report of a
and play with words and their controversial issue. sounds. • Summarise a passage, chapter or • Read and interpret poems in text in a given number of words. which meanings are implied or • Use ICT effectively to prepare multilayered. and present writing for publication. NON-‐FICTION • Analyse how paragraphs and chapters are structured and linked. • Recognise key characteristics of a range of non-‐fiction text types. • Explore autobiography and biography, and first and third person narration. • Identify features of balanced written arguments. • Compare the language, style and impact of a range of non-‐fiction writing. • Distinguish between fact and opinion in a range of texts and other media. The following genres and text types are recommended for Year 6: Fiction and poetry: various genres including science fiction, extended narratives, stories with flashbacks, poetry and plays including imagery. Non-‐fiction: instructions, recounts (including biography and autobiography), diaries, journalistic writing, argument and discussion, formal and impersonal writing.
Programme de Français – Year 6 Vocabulaire Orthographe Grammaire Conjugaison Etre capable de: Etre capable de: Etre capable de: Etre capable de: • Connaître le champ lexical des mots • Utiliser correctement les homonymes • Utiliser les différents types et formes de • Situer des événements dans le • Utiliser les différents sens d’un verbe • Appliquer les accords dans le groupe phrases passé, le présent et le futur • Utiliser des mots qui experiment des nominal • Utiliser correctement les prépositions • Conjuguer les verbes des 3 groupe sensations/des émotions • Orthographier correctement le pluriel des • Utiliser les propositions relatives au present, future, passé composé, • Différencier sens propre/figuré noms avec les exceptions • Utiliser les COD/COI/CCP imparfait, impératif present et au • Reconnaître et utiliser les préfixes et les • Accorder les adjectifs qualificatifs • Utiliser les conjonctions et les adverbes conditionnel présent suffixes • Orthographier correctement les • Reconnaître et écrire des phrases • Différencier participe • Reconnaître et utiliser les homophones grammaticaux simples et complexes en utilisant la présent/passé synonymes/antonymes • Reconnaître, orthographier et utiliser les ponctuation • Utiliser le passé simple mots invariables • Utilser les pronoms (personnels, relatifs) • Accorder les p.passés avec “être et avoir” • Utiliser les comparatifs et les superlatifs • Ecrire sans erreur les verbes en “yer, eler et eter” Lecture Expression écrite Expression orale Etre capable de: Etre capable de: Etre capable de: • Organiser des réponses personnelles à • Planifier l’histoire, les personnages et la • Etre attentif dans les discussions, à ce une lecture, en faisant reference au structure de manière efficace à l’écrit pour que dissent les autres texte écrire une histoire • Développer des idées en sachant poser • Analyser la réussite d’un écrit en • Développer les competences pour écrire et répondre à des questions de manière évoquant certaines humeurs (suspens, une biographie et autobiographie en réfléchie peur…) s’identifiant au personnage • Faire advancer des discussions (ex: en • Identifier les aspects de la • Utiliser le style et les conventions des écrits clarifiant, en résumant…) structure narrative (ex: changement de journalistiques pour des rapports sur des • Parler avec assurance dans un contexte temps) évènements formel ou informel • Explorer comment les poètes jouent • Ecrire des rapports chronologiques ou pas, • Préparer, s’entraîner et améliorer une avec les mots et leurs sons lies à des travaux faits dans d’autres sujets présentation orale ou un rôle • Explorer l’autobiographie et la • Résumer un passage un chapitre ou un texte • Utiliser la langue avec aisance pour biographie en utilisant un certain nombre de mots persuader, enseigner ou défendre un ainsi que la narration à la première et • Discuter d’un sujet à l’écrit en développant avis (ex:dans un débat) troisième personne les points de manière logique et • Réfléchir sur les variations de la langue, • Analyser comment les paragraphes et les convaincante et l’utilisation appropriée d’un français chapitres sont structures et liés • Créer différentes forms de poésies, incluant ou anglais correct • Reconnaître les points caractéristiques la prose ou des structures spécifiques d’un compte rendu • Identifier les caractéristiques d’arguments équilibrés à l’écrit
Year 6 Maths Objectives Number Calculations Handling Data Shape, Space and Measures Place Value Multiplication and Division Tables and Graphs Angles and Lines • Count by ten thousands and hundred thousands to 10,000,000 • Multiply numbers by 10, 100, or 1,000 using • Make and interpret a double • Understand and apply the property that the • Use place-‐value charts to show numbers to 10,000,000 patterns. bar graph. sum of angle measures on a line of 180°. • Read and write numbers to 10,000,000 in standard form and in • Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by multiples of • Read points on a coordinate • Understand and apply the property that the word form. 10, 100, or 1,000. grid. sum of angle measures at a point is 360°. • Identify the place value of any digit in numbers to 10,000,000 • Use rounding to estimate products. • Plot points on a coordinate • Understand and apply the property that vertical • Read and write numbers to 10,000,000 in expanded form. • Multiplying numbers by 10, 100, or 1,000 using grid. angles have equal measures. • Compare and order numbers to 10,000,000 patterns. • Graph an equation • • Identify and complete a number pattern. • Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by multiples of • List and count all possible Shapes, Area, and Perimeter • Find a rule for a number pattern. 10, 100, or 1,000. combinations. • Identify the base given the height of a triangle. • Round numbers to the nearest thousand. • Use rounding to estimate products. Data and Probability • Identify the height given the base of a triangle. • Locate numbers on a number line. • Multiply a 2-‐, 3-‐, or 4-‐digit number by a 2-‐digit • Find the experimental • Find the area of a triangle given its base and its • Use rounding to estimate or check sums, differences, and number. probability of an outcome. height. products. • Divide numbers up to 10, 100, or 1,000 using • Compare the results of an • Classify triangles by the length of their sides, • Use related multiplication facts to estimate quotients. patterns. experiment with the and angle measures. Fractions • Divide numbers up to 4 digits by multiples of theoretical probability. • Understand and apply the property that the • Add two unlike fractions where one denominator is not a multiple 10, 100, or 1,000 sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 180°. of the other. • Use rounding and related multiplication facts • Understand and apply the properties of right, • Estimate sums of fractions. to estimate quotients. isosceles, and equilateral triangles. • Subtract two unlike fractions where one denominator is not a • Divide a 2-‐, 3-‐, or 4-‐digit number by a 2-‐digit • Understand that the sum of the length of any multiple of the other. number. two sides of a triangle is greater than the length • Estimate differences between fractions. • Use order of operations to simplify a numeric of the third side. • Understand and apply the relationships between fractions, mixed expression. • Understand and apply the properties of numbers, and division expressions. • Use efficient strategies to solve multi-‐step parallelogram, rhombus, and trapezoid. • Express fractions, division expressions, and mixed numbers as problems involving multiplication and division. • Identify and classify prisms and pyramids. decimals. • Express and interpret the product or quotient • Identify and classify cylinders, spheres, and • Add mixed numbers with or without renaming. appropriately. cones. • Estimate sums of mixed numbers. • • Build solids using unit cubes. • Subtract mixed numbers with or without renaming. • Determine the number of unit cubes in an • Estimate differences between mixed numbers. irregular solid. • Solve real-‐world problems involving fractions and mixed numbers. • Draw a cube and a rectangular prism on dot • Multiply proper fractions paper. • Solve real-‐world problems involving multiplication of proper • Complete a partially drawn cube and fractions. rectangular prism on dot paper. • Multiply improper fractions by proper or improper fractions. • Find the surface area of a prism by adding the • Multiply a mixed number by a whole number. area of each face. • Solve real-‐world problems involving multiplication of whole • Find the volumes of cubes and rectangular numbers and mixed numbers. prisms. • Divide a fraction by a whole number. • Use a formula to find the volume of a • Solve real-‐world problems involving multiplication and division in rectangular prism. fractions. • Find the capacity of a rectangular container. Ratio • Solve word problems involving volume of • Read and write ratios. rectangular prisms and liquids. • Find equivalent ratios • Solve real-‐world problems involving ratios. • Interpret ratios given in fraction form.
• Write ratios in fraction form to find how many times as large as one number another number is. • Read and write ratios with three quantities. • Express equivalent ratios with three quantities. • Solve real-‐world problems involving ratios and fractions. • Solve real-‐world problems involving ratios with three quantities. • Algebra • Recognise, write, and evaluate simple algebraic expressions in one variable. • Simplify algebraic expressions in one variable. • Write and evaluate inequalities. • Solve simple equations. • Solve real-‐world problems involving algebraic expressions. • Decimal Fractions • Read and write thousandths in decimal and fractional forms. • Represent and interpret thousandths in models or in place-‐value charts. • Write a fraction with denominator 1,000 as a decimal. • Compare and order decimals to 3 decimal places. • Round decimals to the nearest hundredth. • Rewrite decimals as fractions and mixed numbers in simplest form. • Multiply tenths and hundredths by a 1-‐digit whole number. • Multiply tenths and hundredths by 10, 100, and 1,000. • Multiply tenths and hundredths by multiples of 10, 100, and 1000. • Divide tenths and hundredths by a 1-‐digit whole number. • Round quotients to the nearest tenth or hundredth. • Divide tenths and hundredths by 10, 100, and 1000. • Divide tenths and hundredths by multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000. • Estimate decimal sums, differences, products, and quotients. • Solve real-‐world problems involving decimals. Percentages • Relate and compare percentages, decimals, and fractions. • Express fractions as percentages. • Use different ways to find the number represented by a percentage. • Solve real-‐world problems involving percentages.
Science Curriculum Overview – Primary School 2016/2017 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Human and Living Things and Solids, Liquids and Sound Electricity and Animals Environments Gases Sound travels Magnetism Skeletons, the human Amazing birds, a Matter, particles, through materials, Electricity flows in skeleton, why we habitat for snails, how solids, liquids how sound travels, circuits, components need a skeleton, animals in local and gases behave, loud and soft sounds, and a simple circuit, skeletons and habitats, melting, freezing and sound volume, switches, circuits Year 4 movement, drugs as identification keys, boiling, melting in muffling sounds, high with buzzers, mains medicines, how invertebrates, how different solids, and low sounds, pitch electricity, magnets medicines work. we affect the melting and boiling on percussion in everyday life, environment, water, points. instruments, fun with magnetic poles, recycling. wind instruments. which metals are magnetic? Investigating Plant The Life Cycle of States of Matter The Way We See Shadows Earth’s Movements Growth Flowering Plants Evaporation, Things Light travels in The Sun, the Earth Seeds, how seeds Why plants have condensation, the Light travels from a straight lines, which and the Moon, does grow, investigating flowers, how seeds water cycle, boiling, source, mirrors, materials let light the sun move, Earth germination, what do are spread, other melting, who seeing behind you, through, what affects rotates on its axis, plants need to grow, ways seeds are invented the which surfaces reflect the size of a shadow, sunrise and sunset, Year 5 plants and light. spread, the parts of a temperature scale? light the best, light measuring light the Earth revolves flower, pollination, changes direction. intensity, how around the sun, plant life cycles. scientists measured Exploring the Solar and understood light. System. Humans and Living Things in Material Changes Forces and Motion Electrical Animals the Environment Reversible and Mass and weight, Conductors and Body organs, the Food chains in a local irreversible changes, how forces act, Insulators heart, heartbeat and habitat, Food chains mixing and balanced and Which materials pulse, the lungs and begin with plants, separating solids, unbalanced forces, conduct electricity, breathing, the consumers, food soluble and insoluble the effects of forces, water and Year 6 digestive system, chains in different substances, forces and energy, electricity, metals as what the kidneys do, habitats, separating insoluble friction, conductors, what does the brain deforestation, air substances, solutions, investigating forces, materials and do? pollution, acid rain, dissolving solids. air resistance and electrical appliances, recycling, taking care drag. circuit symbols, of the environment. components, wires and circuits.
YEAR 6 SCIENCE CURRICULUM SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY BIOLOGY PHYSICS CHEMISTRY Consider how scientists have combined evidence from HUMANS AND ANIMALS FORCES AND MOTION MATERIAL CHANGES observation and measurement with creative thinking to Use scientific names for some major organs of Distinguish between mass measured in Distinguish between reversible and suggest new ideas and explanations for phenomena. body systems. kilograms (kg) and weight measured irreversible changes. in newtons, noting that kilograms are Collect evidence and data to test ideas including Identify the position of major organs in the used in Explore how solids can be mixed and how it predictions. body. everyday life. is often possible to separate them again. Discuss how to turn ideas into a form that can be Describe the main functions of the major Recognise and use units of force, mass Observe, describe, record and begin to tested. organs of the body. and weight and identify the direction explain changes that occur when some solids Make predictions using scientific knowledge and in which forces act. are added to water. Explain how the functions of the major organs understanding. are essential. Understand the notion of energy in Explore how, when solids do not dissolve or Choose what evidence to collect to investigate a movement. react with water, they can be separated by question, ensuring that the evidence is sufficient. filtering, which is similar to sieving. Recognise friction (including air Identify factors that are relevant to a particular resistance) as a force which can affect the speed. Explore how some solids dissolve in water to situation. form solutions and, although the solid cannot LIVING THINGS IN THEIR ELECTRICITY AND be seen, the substance is still present. Choose which equipment to use. ENVIRONMENT MAGNETISM Make a variety of relevant observations and Explore how humans have positive and Investigate how some materials are measurements using simple apparatus correctly. negative effects on the environment, e.g. loss better conductors of electricity than of species, protection of habitats. others. Decide when observations and measurements need to be checked by repeating to give more reliable data. Explore a number of ways of caring for the Investigate how some metals are good environment, e.g. recycling, reducing waste, conductors of electricity while most Use tables, bar charts and line graphs to present reducing energy consumption, not littering, other materials are not. results. encouraging others to care for the Make comparisons. environment. Know why metals are used for cables and wires and why plastics are used to Evaluate repeated results. Know how food chains can be used to cover wires and as covers for plugs represent feeding relationships in a habitat and and switches. Identify patterns in results and results that do not present these in text and diagrams. appear to fit the pattern. Predict and test the effects of making Know that food chains begin with a plant (the producer), which uses energy from the sun. changes to circuits, including length or Use results to draw conclusions and to make further thickness of wire and the number and predictions. Understand the terms producer, consumer, type of components. Suggest and evaluate explanations for predictions predator and prey. using scientific knowledge and understanding and communicate these clearly to others. Explore and construct food chains in a particular habitat. Say if and how evidence supports any prediction made.
ISM – Primary School - Curriculum d’Histoire et Géographie - Overview 1 2 3 4 5 6 Classe 4 L’Antiquité égyptienne Les grands repères L’Antiquité grecque La lecture de L’Antiquité romaine. Les espaces urbains du monde paysages Connaître les principales L’étude du globe et de Connaître les Les grands types de Connaître les principales Les paysages de ville et de caractéristiques de la planisphères, associé principales paysages et l’étude caractéristiques de la quartier. civilisation grecque aux principales zones caractéristiques de la des types d’espaces civilisation romaine La répartition d’une antique : géographie, climatiques. civilisation grecque d’activités dont la antique : géographie, population sur un territoire, société, inventions, Les océans et antique : géographie, zone de tourisme société, inventions, les principales villes. croyances et coutumes. continents. société, inventions, littorale. croyances et expansion croyances et coutumes. de l’empire. 17 séances 15 séances 17 séances 15 séances 18 séances 18 séances (5 semaines) (6 semaines) (5 semaines) (6 semaines) (5 semaines) (6 semaines) Classe 5 Le Moyen-Âge L’adaptation des Les temps modernes: L’eau Les temps modernes: La population hommes aux milleux la Renaissance Inventions et découvertes Connaître les principales Les grands traits du Définir la Renaissance Le développement Montrer comment les Les zones denses et vides caractéristiques du relief de la planète. comme une période durable : l’eau dans la progrès technologiques de population sur la planète Moyen-Âge : la vie Les principaux des Temps Modernes ville. ont favorisé les grandes : la répartition de la médiévale, la féodalité, caractères du relief et marquée par de La circulation des découvertes et population sur le territoire l’architecture médiévales du climat en Europe. nouvelles découvertes hommes et des biens. influencé la domination européen. et les conflits. L’étude de types scientifiques et un Principaux caractères de l’Europe dans le d’espaces d’activités : intérêt renouvelé pour de l’hydrographie Monde. la zone de tourisme l’Art. européenne. montagnard. Les espaces riches et pauvres à l’échelle de la planète. 17 séances (6 15 séances (5 18 séances (6 15 séances (5 14 séances (6 15 séances (5 semaines) semaines) semaines) semaines) semaines) semaines) Classe 6 le XIXè: expansion L’union européenne Les guerres mondiales Les frontières industrielle Appréhender le XIXème L’histoire de la Connaître les Etude des frontières : siècle comme le siècle construction de l’union évènements et circulation des marqué par les révolutions européenne. personnages principaux hommes et des biens, industrielles, une Caractéristiques : liés aux deux guerres les phénomènes urbanisation croissante et activités économiques, mondiales migratoires. EXPOSITION les progrès techniques et répartition de la scientifiques. population, villes et pays de l’UE. 18 séances (6 15 séances (5 18 séances (6 16 séances (5 semaines) semaines) semaines) semaines) 2
HISTOIRE Classe 4 Unité L’Antiquité égyptienne (17 séances) Description Connaître les principales caractéristiques de la civilisation grecque antique : géographie, société, inventions, croyances et coutumes. Compétences à Comprend l’importance des coutumes religieuses dans la société égyptienne antique. à Explique comment nos connaissances historiques se fondent sur les traces du passé : égypte antique. à Explique la naissance et les caractéristiques de l’égypte antique. 3 séances Qu’est-ce que l’antiquité égyptienne ? 1- Naissance de la civilisation égyptienne vers 3150 av. J.-C. : frise et localisation géographique. 2- Ramsès II et Cléopâtre VII : La royauté en Egypte. 3- La conquête de l’Empire romain (31 avant J.-C.) comme fin de la civilisation Egyptienne. 4 séances Quelle est l’organisation de la société égyptienne ? 1-Des pharaons aux esclaves : et fonction sociale de quelques statuts civiques (esclaves, artisans, soldats, prêtres, scribes, vizir, pharaon) 2-Le Nil : importance de l’eau dans le développement de la civilisation égyptienne. 3-La place de la femme dans la société égyptienne 4-l’Art égyptien : fresques et vie quotidienne 3 séances Quelles coutumes religieuses marquaient l’égypte antique ? 1-les croyances polythéistes des égyptiens : cultes et divinités 2- les cérémonies funéraires : la momification et l’au-delà 3- lieux et fonction de la pyramide comme sépulture et des temples. 8
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