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Year 4 English Curriculum Phonics, Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Vocabulary • Extend knowledge and use of READING FICTION AND POETRY FICTION • Vary use of vocabulary and level spelling patterns, e.g. vowel • Use knowledge of punctuation • Extend the range of reading. • Explore different ways of of detail according to purpose. phonemes, double consonants, and grammar to read with planning stories, and write longer • Adapt the pace and loudness of • Explore the different processes of silent letters, common prefixes fluency, understanding and stories from plans. speaking appropriately when reading silently and reading and suffixes. expression. performing or reading aloud. aloud. • Elaborate on basic information • Confirm all parts of the verb to be Identify all the punctuation marks with some detail. • Give a talk about an object, • • Investigate how settings and and know when to use each one. and respond to them when • Write character profiles, using model or game explaining how it characters are built up from • Apply phonic/spelling, graphic, reading. details and identify key words detail to capture the reader’s works or is used. grammatical and contextual • Learn the use of the apostrophe and phrases. imagination. • Learn and read a poem aloud by knowledge in reading unfamiliar to show possession, e.g. girl’s, • Explore alternative openings and heart. Say the title and the • Explore implicit as well as explicit words. girls’. endings for stories. poet’s name and explain the meanings within a text. • Identify syllabic patterns in Practise using commas to mark reasons for your choice. • • Recognise meaning in figurative • Begin to adopt a viewpoint as a multisyllabic words. out meaning within sentences. • Perform a dialogue (aloud) from language. writer, expressing opinions about • Spell words with common letter Identify adverbs and their impact characters or places. a favourite book. (4-‐5 pages) strings but different • • Understand the main stages in a • Listen to and respond to on meaning. story from introduction to • Begin to use paragraphs more pronunciations, e.g. tough, questions about your own • Investigate past, present and resolution. consistently to organise and through, trough, plough. future tenses of verbs. reading. • Explore narrative order and the sequence ideas. • Listen to the reading of others • Investigate spelling patterns; • Investigate the grammar of focus on significant events. generate and test rules that • Choose and compare words to and join in with comments. different sentences: statements, • Retell or paraphrase events from strengthen the impact of writing, govern them. questions and orders. the text in response to questions. including some powerful verbs. • Revise rules for spelling words • Understand the use of with common inflections, e.g. -‐ing, • Understand how expressive and NON-‐FICTION connectives to structure an descriptive language creates -‐ed, -‐s. • Explore the layout and argument, e.g. if, although. mood. presentation of writing, in the • Extend earlier work on prefixes • Express a personal response to a context of helping it to fit its and suffixes. WRITING text and link characters and purpose. • Match spelling to meaning when • Use a range of end-‐of-‐sentence settings to personal experience. words sound the same • Show awareness of the reader by punctuation with accuracy. • Read further stories or poems by adopting an appropriate style or (homophones), e.g. to/two/too, • Use speech marks and begin to a favourite writer, and compare viewpoint. right/write. use other associated punctuation. them. • Write newspaper-‐style reports, • Use all the letters in sequence for • Experiment with varying tenses • Read and perform play-‐scripts, instructions and non-‐ alphabetical ordering. within texts, e.g. in dialogue. exploring how scenes are built chronological reports. • Check and correct spellings and • Use a wider variety of connectives up. identify words that need to be • Present an explanation or a point in an increasing range of • Explore the impact of imagery of view in ordered points, e.g. in learned. sentences. and figurative language in poetry, a letter. • Use more powerful verbs, e.g. • Re-‐read own writing to check including alliteration and simile, rushed instead of went. • Collect and present information punctuation and grammatical e.g. as ... as a .... from non-‐fiction texts. • Explore degrees of intensity in sense. • Compare and contrast poems and • Make short notes from a text and adjectives, e.g. cold, tepid, warm, investigate poetic features. use these to aid writing. hot. • Look for alternatives for overused NON-‐FICTION • Summarise a sentence or a words and expressions. • Understand how points are paragraph in a limited number of
• Collect and classify words with ordered to make a coherent words. common roots, e.g. invent, argument. • Use joined-‐up handwriting in all prevent. • Understand how paragraphs and writing. • Build words from other words with chapters are used to organise similar meanings, e.g. medical, ideas. medicine. • Identify different types of non-‐ • Use a thesaurus to extend fiction texts and their known vocabulary and choice of words. features. • • Read newspaper reports and consider how they engage the reader. • Investigate how persuasive writing is used to convince a reader. • Note key words and phrases to identify the main points in a passage. • Distinguish between fact and opinion in print and ICT sources. The following genres and text types are recommended for Year 4: Fiction and poetry: historical stories, stories set in imaginary worlds, stories from other cultures, real life stories with issues/dilemmas, poetry and plays including imagery. Non-‐fiction: newspapers and magazines, reference texts, explanations, persuasion including advertisements.
Programme de Français – Year 4 Vocabulaire Orthographe Grammaire Conjugaison Etre capable de: Etre capable de: Etre capable de: Etre capable de: • Utliser le dictionnaire pour rechercher la • Reconnaître et écrire les homonymes • Reconnaître une phrase simple et complexe • Reconnaîre une phrase au passé, définition d’un mot • Reconnaître, écrire et utiliser les mots • Utiliser correctement la ponctuation présent et futur • Trouver et utiliser les différents sens et les invariables • Reconnaître et utiliser les différents types • Reconnaître les personnes, le radical et familles de mots • Ecrire correctement les accents sur les de phrases la terminaison d’un verbe • Reconnaître et utliser les préfixes et les mots • Reconnaître et utiliser correctement les • Reconnaître un verbe conjugué et son suffixes d’un mot • Ecrire les mots avec leur juste valeur “s”, formes de phrases affirmatives et négatives infinitif • Reconnaître et utiliser les synonymes et les “g”,”c” • Utiliser correctement la phrase • Conjuguer sans erreur “être et avoir” antonyms • Ecrire correctement le pluriel des noms interrogative au présent, au futur et au passé • Utiliser les mots de la vie quotidienne avec leurs exceptions”al, eau, ou” • Identifier le verbe et le sujet dans une composé • Reconnaître le sens propre et figure d’un • Accorder correctement les adjectifs phrase • Conjuguer les verbes des 3 groupes au mot qualificatifs • Identifier l’adjectif qualificatif et l’accorder present, future et passé compose + • Utiliser les accords dans le groupe nominal • Effectuer les accord dans le groupe nominal verbes irréguliers. • Identifier les COD/COI dans une phrase • Reconnaître des verbes conjugués à • Utiliser correctement les connecteurs de l’imparfait temps • Reconnaître les complements de phrases • Composer différentes poèmes Lecture Expression écrite Expression orale Etre capable de: Etre capable de: Etre capable de: • Identifier comment les lieux et les • Utiliser les marqueurs de temps, de lieux • Varier son vocabulaire et la quantité de personnages d’une histoire sont créés • Ecrire un texte informatif details à donner en function du but (description) • Ecrire un récit au passé poursuivi • Connaître les étapes du schéma narrative • Ecrire des poesies, des vers qui riment, à la • Ecouter attentivement des discussions et y • Comparer des poèmes et connaître manière de. participer en faisant des commentaires certains éléments poétiques appropriés • Identifier différents types de textes • Comprendre le sens general d’un texte ou (information,scientifiques, fictions…) des points importants • Comprendre comment les paragraphes et • Evaluer ce qui a été entendu et expliquer les chapitres sont utilisés pour organiser les son accord ou son désaccord idées • Ecouter et répondre de manière appropriée • Réaliser des lectures suivies en répondant à aux opinions des autres des questions (ouvertes ou fermées) • Adapter le rythme et le volume lorsqu’on lit • Participer aux lectures suivies en classe sur à voix haute 3 genres de livres.
Year 4 – Maths Learning Objectives Number Calculations Data Handling Shape, Space, and Measures Place Value Addition and Subtraction Tables and Graphs Length • Use base-‐ten blocks to count, read, • Make bar graphs with scales • Use metres and centimetres as units of measurement of length. and write numbers to 10,000 Addition to 10,000 (without regrouping) using data in picture graphs • Estimate and measure length. • Count by 1s, 10s, 100s, and 1,000s to • Add greater numbers without regrouping. and tally charts. • Convert units of measurement. 10,000 • Add greater numbers with regrouping in • Read and interpret data from • Use kilometres and meters as units of measurement of length. • Use base-‐ten blocks and a place-‐value hundreds. bar graphs. • Estimate and measure length chart to read, write, and represent • Add greater numbers with regrouping in ones, • Solve problems using bar • Convert units of measurement. numbers to 10,000. tens, and hundreds. graphs. Mass • Read and write numbers to 10,000 in Subtraction to 10,000 (without regrouping) • Make a line plot to represent • Read scales in kilograms and grams. standard form, expanded form, and • Use base-‐ten blocks to subtract without regrouping data. • Estimate and find actual masses of objects by using different word form. • Use base-‐ten blocks to subtract with regrouping (1s, scales. • Use base-‐ten blocks to compare and 10s, 100s, and 1000s) • Covert units of measurement. order numbers. • Use base-‐ten blocks to subtract across zeros. Volume • Use place value to compare and order • Write subtraction number sentences. • Estimate and find the volume of liquid in litres and millilitres. numbers. • Solve subtraction word problems. • Find the volume and capacity of a container. Mental Maths and Estimation Using Bar Models: • Convert units of measurement. • Add 2-‐digit numbers mentally with or • Draw bar models to solve one-‐step measurement problems. without regrouping. Addition and Subtraction • Draw bar models to solve two-‐step measurement problems. • Subtract 2-‐digit numbers mentally with • Use bar models to solve 2-‐step real-‐world problems • Choose the operations to solve problems. or without regrouping. on addition and subtraction. • Write and solve two-‐step measurement problems. • Use different strategies to add 2-‐digit Money numbers close to 100 mentally. Multiplication and Division • Add money in different ways without regrouping. • Round numbers to estimate sums and • Use multiplication properties. • Add money in different ways with regrouping. differences. • Understand multiplication by using array models. • Subtract money in different ways without regrouping. • Use front-‐end estimation to estimate • Understand multiplication by using area models. • Subtract money in different ways with regrouping. sums and differences. • Understand multiplication by using number lines. • Solve up to two-‐step real-‐world problems involving addition and • Multiply ones, tens, and hundreds • Practice multiplication facts of 6, 7, 8, and 9. subtraction of money. mentally. • Divide to find the number of items in each group. • Write real-‐world problems for given situations. • Use related multiplication facts to • Understand related multiplication to division facts. Time divide • Write division sentences for real-‐world problems. • Tell time to the minute. • Use patterns to divide multiples of 10 • Divide to find the number of groups. • Read time on a digital clock. an 100. • Multiply ones, tens, and hundreds without • Change minutes to hours or hours to minutes. Fractions regrouping. • Add time with and without regrouping. • Multiply ones, tens, and hundreds with regrouping. • Subtract time with and without regrouping. • Read, write, and identify fractions of • Divide a 1-‐digit or a 2-‐digit number by a 1-‐digit • Find elapsed time. wholes with more than 4 parts. number with or without a remainder. • Solve up to two-‐step word problems on time. • Identify numerator and denominator. • Use different strategies to identify odd and even Shapes • Use models to identify equivalent numbers. • Identify open and closed figures. fractions. • Use base-‐ten blocks and place value to divide 2-‐digit • Identify special polygons and quadrilaterals. • Use a number line to identify numbers without regrouping or remainders. equivalent fractions. • Classify polygons by the number of sides, vertices, and angles. • Use base-‐ten blocks and place value to divide a 2-‐digit • Classify quadrilaterals by parallel sides, length of sides, and • Use multiplication and division to find number by a 1-‐digit number with regrouping, with or equivalent fractions. angles. without remainders. • Write fractions in simplest form. • Classify quadrilaterals by parallel sides, length of sides, and angles. • Compare and order fractions.
• Show fractions as points or distances Using Bar Models: • Combine and separate polygons to make other polygons. on a number line. • Identify a slide, flip, and turn. • Compare and order fractions using Multiplication and Division • Slide, flip, and turn shapes to make congruent figures. benchmark fractions. • Identify congruent figures. • Add two or three like fractions with • Use bar models to solve one-‐step multiplication word • Identify symmetric figures. sums to 1. problems. • Use folding to find a line of symmetry. • Subtract a like fraction from another • Use bar models to solve two-‐step multiplication word Angles like fraction or one whole. problems. • Find angles in plane shapes and real-‐world objects. • Read, write, and identify fractions of a • Choose the correct operations to solve two-‐step • Compare the number of sides and angles of plane shapes. set. multiplication word problems. • Make a right angle • Use bar models to solve one-‐step division word • Compare angles to a right angle. problems. • Identify right angles in plane shapes. • Use bar models to solve two-‐step division word • Define and identify perpendicular lines. problems. • Define and identify parallel lines. • Recognise number relationships. Area and Perimeter Choose the correct operations to solve two-‐step division • Understand the meaning of area. word problems. • Use square units to find the area of plane figures made of squares and half squares. • Compare areas of plane figures and make plane figures of the same area. • Use square centimetres to find and compare the area of figures. • Use square metres to find and compare the area of plane figures. • Estimate the area of small and large surfaces. • Understand the meaning of perimeter. • Find the perimeter of figures formed using small squares. • Compare the area and perimeter of two figures. • Find the perimeter of a figure by adding up all its sides. • Choose the appropriate tool and units of length to measure perimeter. • Measure the perimeter of surfaces of objects and places.
Science Curriculum Overview – Primary School 2016/2017 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Human and Living Things and Solids, Liquids and Sound Electricity and Animals Environments Gases Sound travels Magnetism Skeletons, the human Amazing birds, a Matter, particles, through materials, Electricity flows in skeleton, why we habitat for snails, how solids, liquids how sound travels, circuits, components need a skeleton, animals in local and gases behave, loud and soft sounds, and a simple circuit, skeletons and habitats, melting, freezing and sound volume, switches, circuits Year 4 movement, drugs as identification keys, boiling, melting in muffling sounds, high with buzzers, mains medicines, how invertebrates, how different solids, and low sounds, pitch electricity, magnets medicines work. we affect the melting and boiling on percussion in everyday life, environment, water, points. instruments, fun with magnetic poles, recycling. wind instruments. which metals are magnetic? Investigating Plant The Life Cycle of States of Matter The Way We See Shadows Earth’s Movements Growth Flowering Plants Evaporation, Things Light travels in The Sun, the Earth Seeds, how seeds Why plants have condensation, the Light travels from a straight lines, which and the Moon, does grow, investigating flowers, how seeds water cycle, boiling, source, mirrors, materials let light the sun move, Earth germination, what do are spread, other melting, who seeing behind you, through, what affects rotates on its axis, plants need to grow, ways seeds are invented the which surfaces reflect the size of a shadow, sunrise and sunset, Year 5 plants and light. spread, the parts of a temperature scale? light the best, light measuring light the Earth revolves flower, pollination, changes direction. intensity, how around the sun, plant life cycles. scientists measured Exploring the Solar and understood light. System. Humans and Living Things in Material Changes Forces and Motion Electrical Animals the Environment Reversible and Mass and weight, Conductors and Body organs, the Food chains in a local irreversible changes, how forces act, Insulators heart, heartbeat and habitat, Food chains mixing and balanced and Which materials pulse, the lungs and begin with plants, separating solids, unbalanced forces, conduct electricity, breathing, the consumers, food soluble and insoluble the effects of forces, water and Year 6 digestive system, chains in different substances, forces and energy, electricity, metals as what the kidneys do, habitats, separating insoluble friction, conductors, what does the brain deforestation, air substances, solutions, investigating forces, materials and do? pollution, acid rain, dissolving solids. air resistance and electrical appliances, recycling, taking care drag. circuit symbols, of the environment. components, wires and circuits.
YEAR 4 SCIENCE CURRICULUM SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY BIOLOGY PHYSICS CHEMISTRY Collect evidence in a variety of contexts. HUMANS AND ANIMALS SOUND STATES OF MATTER Know that humans (and some animals) Explore how sounds are made when Know that matter can be solid, liquid or gas. Test an idea or prediction based on have bony skeletons inside their bodies. objects, materials or air vibrate and learn to scientific knowledge and understanding. measure the volume of sound in decibels Investigate how materials change when Plan investigative work Know how skeletons grow as humans grow, with a sound level meter. they are heated and cooled. support and Suggest questions that can be tested and protect the body. Investigate how sound travels through Know that melting is when a solid turns make predictions; communicate these. different materials to the ear. into a liquid and is the reverse of freezing. Know that animals with skeletons have Design a fair test and plan how to collect muscles attached to the bones. Investigate how some materials are Observe how water turns into steam when sufficient evidence. effective in preventing sound from it is heated but on cooling the steam turns Know how a muscle has to contract travelling through them. back into water. Choose apparatus and decide what to (shorten) to make a bone move and muscles measure. act in pairs. Investigate the way pitch describes how high or low a sound is Obtain and present evidence Explain the role of drugs as medicines. and that high and low sounds can be loud or Make relevant observations and soft. Secondary sources can be used. comparisons in a variety of contexts. Explore how pitch can be changed in Measure temperature, time, force and musical instruments in a range of ways. length. LIVING THINGS IN THEIR ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Begin to think about the need for repeated measurements of, ENVIRONMENT for example, length. Investigate how different animals are found Construct complete circuits using switch, cell in different habitats and are suited to the (battery), wire Present results in drawings, bar charts and environment in which they are found. and lamps. tables. Use simple identification keys. Explore how an electrical device will not work Identify simple trends and patterns in results if there is a break in the circuit. and suggest explanations for some of these. Recognise ways that human activity affects the environment Know that electrical current flows and that Explain what the evidence shows and whether e.g. river pollution, recycling waste. models can describe this flow, e.g. particles it supports predictions. Communicate this travelling around a circuit. clearly to others. Explore the forces between magnets and know Link evidence to scientific knowledge and that magnets can attract or repel each other. understanding in some contexts. Know that magnets attract some metals but not others.
ISM – Primary School - Curriculum d’Histoire et Géographie - Overview 1 2 3 4 5 6 Classe 4 L’Antiquité égyptienne Les grands repères L’Antiquité grecque La lecture de L’Antiquité romaine. Les espaces urbains du monde paysages Connaître les principales L’étude du globe et de Connaître les Les grands types de Connaître les principales Les paysages de ville et de caractéristiques de la planisphères, associé principales paysages et l’étude caractéristiques de la quartier. civilisation grecque aux principales zones caractéristiques de la des types d’espaces civilisation romaine La répartition d’une antique : géographie, climatiques. civilisation grecque d’activités dont la antique : géographie, population sur un territoire, société, inventions, Les océans et antique : géographie, zone de tourisme société, inventions, les principales villes. croyances et coutumes. continents. société, inventions, littorale. croyances et expansion croyances et coutumes. de l’empire. 17 séances 15 séances 17 séances 15 séances 18 séances 18 séances (5 semaines) (6 semaines) (5 semaines) (6 semaines) (5 semaines) (6 semaines) Classe 5 Le Moyen-Âge L’adaptation des Les temps modernes: L’eau Les temps modernes: La population hommes aux milleux la Renaissance Inventions et découvertes Connaître les principales Les grands traits du Définir la Renaissance Le développement Montrer comment les Les zones denses et vides caractéristiques du relief de la planète. comme une période durable : l’eau dans la progrès technologiques de population sur la planète Moyen-Âge : la vie Les principaux des Temps Modernes ville. ont favorisé les grandes : la répartition de la médiévale, la féodalité, caractères du relief et marquée par de La circulation des découvertes et population sur le territoire l’architecture médiévales du climat en Europe. nouvelles découvertes hommes et des biens. influencé la domination européen. et les conflits. L’étude de types scientifiques et un Principaux caractères de l’Europe dans le d’espaces d’activités : intérêt renouvelé pour de l’hydrographie Monde. la zone de tourisme l’Art. européenne. montagnard. Les espaces riches et pauvres à l’échelle de la planète. 17 séances (6 15 séances (5 18 séances (6 15 séances (5 14 séances (6 15 séances (5 semaines) semaines) semaines) semaines) semaines) semaines) Classe 6 le XIXè: expansion L’union européenne Les guerres mondiales Les frontières industrielle Appréhender le XIXème L’histoire de la Connaître les Etude des frontières : siècle comme le siècle construction de l’union évènements et circulation des marqué par les révolutions européenne. personnages principaux hommes et des biens, industrielles, une Caractéristiques : liés aux deux guerres les phénomènes urbanisation croissante et activités économiques, mondiales migratoires. EXPOSITION les progrès techniques et répartition de la scientifiques. population, villes et pays de l’UE. 18 séances (6 15 séances (5 18 séances (6 16 séances (5 semaines) semaines) semaines) semaines) 2
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