Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5

Page created by Robert Holt
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
Year 3 Home learning Packs
                                          Amber Pack

                                   Spring 1 – Week 5

 Monday 1st February
 First              Joe Wicks - The Body Coach TV - YouTube
 Second             Reading Fluency – Session 1
 Third              English – Session 1
 Fourth             Maths – Session 2
 Fifth              Learning question – Session 1
 Sixth              Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

     1. First – Joe Wicks

      Get active this morning with Joe Wicks. Find his session from today on his youtube

     2. Second – Reading Fluency

w/b Monday 1st February 2021.

L.O. I am learning to read fluently and accurately, developing my comprehension.
Text: Fossils
Author: Dr Paul D Taylor
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
Monday 1st February 2021.
Read along with Miss Smith.
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
Watch the video Year 3 Reading Fluency – Fossils on our MPJS YouTube channel. Read along with Miss Smith – make sure you
are using your reading finger to follow along.

                                       Remember you can pause the video if you need to.

We are going to look at some of the vocabulary together. Can you write a definition for these words from the text?














Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5





     3. Third – English

Monday 1st February 2021
L.O. I am learning to use drawings to show a narrative.
How will I be successful today?                         How did I
   1. I can follow the comic strip to retell the story

         2. I can act out what I think the men would say to
            each other after leaving the rainforest.

         3. I can create a comic strip to show what I think
            will happen between the men after they leave the

     1. I can follow the comic strip to retell the story.

Listen to the video on MPJS YouTube – English – The Great Kapok Tree.

Whilst you are listening to the story, follow along with the story.

               Retell the story to your adult

This story board is here to help you. I have included some of the key
vocabulary for each part. Can you add any more information?

         Feelings?
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
    Descriptive phrases?

          Can you draw what you think will happen next? Can you write
a sentence to support your drawing. Please include speech bubbles to
show wat the men would say to each other once the smaller man left the

       larger man                 axe                    boa constrictor
       smaller man                whack! chop!           gash
       hum of noise               lulled to sleep        generations of
        around them                                         ancestors

       bee buzzed                 troupe of monkeys      toucan
       hive                       scampered              macaw
       pollen                     canopy                 cock of the rock
                                   wither                 underbrush
                                                           black smouldering
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
   tree frog      jaguar                porcupines
   homeless       spotted coat          oxygen
                   dappled
                   understory
                   growled

   anteaters      sloth                 Child from
                   canopy                 Yanomamo
                                          Knelt

   awoke          sun streaming         swung
   wondrous       fragrant              picked
                    perfume               stood
                   jewels amidst
                    dark green
                   steamy mist
                   strangely silent
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
   Hesitated

  4. Fourth – Maths


Maths 20
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
L.O. I am learning to use Pictograms.
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Amber Pack Spring 1 - Week 5
Go deeper

     5. Fifth – Learning question

              Macro Question: How are fossils formed?

Monday 1st February 2021.

Micro Question 1: How are fossils made?

Watch the video:
Let’s recap our previous learning on rocks.

Can you remember the 3 different types of rock?




                                                                Word Bank:

                                                            Sedimentary Igneous


A fossil is the preserved remains or traces of a living thing that had
died. The process by which a fossil is formed is called fossilisation.

It’s very rare for living things to become fossilised. Usually after most
animals die their bodies just rot away and nothing is left behind.
However, under certain special conditions, a fossil can form.

After an animal dies, the soft parts of its
body decompose leaving the hard parts, like
the skeleton, behind. This becomes buried by
small particles of rock called sediment.
As more layers of sediment build up on top, the sediment around the
skeleton begins to press together closer and turn to rock.

The bones then start to be broken down by water leaking through the
rock. Minerals in the water replace the bone, leaving a rock shape of the
original bone called a fossil. It can take thousands of years.

Fossilisation only takes place in sedimentary

Have a look at the pictures below. Put them in the correct order to show
how fossilisation happens.

           The earth is eroded away by the weather or
           the sea. The rock fossil is exposed and

                                                        Over a very long time, the bones break
                                                        down and leave a space in the earth, like
                                                        an empty mould.

            The skeleton is covered with sand, earth,
            rock or seabed before the bones can

                                                        Minerals slowly fill the space in layers,
                                                        in the exact shape of the bones.
An animal dies. Some parts of the body
                    decay and, usually, only the skeleton is

 Tuesday 2nd February
 First                 Cosmic yoga - Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube
 Second                Reading Fluency – Session 1
 Third                 English – Session 2
 Fourth                Writing fluency – Session 1
 Fifth                 Maths – Session 2
 Sixth                 Learning question – Session 2
 Seventh               Maths fluency – Session 1
 Eighth                Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

     1. First – Cosmic Yoga

      Cosmic yoga - Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube

     2. Second – Reading Fluency

Tuesday 2nd February 2021.
Read along with Miss Smith.

Watch the video Year 3 Reading Fluency – Fossils on our MPJS YouTube channel. Read along with Miss Smith – make sure you
are using your reading finger to follow along.

                                       Remember you can pause the video if you need to.
We are going to look at some of the phrases together. Can you write a short sentence about the meaning of these phrases from the

Dinosaurs are probably the most impressive fossils.

Their reign spanned 150 million years.

Some had armoured plates.

     3. Third – English

 Tuesday 2nd February 2021
 L.O. I am learning to use drama to show what the characters are
 How will I be successful today?                       How did I
1. I can use my comic strip from yesterday to tell a
      grown up what will happen.
   2. I can write what the men will say to each other
      in order
   3. I can write in 1st person    I, me, we, us
   4. I can label who is speaking smaller man:
                                     larger man:

Look back at your comic strip from yesterday. Can you retell this to an
adult? Think about what you have said the men will say to each other
when they leave the rainforest.

          Write a dialogue (a conversation) between the two men.

              What happened? Why
             did you not cut down the                      You have to listen to
                       tree?                              what happened to me.

The smaller man wondered back out of the rainforest, questioning if
he had really seen all of those animals. Then he found the larger
man, who was confused about why he did not have any wood.

   4. Fourth – Writing fluency

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Writing Fluency 1- Possessive Apostrophes

        Possessive apostrophes are used when something belongs to

                The football belongs to Ben  Ben’s football

                Notice that the apostrophe goes before the s.

   1. Circle the sentences with correct apostrophes

I like Kate’s bike.

Dylans cat’s are very cute.

Percys’ homework is really good.

Never step on a dog’s tail.
2. Write apostrophes in the correct place.

Sams books are the best.

The girls hat blew off her head.

Kasias car was faster than Jamils.

  3. Write two sentences with possessive apostrophes in your book.


  4. Dictated sentences. Watch the video ‘Year 3 – Writing Fluency –
     Week 5’ on the MPJS YouTube channel.


  5. Fifth – Maths


Maths 21
L.O. I am learning to use Pictograms.
Go deeper

  6. Sixth – Learning question

Tuesday 2nd February 2021.

Micro Question 2: How are fossils found?

Watch the video:

What rocks are fossils most commonly found in? Look back at yesterday’s



How are fossils made? Use the pictures to help you.







What is a Palaeontologist?

A palaeontologist is
someone who learns
about life on Earth by
studying fossils. They
carefully dig up the
fossils and use them to
learn about how the Earth and living things have changed over time.
However, fossil hunting is a dangerous activity. Palaeontologists have
to take care when searching for fossils. The surfaces that they work on
can be slippery and unstable. There is always a danger too that rocks
will fall from above and hurt the scientists working below. Today,
palaeontologist search where fossils have already been found. They keep
safe by wearing hard hats and using special equipment. New fossils are
usually found by accident by people who are just out having fun at the
beach or going for a walk.

We have learnt a lot from palaeontologists:

      We know that there were animals who lived millions of years ago;
       including the dinosaurs.
      Although nobody has ever seen a dinosaur, scientists have been
       able to work out what they looked like, how they lived and even
       what they ate!
      The climate became colder and he dinosaur were not able to
      Dinosaurs became extinct due to a falling asteroid from space.
       When the asteroid fell, it caused the climate (weather) to change.

Read the information above. Answer the questions about

Remember to email your work in to us at 

What do palaeontologists study?





How do palaeontologists find fossils?




What are the reasons why palaeontology can be dangerous?






Why do palaeontologists believe the dinosaurs became extinct?






   7. Seventh – Maths fluency
Show these numbers as part part whole
    1.     234
    2.     367
    3.     105
    4.     80
    5.     18
    6.     498

 Wednesday 3rd February
 First                  Joe Wicks - The Body Coach TV - YouTube
 Second                Reading Fluency – Session 3
 Third                 English – Session 3
 Fourth                Writing fluency – Session 2
 Fifth                 Maths – Session 3
 Sixth                 Learning question – Session 3
 Seventh               Maths fluency – Session 2
 Eighth                Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

         1. First – Joe Wicks

         Get active this morning with Joe Wicks. Find his session from today on his youtube

     2. Second – Reading Fluency

Wednesday 3rd February 2021.
Read along with Miss Smith.

Watch the video Year 3 Reading Fluency – Fossils on our MPJS YouTube channel. Read along with Miss Smith – make sure you
are using your reading finger to follow along.

          Getting started.
Write 3 facts that you have learnt about dinosaurs from the text?

    1. _____________________________________________________________________




    2. _____________________________________________________________________




    3. _____________________________________________________________________




What did dinosaurs eat?




    3. Third – English
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
L.O. I am learning to use drawings to show what will happen next
How will I be successful today?                         How did I
   1. I can think of what would happen next
   2. I can use drawings and words to show what
       could happen next
   3. I can select the similar ideas
   4. I can put the similar ideas into order

                            What do you think will
                               happen next?

                           After the man leaves the

          Draw pictures to show in order what will happen next? What is
the next part of the story? You tell me.
Does it all make sense?

4. Fourth – Writing fluency
Wednesday 3rd February

    Writing Fluency 2

    Possessive Apostrophes - plurals

  When something belongs to one person/thing, the apostrophe goes before the

                                    e.g. One dog’s bone.

        When something belongs to two or more people/things (plural), the
                          apostrophe goes after the s.

                                    E.g. Two dogs’ bones.

        1. Re write these sentences as I have done for the example.

1. A bike belongs to two girls.                 1. The girls’ bike._____________________

2. A banana belongs to three monkeys.           2. _______________________________


3. The book belongs to one boy.

                                                3. _______________________________
4. The trumpet belongs to John.                 ______________________________

5. The milk belongs to five cats.
                                                4. _______________________________

        2. Put the apostrophes in the correct place.

        The teachers staffroom was full.
                                                5. _______________________________
        The girls names were Tanya and Alisha.

        Damiens shoes were nicer than the others pupils shoes.

    Dictated sentences. Watch the video ‘Year 3 – Writing Fluency – Week 5’
    on the MPJS YouTube channel.


  5. Fifth – Maths


Maths 22
L.O. I am learning to use bar charts.
Go deeper

   6. Sixth – Learning question

Wednesday 3rd February 2021.

Micro Question 3: What are the 10 most important facts about fossils?

Recap: How are fossils found?




What type of rocks do fossils form in?



      Today we are going to create a poster for the top 10 fossil facts!

    I’ve given you a list of facts and some pictures below. On the spare sheet

    of A4, make a poster that we can display on our working wall. You can

     use the facts I have given you, or you can research some of your own!

     Remember posters need to be clear, eye-catching and using your best


   Without fossils, we wouldn’t know about dinosaurs.

   Fossilised poop is called coprolites. Scientist have found coprolites
    from Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurs that contain bits of crushed
   It’s pretty unusual to find a whole fossilised animal. Scientists
    usually find shells, bones and teeth instead.
   Scientists have found fossils of feathered dinosaurs.
   Scientists who specialise in the study of fossils are called

   There was a HUGE dinosaur fossil found, the biggest that has ever
    been discovered! It was a fossil from an Argentinosaurus
    dinosaur which was found in Argentina. It was almost 34 meters

   You might have wondered where the word fossil comes from and
    what does it mean? It actually comes from the Latin word ‘fossus’
    which means “having been dug up”.
   There have been footprints that have turned into fossils too. The
    impressions fill with sediments which then fossilise.

   Fossils can sometimes look like bone – but it’s not! Fossils are made
    from rock.

   A lot of fossils are found in sedimentary rock. This is rock that has
    been formed from things like sand, mud and small pieces of rock.

   Fossils can give scientists lots of information such as where the
    animal might have lived, how old they were, how they died and
    even what they ate!

       7. Seventh – Maths fluency


    Complete these missing number calculations:

       1.   234 < ______
       2.   327 < ______
       3.   _____ = 400 + 30 + 7
       4.   304 > ______
       5.   _____ > 456
       6.   _____ < 238
Thursday 4th February
 First                 Cosmic yoga - Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube
 Second                Reading Fluency – Session 4
 Third                 English – Session 4
 Fourth                Writing fluency – Session 3
 Fifth                 Maths – Session 4
 Sixth                 Learning question – Session 4
 Seventh               Maths fluency – Session 3
 Eighth                Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

     1. First – Cosmic Yoga

      Cosmic yoga - Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube

     2. Second – Reading Fluency

Thursday 4th February 2021.
Read along with Miss Smith.

Watch the video Year 3 Reading Fluency – Fossils on our MPJS YouTube channel. Read along with Miss Smith – make sure you
are using your reading finger to follow along.

            Making headway.

Is this page from a non-fiction (fact) text or a fiction (imaginary) text? How do you know?





Write two subheadings that are used in the text.

    1. _____________________________________________________________________


    2. _____________________________________________________________________


    3. Third – English

 Thursday 4th February 2021
 L.O. I am learning to write a story ending.
 How will I be successful today?                                 How did I
      1. I can use my ideas from yesterday
      2. I can write in 3rd person   he, she, they, her, his,
                                   them, their, names
      3. I can use topic vocabulary
      4. I can use story language


   4. Fourth – Writing fluency

   Thursday 4th February 2021

   Writing Fluency 3

   Possessive plurals – irregulars

Last lesson, we said that for plural nouns (more than one person/thing), a
                  possessive apostrophe should go after the s.

                   This is not the case for certain words.

        For words where the plural does not end in s, we still use ‘s.

                  E.g. Men’s, women’s, children’s, mice’s.
REMEMBER – plurals (without possession) do not require an
  apostrophe e.g. there were five dogs.

  1. Put the apostrophes in the right place.

  The womens football team was better than the mens.

  The two geeses squawks were louder than the five ducks quacks.

  The mans dogs were pulling him because the buthers sausages were
  making the dogs tummies rumble.

  The childrens playground was full of birds poo.

  2. Write two sentences that use irregular possessive apostrophes.

  3. Dictated sentences. Watch the video ‘Year 3 – Writing Fluency –
     Week 5’ on the MPJS YouTube channel.


  5. Fifth – Maths


Maths 23
L.O. I am learning to use bar charts.
Go deeper

   6. Sixth – Learning question

Thursday 4th February 2021.

Micro Question 4: Who was Mary Anning?

Recap: Test your fossil knowledge so far with this interactive quiz! See if
you can beat Miss Smith’s score of 8/10!

         Today, we are going to look at an important historical figure; Mary

         You can watch this video to see an actor talking about Mary Anning’s

                               Name: Mary Anning

                               Date of birth: 21st May 1799

                               Place of birth: Lyme Regis, Dorset

                               Job: Collecting fossils, Palaeontologist.

                               Famous for: Discovering Jurassic dinosaur fossils.

Lyme Regis.

Mary Anning lived here!
We are going to write a diary entry as Mary Anning, you are going to
plan it today (Thursday) and write it tomorrow (Friday). You are
going to write about the day that Mary found her first fossil – the

Use these questions to help you plan.

How would Mary have been feeling before find the fossil?


What might Mary have been hoping to find at the beach?


How would Mary feel about finding the fossil?


What might she plan to do next? Would she sell it to help her poor
family? Would she try to become a famous scientist? Would she keep it
because it was so important to her?


   7. Seventh – Maths fluency

Complete these calculations

Getting Started               Making Headway         Aiming High
13 + 12                           237 + 142              985 - ______ = 635

27 + 11                           398 - _______ = 254    ________ + 238 = 709

35 – 11                           4x3                    7 x 5 + 10

29 – 15                           487 – 139              28 ÷ 4

2x2                               243 + 257              486 + 347

32 + 25                           45 ÷ 5                 543 - 157

 Friday 5th February
 First                 Joe Wicks - The Body Coach TV - YouTube
 Second               Reading Fluency – Session 5
 Third                English – Session 5
 Fourth               Writing fluency – Session 4
 Fifth                Maths – Session 5
 Sixth                Learning question – Session 5
 Eighth               Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

      1. First – Joe Wicks

      Get active this morning with Joe Wicks. Find his session from today on his youtube

    2. Second – Reading Fluency

Friday 5th February 2021.
Read along with Miss Smith.
Watch the video Year 3 Reading Fluency – Fossils on our MPJS YouTube channel. Read along with Miss Smith – make sure you
are using your reading finger to follow along.

         Aiming High.

Write one fact that you found interesting in the text.



Read the statements below and decide whether they are true or false.

                                                                                                  True         False
         Dinosaurs were alive for 150 million years before they were made extinct.
                  Dinosaurs had long, furry coats and were all very small.
  Scientists still don’t know exactly how the dinosaurs died, but one theory is that they
                          were made extinct through climate change.
                    Dinosaurs only ate plants as they were all herbivores.

     3. Third – English

 Friday 5th February 2021
 L.O. I am learning to give opinions on a text.
 How will I be successful today?                                                                How did I
      1. I can        think about the parts of the text I enjoyed
      2. I can        think about the parts of the text I did not
      3. I can        explain my opinions
      4. I can        compare this text to other texts I have
I did not like:
 I liked:
 *                                                  *

 *                                                  *

 *                                                  *


                                                The book reminds me of:



         Write a book review about The Great Kapok Tree. Use these
headings to structure your writing.

  4. Fourth – Writing Fluency
Thursday 5th February 2021

  Writing Fluency 4

  Possessive apostrophes – recap

  1. Watch the video and play the quiz on this website:

  2. Test your teacher: write 4 sentences without apostrophes. Take a
     photo of them and email them to your teacher
     ( Your teacher has to work out where the
     possessive apostrophes should go.

            Make it as hard as you can!
            Use singular and plural nouns.
            Use irregular nouns.
            Use sentences with more than one possession in it.

  3. Dictated sentences. Watch the video ‘Year 3 – Writing Fluency –
     Week 5’ on the MPJS YouTube channel.


  5. Fifth – Maths


Maths 24
L.O. I am learning to use tables.
Go deeper

Reflection: in your opinion, which is the best for presenting information:
pictograms, bar charts or tables? Why?


  6. Sixth – Learning question
Today you are writing your diary that you planned yesterday.

         You could also use some of the information you have learnt about Mary
         Anning to include in your diary entry.

             Don’t forget to start with “Dear Diary,” and think about how you can
             use adjectives and expanded noun phrases to make it exciting for your

Word Bank.
                                                    dangerous                  Lyme Regis
                            fossil                         .

              Dear Diary,
                                                                           Tray (the dog)

   fossil hunting                    excited
                                                                suspense             happy























   7. Seventh – Maths fluency

Complete these calculations:

Getting Started           Making Headway              Aiming High

13 + ______ = 20          343 + 126                   456 + ______ = 763

24 + 14                   678 – 154                   543 + 24 = 0 + _______

38 – 12                   7x4                         358 – 174

6x2                       24 ÷ 3                      3 x _____ = 24

10 ÷ 2                    234 + ________ = 387        66 ÷ 3

43 - 21                   496 - 259                   45 ÷ 5 = 1 x ________
You can also read