Year 3 Fantastic Fuzzbys Class Information 2018 - 2019 Autumn Term

Page created by Debra Olson
Year 3 Fantastic Fuzzbys Class Information 2018 - 2019 Autumn Term
Year 3 Fantastic Fuzzbys
   Class Information
      2018 - 2019
    Autumn Term 1
Homework expectations (Key stage 2):
          Reading every evening for 15 minutes
          Weekly spellings to learn
          One piece of Maths homework. Usually,
          Times Tables Rockstars
          Half termly theme homework project
          Reading, writing & maths target work

In this class, regular homework is given out as follows:

  Subject                        Day set                                 To be handed in…
  Spelling                       Friday                                  Test – Friday
  Maths                          Monday                                  The next Monday
  Times Tables Rockstars         Ongoing                                 Ongoing
  Reading                                                              Daily
  Target work: This was sent out to parents on children’s reports
  Theme: Our 8 week History topic is focusing on The Battle of Britain
   Choose one project and work on it during the half term. To be handed in the week beginning 22nd October 2018.

Theme Projects – These are just ideas, feel free to choose one, or choose your own project:
  Can you create a fact file about The Battle of Britain?
  Can you create a model/diagram of an Anderson Shelter?
  Draw and label the contents of an evacuee suitcase.
  Create a fact file comparing the aircrafts used by the British and Germans.
  Create a diary entry pretending you are an evacuee.


 Week 1           Week 2       Week 3         Week 4        Week 5            Week 6        Week 7             Week 8
 Dolphin          Pennies      Hoping         Breathe       Century           Thought       Pedalled           Flowering
 Photo            Parties      Having         Build         Regular           Grammar       Transmitted        Offering
 Where            Cities       Wasting        Address       Often             Group         Pedal              Offer
 What             Hobbies      Sliding        Library       Quarter           February      Begin              Frightened
 Elephant         Jellies      Writing        Strange       Appear            Through       Admitting          Gardener
 Alphabet         Bunnies      Shining        Building      Question          Material      Transmit           Garden
 Why              Puppies      Stony          Circle        Centre            Sentence      Permitting         Performing
 When             Ladies       Bony           Famous        History           Calendar      Forget             Frighten
 Who              Poppies      Finest         Surprise      Naughty           Although      Permit             Flower
 Wheel            babies       Biting         breath        answer            perhaps       forgetting         perform

Year 3 Key Vocabulary
                    English Key Vocabulary                                        Maths Key Vocabulary
  Preposition                  Subject and object               Place Value                  Ones
  Conjunction                  Subordinate clause               Tens                         hundreds
  Word family                  Diary entry                      10 more                      Addition

  Prefix                       Informal writing                 10 less                        compare
Clause                        Direct Speech                    Order                       Numerals
   Vowel                         Paragraphs                       estimate                    multiples
   Present perfect tense         Adverbials

                      Theme Key Vocabulary                                        Music Key Vocabulary
    Eden Camp                  World War II                       Canon                      Ostinato
    Battle of Britain          Germany                            Graphic Notation           Stick Notation
    Evacuee                    Great Britain                      Staff Notation             Stave
    Land Army                  Rations                            Quodlibet                  Partner song
    Anderson Shelter           Air raid
    Bomb                       Poland

                         Art Key Vocabulary                                        PE Key Vocabulary
    Post-Impressionist        Blending                            attacking                  dribbling
    Vanishing points          Sketching                           passing                    shooting
    Colour mixing             Expressions                         advantage                  Back pass
    Tertiary colours                                              Basic grip                 Centre line

What will be learning about this half term?
               English                                   Maths                                        Music
At the beginning of this term we       This term we will cover Place Value,        Y3 will be building on their learning from
will be focusing on developing our     Addition and subtraction, multiplication    Y2, recapping and adding to their
informal writing skills by             and division and measurement.               repertoire. They will sing in canon and
producing a diary entry from the                                                   explore quodlibets. They will be
perspective of an evacuee.             We will be finding 10 or 100 more or        preparing for their musical performance
                                       less than a number, compare numbers         at half term, exploring the songs of
We will use these skills to then       up to 1000 in words and numerals and        WW2. Scripts and song words will be
produce a formal letter of             count from 0 in multiples of 50 and 100.    sent home for children to learn and
complaint before finishing the         Before progressing to introducing formal    practise at home.
term by writing a recount of our       written methods (column) of addition
trip to Eden Camp.                     and subtraction and using this to find
                                       the correct change due (money). We
                                       will be using a range of resources to
                                       solve multiplication and division
                                       problems before completing the term
                                       with measurement

                                       It is essential that you practice 3x, 4x
                                       and 8x tables with your child to best
                                       support them throughout this year.

               Theme                                        PE                                       PSHE
We will be learning about the          Throughout this half term Y3 will be        This half term we will explore the online
Battle of Britain. We will be          learning the skills and etiquette of        world, social media and the differences
exploring the key dates or when        Hockey and Basketball.                      between a friend and an online contact.
the war started and ended and          We will be working on our balance skills,   We will be teaching the SMART rule and
key facts in between. We will          ability to work within a team, aiming to    discussing how to keep ourselves safe
explore what life was like for an      improve our core strength skills and our    and the importance of secrets- Why we
evacuee before we embark on            ‘team work’ abilities alongside these       shouldn’t keep some secrets.
our trip to Eden Camp where we         sports.                                     We will explore how we fit in the world
will have an opportunity to really                                                 and the things and people who help us
submerse ourselves in this time                                                    feel like we belong. We will discuss our
period.                                                                            special people (those who care for and
                                                                                   help us) and how special people should
                                                                                   care for one another.
Art/DT                                 French
We will be investigating how          This term we will begin with the basics in
Vincent Van Gogh used oil pastels     French. We will learn how to greet
to create textures, and how his       someone, ask for their name and say
painting ‘The Starry Night’ was       goodbye. We will explore colours, days
created using warm and cold           of the week and months of the year
colours to represent moods. We        before moving on to identifying Paris on
will be creating our own version      a map, and exploring French spellings.
of this painting, and then using
the skills we learned to create our
own original painting.

 PE Kits: Please make sure your child has a labelled PE kit in school which includes a white t-shirt, shorts or joggers
 with pumps for indoor lessons and trainers for outdoor lessons. PE kits should be brought into school in a named bag
 at the beginning of a half term, put into the appropriate class box outside the classroom and stay there until the end
 of term ready to be washed during the holidays.

 Water Bottles: Please make sure your child has a labelled water bottle in school at all times. During the day the
 children are only allowed to drink water. Other still drinks are allowed in packed lunches.

 Learning Expectations: It is our expectation that the vast majority of the children will be working at the expected
 standard for their year group, with some working at a greater depth within their year’s curriculum. If a child finds a
 concept difficult to grasp the class teacher may work with them during morning work, assembly time - or any other
 time they can find – to make sure they understand and are ready for the next lesson, to ensure they don’t fall behind.
 If despite this, they still struggle and we feel they may need some additional support with their learning, we would
 discuss appropriate steps with you in consultation with Mrs Sneddon our Inclusion Leader.

 Keeping in touch: As parents, you have a vital role to play in your child’s learning. The school staff team are always
 happy to see parents during the week, before or after school to pass on brief messages and please make an
 appointment if a longer chat is needed. Please come and talk to us if you are worried about friendships, progress or
 anything at all. It is always best to talk to the class teachers as the first port of call.

 We know many of you work and are not always available before or after school hours so you may prefer to send an
 email and we will respond as quickly as possible.

 Class teachers’ e mail address:
 Please join our class on the Dojo website. This year, students will get their own portfolios to
 document and share their work with you on ClassDojo. I’ll also use ClassDojo to message you
 and post announcements. It’s the easiest way for you to see what your child is working on, and
 to get in touch with me. As part of this new feature, your child will upload photos, videos, and
 other information to ClassDojo. Portfolios can be seen by students in our class, their parents and
 me. I will approve all posts! Just scan the QR code here to join:


Morning Work and Register                              Morning Work and Register                   Morning Work and               Morning Work and                        Morning work
                                                                                                       Register                       Register                            and register
                                                                                                                                                                                                            8:40 -9.00

                                                       Handwriting                                                                                                        Handwriting                    9.00-9.30
                                                                                                       Fluency                     Handwriting



                                                                          and English

                 and English
                                                                                                            and English
                                                                                                                                                        and English
                                                                                                                                                                                 and English

                                                                       Reciprocal reading

              Reciprocal reading
                                                                                                         Reciprocal reading
                                                                                                                                                     Reciprocal reading
                                                                                                                                                                              Reciprocal reading

                      Toast Time                                                                                                                                                                         10.30-10.45
                                                       Break                                       Theme Assembly                 Class Assembly                             PSHE
                                                           Singing Assembly
       Daily Mile                                                                                       Break                          Break






         Lunch                                                    Lunch                                 Lunch                          Lunch                                                                12.30-1.30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1:30 –






      Time to Shine

                                                               Story time                            Story time                     Story time                            Story time

      Story time
You can also read