Year 3/4 Spring 2021 - Bellfield Primary School

Page created by Clayton Carpenter
Year 3/4 Spring 2021 - Bellfield Primary School
Year 3/4   Spring 2021
Year 3/4 Spring 2021 - Bellfield Primary School
        SPARCS                 Experiences      Presentation of Learning

Carousel learning day     Virtual experience?

Whole School Art
exhibition - Recreating
Leonid Afremov (Flames
of Happiness)
Year 3/4 Spring 2021 - Bellfield Primary School
National Curriculum Links History                                                                                            Historians

NC3: Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots                                                               As Historians we will we will be studying the Anglo Saxon and Scots reign from 800-1066
                                                                                                                  ending with the Battle of Hastings. We will study their way of life, where they settled and
                                                                                                                  look at the changes in life over the vast period of time. We will use sources of evidence to
                                                                                                                  explore the past and talk about the impact this period of time had on Britain. We will learn
                                                                                                                    what is meant by ’invaders’ and settlers’ in the context of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
                                                                                                                                                from this historic period of time.

                                                                              History Final Outcome
                                                                      Battle of Hastings (1066) with KS2

                                                Skill                                                     Skill                                                     Skill

                     I can use a range of sources/evidence to build up a    I can understand the concept of power changing over               I can suggest causes and consequences of some of
                     picture of who the Anglo Saxons were, beginning to       time , representing this, along with evidence, on a           the main events and changes in history focusing on the
                           evaluate the usefulness of the source/s                                 time line                                             leaders and their territories

                           Knowledge                    Vocabulary                  Knowledge                          Vocabulary                   Knowledge                   Vocabulary
                                                         Sources           To know what chronological                 Chronological           To understand how an               Significant
                    To know and explain the             Secondary                    order is                            Period               action causes a conse-               Impact
                    difference between sec-              Primary            To know the key events of
                                                                             the Anglo Saxon timeline
                                                                                                                       Successor                      quence                       Affect
                       ondary and primary                Deduce              To know the main leaders                  Interpret               To understand what                   Cause
                    To know the importance                Derive           and rules of the time period                 Evidence            caused a change of power            Consequence
                     of a reliable source and           Document            and what significance they                  Timeline            and how this changed his-            Interpret
                    what makes a source this             Evaluate              have on the timeline                     Legislate                      tory

                                                Skill                                                     Skill                                                        Skill

                         I can describe the social, ethnic, cultural or      I can describe the characteristic features of the                 I can describe different accounts of a historical
                       religious diversity of past society (invaders and         past, including ideas, beliefs, attitudes and                event, explaining the reasons why the accounts may
                                            settlers)                      experiences of men, women and children (day in the life                                   differ
                                                                                               of Anglo Saxon)

                           Knowledge                     Vocabulary                Knowledge                            Vocabulary                 Knowledge                     Vocabulary
                       To understand the                   Similar         To understand the way of                      Describe            To understand the key                 Justify
                     difference between a                Difference         life of an Anglo Saxon                    Characteristics        events of the Battle of               Account
                      settler and invader                   Social          and how this differed                       Generation                  Hastings                        Event
                    To understand why some                Cultural
                                                                            dependent on class and                     Experiences          To understand where the              Significant
                    people invaded where as                Society                   beliefs                           Differences           information came from                  Differ
                         other settled                    Invaders                                                                                  and why                    Bayeux tapestry
                                                          Settlers                                                                                                                 Concept
Year 3/4 Spring 2021 - Bellfield Primary School
National Curriculum Links Geography                                                                                           Geographers

NC2: name and locate counties and cities of the UK and identify human and physical characteristics, and              As Geographers we will be studying human and physical geography. We will look at why the
land-use patterns; and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time.                                  Anglo Saxons settled where they did in Britain; taking into account the Human and Physical
NC5: describe/understand key aspects of human geography; including types of settlement and land use                   features. We will plot on a map where the Anglo Saxons settled and look at the land-use.

                                                                                 Geography Final Outcome
                                                       Create a map showing kingdoms, physical and human
                                                      features and how this has changed over time and the
                                                        routes and settlements of invaders and settlers.

                                                  Skill                                                      Skill                                                       Skill

                        I can explain and identify human and physical features    I can locate countries linked to invaders and settlers      I can locate cities of the United Kingdom, geographical
                                                                                        and describe geographical similarities and               regions and their identifying human and physical
                                                                                             differences between countries                    characteristics, including hills, mountains, cities, rivers,

                              Knowledge                    Vocabulary                    Knowledge                        Vocabulary                   Knowledge                     Vocabulary
                        To understand the dif-                Human                To understand how to                   Environment           To know the different                 Regions
                       ference between physical              Physical            locate countries on a map                   Route              characteristics across                 Locate
                          and human features                  Beach               To know that different                   Resource                   the country                       Label
                                                           Coast river           countries have different                    Globe             To understand how dif-                 Feature
                                                            Weather                geographical features                    Orient            ferent cities have differ-           Characteristics
                                                           Environment                                                                           ent features and why               Geographical

                                                  Skill                                                      Skill                                                       Skill

                           I can recognise key topographical features and            I can understand how some aspects of land use
                                         land-use patterns;                                     have changed over time

                               Knowledge                    Vocabulary                  Knowledge                         Vocabulary                  Knowledge                       Vocabulary
                          To understand what a             Topographical                                                   Land use
                          topographical map is.                Maps              To know how and why land                   Patters
                           To understand the                 Patterns              use has changed over                    Feature
                         importance of land use              Feature
                                                                                           time                            Symbols
                         and how this impacted                Locate                                                        Locate
                              settlements                     Orient                                                        Orient
                                                            Coordinate                                                       Route
Humanities                                                                                                               Assessment

  History                       WT                                              Expected
To investigate   • Handle and use sources of evi-        • Handle and use Primary and Secondary sources to find
and interpret    dence to make observations and          out about a period studied in order to make comparisons
the past         simple comparisons                      and find out information about the past
                 • Ask questions such as: What was       • Use a range of sources/evidence to build up a picture of
                 it like for people? What happened?
                 How long ago? Why did this event
                                                         the past, beginning to evaluate the usefulness of the
                                                                                                                          Geography                       WT                                     Expected
                 occur? What happened after the          • Describe different accounts of a historical                    To investi-     • Identify the key features of a          • Use a range of resources to identify
                 event? Why did people/someone act       event, explaining the reasons why the accounts may differ                        location and say if it is a city, town,   the key physical and human features of
                 like they did? Would it be the same     • Suggest causes and consequences of some of the main
                                                                                                                          gate places
                                                                                                                                          village, coastal or rural area            a location
                 today?                                  events and changes in history                                                    • Use simple fieldwork and observa-       • Name and locate counties and cities
                 • Understand some ways we find out      Ask questions such as: What was (historical focus) like at                       tional skills to study the geography      of the United Kingdom, geographical
                 about the past                              an earlier time in history? How has (historical focus)                       of the school and the key human           regions and their identifying human and
                 • Understand and show how the past          changed for stayed the same during or since the period                       and physical features of its sur-         physical characteristics, including hills,
                 has been represented                        studied? What caused the (historical focus) and what                         rounding environment                      mountains, cities, rivers,
                                                             consequences of (historical focus) can we still see to-                      • Name, locate and identify charac-       key topographical features and land-
                                                             day in Britain? Why was such an event see as signifi-                        teristics of the four countries and       use patterns; and understand how some
                                                             cant after the time? Why is this period in history seen                      capital cities of the Unit-               of these aspects have changed over
                                                             as significant to Britain now?                                               ed Kingdom and its surrounding            time

To build an      • Describe historical events            • Describe the social, ethnic, cultural or religious diversity
overview of      • Describe significant people from      of past society
world history    the past                                • Describe the characteristic features of the
                 • Recognise that there are reasons      past, including ideas, beliefs, attitudes and experiences of
                 why people in the past acted as         men, women and children
                 they did
To understand    • Sequence 3 or 4 artefacts/            • Sequence events on a time line using dates, for people and
                                                                                                                          To investi-     • Understand geographical similari-       • Describe geographical similarities and
                                                                                                                          gate patterns   ties and differences through stud-        differences between countries
chronology       events/sources and sequence events      events beyond living memory                                                      ying the human and physical geog-
                 within lifetime or period being stud-   • Understand the concept of change over                                          raphy of a small area of the Unit-
                 ied on a simple time line               time, representing this, along with evidence, on a time line                     ed Kingdom
                 • Label time lines with words/          • Use dates and terms to describe events
                 pictures or phrases such as: past,
                 present, older and newer
                 • Talk about changes that have oc-
                 curred in their own lives
                 • Use dates where appropriate                                                                            Geographical    Use basic geographical vocabulary         • Describe key aspects of:
To communi-      • Use words and phrases such as: a      • Use appropriate historical vocabulary when talking about                           to refer to:                          • human geography, including: settle-
cate histori-    long time ago, recently, years, dec-    and writing about the past. Vocabulary to include: dates,
                                                                                                                                          key physical features, including:         ments and land use
cally            ades, centuries, similar, difference,   time period, era, change, chronology, similar, difference,                           beach, coast, forest, hill,
                 affect and cause when talking about     significant, impact, interpret, affect, cause, generation,                           mountain, ocean, river, soil,         Use geographical vocabulary:
                 and writing about the past              proceed, decade and source                                                           valley, vegetation and weath-              process, globe, erode, cycle,
                 • Show an understanding of the con-     • Use literacy and numeracy to high standard when com-                               er.                                        decline, symbol, feature, label,
                 cept of nation and a nation’s history   municating information about the past                                            key human features, including:                 locate, annual, resource, per-
                 • Show an understanding of con-                                                                                              city, town, village, factory,              spective, survey, route, orient,
                 cepts such as civilisation, monarchy,                                                                                        farm, house, office and shop               co-ordinate, community, envi-
                 parliament, democracy, and war and                                                                                                                                      ronment
Vocabulary       Understand and use:                     Understand and use:
                 period, significant, impact, affect,    period, significant, impact, affect, cause, perceive, succes-
                 cause, perceive, successor, genera-     sor, generation, decade, similar, difference, interpret, pro-
                 tion, decade, similar, difference,      ceed, media, concept, (into writing) duration, considera-
                 interpret, proceed, media, concept      ble, relevant, document, legislate, sources, impact, jus-
                                                         tify, derive, deduce, primary, secondary
National Curriculum Links                                                                                         Art and Design

NC1: to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review                                  As Artists we will look at Anglo-Saxon Stone carvings. We will explore the
and revisit ideas                                                                                               patterns that they used and talk about where the carvings would be located.

NC2: to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, paint-                          We will sketch our own carving patterns before creating our own final carving
ing and sculpture with a range of materials (for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay)                       using clay. We will use our sketches on display and evaluate our own and oth-
                                                                                                                                      ers, using peer and self-critique.

                                                                                 Art and Design Final Outcome
                                                         Create an A3 Anglo Saxon home that reflects the style and
                                                                       materials used at that time.

                                               Skill                                                          Skill                                                        Skill

                       I can create original pieces that show a range of             I can mix sketching techniques to create effect.               I can use a variety of techniques to add interesting
                                    influences and styles.                                                                                        effects (e.g. reflections, shadows, direction of sketch)
                                                                                                   Sketching exploration
                                             Research                                                                                                                     Sketch

                           Knowledge                        Vocabulary                   Knowledge                          Vocabulary                   Knowledge                          Vocabulary

                       To know that art is              Inspiration, purpose,      How the aesthetics of a              Light, dark, shade,        To know that different            Reflection, shadow,
           Art         usually inspired by
                        others, beliefs or
                                                           culture, belief         product can be changed                 shadow, depth           sketching techniques can        direction of sketch, light,
                                                                                   through the combination                                        add different interesting           dark, mood, tone
                          experiences.                                             of colours and textures.                                         effects to a drawing.

                                               Skill                                                          Skill                                                           Skill

                    I can annotate sketches, showing in depth my ideas and            I can consider how to combine visual and tactile              I can evaluate my own and peers work and act upon
                         how these are conveyed to a specific audience                          qualities to create artwork                                             feedback.

                                              Design                                                          Make                                                       Evaluate

                           Knowledge                         Vocabulary                   Knowledge                         Vocabulary                   Knowledge                          Vocabulary

                       How to communicate              Annotate, communicate,      How the aesthetics of a             2D, 3D, texture, rough,     To know feedback is es-             Warm/cold feedback,
                     ideas through drawings,           ideas, share, feedback,     product can be changed             smooth, patterned, plain,   sential for improvement,             suggestions, improve-
                       labels, sketches and                     sketch             through the combination               aesthetic, purpose,      To understand how harsh             ments, recommendations,
                             diagrams.                                             of colours and textures.                 shape, mould          feedback can be difficult
                                                                                                                                                  to take (kind and helpful
National Curriculum Links Design and Technology                                                                                            Design and Technologists
use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose                            As Designers we will research, draw, sketch and design an Anglo-Saxon house and use
generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams, prototypes,                                           this to create a mini village in the classroom.
select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks [for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing], accurately          As designers we will study the Bayeux Tapestry and talk about the techniques used.
select from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials and textiles, according to their functional                     We will create our own tapestry using sewing. We will design our own section and then
properties and aesthetic qualities                                                                                                                               stitch it using a range of applique techniques, including sewing. We will attach all
                                                                                                                                                                                 pieces together and use to display our own tapestry.
investigate and analyse a range of existing products
evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work
apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex

                                                                                         Design Technology Final Outcome
                                                                To contribute to the recreation of the Bayeux Tapestry created
                                                                                            by KS2.

                                                            Skill                                                          Skill                                                           Skill

                                 I can create innovative designs (sketching)                    I can show an understanding of the qualities                        I can thread a needle and tie off the
                                 that recreate an existing piece of art work.                    of materials to choose appropriate tools to                       embroidery thread when changing colour.
                                                                                                      sketch and outline, cut and shape

                                       Knowledge                          Vocabulary                   Knowledge                         Vocabulary                     Knowledge                         Vocabulary

                                To know the purpose of a            Audience, product, pur-      To know why materials             Texture, sustainability,      The thread needs to be            Knot, twist, wind, thread,
                                 model, to know who the             pose, design, intention     are selected for differ-           colour, appeal, thread,        through the needle to                    eye, taut,
                                audience is, consider the                                        ent purpose, words to                       aida               create the stitch. To be
                                  cost of the product.                                          describe the sensory as-                                           able to do it safely.
                                                                                                   pect of materials.

                                                            Skill                                                          Skill                                                           Skill

                                 I can use running stitch to create a product.                   I can make products through stages making                           I can evaluate the design of products
                                                                                                           continual refinements.                                       to suggest improvements to the
                                                                                                                                                                               user experience.

                                       Knowledge                          Vocabulary                   Knowledge                          Vocabulary                    Knowledge                         Vocabulary

                                 To know that some em-              running, outline, single,   To know that all products          Plan, design, sketch, out-    To know feedback is es-            Evaluate, discuss, test,
                                 broidery is done on ma-                    double              are made through stages,                   line, label          sential for improvement,                fit for purpose,
                                chines and some by hand,                                        To know that changes can                                        To understand how harsh              suitability, durability,
                                to know there is a variety                                        be made as problems                                           feedback can be difficult             consumer, audience.
                                of stitches for different                                                arise.                                                 to take (kind and helpful
                                        purposes.                                                                                                                        words).
Art and Design Technology                                                                                                                           Assessment

                                                                                                        DT                            WT                             Expected
   Art                      WT                                   Expected                  To master         Materials   • Cut materials safely using       • Cut materials accurately and
                                                                                            practical                    tools provided.                    safely by selecting appropriate
                                                                                              skills                     • Measure and mark out to the      tools.
Sculpture    Create sculptures by combing         Create and combine shapes from
                                                                                                                         nearest centimetre.                • Measure and mark out to the
                shapes                                recognisable forms (e.g. shapes                                    • Demonstrate a range of cut-      nearest millimetre.
             Sculpt from rolled up paper,             made from nets or solid materials)                                 ting and shaping techniques        • Apply appropriate cutting and
                straws, paper, card and clay      Make Sculptures from textures to try                                   (such as tearing, cutting, fold-   shaping techniques that include
                materials                             and convey feelings, expression
                                                                                                                         ing and curling).                  cuts within the perimeter of the
                                                                                                                         • Demonstrate a range of join-     material (such as slots or
             Use the techniques of rolling,           and or movement                                                    ing techniques (such as gluing,    cut outs).
                cutting,                          Use mouldable materials such as clay                                   hinges or combining materials to   • Select appropriate joining
                moulding and carving                  and Modroc for create a sculpture                                  strengthen).                       techniques.
                                                  Ensure sculptures have interesting                         Textiles    • Shape textiles using tem-        • Understand the need for a
                                                                                                                         plates.                            seam allowance.
                                                      detail/s                                                           • Join textiles using running      • Join textiles with appropriate
                                                                                                                         stitch.                            stitching.
                                                                                                                         • Colour and decorate textiles     • Select the most appropriate
                                                                                                                         using a number of techniques       techniques to decorate textiles.
                                                                                                                         (such as dyeing, adding sequins
                                                                                                                         or printing).
Drawing      Draw lines that are different siz-   Use different hardness’s of pencils to
                                                                                                         Construction    • Use materials to practise    • Choose suitable techniques to
                es and thickness’s                    show line, tone and texture
                                                                                                                         drilling, screwing, gluing and construct products or to repair
             Be able to colour their own work     Annotate sketches to explain and elab-                                 nailing materials to make and  items.
                neatly, following the lines           orate ideas, showing more aware-                                   strengthen products.           • Strengthen materials using
             Use dots and lines to add texture        ness of an audience                                                                               suitable techniques.
                                                                                           To design, make, evaluate • Design products that have a      • Design with purpose by identi-
                and show pattern                  Use shading to show light and shadow.
                                                                                                  and improve        clear purpose and an intended      fying opportunities to design.
             Use different tones when using       Use hatching and cross hatching to                                 user.                              • Make products by working ef-
                coloured pencils                      show tone and texture                                          • Make products, refining the      ficiently (such as by carefully
                                                                                                                     design as work progresses.         selecting materials).
                                                                                                                     • Use software to design.          • Refine work and techniques as
                                                                                                                                                        work progresses, continually
                                                                                                                                                        evaluating the product design.
                                                                                                                                                        • Use software to design and
Art Appre-   Talk about the work of notable/      Replicate some of the techniques used                                                                 represent product designs.
ciation         famous artists                        by notable/famous artists
                                                                                            To take inspiration from • Explore objects and designs to • Identify some of the great
                                                                                           design throughout history identify likes and dislikes of the designers in all of the areas of
             Use creative ideas and styles of     Create original pieces that are influ-                             designs.                           study to generate ideas
                artists studied to create             enced by studies of artists stud-                              • Suggest improvements to ex-      for designs.
                their own artwork                     ied                                                            isting designs.                    • Improve upon existing designs,
                                                  Select appropriate techniques when
                                                                                                                     • Explore how products have        giving reasons for choices.
                                                                                                                     been created.                      • Disassemble products to un-
                                                      creating pieces influenced by                                                                     derstand how they work.
                                                      artists studied
National Curriculum Links                                                                                                  Music
NC1: play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musi-              Year3: Spring A: Three Little Birds (As musicians we will learn to sing the famous Reggae song by Bob Marley.
cal instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression                                                 We will about this style of music and how to compose in the style of reggae)
NC2: improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimen-                 Year3: Spring B: The Dragon Song (As musicians we will learn about the language of music through this song
sions of music                                                                                              about respect and friendship. We will continue to develop our instrument skills by playing along to a tune)
NC3: listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory                    Year4: Spring A: Stop! (As musicians we will learn to sing a rap inspired song about bullying. We will have the
NC4: use and understand staff and other musical notations                                                                      opportunity to compose and devise our own rap song on this theme)
NC5: appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn             Year4: Spring B: Lean on Me (As musicians we will develop our singing skills by learning this soul/gospel song. We
from different traditions and from great composers and musicians                                                              will listen to a range of soul/gospel music and learn about its origins)
NC6: develop an understanding of the history of music.

                                                                                     Music Final Outcome
                                                                              Perform song to partner class
                                                                              (using voices and instruments)

                                                 Skill                                                    Skill                                                        Skill

                       I can play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts          I can play notes accurately on a glockenspiel                    I can compose music for a purpose.

     Year 3

                             Knowledge                    Vocabulary                   Knowledge                    Vocabulary                      Knowledge                    Vocabulary
                          Understand when              Groups                     Understand the               notes                         I understand the             Performance
                           different parts              Solo                        different notes of           Play                           type of music I am           Musical
                           play in a group.             Ensemble                    a glockenspiel                                               performing.
                                                                                                                  Accurately                                                  Notes
                          Know how to stay in          Timing                     Understand how to                                           I know musical no-
                                                                                                                  Glockenspiel                                                Stave
                           time.                                                     read music                                                   tation.
                          Understand how to                                                                                                     I know how to read
                           read music.                                                                                                            music.

                                                 Skill                                                    Skill                                                        Skill

     Year 4            I can keep a simple part within a group when singing          I can play notes accurately on a glockenspiel             I can use breathing accurately to control the voice
                               and playing either the glockenspiel                                                                                            when singing a song

                             Knowledge                    Vocabulary                   Knowledge                     Vocabulary                     Knowledge                    Vocabulary
                                                                                                                                                 understand the
                          Understand the               ensemble                   Understand the               notes                          importance of                Voice
                           importance of                Group                       different notes of           Play                           breathing when               Breath
                           working as a group           Single                      a glockenspiel                                               singing
                                                                                                                  Accurately                                                  Control
                          Understand the               Solo                       Understand how to                                           Understand where
                                                                                                                  Glockenspiel                                                Song
                           different roles                                           read music                                                   the voice comes
                           within the group             Sing                                                                                                                  Diaphragm
Music                                                                                    Assessment

          Music                                    WT                                                                  Expected
Perform            • Sing melodies accurately – following a simple melody                  • Sing a range of songs from memory with accurate pitch
                   • Know when and how to play a glockenspiel and a range of un-tuned      • Keep a simple part within a group when singing and playing either
                   percussion instruments                                                  the glockenspiel or violin (Yr4)
                   • Use their voice and instruments to make long and short sounds         • Use breathing accurately to control the voice when singing a song
                   • Imitate changes in pitch using their voice and a glockenspiel         • Play notes accurately on a glockenspiel or violin (Yr4)
                                                                                           • Start to show awareness of an audience and how to perform with
                                                                                           greater control for others

Compose            • Use long and short sounds to create a sequence                        • Compose and perform melodic songs as part of a group and solo
                   • Clap a simple rhythm                                                  • Create repeated patterns using a glockenspiel and Violin (yr4) and
                   • Create a range of different sounds (long and short, loud and quiet,   a range of un-tuned instruments
                   high and low)                                                           • Create accompaniments for familiar tunes
                   • Choose sounds to create an effect for a specified theme               • Choose, order, combine and control sounds to create an effect for
                   • Create a short musical pattern                                        a specified theme
                   • Create a short rhythmic phrase
Transcribe         • Use symbols to represent a composition                                • Devise their own non-standard symbols to indicate when to play
                   • Perform their own and others musical representations                  and when to rest
                                                                                           • Recognise the notes EGBDF and FACE on the musical stave
                                                                                           • Recognise the symbols for a minim, crotchet and semibreve and
                                                                                           say how many beats they represent

Describing music   • Talk about the beat of a tune                                         • Talk about the terms: duration, timbre, pitch, beat, tempo, tex-
                   • Recognise and talk about changes in timbre, dynamics and pitch        ture and use of silence when describing music
                                                                                           • Evaluate music to identify areas of likes and dislikes
                                                                                           • Discuss the effect layers of sound have on the overall mood and
                                                                                           feeling of pieces of music from a range of genres

Musical Genres     Hip Hop, Reggae, Blues, Latin, Baroque, Folk, South African, Rock       RnB, Rap, Pop, Hip Hop, Soul, Gospel, Reggae and Disco
                      and Bhangra
National Curriculum Links                                                                                                PE

    NC1: I can use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination                                In Spring A, both Year 3 and 4 will participate in rugby training delivered by an external
    NC2: I can play competitive games, modified where appropriate and apply basic principles suitable for at-             coach. They will learn the rules of the sport and how to compete in a non contact game
    tacking and defending                                                                                                 safely.
    NC5: I can take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team               In Spring B, Year 3 and 4 will have another external coach teaching cricket. They will learn
                                                                                                                          how to bowl, hit and field. They will work towards having a cricket match between the year

                           Skill                                                        Skill                                                      Skill

   I can throw and catch with control and accuracy.                 I can strike a ball and field with control.      I can show an understanding of the basic rules to play a
                                                                                                                                                                                       Final Outcome


        Knowledge                   Vocabulary                      Knowledge                      Vocabulary               Knowledge                      Vocabulary
 To know the correct tech-
    nique to catch a ball             Control                 To know the difference                 Strike          To know the simple rules                 Rules
To know how to catch a ball          Accuracy                   attack and defence                    Field                of the field                        Out
           safely                     Throw
To know the different types
                                                             To know the correct way                Defence           To know how to score                 Boundaries
 of throws and which one is
                                       Catch                      to hold the bat                   Attack                     runs                         Wickets
      more appropriate                                       To know the importance                 Control                                                  Crease
                                                             of teamwork on the field                                                                         Runs

                           Skill                                                        Skill                                                      Skill

I can understand the importance of team work and how         I can understand the difference between attacking and   I can show how to handle the ball and how to throw and
                                                                                                                                                                                       Final Outcome
                this links to the game.                                            defending.                                          catch effectively.


        Knowledge                   Vocabulary                      Knowledge                      Vocabulary                Knowledge                     Vocabulary

To understand how play-             Team work                 To understand what it                Attacking         To understand how to hold                Pass
ers work together to ac-           Individuality              means to be on the at-               Defending             the ball correctly.                  Run
 complish their set goal                                                                                             To understand how to pass
                                                                       tack                        Team work           the ball correctly and
                                                              To understand what it                                          accurately                      Touch
                                                              means to be on the de-                                   To understand how to                  Catch
                                                                      fence                                          receive the ball correctly.
PE                                                                                                Assessment

                 PE                                        WT                                                                         Expected
            Games        Understand the concept of different teams.
                         Begin to use basic skills in succession. E.g. running and then kicking.
                                                                                                    Throw and catch with control and accuracy.
                                                                                                    Strike a ball and field with control.
                         Start to think about tactics e.g. what works well and what doesn’t.        Use knowledge of tactics to develop a strategy for a game.
                                                                                                    Understand the basic rules to play a game.
                                                                                                    Maintain possession of a ball (with, e.g. feet, a hockey stick or hands).
                                                                                                    Show ability to work together as a team and in some situations, lead a team.

            Dance        Follow a simple sequence and remember parts of the sequence.
                         Move with careful control and coordination.
                                                                                                    Plan, perform and repeat sequences.
                                                                                                    Move in a way appropriate to the sequence.
                         Create a simple sequence by linking basic moves together.                  Sequence movements together that begin to show understanding of an idea or a
                         Choose movements to communicate a mood, feeling or idea.                       theme.
                                                                                                    Change speed and levels within a performance.
                                                                                                    Develop physical strength and suppleness by practising more complex moves and

            Gymnastics   Watch an action and repeat it with accuracy.
                         Move with some control and awareness of space.
                                                                                                    Plan a sequence of actions.
                                                                                                    Refine movements into sequences.
                         Put actions together to form a sequence.                                   Show changes of direction, speed and level during a performance.
                         Travel by rolling forwards, backwards and sideways.                        Travel in a variety of ways, including flight, by transferring weight to generate
                         Begin to understand what a balance is and complete a range of bal-             power in movements.
                             ances.                                                                 Swing and hang from equipment safely (using hands).
                         Climb safely on equipment.
                         Jump in a variety of ways and land with increasing control and bal-

            Athletics                                                                               Sprint over a short distance using correct technique.
                                                                                                    Begin to run over longer distances and think about pacing.
                                                                                                    Develop different throws for different situations e.g. throwing underarm for
                                                                                                    Develop standing jumps and five step jumps focusing on landing correctly and
                                                                                                    Understand the concept of personal bests and how to develop and improve

                            Spring 1                                                                                                             Spring 2
Year 3 - Rugby                                                                                     Year 3 - Cricket (coach)

Year 4—Rugby (coach)                                                                               Year 4 - Cricket
Year 3

                                 National Curriculum Links Computing                                                                                   Computing
                                        Information Technology
                Create a presentation with slides with animations and transition effects.                                                        How do computers work?
                                           Computer Science
    Identify the uses of technology beyond school and discuss the reasons why they are helpful (e.g.
                                        robots and simulations).
                               Understand how a computer stores data.
                   Understand the main hardware components of a computer system.
       Understand how the internet works, including how it is structured and data travels along.
                                            Digital Literacy
                    Use search engines effectively and narrow search results down.

                            Skill                                                      Skill                                             Skill

        I can use the functions of a computer.                      I can explain how the Internet works.       I can use Google to search efficiently and narrow

       Knowledge                       Vocabulary                  Knowledge                     Vocabulary          Knowledge                    Vocabulary

I know the main uses of                Hardware             I know hoe the Internet               Internet     Know how search engines             Internet
computers and their role                                            works.                                      can be used to help us.                                    To create a presentation with voice
     in technology.                    Software                                                Search Engine                                     Search Engine               notes that explains the children’s
                                                              I know the different                             I know how to narrow my
 I know that all devices                                     parts required to gain                    URL      search using key words               URL
                                                                                                                                                                            learning on the ‘How do Computers
   can be sorted into                                        access to the internet.                                 and filters.                                         Work’ topic. The presentation is to be
  different categories.                                                                                DNS                                           DNS                  played to an audience so that they can
                                                              I know the role of the                                                                                            see what has been covered.
  I know the different                                        different parts of an              IP Address                                       IP Address
roles of computers in the                                        internet system.
  world that we live in.
Year 4

                                  National Curriculum Links Computing                                                                                          Computing
                                             Digital Literacy
   Explain how my online identity can be different to the identity presented in real life and describe                                                 Entering the digital world
           the right decisions about how to interact with others and how others perceive us.
                    Recognise the need to be careful before sharing anything online.
     Give reasons why you should only share information with people you choose to and can trust.
    Explain what is meant by ‘trusting someone online’ and explain why this is different from ‘liking
                                             someone online’.
   Understand and give reasons why strong passwords are important and describe simple strategies
                              for creating and keeping passwords private.
                 Explain what bullying is and can describe how people may bully others.

                            Skill                                                       Skill                                                  Skill

I can recognise the need to be careful before sharing          I can Explain what bullying is and can describe how   I can Explain why you need to think carefully about how
                   anything online.                                         people may bully others.                           content I post might affect others

       Knowledge                         Vocabulary                 Knowledge                     Vocabulary                Knowledge                    Vocabulary
                                                                                                                                                                                    Create a Google slides presentation
 I know what my online                 Digital footprint        I know what online                 Password          I know the places where              Password                  that includes information around the
      identity is.                                                  bullying is .                                    content might be posted                                        key topics that have been covered.
                                    Personal information                                         Social media                 online.                    Social media               These will include comic strips and
  I understand that a                                        I understand how it can
 person’s online identity              Privacy settings        affect other people               Cyberbullying        I understand that the             Cyberbullying
                                                                                                                                                                                    graphics that the children have
can be different to their                                            online.                                           content I post online                                        created throughout the topic.
     actual identity.                     Password                                              Communication          might affect others.            Communication
                                                             I know what the rules to
I know that I should only                                        follow are online.                 Hacking          I know how the things I               Hacking
 share information with                                                                                               post might affect my
     people I know.                                                                                                       online image.
Other Curriculum
  Enterprise drivers                   RE

                              Year 3 - (Unit Title)
                                  Key questions.

                              Year 4 - (Unit Title)
                                  Key Questions

British Values and SMSC           Jigsaw PSHE

                          Spring 1— Dreams and Goals

                            Spring 2— Healthy Me
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