YEAR 2021 IN REVIEW - Ghana Center for ...

Page created by Daniel Jones
Special Edition
                           Newsletter of the Ghana Center for Democratic Development                  March 2022

                                     YEAR 2021 IN REVIEW
  Introducon                                                THE RULE OF MEN CONTINUES TO
  The COVID-19 pandemic constuted significant                WEAKEN THE RULE OF LAW AND
  challenges to our way of life naonally and globally. In
  Ghana, the pandemic heightened and further exposed
                                                               Ministry of Naonal Security's acons following
  the gaps in our economic and polical structures. The
                                                               the armed invasion of CITI FM and the 'arrest'
  conduct of the December 2020 general elecons,               and assault of its reporter, Caleb Kudah
  which saw the elecon of the NPP administraon for a
  second term and an evenly-split Parliament, was
  threatened by a cloud of uncertainty but our collecve     On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, a reporter of CITI FM, an
  efforts ensured its relave success. Government's           Accra-based radio staon, Mr. Caleb Kudah, was
                                                             arrested by operaves of the Naonal Security
  efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus
                                                             Ministry. Mr. Kudah was arrested for allegedly taking
  while commendable, exposed the persistent gaps in          'unauthorized' pictures and videos of vehicles
  various sectors of the economy. The management of          procured with state funds but reportedly abandoned
  public resources as part of government's response to       for a long period of me and parked within the
  the pandemic also woefully exposed weaknesses in           premises of the Naonal Security Ministry. On the
  public accountability systems. The highhandedness of       same day, armed operaves of the Naonal Security
  security agencies during and aer the general              Ministry invaded the premises of CITI FM in 'rambo
  elecons connue to undermine internal security            style' in an a empt to arrest another reporter, Ms. Zoe
                                                             Abu-Baidoo, for allegedly receiving the pictures and
  efforts and the constuonal rights of cizens as a
                                                             videos taken by her colleague, Mr. Kudah. Ms. Abu-
  culture of complete disregard for the law and due          Baidoo was released aer a few hours, while her
  process creeps into the operaons of these security        colleague Mr. Kudah was released later on the same
  agencies.                                                  day.
  This special edion of Democracy Watch captures
                                                             Following widespread public anger and condemnaon
  some of the significant events and occurrences in the       by civil society groups, the Ministry of Naonal
  annals of our democracy in 2021, assesses their            Security announced its intenons to commission an
  implicaons for good governance in Ghana and makes         internal invesgaon into the incident and take
  recommendaons for policy makers to consider .             appropriate acon.
                                                             On Thursday, May 20, 2021, the Ministry announced
                                                             certain steps it had taken following its internal
  In this issue:                                             invesgaons. The Ministry found that its operaves
  Ÿ The Rule of Men Connues to Weaken the Rule of
    Law and Jusce
  Ÿ Ghana's Commitment to Fundamental Human Rights                Contributors
    Being Tested                                                  Ÿ Dr. Kojo Asante
  Ÿ Challenges with Public Accountability and                     Ÿ Mr. Nicholas Opoku
    Transparency in the Affairs of the State Persist               Ÿ Mr. David Asante-Darko
  Ÿ Unparliamentary Conduct and MPs Immunity Power
Democracy Watch Newsletter

 acted inappropriately in contravenon of ‘standard            and on the CITI FM premises, including the a empt to
 operang procedures’. The Ministry accordingly                “arrest” Ms. Zoe Abu-Baidoo of CITI FM, that the
 revoked the secondment to the Naonal Security                admonion and recommendaons of the Short
 Secretariat of certain personnel of the Ghana Armed           Commission, including in the area of recruitment and
 Forces and the Ghana Police Service who were found            training, have not been heeded to or implemented by
 to have been involved in or responsible for the               the relevant authories. In addion to the proposed
 incident, including Lt. Col. Frank Agyemang, Director         change in orientaon, it is our view that the current
 of Operaons at the Naonal Security Secretariat.             architecture of Naonal Security, including the lines
 The Ministry advised that the Ghana Armed Forces              of accountability, authority, command, and
 and Ghana Police Service take further disciplinary            responsibility needs a re-look. While the Security and
 acon against the officers involved. The Ministry also          Intelligence Act, 2020 (Act 1030) sought to answer
 found that Mr. Caleb Kudah's presence on the                  some of the pre-exisng structural and funconal
 Naonal Security Ministry's premises on the day of            challenges, it does not appear to have gone far
 the incident was ‘unlawful’ and ‘unauthorized’.               enough. Interagency and interpersonal turf ba les
                                                               evidently persist. With the designaon and
 CDD-Ghana acknowledges the swi acon taken by                appointment of a Minister in charge of Naonal
 the Minister of Naonal Security. We also note that           Security (both under this President and former
 this is one of the rare occasions that the Naonal            President Kufuor) it was expected that the “naonal
 Security ouit has admi ed publicly that some of its         security” funcon and apparatus would be both
 operaves had acted “inappropriately” in an                   be er streamlined and brought under firmer civilian
 encounter with cizens and also announced                     polical control, including from Parliament.
 administrave or disciplinary acons against the              Unfortunately, these formal organizaonal changes
 culpable officers. However, the Ministry sought to              have not translated into visible change in the way
 minimize the misconduct of its operaves by                   “Naonal Security” operates or in the way cizens
 describing the criminal assault against the person of         perceive and experience “Naonal Security”. Indeed,
 Mr. Kudah as merely ‘inappropriate’. This is                  it appears that the Minister for Naonal Security has
 regre able, as it does not send the right signal as          no proper or effecve oversight of the operaons of
 deterrence to officers of the Naonal Security                  the so-called Naonal Security “Secretariat”.
 apparatus. The Center also awaits the speedy                  Moreover, Act 1030 does not make clear what
 conclusion of the Naonal Media Commission's                  oversight Parliament has or should exercise over the
 invesgaons into the complaint filed by CITI FM on            Minister, Ministry or the Naonal Security Secretariat.
 this ma er. The Center would like to entreat the
 Government and the Minister of Naonal Security to            The Center appreciates the enormous and crical
 seize upon this incident as an opportunity to pursue          naonal security challenges the country faces,
 more far-reaching reforms in the Naonal Security             including security threats and developments in our
 apparatus and its operaons, as the problems                  immediate neighborhood. What this calls for,
 highlighted by the Kudah/CITI FM case has been                however, is enhanced trust, understanding and
 longstanding, recurring and systemic.                         cooperaon between cizens and the personnel and
                                                               agencies entrusted with frontline responsibility for
 This latest incident once again brings into focus, the        protecng the naon against credible and emerging
 importance of taking seriously the observaons and            threats to our security and cohesion. This goal is not
 recommendaons of the Emile Short Commission.                 advanced by unprofessional personnel in the name of
 Among other things, the Emile Short Commission                “Naonal Security ” that either tarnish the
 recommended that, “operaves of the Naonal                   professional reputaon and credibility of the various
 Security Council should be trained to internalize             naonal security agencies or alienates them from
 human rights rules including the provisions on the            important secons of the naonal community,
 fundamental human rights of the Constuon                    including the media. Effecve naonal security calls
 within their Standard Operang Procedures                     for a “whole-of-society” approach, not an “us” versus
 (SOPs).” It is clear from both the incidents at the           “them” mindset or posture that has a tendency to
 Naonal Security compound involving Mr. Kudah                 alienate certain groups of cizens or segments of

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     society or cause cizens to doubt the professionalism            the preliminary steps announced by the Naonal
     or integrity of persons acng in the name of naonal             Security Ministry. It impliedly, in our opinion,
     security.                                                        endorses his conduct and demonstrates the failure
                                                                      of the Chief of Defence Staff to recognize the gravity
     We call on Parliament to assume its righul place as             and far-reaching implicaons of the case.

     the mouthpiece of the cizenry and the principal
     governmental oversight body to ensure that the                   It also sends the wrong signal to members of the
     country has a Naonal Security system that is fit for             security agencies that they can disregard the law
     purpose. A good place to start is to revisit the Emile           and 'standard operang procedures' and get away
     Short Commission report and get Government to                    with it. It dwindles public confidence in the integrity
     commit to credible reforms both in the way Naonal               of the armed forces and undermines instuonal
     Security personnel are recruited and trained and in              efforts aimed at holding recalcitrant members of
     the way Naonal Security goes about performing its               the security agencies accountable. His elevaon
     mandate.                                                         equally encourages the growing culture of impunity
                                                                      amongst state actors who ought to be held to the
                                                                      highest professional standards.

            A good place to start is to revisit the
                 Short Commission report and get
                                                                      Following the assault on its reporter and the
             Government to commit to credible                         subsequent invasion of its premises by operaves
              reforms both in the way Naonal                         of the Naonal Security Ministry, the management
            Security personnel are recruited and                      of CITI FM and CITI TV peoned the Naonal
          trained and in the way Naonal Security                     Media Commission (NMC). The NMC in its report

            goes about performing its mandate.                        released on or about June 3, 2021, determined that
                                                                      the treatment meted out to Mr. Caleb Kudah by the
                                                                      Ministry of Naonal Security operaves and the
      The elevaon of Lt. Col. Frank Agyemang                         subsequent invasion of CITI FM/CITI TV premises on
                                                                      May 11, 2021, was wrongful. The NMC took the
     Among the steps taken by the Ministry of Naonal
                                                                      view that all instuons in a democrac state must
     Security and announced on Thursday, May 20, 2021,
                                                                      act within the law and adopt approaches that
     was the revocaon of the secondment to the
                                                                      reflect democrac values.
     Naonal Security Secretariat of Lt. Col. Frank
     Agyemang, Director of Operaons at the Naonal
     Security Secretariat. The Ministry had requested the
     Chief of Defence Staff to conduct further                                The undemocrac exercise of police powers
     invesgaon into the involvement of Lt. Col.                            in respect of civic protests
     Agyemang and adopt appropriate acon.
                                                                      The #FixTheCountry movement—an acvist group
     Contrary to expectaons that the Chief of Defence                which started with vigorous social media
     Staff, would act in accordance with the Ministry's                campaigns—has been repeatedly prevented from
     request, a memo from the Ghana Armed Forces                      embarking on its long-planned demonstraon by
     leaked to the media on Monday, May 24, 2021,                     the police administraon.
     revealed that the implicated officer, Lt. Col. Frank
     Agyemang, has been elevated to the posion of                    The group has for months been campaigning for
     Commanding Officer of the 64 Infantry Regiment of                  structural reforms in Ghana's economy which is
     the Ghana Armed Forces.                                          plagued with rising public debt, increasing youth
                                                                      unemployment, systemic corrupon, poor public
     The elevaon of Lt. Col. Agyemang to this high-                  healthcare, polluon of water bodies occasioned by
     ranking posion given his involvement in the CITI                illegal mining, power cuts, rising rents and fuel
     FM/ Caleb Kudah case is as surprising as it is                   prices among others.
     disappoinng. His elevaon completely disregards

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 A demonstraon in Accra planned by the movement                Second, by arresng these persons without any
 for May 9, 2021, was blocked by the police and the             formal charges, the police acted in breach of Arcle
 A orney-General with an 'indefinite' injuncon                 14(2) of the Constuon and Secon 9(1) of the
 secured from the High Court. The Court presided                Criminal and Other Offences (Procedure) Act, 1960
 over by Jusce Ruby Aryeetey in granng the ex                 (Act 30) which impose a duty on the police to
 parte injuncon applicaon restrained the                      immediately inform persons arrested of the reasons
 conveners of the #FixTheCountry movement “from                 for their arrest, restricon or detenon.
 embarking on the planned demonstraon slated for
 Sunday, May 9, 2021, or any other date unl the                CDD-Ghana believes strongly in the law as an
 restricon on public gathering is lied.”                      avenue to facilitate and advance the welfare of the
                                                                public. The Center finds the recurrent a empts to
 The group got the Supreme Court to quash the High              use the law to repress the rights of the public
 Court order on June 8, 2021. In a unanimous                    troubling. In a democrac dispensaon such as ours
 decision, the Supreme Court held that 'for the trial           where the rights to protest, assemble and speak
 judge to order the Applicants [#FixTheCountry                  freely are guaranteed by the Constuon, it is
 conveners] and their assigns be prohibited from                troubling for the police administraon to
 embarking on a demonstraon on the 9th of May,                 persistently employ mechanisms to prevent any
 2021 or any other date unl the Restricon on Public           group of persons from actualizing these rights. The
 Gatherings is lied by the appropriate authority, the          consistent use of ex parte injuncon applicaons to
 trial Court clearly exceeded its jurisdicon.' The             deny the #FixTheCountry group from embarking on
 Court reasoned that an ex parte injuncon                      its planned demonstraon is a repression of the
 applicaon granted by a High Court cannot remain in            freedoms enshrined in Arcle 21(1)(d) of the
 force for more than ten (10) days, according to Order          Constuon which assures Ghanaians of the
 25, Rule 1(9) of the High Court Civil Procedure Rules,         freedom of assembly including freedom to take part
 2004 (C.I 47).                                                 in processions and demonstraons.

 However, days aer the Supreme Court ruling, the               Such undemocrac use of police powers is even
 Police filed another injuncon applicaon at the                more troubling considering the instrumental role
 High Court seeking to prevent the group from                   the office of the A orney-General played in
 embarking on its protest.                                      securing the 'indefinite' order from the High Court.
                                                                The Centre disagrees with the Ghana Police Service
 On June 25, 2021, eleven (11) members of the                   in its posion that the reasons given by the
 #FixTheCountry group were arrested, ostensibly for             conveners for the planned demonstraon were not
 gathering in front of the High Court complex in Accra          compelling. It is not the place of the police
 while the hearing of the injuncon applicaon was              administraon to determine the propriety or
 ongoing. They were later released without charge.              otherwise of a planned demonstraon.

 The unlawful arrest of these persons and the                   Whereas the Center takes very seriously the
 persistent efforts by the police administraon to               challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need
 prevent the group from embarking on their protest is           to observe all necessary prevenve protocols, it also
 a yet another manifestaon of the undemocrac                  takes rigorous cognizance of the fact that the
 exercise of police powers in Ghana.                            COVID-19 argument advanced by the police as the
                                                                basis for the injuncon applicaons is problemac.
 First, merely gathering at a public place such as the          The same police administraon prevenng a group
 High Court Complex is not a crime, especially given            from embarking on a protest cing COVID-19
 the facts of this case which show that these persons           restricons on public gatherings, sat back for a
 had gathered in wait of a decision of the High Court           massive funeral (a super spreader event) to be
 in a case which they were pares to and or had an              organised for the late former NPP General Secretary
 interest in.                                                   and former CEO of the Forestry Commission, Mr.
                                                                Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie (aka Sir John) in breach of

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the COVID-19 restricons on public gatherings.                         Vehicle.'(p.49 of the report) (pp. 49,50 of the
                                                                       report); (iii) 'there was no proper coordinaon in
The general disposion of the police in handling this                  the handling of the situaon by the Police' (p. 51 of
case seems to be one of strong-arming and tyranny;                     the report). The Commi ee also found that (iv)
                                                                       'there was no proper security briefing and
an a tude which is at odds with the mandate of the
                                                                       intelligence gathering and sharing. From the
police to maintain law and order.                                      evidence of the Ashan Regional Minister who is
                                                                       the Chair of the Regional Security Council
An obvious need exists to reorient the Ghana Police                    (REGSEC), it is obvious that the intelligence
Service in the execuon of their mandate. However,                     informaon he received caused him to authorize
the challenge that is apparent here is the age-old one                 the deployment of the military…if there was a
of government using state apparatus to deny and                        proper sharing of intelligence informaon among
repress the freedoms of the cizenry. The                              members of REGSEC and their respecve
government needs to be more a uned to the needs                       organizaons this “knee-jerk” approach would not
of the naon and the demands of the populace.                          have been adopted in the handling of the situaon
                                                                       on the ground…this escalated the situaon and
                                                                       thereby provided grounds for the deployment of
 Unlawful killings at Ejura and ma ers arising                        the Military.' (pp. 51,52 of the report); (v)
                                                                       'immediately the personnel touched down they
                                                                       started firing the warning shots…we note that
On Tuesday, June 29, 2021, two (2) persons,                            although the firing of live ammunion achieved the
idenfied as Abdul Nasir Yusif and Murtala                              intended purpose of dispersing the rioters, it le in
Mohammed, were reportedly shot and killed by                           its trail, unnecessary deaths, pain and suffering of
s e c u r i t y fo rc e s w h e n t h e yo u t h o f E j u ra          the people of Ejura. This in the view of the
Sekyedumase in the Ashan Region were protesng                        Commi ee could have been prevented if the Police
                                                                       had prepared adequately in terms of personnel and
the brutal murder of Ibrahim Mohammed alias
                                                                       logiscs upon receiving the intelligence
'Kaaka', a community acvist. Four (4) other persons                   informaon prior to the events of June 29, 2021
were also severely injured as a result of the brutal                   (pp.52,53 of the report).’
force used by security forces.                                         These findings and the conduct of the Commi ee's
                                                                       work raise a number of concerns.
A video of the protest captured live and broadcast by
the Mulmedia Group shows military personnel,                          First, the Commi ee's finding that 'there was no
upon arrival at the scene, fired warning shots into the                 proper security briefing and intelligence gathering
air and then took aim at the protesters, firing live                    and sharing' among members of REGSEC and their
rounds into the crowd and reportedly killing the two                   respecve organisaons; a development which led
protesters and injuring four others.
                                                                       to the 'knee-jerk approach' in the handling of the
A three-member commi ee led by Jusce George                          incident is deeply worrying. It shows that the
Kingsley Koomson (a Jusce of the Court of Appeal)                     REGSEC and the Police administraon have to work
constuted by the Interior Minister to invesgate the                  harder in the management of civic protests. Given
unfortunate occurrences at Ejura and related                           the demographics of the country and growing
ma ers presented its report to the Interior Minister                  inequality, these types of civic formaons and
on July 27, 2021.                                                      protests are likely to be frequent.

Amongst the Commi ee's findings were that (i) 'the                     Second, the involvement of the military in internal
death of “Kaaka” was not directly linked to his social                 security ma ers and the Standard Operang
media acvism. It [was] more probably a family fued.'                  Procedures (SOPs) of the security apparatus in such
(p. 49 of the report); (ii) 'there was no need or
                                                                       situaons have to be reviewed. The Commi ee's
jusficaon for the dispatch of a Police Riot Vehicle
(water canon) to the cemetery on the morning of the                    finding should provide impetus for the naonal
29th of June…the presence of the Riot Vehicle at the                   security hierarchy to re-examine the regional
cemetery on June 29 was an act of provocaon which                     security apparatus including the lines of
incensed an already angry and violent youth, thereby                   communicaon, accountability, authority,
culminang in the a ack on the Police Riot                            command, and responsibility to prevent the

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 reoccurrence of the unfortunate incidents at Ejura.           Illegal mining, Professor Kwabena Frimpong
                                                               Boateng, of the government's commitment to
 Finally, though the Commi ee suffered a credibility           protecng the environment.
 crisis during the hearing as it sought to blame the
 media for the violence in Ejura, its final report was          In a renewal of his commitment to the fight against
 well received except the conclusions drawn on the             'galamsey,' the President commissioned 'Operaon
 reasons for the murder of Kaaka and who may have              Halt', a mission against illegal mining that began
 done the killing. Those early lapses were difficult to          with 200 men drawn from the Ghana Armed Forces
 explain given the composion of the Commi ee. In             and the Police Service. It has since progressed to
 the future, it may be useful to provide such                  include 400 men as at the commencement of the
 commi ees with stronger technical support and                fourth phase where they have been tasked with
 advisors as was successfully done with the Emile              “removing all persons and logiscs involved in
 Short Commission which invesgated the violence               mining on water bodies.” The disnguishing
 that characterized the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-                element in this new drive to tackle the galamsey
 elecon in 2019.                                              menace, is that as underscored by the Minister of
                                                               Defence, Mr. Dominic Niwul, unlike in previous
                                                               a empts to flush out illegal miners from Ghana's
  The connuing struggle against 'galamsey'                    water bodies and forest reserves, the government
                                                               announced that all equipment seized under this
 Following measures instuted during his first term as          new effort to end galamsey will be destroyed on-
                                                               site. The first leg of the operaon, dubbed
 President to eliminate the menace of illegal small-
                                                               ‘Operaon Halt’ was undertaken on the Pra river
 scale mining, (aka 'galamsey') which have either had          and resulted in the arrest of two Chinese naonals
 very limited success or outrightly failed, the                at An eku near Twifo Praso in the Central Region
 President, Nana Akufo Addo introduced a set of                for illegally mining in a forest reserve. On May 7,
 measures aimed at countering the problem at the               2021, the Ghana Armed Forces deployed 400
 start of his second term. Measures taken by the               soldiers of all ranks to begin the second phase of
 government to counter illegal mining in the past              'Operaon Halt' to rid the country's water bodies of
 included the use of drone technology, fi ng tracking          illegal miners. On May 11, 2021, the Minister of
 devices in excavators used in mining districts, the           Defense, Dominic Niwul, revealed that some 28
                                                               excavators used in illegal mining acvies had been
 deployment of 'Operaon Vanguard', 'Galamstop'
                                                               destroyed, along with some 218 chanfangs, five
 and the establishment of district mining commi ees           canons, eight industrial ba eries and 18 water
 in mining areas across the country. These measures            drilling machines.
 also included a temporal ban on the acvies of
 small-scale miners in March 2017 as part of efforts to         In the wake of the new measures to tackle illegal
 sanise the mining sector and protect the                     mining, grave concerns have been expressed about
 environment. Following the introducon of these               the pracce of burning excavators and other mining
 measures, recurrent news reports about the                    equipment and its legality. The General Secretary of
 destrucon of forest reserves and landscapes                  the Small-Scale Miners Associaon, Godwin Armah,
                                                               said the current law only mandates state authories
 through illegal mining suggest that the measures
                                                               to seize such equipment and not burn them as being
 have been anything but successful. A endant to               done by the military task force deployed to fight the
 these have been repeated complaints from the                  menace. In Parliament on May 28, 2021, the
 Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) about the                  Member of Parliament for Tamale South Haruna
 adverse effects of illegal mining acvies on their            Iddrisu, quesoned the legality of the direcve to
 storage and generaon capacity. They even sounded             burn mining equipment upon their seizure. In
 repeated warnings of an imminent water crisis                 response to a statement by the President endorsing
 should illegal mining acvies connue. Illegal               the burning of excavators, Mr. Haruna Iddrisu
 mining acvies connued, and the unhindered                  begged to know which law in the Constuon that
                                                               the President had sworn an oath to protect and be
 destrucon, along with it, despite assurances by the
                                                               guided by, permi ed the burning of mining
 then Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Task Force on          equipment upon their seizure. The majority leader
                                                               and Member of Parliament for the Suame

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constuency, Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu responded by                 of the environment has only seemed to worsen with
saying that in instances where operators of illegal              me regardless of the effort invested by
mining equipment were arrested alongside the                     government in the fight against illegal mining. The
seizure of their equipment, mining equipment were                Center here, takes parcular cognizance of the
not burnt. But in situaons where illegal miners                 looming water crisis which Ghana Water Company
absconded, rendering excavators immovable by                     Limited (GWCL) connually sounds an alarm about
removing the vital cog, Operaon Halt II agents were             amid recurrent complaints of the adverse effects of
le with li le opon other than to 'cause further               illegal mining acvies on their storage and
immobilisaon' of the excavator by burning it.                   generaon capacity. The Center also takes
                                                                 parcular note of reports of how the EU, alarmed by
Responding to the issue of the legality of the pracce           satellite images showing the level of degradaon to
in quesons filed by the Member of Parliament for                 Ghana's forest areas in recent years, has threatened
North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the                        to restrict cocoa from Ghana. The EU, is said to
Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, cing                  constute the market for about 80% of Ghana's
Arcle 36(9) of the Constuon which mandates the                cocoa, and that is why it is worrisome li le concern
state to “take appropriate measures needed to                    is shown considering the rate of destrucon of our
protect and safeguard the naonal environment for                water bodies and forest reserves.
posterity”, stated that the government and the an-
galamsey task force were well within their rights to             It begs quesons about our commitment to the
burn excavators found at illegal mining sites. The               fight against illegal mining, how four Chinese
manner of decommissioning and demobilizaon                      naonals, Shi Li Wen, Huang Shen Jun, Li DeHao and
was at the discreon of officials, he said. Addressing             Lan Hai Song who on June 3, 2021, were found
concerns raised about how the burning of mining                  guilty of illegally mining a 40-acre land in Obuasi,
equipment could a ract judgement debts to the                   were slapped with deportaon instead of being
state, the Minister of Informaon, Kojo Oppong                   imprisoned. It is the view of the Center that success
Nkrumah, said no court was going to grant a                      in the fight against illegal mining cannot materialize
judgement debt to an illegal miner whose mining                  unl the war being waged on mining equipment is
equipment were seized and burnt by the                           directed at the individuals undertaking the illegal
government.                                                      acvity and the appropriate penales and
                                                                 sancons, meted out to pares determined by the
A general observaon by CDD-Ghana regarding the                  law courts to be in breach of the regulaons
current fight against illegal mining, is that there               governing small-scale mining. Parcularly, the
seems to be too much emphasis on the nuisance                    Center would implore the judiciary to expedite
that mining equipment constute and not enough                   acon on the prosecuon of suspects arrested for
energy in arresng, prosecung and incarcerang                  illegal mining and also to be measured in granng
the kingpins and illegal miners deploying the                    leniency.
equipment. CDD-Ghana finds the disparity between
the resources being sunk into the destrucon of                  A significant challenge that has to be noted about
equipment seized and the effort being put in the                  the effecveness of the exercises conducted to
prosecuon of illegal miners arrested despairingly               clamp down on illegal mining has been how
wide. The Centre holds the view that the fight against            centralized they are. Communies plagued by
illegal mining in the country has been ongoing for far           illegal mining are rife with reports of illegal miners
too long for successive administraons that have                 returning upon the conclusion of an-illegal mining
tackled it to not have made arrests of any of the key            drives commissioned by the government. The
players involved in the menace. This view is in line             discreonary manner of these exercises as against
with views expressed by His Majesty Otumfour Nana                their sheer costs give the Center some concerns
Osei Tutu II at the Regional Consultave Dialogue on             about their sustainability over the long-term. It is
Small Scale Mining in the AshanRegion on May 12,                the view of the Center that a collaborave effort
2021. Addressing the people gathered at the                      between the government and the various chiefs
funcon, he said, “When we divide the audience in                and district heads will deliver be er results. The
this room into ten, 30 percent of them will know                 Center therefore advocates the decentralizaon of
those involved in galamsey…If you are not truthful,              efforts in the fight against illegal mining in the
we will keep deceiving ourselves and be organizing               country. It is the posion of the Center that the
conferences such as this.”                                       devolvement of the fight to the lower echelons of
It is a regre able observaon to make that the state            administraon will make not only for more

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 sustainable and effecve outcomes but is also more                    the Circuit Court was unwilling to deviate from it.
 likely to constute less of a drain on the state's                   The accused persons connue to remain in police
 coffers. The Center also believes this is the only                    custody.
 guaranteed way to ensure that areas that have been
 rid of illegal miners connue to stay free of illegal                CDD-Ghana is appalled at how the Courts and the
 miners instead of yielding to this vicious cycle where
                                                                      State have handled this ma er and have allowed
 illegal mining acvies spring up again the moment
                                                                      these young Ghanaians to be incarcerated for 19
 security forces sent to clamp down on the menace
 vacate the site of the illegal mining.                               days and counng.

                                                                      First, it is clear that gathering to educate people at a
 GHANA'S COMMITMENT TO                                                hotel venue on LGBT+ issues is not a criminal act or
 FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS                                             crime under the Constuon or any statute. At the
 BEING TESTED                                                         me of their arrest, the arrestees were not engaged
                                                                      in or found to have engaged in any unlawful act or in
    The arrest and prosecuon of LGBT+ acvists                       possession of any unlawful or prohibited items.
    and ma ers arising                                               Their arrest and subsequent mistreatment are,
                                                                      therefore, a clear violaon of their constuonal
                                                                      right to freedom of assembly and associaon.
 On May 20, 2021, the Volta Regional Police                           Second, given the charge that has been preferred
 Command arrested 21 young alleged Lesbian Gay                        against them, which is, at worst, a misdemeanor,
 Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) acvists in Ho. The                  and the facts of the case (facts which hardly support
 accused persons, comprising 16 women and 5 men,                      the charge), the inferior court judge ought to have
 were arrested aer Police invaded a hotel where a                    been guided by the prevailing law on the
 conference on human rights was ongoing. On May                       determinaon of bail applicaons. The circuit
 21, 2021, the accused persons were brought before                    court's refusal to grant bail on three (3) different
 the Circuit Court, Ho, on the charge of unlawful                     occasions unfairly prejudices the accused persons
 assembly under Secon 202 of the Criminal Offences                    even before their trial. This is at variance with the
 Act, 1960 (Act 29). Their bail applicaon was denied                 Supreme Court decision in Marn Kpebu v
 by His Honour Felix Datsomor on grounds that the                     A orney-General (2016), Secon 96 of the Criminal
 Police required more me to invesgate the ma er.                   and Other Offences (Procedure) Act, 1960 (Act 30)
 The accused persons were remanded in police                          and the Pracce Direcon for the Determinaon of
 custody. Counsel for the accused persons appealed                    Bail and Consequenal Ma ers issued by the Chief
 the decision on the bail applicaon at the High Court                Jusce in 2019.
 but this appeal was also refused on grounds that the
 accused persons were a flight risk.                                   The occasional use of archaic colonial legal relics
                                                                      like Secon 202 of Act 29 by the police to
 O n J u n e 4 , 2 0 2 1 , t h e P r o s e c u t o r, C h i e f       undermine constuonal rights, parcularly the
 Superintendent Ayamga, told the Circuit Court, Ho,                   right to assemble, exposes the stagnaon we
 that the ma er had been referred to the A orney-                   connue to experience in efforts to promote and
 General for advice. A second applicaon for bail                     protect human rights in Ghana.
 made by counsel for the accused persons was
 unopposed by the prosecutor. The Circuit Court                       In a democrac dispensaon where the rights of all
 Judge, His Honour Felix Datsomor, adjourned the                      persons, including social minories, are guaranteed
 case to June 8, 2021 to consider the arguments made                  under the Constuon, targeng and singling out
 by counsel. The accused persons were once again,                     LGBT+ persons for such harsh and unfair treatment,
 remanded in police custody. When the court                           merely for associang and assembling with each
 reconvened on June 8, 2021, the Circuit Court judge                  other for noncriminal purposes, including to plan
 refused the bail applicaon again on grounds that a                  advocacy for be er treatment under the law,
 High Court had already decided on the ma er and                     further marginalizes and vicmizes them and sets a
                                                                      dangerous precedent for the treatment of

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Special Edition - May 2020

unpopular minories in general. The Constuon                   protect cizens who on mere suspicion of being gay,
does not prohibit any group of cizens from banding              have been harassed and abused by individuals,
together to advocate for be er treatment under the              usually acng in concert with officials of security
law, including for reform of the law or of law                   services.
enforcement to enhance their lives as equal cizens.
The Center calls on the A orney-General who is
clothed with the State's exclusive prosecutorial
power under the Constuon to intervene in this                       Achimota School's refusal to enroll
ma er and stop the needless connuing harassment                     Rastafarian students, High Court decision
and violaon of the constuonal rights of these 21                   and ma ers arising
                                                                 On March 19, 2021, Tyrone Marghuy and Oheneba
The Center also calls on the Commission on Human                 Kwaku Nkrabea, both young Rastafarian students
Rights and Administrave Jusce (CHRAJ) to take                  were refused enrolment aer having gained
proacve steps, including public educaon, to                    admission to Achimota School, a second cycle
ensure that all cizens, regardless of social approval           educaonal instuon. Achimota School claimed
or disapproval of their personal choices and                     the hairstyle of the two students; 'dreadlocks'—a
preferences in purely private ma ers, are able to               highly regarded emblem amongst members of the
exercise and enjoy the rights guaranteed equally to              Rastafari community—was against the rules and
all persons under the Constuon without social or               regulaons of the instuon. Authories of the
official harassment.                                               school insisted both boys would have to shave their
                                                                 dreadlocks to be enrolled.
On August 5, 2021, the case against the 21 LGBTQ+                Given widespread media backlash on Achimota's
acvists arrested in Ho and charged with the offence              decision, the Ghana Educaon Service (GES)
of 'unlawful assembly' was dismissed by the Court.               ordered the school to enroll both boys but the
Chief Supt. Akolgo Yakubu Ayamga, a police                       school blatantly defied the order. Amid mixed
                                                                 reacon from the public, a number of the school's
prosecutor, said the A orney-General had advised
                                                                 affiliates, including the Parent Teacher Associaon
there was insufficient evidence to connue with the                (PTA) of the school, the Old Achimota Associaon
prosecuon of the acvists.                                      (OAA), an associaon of alumni and former staff of
                                                                 the school, the Naonal Associaon of Graduate
This is welcoming news. However, the ordeal of                   Teachers (NAGRAT) and the Ghana Naonal
these LGBTQ+ acvists at the hands of the Police and             Associaon of Teachers (GNAT) either came out to
many such cases in the recent past bring into sharp              support or re-echo the school's stance on the
focus Ghana's commitment to fulfilling its                        ma er. A statement by the PTA cited Secon H
internaonal human rights obligaons. Some of the                (General Appearance) Item 3 of the Achimota
21 LGBTQ+ acvists arrested and detained in Ho                   School's revised rules and regulaons (August 2020)
were subjected to harsh detenon condions,                      which states that: “Students must keep their hair
                                                                 low, simple and natural. (Students' hair should not
according to Human Rights Watch. While some were
                                                                 go through any chemical process). The scalp must
brutally arrested by the police and detained in                  not show.”
dungeon-like cells with woeful venlaon, others
were tortured while in police custody. One acvist               In a baffling about-turn, the GES reversed its
disclosed to Human Rights Watch that she was                     posion, calling for a meeng between the parents
detained in a cell together with males for a day                 of the Rastafarian teenagers and the authories of
because the police insisted she is not female.                   the school, at which it tried to compel the
                                                                 Rastafarians to yield to the demands of the school.
These incidents and the grotesque circumstances                  On March 31, 2021, Tyron Iras Marhguy (acng
under which persons suspected of being members of                through his father, Tereo Marhguy) sued Achimota
the LGBTQ+ community are treated highlight the                   School's Board of Governors and the A orney-
                                                                 General at the High Court, Accra, asking the Court to
need for the State to take the necessary acon to
                                                                 declare that the refusal of the First Respondent –

                                                                                                              Page 9
Democracy Watch Newsletter

 being the Board of Governors of the Achimota                     some African countries about appropriate school
 School – to enroll the Applicant on the basis of his             and workplace hairstyles and the progressive
 Rastafarian beliefs as expressed in his dreadlocks, is           regulaons being enacted and enforced. It is
 a violaon of his fundamental human rights and                   worthy to note, as a country way ahead of Ghana in
 freedoms guaranteed under Arcles 12(1), 23,                     adopng progressive and more inclusive a tudes
 21(1)(b)(c) of the 1992 Constuon. On May 31,                   towards hairstyles in schools, South Africa sll
 2021, the Court ruled in favour of the Rastafarian               contends with intermi ent scandals involving the
 student. The Court reasoned that the fundamental                 violaon of human rights in relaon to hairstyles in
 human rights of the Rastafarians cannot be limited               schools.
 by the rules and regulaons of the school.
                                                                  The Center is however concerned with the manner
 CDD-Ghana welcomes the decision of the High                      in which clear direcves issued by state regulatory
 Court on this ma er. The Center also commends the               instuons (in this case the GES), were casually
 learned trial judge, Jusce Giy Agyei Addo, for                 disregarded by the school. The Center is equally
 conducng the case expediously in order to                      concerned about public statements made by
 protect the rights of the affected students. The                  persons occupying high profile posions of public
 Centre condemns Achimota School's inial failure to              trust (including the First Deputy Speaker of
 enroll the two students as an infringement on the                Parliament and MP for Bekwai, Joe Osei-Wusu)
 rights and freedoms of the students provided for                 endorsing the unconstuonal posion of
 under arcles 12(1), 23, and 21(1)(b)(c) of the 1992             Achimota school. What strikes the Centre as
 Constuon. The growing wanton disregard and                     equally morfying is the way the GES changed its
 abuse of the rights of persons, parcularly minority             inial stance to support the school, as though it
 groups by public instuons have assumed worrying                were taking instrucons from the school when by
 proporons recently. A noted instance of grave                   statutory design Achimota ought to comply with
 concern, with striking similaries to the case of the            GES direcves.
 Rastafarian boys is the incident at Wesley Girls
 Senior High School where Muslim students have                    The Center however acknowledges, that whereas
 been prevented from observing several customs                    the victory of the two Rastafarian boys at the court
 demanded by their religion, with fasng during the               and their subsequent enrolment at Achimota
 Ramadan prominent among them. The Centre notes                   School will not spell doom as has been suggested in
 that the conduct of Wesley Girls High School is in               certain quarters, there is the need for consultave
 clear breach of the rights of its Muslim student                 deliberaon among stakeholders to determine
 populaon. It is the expectaon of the Centre that               some fundamental rules to which students must
 the Court's decision in the case of the Rastafarian              conform in high schools.
 students brings to an end the troubling affinity for
 discriminang against minority groups in public                  Ghana has just embarked on a journey on which
 instuons.                                                      others have far advanced, adopng progressive
                                                                  measures in establishing a secure environment
 Apart from the fact that the denial of enrolment to              conducive to the rights and the freedoms of one
 the two Rastafarian boys was in violaon of their                and all. It is a journey that should permit us all to
 fundamental human rights, a salient feature of the               discard old prejudices, learn and grow.
 case is how foreign or non-African students at the
 very same instuon are rounely allowed to keep
 hair that is in clear contradicon with the spulated
 rules and regulaons of the school, despite how
 sacred we are made to believe the school holds its                     “which
                                                                         Ghana has just embarked on a journey on
                                                                               others have far advanced, adopng
 rules and regulaons. For a populaon that is                            progressive measures in establishing a
 predominantly black, it is disturbing how this mirrors
                                                                        secure environment conducive to the rights
 the racial undertones apparent in cases of
 discriminaon in a country like South Africa involving                   and the freedoms of one and all. It is a
 black hair. It is a good thing that the case called                    journey that should permit us all to discard

 a enon to the issue of hairstyles in public spaces in                      old prejudices, learn and grow.
 the country and opened a vital conversaon in the
 country in light of all the contenon going on in

Page 10
Special Edition - March 2022

CHALLENGES WITH PUBLIC                                                     Leader in Parliament, Alexander Afenyo Markin,
ACCOUNTABILITY                                                             confirmed that Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al
AND TRANSPARENCY IN THE AFFAIRS OF                                         Maktoum had refunded the sum of $2.47 million to
THE STATE PERSIST                                                          government.
                                                                           Despite the disaffecon of the Minority in
    3. What
             is theof
                                      vaccine scandal                      Parliament and the public uproar surrounding
    and its implicaons
                  role in defending
                           for public acons
                                      accountability                       these irregularies, these acon by the Minister
    and the rule
                  of law
                      State agents?                                        and government represent a long-established
                                                                           pa ern of disregard for regulaon and propriety in
                                                                           government procurement that stretches further
On March 6, 2021, the Norwegian news outlet                                back than the very first dealings involving the
Vergens Gan released a story detailing the                                 Sheikh. The decision by the Minister of Health to
involvement of Ghanaian health authories in a                             resort to middle men with an established record of
vaccine deal with Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al                                  quesonable dealings with the country, especially
Maktoum, an agent of the sub-distributors of the                           when he knew he could contact the Russian
RDIF's Sputnik-V in Ghana and second cousin to the                         authories directly and had the means to do so,
ruler of Dubai. On March 9, 2021, an agreement was                         does not paint his intenons in a posive light,
signed by Sheik Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum with                              despite his claims to the contrary.
the Ministry of Health for the sale of 3.4 million doses
of the Russian Sputnik-V vaccine to Ghana at $19 per                       The claim by the Minister that he hit a diplomac
dose while a dose was going for $10 on the                                 wall in his a empt to contact Russian authories or
internaonal market. According to the agreement,                           that he opted to deal with the sheikh out of a desire
the first 300,000 of these doses were to be delivered                       to “deal with enes that demonstrated the
within the first two weeks following the agreement. A                       availability and capacity to deliver vaccines with
week following this agreement, on March 16, 2021,                          acceptable efficacy and safety standards,” woefully
another agreement was signed with S. L. Global for 5                       comes up short. Following the development of the
million doses at $18.5 a dose.                                             Sputnik vaccine for the new coronavirus, Russian
                                                                           manufacturers were eager to engage partners.
Aer an alarm was raised by two MPs of the Naonal                         Details on the Sputnik-V website indicated that the
Democrac Congress, Haruna Iddrisu and Kwabena                             manufacturers were already in business with 14
Mintah Akandoh, it came to light at the si ng of an                       countries producing their vaccine abroad,
ad hoc commi ee set up to invesgate the ma er,                          including India, China, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Iran,
that Honourable Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, the                                    Italy, South Korea, Argenna, Kazakhstan, the
Minister of Health who acted on behalf of the                              Republic of Belarus, Serbia, Turkey, Vietnam and
Government of Ghana ('GoG'), failed to obtain                              were “looking forward to new partners willing to
parliamentary approval. This was glaringly an                              join this iniave and help save lives.”
i n t e r n a o n a l a g r e e m e n t w h i c h r e q u i r e d
Parliamentary scruny and approval in accordance                           The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a
with arcle 181 of the 1992 Constuon ('the                               legion of responses from both government and
Constuon'). It was also revealed that the minister                       non-governmental agencies in a range of efforts to
failed to obtain the approval of the Public                                combat the pandemic. The result was collaboraon
Procurement Authority for the two agreements                               among agencies at various levels in the private
signed in relaon to the deal and that although the                        sector and also within the government, where the
minister swore under oath that no money has been                           iniaves like the Coronavirus Alleviaon
paid, almost $2.85 million, being half the contract                        Programme, managed by the Naonal Board for
sum of $5.7 million for the 300,000 doses, had been                        Small Scale Industries, strived to augment the
paid. A day prior to his appearance before the nine-                       Presidenal Inter-ministerial Taskforce, a joint
member ad hoc commi ee of Parliament, the                                 effort between several ministries and government
Minister of Health announced the cancellaon of the                        agencies, frontline staff and the ministry of health,
contract. On August 12, 2021 Deputy Majority                               to find out the best ways to blend regular

                                                                                                                        Page 11
Democracy Watch Newsletter

 administraon with strategies to tackle the                             Following from the facts of this debacle, it goes
 pandemic. This cooperaon was the outcome of                            strictly against the principles of good governance
 the realizaon that combined efforts by various                          for the Deputy Majority Leader in Parliament,
 state instuons and agencies was the only way to                       Afenyo Markin, to state in his role as chairman of the
 mount an effecve front against the disease. It                          commi ee that invesgated the ma er, that the
 therefore raises quesons as to how come                                “ma er must come to a finality and we have to
 decisions involving the choice and procurement of                       move on as a country,” essenally implying that the
 vaccines, a salient strategy in the fight against the                    Minister of Health should not be brought to account
 pandemic, could essenally be le to one person's                       for his failure to comply with due process. In what
 discreon. It is quite unse ling that the impression                   other instance does one invoke the rule of law if
 was created that in the heat of such a crical health                   such glaring violaons of administrave procedure
 crisis, the government had no reservaons about                         are allowed to transpire without consequence?
 pu ng significant secons of his populaon at risk,                     How, by failing to ensure that appropriate punive
 by procuring such sensive arcles as vaccines from                     measures are rendered to faulng individuals, do
 a business enty with no business line or record of                     we ensure that such violaons do not happen
 handling vaccines. It is inconsistent with due                          again?
 process and the mandate of the Ministry of Finance
 that acon on such a quesonable deal by the                            There is the need to ensure that state resources are
 ministry was pursued and expedited to such                              used judiciously, even during a pandemic. Despite
 terminal degree, and even on the blindside of the                       the increased degree to which countries have been
 Minister of Health, the originator of the deal,                         compelled to work together in tackling the COVID-
 despite a prior prompt by the A orney-General                          19 outbreak, collaborang and sharing data and
 regarding several clauses in the agreements and an                      resources, the uncertainty surrounding the
 instrucve cauon by the same office that the                             pandemic, with respect to what new form it will take
 a g r e e m e n t s a m o u n t e d t o i n t e r n a o n a l          or when or if it will ever end, sll places individual
 agreements and as such required parliamentary                           countries under serious obligaon to protect and
 approval.                                                               maintain the health of their cizens and also to be
                                                                         frugal in their management of economic resources.
 In light of our prevailing circumstances, measures                      In the case of Ghana, it brings to the fore the need to
 must be put in place to enable the country prepare                      revamp our health facilies, and enhance our
 adequately for unforeseen occurrences of this                           capacity for research and innovaon. Essenals for
 nature in the future. Any sustainable or meaningful                     the treatment of COVID-19 paents were inially
 effort in this regard will however call for a new                        limited to facilies like Noguchi Memorial Instute
 dynamic in which regulaons that guide our                              for Medical Research. Mortality rates in the country
 government and state instuons are not flouted                          for COVID-19 at the me could have been greatly
 with such flagrant and reckless abandon by the very                      reduced if health facilies across the country were
 agents meant to exemplify duty and deference to                         adequately equipped with such equipment as
 our state instuons, including parliament. The                         personal protecve equipment (PPEs), oxygen
 sheer urgency of this is found in the u er lack of                     cylinders, etc. There are even at the present,
 regard for the public mandate exhibited by the                          considerable challenges for the country in the
 failure of the Ministry of Finance to noce the                         procurement and distribuon of an adequate
 several procurement regulaons that the le ers of                      number of vaccine doses for the enre populaon.
 credit issued for this deal were in breach of. It is                    Available stocks are nowhere near the quanes
 further accentuated by the u er lack of                                required to protect the enre country. Upholding
 transparency or commitment to accountability                            the rule of law in this case may not merely be in the
 exhibited in how despite the effort and public                           interest of democracy or good governance but also
 resources expended on the instuons implicated,                        a desperate ma er of survival.
 the Ghanaian public would very likely have never
 been privy to the breach of public trust and the
 breach of the constuon were it not for the
 Norwegian newspaper.

Page 12
Special Edition - March 2022

                                                                  parcularly in the area of conflict of interest.
   Conflict of interest allegaons against                         Chapter 24 of the 1992 Constuon (arcles 284-
   Minister of State at the Finance Ministry,                     288) provides a code of conduct for public officials.
   Charles Adu BoahenCol. Frank Agyemang                          Arcle 284 of the Constuon generally proscribes
                                                                  conflict of interest situaons in public office. This is
                                                                  because public office is a trust and every public
On June 2, 2021, the Minister of State-designate at               official must serve in the interest of the public. It is a
the Finance Ministry (now Minister), Mr. Charles                  reasonable expectaon of the cizenry that public
Adu Boahen, was ve ed by Parliament's                            officials perform their dues with integrity, in a fair
Appointments Commi ee. Prior to the ve ng, the                  and unbiased manner and not allow their private
Member of Parliament (MP) for Bolgatanga Central                  interests and affiliaons to compromise official
constuency, Mr. Isaac Adongo, had called on the                  decision-making.
Appointments Commi ee to reject Mr. Adu
Boahen; accusing him of conflict of interest given                 Arcle 287 of the Constuon mandates the
the involvement of his company, Black Star                        Commission on Human Rights and Administrave
Brokerage (a bond market specialist), in the                      Jusce (CHRAJ) to invesgate the allegaons of non-
issuance of bonds by the Ministry of Finance.                     compliance with Chapter 24 of the Constuon.
                                                                  However, the absence of any detailed definion of
Appearing before the Appointments Commi ee,                      the situaons which constute conflict of interest
Mr. Adu Boahen confirmed that his firm, Black Star                  and/or a unified code of conduct for public officials
Brokerage, was selected as one of the Bond Market                 makes the processing of such allegaons by CHRAJ
Specialists to the Finance Ministry. Mr. Adu Boahen               difficult.
also told the commi ee that he resigned from the
Board of Black Star Brokerage in 2017; years before               In a bid to provide a general framework for
the company was selected by the Finance Ministry                  determining conflict of interest situaons, CHRAJ in
as an advisor to the internaonal markets program.                2006 published 'Guidelines on Conflict of Interest'.
He also indicated that despite the company's                      According to the guidelines, conflict of interest
selecon by the Finance Ministry following a 'merit-              refers to a situaon where a public official's personal
based selecon process', the company did not                      interest conflicts with or is likely to conflict with the
parcipate in the Eurobond issuance. As such, the                 performance of the funcons of his/her office. Put
company was not paid any fees by the government.                  differently, conflict of interest occurs when a public
On June 16, 2021, Parliament approved the                         official a empts to promote or promotes a private
nominaon of Mr. Adu Boahen as Minister of State                  or personal interest for himself/herself or for some
at the Finance Ministry.                                          other person and the promoon of the private
                                                                  interest then results or is intended to result or
Although the Appointments Commi ee did not                       appears to be or has the potenal to result in (i) an
thoroughly probe this ma er to ascertain the                     interference with the objecve exercise of the
veracity or otherwise of the claims, this allegaon,              person's dues; and or confers (ii) an improper
coming on the back of several other conflict of                    benefit or an advantage by virtue of his/her posion.
interest scandals involving senior public officials,
demonstrate that conflict of interest is rife in public            Conflict of interest as a behavior is difficult to
office. In fact, many of the corrupon cases that the               regulate. In some cases, it can be managed with
Commission on Human Rights and Administrave                      early disclosure and recusal acons. The officer
Jusce (CHRAJ) has invesgated in the recent                      concerned must take all appropriate steps to
past—including the 'contracts for sale' case                      extricate himself/herself from a conflict of interest
involving the former CEO of the Public Procurement                situaon as soon as it is foreseeable. The officer
Authority (PPA), James Boateng—arose because of                   must then report the conflicng situaon and
conflicts between the public interest and private,                 disclose the circumstances to his/her superior and
professional or commercial interest. These cases                  remove himself/herself from any deliberaons or
highlight the need for the country to strengthen                  decisions on the ma er.
regulaons on the conduct of public officers,

                                                                                                                 Page 13
Democracy Watch Newsletter

   However, there are cases where management of                Center highlighted in its memo to the Commi ee on
   a conflict of interest situaon is neither adequate          Constuonal, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on
   nor prudent and cannot be allowed at all. For               June 8, 2020. For instance, Clause 23 of the bill if not
   example, in some jurisdicons, a member of the              amended would operate to exonerate any public
   Superior Courts cannot operate a law firm while              officer caught in a conflict of interest situaon so
   serving on the bench.                                       long as he or she adheres to the disclosure and
                                                               recusal remedies for managing conflicts of
   In the instant case, the fundamental queson is             interests. Its effect renders the enre bill a charade
   whether Mr. Adu Boahen in his capacity as Deputy            given how rife conflict of interest is in public office.
   Finance Minister had or is likely to have had any           This is because in a corrupon case it is easy for the
   influence on the decision of the Finance Ministry            recipient of disclosed informaon (usually a
   to engage Black Star Brokerage by virtue of his             superior officer) and the declarant to collude to act
   posion. Even though he claims to have resigned             in ways that confer an advantage on the declarant
   from the Board of the company in 2017 and had               even if he or she has recused himself or herself.
   no dealings with the company at the me the                 Going forward, a more effecve approach is for any
   Finance Ministry took the decision to engage the            such clause to be deleted and an express provision
   company, the mere appearance of a potenal                  made in the bill that there are certain conflict of
   conflict of interest situaon is one which should            interest situaons which cannot be managed by
   have been avoided completely given his posion              disclosure and or recusal acons. In such cases, the
   at the Finance Ministry. The appearance of his              officer in queson must seek clearance from CHRAJ.
   direct or indirect involvement in government's
   engagement of the company alone sends the
   wrong signal to the rest of society that it is okay
                                                                   Allowances for presidenal spouses
   for a senior public official to have a private
   company do business with government and
   whitewash any allegaons of conflict of interest
                                                                On July 6, 2021, the Minister of Informaon, Kojo
   by claiming to have resigned from the company
                                                                Oppong Nkrumah, confirmed that there had been
   before the company was engaged even though he
                                                                an increment in allowances paid to the spouses of
   sll has ownership interest in it. Such cases
                                                                the President and the Vice-President, Mrs Rebecca
   dwindle the already depleng public confidence
                                                                Akufo-Addo and Mrs Samira Bawumia respecvely.
   in the management of public offices.
                                                                Mr. Oppong Nkrumah however noted that these
                                                                allowances were approved by the Seventh
   Given the seriousness of the allegaons against
   Mr. Adu Boahen, the Appointments Commi ee                   Parliament based on the recommendaon of the
   ought to have referred the ma er to CHRAJ to                Presidenal Commi ee on Emoluments for Arcle
   launch full-scale invesgaons pursuant to                   71 Office Holders (January, 2017-December, 2020).
                                                                The Center has taken note of the raging public
   CHRAJ's mandate under arcle 287 of the
                                                                debate in respect of the purported Parliamentary
   Constuon.                                                  approval of a recommendaon by the Presidenal
                                                                Commi ee on Emoluments for Arcle 71 Office
   This case also highlights the urgent need for                Holders (January, 2017-December, 2020) for the
   Parliament to pass a credible Conduct of Public              spouses of Presidents and Vice Presidents to be
   Officers law to regulate ma ers such as conflict of            paid allowances and extended certain privileges.
   interest situaons and the general conduct of
   public officials.                                              The Professor Yaa Namoa-Baidu-led Commi ee in
                                                                its report noted that '[t]he administraon of
   The Conduct of Public Officers Bill, 2018, which               President Kufour introduced the extension of
   was put before Parliament last year presented a              courtesies, including the payment of monthly
                                                                allowances, to spouses of former Heads of
   fine opportunity for us to adopt rules to regulate
                                                                State/Presidents/Vice Presidents. Subsequent
   conflict of interest situaons. Unfortunately, it             administraons have connued the gesture and
   contained some problemac clauses which the                  even extended them to incumbent First and Second

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