YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy

Page created by Laura Salinas
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
Supporting your child during year 11
            and exams
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
#nothinglessthan9                             #incrediblyemployable

           110 days English – Wednesday 26th May
                     Maths – Thursday 27th May
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
Date                     Subject      Exam
Monday 30th November     English      English Literature Paper 1   AM
Monday 30th November     History      Paper 1                      PM
Tuesday 1st December     Science      Biology paper 1              AM
Tuesday 1st December     Spanish      Spanish Listening            PM
Tuesday 1st December     French       French Listening             PM       Mock Exams-
Wednesday 2nd December   Maths        Paper 1                      AM
Wednesday 2nd December   Geography    Paper 1                      PM
Thursday 3rd December    Spanish      Spanish Reading              AM    Monday 30th November –
Thursday 3rd December    French       French Reading               AM    Thursday 10th December
Thursday 3rd December    History      Paper 2                      PM
Friday 4th December      English      English Language Paper 1     AM     “6 Week Revision Plan”
Friday 4th December      Enterprise   Enterprise Paper 1           PM
Monday 7th December      Science      Chemistry Paper 1            AM
Monday 7th December      Spanish      Spanish Writing              PM
                                                                         Attendance, Punctuality,
Monday 7th December      French       French Writing               PM          Preparation
Tuesday 8th December     Maths        Mathematics paper 2          AM
Tuesday 8th December     Music        Paper 1                      PM
Wednesday 9th December   Science      Physics Paper 1              AM
Wednesday 9th December   Geography    Paper 2                      PM
Thursday 10th December   Maths        Mathematics paper 3          AM
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
#nothinglessthan9                                #incrediblyemployable
                 Competition starts now
Other schools, other pupils. Apprenticeships, college places and eventually
                     Getting ahead of the competition

   Period 6 (3 - 4 o'clock)
   ▪ Monday (Science)
   ▪ Tuesday (Maths)
   ▪ Wednesday (English)
   96% attendance so far….

              How much revision is done outside of school?
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
#nothinglessthan9                        #incrediblyemployable
                    ■ Aspirations

Revision            ■ Early habits, revision practice
                      makes perfect.

"habits"            ■ Preparing for GCSE's (mentally
                      and physically)

                    ■ Summer Exams 2021
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
#nothinglessthan9                                   #incrediblyemployable

    Raising aspirations encourages improved
              What can you do
   ▪ Talk to your child about their career,
     education or life aspirations.                Aspirations in School:
   ▪ Be positive about what their hopes and      1:1 Destination interviews
     dreams are and encourage them to            (college/apprenticeships)
     start to be proactive in achieving them.      Friday “Careers Flash”
   ▪ Raise your child’s aspirations by
                                                Assemblies – Guest Speakers
     highlighting new opportunities.
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
#nothinglessthan9                                    #incrediblyemployable
      Getting ahead of the competition without
                    burning out
 ■   Start revision early to avoid cramming/panic later in the year.
 ■   Avoid burnout- 30 : 10 Technique
 ■   Avoid distraction (no mobile phone)
 ■   Revision timetables (shared with parents)
 ■   Attendance to Period 6
 ■   Daily Attendance & Punctuality

                   Confidence instead of panicking !!!
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
#nothinglessthan9                                         #incrediblyemployable
          Handling the pressure of exams
     Research shows that having someone to talk to about
                    their work can help.

                      What can you do
 ▪    Watch out for signs of stress and encourage your
      child to talk.
 ▪    Speaking/reassuring/rewarding
 ▪    Starting revision as early as possible – not last
      minute (bad habits)
 ▪    Check homework. (Online learning for any students
      that are isolating )
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
#nothinglessthan9                      #incrediblyemployable
                Revision techniques
                          Avoid burnout – 30 minutes revision : 10
                          minutes rest (repeat)

                          No interruptions - No phones

                          Revision timetable (shared with parents)

                          Correct Equipment (post it notes, pens,
                          paper, calculator, Chromebook)

                          Correct space – (no distractions, wall
YEAR 11 Supporting your child during year 11 and exams - The Albion Academy
#nothinglessthan9               #incrediblyemployable

                    MISS JOHNSTON

Class time - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday            Class time – Thursday, Friday

Literature Paper 1                           Language Paper 1

Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet                Reading
30 mark essay                                Questions 1-4
How does Shakespeare present….               40 marks

Anthology poetry: Power and conflict         Writing
30 mark essay                                Question 5
Compare how the poets present ideas about…   40 marks
                                              Form Time Intervention

                                              -Speaking and Listening
                       CLASS TIME
                                              - Language Writing skills
                      Core knowledge
                         Big Ideas

                                         PERIOD 6
Planning practice
                                       Exam technique

-   Bespoke revision schedule

-   Each video is about 3 minutes long, followed by a short quiz

-   Detailed teacher reports on each assignment

This means…essays, essays, essays!

CGP revision guides

Mr Bruff (YouTube)

GCSE bitesize (for basic content – plot, characters, events)

SparkNotes (for more advanced content, including analysis)

Read the texts … again!
                              MRS ROSLAN

Preparing to
pass your
science GCSE   ■ Preparing for success
#nothinglessthan9                     #incrediblyemployable

                     Required for         2 GCSEs
                    many university      (Combined
                      and college         Trilogy) or
 Why science?        courses from
                    nursing to law,
                                          3 GCSEs
                      teaching to        Chemistry,
                      engineering          Physics)

                                      Gives you a good
                                      basic knowledge
                                      to make choices
                     Core subject      about anything
                                      from the car you
                                        want to buy to
                                      the food you eat.
#nothinglessthan9                    #incrediblyemployable

                        2 Tiers
                    Higher (grades
                      4,3 to 9,9)
  AQA GCSE,               or
                                      6 exam papers

  Combined          (grades 1,0 to

  (2 GCSEs)
                    papers 1 and 2      1 hour 15
                      Chemistry       minutes/paper
                    papers 1 and 2         70
                       Physics        marks/paper
                    papers 1 and 2
#nothinglessthan9                    #incrediblyemployable

                        2 Tiers
                    Higher (grades
                      4,3 to 9,9)

  AQA GCSE                or
                    (grades 1,0 to
                                      6 exam papers

  Triple Science         5,5)

  (3 GCSEs)            Biology
                    papers 1 and 2      1 hour 45
                      Chemistry       minutes/paper
                    papers 1 and 2         100
                       Physics        marks/paper
                    papers 1 and 2
#nothinglessthan9              #incrediblyemployable

                    Lessons    Form Time
  How to
                    Homework    Period 6
#nothinglessthan9                 #incrediblyemployable

                     Focus on       Ask for
                       your       help when
                     learning     you need it
                     It’s OK to   Be positive
                        get it    about your
                       wrong         own
                    sometimes      abilities
#nothinglessthan9                #incrediblyemployable

                     Fluency       required
  Form Time –                     practicals

  scientifically    Developing    Focus on
                      subject       cross
                     specific      subject
                    vocabulary      skills
#nothinglessthan9                 #incrediblyemployable

                      Revisit       Practise
                     previous      past exam
                      topics       questions
  Period 6 –
  review and
  practice          Knowledge
                                   Maths for
#nothinglessthan9                  #incrediblyemployable

                                    Some will
                    the work set
                                   be review of
                     to the best
  Homework –           of your
  review and
  pre-learn          Some will      GCSE Pod
                    prepare you      Seneca
                    for the next      Paper
                       lesson        based
#nothinglessthan9              #incrediblyemployable

                               CGP online
                      Oak      book – you
  Independent       Academy     all have a
  Learning –                       code

  links are in
  your Science       GCSE         Past
  Teams             Bitesize     Papers
#nothinglessthan9                   #incrediblyemployable

                                     Structure and

  How parents
  can help
                                        Use of
                      Supporting    Chromebooks to
                        School          Access
You have the most control
in ensuring your success –
be your best
Preparing for success
3 exams in total

                  Paper 1 – Non-Calculator
                  Paper 2 and 3 – Calculator
The Structure -
                  Each paper lasts 1 hour 30

                  Each paper is worth 80 marks
#nothinglessthan9                                #incrediblyemployable

  5 Strands
   •   Number
   •   Algebra
   •   Ratio and Proportion
   •   Geometry and Measure
   •   Probability and Statistics

                              Over 900 skills!
           IS TO
         DO MATHS.
#nothinglessthan9   #incrediblyemployable

  Lesson time
   ■ Attendance
   ■ Punctuality
   ■ Engagement
   ■ Equipment
#nothinglessthan9                                 #incrediblyemployable
Past papers: 2 week revision cycle

                                 In Class

                               Friday paper
                              Walking Talking

              Form Time                            Homework

             Exam practice                       Same questions,
            (3rd attempt at                     different numbers
                                                  Maths Genie
#nothinglessthan9                 #incrediblyemployable

  Past papers: 2 week revision cycle
#nothinglessthan9                                           #incrediblyemployable

   ■ Past Paper revision cycle

   ■ Hegarty Maths – 2 videos per fortnight

   ■ Topic specific Revision booklets – direct link to P6
#nothinglessthan9           #incrediblyemployable
Additional Revision
■ QLA’s - link to Hegarty

■ Hegarty Skills check
#nothinglessthan9                                       #incrediblyemployable

  In a nutshell …
   ■ Minimum 2 hours per week

         Week A                          Week B
         ■ P6 topic booklet – 30 mins    ■ P6 topic booklet – 30 mins
         ■ Hegarty Maths – 1hr 30        ■ Past Paper– 1hr 30

         ■ Additional Revision:          ■ Additional Revision:
           QLA, Hegarty Skills, Aiming     QLA, Hegarty Skills, Aiming
           for the grade                   for the grade
When used effectively, GCSEPod can have a BIG impact
                      on final grades

Data from over 2,200 students shows that
higher GCSEPod users are more likely to
exceed their predicted grades by a larger
margin than those who don’t use

High academic year usage yielded a
greater impact than high usage in just the
exam period.

On average, highest users received 3
grades higher across their subjects than
                                             High Users = average 122 Pods watched in academic year
                                             Medium = average 34 Pods watched in academic year
                                             Low = average 6 Pods watched in academic year
                                             Non Users = 0 Pods watched in academic year
#nothinglessthan9                                                     #incrediblyemployable
                             GCSE exams 2021
■ Last year the summer exams were based upon previous exam data and classroom evidence. So far, the
  government have issued a statement outlining that the 2021 summer GCSE exams will take place as
  normal. However, most exams have been pushed back by three weeks.
■ Wednesday 26th May – English
  Thursday 27th May – Maths

Dates for the Diary
■ November mock exams (Monday 30th November – Thursday 10th December)
■ Mock Results Day January 2021
■ Parents evening January 2021
■ Wednesday 26th May - 16th July (Exam Period Booking Holidays X)
■ Friday 27 August 2021–GCSE results released to candidates

                      Good habits – ensuring our students are incredibly employable
#nothinglessthan9        #incrediblyemployable

                    THANK YOU

#nothinglessthan9                                                #incrediblyemployable
   Q. What measures would be put in place if schools were to reclose? as cases are rising
        A. We have a live lesson timetable ready to roll out should we go into another
        lockdown. Students in Y11 would receive lessons online via TEAMS using their

   Q. What happens if a child is required to isolate during mocks? Thanks
       A. We believe that we apply for Special Considerations, but we (schools) have also
       asked that question too! What happens if a child is required to isolate during
       mocks? Thanks
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