XXIII Reunión de las CCAA con la SG de Programas Internacionales de Investigación y Relaciones Institucionales del ISCIII
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XXIII Reunión de las CCAA con la SG de Programas Internacionales de Investigación y Relaciones Institucionales del ISCIII Convocatoria 2020 del Reto Social 1 Próxima convocatoria IMI - 2 Juan E. Riese PhD MBA Punto Nacional de Contacto – Reto Social 1 H2020 & IMI2 Experto Nacional en el Comité de Programa Reto Social 1 Oficina de Proyectos Europeos Subdirección General de Programas Internacionales de Investigación y Relaciones Institucionales
7 prioridades repartidas en 3 áreas Area 1. Better health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems (Topics BHC) 1. Personalised medicine 2. Innovative health and care industry 3. Infectious diseases and improving global health 4. Innovative health and care systems – Integration of care 5. Decoding the role of the environment for health and well-being Area 2. Digital transformation in health and care (Topics DTH) Area 3. Trusted digital solutions and cybersecurity in health and care (Topics TDS) Fuente: Comisión Europea/Dreamstime Otras acciones EIC: premios, Instrumento PYME, FTI, FET Open
Prioridad – Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems (I) 1.1. Personalised Medicine • SC1-BHC-06-2020: Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data (10-15M€; 3-4 projects – total 40M€) • SC1-HCO-01-2018/19/20: Actions in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (1-2M€; 2-4 projects – total 4M€) • SC1-HCO-03-2020: Bridging the divide in health research and innovation – boosting return on investment (1-2M€; 1-2 projects – total 2M€) • SC1-HCO-14-2020: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in cancer research (1-5M€; 1-5 projects – total 5M€) • SC1-HCO-16-2020: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in research on brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system (1-5M€; 1-5 projects – total 5M€) • SC1-HCO-17-2020: Coordinating and supporting research on the human microbiome in Europe and beyond (1-2M€; 1-2 projects – total 2M€)
Prioridad – Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems (II) 1.2. Innovative health and care industry • SC1-BHC-08-2020: New interventions for Non-Communicable Diseases (4-6M€; 14- 20 projects – total 80 M€) • SC1-BHC-11-2020: Advancing the safety assessment of chemicals without the use of animal testing (10-20M€; 3-6 projects – total 60 M€) • SC1-HCO-18-2020: Developing methodological approaches for improved clinical investigation and evaluation of high-risk medical devices (1-2M€; 1-2 projects – total 2 M€) • SC1-HCO-19-2020: Reliable and accessible information on cell and gene-based therapies (1-2M€; 1-2 projects – total 2 M€) 1.3 Infectious diseases and improving global health • SC1-BHC-17-2020: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) - Prevention and/or early diagnosis of cancer (1-3M€; 7-20 projects – total 20 M€) Fuente: Comisión Europea • SC1-BHC-20A-2020: Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) for integrated care solutions (5-6M€; 4-5 projects – total 25 M€) • SC1-BHC-20B-2020: Public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) for diagnostics for infectious diseases (3-5M€; 5-8 projects – total 25 M€
Prioridad – Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems (III) 1.3 Infectious diseases and improving global health (cont.) • SC1-BHC-33-2020: Addressing low vaccine uptake (2-3M€; 3-4 projects – total 9 M€) • SC1-BHC-34-2020: New approaches for clinical management and prevention of resistant bacterial infections in high prevalence settings (15M€; 1-2 projects – total 25 M€) • SC1-BHC-35-2020: Creation of a European wide sustainable network for harmonised large-scale clinical research studies for infectious diseases (25-30M€; 1-2 projects – total 30 M€) • SC1-HCO-07-2020: to support the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial resistance (JPIAMR) (1-5M€; 1-2 projects – total 5 M€) Fuente: Comisión Europea
Prioridad – Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems (IV) 1.4. Innovative health and care systems - Integration of care • SC1-BHC-24-2020: Healthcare interventions for the management of the elderly multimorbid patient (4-6M€; 8-12 projects – total 50 M€) • SC1-BHC-37-2020: Towards the new generation of clinical trials – trials methodology research (4-6M€; 1-2 projects – total 6 M€) Lump sum • SC1-HCO-20-2020: Coordination of clinical research activities of the European Reference Networks (1-2M€; 1-2 projects – total 2 M€) 1.5 Decoding the role of the environment for health and well-being • SC1-BHC-29-2020: Innovative actions for improving urban health and wellbeing - addressing environment, climate and socioeconomic factors (4-5 M€; 7-9 projects – total 35 M€) • SC1-BHC-36-2020: Micro- and nano-plastics in our environment: Understanding exposures and impacts on human health (4-6M€; 4-6 projects – total 25 M€) Fuente: Comisión Europea
Prioridad – Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems (y V) 1.6 Contribution to the Call on Digital transformation in Health and Care • SC1-DTH-12-2020: Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (4-6M€; 7-10 projects – total 41 M€) • SC1-DTH-13-2020: Implementation research for scaling up and transfer of innovative solutions involving digital tools for people-centred care (3-4M€; 5-6 projects – total 20 M€) • SC1-HCC-10-2020: Towards a Health research and innovation Cloud: Capitalising on data sharing initiatives in health research (2-3M€; 1-2 projects – total 3 M€) Fuente: Comisión Europea
Prioridad – Digital transformation in Health and Care • SC1-DTH-02-2020: Personalised early risk prediction, prevention and intervention based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies (4-6M€; 5-8 projects – total 32M€) • SC1-DTH-04-2020: International cooperation in smart living environments for ageing people (2-4M€; 2-4 projects – total 8M€) • SC1-DTH-06-2020: Accelerating the uptake of computer simulations for testing medicines and medical devices (6-8M€; 4-5 projects – total 32M€) • SC1-DTH-14-2020: Pre-commercial Procurement for Digital Health and Care Solutions (5- 6M€; 1-2 projects – total 10M€) – (Este Topic sustituye al DTH-10 previsto inicialmente) • SC1-HCC-06-2020: Coordination and Support to better data and secure cross-border digital infrastructures building on European capacities for genomics and personalised medicine (4M€; 1-4 projects – total 4M€) • SC1-HCC-07-2020: Support for European eHealth Interoperability roadmap for deployment (1-2M€; 1-2 projects – total 2M€) • SC1-HCC-08-2020: Scaling up innovation for active and healthy ageing (1-2M€; 1-2 projects – total 2M€) • Fuente: Comisión Europea SC1-HCC-09-2020: Supporting deployment of eHealth in low and lower middle income countries in Africa for better health outcomes (1-2M€; 1-2 projects – total 2 M€) En todos los topics DTH se exigen indicadores apropiados para la medida del progreso e impacto del proyecto.
Prioridad – Trusted Digital Solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care • DT-TDS-04-2020: AI for Genomics and Personalised Medicine (10M€; 3-4 projects – total 35M€) • DT-TDS-05-2020: AI for Health Imaging (8-10 M€; 3-5 projects – total 35M€) (focused on the most common types of cancer) Fuente: Comisión Europea/PDF Filler/Dr Wael Hassan
Presupuesto total para las convocatorias del SC1 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2018 2019 2020 • Call SC1 2018: 650,99 M€ • Call SC1 2019: 787,18 M€ • Call SC1 2020: 783,92 M€
Tabla de fechas convocatoria 2020 del SC1 Topics Apertura Cierre Observaciones SC1-BHC-37-2020 04.07.2019 07.04.2020 RIA-LS SC1-BHC-06/11/17/20A/20B/33/34/35/36 04.07.2019 07.04.2020 RIA 1st-24.09.2019 SC1-BHC-8/24/29 04.07.2019 RIA 2nd-07.04.2020 SC1-DTH-12 04.07.2019 07.04.2020 RIA 1st-24.09.2019 SC1-DTH-13 04.07.2019 RIA 2nd-07.04.2020 SC1-HCC-10 04.07.2019 07.04.2020 CSA SC1-HCO-1/3/7/14/16 a 20 04.07.2019 07.04.2020 ERA-NET/CSA Fuente: Comisión Europea/123rf SC1-DTH-2/4/6/14 19.11.2019 22.04.2020 RIA/PCP SC1-HCC-6 09.07.2019 13.11.2019 CSA SC1-HCC-7/8/9 19.11.2019 22.04.2020 CSA SC1-TDS-5 09.07.2019 13.11.2019 RIA SC1-TDS-4 19.11.2019 22.04.2020 RIA
La Iniciativa de Medicamentos Innovadores 2 (IMI 2) http://www.imi.europa.eu/ Fuente: IMI
Funcionamiento de la IMI 2 Fuente: IMI
Las convocatorias IMI 2 Fuente: IMI
2-stages Topics previstos en las convocatorias 18ª/19ª 1. Central repository of digital pathology slides Call Identifier: H2020-JTI-IMI2-2019-18-two-stage to support the development of artificial intelligence tools Type of Actions: Research and Innovation (RIA) 2. Health Outcomes Observatories – empower patients with tools to measure their outcomes in a standardised manner creating Calls Publication Date: 26 June 2019 transparency of health outcomes 3. Improving patient access, understanding and adherence to healthcare information: an Stage 1 deadline: 26 September 2019 integrated digital health information project 4. Establishing international standards in the Stage 2 deadline: 26 March 2020 analysis of patient reported outcomes and health-related quality of life data in cancer clinical trials 5. Accelerating research & development for advanced therapy medicinal products Fuente: Comisión Europea 6. Supporting the development of chimeric antigen receptor T cells ¡Provisionales! Comprobar en: https://www.imi.europa.eu/apply-funding/future-topics
1-stage Topic previsto en las convocatorias 18/19ª Restricted call to maximise impact of IMI2 JU objectives and scientific priorities Call Identifier: H2020-JTI-IMI2-2019-19-single-stage Type of Actions: Research and Innovation (RIA) Call Publication Date: 26 June 2019 Submission deadline: 26 September 2019 Fuentes: Comisión Europea/Vidasencilla ¡Provisional! Comprobar en: https://www.imi.europa.eu/apply-funding/future-topics
Potential future IMI Call topics Neurodegeneration and other neuroscience priorities Digital transformation of clinical trial endpoints in pain Placebo effect in pain Psychiatric ratings using intermediate stratified markers -2 (PRISM-2) Immunology Psoriatic arthritis Infection control including vaccines New topic(s) under the AMR accelerator platform Translational safety Dosing in specific populations Big data, digital health, clinical trials and regulatory research ROADMAP 2: need and opportunity for public-private collaborative research to continue the RoadMap efforts Facilitating the translation of advanced therapies to patients in Europe ATMP Patient Registries Outcomes Data and Evidence Innovative Manufacturing of Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products, ATMPs Fuente: Comisión Europea Other enablers of research topics Handling of biologic drug products Last updated April, 2019
Las oportunidades en el European Innovation Council (EIC) €1028 millions for 2019 €1228 millions for 2020 Fuente: Comisión Europea Más información: https://ec.europa.eu/research/eic/index.cfm?pg=funding
Resumen oportunidades en el European Innovation Council (EIC) Fuente: Comisión Europea Más información: https://ec.europa.eu/research/eic/index.cfm
Información sobre convocatorias en: http://eu-isciii.es
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