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    Gary Skentelbery
    James Bryan
    James Balme
                                         Editor’s Comment
                                         AFTER a very testing 18 months for many during the pandemic,
                                         it is fantastic to see some kind of return to normality, although                   Having worked with many
    Telephone                            we are still not out of the woods with winter approaching and                    businesses in the Lymm area over
    01925 631592                         our NHS under severe pressures.                                                  the past 22 years, it always gives
                                            At time of writing COVID-19         our message to shop local whenever        me great pleasure to see them
    Editorial                                                                                                             grow from small acorns into fine
    01925 623633                         rates remain relatively high in the    possible, ever since we launched
                                         Warrington area, although hospital     Lymm Life way back in April 1999,         Oak trees – like Adam Halford from
    Email                                rates remain low in comparison,        before the devastating impact of          Beechwood Industries and Primrose
    info@lymmlife.co.uk                  which means the vaccine is clearly     online shopping on the high street.       Hill Nurseries.
                                         having a positive impact.                 While online became hugely                I first met Adam when he was a
    Websites                                                                                                              teenage landscape gardener starting
    www.lymmlife.co.uk                      Already we have witnessed the       important during the pandemic, we
                                                                                                                          his new business adventure with a
    www.culchethlife.com                 return of Lymm Rushbearing, while      mustn’t ignore our local high street.     small classified advert in the back of
    www.frodshamlife.co.uk               Lymm May Queen is set to return           Not many village centres can boast     Lymm Life.
    www.warrington-                      on Saturday, September 25, as          gift shops, a butchers, a bakery, a          It has been amazing to see his
    worldwide.co.uk                      community events start to reappear.    jewellers, clothing shops, opticians,     passion and enthusiasm develop into
    www.warrington.tv                       Several new businesses have also    soft furnishings to name but a few,       a local business now employing more
    Address                              opened up in the village which is also alongside a fine selection of bars        than 50 people, including taking
    New Media Centre                     an encouraging sign and good luck      and restaurants, all complimented by      on four new apprentices who are
    Old Road Warrington                  to them all.                           a wide range of other businesses in       now setting off on their new career
    WA4 1AT                                 Research has shown that more        the wider community.                      pathways.
                                         people than ever now realise the          Is it any wonder that Lymm is one         An amazing success story
                                         importance of supporting local         of the most desirable places to live in   involving a local business that invests
                                         businesses and it has always been      the country?                              in the local community.

    Lymm Life is published                                                                                                  N & J STANHOPE
    monthly by Orbit News Ltd.
    The contents of this magazine                                                                                           Coal and Log Supplies
    are fully protected by copyright                                                                                             Best Quality Coal
    and nothing may be reprinted                                                                                                   Smokeless Fuel
    or reproduced without prior
    permission of the publishers.                                                                                          Logs Supplied in Bags and Bulk
    The publishers are not liable for                                                                                           Caravan Storage
    any statement made or opinion                                                                                          Open 6 Days. Closed Sunday
    expressed by third parties in this
    publication.                                                                                                                 Broomedge Farm
                                                                                                                           Burford Lane, Lymm WA13 0SE
    Printed by TwentyFourSeven
                                                                                                                                   Tel: 752830
                                                                                                                            Mobile: 07979 785 421
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September 2021                                                    www.lymmlife.co.uk                         3

 Town Crier launches Bird & Bay
TOWN Crier Peter Powell was on hand to officially launch the                    coupled with local
opening of a new home and garden décor shop in Lymm village.                    support from everyone
   The Bird & Bay shop opening            The pressure of lockdown              in the community.
event, at the former Welsh’s Florists, gave Anji that final push to do          It     is    everybody’s
was attended by local residents and    something different; “I’d never felt     responsibility to invest
business people as the ribbon was      more determined to do something          in the village, to
cut to reveal ‘something exciting’     different; something new that I’m        proactively shop local
and new to the village, in the form    passionate about and something
of a quirky and stylish decorative                                              and       enthusiastically
                                       that could work for the village.”
living store.                             The result is Bird & Bay, with        support local business.
   Owner, Anji Owens, is proud         its secret garden at the rear            It will take everybody’s
to offer something different to help   of the shop which many have              collective effort to
the footfall in the village. Bird &    already compared to the former           ensure the vibrancy
Bay is a new venture in response       ‘Willowpool’, fondly remembered          and the buzz that the
to the pandemic, which radically       locally as a quirky, vintage garden      village deserves.
changed many people’s outlook          retail destination.                         Bird and Bay is
and direction in life. Anji had a         Anji is passionate about putting
successful career of 25 years but the                                           open 7 days a week
                                       Lymm high street on the map,
impact of lockdown meant ramped        through collaborating with other
up working hours of homeworking,       businesses, local artists and the
coupled with home-schooling three      wider community.
children, which ultimately led Anji       “We are incredibly lucky to
to reconsider her lifelong career.     live in such a beautiful village,
   She says the pandemic has           but it can only thrive with enough
driven the need for local businesses   relevant and exciting businesses,
to get more creative in how they
engage with customers and Anji,
a Lymm resident, was conscious
of the number of empty shops                   Sophies
emerging in the last 12 months
and worried for the impact on the         Soft Furnishings
local community and footfall in the
village.                                      Curtains • Roman Blinds
   “Lockdown brought more and               Cushions • Tiebacks • Poles
more people to visit the beauty             Tracks • Valances • Pelmets
of the area, but also decimated          We design, make and fit to meet your
local business. Empty shops were                  exact requirements.
popping up everywhere in the
village and local restauranteurs         For free home visit or advice ring
were just about holding on tight,”        Anne on 01925 754446
said Anji, a former senior leader in     www.sophiessoftfurnishings.co.uk
social care.
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4                                                                                   www.lymmlife.co.uk                                                          September 2021

What’s On                                                                                             Heritage Open Days Lymm
                                                                                                       Hall tours fully booked!
in conjunction with Lymm Parish Council
BEFORE ATTENDING DUE TO                           3rd Wednesday of the month, 8pm
                                                  The Spread Eagle Hotel
COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS.                            Details: 01925 756444

LYMM PARISH COUNCIL                               LYMM CONCERT BAND
Tuesday September 14th, 7:30pm                    Rehearsals every Thursday evening
Lymm Parish Hall                                  United Reformed Church, 8pm.
Check www.lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk for            Details: 01925 752934
7.30pm Lymm Village Hall                          LYMM WI
                                                  Every second Wednesday, 2-4pm at Lymm
                                                  Youth and Community Centre. Visitors
LYMM THURSDAY EVENING                             welcome.
Lymm Village Hall every Thursday 7pm              LYMM BOOK CLUB
MAPLE LODGE ART GROUP                             Second Thursday of the month 7.30pm,
Meet each Wednesday 9.00am - 11.30pm              Spread Eagle, Eagle Brow. Details 01925
Oughtrington Community Centre, Lymm
Details: 01925 755126                             4LYMM VOLUNTARY ORGANISATION
ROTARY CLUB OF LYMM                               Meet every 2nd Monday at 7.30pm in the
Meets at Statham Lodge on the 2nd and 4th         Bridgewater Club, Whitbarrow Road.
                                                  All welcome. Tel 01925 756378 for details.                                        Picture: Carol Sparkes
Wednesday each month for a Fellowship and
a Business meeting respectively.
                                                  LYMM AND DISTRICT MIXED VOICE CHOIR                 A rare chance to see inside the Grade II Listed historic Lymm
Contact the Secretary 01925 758398                Every Wednesday 7.30 Lymm Methodist                 Hall as part of this year’s Heritage Open Days Festival event is
LOVING HEARTS & HANDS                             Church. Contact 01925 601664.                       now fully booked!
Knitting for charity at Lymm Methodist Church,    cath@cstones.co.uk
2nd and 4th Thursday each month.                                                                          Within a matter of hours of being   those in conservation areas have a
1.30pm - 3pm. Details: 01925 753298               PROBUS CLUB OF LYMM                                 promoted via Lymm Life’s online         significantly lower uptake of energy
                                                  A small, friendly social club for retired people.
                                                  Meets on second and fourth Tuesdays at              publication Warrington Worldwide        efficiency measures.
Eagle Brow Methodist Church
                                                  2:15pm.                                             the event was fully booked!                This project will bring together
                                                  Details: www.LymmProbus.club                            The new owners Lymm Hall            experts in heritage and the
3rd Thursday in the month
Light lunches 12 noon till 2pm. All proceeds to   LYMM DINGLE PROBUS CLUB                             teamed up with Lymm Heritage centre     built environment to ensure this
Youth For Christ and YMCA Room at The Inn         A friendly busy social club for retired men.        offering free tours of the ancestral    Elizabethan-era manor house, and
                                                  Meets on alternate Thursday afternoons at           home of Lymm’s founding family on       other historic buildings, will play an
GARDENING CLUB                                    Lymm Baptist Church.
Meet Third Wednesday of the month                 Details: www.lymmdingleprobus.club                  September 17.                           important role in meeting the UK’s
Lymm Baptist Church, Higher Lane. 7.30pm          Club secretary 01925 759995                             Every September thousands of        targets for a sustainable and zero-
Visitors welcome. £2 includes tea and cake                                                            volunteers across England organise      carbon future.
LYMM FLORAL ART GROUP                                                    LYMM                         events to celebrate a festival of this
                                                                                                      country’s history and culture. It’s
                                                                                                                                                 Those lucky enought to have got
                                                                                                                                              on the tour will meet at the Heritage
Lymm Village Hall
Third Monday of the month (except August                                                              a rare opportunity to see hidden        Centre where there will be a short
and December) at 7.30pm). Visitors most
welcome. Contact: 07876 176501
                                                                        COUNCIL                       places and try out new experiences
                                                                                                      – all of which are FREE to explore.
                                                                                                                                              presentation on the history of Lymm’s
                                                                                                                                              most important surviving building.
                                                                                                      It’s called Heritage Open Days and      The group will then be led through
LYMM PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY                           Tuesday September 14th, 7:30pm                    this year Lymm Heritage Centre have     the village with the chance to learn
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday                            See parish council website                     partnered with the new owners of        a little more about Lymm‘s fascinating
(ex July & Aug), 7.30pm
Spread Eagle pub, Eagle Brow.
                                                              for details.                            Lymm Hall to bring the festival to the  history before being handed over at
Details: www.lymmphotosoc.org.uk                                                                      village.                                the hall to Ecospheric’s director and
                                                                                                          Lymm Hall, once the home of the     principal sustainability consultant
                                                                                                      village’s founding family, is now the   for a tour of the building and an
                                                                                                      offices of Ecospheric – one of the UK’s explanation of the low-carbon
                                                                                                      leading sustainability consultancies.   transformation project that is
                                                                                                          This Grade II* listed building,     underway there.
                                                                                                      which houses a number of ancient           The event is free as are all activities
                                                                                                      scheduled monuments, is being           nationally for Heritage Open Days
                                                                                                      carefully retrofitted with the aim of   but pre-booking is essential.
                                                                                                      achieving a zero energy renovation.        Visit www.lymmhic.co.uk for more
                                                                                                      Research shows listed buildings and     details on Lymm Heritage Centre.

                                                                                                           Parking ban near Lymm Dam
                                                                                                      A parking ban is set to be introduced      and vehicles park either wholly within
                                                                                                      on Crouchley Lane near Lymm Dam            the road or half on the footway/half
                                                                                                      due to highway safety concerns.            within the carriageway. This presents
                                                                                                        Warrington Borough Council is to         a hazard for pedestrians trying to
                                                                                                      implement a prohibition of waiting         pass and potentially walking within
                                                                                                      order between the car park on              the carriageway or results in vehicles
                                                                                                      Crouchley Lane and Manor Road.             meeting head-on and subsequently
                                                                                                        Particularly during the lockdown         reversing to find a gap.
                                                                                                      period as a result of the Covid-19
                                                                                                      pandemic and during the summer                There is also a tight bend
                                                                                                      months motorists commonly park on          heading towards the Rugby Club
                                                                                                      Crouchley Lane and walk to Lymm            which significantly reduces forward
                                                                                                      Dam.                                       visibility.
                                                                                                        The existing car park is relatively         Farm and agricultural vehicles are
                                                                                                      small and overflow parking is              also common. It is therefore deemed
                                                                                                      common on Crouchley Lane.                  necessary to prohibit waiting
                                                                                                        The carriageway and footway              between the car park access and
                                                                                                      (west side only) is already narrow         Manor Road.

                                                                                                              Probus Club to meet again
                                                                                                      LYMM Dingle Probus Club is looking forward to renewing its usual activities,
                                                                                                      now that lockdown is gradually easing, and after an enforced 18 months when
                                                                                                      meetings could only be held monthly by Zoom.
                                                                                                         Probus is an organisation for retired or semi-retired men, generally with a
                                                                                                      professional or business background, set up to promote fellowship and mutual
                                                                                                      support through regular meetings and social events, which include lunches,
                                                                                                      walks, bowls, occasional golf, days out, theatre trips, concerts and sometimes
                                                                                                         The club meets on alternate Thursday afternoons at Lymm Baptist Church, and
                                                                                                      the first “normal” meeting with a speaker will be on September 2 at 2.15pm.
                                                                                                      Anyone interested in finding out more about the club may visit the website:
                                                                                                      lymmdingleprobus.club, or contact the secretary 01925 759995, or president
                                                                                                      01925 755286.
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September 2021                                                      www.lymmlife.co.uk   5

  Artwork reflects
impact of COVID-19
 on local community
A large piece of artwork has gone on display at Lymm Heritage
Centre to reflect the experiences of local residents, business
owners, workers, and children of all ages during the Covid-19
   Organised by the Kids Planet        said: “It was lovely to visit the centre
nursery in Lymm, a variety of images   with our children who enjoyed
have been used as a record for future  spotting some of their friends and
generations in Lymm to understand      family in the final display”.
how and why lives changed in 2020-        Heritage Centre Treasurer Patrick
21.                                    Knowles explained:” The Heritage
   From images that symbolised how     Centre has been created entirely by
people felt, to those highlighting     volunteers from our local community
how the community pulled together      for the benefit of all and it’s great to
as well as the challenges and joys     be able to work with local groups
of homeschooling, the final piece of   and businesses to help encourage
artwork is currently on display at the more people, young and old in to
Lymm Heritage Centre.                  see us”.
   On visiting the artwork with a         The COVID-19 artwork is currently
group of pre-schoolers from the        on display at the Lymm Heritage
nursery on Eagle Brow, Lymm,           Centre on Legh St and is open
Nursery Manager Laura Kyriacou         Thursday- Sundays 1-5pm.
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6                                                                   www.lymmlife.co.uk                                                      September 2021

     Residents urged to use walk-in
    centres to ease pressures on A&E
WARRINGTON & Halton Hospitals is appealing to residents                               “Our closest Urgent Care Centre is
to use local walk-in centres to ease pressures on the A&E                          based at Halton Hospital in Entrance
department at Warrington Hospital which continues to be                            2, Halton General Hospital, Hospital
under “extreme pressures.”                                                         Way, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7
   With many people choosing            of patients that are coming to the         2DA.”
to visit A&E with minor ailments        department could be better treated or         Meanwhile, Dr Colin Wong says
the extreme pressures are causing       advised elsewhere.                         one of the signficant Challenges is the
lengthy waiting times.                     “If you need urgent medical advice      number of children attending A&E/
   Urgent treatment centres are a       and are not sure where to go then          ED in Warrington hospital for minor
facility you can go to if you need      please ring NHS 111 and the trained        ailments, and taking up precious time
urgent medical attention, but it’s not  advisors will direct you to the right      needed to care for poorly patients
a life-threatening situation. They’re   service.                                   who need to be seen by a doctor or
equipped to diagnose and treat             “Your GP should be your first point     nurse, in an Emergency.                   9pm or if you live in Widnes – there
many of the most common ailments        of call, if it is NOT a life-threatening      He says that with the easing of        is also the Widnes Urgent Treatment
people go to A&E for.                   emergency or accident. Your GP             lockdown more children have been          Centre.
   You may be referred to an urgent     is open and your practice can be           mixing and coming into contact with          “Also, local Walk-in Centres, GP
treatment centre by a GP or NHS         contacted online, through an app or        viruses usually seen in the winter        practices or your local Pharmacist
111 who can book time slots to          by phone so you can be assessed.           months.                                   are fully trained to give expert advice
attend at the centre. You can also just    “If you need a face-to-face                These include a range of               on how to treat minor ailments.”
turn up and walk-in.                    appointment you will be given one.         respiratory infections, bronchiolitis,       Conditions that can be treated at
                                                                                   para flu and rhinovirus, all of which     an urgent treatment centre include:
   There is also an online facility     Measures have been put in place            produce symptoms of cough, runny          • sprains and strains
whereby people can check the            to protect patients and staff from         nose and fever. These can often be        • suspected broken limbs
waiting times before turning up.        COVID-19, so it is safe to attend.         treated at home.                          • minor head injuries
https://dashboard.whh.nhs.uk/ed/           “High street Pharmacists are also          He said:If your child has a            • cuts and grazes
   Dr Alex Crowe, Executive Medical     qualified to give advice and dispense      temperature then giving them              • bites and stings
Director, WHH said:“Our hospital        medicine for a range of illnesses          medicine or tablets containing either     • minor scalds and burns
Emergency Department is currently       including coughs, colds, stomach           ibuprofen or paracetamol, should          • ear and throat infections
under extreme pressure and we need      upsets and skin conditions. They           help to bring their temperature down.     • skin infections and rashes eye
your help.                              can provide many treatments ‘over             “However, if the child continues to       problems
   “We are seeing a rise in patients    the counter’ to help you get better at     deteriorate, then concerned parents       • coughs and colds
coming into the hospital which means    home.                                      should get medical advice and help.       • feverish illness in adults
much longer waiting times with             “We also have two excellent             If in doubt call NHS 111 and they         • feverish illness in children
increased pressure on staff who are     Urgent Treatment Centres which             will be able to signpost you to the       • abdominal pain
working hard to ensure that they see    are open 8am – 9pm every day               right treatment in the right place.       • vomiting and diarrhoea
and treat the sickest patients first.   in Widnes and Runcorn. There                  “Concerned parents can also take       • emergency contraception
   “Please remember that Accident       is convenient parking and a free           their children to the Runcorn Urgent         For      the    latest   information
& Emergency is for life-threatening     shuttle bus between Runcorn and            Treatment Centre, at Halton, which        on waiting times visit https://
emergencies or accidents only. Lots     Warrington hospitals.                      is open every day between 8am and         dashboard.whh.nhs.uk/ed/
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September 2021                   www.lymmlife.co.uk   7

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8   www.lymmlife.co.uk   September 2021
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September 2021                                                    www.lymmlife.co.uk                                                                     9

   Green light for 30th anniversary
Disability Awareness Day (DAD) 2021
THE 30th anniversary of Warrington Disability Awareness Day                        Support services at #DAD2021        with events planned in Cameroon,
is set to go ahead on Sunday September 12.                                      will include a free accessible Park    India, Uganda and more. It is
   After      closely      monitoring training, health and social care,         and Ride service, free accessible      no wonder that DAD continues
updates on guidance relating          leisure activities, alongside over        busses from Warrington Town            to be recognised as the world’s
to the COVID-19 pandemic the          100 charities/support groups.             Centre, a free scooter and             largest voluntary led pan-disability
organising team behind the UK’s          Most of this year’s exhibitors         wheelchair loan service with           independent living exhibition and
largest voluntary led pan-disability  will be housed in a huge tented           trained enablers, British Sign         family fun day covering physical,
exhibition have announced that the    village of marquees, which will           Language interpreters, additional
                                                                                unisex wheelchair-accessible toilets   sensory and learning disabilities
event at Walton Hall & Gardens        be supported by a Sports Zone, a                                                 and mental health, and all ages.
will go ahead.                        Centre Arena, a huge Performing           and over 100 trained stewards and
                                                                                helper’s eager to make it a day to        For any enquiries, please contact
   Event      co-ordinator      Dave  Arts Marquee and a children’s play                                               Warrington Disability Partnership
Thompson MBE DL said; “The            area.                                     remember for everyone.
health and safety of our visitors,       On the day, visitors can gain an          DAD continues to capture the        on 01925 240064, or contact
exhibitors and our team is always     insight into the help and support         imaginations     of   organisations    Dave directly davethompson@
our number one priority. This is      that is available locally, regionally     around the UK and worldwide            disabilitypartnership.org.uk
particularly important given the      and nationally. They can “have a
communities that DAD involves.        go” at sports activities including
After consulting with Public Health   basketball,      fencing,      boccia,
and our Local Authorities Events      football, rugby league, boxing,
Safety Team to ensure we can          cricket, tennis and scuba diving in
follow national and local guidance,   the on-site pool.
and we are pleased to confirm            For those looking for a more
that our 30th annual event will go    relaxed day there will be a
ahead on Sunday September 12.         fantastic line-up of talent in the Arts
   Dave added, “We are very           Marquee with some of the UK’s
pleased to announce that disability   leading disabled artists, or they
education      specialists  Expanse   can sit alongside the Centre Arena
Learning Group and the North          watching dog display teams,
West’s water supplier United          birds of prey, bands and sports
Utilities, are leading our list of    demonstrations. Children can visit
sponsors for #DAD2021”.               the funfair rides or accessible onsite
   The aim of this year’s event is to zoo, crazy golf, high ropes and
promote independent living through    pitch and putt.
the theme “It’s what disabled people     #DAD2021 will be the finale of a
can do that matters”. #DAD2021        week of complimentary events. For
exhibitors will showcase solutions    more details of these events, please
supporting independent living and     contact the DAD Admin team or
mobility, with equipment, products,   visit www.disabilityawarenessday.
transport, employment, education,     org.uk
www.lymmlife.co.uk - Warrington Worldwide
10                                                      www.lymmlife.co.uk                                     September 2021

 The new Parish Council in Lymm, elected for three years in
 May 2021, is settling in well with Councillors getting used
 to new roles. With five new faces on the Parish Council,
                                                                    Lymm Parish Council 2021-22
 and two previously co-opted councillors getting elected, this               Name:        Cllr Bob Barr OBE (Chairman)
 is the biggest refresh of the Parish Council for a long time.               Address:     2A Danebank Road, Lymm WA13 9DH
 We also have a better gender and age balance which is more
                                                                             Telephone:   01925 750910
 representative of the village as a whole.                                   Email:       rbarr@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk

 The Council’s agreed priorities are those that the public in
 Lymm have been pressing for. Protection of the green belt                   Name:        Cllr Graham Gowland (Deputy Chairman)
 and positive involvement in the Local Plan for Warrington,                  Address:     32 Wychwood Avenue, Lymm,
                                                                                          WA13 0NE
 the final draft of which is expected in September with public                Telephone:   01925 751599
 consultation in October and November. Lymm has joined other                 Email:       ggowland@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk
 parishes in South Warrington to coordinate a response to the
 draft plan from the councils.
                                                                             Name:        Cllr Kath Buckley
                                                                             Address:     16 Hardy Road, Lymm WA13 0NX
 Lymm’s own Neighbourhood Plan is pressing ahead but cannot
 be finalised until we know what the Local Plan will contain. The             Telephone:   01925 752439
 Neighbourhood Plan must not contradict it. The Neighbourhood                Email:       kbuckley@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk
 Plan Group has been working hard on consulting the public,
 preparing potential policies and background material.                       Name:        Cllr Chris East
                                                                             Address:     7 Newfield Court, Lymm WA13 9QU
 The roads, which were quieter during the Covid crisis, are
 filling up again. Speeding, HGVs, parking issues, road repairs               Telephone:   07743 489329
 and safety remain, and are growing, as concerns in the village.             Email:       ceast@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk
 The Parish Council will continue to press Warrington Highways
 Department and the police to act on these concerns and propose              Name:        Cllr Ann Johnstone
 improvements. These are never easy in a village that wasn’t                 Address:     3 Lakeside Road, Lymm, WA13 0QE
 designed, nor have the capacity for, the traffic we now have.
                                                                             Telephone:   01925 755554
                                                                             Email:       ajohnstone@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk
 We welcome the proposal to form LEAF, The Lymm
 Environmental Action Forum, as an umbrella group for
 environmental action and climate change concerns in the                     Name:        Cllr Selina Kirkham
 village. The relationship between the Parish Council, its own               Address:     2 Hardy Road, Lymm WA13 0NX
 Environment Working Group, and LEAF is yet to be worked                     Telephone:   07971 109635
 out. The aim is to create synergy between the Council and                   Email:       skirkham@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk
 volunteers so that we all receive the greatest benefit from
 everyone’s efforts.
                                                                             Name:        Cllr Ian Marks MBE
                                                                             Address:     80a Whitbarrow Road, Lymm
 The Village Hall roof has reached the end of its repairable                              WA13 9BA
 life and will need major work to secure the hall for the future.            Telephone:   01925 753051
 This project has now started and will take up council officers                Email:       imarks@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk
 time over the next year or so. We are also pleased that the long
 running saga of the Lymm Dam toilet is approaching an end                   Name:        Cllr Tim Martland
 and the facility being open.                                                Address:

 Please feel free to contact your Councillors or the Parish Clerk            Telephone:   07759 078412
                                                                             Email:       tmartland@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk
 with any concerns you have about issues in the village.

 Cllr Bob Barr.                                                              Name:        Cllr Ben Selwood
                                                                             Address:     44 The Crescent, Lymm
                                                                                          WA13 0JY
                                                                             Telephone:   01925 752624
                                                                             Email:       bselwood@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk

                                                                             Name:        Cllr Sally Sharma
                                                                             Address:     5 Baycliffe, Lymm WA13 0QF

                                                                             Telephone:   07960 383148
                                                                             Email:       ssharma@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk

                                                                             Name:        Cllr Julia Stansfield
                                                                             Address:     46 Sandy Lane, Lymm WA13 9HQ

                                                                             Telephone:   01925 758809 / 07928 848256
                                                                             Email:       jstansfield@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk
                   Contact information:
     Clerk to the Council: Kerry Duffin - 07741 877870                         Name:        Cllr Stephen Towndrow
                                                                             Telephone:   01925 757560
                  Parish Council Website:                                    Email:       stowndrow@lymmparishcouncil.gov.uk

September 2021                                           www.lymmlife.co.uk
                             Visit wvr.ac.uk to find out more about Warrington & Vale Royal College                                                  11

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                          Former funeral director’s
                            to become house-in-
                            multiple occupation
                          PLANNING chiefs have given the go-ahead for the conversion
                          of two adjoining properties at Lymm to a house-in-multiple
                          occupation (HMO) – despite an objection from Lymm Parish
                             The two properties are in Church development had the potential
                          Road and were previously used       to increase parking demand but
                          for residential purposes and as a   said any increase was likely to be
                          funeral directors.                  minimal.
                             But   historically,   one    was    The property was within a
                          previously a post office. Both      conservation area bit the original
                          properties are currently disused.   shopfront would be retained so that
                             The parish council objected,     it would still look like a commercial
                          claiming the proposed windows       property. As such it would
                          “looked very odd”, querying the     retain and improve the existing
                          entrance layout and alleging the    character and appearance of the
                          submission was “vague.”             conservation area.
                             A neighbour opposed the scheme      A currently vacant property
                          because of a lack of parking and    would be brought back into use
                          suggested a condition be imposed    with no significant impact on the
                          banning the use of Church Road for  character of the conservation area.
                          parking.                               The HMO will be occupied by up
                             Planning officers agreed the     to six people.
September 2021                                                     www.lymmlife.co.uk                                                                      13

   Lymm mum on Dreamland
Mission to complete x-ray project
while leading fight against COVID
LYMM mum Dr Becky Nightingale is on a mission, to complete                        However, the need for a new x-ray       their families. A little market has
her latest project, building and equipping a brand new X-ray                      unit is now extremely urgent, the       also sprung up where other locals
building at Dreamland Mission Hospital in Kimilili, rural Kenya.                  disposable films required are no        come and sell their produce such
   Becky and Mike Nightingale           by many rural Kenyans.”                   longer being made and in less           as mangos to the workmen. The
moved to Lymm in 2017 just in              Dreamland Mission Hospital is          than four months the remaining          impact is far-reaching, making a
time for the birth of their first child based in rural western Kenya on           stocks will have run out. All X-Ray     huge difference to the lives of those
Esther. Becky continued to volunteer    the Uganda border, it started as          services at the hospital will have to   in Kimilili.
as the Health Programme Manager         small health centre employing 14          be cancelled unless this project can       “We can’t wait to have the new
remotely and they travelled back to     Kenyan staff and now has over             be completed in time.                   unit up and running, if you would
Kenya as much as possible before        140 Kenyan staff, an operating               “The building is well on its way     like to support this exciting project
COVID hit.                              theatre and 80 beds.                      to completion, we have employed         and help us reach our target you
   Becky has a PhD in Tropical             Lesley added: “The past 15             40 local workmen and women to           can pay for a stone to be laid for
Medicine with a focus on                months coping with COVID have             build the unit who are all being        £10 or make a donation of any
respiratory disease and is a            been especially difficult in rural        paid above average wage which           amount by visiting www.icfem-
Consultant Respiratory Physio at        Kenya where there is limited testing      means they can feed and support         mission.org/x-ray/ ”
the Liverpool School of Tropical        and treatment available. Becky
Medicine and has therefore been         has worked tirelessly to support
on the frontline of the COVID           the team in Kenya, among many
response.                               other things arranging the supply of
   Lesley     Achim      Fundraising    oxygen machines and COVID tests.
Manager – IcFEM Europe who              Now she is seeking help to fund
met Becky at Lymm Baptist Church        the remaining £38,000 required to
where they both attend said: “Becky     complete the X-Ray building.
is an inspiration with a huge heart        “The new X-ray building project
for the poor and disadvantaged in       has been desperately needed for
Kenya. Having spent large parts of      a long time, the current machine
her adult life in sub-Saharan Africa    is old and unreliable, the X-Ray
and living and volunteering at          room is small and impractical, the
Dreamland Mission Hospital since        doorway is even too small to push a
2010 she is all too aware of the        hospital bed or wheelchair through
poverty and deprivation suffered        so patients have to be carried.

                                        Lymm Rushbearing beats the showers
WHILE heavy showers brought                 Ormerod’s       late      Victorian   garlands and rushes, the Chairman       number of communities that have
traffic to a standstill with flooding    history of Cheshire refers to Lymm       of the Parish Council and               maintained this tradition.
in some parts of the village earlier     Rushbearing taking place in many         councillors, the May Queen and            Following the traditional walk
in the day, Lymm Rushbearing             communities on or near to the feast      various local groups.                   with rushes through the village,
managed to dodge the showers.            of the parish’s patron saint – hence       It is medieval in its origins         a special service took place at St
   Organiser Chris Limb, who             Lymm’s tradition of having the           and Lymm is one of a very small         Mary’s church.
helped resurrect the medieval            festival during the summer holiday
tradition, said: “Putting up a few       period and close to the feast of the                             Pictures: John Hopkins
last-minute posters on Sunday            Assumption of Saint Mary.
morning was a very wet affair but           Although the carrying of fresh
the rain went and the sun almost         rushes to church (normally on a
shone by 4pm when Rushbearing            horse-drawn cart) was a central
started.                                 feature, and the replacement of the
   “The walk up the Dingle was           old rushes upon the earthen church
delightful – for those walking it is     floor a very practical necessity in
probably more enjoyable than             former days, this gathering of locals
being on the roads. Both Lymm            also involved festivities including
Morris and Bollin Morris were            not only the procession and Morris
present and as well as dancing           dancing but also sports, fairground
en route they both danced in the         stalls, and very full public houses!
car park of St Mary’s before and            Lymm’s grey horses were well-
after the service. As well as local      known and a Lymm Grey is a
councillors our MP Andy Carter           person of an established local
came along.”                             family, normally at least third
   For many years in the twentieth-      generation born in Lymm.
century Rushbearing Monday was              The procession includes Morris
a local bank holiday.                    men, people carrying Rushbearing
14                                                                www.lymmlife.co.uk                                                   September 2021

     Lockdown gave Lymm journalist
          time to write a book
LOCKDOWN meant different things for different people but for
Lymm resident David Skentelbery it gave him time to write the
book he had been threatening to write for years.
   “The No Hoper” tells the hilarious of 27 years. David arrived when
story of his rather unusual school    it was still in its pomp and was
days at an independent boarding       still there when it closed. He
school for boys at Knutsford.         then embarked on a career in
   David, a long-standing member      journalism, most of it in Warrington,
of the Lymm Life team, believes       where in 1968 he founded Orbit
his parents chose to send him to      News Ltd, publishers of Lymm Life
Knutsford College because he was      and Warrington-Worldwide.co.uk,
extremely shy as a youngster and      now run by his son, Gary.
they thought he would have an             A number of students at the
easier time there than at the local   college were from the Lymm area
secondary school.                     and if any are still around, David
   They didn’t realise they were      would like to hear from them.
sending him to a school that had          Were David’s parents right
been compared to Dotheboys Hall,      to consider their shy son a “No
the infamous boarding school          Hoper” and were they right to send
described by Charles Dickens in       him to Knutsford College?
Nicholas Nickleby.
   His introduction to the school was     David says: “If you had asked
to be thrown head first into a holly  me that on the day I started there
bush. He was ridiculed because        I would probably have been too
of his unusual surname. He was        terrified to answer. But, looking
driven to the verge of a nervous      back, it was probably the best thing
breakdown by a maths teacher.         that could have happened to me.”
   And he lived in fear of a horse-       The school soon knocked the
riding headmaster who used a          shyness out of me and I thoroughly
riding crop to beat boys who          enjoyed my school days. I have
misbehaved.                           tried to tell the story in an amusing,
   Knutsford College was described    ˜laugh-out-loud” way.
as a school for the sons of               “There are still quite few of my
gentlemen. Its motto was “Hope is     classmates around and you’ll be
the anchor of Life”, which sounds     hard-pressed to find any who
pretty impressive until you learn the are not proud to be Old Boys of
school was run by a man named         Knutsford College.
Hope.                                     The book is available from
   It closed in 1954 after a history  Amazon for £5.99.

 Warburton Toll Bridge investment plan sparks calls for Public Inquiry
PLANS to invest £6.5m on the               While welcoming Peel Ports’           vehicles and ensure the structure       from Peel Ports themselves from
historic Warburton Toll Bridge          belated proposals to bring the           of the bridge is maintained for the     their Ship Canal business.
and increase tolls by more than         bridge into the 21st Century by          long term.                                 “After long delays, I also urge
700 percent has sparked calls for       introducing a free flow tolling             “However, we strongly oppose         Peel Ports to progress the long-
a public inquiry to examine the         system and upgrading approach            Peel Ports’ suggestion that motorists
proposals.                              roads, the Conservative Group            should bear toll increases of over      awaited maintenance of the
   The Conservative Group on            has also welcomed the proposed           700 percent.                            three swing bridges at Latchford,
Warrington Borough Council has          long-term investment in the structure       “A Public Inquiry should look at     Stockton Heath and on Chester
called for a public inquiry following   of the bridge and automated              other options for funding including     Road, ” added Cllr Buckley.
Peel Ports’ proposal that some tolls    measures to help control vehicle
need to increase by over 700            weights, heights, widths and speed.
percent on the Warburton-Rixton            But     given       Peel    Ports’
Bridge over the Manchester Ship         unacceptable        proposal      that
Canal.                                  many motorists should bear toll
   Peels Ports have launched a          increases of over 700 percent, the
month-long consultation on a so-        Conservative Group has called for
called Sustainable Investment Plan      a Public Inquiry to look at the long
for the Bridge.                         term future of the bridge, potentially
   A total of £6.5m is to be invested   without any tolls for motorists. For
in the Toll Bridge between Rixton       instance, an Inquiry could look at
and Warburton by The Manchester         future funding coming from canal
Ship Canal Company, which owns          users rather than motorists.
and operates the bridge, who have          Conservative Group Leader and
published an outline of upgrades to     Lymm Councillor, Kath Buckley, said
the approach roads, footpaths and       “We welcome Peel Ports’ proposals
tolling system.                         for upgrades to the bridge and its
                                        approach roads. They will improve
                                        traffic flow, restrict unsuitable


                                                                                     William Billing
                                        THE funeral has taken place of           estate agent and, latterly, a           at the film club, as well as getting
                                        William Herbert Billing, of Cyril Bell   hypnotherapist. He was a member         involved in various charity events in
                                        Close, Lymm, who died suddenly           of the Lymm U3A scribblers club,        the village
                                        on July 15, aged 82. The service         being an accomplished writer and           He is survived by three children,
                                        was at Altrincham Crematorium on         was a charismatic helper at Lymm        Jane, Nathan and Leon and four
                                        July 27.                                 Youth and Community Centre, in          grandchildren. Bill will be sorely
                                           Mr Billing was a retired              the café at the monthly market and      missed by all his family and friends.
September 2021                                                                               www.lymmlife.co.uk                                                                                                      15

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16   www.lymmlife.co.uk   September 2021
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