Youth in Action Programme 2010 Action 4.6 - Partnerships Overview of projects selected for funding - CALL FOR PROPOSALS EACEA/16/10 - European ...

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Youth in Action Programme 2010 Action 4.6 - Partnerships Overview of projects selected for funding - CALL FOR PROPOSALS EACEA/16/10 - European ...
Youth in Action


       Action 4.6 – Partnerships

Overview of projects selected for funding
REFERENCE:     193931-4.6-BE-2010-R1

TITLE:         Antwerp European Youth Capital - A partnership in European cooperation

DESCRIPTION:   Antwerp counts many different clubs and societies for children and youngsters.
               Characteristic for all these organisations is the participatory approach and the non
               formal learning methods. The activities are set up during leisure time/free time and focus
               on learning by doing, exchanging views, and practices. During 2011, Antwerp wants to
               put these activities in the spotlight in promoting young peoples active citizenship.
               The City intends to support clubs/organizations and give them the opportunity to accept
               new challenges. Those organizations expressed the wish to broaden their horizons and
               to look for foreign partners. They want to work on projects together, set up exchanges,
               learn from foreign practices but they also want to give their young members the
               opportunity to have an international experience as they believe that an international
               exchange has a positive impact on their individual development.
               With this application, the City of Antwerp wants to offer 6 organizations from the region
               of Antwerp, together with partners from 17 countries (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark,
               Estonia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, The Nederland, Norway, Portugal,
               Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey), the opportunity to set up an international
               project that is closely related to the challenge in their daily work. For some of them, it will
               be the first time, for some others there is a need to increase their international network
               or make the network more sustainable.
               The City of Antwerp wants to cooperate with these organizations to realize their
               projects. These activities will become part of the programme of Antwerp European
               Youth Capital (AEYC). The goal of this project is to create a sustainable environment for
               international projects, to create sustainable networks and to inspire other partners and
               young people to develop international projects and to promote European cooperation in
               the youth field. Therefore, the applicant wishes to make these activities sufficiently
               visible so they can function as examples and inspire other organizations.
               The work programme consists of 5 youth exchanges, 1 seminar and 1 international
               event, taking place in Antwerp. All the organisations involved are used to work with a
               participatory approach, organise activities in free-time, with a participation of youngsters
               on a voluntary basis.
               Formaat, a Flemish umbrella organization of youth clubs and youth centers, sets up an
               exchange in July 2011. It offers 55 young people from 9 different countries the
               opportunity to exchange experiences about the different youth club cultures.
               Vilanella is the organiser of the successful Kunstbende (Arts Gang) and organises an
               exchange in August 2011 with 9 partners. The goal is to increase its European network
               and make it more sustainable. 60 Young people will be involved in a creative exchange.
               A showing for a wide audience will be organised, during which the result of the
               exchange will be presented.
               Murga vzw is a social-artistic organization, focusing on cultural diversity. The
               organization intends to set up an exchange including. 44 Young people from 3
               countries. Through 2 big showings in Antwerp, a large number of young people will see
               the result of the exchange and experiment a dynamics based on the richness of the
               diversity and the creativity of young people.
               Kindervreugd is experienced in arranging holidays for children and young people in
               Antwerp. During AEYC they will organize, in cooperation with Slovenia, an international
               exchange giving 20 young people the opportunity to share their experiences as young
               Europakring is a student organization which often organizes free-time activities that
               have Europe as a theme. In 2011 they want to give their activities a true European aura
               by organising a first European youth exchange in Antwerp for 50 students from
               Rotterdam, Antwerp, Turin and Braga, (the other European Youth Capital cities). The
               participants will debate on the European dimension in economic, politic and cultural
               AEYC is an interesting background to reflect on how to set up youth work in an urban
               context. Special attention is given to vulnerable children and young people. Together
               with 4 foreign partners, the organization Uit de Marge wants to set up a seminar
               concerning this subject. During this 3-day seminar 50 youth workers will get the
               opportunity to reflect on this theme through lectures, practical examples and the
               exchanging experiences.

Jint, the National Agency, bi-annually organises the 'Go Strange' event. This is a fair
                     where young people can find information if they are interested in all kind of possibilities
                     of going abroad (exchanges, voluntary work, work, etc). Antwerp will be the guest city
                     for this initiative in 2011.
                     To give this initiative a more permanent character, a publication will be designed (book,



                     •        VILLANELLA VZW, BE
                     •        ULT DE MARGE VZW, BE
                     •        KINDERVREUGD VZW, BE
                     •        EUROPAKRING ANTWERPEN, BE
                     •        MURGA VZW, BE

GRANT AMOUNT:            97,575 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       8 months

REFERENCE:     194080-4.6-IT-2010-R1

TITLE:         Socializing, Community, Arts, Territories, Transnational Opportunities

DESCRIPTION:   The SCATTO project was created by a program of activities with young people that the
               local municipality of Carrara, together with local NGO partners, has created in the fall of
               2009. During the first edition of the Project, the City Council has supported and co-
               organized art workshops for the duration of one week during the period of a local festival
               called SIAM.

               The new project SCATTO revisits and extends the duration of the project and the
               methodology of the workshops foreseen, referring mostly to the final evaluations of
               young people and focusing on some critical issues and proposals for the implementation
               of the project. The main objective of the project is to encourage and support the active
               participation of young people in their own community, encouraging initiative, autonomy
               and creativity.

               New more specific objectives of the SCATTO project are: To strengthen the local
               community and the international role of the Municipality as an institution that seeks to
               promote and support projects in the field of youth; promote transnational exchanges
               between local youths and young people from other European countries, and enhance
               European citizenship of young people, strengthen a network of partnership abroad, and
               promote good practice with foreign partners; having meetings with foreign partners on
               youth policies.

               Activities under Project SCATTO are: local initiatives to be implemented in the
               municipality of Carrara directly by the young participants who last year participated in
               the first edition of the project and new young participants (Scatto Scuola theatrical and
               musical workshops, ScattoNius, Photo Lab) ; communication and dissemination of
               initiatives, multilateral international exchange to be carried out in Carrara, which will
               focus on the arts as a means of participation and citizenship for young people.

               The number of local youths involved considering ail the activities will be about 80 there
               will also be 30 young people from Carrara and towns in Poland and Germany during the
               exchange activity. At the international exchange are also invited institutional
               representatives of the youth policies of the municipalities belonging to the partner

               The results are expected in the direction of an increase in the number of young
               participants compared to last year (through the reinforcement of communication and the
               duration of annual workshops), establishment of at least 12 issues of the journal
               scattonius, increase in cultural activities workshops, the establishment of a European
               partnership for future projects, incentives for long-distance relationship between groups
               of young people in Europe, strengthening the networks between European institutions
               involved in the transnational action.

               Dissemination activities and dissemination of results will be guaranteed by formal
               meetings between institutions and youths, measures for information in high school, a
               close relationship with local media, traditional advertising (posters, flyers), creating
               pages on popular platforms (youtube, myspace, facebook), a photographic exhibition,
               theatrical and musical events.



                      NETWORK, IT

GRANT AMOUNT:        24,525 €


REFERENCE:           194126-4.6-IT-2010-R1

TITLE:               ERY - European Regions for Youth

                     The project's objectives are: A. to build within the Network on the Youth-in-Action
                     general objectives as well as on the specific ones of the Action 4.6; B. to work on
                     European citizenship, the co-operation in the cultural and creativity fields, to train for
                     European youth work and foster youth participation in public life; C. to support the ERY
                     Network's growth.

                     Two co-ordination / visibility activities (40 participants), three multilateral youth
                     exchanges (150 participants), one partnership-building (40 participants) and one training
                     course (40 participants) are foreseen by the project: in Bordeaux, France - Wiesbaden,
                     Germany - Bologna and Comacchio, Italy -Poznan, Poland - Gozo, Malta.

                     Expected tangible results are, for each project's activity: A. a video; B. a final report; C.
                     posters, brochures and gadgets. All audio-visual documentation and training materials
                     will be available for dissemination on the EVE electronic platform. The project's results
                     will be disseminated through the Emilia - Romagna and the other ERY Regions Internet
                     sites, as well as the media of the local communities where the activities take place and
                     the youth NGOs' information channels.

                     The envisaged impact: 3 new youth NGOs representatives, for each ERY Region, taking
                     part in the project's activities; 2 European thematic networks created around the
                     activities' contents; 1 European project proposal from each ERY Region deriving from
                     the project; 2 new Regions becoming member of the ERY Network.


CONTACT:             Ms Antonietta LA RUINA

GRANT AMOUNT:         99,560 €


REFERENCE:           194128-4.6-FR-2010-R1

TITLE:               Increasing opportunities and building a sustainable future for an audiovisual youth

DESCRIPTION:         NISI MASA, the European network of young cinema, reaches its 10th year of existence
                     in 2011. After 10 years of audiovisual activities, the aim of this project will be to
                     consolidate several existing successful projects and make them sustainable long-term,
                     whilst looking to the future and inventing fresh opportunities for our network and its
                     members, both old and new, both individuals and associations.

                     The meetings aim to offer young people the chance to develop their awareness of
                     European cultural diversity through informal education: the discovering of European
                     films, the exploration of cinematic tools, and debating common topics. The planned
                     activities will promote active citizenship by involving the participants in concrete and
                     realistic projects. They also aim to develop the NISI MASA network in terms of project
                     strategy and the development of youth organisations. Synergy and cooperation in the
                     youth field will be developed in both old and new member countries of the network.

                     Within the project, five meetings are planned, four Youth Initiatives and one Training
                     Seminar. Two of the meetings are filmmaking workshops using audiovisual tools as an
                     outlet for freedom of speech and as a way of exploring Europe's cultural diversity (taking
                     place in Bucharest and Marseille). Two meetings are film journalism workshops which
                     consist of the publication of a daily gazette - Nisimazine; during two film festivals (taking
                     place in Cannes and Amsterdam). And the last, the training seminar, is dedicated to
                     best practises in organising youth cinema screenings and film festivals, an activity which
                     is very relevant for the current and futures development of all of the NISI MASA network

                     The venues are Cannes (France), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Bucharest (Romania),
                     Espinho (Portugal) and Marseille (France). There will be 92 participants between 18 and
                     30 years old coming from 23 countries.

                     The concrete outputs of the project are the production of short movies (screenings and
                     DVD compilation), printed and online magazines about European cinema's cultural
                     diversity and a guideline document of best practises for audiovisual youth organisations.
                     The results of the projects will be disseminated across the network of NISI MASA,
                     thanks to the DVDs, magazines, electronic guidelines document, press releases and our
                     website. Screenings will be organised in many countries which will present the results of
                     the filmmaking activities.

                     Thanks to the activities, the partner organisations will learn about organisational
                     development and thus they will be able to develop new audiovisual projects for young
                     people. They will enrich the participants thanks to cultural exchanges and widen their
                     personal horizons. The project will also strengthen a youth network and therefore the
                     local organisations. Moreover the project will not only benefit to the participants but also
                     to the general audience of the films and the magazines, the local communities involved
                     in each activities and the web audience: more than 5000 people.


CONTACT:             Ms Jude LISTER

PARTNERS:            •        NISI MASA FRANCE, FR
                     •        FEST - ASSOCIACAO CULTURAL, PT
                     •        NISI MASA NEDERLANDS, NL
                     •        CONTROL N CULTURAL ASSOCIATION, RO

GRANT AMOUNT:            34,044 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       24 months

REFERENCE:           194129-4.6-IT-2010-R1

TITLE:               September of Youth Creativity

DESCRIPTION:         This project aims to contribute in raising public awareness of spaces for young people in
                     the urban areas involving youngsters and promoting the intercultural dialogue and
                     political education with the help of attractive visual media.

                     South Italy Regions and other selected European territories, suffer more than others of a
                     poor and sometimes difficult relationship among young people and urban areas
                     especially historical centre.

                     By involving different groups of young people in the selected European countries (also
                     recently entered in the European Union) and by creating opportunities to work together
                     and exchange their perspectives using the language of theatre, music, paintings the
                     action will contribute to two objectives of the programme, namely it will foster the mutual
                     understanding between young people in different countries and will promote European
                     cooperation in the youth sector.

                     The project will work on the social responsibility of local institution enhancing and
                     supporting the participation of young people in the decision making process of social

                     The project will work in a local dimension thanks to the involvement of local association
                     for a Youth initiative and will reach a European dimension with a Youth exchange.

                     Specifically, the action will be implemented in the urban areas of Bari with follow-up in
                     Athens, Bucarest, Madrid, Lisbon and will target in total more than 800 young people.

                     The immediate tangible results of the project activities will be: the production of a
                     "Archivio liquido della creatività giovanile" (Liquid archive of youth creativity); 600 multi -
                     language DVD "September of Youth creativity"; 1 web-platform on urban spaces for
                     young people issues; 1 support groups of "September of Youth creativity" on facebook
                     and other social network.

                     COMUNE DI BARI

CONTACT:             Ms Daniela SANTOSPIRITO


GRANT AMOUNT:            15,500 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       10 months

REFERENCE:           194130-4.6-IT-2010-R1

TITLE:               Simulcampus

DESCRIPTION:         Objectives:

                      •         Developing young people's active citizenship and their European citizenship
                      •         Developing cooperation and tolerance among young people
                      •         Promoting mutual understanding between young people of different national
                      •         Developing innovation, cooperation and quality to support systems for youth
                      •         Promoting inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
                      •         Promoting participation and cooperation in European youth and non-formal
                                education activities


                      •         Training courses and innovative methodology
                      •         European virtual travel agency (SlmulAgency)
                      •         New project proposal projected directly by young learners for Youth in Action
                      •         Website

                     Activities foreseen:

                     1-         Implementation of a network of young people for the development of active
                                citizenship and skills
                     2-         Implementation of Training courses and innovative methodology
                     3-         Implementation of European virtual travel agency
                     4-         Presentation of project proposals to submit to European calls for young people
                     5-         Creation of a website to exchange information and work opportunities
                                (repository of opportunities offered by European programs for young people,
                                education, training and lifelong learning projects)


                      •       Mailing, Posters, Brochures, Web site, events, press conference, forum and
                              dedicated spaces on social network Venue: Italy - Lombardy Region - Seregno

                     Number of participants:

                      •       Directly involved: 200 students and workers; target reached: 11.000 youngs

                     Impact envisaged:

                          •   Increasing of the "sense of belonging" to the Europe and active European
                          •   Increasing awareness of the value of interculturalism
                          •   Acquisition of skills focusing the labour market forecasted


CONTACT:             Ms Ida Elisa LONGONI

GRANT AMOUNT:         25,000 €


REFERENCE:           194131-4.6-ES-2010-R1

TITLE:               Galicia meets YIA

DESCRIPTION:         This project applied by the General Directorate of Youth and Voluntary service of the
                     Xunta de Galicia, in collaboration with Greece organization SKAOP and two Portuguese
                     NGOs, Gis and Acarf, will be focus into create a diffusion training program to connect
                     Youth in Action Program and young people and Galician associations.

                     As well will be sought the to know as arriving more and better to young people of our
                     community so that are but participatory and are involved more in the construction project

                     The project is structured around 3 big activities.

                         •     4 training courses,
                         •     4 youth initiatives whose subject matter will be the youthful information and the
                         •     1 Seminar PBA with European associations and Galician associations.

                     As well measures of diffusion will be carried out to local level as the translation of the
                     users Guide to the Galician language or share resource guide in DVD.

                     The General objectives:

                         •     To increase the impact of the youth inaction program in our Region.
                         •     To give a training and build a capacity to 100 young people in the work with
                               Youth in Action Program.
                         •     To promote an active participation of the young people in the society.
                         •     To improve new ways of communication and information between the young
                               people and the government bodies.
                         •     To bring Galicia to Europe as well Europe, its institutions, programs, to the
                               Galician society and specially to the young people


CONTACT:             Ms Yolanda OTERO BALSA

                     •        GRUPO INSTRUCAO E SPORT, PT

GRANT AMOUNT:            21,000 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       20 months

REFERENCE:           194135-4.6-IT-2010-R1

TITLE:               Let's meet in Gemona - In dialogUE we trust

DESCRIPTION:         The project presented has reached its tenth edition. Every year the host country - for
                     this edition, the Municipality of Gemona del Friuli (IT) offers to approximately 160
                     teenagers (aged 13-17) the opportunity to present itself through workshops in history,
                     tradition, sports, group games. Key issues include the promotion of dialogue between
                     different cultures through work groups, the possibility to show to teenagers how they
                     can live in a multicultural environment that simulates the European society of tomorrow,
                     the desire to show Italian culture devoid of prejudice, the willingness to create a
                     'friendship' that continues also after the meeting, not only among youth people but also
                     among the participating cities, which are twinned with each other.

                     As regards methodology, the laboratories will be organized (sometimes in the
                     classrooms, but more often outdoor, wandering in the city of Gemona but also in the
                     Friuli Venezia Giulia Region), where the teenagers will be divided in groups (but not by
                     nationality, to allow the use of English and to foster mutual understanding), where an
                     introduction and an explanation of the different type of laboratory will follow a part of
                     group activities, where youth people work together to achieve a common goal. In order
                     to become familiar with the area, an ad hoc path will be created, so to create a team
                     spirit by offering various activities such as treasure hunts. Then, the possibility will exist
                     to meet the regional councillor competent for youth policies, so they can see the
                     different projects in which the region is involved.

                     During the final evening of the meeting, each country presents a feature or a history of
                     its nation, through a video, a song, a poem, a scene and so on. Teenagers will become
                     familiar with each other through music or sport, as the motto of the city "Gemona city of
                     sports and well-being" promotes. All activities will be conducted in English. Given the
                     geographical position of the region, however, is not excluded that, especially during
                     knowledge, students can talk to each other in German.

                     This meeting aims to foster the EU's motto "United in diversity" in order to help youth
                     people to form a dual citizenship (national and European).


CONTACT:             Mr Giorgio VALENT

GRANT AMOUNT:         10,500 €


REFERENCE:           194136-4.6-CZ-2010-R1

TITLE:               The Youth in Action Programme in the Region of South Moravia - Bringing Europe
                     to the practice of regional youth work and youth policy making

DESCRIPTION:         The project proposal aims to reinforce the European dimension in the practice of youth
                     work and of youth policy making in the region of the South Moravia (CZ) and in the
                     adjacent regions of the neighbouring countries (SK, AT).

                     Further objectives of the project include strengthening the synergies between the
                     European, national and regional implementation of the Youth in Action Programme
                     which is seen as model example relevant for the development of regional youth policies,
                     increasing the capacities of regional organisations for youth work in European context,
                     reinforcing the networking of public bodies and the NGOs across the state borders and
                     creating more opportunities for the development of young people and youth workers in
                     the targeted regions.

                     The proposal intends to directly involve more than 250 young people, youth workers and
                     decision makers in 32 activities, such as youth exchanges and youth initiatives,
                     European Voluntary Service, training events or monitoring and evaluation meetings. A
                     special emphasis is given to the inclusion of young people from underdeveloped rural
                     areas of the border districts, as well as of Roma youth and of handicapped young

                     Moreover, a strong focus is given to the transfer of the project results and achievements
                     to the area of regional youth policy. For this purpose, the implementation of the project
                     activities will be monitored on ongoing basis and the monitoring outcomes as well as the
                     data gathered within it evaluation will feed into the regional strategy planning and
                     decision making processes. Finally, a publication summarising the monitoring and
                     evaluation outcomes and formulating concrete recommendations to the decision makers
                     will be produced and disseminated to relevant stakeholders.

                     The project is based on a strong partnership involving the Jihomoravský kraj (Region of
                     South Moravia) as the applicant, and the Lužánky Leisure Centre and 8 other local and
                     regional organisations active in international youth work as associated partners. The
                     National Institute of Children and Youth complements this partnership as an expert
                     institution on the development of youth work and youth policies.


CONTACT:              Ms Katerina PETRASOVA

GRANT AMOUNT:         64,960 €


REFERENCE:     194138-4.6-IT-2010-R1

TITLE:         European Network of Social Authorities for Youth

DESCRIPTION:   Objectives:

               In terms of general objectives, the project contributes to developing the quality of
               support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in
               the youth field and promotes European cooperation in the youth field. The thematic
               priorities which the project focuses on are: Participation of young people and Inclusion
               of young people with fewer opportunities while all three specific priorities of the call for
               proposals are addressed.


               4 study visits (1 day each), 4 seminars (2 days each), 2 partnership building activities (1
               day each) and 1 training course (2 days)

               Venues. Vienna (AT), Venice (IT), Brussels (BE), Kalythies (GR), Rotterdam (NL),
               Valencia (ES)

               Number of participants. 402 divided as follows: study visits (40/each: 160 total),
               seminars (40/each: 160 total), partnership building activities (16/each: total 32), training
               course (50)

               Tangible Results. 1 press conference; 4 news report about seminars and study visits; 1
               Training e-Manual; Guidelines for the future 3 years work of the permanent network; 6
               press conferences.

               Measures to ensure dissemination:

               Dissemination will take place after each planned activity and will include the following
               standard measures: a) press releases delivered to local newspapers located in each
               partner's country; b) distribution among partners' networks of the products and
               deliverables produced during each activity; c) products will be uploaded on the website
               ( and promoted among the youth organizations working in EU

               Partnership will produce a streaming video providing evidence of the experiences, the
               contents discussed and the products developed during each planned activity of the
               project. It will be uploaded on the web site and will be distributed to partners in order to
               allow them to reproduce it also in DVd format and - if the case - translate it or produce
               subtitles in their national languages.

               Impact. Increased understanding of what is non-formal learning/education in the context
               of youth work; Built capacities for developing and implementing projects aiming to
               increase the recognition of non-formal learning; Shared and discussed experiences,
               examples and possibilities of working in youth field; Developed projects for future action
               in this field; Developed a permanent network.


CONTACT:       Mr Francesco GALLO

                       ROTTERDAM-RIJNMOND, NL
               •       KLEIS VZW, BE


GRANT AMOUNT:            59,612 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       14 months

REFERENCE:           194140-4.6-ES-2010-R1

TITLE:               Juventud Europea en Accion

DESCRIPTION:         The objectives of our organisation is trying to obtain with the project's development are
                     the following ones:

                      •      To stimulate the region and the personal young's autonomy fighting against the
                             migration in search of better possibilities;
                      •      To improve the youth's quality of life;
                      •      To develop the concept of European citizenship;
                      •      To foster and to stimulate the equality of opportunities to young people with
                             fewer opportunities, especially the young with social, educational and economic
                      •      To increase the prominence by young people in the day by day of the
                      •      To provide resources and healthy initiatives for leisure and free time.

                     The project will be developed in Logrosán, in Extremadura, Spain.

                     The project will move around 229 young people.

                     In this project, the non-formal education is very important, it is expected that the
                     youngsters will learn attitudes, contents and skills, helping them in the acquisition of
                     conceptual and technical knowledge. Another aim consists of consolidating a wide
                     human group to give continuity to the learned. The awaited results are to have a local
                     TV channel and an agency of voluntary work with the aim to keep them through the

                     The dissemination of project's results will be compiled in a web page dedicated to
                     reporting of the activities results. The municipality has the intention of going to the local
                     and regional forums to inform about the project and have users registered in the social
                     networks in Internet publishing all actions proposed.

                     A great impact is expected, not only locally, but as well at regional level. A real feeling of
                     European citizenship is expected to appear in the whole region.


CONTACT:              Ms Ana CANO GARCIA

GRANT AMOUNT:         27,000 €


REFERENCE:     194283-4.6-ES-2010-R1

TITLE:         Education for the Employment of European Youth Immigrant network

DESCRIPTION:   Objectives:

               Education for the Employment of European Youth Immigrant - EYIN - is a transnational
               project whose objectives are:
               •   to contribute to improving the quality of the support systems for youth activities
                   related to non-formal education for the employment;
               •   to strengthen the capacity of the civil society organization in the sphere of social and
                   professional integration of European youth immigrant;
               •   to support youth organizations and public agencies to build and develop their own
                   solutions to fight youth unemployment.

               Activities foreseen: The project will involve three main phases:

               1) Transnational meeting of construction work and activities among the participating
               partners for youth workers in the field of European youth immigrant, where 40
               participants from European countries confronted the specific strategies and methods of
               learning through training for employment. "Job Shadowing" (practical learning
               experiences), Seminars.

               2) Youth Action Initiative in the field of European youth immigrant to implement a
               transnational program proposal for the employment training, through on-line training
               platform where training Is provided for the use of at least 200 young European

               3) A final course of transnational learning which reflects the experience and conclusions
               from the implementation of training strategies for youth employment in the European
               immigrant, and strengthens the utility of online learning platform in the training for

               Venue(s): project will take place in at least 4 European countries .SPAIN, ITALY,
               SLOVAKIA AND MALTA.

               Number of participants: 40 youth workers in the field of European youth immigrant. At
               least 200 young European immigrants.

               Concise description of the results (tangible results):
               •  Improvement of the elimination of barriers and limits to the integration of the
                  European youth immigrants, across the determination of strategies of vocational
                  training for the employment and of tools of not formal education in a transnational
               •  Qualify youth workers in the introduction of strategies of vocational education
                  training for the employment of European youth immigrants, with attention to the
                  Strategy Europe 2020, in relation to the document "Communication from the
                  Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and
                  Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - A new impetus for European
                  cooperation in Vocational Education and Training to support the Europe 2020
               •  Fight against the social exclusion" of the European youth immigrants, especially in
                  periods of economic and financial crisis.


CONTACT:       Mr Jorge LOPEZ

               •       TAMAT, IT
               •       UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA, ES

GRANT AMOUNT:        39,000 €


REFERENCE:           194286-4.6-BE-2010-R1

TITLE:               L4WB: Learning for Well-being European youth movement

DESCRIPTION:         The project is a partnership of ten organisations or groups, 7 at European level and 3
                     national level, set up to achieve something concrete and long term that needs to use
                     interaction with policy makers in order to achieve its objectives. EPTO (European Peer
                     Training Organisation) and partners want youth, who are identified as the more
                     vulnerable group in society by the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018, to transform that
                     vulnerability by learning how to develop their unique and full potential, through becoming
                     aware of what they need to experience well-being. By dialoguing with their peers and
                     developing a language to express themselves that will make the adult population want
                     to partner with them, this project will contribute to creating systemic changes towards
                     social inclusion and promotion of learning for well-being in all sectors and disciplines.

                     We define well-being as "realizing our unique potential through the development of our
                     mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects in relation to self, other and the

                     To promote the concept of L4WB and to foster a L4WB Youth Movement and
                     partnership, we have identified the following key objectives:

                         •     organise opportunities for interaction & communication between youth & policy
                         •     build a network of youth organisations in Europe, through a L4WB vision;
                         •     share & develop capacity building & resources that promote L4WB in a way that
                               respects individual learning processes and the diversity of youth, through non-
                               formal learning.

                     This project includes 4 main activities:

                         •     L4WB Youth Forum - Brussels: Over the course of 5 days, 50 youth workers will
                               identify actions & strategies towards partnerships & L4WB, and communicate
                               them through different media;
                         •     Agenda Setting Conference - Brussels: 25 youth workers will co-facilitate a 2-
                               day preparation & 2-day seminar with policy makers & stakeholders that will
                               review policy & implementation proposals of the L4WB Consortium of
                               Foundations in Brussels in May 2011;
                         •     Capacity-building-Training – Netherlands: 25 youth workers will pilot a practical
                               guide on L4WB. Capacity Building over 3 days in September 2011 towards the
                               purpose of multiplying the message of L4WB;
                         •     Partnership-building and evaluation meeting – Brussels, 25 youth workers will
                               evaluate the project & plan new Youth in Action projects & partnerships over the
                               course of a 2-day meeting in spring 2012.


CONTACT:             Ms Julie GODFROID

                     •        UNIVERSAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION, NL

GRANT AMOUNT:            33,045 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       15 months

REFERENCE:           194288-4.6-UK-2010-R1

TITLE:               Sheffield Young Advisors Initiative

DESCRIPTION:         Objectives:
                     Within the context of the Youth Initiatives, local regional and national call, this project
                     has been designed by a group of young people who are part of the Young Advisors
                     group in Sheffield. The objectives of the project have included the Young advisors and
                     potential participants in design. The Young Advisors will undertake training and
                     development to deliver a range of peer education and mentoring courses with
                     vulnerable young people. This approach will be extended regionally and nationally
                     working with groups of Young Advisors.

                     The activities foreseen throughout the project:
                     The lead Young Advisors will work with young people - individually and in groups to
                     identify key issues they would like to explore through peer learning and mentoring.
                     Methods will be based on engaging them in workshops to promote learning by doing,
                     through small group work, discussions, confidence building, team exercises, and
                     sharing experiences.

                     Organising and co-ordinating the activities and sharing tasks:
                     A Project team will be established at the outset including relevant staff from Sheffield
                     City Council, Sheffield Futures and the Young Advisors.

                     Ensuring the quality and coherence of the activity programme:
                     The project team will develop a quality framework across all project delivery areas and
                     evaluate the programme in relation to the expected outcomes, participant's feedback
                     and evaluation. Regular review meetings will take place with young people participating,
                     Young Advisors, youth workers and partner organisations.

                     Contribute to the process of non-formal learning and to the promotion of social,
                     professional and personal development of young people and youth workers involved in
                     the project:
                     Young people will be encouraged to work with each other and with adults, to build
                     relationships and to be sensitive to the needs of others. The programme will help them
                     build a positive self identity, encourage working in groups, learn skills such as active
                     listening / communication / assertiveness skills of others.

                     Specific tasks that will be sub-contracted to bodies:
                     The delivery of the programme will not involve sub-contracting and will be delivered by
                     Sheffield City Council and the Co-ordinating Partner, Sheffield Futures, the main
                     provider of youth services within the city.

                     Measures to Disseminate:
                     A key deliverable of the project will be to disseminate the outcomes of the project at a
                     local level, regionally and nationally through the national network of Young Advisors

                     Impact Envisaged:
                     As a result in delivering the project they have designed, the young people will gain
                     formal qualifications and a wide range of experience as young volunteers.


CONTACT:             Ms Kim ALLEN


GRANT AMOUNT:            29,000 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       24 months

REFERENCE:           194294-4.6-ES-2010-R1

TITLE:               IMEnet Activity Programme for 2011

DESCRIPTION:         The project develops the objectives of the draft constitution of the Network IMEnet,
                     adopted in 2007 by the Youth in Action Programme, under the "Action 1 - Youth for
                     Europe Pilot Projects on Thematic Networking Call for Proposals EACEA/08 / 07". The
                     network currently has 10 partners and work for the insertion in Europe of young people
                     from 13 to 25 years with school failure.

                     The activity programme designed for next months, arises as a continuation of the
                     activities carried out by the Network, and its main purpose is to develop new project
                     ideas for youth insertion under the Youth in Action Programme; to consolidate and
                     expand the IMEnet network; expand methodologies used with these young people in
                     different countries and regions in the EU, promoting European cooperation in the youth
                     field; the inclusion of young people with real difficulties in achieving social cohesion
                     among European countries; to obtain updated information on the reality of youth in the
                     territories of the EU; promoting transnational cooperation and intercultural dialogue.

                     The programme will last 12 months and will include activities based on coordination,
                     evaluation and monitoring; visibility and communication, that will ensure the
                     dissemination of the project and its results; information about Youth in Action
                     Programme; youth exchanges dealing with 2020 Strategy; training and networking for
                     youth workers, about SVE, according to the European Year 2011. It is expected the
                     participation of 320 youngsters in on-site activities (70 directly on Exchange and the
                     Seminar), but 250 in workshops, and 10.000 in on-line actions, thanks to the new
                     updating of the web page of IMEnet:

                     Besides, new projects with common identified objectives will be developed, related to
                     youth insertion; updates of the web page, with characteristics of 2.0 technology;
                     personal interaction .amongst young people and youth workers from different countries;
                     inclusion of young people with educational difficulties in public life, offering them
                     opportunities related to employment and volunteering; increase of European citizenship
                     and wider young participation; a dossier with young opinions and suggestions for 2020
                     Strategy, sent to all policy representatives from each partner; and involvement in
                     European affairs.


CONTACT:             Mr Pedro GALLARDO

GRANT AMOUNT:         25,805 €


REFERENCE:     194383-4.6-IT-2010-R1

TITLE:         News of Young

DESCRIPTION:   The project envisages the creation of an online newspaper produced by young people
               for young people, aims to contribute to active citizenship of young people and those with
               an interest of youth. Several themes will be addressed (local politics, environment,
               volunteering, and community development) in order to involve more young people to
               participate actively in public life.

               The tangible results include the possibility for young people to express their ideas,
               compare with those of other actors of civil society but also to promote, through this
               initiative, their skills, their creativity, their talents, their spirit of initiative, their ability to
               affect in a positive and innovative on the regional economic system.

               The youth of today show indifference towards participation in public life, particularly in
               Basilicata, show a widespread sense of powerlessness and exclusion, together with a
               lack of confidence in the existing institutional arrangements and decision making. Many
               would like to participate in social and economic life of their own territories but did not find
               the means. The emigration of young people from the region, the search for a culturally
               stimulating environment where they can actually implement their individual and
               collective creativity, unemployment, lack of clear and accessible information to all, are
               the motivations of this project, pushing to encourage young people with an online
               newspaper to express their ideas, their proposals, their initiatives.

               The project aims to create a communication tool for anyone working in the field, to
               provide support for the sharing of best practices and results achieved by local
               authorities and associations in the promotion and implementation of youth policies, to
               create a structure able to interconnect all communication and information services for
               young people.

               The project provides a web portal for online newspaper in Italian, English and Spanish
               with the opportunity to participate in "distance" in thematic forums and chat discussion.
               The project will be presented on social networks to create a group discussion on key
               youth issues. The project will contribute to active citizenship of young people and those
               interested in the world of youth: the issues tackled will be different in order to encourage
               more young people to participate actively in public life. The initiative, created by young
               people, provide an opportunity for dialogue and exchange experiences, information to
               promote study, work, travel in Europe, and will highlight links to schools, universities,
               jobs, internships, volunteer work camps. It will be a local element of cohesion and


               •   Constitution of an editorial staff
               •   Staff training
               •   Gathering of information
               •   Realization of the Internet portal
               •   Realization of online newspaper

               Propagation of results:

               Recipients of dissemination activities and project results will be as numerous and varied
               as possible. In particular it is planned to reach the following types of partners at local
               level, the project partners:
               •   policy makers and seniors staff of government (national, regional and local) and
                   embassies of foreign countries
               •   representatives of the business
               •   referrals of youth associations and cultural and social realities operating in social;
               •   Trade Unions and their organizations
               •   Universities and Reserch Centres
               •   Students from High schools and Universities

•     Individual operators and concerned citizens

                     The activities to disseminate the project results are:

                            •   Conference on the initiative guide
                            •   Promotion of results on the website and on social network and e-mail
                            •   Articles in the local press and the online newspaper.

                     It is expected the project to involve 10 young people living in mountain villages in the
                     Community. The initiative is aimed at young people living in remote rural areas with low
                     income, long-term unemployment, which belong to poor families, young people who are
                     homeless, young people who have difficulties learning, with poor performance and by
                     young physically disabled people.


CONTACT:             Mr Antonio VALISENA

GRANT AMOUNT:            12,000 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       24 months

REFERENCE:           194386-4.6-DE-2010-R1

TITLE:               Europe for Youth- Partnership for Development: More opportunities for young
                     people and social work in Eastern Europe

DESCRIPTION:         The "Europe for Youth - Partnership for Development" project is part of a long-term
                     effort to improve youth worker's capabilities and opportunities in Central Eastern
                     Europe, through their involvement into the sustainable network of Y.E.S. Forum. With
                     this project we intend to

                         •      increase participants' knowledge and awareness about European non-formal
                                youth activities, in particular about the Youth in Action Program
                         •      develop essential competences in trans-national cooperation for youth workers
                                (e.g. Importance of partnership, project design, communication, evaluation,
                                follow up etc)
                         •      increase participants' motivation and competences to engage in intercultural
                                environment at European level
                         •      create and develop new project ideas within the Youth in Action programme

                     Due to the nature of the objectives, the activity plan includes both events and
                     continuous services toward participants. Schedule of events:

                         •     Kick-off meeting of organizers (Y.E.S. Forum and ANHSH) and associated
                               partners, May 2011, Manchester (UK)
                         •     Training course on partnership and project development, July 2011, Budapest
                         •     Mid-term evaluation meeting of project coordinators and further planning,
                               October 2011, Berlin (DE)
                         •     EU funding and project development seminar, November2011, Resita (RO)
                         •     Final evaluation meeting of project coordinators, June 2012, Berlin(DE)

                     Altogether 94 participants attend the events to learn from each other on the topic of non-
                     formal learning as a tool in youth work.

                     The project will foster cooperation between the participants, and due to the structured
                     programme eventually a sustainable network will be created. Participants' common work
                     on joint projects, their reinforced knowledge and personal development leads to a long
                     lasting network including organizations and social professionals from both new and old
                     EU members.

                     Dissemination will be done through on-line facilities and leaflets.

                     As the direct consequence of the project, the transferred know-how and competences
                     indirectly affects the life of roughly 3-4000 young people across Central-Eastern Europe,
                     through the involved youth workers and organizations.


CONTACT:             Ms Alicja MASIAVIC


GRANT AMOUNT:            24,644 €

CONTRACT DURATION:       17 months

REFERENCE:           194387-4.6-PT-2010-R1

TITLE:               Inclusão Social atraves da Arte

DESCRIPTION:         The project will have three phases.

                     One seminar, one Youth Exchange and a Youth Initiative Seminar

                     1. Seminar

                     The project will focus on improving the quality of non-formal training by exploring new
                     creative methods, to better address the needs of young people. During the 7-day
                     programme, participants will exchange the existing good practices, learn new innovative
                     approaches and plan follow-up activities within their national realities and internationally.
                     On the basis of skills and knowledge gained, participants will also develop their own
                     training sessions, which will be delivered to a larger group of trainees at the end of the
                     activity. As key multipliers both in their countries and at European level, they will pass
                     knowledge onto their peers. The outcomes of the project will thus benefit a great
                     number of young Europeans involved and participating in intercultural exchange.

                     2. Youth Exchange

                     The project is a Multilateral Exchange which the two main themes are Inclusion through
                     Arts and Environment. The objectives are to contribute to the acknowledgment and
                     awareness of the importance of inclusion, arts and environment in the youngsters'

                     It will take place in São Miguel Island - Azores during eight days with the participation of
                     twenty youngsters and five leaders from different countries. Besides artistic activities will
                     allow the youngsters to be aware of their body, to increase their cooperation, team spirit,
                     sportsmanship and by overcoming barriers of physical or emotional types, the youths
                     can develop a differentiated sense of self-insurance.

                     3. National Youth Initiative

                     The Music I Can uses music, universal language par excellence, particularly through the
                     creation of bands and DJs to perform with young people at risk and / or in situations of
                     social and cultural exclusion. The main objective is to provide such a young area of non
                     formal learning where they can be addressed and worked on skills and musical skills/
                     cultural/ personal/ social as well as those that promote integration and awareness of
                     national and European citizenship, active and participatory. It is also intended that this
                     project is a way to give young people the opportunity to become actors in their own
                     process of change and integration, as well as agents of change from their peers, based
                     on the principles of equality, cultural diversity, equity, entrepreneurship and tolerance.


CONTACT:             Mr Bruno PACHECO

GRANT AMOUNT:         18,572.25 €


REFERENCE:     194388-4.6-TR-2010-R1

TITLE:         Overcoming Religious Intolerance through Interfaith Dialogue

DESCRIPTION:   Islam phobia, Anti-Semitism are serious phenomenons that currently affect many young
               people in Europe. Committed to exploring and combating the issue, we planned-
               overcoming religious intolerance through interfaith dialogue.

               The event gathers together 60 young people from European countries from Muslim,
               Jewish and Christian background to gain knowledge and skills about how to overcome
               the issue of the project.

               The 60 participants (aged 18-30) come from different cultural and religious
               backgrounds. They are all actively involved in youth work in their national or local
               context and will be able to work as multipliers in the project.

               The events gather together 60 young people from Europe. There will be 3 meetings and
               totally 96 young people/youth workers, 13 Number of trainers, facilitators, staff will be in
               the project 8 e-newsletters, 3 meetings and reports, Project website (e-newsletters,(e-
               newsletters, meeting reports, activities, videos, photos, every products, joint reports, 5
               modules, handbook, survey, leaflet) will be the project's outcomes.

               This Youth Exchange will be involved youth leaders and workers, the members of
               different youth groups, communities from Europe countries.

               The main aim of this youth exchange is to provide young multipliers with information and
               practical skills about how to promote inter-religious dialogue.

               The aims of the youth exchange are identified as follows:
                •      To provide information, tools, and skills to overcome Islam phobia, Anti-
                       Semitism and Christianity
                •      To provide ideas for Muslim-Christian co-operation on local, regional and
                       national level
                •      To promote tolerance, respect and equality
                •      To promote true dialogue in the context of inter-religious dialogue

               Exchange will be realized through discussions, workshops, working in groups,
               excursions focused on history and culture, cultural nights, evening parties and spare
               time spent together.

               Through realization of exchange the project will develop personal organizational and
               entrepreneurial abilities. One of the programme Youth in Action's priorities – cultural
               diversity –will be realized through trips, discussions and lectures. Another priority, fight
               against the racism and xenophobia, will achieve through showing results of this
               operation. The project will have practical workshops. Also workshops on intercultural
               learning are planned to point out that even though we come from different societies and
               we have different cultural background, we can find the same basic rules that have the
               main influence on our behaviour and our attitude to life. The project will have workshops
               about tolerance on cultural diversity and about the similarities and differences in the
               lifestyles of the people living in European countries.

               CULTURE SECTION)


PARTNERS:      •       EURO-NET, IT
               •       EUROPA DIRECT MOSTA, MT

GRANT AMOUNT:        26,875 €


REFERENCE:     194389-4.6-ES-2010-R1

TITLE:         Red Transfronteriza de Educacion non-formal para la valorizacion de los recursos
               Endogenos para jovenes

DESCRIPTION:   Objectives:
               The project pretends to create a cross-border non-formal education net intended to
               qualify the young population with a minimum level of education at the formal system
               and, therefore, with less employment opportunities at the rural environment. This would
               enable to exploit the indigenous resources for them to transmit these values to other
               young people in the territory.

               Foreseen activities:
               •   Study of the action context: Context of the youth regarding education and
                   employment. It will count on the participation of 2 experts
               •   Transnational exchange with a non-formal education organization at Portugal and
                   the EGTC Duero - Douro. It will count on the participation of 14 persons
               •   Final planning of the activities. It will be done by 10 experts from the EGTC
               •   Design of a logo, poster, leaflet and website for disseminating the net. It will be done
                   by 2 experts
               •   Activities for a first contact with municipal councils and youth associations: 1 expert
                   will be in charge of its organization
               •   Groundwork for recognizing the qualification of the trained young workers

               The activities mentioned before will be held at the EGTC's headquarters at Trabanca
               (Salamanca, SPAIN).

               •   Organization of 5 courses and 4 seminars with the participation of around 175
                   young persons from the Spanish and Portuguese territories of the EGTC, 10
                   teachers and 20 speakers. They will be held at different parts of the territory
               •   Preparing the exhibition on the exploitation of the indigenous resources and
                   alternative activities at the rural environment. It will be set up by 2 experts from the
                   EGTC and the young participants of the courses. This exhibition will be shown at
                   different towns of the EGTC
               •   Workshops for young students from secondary education (from 12-18 years)
                   conducted by young people trained at the courses and seminars. Around 150
                   Portuguese and Spanish pupils will have to the chance of attending these

               Results or products:
               •  Compilation of good practices in the area of non-formal education
               •  By the end of 2012, around 60 young persons from the territory will have received
                  training whose validation, at national and European training level will be announced
                  at the beginning of the programme as "rural cultural revitalizers". Besides, the
                  exhibition will have covered the towns pertaining to the EgTC and around 150
                  young students will have attended the workshops.

               Diffusion strategies
               •    Posters, leaflets and website for spreading information and advertising the
               •    Reports and assessments for the municipal councils, associations and EU
               •    The activities will be advertised as part of the initiatives of the EGTC in collaboration
                    with the Youth in Action Programme

               The municipal councils from the EGTC will contribute in spreading information about
               courses and seminars by supplying infrastructures.

               Foreseen impact
               It is expected that the NET will become an enduring and permanent mainstay in the field
               of non-formal education, promoting the qualification of the youth from the territory by
               making the most of the indigenous economical and cultural resources of the rural
               environment. Furthermore, it is expected that the trained young people will be able to

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