www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774

Page created by Vernon Wheeler
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                         Knight Notes                                      Page 1

                                                                           FEBRUARY 2022
                                                          Fr Saylor 68th Anniversary Party
                                                                   February 26th
                                                       For the Father Saylor Council, the pinnacle of the year is the
                                                         Annual Anniversary Dinner and Dance. The party honors
                                                              an outstanding leader of the Council, very often an
                                                        Immediate Past Grand Knight. There have been 35 PGK in
                                                         the last 68 years. Going back to our founding, they include
                                                          such deceased Past Grand Knights as Leo Paluch, Julian
                                                       Joseph, Barney Haiduc, Art Champagne, Jack McAdoo, Sig
                                                        Obrycki, Andy Bertilino, Ed Klenczar and Marcos Dias. To
                                                         honor and keep all of them in our memories, we include a
                                                         list of all of our PGK on page two of this monthly Knight
                                                             Notes. Our most Recent PGK, Joe Martinez will be
                                                         honored on Saturday Feb. 26th. Some of our PGK helped
                                                             in the founding of our Council. Others stewarded us
                                                       through our growth as we became one of the top Councils in
                                                         Michigan. But none of these distinguished gentlemen ever
                                                          faced a crisis as severe as the COVID-19 pandemic. The
                                                             pandemic caused a significant number of stand-alone
                                                          Councils to close their halls and become Parish Councils.
                                                            But Fr. Saylor Council sailed through, maintaining its
                                                       programs and even expanding its activities despite isolation,
                                                        lockdowns and social distancing. Joe and the loyal officers
                                                        and the committee chairs have made our Council one of the
                                                           few Councils in Michigan to emerge from the pandemic
                                                        stronger than before. Come celebrate our 68tth Anniversary
                                                          on Sat. Feb 26th. Tickets are $25 and are available in the
                                                                          Lounge. See you on the 26th!

                                                           SUPER BOWL LVI PARTY
                                                                FEBRUARY 13, 2022
                                       The Big Game is not far off and Fr. Saylor will once again be hosting its
                                       own Super Bowl LVI Party!
                                       Bring a dish to pass as we celebrate this coming year’s Super Bowl starting
                                       at 6 pm on Sunday, February 13th in our Council Lounge.
                                         There will be food to share and a 50/50 raffle for one lucky person to win,
                                         as well as drink specials on domestic buckets of beer during the game only.
So, don’t miss a fun night join us for football, food and crazy commercials as we wrap up this year’s NFL season
with the biggest sporting event of the year, Super Bowl LVI.
Sincerely, Joe Martinez (Entertainment and Activity Director)
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                                                           Knight Notes                                                           Page 2
                                               KNIGHT NOTES                                                                             DISTRICT OFFICERS
                             - OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF -                                                                                  4TH DEGREE
                 Father Alfred Saylor Council 3774 Knights of Columbus                                                                  DISTRICT DEPUTY
                                 17113 Champaign· Allen Park, Michigan 48101                                                              DISTRICT 105
                                                                                                                         Ray Bilyk PGK,FDD .…..(Jennifer)…... 313-247-2110
   Members Lounge 313-386-1850                                     Crystal Park Banquet Center 313-388-9001
                                                                                                                                           DISTRICT WARDEN
   Fr. Saylor Web site: www.kofc3774.org                           Paul Carnarvon Web Master 313-510-1970
                                                                                                                         Sean Roland………………….………....313-570-8036
                                                                                                                                       MASTER FOURTH DEGREE
            Program Director                                                      OFFICERS                               S.K. Mark Brezenski……(Janice)…..…248-227-8120
 Robert LaHousse DGK …..…….313-995-0902                        Chaplain ..........…………….….…....Fr. Ray Arwady
                                                                                                                                       FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR
                                                                          ……………….…………..… 313-381-5601
                 CHURCH ACTIVITIES                             District Deputy.…………………Ray Bilyk PGK, FDD                 S.K. Alex Baclawski PGK………..….….734-675-3055
 Director......……….….…...........Bob Cooper PGK                              ( Jennifer)………..…..…..313-471-6794                      BISHOP FOLEY COUNCIL #2660
                                          . 313-383-4122       Grand Knight.…………….…….………Donald Siegel                    Stephen Lentz GK ……..( Peggy )…….313 949-5162
 Rosary Chain .............….…..….....Gary Szkarlat                          (Jennifer).………..…........313-299-9388
                                              313-381-0891     Deputy Grand Knight………..……..Robert LaHousse                              ROBERT H. JONES #3078
 Manresa Retreat ............….............Art Orlowski                    (Mary).……..……………….313-995-0902                John Difrancesco.……...(Pat)…….….313-381-1109
                                              313-388-9489     Chancellor ........….………...…...........Gary Szkarlat                Bernard O’Brien Council 3956
                                                                             (Sharon)……….…..…….313- 381-0891
 Vocations............….….....….........SK.Ron Pelley                                                                    William Robert……………( Linda)…..…..734-258-6369
                                                               Financial Secretary………………..Bob Cooper PGK
 Bank of Eternal Life ……...…….......C.T. Thomas
                                              313-928-1684     Recorder .…………...……Tony Johnson PGK, FDD
                                                                              (Cindy)….…….................313-478-6294   Fraternal Activities…….….….……Joe Martinez, PGK
 Our Lady of Angels........……........Len Vokal PGK             Warden....….…………..…….........John Dlugopolski
                              313-949-0652/734-795-7042                   (Marcella)…………………313-388-9599                                                    313-808-0780
 St. Frances Cabrini...….….............Gary Szkarlat           Treasurer……….……………….….……Jerry Ziemba                      Family       Activities   .……………………………
                                              313-381-0891                   (Marge)……….……..……313-590-8908
              COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES                             Lecturer.………………………………Len Vokal PGK                        Photographer....….…….…........................Faith Pelley
 Director ..............................Tony Lalli, PGK, FDD                (Sue)……...313-949-0652/734-795-7042
                                              313-388-6606                                                                                                          734-308-0443
                                                               Trustee......……….………….…….........Gary Schlack                                MEMBERSHIP
 Pro-Life …….…....................Ron Fix, PGK,FDD                          (Bridget)…..……………….734-355-9553
                                              734-287-8651                                                               Director........………………………...….Len Vokal PGK
                                                               Trustee ……….…………..………….Ronald Watkins                                                313-949-0652/734-795-7042
 Senior Citizens…..…………….… …Mark Conner                                    ……….……………………..313-399-6046
                                              734-946-9619                                                               Retention…….…………….…Mike Brennan, PGK,FDD
                                                               Trustee ………………………………….John Linares
 Sick Committee..….….....................C.T. Thomas                                                                                                                313-388-3238
                                              313-928-1684                                                                                 YOUTH ACTIVITIES
                                                               Advocate …………..…Felice (Tony) Lalli, PGK, FDD
 Blood Bank................…....….......James Zagunis                         (Maria) ..……............…..313-388-6606    Director..…..…...….….......Mark Gaworecki, PGK,FDD
                                              313-383-0878                                                                                                          313-388-6912
                                                               Inside Guard……………….........Bob Schierschmidt
 M.I.Chairmen............……………….Ron Watkins
                                              313-399-6046                   (Pam).…..…...……….…..313-388-1294            Spelling Bee......….……..….……................Mike Heath
                                                               Outside Guard………………….………. .Roy Lozano                                                                586-214-2729
                                               Jerry Ziemba                  (Charisse).….………..…..734-341-4143
                                              313-590-8908                                                               Scouting Liaison–Free Throw….Donald Siegel GK
                                                               Outside Guard ……………..….…..………Ed Sparks
 Mostaccioli Chairmen……………….Ron Watkins                                      (Cheri)…………………….734-812-9473                                                           313-299-9388
                                               Jerry Ziemba           BUILDING ASSOCIATION OFFICERS                                       PAST GRAND KNIGHTS
                                                               President ..…………………………….Tim Danilowicz                      David Wolfe ...………….……........................Deceased
                                        Tony Lalli PGK, FDD                                                                Leo L. Paluch ………...….…..….…...............Deceased
                                              313-388-6606                         (Vanessa)..….…….....734-818-0982        R.J. Moynihan ......…….……..….…...............Deceased
                                                               Vice President………………..……….………Joe Lalli                      Julian Joseph………..…..…..….…........……Deceased
           COUNCIL ACTIVITIES                                                      (Heather)……..……….313-779-0568           Ed Gotz ..............…………..…...…................Deceased
Director.………………………………                                          Treasurer…..…….………..……………….David Bosh                       Vic Chateauvert .…………..…...…................Deceased
                                                                                   …..…………….………313-717-7872                Barney Hayduk ..………….…...…................Deceased
Athletic.                                                                                                                  Joe Kent ..............…..…………..…...............Deceased
                                                               Secretary………….….…….…...…....Paul Carnarvon                  Arthur Champagne ……….…….…...............Deceased
                            …………….…….……………                                         (Sherrie)……………..313-510–1970            Lou Giacomantonio…………….….…...........Deceased
Bowling League ...........….….................Joe Elden        House Chairman.…………..……..….…..Joe Powers                    Floyd Kapalla .......…..….…………................Deceased
                                         734-282-2851                              (Karen)……..….…..… 313-580-2880          Jack McAdoo……....…..…………….….........Deceased
Father Saylor Golf Outing                                      Director.…….………………..…..………Tom Stevens                       John A. Nicklay .…………..…...….................Deceased
                                                                                   (Mary)….……………..313-999-3709             John S. Hawkins ...…...…..………….............Deceased
Mark Gaworecki, FDD, PGK....….…313-388-6912                                                                                Sigmund Obrycki ...…...…………..…............Deceased
Golf League Monday..…….…...………….Tim Push                       Director............………………………...……Dan Bosh                  John Revesz .......…..….………….................Deceased
                                         313-303-2988                              …………....….…….....734-678-4509           Andy Bertolino......…….……………..............Deceased
Golf League Thursday….…John Ksiazek PGK,FDD                    Director...……….…….…………...Joe Martinez PGK                   Ed Klenczar..........………………..……..…….Deceased
                                         313-605-4621                                                                      Bill Morgan ............……….……….................Deceased
                                                                                    .…………….…..…..…313-808-0780             Don Bessette .........………………...........313-605-7436
Euchre…………………...Leo & GloriaTamoshunas                         Trustee..........….…….……..……...........John Linares         Roland (Ron) Fix ..…….………….....…..734-287-8651
                                         313-381-6987                               ……….….…..….........313-477-2982        Felice (Tony) Lalli ...…………...…....…..313-388-6606
Steak Cookout....…................Tony Lalli,PGK, FDD          Trustee.........…..…………….……........Gary Schlack             Michael Brennan ..…..………….…........313-388-3238
                                         313-388-6606                              (Bridget)…….…..…….734-355-9553          Timothy M. Hayden ...………….…....…..313-928-6821
                        Knight Notes                           Trustee ……….………...….…………Ronald Watkins                      Mark F. Gaworecki…………….…….…...313-388-6912
Editor..….…............….….........Ron Fix, PGK,FDD                                ……….………………..313-399-6046                John A. Ksiazek .........………….……......313-605-4621
                                         734-287-8651          Grand Knight .…………..………...……Donald Siegel                   Thomas Bardziewicz..……………….….……Deceased
E-mail……………….......pepsiman1@comcast.net                                            (Jennifer)..…....….…..313-299-9388     Daniel Letinski ..…....….…………...........313-350-5254
Proofs........………...... Mark Gaworecki, PGK,FDD                Deputy Grand Knight………………Robert LaHousse                    Anthony Johnson……………….….…….313-478-6294
                                         313-388-6912                               (Mary).…….….….......313-995-0902       Marcos Dias……………………...……..……..Deceased
Writer.………………………………..SK Ron Pelley                                                                                         Scott Kolpasky……………………...…….313-408-9743
                                         734-308-0443                                                                      Robert Cooper……………..………….….313-383-4122
                                                                                                                           Len Vokal ………………..313-949-0652/734-795-7042
E-Notes………………….…………….Gary Schlack                                                                                          Joe Martinez……..………………………313-808-0780
                                         734-355-9553                                                                      Don Siegel…………..(Present)………..313-299-9388
Proofs.....................…….…........……….Sue Vokal
Advertising.......……..……....Tony Lalli, PGK, FDD                                                                                  Knights of Columbus Insurance
                                         313-388-6606                                                                           Servicing Agent for Fr. Saylor Council
Publicity Chairman ……………......SK Ron Pelley
                                                                                                                                         Thomas F. Jackson
Web Master………..………………Paul Carnarvon                                                                                                P.O. Box 865 Trenton MI 48183
                                          313-510-1970                                                                                    734-778-9601
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                                   Knight Notes                                       Page 3
                                                       Grand Knight Comments
                         Brother Knights Gooday All,
                         I want to first and foremost thank everyone involved with the much needed facelift of our very
                         own Father Saylor room. I encourage everyone to go down to take a look. It certainly adds to all
                         that we offer here at the Council in a very positive way.
                         We have so much going on at the Council in February like the Chili Cook off, Super Bowl, State
                         Bowling Tournament, Trivia Night, The Exemplification ( the old Major Degree), the
                         Anniversary Party and finally the Family Soup Supper. I hope to see everyone through the month
                         at least once or twice.
I would like everyone with a little time to spare to think about joining the Rosary Chain. I know many people are not
comfortable at a funeral home but I have seen firsthand what a show of Brotherhood means to a Family during their
time of sorrow.
Our membership team has already gotten us off to a good start for the Fraternal Year with over 10 new members.
Please remember to introduce yourself to the new members.
As always feel free to contact me at 734-308-2386 or GK3774@mikofc.org
Sincerely, Grand Knight Donald Siegel

  ...\Michelle and ...    Dear Brother Knights,                     but defer always to God’s holy Will. When we bring the
                                                                    problem to Jesus, we trust that the Lord will act. When
                          I begin this month’s article with an
                                                                    we bring the problem to Mary, we trust that She will bring
                          update on my new residence. I was
                                                                    it to Jesus, and Jesus will provide a solution.
                          living at the St. James rectory (Our
                          Mother of Perpetual Help Parish) in       Second, Our Lady is a terrific Intercessor for us in Our
                          Ferndale but as of January 4, 2022, I     prayers. We are reminded by the Catechism of the Catholic
                          now reside at St. Augustine Parish,       Church, (CCC) 969 that Mary continues to make heavenly
                          68035 S. Main Street, Richmond MI         intercession for us, for our needs, and that She is invoked
                           48062.                                   in the Church under the titles Advocate, Helper,
 Fr. Ray Arwady                                                     Benefactress, and Mediatrix.
                     Reflection from the Gospel of John
                     2:1-11 for the Second Sunday in                Third, we make our prayer to Jesus, or to the Father, or to
Ordinary Time, the Wedding Feast at Cana in Galilee. In             the Holy Spirit, or to Mary in a spirit of docility and
my years of ministry, I have heard some of the lay-faithful         humility, with a hopeful expectation that God may ask
say that it would be nice if the Priest preached a homily           something of us, or give us direction or instruction. Here
once in a while offering suggestions on how to pray. So,            we can be reminded to wait in silence for a few minutes,
the following is my attempt at a response to this idea.             5, 10 or 15 minutes, for a response from God.
The situation at the wedding (no wine; wine ran out) gives          After I present my prayer, I waited in the chapel and what
us an opportunity to see that it is Our Lady who brings the         did God say to me? Did God or Our Lady ask me to do
problem to Jesus, and Mary does so without suggesting               something?
how to resolve the matter but only places it upon her Son           Or did Jesus respond to me in a confusing manner like He
trusting that He will do something. Mary believes that              did to His own Mother: “My hour has not yet come.” That
Jesus not only can but will do something to resolve the             would be a time when again, the trust associated with our
crisis. Mary acts as a kind of Intercessor for this wedding         faith in Jesus is necessary to be exercised. And we might
couple, though the couple may or may not have any idea              respond back to the Lord, “What does this mean Jesus?”
what is happening. Mary brings her request to Jesus in              or to the Holy Spirit, “what is the significance of this
humility and docility, with a readiness to accept instruction.      memory or that which I am hearing?” Then we have the
The response from Jesus to Mary (“Woman, how does your              holy dialogue taking place and my relationship with God
concern affect me?’) could indicate that Jesus does not             developing or growing. Sometimes God will answer, “no”
really want to get involved. And yet the Lord chooses to            to our prayers, which is a possible answer. Often when that
remedy the situation with a miracle.                                happens, it is because God wants us a) to return again to
                                                                    prayer, b) permit our desire or fervor to increase, c) gain
This is an example for us on how to pray, how to bring our
                                                                    greater faith, and d) continue the walk with Jesus that leads
problems to Mary, and even to Jesus. First, following
                                                                    to salvation. There could be more reasons that these.
Mary’s example, we might simply tell the Lord, or Our
Lady, about our problem without proposing the solution
                                                                      Continued on page 5
that we desire. We may tell the Lord what we would prefer
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                            Knight Notes                                               Page 4
                                                                                         Let us Pray
                     Knight of the Month
                                                              Please Pray for our sick Brother Knights and their families as they en-
                      for January, 2022                       counter health challenges in their lives. Please Pray for our sick.
                     Our Knight of the Month for January
                                                                   Roger Ayotte                      Art Orlowski
                     2022 is Joe Lalli. Joe’s been a
                                                                   *Mary Bachleda                    *Lois Parynik
                     member for over 20 years but had              Todd Banach                       *Rose Pelle
                     taken a break from active                     Tony Bertalino                    Paul Sanders
involvement. Now he’s back with a rush! Joe and his                Brian Dunleavy                    Angelina Savona
wife Heather have a 6 year old daughter,Sophia.                    Donald Johns                      Harry Sisko
Heather works in the Charge Capture Dept of a local                Ken Lebot                         Jim Stauder
hospital and Joe works within the State of Michigan                Janis Marcero                     *Kevin Stauder
Department of Corrections. Since “re-joining” our                  Tom Marcero                       Rob Zavicar
Council you can see Joe and Heather actively involved              Tom Markovich                     Tom Zremski
in virtually anything going on at the moment. Joe was              *Napolean Martinez Jr             David Zyczynski
just elected as Vice-President of our Building                     *Theresa Moya                      Jim (Jimbo) Zagunis
Association. Obviously Joe is carrying on the family               *Judy Moynihan
tradition set by his dad Tony. Nice work – welcome
back Joe and Heather.
                                                             Denotes Family Member
                           The Family                                 A Mass will be said for Father Saylor Members and Families at
                        of the Month for                              Cabrini , Sunday February 6, 2022 @ 8:00 AM
                         January, 2022                                A Mass will be said for Father Saylor Members and Families at
                                                                      OLOA Sunday,February 20, 2022 @11:30 AM
                    Congratulations to Tony and Cindy
                    Johnson … our January 2022               Brother Knight Tony Mantua PFN has entered Eternal Life Please keep
                    Family of the Month. The Johnson         Tony and the Mantua Family in your prayers at this difficult time.
                    family also includes teenager,
Faith. Tony and Cindy are consistent attendees at our        Brother Knight Mark Sitko has entered Eternal Life. Please keep Mark
social events. Tony works with Waste Management              and the Sitko family in your prayers at this difficult time.
and Cindy works from home processing financial               Brother Knight Bill Alvis Jr. has entered Eternal Life. Please keep Bill
papers. Tony is a PGK, FDD and PGN … he currently            and the Alvis Family in your prayers at this difficult time.
serves as our Recorder. This is in addition to both of
them picking up the challenge to serve as team                Brother Knight Marty Howe has entered Eternal Life. Marty passed on
members at virtually all events generated by our             1-13-2022. Please keep Marty and the Howe family in your prayers at
Council; Spaghetti Dinners, Fish Fries, Steak Cookouts       this difficult time.
– you get the idea. Our heartfelt thanks to Tony and
                                                             Sick Brother Knights or Rosary chain Contact, Chancellor Gary
                                                             Szkarlat at lazloszk@yahoo.com or call 313-381-0891.

 Thru My Eyes                                                                              DID YOU KNOW?
 Our Parish Membership Drive took place at both                                            Monthly Drawings:
 OLOA and Cabrini – at all masses members greeted
 and invited fellow Parishioners to join our Council.                             Door Prize Winner
 Father Saylor hosted the 1st District Meeting of the        1st Business Meeting of 2022 Door Prize winning number
 Year on Tuesday the 11th. It’s worth noting that the        was 134 – Brother Knight Mark Conner was not in
 Crystal Park Catering family provided their services
 and a wonderful meal for the event and the 100+             attendance – he missed out on the $5.00 prize. [We had a
 Knights from around the State.                              winner last month and started over – lol]
 Our first Italian Dinner was offered on the last
 Wednesday of the month. A tradition of excellence                        Attendance Drawing Winner
                                                             The number drawn was 820 – Henry Walaski; he was not in
 Robert                                                      attendance so the $125 balance will carry over and grow for
                                                            February’s meeting. Hope to see you there.
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                           Knight Notes                                      Page 5

   Continued from page 3

Often, we ask in prayer something of God that we think is big, but God wants to give us something even
bigger—usually the most valuable thing we can receive from God—our salvation.
It is accurate to say that a relationship with God is one way to get to Heaven. We must pray if we expect to develop
a relationship with God and gain Heaven. Mary will also help in this regard and I strongly suggest daily recitation
of the Holy Rosary. If I am Catholic, I need to know how to pray the Rosary. If I feel that praying an entire Rosary
each day is overwhelming, then I can pray one decade per day to start, and work up to one whole Rosary per day.
Praying the Rosary and our devotion to Our Lady is truly part of our Catholic identity. Praying the Rosary will also
help develop our relationship with Mary, Our True Mother. Finally, as we bring our problems or crises to Jesus and
to Mary in prayer, also remember to pray for the grace of acceptance of God’s Holy Will, or acceptance of the outcome.
It is usually the case that we receive something unexpected in answer to our prayers, but not quite precisely what we
were asking for.
As a side note, I have always liked the last recorded words of Mary in the Gospel: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ After
those words, Mary is silent.

Peace, Blessings,
Rev. Fr. Raymond E. Arwady

                                                                             Rosary Chain Update
                                                                   What is the Rosary Chain? It consists of a group of
                                                                   Brother Knights who pray the Holy Rosary for a
                                                                   deceased member in good standing, or his
                                                                   immediate family, in their time of need.
                                                                   We all know how busy life can be with work and
                                                                   family commitments. However, if our Council is to
                                                                   keep this very special member service intact, we
                                                                   need more Brother Knights to join and participate
                             WEDNESDAY,                            with us. A Rosary service only involves about 30
                                                                   minutes of your time, and most of them occur in
                          FEBRUARY 23, 2022                        our local community. When a member enters
                                                                   Eternal Life, and his family requests a service, the
                         SOUP– SALAD & CHILI                       Rosary Chain goes into action.
                                                                   We call or e-mail you the details about the time
                                                                   and the location of the Funeral Home.. Please
  In Michigan, February is usually the messiest month              consider joining this elite team. Also you can come
  of the year – Snow, Ice, Freezing Rain or Sleet. Our             only when time allows you to. The spiritual
  response is our Family Dinner - Soup, Salad and                  rewards are immense. What better way to honor a
                                                                   deceased Brother Knight and his family!
  maybe a side of Chili. This is one of your last chances
  to party before Ash Wed. So take advantage of all you            Thank you
  can eat! Bring a family size pot of your favorite soup           Gary Szkarlat
  or chili to share. Cost for those who do not bring Soup          313-381-0891
  or Chili is $10, for cooks the fee is $6. Power strips           lazloszk@yahoo.
  will be available for your crock pot or slow cooker. If          com
  you will be bringimg a soup or chili contact Chief Cook
                               and GK Don Siegel at 734-
                               308-2386. But be aware,
                               PFN SK Ron Pelley will be
                               crafting a batch of beef chili
                               for PFN PKN FDD Tony
                               Johnson that will make
                               weak men die and strong
                               men cry. Be there and
                               watch what happens.
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                         Knight Notes                                    Page 6
                                                                              General Trivia
      Free E-Membership Extended
             One More Time!                                  Come join us for another night of General Trivia set
                                                             for Saturday, February 19th in our
    The online or e-membership code                          Council Lounge.
    to honor Fr. Michael J. McGivney                         Registration will begin at
         has been extended again!                            6:30pm with play starting
                                                             promptly at 7pm.
  Until June 30, 2022 the free online membership code is     Once again teams of four or less
                    MCGIVNEY2020                             will compete for cash prizes and
                                                             bragging rights.
                                                             The cost to play is $40 per team or $10 per person with
                                                             Bella's Pizza being delivered at the halfway point of
         BECOME A MEMBER                                     the contest.
                                                             We will run one 50/50 raffle during the night. Sign up
         OF THE KNIGHTS OF                                   early on the sheet found in our Lounge. The first 21
          COLUMBUS AND                                       teams that register will play.
                                                             Hope to see all of you there as we kick off the new
        ENJOY THE BENEFITS                                   year with our first Trivia of 2022!
                                                             Sincerely, PGK Scott and Todd Kolpasky (Co-chairs)

                    Here's how it works:
             Direct prospects to kofc.org/joinus
            Enter promo code MCGIVNEY2020
    Enter your membership number for sponsor credit
          Invite e-members to your Council's next
         Charity/Unity/Fraternity Exemplification
 Or use the On Demand Exemplification through officers           TO GREAT
                     online at kofc.org                         ACTIVITIES IN
  Or schedule in to District Exemplification or recorded            2022
     virtual Exemplification or schedule in to District
   Exemplification or recorded virtual Exemplification                            February-
      schedule by our State or Call Len Vokal PGK                                 Winterfest
                      @ 734-795-7042                                             Superbowl
                                                                              Officers’ Bowling
    Major Degree Exemplification                                               Major Degree
                                                                              Anniversary Party
         February 20, 2022
Father Saylor Council 3774 will be hosting an                            State Bowling Tournament
Exemplification starting with 9:30 Mass at Our                                  Trivia Night
Lady of the Angels Church followed by the                                Annual Planning Meeting
Exemplification beginning at 10:45 in our Council                                Fish Fry’s
Hall. There will be a short brunch following the
ceremony in our Lounge immediately afterwards.                                       April
All members are invited to                                                   Officer Nominations
attend. This major Degree in in honor of Joe                                  Easter Egg Hunt
Martinez IPGK                                                                     MI Drive
                                                                             Mostaccioli Dinner
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                                   Knight Notes                                          Page 7

                                    Fr Saylor Room Gets a "Fresh Look"
The Building Association Officers led by Tim Danilowicz, Joe Powers and Tom Stevens got
to work after the BA decided to improve the appearance of our basement hall. A crew was
put together to paint the walls, install new base moldings and strip and wax the floor. The
result is a brand new looking hall which is rented out to Members for various events
throughout the year. The BA had lots of help in finishing a project that took about two
weeks to complete. Crew members included: Paul & Joe Carnarvon, Dan Hurd, Joe Lalli,
Joe Martinez and Jose Villareal. Thanks to everyone for a job well done. If you are
interested in reserving the hall for any upcoming events, The lower Lounge has a capacity of
about 100, please call the Member Lounge at 313-386-1850.

                                                        REMEMBER                    F:\\Knight Notes February ...\20220120_201657.jpg

                                                        THE LOWER
                                                         IS HERE
                                                      FOR YOUR USE

                                                              February 2022

           S                    M                 T                W                    T               F                   S
                                           1             2                    3                 4                  5
                                                         Business Meeting     Bowling                              Winterfest

6     Super Bowl        7                  8             9                    10                11                 12
                                           Euchre 7pm    Building Assoc.      Bowling                              Officers Bowling
     A Mass will be
     said for Father
     Saylor Members
     and Families at
     Cabrini @ 8:AM

13                      14                 15            16                   17                18                 19
                        Knight Notes       Euchre 7pm                         Bowling
                        Meeting 7pm

20 Major Degree 21                         22            23                   24                25                 26
                                           Euchre 7pm    Chili Soup & Sald    Bowling                              Anniversary Party
      A Mass will be
      said for Father
      Saylor Members
      and Families at
      OLOA @ 11:30

27                      28
                        Officers Meeting
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                  Knight Notes                    Page 8

                                         Wanted – Needed
  We are in need of some committed Brother Knights to work as a team to produce the
  Council Newsletter. For the past almost Twelve years a group of Brother Knights have
  produced the Knight Notes for the Council and have
  not only saved the Council about $6,000 a year but
  have made a commitment to inform the Council
  members of Council events. We are in need of an
  editor, copy proof readers, layout and script writers.
  In addition to serving almost 800 members, the
  Knight Notes is e-mailed to about 200 members
  saving the Council the cost of printing and postage
  and is also posted on our web site. The Grand Knight
  and present staff will work with anyone interested in
  this very important project. Contact our Grand Knight
  Don Siegel for more information 313-299-9388
  The Knight Notes Committee

                                       Planning Meeting
 Just a reminder, that our Annual Planning Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16th at
7PM in our Council Lounge. Remember if you want to schedule an event , YOU MUST ATTEND
THIS MEETING. This helps our Council immensely, so we don’t have any conflicts or overlap of
 NEW YEAR. If you are
  a chairperson for an
   upcoming event you
   must attend or send
  someone to represent
   you at this meeting.
  Thank you for your
  cooperation in this

www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                       Knight Notes                               Page 9

 Steaks Cookouts
                                                               Peace, joy and love through HIM who
  Return March                                                 strengthens us. Thank you for your email.
       30th                                                    We'll respond as soon as we're able. We
                                                               humbly ask for your prayers, that our
January was a bit too
                                                               transition from Puerto Rico to Costa Rica is
cold to think about
grilling outside so our                                        smooth and that we can feel the Lord's
Chef Tony whipped up                                           presence each step of the way.
some tasty chicken in red sauce and delicious pasta. And
our famous salad bowl was back accompanied by                  Love,
Liberati’s garlic bread. The last week in February usually     The Carmody Family
features some of the coldest weather of the winter so our
Grand Knight coordinated a Chili and Soup dinner. With
the weather beginning to warm and spring right around          --
the corner, the carnivores are coming out of their caves
and nothing but a thick, juicy, grilled strip steak is going
to satisfy them. Think about that baked potato smothered
in sour cream. Is the wife hankering for the endless salad
bowl? You know that by March 30th, Spring will have
officially been here for over a week and the crocus may
even be blooming out in front of the Lounge. So the last
Wednesday of the month is the best time to grab a beer
and head out to the back of the Council to throw a steak or
two on the grill. We will be having a good time from 5 to 8
pm. Due to the sky-rocketing prices of beef, this year we
are forced to raise the price of the Steak Cookout from $12
to $15. But you can still shake off the winter blues with a
mouth-watering, sizzling steak. See you there!
Steak Cookout Committee, Tony Lalli Chair

                                                        Pre-Super bowl Weekend– Chili
                                                  Mark your calendar: The Father Saylor Annual Chili
                                                  Cook-off is scheduled across the street in the Park for
                                                  Saturday, February 12th at 2:00 PM, Super Bowl
                                                  Weekend, Enter your chili and compete to become our
                                                  chili master!! There will be music, games, prizes,
   fires and a heated tent. There is a $10.00 entrance
   fee for all attending which will get you a wrist
   band, the right to vote and all the chili you can
   eat. Bring your own cooler and be part of the
   voting for the 2022 Chili Master Championship.
   Hope to see you there!
www.kofc3774.org - Father Saylor Council #3774
February, 2022                                                    Knight Notes   Page 10

    Michael Livernois, Member Fr. Saylor Counci,Knights of Columbus
February, 2022   Knight Notes   Page 11
February, 2022                                 Knight Notes                                   Page 12

 FATHER ALFRED SAYLOR COUNCIL # 3774                                             Non-profit Organization
 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS                                                                  U.S. Postage
 17113 CHAMPAIGN                                                                          PAID
 ALLEN PARK, MICHIGAN 48101                                                          Allen Park, MI.
                                                                                     Permit NO. 6

       Every Tuesday
                 7 PM

                                    Calendar of Events

 Wednesday,February 2, 2022                   Fr. Saylor General Meeting, 7:00 pm
 Wednesday, February 9, 2022                  Building Association Meeting, 7:00 pm
 Saturday, February 12, 2022                  Winterfest
 Saturday, February 12, 2022                  Officers’ Bowling
 Monday,February 14, 2022                     Knight Notes Meeting, 7:00 pm
 Sunday, February 20, 2022                    Major Degree
 Saturday, February 26, 2022                  Anniversary Party
 Monday, February 28, 2022                    Officers’ Meeting, 7:00 pm
 Wednesday, March 2,2022                      Fr. Saylor General Meeting, 7:00 pm
 Saturday-Sunday, March 5-6, 2022             State Bowling Tournament
 Wednesday, March 9, 2022                     Building Assoc Meeting, 7:00 pm
 Monday,March 14, 2022                        Knight Notes Meeting, 7:00 pm
 Wednesday, March 16, 2022                    Annual Planning Meeting 7:00 pm
 Monday, January 31, 2022                     Officers’ Meeting, 7:00 pm
 Wednesday, March 30, 2022                    Steak Night [ First of the Year]
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