Page created by William Logan
IN 2021

Ipsos Global Advisor 25-Country Survey for the World Economic Forum
August 2021

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     MOST SUPPORT EXPANDING                                                                                                     OPPOSITION TO
                                                                               SENTIMENT ABOUT GLOBALIZATION
                                                                                                                              FOREIGN INVESTMENT
       PROTECTIONIST VIEWS                                                         IS MIXED AND DECLINING
                                                                                                                                 IS MARGINAL

Most adults in each of 25 countries                                 On average globally, only 48% agree that globalization    Despite polarization and
recently surveyed agree that                                        is a good thing for their country.                        ambivalence about
expanding trade is a good thing (an                                                                                           globalization, no more than
average of 75% per country).                                        Positive views of globalization are down in every         15% in any country disagree
                                                                    country (most of all in Latin America) by an average of   that investment by global
Yet in most countries, more agree                                   10 points since 2019, pre-COVID and vary widely           companies in their country
than disagree that there should be                                  across countries (from 72% in Malaysia to 27% in          is essential for its growth
more trade barriers to limit imports                                France).                                                  and expansion.
of foreign goods and services: on
average across the 25 countries,                                    About as many agree as disagree that globalization
37% agree, 27% disagree and 36%                                     prevents their country’s government from
are neutral or don’t have an                                        implementing effective economic policies and
opinion.                                                            democracy in their country from functioning properly,
                                                                    but more are neutral or unsure.

2 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021

                                                            Global Country Average

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           United States
                                                                                                                                                                               Great Britain

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   South Korea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    South Africa











Expanding trade is a good thing                           75% 86% 73% 63% 82% 68% 86% 85% 51% 55% 78% 78% 70% 59% 86% 85% 71% 87% 82% 86% 83% 73% 67% 68% 83% 70%

Investment by global companies in
[country] is essential for our growth and                 63% 73% 57% 58% 74% 59% 65% 71% 53% 48% 65% 61% 54% 49% 87% 68% 54% 73% 54% 51% 81% 72% 59% 50% 74% 54%
Overall, globalization is a good thing for
                                           48% 48% 45% 35% 62% 46% 55% 54% 27% 46% 45% 46% 40% 50% 72% 46% 42% 63% 42% 34% 64% 61% 44% 48% 55% 42%
my country
There should be more trade barriers to
limit imports of foreign goods and     37% 35% 49% 36% 38% 31% 31% 55% 49% 24% 25% 35% 46% 22% 47% 32% 23% 46% 27% 39% 55% 24% 36% 25% 56% 39%
services in [country]
Globalization prevents the [country’s]
government from implementing effective 31% 22% 35% 36% 33% 28% 34% 37% 48% 26% 23% 21% 41% 21% 38% 29% 30% 35% 25% 34% 37% 19% 29% 24% 34% 29%
economic policies
Globalization prevents democracy in
                                                          28% 23% 32% 30% 31% 20% 27% 32% 41% 23% 22% 20% 38% 17% 38% 28% 30% 28% 28% 26% 36% 14% 24% 26% 39% 27%
[country] from functioning well
Base: 19,017 online adults aged 16-74 across 25 countries
Online samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey tend to be more urban, educated, and/or affluent than the general population
The “Global Country Average” reflects the average result for all the countries where the survey was conducted; it has not been adjusted to the population size of each country and is not intended to suggest a total result
 3 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021
Global Country Average                                                         75%                                      16%        4% 5%
                   Peru                                                           87%                                             8% 1%3%        Majorities in all 25 countries agree that
              Malaysia                                                           86%                                            10%       3%1%   expanding trade is a good thing,
                 Russia                                                          86%                                             10% 1%3%        averaging at 75% with only 5%
             Argentina                                                           86%                                           7%      4% 3%     disagreeing.
                   Chile                                                        86%                                             9%      2% 4%
                Mexico                                                          85%                                            8% 2% 4%          Agreement is highest in Peru (87%),
             Colombia                                                           85%                                            9%      2% 4%     Malaysia, Russia, Argentina and Chile
          South Africa                                                         83%                                          10% 1% 6%            (all 86%) while it is lowest in France
                Turkey                                                        83%                                          10%       3% 5%       (51%) and Germany (55%).
                  Brazil                                                      82%                                          11%        3% 4%
                Poland                                                        82%                                           13%        2% 4%
          Great Britain                                                     78%                                          14%          5% 3%
               Hungary                                                      78%                                         14%          5% 4%
          South Korea                                                     73%                                          19%            3% 4%
              Australia                                                   73%                                        17%          3% 7%
          Netherlands                                                    71%                                       17%          4%       7%
         United States                                                  70%                                        21%              5% 5%
                    Italy                                               70%                                        20%             6% 5%
                Canada                                                 68%                                       20%             6%      6%
                                                                                                                                                 Base: 19,017 online adults aged 16-74 across 25
               Sweden                                                  68%                                     17%          6%         9%        countries
                  Spain                                               67%                                      20%             7%        7%      Online samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia,
                                                                                                                                                 Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey tend
               Belgium                                              63%                                      23%            4%        10%        to be more urban, educated, and/or affluent than the
                  Japan                                           59%                                        31%                   5% 5%         general population
                                                                                                                                                 The “Global Country Average” reflects the average
              Germany                                           55%                                       32%                 4%        9%       result for all the countries where the survey was
                 France                                       51%                                     32%                  9%          9%        conducted; it has not been adjusted to the population
                                                                                                                                                 size of each country and is not intended to suggest a
                                                                                                                                                 total result
                                              Agree         Neither agree nor disagree   Don't know    Disagree
     4 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021
Global Country Average                                               63%                                           24%                5%        9%
              Malaysia                                                                 87%                                               9%       2%2%   An average of 63% globally agree that
           South Africa                                                             81%                                            12%      1% 7%        investment by global companies in
                Turkey                                                     74%                                               16%           5% 6%         their country is essential for its growth
                  Brazil                                                   74%                                              15%          4%       7%     and expansion while just 9% disagree.
             Argentina                                                    73%                                              15%          5%       7%
                   Peru                                                   73%                                                19%          1% 8%          Agreement is highest in Malaysia
           South Korea                                                    72%                                                 21%             2% 5%      (87%) and South Africa (81%) and
              Colombia                                                   71%                                              17%         2%      10%        lowest in Germany (48%) and Japan
                Mexico                                                  68%                                             19%            3%       9%       (49%).
          Great Britain                                               65%                                             22%               7%         6%
                   Chile                                              65%                                             22%            3%        10%
               Hungary                                              61%                                           23%                10%           6%
                Canada                                             59%                                            26%                 7%         8%
                  Spain                                           59%                                             28%                  7%         7%
               Belgium                                            58%                                            28%                  6%         8%
              Australia                                          57%                                           25%               4%         14%
          United States                                         54%                                         26%                  7%          12%
           Netherlands                                         54%                                          27%                  6%         13%
                    Italy                                      54%                                         26%                  8%           12%
                                                                                                                                                         Base: 19,017 online adults aged 16-74 across 25
                Poland                                         54%                                              34%                     6%        7%     countries
                 France                                        53%                                           30%                    9%           8%      Online samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia,
                                                                                                                                                         Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey tend
                 Russia                                      51%                                         29%                   5%         15%            to be more urban, educated, and/or affluent than the
               Sweden                                        50%                                      25%                  11%             14%           general population
                                                                                                                                                         The “Global Country Average” reflects the average
                  Japan                                     49%                                              38%                         7%        5%    result for all the countries where the survey was
              Germany                                       48%                                           36%                       6%          9%       conducted; it has not been adjusted to the population
                                                                                                                                                         size of each country and is not intended to suggest a
                                                                                                                                                         total result
                                              Agree        Neither agree nor disagree        Don't know    Disagree
     5 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021
Global Country Average                                      48%                                        31%                   7%           13%
              Malaysia                                                      72%                                            20%             4% 4%
                                                                                                                                                    An average of 48% globally agree
          South Africa                                               64%                                           23%             3%        10%
                                                                                                                                                    that globalization is a good thing for
                   Peru                                              63%                                           24%              3%        9%    their country while just 13% disagree
                  Brazil                                            62%                                           25%                5%        8%   and the rest are neutral or unsure.
          South Korea                                              61%                                             29%                 2% 8%
                   Chile                                        55%                                          28%                 8%           9%    Majorities in 9 countries have a
                Turkey                                          55%                                         27%               7%           12%      positive assessment of globalization
             Colombia                                          54%                                          28%               6%           12%      with the largest in Malaysia (72%),
                  Japan                                      50%                                            36%                     6%         8%   South Africa (64%), Peru (63%),
             Argentina                                      48%                                         33%                    11%            9%    Brazil (62%) and South Korea (61%).
               Sweden                                       48%                                 21%               11%                20%
                Mexico                                     46%                                          36%                    7%           11%     Countries with the lowest levels of
                Canada                                     46%                                      31%                   9%             14%        agreement that globalization is a
               Hungary                                     46%                                     29%                   13%              13%       good thing for them are France
              Germany                                      46%                                        34%                  6%            15%        (27%), Russia (34%) and Belgium
              Australia                                    45%                                       34%                   6%           15%         (35%).
          Great Britain                                   45%                                        35%                     11%             10%
                  Spain                                   44%                                       35%                     10%             11%
          Netherlands                                    42%                                      35%                     9%             14%
                                                                                                                                                    Base: 19,017 online adults aged 16-74 across 25
         United States                                   42%                                    33%                     9%              16%         countries
                Poland                                   42%                                         41%                       7%           11%     Online samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia,
                                                                                                                                                    Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey tend
                    Italy                              40%                                    33%                    9%               19%           to be more urban, educated, and/or affluent than the
               Belgium                               35%                                  35%                    6%               24%               general population
                                                                                                                                                    The “Global Country Average” reflects the average
                 Russia                             34%                                       45%                           9%             12%      result for all the countries where the survey was
                 France                       27%                                   38%                       8%                27%                 conducted; it has not been adjusted to the population
                                                                                                                                                    size of each country and is not intended to suggest a
                                                                                                                                                    total result
                                              Agree         Neither agree nor disagree    Don't know         Disagree
     6 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021
                                                                                   Change since 2019
Global Country Average                                      48%                           -10
              Malaysia                                                       72%          n/a          In every country, fewer agree that
          South Africa                                                 64%                -4           globalization is a good thing for their
                   Peru                                               63%                 -17          country than did in 2019.
                  Brazil                                             62%                  -12
          South Korea                                               61%                   -6           The average drop across the 23
                   Chile                                         55%                      -17          countries where the question surveyed
                Turkey                                           55%                      -5           in 2019 is 10 points. It is steepest in
             Colombia                                           54%                       -20          Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Peru.
                  Japan                                       50%                         -1
             Argentina                                       48%                          -10
               Sweden                                        48%                          -6
                Mexico                                      46%                           -22
                Canada                                      46%                           -6
               Hungary                                      46%                           n/a
              Germany                                       46%                           -8
              Australia                                    45%                            -7
          Great Britain                                    45%                            -7
                  Spain                                   44%                             -5
          Netherlands                                    42%                              -4
                                                                                                       Base: 19,017 online adults aged 16-74 across 25
         United States                                   42%                              -4           countries
                Poland                                   42%                              -8           Online samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia,
                                                                                                       Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey tend
                    Italy                              40%                                -4           to be more urban, educated, and/or affluent than the
               Belgium                               35%                                  -10          general population
                                                                                                       The “Global Country Average” reflects the average
                 Russia                             34%                                   -7           result for all the countries where the survey was
                 France                       27%                                         -7           conducted; it has not been adjusted to the population
                                                                                                       size of each country and is not intended to suggest a
                                                                                                       total result
   7 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021
Global Country Average                              37%                                           31%                 5%                27%
                Turkey                                         56%                                                 23%            5%           17%
                                                                                                                                                      Globally, an average of 37% agree
             Colombia                                         55%                                                24%            2%           20%
                                                                                                                                                      there should be more trade barriers
          South Africa                                        55%                                                23%           1%           21%       to limit imports of foreign goods and
                 France                                    49%                                                 29%                 8%           14%   services in their country vs. 27% who
              Australia                                    49%                                               26%              4%            21%       disagree.
              Malaysia                                    47%                                                29%              3%            22%
                    Italy                                46%                                              24%               7%             23%        Majorities in 3 countries (Turkey,
                   Peru                                  46%                                                28%              2%           24%         Colombia and South Africa) and
         United States                               39%                                              31%                  6%             24%         pluralities in 10 countries agree.
                 Russia                              39%                                           25%              6%                 30%
                  Brazil                            38%                                           27%               6%                 30%            Pluralities in 4 countries (South
                  Spain                            36%                                                 39%                      7%            19%     Korea, Sweden, Great Britain and
               Belgium                             36%                                               35%                    6%             23%        Germany) disagree.
               Hungary                             35%                                          29%                 5%                 30%
             Argentina                            35%                                         27%                  9%                  30%            The prevailing opinion in 8 other
                Mexico                           32%                                            35%                    5%               28%           countries is neutral.
                Canada                          31%                                           33%                    8%                 28%
                   Chile                        31%                                          33%                   5%                 32%
                Poland                        27%                                          35%                   4%                 34%
                                                                                                                                                      Base: 19,017 online adults aged 16-74 across 25
          Great Britain                      25%                                     30%                    8%                     36%                countries
               Sweden                        25%                                    27%                  9%                       39%                 Online samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia,
                                                                                                                                                      Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey tend
          South Korea                       24%                                       33%                  3%                    40%                  to be more urban, educated, and/or affluent than the
              Germany                       24%                                        36%                    5%                   36%                general population
                                                                                                                                                      The “Global Country Average” reflects the average
          Netherlands                      23%                                         37%                      7%                   33%              result for all the countries where the survey was
                  Japan                    22%                                              46%                           7%              24%         conducted; it has not been adjusted to the population
                                                                                                                                                      size of each country and is not intended to suggest a
                                                                                                                                                      total result
                                              Agree         Neither agree nor disagree            Don't know       Disagree
     8 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021
Global Country Average                          31%                                   33%                     9%                    28%
                 France                                  48%                                           26%                 10%              16%
                                                                                                                                                  Globally and in most countries, public
                    Italy                             41%                                      28%                   8%                 22%       opinion is divided or neutral on
              Malaysia                              38%                                     29%                 5%                  29%           whether globalization prevents their
          South Africa                              37%                                      32%                   5%                27%          country’s government from
             Colombia                               37%                                      32%                    7%                25%         implementing effective economic
               Belgium                             36%                                         36%                        10%              18%    policies: on average, 31% agree,
              Australia                            35%                                     32%                     8%                 25%         28% disagree, and 33% neither
                   Peru                           35%                                     31%                  5%                  30%            agree nor disagree.
                Turkey                            34%                                  26%               5%                     35%
                 Russia                           34%                                     33%                        12%                 21%      No country shows a majority
                   Chile                         34%                                    28%                  10%                    28%           agreeing or a majority disagreeing.
                  Brazil                         33%                                  27%                 7%                     33%
          Netherlands                          30%                                      36%                      10%                   24%        Agreement is most prevalent in
                Mexico                         29%                                     37%                       8%                  26%          France (48%) and Italy (41%) and
                  Spain                        29%                                     37%                         11%                  23%       disagreement in South Korea (48%).
         United States                        29%                                    35%                       10%                   26%
                Canada                        28%                                     36%                        13%                    23%
              Germany                        26%                                  36%                      8%                     31%
                Poland                      25%                                    38%                      7%                    31%
                                                                                                                                                  Base: 19,017 online adults aged 16-74 across 25
               Sweden                       24%                                31%                          21%                        23%        countries
          Great Britain                    23%                                 35%                        14%                       28%           Online samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia,
                                                                                                                                                  Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey tend
             Argentina                    22%                              28%                   13%                          38%                 to be more urban, educated, and/or affluent than the
               Hungary                   21%                               29%                   12%                          38%                 general population
                                                                                                                                                  The “Global Country Average” reflects the average
                  Japan                  21%                                       45%                            9%                  25%         result for all the countries where the survey was
          South Korea                   19%                              31%               3%                            48%                      conducted; it has not been adjusted to the population
                                                                                                                                                  size of each country and is not intended to suggest a
                                                                                                                                                  total result
                                              Agree         Neither agree nor disagree      Don't know        Disagree
     9 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021
Global Country Average                        28%                                  32%                          8%                            32%
                 France                             41%                                             31%                            8%                 20%
                                                                                                                                                            An average of 28% across all 25
                Turkey                             39%                                    21%                  5%                          35%              countries agree that globalization
                    Italy                         38%                                         30%                            8%                   25%       prevents democracy in their country
              Malaysia                            38%                                         31%                           5%                   27%        from functioning well while more
           South Africa                          36%                                         31%                           4%                   29%         disagree (32%) or are neutral (also
              Colombia                         32%                                        35%                             4%                    29%         32%).
              Australia                        32%                                       34%                              7%                     27%
                  Brazil                      31%                                   28%                    6%                             36%               Agreement is highest in France
           Netherlands                        30%                                      35%                             9%                       26%         (41%), Turkey (39%), Italy (38%) and
               Belgium                        30%                                      35%                             10%                       25%        Malaysia (38%).
                Mexico                       28%                                      36%                             7%                       28%
                   Peru                      28%                                    33%                        4%                          35%              South Korea is the only country with
                Poland                      28%                                      35%                             6%                      31%            a majority disagreeing (56%).
          United States                     27%                                    34%                              9%                        30%
                   Chile                   27%                                  29%                       9%                              36%
                 Russia                    26%                                          44%                                       10%              20%
               Sweden                      26%                                 28%                        13%                               34%
                  Spain                   24%                                   34%                          9%                             33%
             Argentina                   23%                             22%               12%                                          43%
                                                                                                                                                            Base: 19,017 online adults aged 16-74 across 25
              Germany                    23%                                 31%                     8%                                   38%               countries
          Great Britain                 22%                                   33%                          13%                                  31%         Online samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia,
                                                                                                                                                            Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey tend
                Canada                 20%                                   37%                            13%                                 30%         to be more urban, educated, and/or affluent than the
               Hungary                 20%                              27%                  12%                                        41%                 general population
                                                                                                                                                            The “Global Country Average” reflects the average
                  Japan              17%                                      45%                                    9%                         29%         result for all the countries where the survey was
           South Korea              14%                         27%               3%                                        56%                             conducted; it has not been adjusted to the population
                                                                                                                                                            size of each country and is not intended to suggest a
                                                                                                                                                            total result
                                              Agree        Neither agree nor disagree        Don't know              Disagree
   10 ‒ © Ipsos | World Opinion on Globalization and International Trade in 2021
These are the results of a 25-country survey conducted by Ipsos on its Global    The data is weighted so that each country’s sample composition best reflects
Advisor online platform. Ipsos interviewed a total of 19,017 adults aged 18-74   the demographic profile of the adult population according to the most recent
in the United States, Canada, Malaysia, South Africa, and Turkey, and 16-74 in   census data.
20 other markets between March 26 and April 9, 2021.
                                                                                 Where results do not sum to 100 or the ‘difference’ appears to be +/-1
The sample consists of approximately 1,000 individuals in each of Australia,     more/less than the actual, this may be due to rounding, multiple responses, or
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Spain,    the exclusion of don't know or not stated responses.
and the U.S., and 500 individuals in each of Argentina, Chile, Colombia,
Hungary, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Russia, South          The precision of Ipsos online polls is calculated using a credibility interval with
Africa, South Korea, Sweden, and Turkey.                                         a poll of 1,000 accurate to +/- 3.5 percentage points and of 500 accurate to +/-
                                                                                 4.8 percentage points. For more information on Ipsos’s use of credibility
The samples in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany,           intervals, please visit the Ipsos website.
Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, South Korea,
Spain, Sweden, and the U.S. can be taken as representative of these              The publication of these findings abides by local rules and regulations.
countries’ general adult population under the age of 75.

The samples in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Russia, South
Africa, and Turkey are more urban, more educated, and/or more affluent than
the general population. The survey results for these countries should be
viewed as reflecting the views of the more “connected” segment of their

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