WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2

Page created by Douglas Murphy
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2

           Highcroft Absolute Lily-Red
  2019 International Red & White Show Grand Champion

    Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA
            September 28 - October 2
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2
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WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2
International Red & White Show
                                           1:30 p.m. Thursday, September 30 (Heifers)
                                           DP)ULGD\2FWREHU &RZVDQG*URXSV

                                               World Dairy Expo
                                               Board of Directors
            Dairy Cattle
             Exhibitor                         President
            Committee                          **Bill Hageman, At-Large Representative
                   Chair                       **Tom Morris, WDE Dairy Cattle Exhibitor Committee Chair
         Tom Morris, Amery, WI                 Secretary/Treasurer
                Vice-Chair                     **Bob Hagenow, At-Large Representative
     Bryan Voegeli, Monticello, WI
                                               Bill Barlass, Director Emeritus
Overall Dairy Cattle Show Superintendent
        Dave Bollig, Belleville, WI            Dan Belk, Foremost Farms USA
            Ethics Coordinator                 Scott Bentley, World Dairy Expo General Manager
   David Jeans, DVM, Evansville, WI            **Dave Bollig, Overall Dairy Cattle Show Superintendent
                                               Dan Brattlie, Nasco
      Katie Agnew, Oconomowoc, WI              Jim Crowley, Jr., Director Emeritus
      Dale Bendig, Gettysburg, PA              Scott Culbertson, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo                 2021
   Justin Burdette, Mercersburg, PA            Jason Danhof, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo
                                               Alan Deming, Director Emeritus
     Evan Creek, Hagerstown, MD                                                                                    2I¿FLDO-XGJH
                                               Glen Easter, Dairy Farmers of America
        John Dalton, Hartland, WI                                                                                  Pierre Boulet
                                               Troy Esser, BouMatic LLC
        Dean Dohle, Halfway, MO                Corey Geiger, Holstein Association USA, Inc.                  0RQWPDJQ\4XHEHF&DQDGD
       Tom Foss, Cambridge, MN                 Calvin Graber, Associated Milk Producers, Inc.
    Corey Geiger, Mukwonago, WI                Tim Griswold, Dane County Holstein Breeders                        $VVRFLDWH-XGJH
                                               Keith Heikes, URUS                                                  5LFKDUG/DQGU\
    Bruce Gingerich, Millerburg, IN
                                               Dean Hermsdorf, ABS Global, Inc.                                6WH%ULJLWWHGHV6DXOWV
      Gene Hall, Jr., Cushing, OK              Josh Hushon, At-Large Representative
       Lynn Harbaugh, Marion, WI                                                                                  4XHEHF&DQDGD
                                               **Kevin Jorgensen, Select Sires, Inc.
  Matt Hawbaker, Clear Spring, MD              Ernie Kueffner, At-Large Representative
         Matt Henkes, Luana, IA                Ray Kuehl, Director Emeritus                                       Superintendent
    Ysabel Jacobs, Cap-Sante', QC              Dave Kyle, Foremost Farms USA                                       0LNH0DUHDQ
                                               **Joan Lau, At-Large Representative                               $OEDQ\:LVFRQVLQ
      Deb Lakey, Trempealeau, WI
                                               Jeff Lyon, At-Large Representative
     Steve Maddox, Riverdale, CA               Jennifer Meyer, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo
 Sheila McGuirk, DVM, Dodgeville, WI           Randy Romanski, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,
     Donna Mertz, DVM, Blair, NE                                   Trade & Consumer Protection
       Roger Owens, Frederic, WI               Chad Ryan, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo
     Terri Packard, Boonsboro, MD              **Jeannette Sheehan, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo
                                               Jim Sipiorski, CentralStar Cooperative, Inc.
       Christy Ratliff, Garnett, KS
                                               Kate VandenBosch, UW-Madison CALS
     Chad Ryan, Fond du Lac, WI                Clark Vilter, Wisconsin Guernsey Breeders Association
     Kevin Stoltzfus, East Earl, PA            **Bryan Voegeli, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo
 Rick "RT" Thompson, Darlington, WI            Ryan Weigel, Wisconsin Holstein Association
     Roger Turner, Watertown, WI               **Doug Williams, WDE Commercial Exhibitor Committee Chair
 Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond, WI              Emily Yeiser Stepp, National Milk Producers Federation
 Andrew Vander Meulen, Brighton, ON            **Denotes Member of Executive Committee
         Clark Vilter, Hartland, WI
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2
A special "Thank You" to all Dairy Cattle Show
                                                                                  sponsors including:

                       2021                                                              Supreme Champion
                                                                      The Gregory Blaska Memorial Trophy: World Dairy Expo, Inc.
                                                                              Supreme Champion Cash Award: BouMatic
                                                                             Supreme Champion Royal Blanket: Agpro, Inc.
                                                                     Supreme Champion Director's Chair: International Protein Sires
                                                                     Reserve Supreme Champion Cash Award: Trans Ova Genetics

                                                                Reserve Supreme Champion Royal Blanket: E-Zee Milking Equipment, LLC

                                                                  Reserve Supreme Champion Director's Chair: TLAY Dairy Video Sales
                                                                       $1,000 Grand Champion Cash Awards: Udder Comfort Inc.
                                                                                Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show
                                                                     The W. Terry Howard Memorial Trophy: World Dairy Expo, Inc.
    Please see the World Dairy Expo Premium Book                          Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show Cash Award:
    for additional Dairy Cattle Show award sponsors.                                  Trans Ova Genetics
                                                                         Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show Royal Banner:
                                                                                      Trans Ova Genetics
                                                                      Reserve Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show Cash Award:
                                                                                       Golden Calf Company
                                                                     Reserve Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show Royal Banner:
                                                                                      Golden Calf Company
                                                                           Junior Champion Sashes: TLAY Dairy Video Sales
                 World Dairy Expo, Inc.                               $500 Junior Champion Cash Awards: Cargill Animal Nutrition
                       3310 Latham Drive
                 Madison, Wisconsin 53713 USA                                         Neck Ribbons & Medallions:
                      Phone: 608-224-6455                                              Jetstream Genetics, Inc.
   •                          Morning Coffee Cart: ABS Global and St. Jacobs ABC •
                                                                           Dairy Cattle Exhibitor Appreciation Picnic: Culver's •
        VQDSFKDWZRUOGGDLU\H[SR‡VSRWLI\VSRWL¿;[)WG[               Herdsmanship Jackets & Awards: Select Sires, Inc.
        \RXWXEHFRPZRUOGGDLU\H[SR‡([SR)0)0                      Milking Parlor Equipment & Supplies: BouMatic

                             Staff                                   ([KLELWRU:HOFRPH%DJV 0LON%XFNHWV1DVFR)DUP 5DQFK
                Scott Bentley, General Manager                                   Cattle Check-In Apparel: Bio-Vet, Inc.
       Ann Marie Magnochi, Dairy Cattle Show Manager
                                                                               Sharps Containers: Elanco Animal Health
         Laurie Breuch, Dairy Cattle Show Coordinator
      Crystal Ripp, Trade Show & Sponsorship Manager                             840 Tag Sponsor: Datamars Livestock
           Mikayla DeBoer, Trade Show Coordinator
                                                                         ExpoTV Broadcast: Diamond V, Golden Calf Company,
           Katie Schmitt, Communications Manager                               Madero Dairy Systems, and STgenetics
               Kelsey Erf, Communications Intern
      Dawn Dommisse, Administrative Services Manager                               Barn Disinfectant: AgroChem, Inc.
     Cassi Miller, International & Youth Programs Specialist
                 Michele Elliott, Staff Accountant
        Annette Ziegler, Purple Cow Gift Shop Manager
            Laura Herschleb, Education Contractor
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2
A special "Thank You" to all Junior Dairy Cattle Show
                 sponsors including:                                           Expo Your Way
 Junior Show Gold Sponsor: MilkSource Genetics, Trans Ova Genetics            World Dairy Expo’s mobile event app
                       and Tom Morris Ltd.                                 helps you customize your Expo experience!
    Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Cash Award: BouMatic
                                                                           Custom Schedule
        Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Trailer Award:
                  Frenchville Trailer Sales, LLC                           View additional details and favorite events to create your custom
Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Royal Blanket: Select Sires, Inc.
                                                                           Cattle & Exhibitor Search
       Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Director's Chair:               Search for your favorite animals or
                   International Protein Sires
     Reserve Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Cash Award:               Pavilions or Cattle Tent.
                       Udder Comfort Inc.
                                                                           Dairy Cattle Show Results
           Reserve Supreme Champion of the Junior Show                     Keep updated on the Dairy Cattle Show
               Royal Blanket: Ameriprint Apparel, LLC
                                                                           with real-time results on class winners
   Reserve Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Director's Chair:           and champions.
                    TLAY Dairy Video Sales
      Grand Champion of the Junior Show Sashes: New Holland                Railbird Judging Contest
                                                                           Submit your top four backtag numbers
$500 Grand Champion of Junior Show Cash Awards: Udder Comfort Inc.
                                                                           in each Railbird class to see how your
            Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show                     SODFLQJVPDWFKXSDJDLQVWWKHRI¿FLDO
       Michael Hellenbrand Memorial Trophy: Linda Hellenbrand              judge!
      Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show Cash Award:
                     Golden Calf Company                                   Trade Show Search & Maps
     Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show Royal Banner:              Locate companies and products found in the Trade Show using the
                    Scott & Nikki Culbertson                               searchable list feature or with interactive maps.
  Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show Cash Award:
                     Golden Calf Company                                         Download the WDE mobile
 Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show Royal Banner:               event app today from Google
                     Ebert Enterprises LLC                                        Play or the App Store by
   Junior Champion of the Junior Show Sashes: Duane T. Cole, DDS                searching “World Dairy Expo”
                                                                                 or scanning this QR code.
         $250 Junior Champion of Junior Show Cash Awards:
                       Cargill Animal Nutrition
              Junior Show Neck Ribbons & Medallions:
                       Accelerated Genetics

Junior Show General Sponsor: Green County Holstein Breeders, Kaeser
          Compressors, Inc., Revolution, and Tuffy Tilt Tables

                                                Showring Sponsors
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2
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WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2
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WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA September 28 - October 2
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Page 1

Class 605 Spring Heifer Calf
          Born 03/01/2021 - 05/31/2021
          Premiums: $70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15
          1st Place Award presented by Red & White Dairy Cattle Association
          Junior Premiums: $35, 30, 20, 15, 10, 10
          Junior Award presented by Red & White Dairy Cattle Association

  2400 Wide-Open War Katelynn-Red          03/30/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET              Wide Open Holsteins
            D-03-03    254 20,893 3.6% 748 3.3%P 695P     D-Makers Addiction Kiki-Red              Alma Center WI

  2401 NK-Stef Unstpbl Totally-Red          03/29/2021 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red             Nikole Steffenhagen
            D-02-03      138 9,678 4.3% 415 3.1%P 300P     D-Kamps-Hollow Tessi-Red                Kenosha WI

  2402 Dr-KG Warrior Mystic-Red-ET              03/23/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         Dale Rupprecht and Karen Gorentz
                                                               D-Sattellite Rdburst Maria-Red      Thief River Falls MN

  2403 Siemers Tequila 163-Red-ET               03/17/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         Siemers Holstein Farm, Inc.
                                                               D-Strans-Jen-D Tequilla-Red-ET      Newton WI

 *2404 Kress-Hill Sci-Fi-Red-ET                 03/16/2021 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET           Owen & Kendyll Kress
            D-02-05        305 28,301 4.2% 1,167 3.0%P 821P D-Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET          Newton WI

 *2405 Ms Fames Fortune-Red                     03/15/2021 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red         H & H McIsaac and M, M & M Price
                                                               D-BHHD Claim To Fame-Red-ET         Martinton IL

 *2406 Roxy-Dane Emilyann-Red                   03/14/2021        S-Luck-E Aristocrat-Red          Kristina & Ana Mikklelson
                                                                  D-Roxy-Dane Integral Emmi-Red    Stoughton WI

  2407 Ms Unstopabull Reborn-Red-ET             03/12/2021        S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Madison Fisher
                                                                  D-Ms-Aol Cntndr Revive-Red-ET    Newville PA

  2408 Luck-E America Jaylie                    03/10/2021        S-Luck-E America 684-ET          David Thurow and Shelby Nobs
                                                                  D-Luck-E Ashton Jaylie-Red       Newark IL

  2409 Brook Hollow Dutton-Red-ET               03/08/2021 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red           Delbert & Heather Yoder
                                                               D-Macs-Acres Dy 523 Red             West Salem OH

 *2410 Ms Ky-Blue Firestick-Red-ET            03/07/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET           K. Gibson, T. Wright, B. Tucker and L. Schmitt
             02-06        305 17,926 4.0% 712 3.3%P 585P     D-Entourage-LC Fire-Red-Tw-ET         Eminence KY
                          365 20,757 4.0% 833 3.3%P 693P

 *2411 Ms Warrior Regal-Red-ET                  03/07/2021        S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Chloe & Claire Lamb
                                                                  D-Ms-Aol Cntndr Revive-Red-ET    Oakfield NY

  2412 Garay-Md-Wvg Britney-Red-ET              03/06/2021        S-Luck-E Awesome-Red             T&S Abbott, M&S Hawbaker and M&J Duckett
                                                                  D-Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss-ET   Clear Spring MD

  2413 AK-Philips Ticklish-Red-ET               03/05/2021        S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Kenlee Philips
                                                                  D-AK-Philips Tickle Me Elmo      Lingleville TX

  2414 Lyn-Vale Warrior Peppa-Red               03/05/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         William A Schultz III
                                                               D-Tree-Hayven Gldn Drm Pansey       Waldo WI

  2415 Ms Kiss Remy Love Me-ET                  03/05/2021 B&O S-KW-Bhl Remy-Red-ET                Triple S and Fairholm
                                                               D-Golden-Oaks Moonlite Kiss-ET      Anamosa IA

 *2416 Booth-Haven Fancy Lady-Red               03/04/2021 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET           Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth
                                                               D-Booth-Haven My Fair Lady          Plymouth WI

International Red & White Show
Page 2

  2417 Burledge W Sasha Fierce-Red          03/04/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Ray & Rae Nell Halbur
                                                           D-Burledge Dusk Supreme            Fond Du Lac WI

  2418 Milksource Tantalize-Red-ET          03/04/2021       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Taylor Haeft and Brady Beals
                                                             D-Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red-ET    Delavan WI

 *2419 Crescentmead Rhubarb-Red            03/03/2021 B&O S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET       Grady & Lane Wendorf
            D-02-03    172 14,898 3.6% 533 3.1%P 462P     D-OCD Ava Rhianna-Red-ET            Ixonia WI

 *2420 Hilrose Moovin Angel-Red-ET            03/03/2021    S-Lindenright Moovin-ET           Olivia Schluter
             D-07-02     305 38,960 5.0% 1,929 3.2%P 1,253P D-Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET      Red Bud IL
                         365 47,040 5.2% 2,456 3.3%P 1,570P

 *2421 Royal-Cut Avlh Josie-Red-ET          03/03/2021       S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWLauren Anne Silveira
                                                             D-Jo-Costa Manhatten-Red        Chowchilla CA

 *2422 Zehrview Army Jewel-Red              03/03/2021 B&O S-Golden Oaks Srg Army-Red-ET      Rosalee & Wyatt Zehr
                                                           D-Siemers Dy Jublilina-Red-ET      Graymont IL

 *2423 A-Mi-Da-Sa Uns Artic-Red-ET          03/02/2021 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Octavia E. Bushey
                                                           D-A-Mi-Da-Sa Dprn Allison-Red      Ellijay GA

  2424 Gahm Oz Royal Atalaya-Red-ET         03/02/2021 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET          Robert Gallivan and Daryld Gahm
                                                           D-Apple-Pts Andrenna-Red-ET        Dyersville IA

 *2425 Hawkeye-Jk Mv Around-Red-ET          03/02/2021       S-Lindenright Moovin-ET          Cole & Carter Kruse
                                                             D-Miss Arizona-ET                Dyersville IA

 *2426 Hilrose Redlight Amy-Red-ET          03/02/2021 B&O S-Brookview Redlight-Red           Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier
                                                           D-Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET       Hilbert WI

 *2427 May-K-Mark Unst Sharmin-Red          03/02/2021       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Preston Peabody
                                                             D-Oakfield Shabang               Buskirk NY

  2428 MD-Hillbrook In Love-Red-ET          03/02/2021 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Hill, Topp, Umbel and Borba
                                                           D-DJ-Purepride Infra Red-ET        Thurmont MD

  2429 Milksource Hot Topic-Red-ET          03/02/2021       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Leslie & Linda Bruchey
                                                             D-Strans-Jen-D Tequilla-Red-ET   Westminster MD

  2430 Miss Akita-Red                       03/02/2021       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Dylan & Cameron Ryan
                                                             D-Apple-Pts RB Akiva-Red-ET      Fond Du Lac WI

 *2431 Ms Hittsong-Bl Abby-Red              03/02/2021 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Brock Lidde
                                                           D-Ful-A-Rae Abigail-Red-ET         Argyle NY

 *2432 Ms King-Street Rocknroll-Red         03/02/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        C Gebert and B & C Rupprecht
                                                           D-King-Street Ready2roll-Red       Vassar MI

 *2433 Ms Stolhaven JN Abby-Red-ET          03/02/2021       S-Cycle Jails Journey-Red-ET     Nevin F T Erbsen
                                                             D-Ms Apples Anastacia-Red-ET     Lanark IL

 *2434 Schievink Uns Ginger                 03/02/2021 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red   Jordan Schievink
                                                           D-Ms Shadow W Doorman Hershey Stephenville TX

  2435 Willows Edge Marieke-Red               03/02/2021 B&O S-SHG Avalanche Lotto-Red        Bonnie Van Dyk
             D-03-11     305 31,459 4.4% 1,386 3.0%P 930P D-Willows Edge At Meisje-ET         New Richmond WI
                         354 34,723 4.4% 1,550 3.0%P 1,039P

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 *2436 CK-Horizons Diamond-Red-ET             03/01/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         Chloe Kinnard
                                                             D-Milksource AB Dallas-Red-ET       Casco WI

  2437 Clarkvalley Jordy Renita               03/01/2021 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red           Clarkvalley
                                                             D-Duckett A Crisp Gala-Red          Woodville ON

  2438 Darcroft JC Unstop Alabama             03/01/2021        S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Clarkvalley
                                                                D-Ty-D Archrival Azuli           Woodville ON

  2439 Dresser Unstop Raveena-Red             03/01/2021 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red         Adam Dresser
                                                             D-Dresser Jordy Raya-Red            Lyndonville NY

 *2440 Flannery-Vu War Ali-Red-ET             03/01/2021        S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Curtis, Evelyn & Agnes Griffin
                                                                D-Sherona-Hill Jct Annie-Red     Thief River Falls MN

 *2441 Hilrose Moovin Aliza-Red-ET            03/01/2021 B&O S-Lindenright Moovin-ET             Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier
                                                             D-Hilrose Darwynn Angie-Red         Hilbert WI

  2442 Kamps-Rx Altd Arbormist-Red            03/01/2021        S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Justine Kelsey
                                                                D-Kamps-Rx Appleb Amaretto-ET    Canastota NY

  2443 Kamps-Rx-Db Aftershow-Red              03/01/2021 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET           Reggie & Krysty Kamps and Dennis J Bowers
                                                             D-Kamps-Rx Appleb America-ET        Darlington WI

  2444 Kimball-Way A Andrea-Red-ET            03/01/2021        S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Eric Smith
                                                                D-Ms Opportunity Amanda-Red-ET   Sudlersville MD

  2445 Merrillea Un Cabernet-Red              03/01/2021        S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Merrillea Holsteins and Ransom Rail Farm
                                                                D-Merrillea Sparkling Crystal    Fayette NY

 *2446 Ms Mauk-E-Way Remington-Red            03/01/2021 B&O S-Lindenright Moovin-ET             N, B & J Mauk and A, C & Royce Booth
                                                             D-Ms Mauk-E-Way Remi-Red-ET         Plymouth WI

  2447 Ms Stunning Wr Audacity-Red            03/01/2021        S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Cole Stricland
                                                                D-Pamprd Acres Aw Adde Red-ET    Clear Spring MD

 *2448 Schluter Warr Athena-Red-ET            03/01/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         Tynnlee & Graisee Schluter
                                                             D-Apple-Pts Ainsa-Red-ET            Delavan WI

  2449 Sddotte Mrs Marshmallow-Red           03/01/2021  S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET           Grayson & Abbi Gahring
            D-02-00     305 23,913 4.5% 1,075 3.2%P 801P D-Sddotte Chip Mavis 3952 Red           Homestead IA

 *2450 Synergy Rlight Siren-Red               03/01/2021 B&O S-Brookview Redlight-Red            Evan Jauquet
                                                             D-Synergy Always Smokin-Red         Pulaski WI

Class 606 Winter Heifer Calf
          Born 12/01/2020 - 02/28/2021
          Premiums: $70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15
          1st Place Award presented by MB Lucky Lady Farm, Frank & Diane Borba, Modesto, CA
          Junior Premiums: $35, 30, 20, 15, 10, 10
          Junior Award presented by Cowrazy Cleaning, Cindy Speak, Westminster, MD

 *2451 Lonely-Mile Rl Frosting-Red            01/02/2021 B&O S-Brookview Redlight-Red            Jade Pinter
                                                             D-Lonely-Mile Ale Cupcake-Red       Curtiss WI

 *2452 Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red            12/23/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET           Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth
                                                             D-Booth-Haven Lady Lea-Red-ET       Plymouth WI

  2453 Dessauges Unstop Anna-Red              12/21/2020        S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Blackjack Holsteins
                                                                D-KHW Defiant Andy-Red           Wykoff MN

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  2454 Siemers A Great 618-Red-ET            12/19/2020 B&O S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET       Siemers Holstein Farm, Inc.
            D-02-01      305 29,370 3.0% 871 2.9%P 866P     D-Siemers Awesome Great-Red         Newton WI

 *2455 Betley Unstp Lionize-Red-ET            12/16/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Claire & Jacob Betley
                                                             D-OCD Jo Lionking-Red-ET           Pulaski WI

  2456 Ms Revive War Reba-ET                12/16/2020  S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET             Michael Maier
           D-05-01     305 23,540 4.8% 1,129 3.0%P 703P D-Ms-Aol Cntndr Revive-Red-ET           Stitzer WI

 *2457 Golden-Oaks W Cordie-Red-ET            12/09/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Cole & Carter Kruse
                                                               D-Flower-Brook Coral-Red         Dyersville IA

 *2458 Kamps-Rx Applb Aztec-Red-ET            12/09/2020       S-Blondin Luxor-Red           Natalie A, Paige L, & Neil R. Haase
                                                               D-KHW Regment Apple B-Red-ETN Parker SD

  2459 Milksource Temptation-Red-ET           12/09/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Madison Fisher, Chris Curtiss and Ben Kronberg
                                                               D-Strans-Jen-D Tequilla-Red-ET   Newville PA

  2460 Duckett Alt Lenna-Red-ET               12/08/2020       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Brett Woker
                                                               D-Rosedale Avala Lollipop-Red    Delavan WI

  2461 Ms BPC Warrior Lois-Red                12/08/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Brian Coyne
                                                             D-Unlimited Ammo Lizzy-Red         Spring Valley WI

  2462 Pottsdale Jdy Thomas-Red-ET            12/08/2020       S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red        Jayden Andrews
                                                               D-Ms Pottsdale Tabasco Red-ET    Clear Spring MD

  2463 Tande Warrior Kara-Red                 12/08/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Benjamin Donnay and Blaize Dankers
                                                               D-Wilstar Dback Kora-Red         Glencoe MN

 *2464 2nd-Look War Pringles-Red-ET           12/07/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Kaianne & Kaydence Hodorff
                                                             D-2nd-Look Barbwire 12567-Red-ET Eden WI

 *2465 Scarlet-Summer Berry-Red-ET            12/07/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Preston Peabody
                                                               D-EK-STJ Brilliant-Red-ET        Buskirk NY

 *2466 Ms Fannys Amnesty-Red-ET               12/06/2020       S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET   Jacey & Hadley Ross
                                                               D-Meadow Green Abso Fanny-Red-ETDelavan WI

  2467 St-Yle-Sa Repeat Thejoy-Red            12/06/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Stephanie Aves
                                                             D-St-Yle-Sa Rejoyce-Red-ET         Belmont WI

  2468 Ms Revive War Remedy-Red-ET            12/05/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Aaron Spiniolas
                                                               D-Ms-Aol Cntndr Red T            Harvard IL

 *2469 Tiger-Lily Alt Rylan-Red-ET              12/05/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Lily Marshman
             D-02-11       305 36,010 3.2% 1,166 3.0%P 1,098P D-Ms Tiger-Lea Brst Riely-Red     Oxford NY
                           365 42,490 3.4% 1,446 3.1%P 1,326P

  2470 A-B Royal U R Lux-Red                  12/04/2020 B&O S-Blondin Luxor-Red                E, I & E Staudinger and L & L Kuester
                                                             D-Milksource Lotus Tada-ET         Reedsville WI

  2471 Bucks-Pride Warrior Meg-Red            12/04/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Brady Cole
                                                             D-Bucks-Pride Defiant Suz-Red      Bloomville OH

 *2472 Dorloy-K Guinness-Red-ET               12/04/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Kenlee Philips
                                                               D-Ms Trikoebel Glamour-Red       Lingleville TX

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 *2473 Kings-Vue All That-Red-ET            12/04/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Keyanna Mentink
                                                             D-Luck-E Defiant Akuka-ET        Oostburg WI

 *2474 Kozy-Kountry Uspice-Red-ET           12/04/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Chloe & Claire Lamb
                                                             D-Long-Brook Ab Sweety-Red-ET    Oakfield NY

 *2475 Opsal Anlyst Adrenaline-Red          12/04/2020       S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET    Addison & Jacob Raber
                                                             D-Opsal Defiant After Dark-Red   Gridley IL

 *2476 Siemers Trina 34521-Red-ET           12/04/2020 B&O S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET      E, I & E Staudinger and L & L Kuester
                                                           D-Milksource Trinity-ET            Reedsville WI

 *2477 Sliver-Mist Minni3-Red-ET            12/04/2020       S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red        Lilly Elsass
                                                             D-Greenlea Bw Mar-Red-ET         Wapakoneta OH

 *2478 Star-Ky-Blue Sour Apple-Red           12/04/2020 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red         Kadyn Gibson and Tre Wright
              02-03      230 20,459 3.6% 689 3.4%P 707P     D-Star-Ky-Blue Rottena-Red-ET     Eminence KY

  2479 Frith Jof Unstpabl Vista-Red         12/03/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Daizie Ebbens
                                                             D-Frith Jof Jordy Vision Red     Clear Spring MD

 *2480 Kress-Hill Spicy-Red-ET              12/03/2020       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Jacey & Hadley Ross
                                                             D-Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET    Delavan WI

 *2481 Kress-Hill Sunrose-Red                  12/03/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red     Owen & Kendyll Kress
            D-03-01       305 31,384 4.1% 1,234 3.1%P 958P D-Ms Kress-Hill Sunkiss-Red-ET     Newton WI

  2482 Lyn-Vale Jubilicious-Red             12/03/2020       S-Blondin Luxor-Red              Grai-Rose and Arizona Dairy
                                                             D-Scenic-Edge Hr Julep-Red-ET    Delavan WI

  2483 Oakfield Us Legit-Red-ET             12/03/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Glamourview-Iager & Walton
                                                             D-Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red        Walkersville MD

  2484 Riedel-Ridge War Roxanne-Red         12/03/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Taylor & Miranda Riedel
                                                           D-Redcarpet Ammo 4days-Red         Pardeeville WI

 *2485 Shoresbrook Bashful-Red              12/03/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      John Calkins
                                                             D-Shoresbrook A Button-Red-ET    Rome PA

 *2486 A-Mi-Da Unst Abbi-Red-ET             12/02/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Octavia E. Bushey
                                                           D-A-Mi-Da-Sa Dprn Allison-Red      Ellijay GA

 *2487 Future Manor Twylit-Red-ET           12/02/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Blake Hill
                                                             D-Ms Morsan Picol Tsunami-Red    Cattaraugus NY

 *2488 Golden-Oaks Al Caren-Red-ET          12/02/2020       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Cole & Carter Kruse
                                                             D-Flower-Brook Coral-Red         Dyersville IA

 *2489 Kamps-Rx Apb Aleah-Red-ET            12/02/2020       S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWLauren E & Brayden Breunig
                                                             D-KHW Regment Appleb-Red-ETN Sauk City WI

  2490 Md-West-View Becca-Red               12/02/2020       S-Luck-E Awesome-Red             Lookout and Gerald & Kenneth Halbach
                                                             D-Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss-ET   Canton De Hatley QC

 *2491 Moserdale Unstop Wreath-Red          12/02/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Chase Snyder
                                                             D-Moserdale Addict Woo Ha-Red    Copenhagen NY

  2492 Solid-Gold Lambrusco-Red-ET          12/02/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Michael & Cynthia Weimer and Springhill Holsteins
                                                           D-Solid-Gold De C Leni-Red-ET      Emlenton PA

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 *2493 Arizona Warrior Tilly-Red-ET             12/01/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET           Xander Harris
                                                                   D-Milksource Target-Red-ET            Richmond UT

 *2494 BHHD Flawless-Red-ET                     12/01/2020         S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET             M, M & M Price, H & H Mcisaac and M & M Sarbacker
                                                                   D-Rosedale Prettyfancy In-Red         Chebanse IL

 *2495 Kozy-Kountry J Alabama-Red               12/01/2020         S-FG Jacot-Red-ET                     Addison Lortie and Cassandra Gebert
                                                                   D-Interflame Ally-Red-ET              Albion IN

  2496 Milk & Honey Analyst Mica-Red            12/01/2020         S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET         Jeffrey L Mckissick and Katie E Shultz
                                                                   D-Milk & Honey J Mistletoe-Red        Chambersburg PA

  2497 Ms Believable Scarlet-Red-ET             12/01/2020         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red             Srnka Farms LLC
                                                                   D-Ms Unbelievable-Red-ET              Gillett WI

 *2498 Ms Revives Reflection-Red-ET             12/01/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET           Abby Fairbanks
                                                                   D-Ms Aol Cntndr Revive-Red-ET         Anamosa IA

 *2499 Pheasant Echos An Diana-Red              12/01/2020 B&O S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET             Trinity Miller
                                                               D-Pheasant Echos Diane-Red-ET             Westminster MD

  2500 Spungold Stopabul Nibby-Red              12/01/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red               Dale & Deanna Bendig
                                                               D-Spungold Addiction Nora                 Gettysburg PA

 *2501 Wil-San Warrior Winnie-Red               12/01/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET           Caitlin Liette
                                                                   D-Wil-San Debonair Darbie-Red         St. Marys OH

Class 607 Fall Heifer Calf
          Born 09/01/2020 - 11/30/2020
          Premiums: $70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15
          1st Place Award presented by Lyons Holsteins, Doug & Lynnette Lyons and Family, Castalia, IA
          Junior Premiums: $35, 30, 20, 15, 10, 10
          Junior Award presented by Elon Holsteins, the Fossum Family, Lodi, WI

 *2502 A-Mi-Da-Sa Unst Alli-Red-ET              11/07/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red               Octavia E. Bushey
                                                               D-A-Mi-Da-Sa Dprn Allison-Red             Ellijay GA

  2503 Sco-Lo Dice Hotstuff-Red-ET              10/16/2020 B&O S-Loh Dice-Red-ET                         Doeberiener, Bowen and J Cannon
                                                               D-Hs-Hotstuff Hottest-Red-ET              West Salem OH

 *2504 Crescentmead Justice-Red              09/26/2020 B&O S-Luck-E Aristocrat-Red                      Grady & Lane Wendorf
            D-03-03     305 28,275 3.9% 122 3.2%P 176P      D-Go-Big Diamond Jus Cuz-Red                 Ixonia WI
                        329 29,680 3.9% 1,165 3.2%P 957P

 *2505 T-Spruce Moovin 1517-Red-ET              09/26/2020 B&O S-Lindenright Moovin-ET                   Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes
                                                               D-Siemers Srg Apple 30689-ET              Richmond MN

 *2506 Briccows Warior Avon-Red                 09/23/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET           Josiah Olson
                                                                   D-Briccows Brst Ava-Red-ET            Lena WI

 *2507 Kiefland Warrior Shania-Red              09/20/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET               Brea, Ava, & Bryson Kieffer
                                                               D-Kiefland DB Miley-Red                   Utica MN

  2508 Siemers Great 34033-Red-ET           09/15/2020 B&O S-Lindenright Moovin-ET                       Siemers Holstein Farm, Inc.
            D-02-01     305 29,370 3.0% 871 2.9%P 866P     D-Siemers Awesome Great-Red                   Newton WI

  2509 Glaustar Awesome Margarita-Red           09/12/2020 B&O S-Luck-E Awesome-Red                      Lookout and Glaustar
                                                               D-Eastwest Lj Destry Mckeena              Canton De Hatley QC

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  2510 Oakfield Us Classy-Red-ET              09/11/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Polestar Farm
                                                               D-Oakfield Abs Candy-Red         Lansdowne ON

 *2511 Shedd-C Dumples Dallas-Red             09/11/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Jacey & Hadley Ross
                                                               D-She-Ken Apple Dumple-Red-ET    Delavan WI

  2512 Milksource Tanquerey-Red-ET            09/10/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Jim & Marvin Schluter and Tyler Carter
                                                               D-Strans-Jen-D Tequilla-Red-ET   Red Bud IL

  2513 Savage-Leigh Unstop-Red                09/10/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Clarkvalley
                                                               D-Redtag Destry Sneezy           Woodville ON

 *2514 Twincounty Ruthless-Red-ET             09/08/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Landree Fraley
                                                             D-Valleyriver Jup Rudy-Red         Muncy PA

 *2515 Cache-Valley Jo Jo-Red-ET              09/07/2020 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red          Xander Harris
                                                             D-Cache-Valley Defiant Roar        Richmond UT

 *2516 Future-Manor Twister-Red-ET            09/07/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Chloe & Claire Lamb
                                                               D-Ms Morsan Picol Tsunami-Red    Oakfield NY

 *2517 Ms Beatyview Jrdy Raven-Red            09/07/2020 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red          Octavia E. Bushey
                                                             D-Beatyview D Rylie-Red-ET         Ellijay GA

 *2518 Tiger-Lily Unst Riah-Red-ET              09/07/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Lily Marshman
             D-02-11       305 36,010 3.2% 1,166 3.0%P 1,098P D-Ms Tiger-Lea Brst Riely-Red     Oxford NY
                           365 42,490 3.4% 1,446 3.1%P 1,326P

 *2519 Oakfield D Lets Ride-Red-ET            09/06/2020       S-Scientific B Defiant-ET        Olivia & Lillian Finke
                                                               D-Wilstar-Rs Tlt Limited-Red     London OH

 *2520 Kara-Kesh-RK Garnet-Red-ET             09/05/2020 B&O S-Loh Dice-Red-ET                  Curtis, Evelyn & Agnes Griffin
                                                             D-Kara-Kesh-RK Our Gem-Red-ET      Thief River Falls MN

 *2521 Lyn-Vale Warrior Rose-Red              09/05/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Kylie Nickels
                                                               D-Lyn-Vale Rhinestone-Red        Watertown WI

 *2522 Scarlet-Summer Blaze-Red-ET            09/05/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Preston Peabody
                                                               D-Ek-Stj Brilliant-Red-ET        Buskirk NY

 *2523 Graber Warrior Chili-Red-ET            09/04/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Samantha L Justice
                                                               D-Schluter Crimsonrose-Red-ET    Verona MO

  2524 Le-O-La Alt Destiny-Red-ET              09/04/2020  S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET            Miles Rickert
            D-06-00       305 32,516 4.6% 1,111 3.5%P 999P D-Blondin Jordy Dakota-Red-ET        Lomira WI

  2525 Oakfield Unstpbll Lassi-Red            09/04/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Oakfield Corners Dairy
                                                             D-Kevetta Rdbrst Lucious-Red       Oakfield NY

  2526 Opsal Made You Look-Red-ET             09/04/2020 B&O S-Riverdown Incredibull-Red        Joseph Opsal and Hayleigh Geurink
                                                             D-Opsal Diamndbck Madison-Red      Blue Mounds WI

 *2527 Ovaltop Warrior Ripley-Red             09/04/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Alexis Mae Wolfe
                                                               D-Ovaltop Contender Ryann-Red    Richfield Springs NY

  2528 Redcarpet Warr World                 09/04/2020  S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET             Grayson & Abbi Gahring
           D-02-00     305 27,608 4.5% 1,471 3.3%P 801P D-Ms Apples Alexis                      Homestead IA

  2529 Solid-Gold Dback Lumos-Red             09/04/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback           Michael & Cynthia Weimer and Springhill Holsteins
                                                             D-Solid-Gold Abs Lincoln-Red       Emlenton PA

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  2530 Crystal-Star Az 2255-Red-ET           09/03/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Nancy, Dean & Kara Savage
                                                              D-Tri Vision Amelia Red-ET         Clear Spring MD

 *2531 Golden-Oaks Cherry-Red-ET             09/03/2020       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET          Cole & Carter Kruse
                                                              D-Flower-Brook Coral-Red           Dyersville IA

  2532 Makamoov-Rch W Baraz-Red-ET           09/03/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET          Matthew & Kate Smith and Johnathan Heinsohn
                                                            D-Probert C Bree-Ella-Red            Elroy WI

  2533 Miss Unstop Imallin-Red-ET            09/03/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Eric Enright
                                                              D-DJ-Purepride Infra-Red-ET        Cascade WI

 *2534 Oakfield Warrior Shine-Red            09/03/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Makayla & Kaleb Osinga
                                                              D-Oakfield Ca Shocktop-Red-ET      Hico TX

  2535 Opsal Mad At Me-Red-ET                09/03/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red     Emily Lampson and Dalton Cook
                                                              D-Opsal Diamondback Madison-Red Castile NY

  2536 Sonnenbrook Ashanti-Red-ET            09/03/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET            Ryan Sonnenburg
                                                            D-Kamps-Js Dman Applepie-ET          Belleville WI

 *2537 Trent-Way Unstp Reba-Red-ET           09/03/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Randy, Wesley & Matthew Winch
                                                              D-Early-Autumn Golden Rae-ET       Fennimore WI

  2538 Cookiecutter Rhianna-Red-ET           09/02/2020       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET          Glamourview-Iager & Walton
                                                              D-Parkvue Absolute Rap-Red-ET      Walkersville MD

 *2539 Hilrose Redlight Ada-Red-ET             09/02/2020    S-Brookview Redlight-Red            S & D Lueking and B & D Lenkiatis
             D-07-02      305 38,690 5.0% 1,929 3.2%P 1,253P D-Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET        Centralia IL
                          365 47,040 5.2% 2,456 3.3%P 1,570P

  2540 Hoesly Contender Nuance-Red           09/02/2020       S-Patience Sholine Contender-Red   Cross-Town Dairy
                                                              D-Hoesly Absolute Nicki-Red        River Falls WI

  2541 Hoesly Jordy Ruby-Red                 09/02/2020       S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red          Carli Reeverts
                                                              D-Hoesly Absolute Rose-Red         Dakota IL

  2542 Briccows Wr Allstar-Red-ET            09/01/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Aaron Spiniolas
                                                              D-Ms Roll-N-Vew Althea-Red-ET      Harvard IL

  2543 Fortale Mirand Loana-Red               09/01/2020 B&O S-Coomboona Zipit Mirand-Pp         Ferme Fortale Holstein and Ferme Rayflor
             D-02-02     305 23,214 4.2% 979 3.4%P 780P      D-Blondin Avalanche Lovelyn         St-Christophe D'arthabaska QC
                         345 25,373 4.3% 1,078 3.4%P 862P

  2544 Hilrose Altitude Ariel-Red            09/01/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET            Joseph Brantmeier
                                                            D-Hilrose Avalanche Adel-Red-ET      Hilbert WI

  2545 Morrill Warrior 4271-Red              09/01/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Blackjack Holstein and MB Luckylady Farm
                                                              D-Morrill O Kalif 3328-Red         Wykoff MN

 *2546 Ms Angel Dakari-Red                   09/01/2020       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET          G & L Wendorf and A, A & J Van De Pol
                                                              D-Ms D Angel Devika-Red-ET         Ixonia WI

  2547 Ms Ransom-Rail Bonnie                 09/01/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET            Retso Holsteins & Ransom-Rail
                                                            D-Ms Absolute Bliss                  Schodack Landing NY

 *2548 Red-Snafu Aristo Love-Red             09/01/2020 B&O S-Luck-E Aristocrat-Red              Andrew McMillan and Hudson Nevel
            D-02-05      305 14,110 4.0% 560 3.1%P 432P     D-Car-Ken Heztry Lulu-Red            Sheboygan WI

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 *2549 Siemers Great 33929-Red-ET                09/01/2020         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red       Lauren Siemers and Brianna Meyer
                                                                    D-Siemers Awesome Great-Red       Newton WI

Class 608 Summer Yearling Heifer
          Born 06/01/2020 - 08/31/2020
          Premiums: $70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15
          1st Place Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI
          Junior Premiums: $35, 30, 20, 15, 10, 10
          Junior Award presented by Red & White Dairy Cattle Association

  2550 Merriwin Jordy Ethel-Red                  06/28/2020         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red         Aaron Spiniolas
                                                                    D-Ms Dmdback Elaine-Red           Harvard IL

 *2551 Curr-Vale Warrior Avery-Red               06/21/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET       Esmae Velsen and Makayla Osinga
                                                                    D-Cure-Vale Awesome Aura-Red      Hico TX

  2552 Kerndt Warrior Stella-Red               06/20/2020  S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET                Harry Weier
            D-03-02       305 25,546 4.2% 1,112 3.1%P 940P D-Kerndt Star Stella                       Deerfield WI

  2553 Ms Milksource Adelle-Red                  06/12/2020         S-Mr D Apple Diamondback          Patrick & Stephanie Schroeder
                                                                    D-Hilrose Avalnch Addy-Red-ET     Belmont WI

 *2554 Scenic-Edge Junebug-Red                   06/11/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET       Grady & Lane Wendorf
                                                                    D-Scenic-Edge Jitterbug-Red       Ixonia WI

 *2555 Synergy Sundress-Red-ET                   06/09/2020         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red         Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes
                                                                    D-Synergy Always Smokin-Red       Richmond MN

  2556 Micheret Juicy Applecrisp-Red             06/08/2020         S-Siemers Oct Apple-Crisp-ET      Ari Ekstein
                                                                    D-Micheret Eujenny Brekem         Vaughan ON

 *2557 Quietcove Warior Design-Red               06/08/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET           Lilly Elsass
                                                                D-White-Mist Awe Dakota-Red           Wapakoneta OH

 *2558 Synergy Summer-Red                        06/07/2020 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red             Evan Jauquet
                                                                D-Synergy Always Smokin-Red           Pulaski WI

 *2559 Pineybrook Wrior Chessi-Red               06/06/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET       Addison & Theo Goldenberg
                                                                    D-Pineybrook C9 Crimson-Red       Mcgregor TX

 *2560 Shining-Star Uns Helena-Red               06/06/2020         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red       Ian & Derek Schwartzlow
                                                                    D-Arb-Flo-Spr Drg Heloise-Red     Monroe WI

  2561 Heritage Lick My Lips-Red-ET              06/05/2020         S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWBallweg Hickory Hills
                                                                    D-Linerway-Cm Absol Sassy-ET    Dane WI

  2562 Wrightvale Jackson Love-Red               06/05/2020         S-Cycle Dback Jackson-Red-TW      Blackjack Holstein and MB Luckylady Farm
                                                                    D-Wrightvale Doorman Livvy        Wykoff MN

  2563 Carters-Corner Lace-Red-ET                06/03/2020         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red       Dylan Reed
                                                                    D-Ms Atwood Lace-ET               Vandalia IL

 *2564 Kress-Hill Smoke-Red-ET                   06/03/2020         S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET         Jacey & Hadley Ross
                                                                    D-Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET     Delavan WI

  2565 Lyn-Vale Firecracker-Red-ET               06/03/2020         S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWBallweg Hickory Hills
                                                                    D-Oakfield-Bro Firebal-Red-ET   Dane WI

 *2566 Dayspring Jedi Warrior-Red                06/02/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET       Jonathan McGee and Elizabeth Stoltzfus
                                                                    D-A-K-Mohr Ru Joyful-Red          Clearfield PA

International Red & White Show
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  2567 Dreamfix Jordy Freckles-Red               06/02/2020         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red          Aaron Spiniolas
                                                                    D-Benrise Jacot Forest-Red         Harvard IL

  2568 Eaton-Gv Warrior Adele                    06/02/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET            Eaton Holsteins and Gerritt Kerssies
                                                                D-Kamps-Rx Appleb Addi-Red-ET          Marietta NY

  2569 Fairmont Mvn Amberly-Red-ET               06/02/2020         S-Lindenright Moovin-ET            Loren & Luke Olson
                                                                    D-Ms Apple Andralyn-Red-ET         Hutchinson MN

 *2570 Opsal Unstp Madness-Red-ET                06/02/2020         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Claire & Jacob Betley
                                                                    D-Opsal Diamndbck Madison-Red      Pulaski WI

 *2571 Bella-View Love and War-Red               06/01/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET            J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr
                                                                D-Bella-View Leather-Red               Marion WI

 *2572 BHHD Symbolic-Red-ET                      06/01/2020         S-Mr Hotstuffs Hypnotic-ET         H & H McIsaac and M, M & M Price
                                                                    D-Blondin Armani Stella Arto-Red   Martinton IL

  2573 Dream On Hotoffthepress-Red               06/01/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        C & J Hill, R Landis and R, P, & D Kitchen
                                                                    D-Dream On Db Hot Mess-Red         Thurmont MD

  2574 Hilrose Moovin Adelina-Red                06/01/2020         S-Lindenright Moovin-ET            Michael Maier
                                                                    D-Hilrose Jordy America-Red        Stitzer WI

Class 609 Spring Yearling Heifer
          Born 03/01/2020 - 05/31/2020
          Premiums: $70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15
          1st Place Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI
          Junior Premiums: $35, 30, 20, 15, 10, 10
          Junior Award presented by Red & White Dairy Cattle Association

  2575 Fairmont-Re Alti Aubre-Red                03/28/2020         S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET          Luke Alsleben
                                                                    D-Ms Opportunity Arya-Red-ET       Glencoe MN

  2576 St-Yle-Sa Coronatime-Red                  03/25/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET            Stephanie Aves
                                                                D-St-Yle-Sa Itz Partytime-Red          Belmont WI

  2577 Willows Edge Db Moxie-Red            03/20/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback                    Bonnie Van Dyk
             D-01-11    305 21,027 3.8% 790 3.0%P 622P     D-Willows Edge Bw Mimo-Red                  New Richmond WI
                        365 24,093 3.9% 939 3.0%P 727P

  2578 Crest-Leigh Alicia P-Red-ET               03/19/2020         S-Luck-E Awesome-Red               Jessica M Wales and Keesje Poldervaart
                                                                    D-Maple-Downs Andriana             Lansdowne ON

  2579 Sagerbrae Rs Cha Cho-Red-ET               03/13/2020         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        Doeberiener, Bowen and Schilling
                                                                    D-App028 Intense Nohl Ariana-ET    West Salem OH

 *2580 2nd-Look Unstp Fireball-Red               03/12/2020         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red        M, M, & M Price and H & H Mcisaac
                                                                    D-2nd-Look Rev-Up 13659-Red        Petaluma CA

  2581 Apple-Pts Cranapple-Red-ET                03/11/2020         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Megan Schaefer
                                                                    D-KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET        Rudolph WI

  2582 Coredale Jordy Ivory-Red                  03/10/2020 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red              Cory Ryan Thompson
                                                                D-Coredale D-Back Icelyn-ET            Wellsville PA

 *2583 Oakfield Jo Lumineer-Red-ET               03/10/2020         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red          Tim & Grace Gunkelman
                                                                    D-Kevetta Rdbrst Lucious-Red       Burbank OH

International Red & White Show
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 *2584 Unlimited Jordy Loop-Red            03/10/2020      S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Lydia Rasmussen
                                                           D-Unlimited Sid Lucy-ET         Seymour WI

 *2585 Hilrose Jordy Arrow-ET              03/07/2020      S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Myranda Manke
                                                           D-Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET    Valders WI

  2586 Golden-Rose Lilygirl-Red-ET         03/06/2020      S-Mr Leaninghouse Ammo-P-ET     Eaton Holsteins and Mike Heath
                                                           D-Golden-Rose Ladd Glory-Red    Marietta NY

  2587 Ms Aol Retry-Red-ET                 03/05/2020      S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red     C & J Hill, M Hawbaker and T & S Abbot
                                                           D-Miss Roxys Recovery Red       Thurmont MD

 *2588 Kings-Vue War Aspire-Red-ET         03/04/2020      S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     J L & M Harbaugh, D & C Ryan and A & A Loehr
                                                           D-Luck-E Defiant Akuka-ET       Marion WI

  2589 Seldomrest-F HotTeacher-Red         03/03/2020 B&O S-Md-Delight Jacot Rahuel-Red    Elizabeth A Acel
                                                          D-Garstlyn Lou Ricky-Red         Glen Rock PA

 *2590 Dorloy-K Arist Glitz-Red-ET         03/02/2020      S-Luck-E Aristocrat-Red         Taylor Klopfenstein
                                                           D-Ms Trikoebel Glamour-Red-ET   St. Marys OH

  2591 Fantasy-Found Dbk Dozer-Red         03/02/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback         Daniel Hosking
                                                          D-Ranway Incred Dancer139-Red    New Berlin NY

  2592 Golden Oaks Ivania-Red-ET           03/02/2020      S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Hammertime Holsteins and Scott Culbertson
                                                           D-Pamprd-Acres Ab Ivy-Red-ET    Poynette WI

  2593 Air-Osa-E-M Lovely27747-Red         03/01/2020 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red        Joseph Airosa and Henry Van Exel
                                                          D-Msair-Osa Love 24242-Red-ET    Tipton CA

 *2594 Champ-View Jazz It Up-Red           03/01/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Ellie G. Widerman
                                                          D-Justa-Beauty Ad Justice-Red    Gettysburg PA

 *2595 Hilrose Altitude Aero-Red-ET        03/01/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier
                                                          D-Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET     Hilbert WI

 *2596 Hilrose Altitude Audi-Red-ET        03/01/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier
                                                          D-Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET     Hilbert WI

  2597 Ms Stookeyholm Gemma-Red            03/01/2020 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red        Mallarie & Jordan Stookey and Chloe Gebert
            D-05-06    305 22,494 3.8% 850 3.1%P 693P     D-Ms Stookeyholm Gorgeous        Milford IN

 *2598 Ms-Aol Recharge-Red-ET              03/01/2020      S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red     Hadley Olt and Hallie Griffiths
                                                           D-Miss Roxys Recovery-Red       Greensburg KY

  2599 Ruann War Ama-2278-Red-ET           03/01/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Stephen & Patrick Maddox
                                                          D-Ruann Barnie Ama-20888-Red     Riverdale CA

  2600 ZBW M Unst Listen Up-Red-ET         03/01/2020      S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red     Courtney & Duncan Bailey
                                                           D-ZBW-Ziems ListenToMe-Red-ET   Valley Falls NY

International Red & White Show
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Class 610 Winter Yearling Heifer (not in milk)
          Born 12/01/2019 - 02/29/2020
          Premiums: $70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15
          1st Place Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI
          Junior Premiums: $35, 30, 20, 15, 10, 10
          Junior Award presented by Brian Stump, Kimmell, IN

  2601 Arethusa Jordy Zayne-Red                  01/09/2020         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Niki & Kelsi Steffenhagen
                                                                    D-Arethusa Capture Zayn         Kenosha WI

  2602 Rice-River Gingerbread-Red                12/25/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     L & L Olson and M & M Pearson
                                                                    D-Rice-River Redbst Gypsy-Red   Hutchinson MN

 *2603 Blackncherry W Aleda-Red-ET               12/21/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     Anna Moser and Tucker Vanhaltsma
                                                                    D-Ms Apple Arriella-ET          Dansville MI

  2604 Lyn-Vale Raindrop-Red-ET                  12/18/2019 B&O S-Rainyridge Barnie-ET              William A Schultz III
                                                                D-Castleholm Regina-Red-ET          Waldo WI

  2605 Thorman Altitude Sadie-Red                12/14/2019 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET           Jordan Thorman
                                                                D-Schluter Advt Sophie-Red          Macomb IL

 *2606 Kamps-Rx Appleb Alivu-Red-ET              12/10/2019 B&O S-Mr Leaninghouse Ammo-P-ET         D & E Kamps and P & M Vanschyndle
                                                                D-KHW Regment Apple B-Red-ET        Darlington WI

  2607 Cashells Jrdy Corona-Et-Red               12/09/2019         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Brett & Ethan Cowen
                                                                    D-Oakland-View H Champ-Red-ET   Middleburgh NY

  2608 Apple-Pts Alamedia-Red-ET              12/07/2019    S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red               Norman Nabholz and MB Luckylady Farm
            D-09-01      305 31,120 4.3% 1,324 3.2%P 1,004P D-KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET             West Union IA
                         365 36,750 4.3% 1,582 3.3%P 1,211P

 *2609 Fairmont Altd Astrid-Red-ET               12/07/2019         S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET       Jacob Sears
                                                                    D-Ms Apple Andralyn-Red-ET      Falconer NY

  2610 Ms Awesome Clark                          12/07/2019         S-Luck-E Awesome-Red            Doeberiener, Bowen and Schilling
                                                                    D-Ms Doorman Ontario            West Salem OH

 *2611 Oakfield Us Aviva-Red-ET                  12/05/2019         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red     Daniel, Nevaeh, Tye & Emmet Chupp
                                                                    D-Colganados D Avianca-Red-ET   Inola OK

 *2612 Cleland Warrior Cathlen-Red               12/04/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     Gracin Speich
                                                                    D-Cleland Lou Create-Red        Orfordville WI

  2613 Cow-Palace Warrior Aria-Red               12/04/2019 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         San-Ron Holsteins
                                                                D-KHW Barbwire As Is-Red-ET         Sheboygan WI

 *2614 Duckett TH Boomer-Rang-Red                12/04/2019         S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET       Aaliyah Borchert
                                                                    D-Duckett Doorman Becca         Auburndale WI

 *2615 Heritage Licorice-Red-ET                  12/04/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     Kenlee Philips and Makayla Osinga
                                                                    D-Linerway-Cm Absol Sassy-ET    Lingleville TX

  2616 Ms Raps Ruby-Red-ET                       12/04/2019         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Eoghan Daniel Mcgarr
                                                                    D-Parkvue Absolute Rap-Red-ET   King Ferry NY

  2617 MD-Hillbrook Indablude-Red-ET             12/03/2019 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         Hill, Topp, Umbel and Borba
                                                                D-DJ-Purepride Infra Red-ET         Thurmont MD

International Red & White Show
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 *2618 Carpsview Jordy Ember-Red                 12/02/2019         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Katelin Blake and Joshua Blake
                                                                    D-Carpsview Crushing Egos       West Burke VT

 *2619 Kara-Kesh-RK Wrior Skol-Red               12/02/2019 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         Curtis, Evelyn & Agnes Griffin
                                                                D-Kara-Kesh-RK Saffron-Red          Thief River Falls MN

  2620 Ridgedale Riva-Red                   12/02/2019              S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Bill Bergman and Phil Topp
            D-02-00     305 17,657 3.4% 678 3.1%P 623P              D-Ridgedale Raqel-Red           Botkins OH

 *2621 Ziems-Drsn War Anna-Red-ET                12/02/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     Kylie & Kiara Konyn
                                                                    D-Greenlea Ad Ace-Red-ET        Delavan WI

 *2622 Apple-Pts Aubria-Red-ET                   12/01/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     C, B, & T Correia and B Martinho
                                                                    D-KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET     Tulare CA

 *2623 Arizona War Bandanna-Red-ET               12/01/2019 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET         Jacey & Hadley Ross
                                                                D-Savagelee-TM Billi-Red-ET         Delavan WI

 *2624 Golden-Oaks Us Title-Red-ET               12/01/2019         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red     Hadley Olt and Hallie Griffiths
                                                                    D-Miss Pottsdale Dfi Tang-Red   Greensburg KY

 *2625 Nobland Addison Dixie-Red                 12/01/2019 B&O S-Farnear Aria Addison Ewl-ET       Ainsley A Noble
                                                                D-Nobland Avalanche Dane            Lancaster WI

Class 611 Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk)
          Born 09/01/2019 - 11/30/2019
          Premiums: $70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15
          1st Place Award presented by Stro-Lane Dairy, Henderson, MN
          Junior Premiums: $35, 30, 20, 15, 10, 10
          Junior Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI

  2626 Bva Altitude Apple Seed-Red             10/29/2019  S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET                B Courtney, A Gahring, N Gerard and G Gahring
            D-02-00       297 19,722 5.3% 1,167 3.4%P 801P D-Milksource Apple Red                   Homestead IA

 *2627 A-Mi-Da-Sa Rangle Lilac-Red               10/16/2019         S-Beatyview Db Wrangler-Red     Octavia E. Bushey
                                                                    D-A-Mi-Da-Sa Apple Lilly-Red    Ellijay GA

  2628 Apple-Pts Aprisco-Red-ET                  10/03/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     Robert Gallivan and Daryld Gahm
                                                                    D-KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET     Dyersville IA

  2629 Apple-Pts Addie-Red-ET                    10/02/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET     Jamie S Judd and Michael W Deaver
                                                                    D-KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET     Clear Spring MD

 *2630 Leawood Aristo Rebecca-Red                09/11/2019         S-Luck-E Aristocrat-Red         Cathryn & Christopher Gunst
                                                                    D-Leawood Absolute Rebecca      Pine River WI

 *2631 Silver-Mist Malena-Red-ET                 09/10/2019         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red       Lilly Elsass
                                                                    D-Greenlea Bw Mar-Red-ET        Wapakoneta OH

  2632 Golden-Oaks Arrelli-Red-ET                09/07/2019 B&O S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWGolden Oaks Farm
                                                                D-Ms Apples Aria-ET             Wauconda IL

 *2633 A-Mi-Da-Sa Abso Ariel-Red                 09/03/2019         S-Apples Absolute-Red-ET        Octavia E. Bushey
                                                                    D-A-Mi-Da-Sa Ad Annabelle-Red   Ellijay GA

 *2634 Mi-Wil Cheers To Cherry-Red               09/02/2019 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red           Colton D and Cobie J Kleiboeker
                                                                D-Mi-Wil Defiant Choco Chip         Wentworth MO

International Red & White Show
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Class 615 Junior Champion Female of the Junior Show
          Award presented by Sellcrest Farm, the Sell Family, Watertown, WI
          $250 Junior Champion of the Junior Show Cash Award presented by Cargill Animal Nutrition, Minneapolis, MN
          Champion Banner presented by Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, OH
          Rosette presented by Doug & Linda Hodorff, Eden, WI

Class 616 Reserve Junior Champion Female of the Junior Show
          Award presented by Red & White Dairy Cattle Association
          Reserve Champion Banner presented by Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, OH
          Rosette presented by St. Jacobs ABC, DeForest, WI

Class 617 Junior Champion Female
          Norman E. Magnussen Memorial Trophy presented by E-Zee Milking Equipment, LLC, McFarland, WI
          $500 Junior Champion Cash Award presented by Cargill Animal Nutrition, Minneapolis, MN
          Champion Banner presented by Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, OH
          Rosette presented by GenOvations, Lodi, WI

Class 618 Reserve Junior Champion Female
          Award presented by Lonely-Mile Holsteins, Jade Pinter, Curtiss, WI
          Reserve Champion Banner presented by Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, OH
          Rosette presented by Phibro Animal Health Corp., Quincy, IL

Class 619 Junior Best Three Females
          Fall Yearling (not in milk) and under. All animals must be bred with same prefix by exhibitor with at least one owned by exhibitor.
          Premiums: $60, 40, 30, 20
          1st Place Award presented by Red & White Dairy Cattle Association

  2635 Apple Partners LLC
       Lanark IL

  2636 Chris & Jennifer Hill
       Thurmont MD

  2637 Chris & Jennifer Hill
       Thurmont MD

  2638 Fairholm, Wapsi-Ana and Triple S
       Anamosa IA

  2639 Fairholm, Wapsi-Ana and Triple S
       Anamosa IA

  2640 Golden Oaks Farm
       Wauconda IL

  2641 Jeff Brantmeier
       Hilbert WI

  2642 Jeff Brantmeier
       Hilbert WI

  2643 Joseph Opsal
       Blue Mounds WI

  2644 Oakfield Corners Dairy
       Oakfield NY

  2645 Octavia E. Bushey
       Ellijay GA

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  2646 Owen & Kendyll Kress
       Newton WI

  2647 Siemers Holstein Farm, Inc.
       Newton WI

  2648 Synergy Dairy LLC
       Pulaski WI

  2649 William A Schultz III
       Waldo WI

Class 621 Premier Breeder of Heifer Show
          Royal Banner presented by Suneslope Farm, Madison, WI

Class 622 Premier Exhibitor of Heifer Show
          Royal Banner presented by St. Jacobs ABC, DeForest, WI

Class 623 Premier Sire of the Heifer Show
          Royal Banner presented by St. Jacobs ABC, DeForest, WI

Class 625 Yearling Heifer in Milk (must have freshened)
          Born 09/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
          Premiums: $75, 60, 50, 30, 20, 20, 15, 15
          1st Place Award presented by Red & White Dairy Cattle Association
          Best Udder Rosette presented by Cattle Connection, Amery, WI
          Junior Premiums: $35, 25
          Junior Award presented by Red & White Dairy Cattle Association

  2650 Mikelholm War Rocket-Red              10/09/2019 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET              Emily Mikel
            D-04-04     305 33,740 4.5% 1,525 2.9%P 977P D-Mikelholm C Rockinit-Red                  Stafford NY
                        365 38,580 4.5% 1,723 2.9%P 1,131P

 *2651 McWilliams Un Real-Red-ET                09/28/2019         S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red       M, M, & M Price and H & H Mcisaac
                                                                   D-Ms Action Rondella-Red-ET       Petaluma CA

 *2652 Kamps-Rx Applb Amity-Red-ET              09/20/2019         S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET       Jonathan & Brooke Krogman
                                                                   D-KHW Regment Apple B-Red-ET      Ashton IA

  2653 Knonaudale Light It Up-Red-ET            09/14/2019         S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red         Frank & Carol Borba and Frank & Diane Borba
                                                                   D-Knonaudale Loving Life-Red-ET   Escalon CA

  2654 Hahncrest Jordy Nemo-Red                 09/08/2019 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red             Dalton Hahn
                                                               D-Hahncrest Redb Naomi-Red-ET         Loganville WI

  2655 Opsal Bailey Ariana-Red                  09/05/2019         S-Mr Dg-Tm King Bailey-ET         Jordan A. London
                                                                   D-Cleland Avalanch Ada-Red-ET     Punxsutawney PA

  2656 Claquato D Applesauce-Red            09/04/2019             S-Mr Danielle Devour-ET           Maple-Leigh Futures, Abe Light and Daniel Van De Pol
             01-09      65 4,535 1.8% 82 3.0%P 137P                D-Chameleon Apple Fritter-ET      Delavan WI

 *2657 Kress-Hill Siren-Red-ET                  09/03/2019         S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWArnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes
                                                                   D-Siemers Destry Sunny-Red-ET   Richmond MN

  2658 Trav-Annah Fantasy-Red-ET                09/03/2019 B&O S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red             Mead-Manor, T& S Krohlow and W Schultz
                                                               D-Oakfield-Bro Fritz-Red-ET           Algoma WI

  2659 Synergy Smashing-Red-ET              09/02/2019  S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red                    Eric W Lang
            D-05-07    305 29,920 3.9% 1,164 3.1%P 925P D-Synergy Always Smokin-Red                  Brooklyn IA

International Red & White Show
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