WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia

WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
 A simpler, fairer,
Workplace Relations
System forAustralia
WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
                 WHY THE NEED FOR CHANGE?                                           4
                 WHAT’S CHANGING AND WHAT ISN’T                                     6
                 AND CONDITIONS                                                     8
                 WORKCHOICES AND AWARDS                                            13
                 A SIMPLER, FAIRER SYSTEM                                          14
                 HOW WILL THE CHANGES AFFECT YOU?                                  15

© Commonwealth of Australia 2005.
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WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
 Minimum and award classification wages.
 Annual leave.
 Personal/carer’s leave (including sick leave).
 Parental leave (including maternity leave).
 Maximum ordinary hours of work.
 Protection against unlawful termination.
 Specified existing award conditions like penalty rates,
 overtime and long service leave.
 The right to join and be represented by a union.
 The right to have a bargaining agent.
 The right to lawful industrial action when
 negotiating an agreement.
Employees can’t be forced to change their existing
WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
Why the need
for change?

WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
Moving towards one simpler, national system.
Australia continues to change.                   A fairer system.
Over the last ten years, something               We also need to make our workplace
important has been happening in                  relations system fairer and provide a better
Australian workplaces. Australian workers        balance in the workplace for employees
and Australian businesses have started to        and employers.
change the way they work.                        These changes must ensure that award
As a group and individually, more                wages and specified existing conditions,
employees and employers have been sitting        along with the right to be represented by
down together, talking and working out           a union, are protected by law.
their own workplace arrangements.                These changes should also provide extra
As a result, both employees and employers        help for employees to know their rights.
have benefited. There have also been more        And these changes must provide additional
job opportunities created for women and          support for employees in cases of unlawful
school leavers.                                  termination.
A stronger economy.                              A simpler system.
This co-operative approach has been              We also need to make our workplace
helping Australia build one of the strongest     relations system simpler. Australia has over
economies in the western world. We are           130 different pieces of industrial relations
exporting more. We’ve created over 920,000       legislation, over 4,000 different awards and
new, permanent, full time jobs. Australia’s      six different workplace systems operating
unemployment rate has been markedly              across the country.
reduced, reaching a 30 year low and
                                                 There are too many rules and regulations
interest rates are at historically low levels.
                                                 making it hard for many employees and
Securing the future.                             employers to get together and reach
Australia has come a long way, but we            agreement in their workplaces.
can’t stand still. More needs to be done.        We also have too much red tape, too much
If we are to grow and prosper, we need to        complexity and too much confusion in
  continue working together to implement         some parts of the current system. It’s bad
    fair, practical and sensible changes to      for business, it costs jobs and it’s holding
       our workplaces.                           Australia back.
          These changes need to provide          For all these reasons, the Australian
            more choice and flexibility for      Government is moving towards one, simpler
              both employees and employers       national workplace relations system.
                in their workplaces, so we       It’s called WorkChoices.
                  can find better ways to        Importantly, it will make it much simpler
                   reward effort, increase       for employees and employers to get
                    wages, and balance work      together, talk and work out the workplace
                     and family life.            arrangements that best suit them.
                                                 Improving our living standards.
                                                 By encouraging people to work together
                                                 and by continuing the improvement in
                                                 our workplaces, WorkChoices will also help
                                                 continue the improvement in our living
                                                 standards and quality of life. And that’s
                                                 something worth working for.

                                                  This booklet outlines how WorkChoices
                                                  will affect you. Take some time to read
                                                  through it, and if you have any other
                                                  questions, just call the WorkChoices hotline
                                                  on 1800 025 239 or visit the WorkChoices
                                                  website at

5                                                                                                5
WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
What’s changing.
               With the introduction of WorkChoices, the
             Australian Government will initiate a range of
             changes that will make the workplace relations
                system simpler, fairer and more flexible.

    WILL move towards one, simpler national system.
    WILL simplify the workplace agreement-making process.
    WILL establish the Australian Fair Pay Commission to protect minimum
    and award classification wages.
    WILL introduce the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard to protect
    workers’ wages and conditions in the agreement-making process.
    WILL enshrine a set of minimum conditions in Federal legislation for the
    first time.
    WILL provide modern award protection for those not covered by agreements.
    WILL ensure an ongoing role for the Australian Industrial Relations
    Commission (AIRC).
    WILL protect against unlawful termination.
    WILL better balance the unfair dismissal laws.

WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
And what isn’t.
     Though some things will change with the
 introduction of WorkChoices, Australian workers
   can rest assured that fundamental protections
                    will remain.

 WON’T cut minimum and award classification wages.
 WON’T remove protection against unlawful termination.
 WON’T abolish awards.
 WON’T remove the right to join a union.
 WON’T take away the right to lawful industrial action
 when negotiating an agreement.
 WON’T outlaw union agreements.
 WON’T abolish the Australian Industrial Relations

WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
New protections
for minimumwages
   and conditions.
WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
                                                     1. Hours of work.
To make the system simpler and fairer, a
new and totally independent wage setting             WorkChoices will lock in maximum
body will be created with the primary                ordinary hours of work of 38
objective of promoting the economic                  hours per week - an accepted
                                                     community standard. It will be
prosperity of the people of Australia. The
                                                     possible for ordinary hours to be averaged
Australian Fair Pay Commission (Fair Pay
                                                     over a period of up to twelve months.
Commission) will include members that
have experience in one or more of:                   Employees must receive at least the
business, community organisations,                   relevant minimum hourly wage as set by
workplace relations and economics.                   the Fair Pay Commission for each hour
                                                     they are required to work.
MINIMUM AND AWARD                                    Additional payment for hours worked in
CLASSIFICATION WAGES.                                excess of 38 hours will be a matter for
                                                     awards and agreements.
 As part of its responsibilities, the Fair Pay       Ordinary hours of work will remain a
 Commission will set and adjust minimum              matter that can be included in awards.
 and award classification wages:                     Awards may provide for fewer than 38
    A single minimum wage.                           hours as ordinary hours, but (consistent
    Minimum wages for award                          with the new Fair Pay and Conditions
    classification levels.                           Standard) will no longer be able to provide
    Minimum wages for juniors, trainees/
                                                     for ordinary working hours above 38
    apprentices and employees with disabilities.     hours per week.
    Minimum wages for piece workers.                 Award provisions providing for fewer
    Casual loadings.
                                                     than 38 ordinary hours per week will
                                                     continue to operate but award provisions
                                                     providing for more than 38 ordinary
After increases to minimum and classifi-             hours per week will cease to operate.
cation wages in awards have been made
following the AIRC’s 2005 Safety Net Review,
they will be locked in and not be allowed             EXAMPLE
to fall below this level and will increase as         Georgina runs a motel in Hobart. Under the
decided by the Fair Pay Commission.                   relevant award, she is required to pay her
                                                      employees penalty rates for work in excess of
                                                      the ordinary hours of work under the award
A NEW STANDARD. A SAFETY                              (38 hours per week). In the new system,
NET GUARANTEED BY LAW.                                Georgina could offer her employees a
The Government will enshrine in law                   collective or individual agreement which
minimum conditions of employment:                     offers a higher hourly rate of pay for all
                                                      hours of work, including any hours in excess
                                                      of 38 hours per week, which absorbs penalty
                                                      rates for any hours worked beyond 38 per
 The minimum conditions include:                      week. Her employees would have the choice
 1. Maximum ordinary hours of work.                   to accept the agreement or remain covered by
 2. Annual leave.                                     the award.
 3. Personal/carer’s leave (including sick leave).
 4. Parental leave (including maternity leave).
These minimum conditions, together with               Liljana is a laboratory assistant in the NSW
the minimum and award classification wages            coal mining industry and is employed under
set by the Fair Pay Commission, make up               an award. Under her award, Liljana’s ordinary
                                                      hours of work are 35 hours per week. If
the new Australian Fair Pay and Conditions
                                                      Liljana works more than 35 hours per week,
Standard (Fair Pay and Conditions Standard).
                                                      she gets paid overtime. In the new system,
All new agreements will be required to                Liljana would continue to work a 35 hour
meet the new Fair Pay and Conditions                  week and be paid for overtime in excess of 35
Standard at all times when the agreement              hours per week while covered by her award.
is in operation.
WorkChoices A simpler, fairer, national Workplace Relations System forAustralia
2. Annual leave.                                    3. Personal/carer’s leave.
The new Fair Pay and Conditions                     The new Fair Pay and Conditions
Standard for annual leave will be                   Standard for personal/carer’s
four weeks of paid annual leave per year,           leave will consist of ten days of paid
with an additional week of paid leave for           personal leave per annum after 12 months
certain types of shift workers.                     of service (pro-rated for employees who
The new Fair Pay and Conditions                     have not completed 12 months service).
Standard will include key                           This leave is cumulative.
provisions for pro-rata                                        Up to ten days in any given year
arrangements to cover part-time                                can be used as carer’s leave. The
employees and those who have not                               new Fair Pay and Conditions
yet worked for 12 months.                                      Standard will also include two
Currently it is possible for                                   days of paid compassionate leave
employees under an agreement to                                per occasion. Compassionate
cash out all of their annual leave.                            leave is leave to visit a seriously
Under WorkChoices, employees                                   ill or dying relative as well as to
may request to cash out up to two                              attend a funeral.
weeks of their accrued annual leave                            A further two days of unpaid
entitlement every twelve months.                               carer’s leave per occasion will be
This can only occur in a situation                             available in the event of an
where it is explicitly provided for                            unexpected emergency for
in an agreement that covers the                                employees who have exhausted
employee; and where the employee                               their personal leave entitlement
requests the cashing out in writing.                           or are casual.
It will be illegal for employers to pressure        Personal/carer’s leave in awards will be
or force employees to cash out their                preserved. Where awards currently
annual leave, and it will also be illegal           provide more generous personal/carer’s
for cashing out of annual leave to be               leave conditions than the new Fair Pay
a condition of employment.                          and Conditions Standard, the more
Annual leave in awards will be preserved.           generous conditions will apply to those
Where awards currently provide more                 still covered by awards (both current
generous annual leave conditions than               and new employees). Preserved award
the new Fair Pay and Conditions                     provisions will not form part of the new
Standard, the more generous conditions              Fair Pay and Conditions Standard for
will apply to those still covered by                agreement-making.
awards (both current and new employees).
Preserved award provisions will not
form part of the new Fair Pay and                    EXAMPLE
Conditions Standard for agreement-                   Seamus is a mechanic who is employed in a
making.                                              motor engineering workshop under the
                                                     federal Vehicle Industry - Repair, Services
                                                     and Retail - Award 2002. Seamus has been
 EXAMPLE                                             working there since he completed his
 Sarah is a nurse who works shift work in            apprenticeship two years ago. Under the
 South Australia under the Nurses (ANF-              award, Seamus is entitled to 60.8 hours (8
 South Australian Private Sector) Award 2003.        days) paid personal/carer’s leave each year, of
 Sarah’s award entitles her to six weeks             which up to 5 days can be taken each year as
 annual leave a year. As Sarah’s annual leave        carer’s leave.
 conditions are more generous than the Fair          As the award provision for personal carer’s
 Pay and Conditions Standard, Sarah will             leave is less than the new Fair Pay and
 continue to be entitled to six weeks annual         Conditions Standard of 10 days paid
 leave a year in the new system while she            personal/carer’s leave, of which up to 10
 remains covered by this award.                      days each year can be taken as carer’s leave,
 Claire commences working with Sarah under           in the new system Seamus will be entitled to
 the new system. She is also employed on the         the more generous personal/carer’s leave
 same basis under the award and just like            benefit provided by the Fair Pay and
 Sarah will be entitled to six weeks annual leave    Conditions Standard while he remains
 a year while she remains covered by the award.      covered by the award.

4. Parental leave.                            PROTECTION AGAINST
The new Fair Pay and Conditions               UNLAWFUL TERMINATION.
Standard will entitle employees to
                                              Every Australian worker, regardless of
take up to 52 weeks of unpaid parental
                                              the size of the business they work in, will
leave at the time of the birth or adoption
                                              continue to be protected from unlawful
of a child.
Both parents cannot be on leave at the
same time, other than one week of leave at
the time of the birth or three weeks in the    It is unlawful to terminate someone
case of adoption.                              because of:

The amount of unpaid parental leave is            Temporary absence from work
reduced by any amount of other leave              because of illness or injury;
taken (including paid maternity, paternity,       Trade union membership;
personal or annual leave) by either parent.       Non-membership of a trade union;
The new Fair Pay and Conditions Standard          Seeking office as, or acting or having
will apply to all full-time, part-time and        acted in the capacity of, a representative
eligible casual employees (with at least 12       of employees;
months’ continuous service with their
                                                  The filing of a complaint, or the
current employer). An eligible casual             participation in proceedings, against
employee is a casual employee employed on         an employer;
a regular and systematic basis for a period
                                                  Race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age,
of at least 12 months and who has, but for
                                                  physical or mental disability, marital
the pregnancy or adoption, a reasonable           status, family responsibilities, pregnancy,
expectation of ongoing employment.                religion, political opinion, national
Employees will also be entitled to unpaid         extraction or social origin;
special maternity leave of an amount as           Refusing to negotiate, make, sign,
directed by a registered medical                  extend, vary or terminate an AWA;
practitioner if the pregnancy terminates
                                                  Absence from work during maternity
by means other than a live birth within 28        leave or other parental leave;
weeks of the expected birth date or in the
case of pregnancy-related illness.                Temporary absence from work because
                                                  of the carrying out of a voluntary
                                                  emergency management activity.
Parental leave in awards will be
preserved. Where awards currently
provide more generous parental leave          It will also be unlawful for anyone to
conditions than the new Fair Pay and          apply duress to an employee in relation
Conditions Standard, the more generous        to negotiating and signing an AWA.
conditions will apply to those still          Employees who believe they have been
covered by awards (both current and           unlawfully terminated will be eligible to
new employees). Preserved award               receive up to $4000 worth of legal advice.
provisions will not form part of the          This will be based on the merits of their
new Fair Pay and Conditions Standard          case if they have a certificate from the
for agreement-making.                         AIRC and if they are assessed as having
                                              financial need.
                                              Unfair dismissal laws will also continue
                                              to apply to businesses with over 100 staff,
                                              though workers will need to have been
                                              employed by the company for at least six
                                              months before they can make an unfair
                                              dismissal claim.
                                              Businesses with up to and including 100
                                              staff will be exempt from unfair dismissal
                                              laws because previous laws prevented
                                              many businesses from hiring more staff.
                                              This change will help generate more job
                                              opportunities for Australians, particularly
                                              for those who currently don’t have a job.
Parental leave
     protected by law.

WorkChoices and
Protection for workers not                           What will change.
covered by agreements.                               As the Government has previously said,
Awards will not be abolished.                        matters such as restrictions on
Employees not covered by a Workplace                 apprenticeships/traineeships, independent
Agreement will continue to work under                contractors and labour hire workers will be
their awards. The new Fair Pay and                   removed from awards.
Conditions Standard will also apply to
award reliant employees (except where                In the legislation, and consistent with its
the relevant award has a more generous               long held view, the Government will clarify
provision in which case the more                     that union picnic days, trade union training
generous provision will apply). The AIRC             leave and tallies should not be included in
will continue to be responsible for awards.          awards.
                                                     Because agreements will be simpler to make
Protecting award conditions.                         under WorkChoices, enterprise flexibility
In the new system long service                       provisions are no longer necessary in
leave, superannuation, jury service                  awards. Skill based career paths will be
and notice of termination will not be                matters for the Fair Pay Commission and
included in new awards because they are              will also be considered by the Award Review
provided for in other legislation.                   Taskforce as part of its examination
However these provisions in current                  of award classification wage structures.
awards will continue to apply to existing
and new employees covered by these                   Protecting award conditions in
awards. This means award reliant
employees will continue to enjoy the benefit         In negotiating new workplace agreements,
of these provisions in their current awards.         certain award entitlements will be protected
                                                     in the new system, though bargaining can
Award provisions which are more generous
                                                     occur on these entitlements and approval of
than the Fair Pay and Conditions Standard
                                                     employees is required to change them.
(annual leave, personal/carer’s leave, parental
leave and hours of work) will also continue to
apply. If there is a difference between the           The entitlements are:
Fair Pay and Conditions Standard and these
                                                        Public holidays.
award conditions, the more generous
provision will continue to apply.                       Rest breaks (including meal breaks).
                                                        Incentive based payments and bonuses.
                                                        Annual leave loadings.
 Tina is a nurse in Victoria. Tina is employed
                                                        Penalty rates.
 under the Nurses (Victorian Health Services)
 Award 2000 which entitles her to 6 months              Shift/overtime loadings.
 long service leave after 15 years service.
 This award condition will be preserved in the
 new system. This means that Tina will               These entitlements in a new agreement
 continue to have the benefit of this long service   can only be modified or removed by
 leave provision in the award and it will apply      specific provisions in that new agreement
 to all existing and new employees covered by        with the approval of employees.
 that award.
                                                     If these entitlements aren’t mentioned in
 Carolyn commences working with Tina under           the new agreement, the award provisions
 the new system. She is also employed under
                                                     will continue to operate.
 the same award and just like Tina will be
 entitled to 6 months long service leave after 15    A Collective Agreement or AWA under
 years service while she remains covered by the      WorkChoices need simply set out how
 award.                                              the new agreement will either change or
                                                     remove these matters in that agreement.

A simpler, fairer system.
WorkChoices will make the Workplace
Relations System in Australia simpler and
fairer for both employees and employers.

To reduce delays and uncertainty in
agreement-making, a streamlined process
will be introduced.
All agreements will now take effect from
the date they are lodged with the Office of
the Employment Advocate.
So once an agreement has been lodged it
will start to operate and people can start
working under the new arrangements.
The current complex certification process     a new compliance regime that will be
for collective agreements and the approval    enforced by the Office of Workplace
process for AWAs will no longer apply.        Services (OWS).
Varying or terminating of agreements has      The OWS will be given extra resources to
also been simplified. New agreements can      ensure employees and employers know
now be varied or extended up to a             their rights and obligations and that these
maximum of five years or terminated by        are fairly enforced.
agreement between employees and
                                              ONGOING ROLE OF THE
                                              AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL
                                              RELATIONS COMMISSION.
                                              Because the new workplace relations
                                              system is based on co-operation, employees
                                              and employers will be encouraged to
                                              resolve disputes between themselves.
                                              To support this aim, the legislation will
                                              include a model Dispute Settling
                                              Procedure that will be included in all
                                              awards and which employees and
                                              employers can choose to use when
                                              resolving their workplace disputes over an
                                              The legislation will also establish a
                                              register of private Alternative Dispute
A FAIRER SYSTEM.                              Resolution providers that will support
Whether you’re an employee or an              genuine choice between the AIRC’s dispute
employer, your rights will be protected       settling expertise and other dispute
under the new system by the Office of         resolution specialists.
Workplace Services. Penalties will apply      Disputes can also be referred to the AIRC.
for breaches of awards and agreements.        The role of the AIRC will be to mediate
Of course, both employees and employers       between the parties and assist them in
will be expected to meet their obligations.   reaching their own dispute settlement.
The Fair Pay and Conditions Standard,         The AIRC will also have responsibility for
Federal awards and agreements, and any        simplifying awards, regulating industrial
State awards and agreements brought           action, regulating registered organisations
into the Federal system will all fall under   and unfair dismissal matters.
How will the changes affect you?
 WorkChoices will directly cover up to 85% of Australian workers. That includes everyone working for
incorporated companies as well as employees of Australian Government bodies (such as the Australian
    Tax Office) and employees working under State awards or agreements who are employed by a
   Constitutional corporation. WorkChoices will not affect employees of unincorporated businesses
  and those State government bodies not currently in the Federal system. Unincorporated businesses
         already in the Federal system will be able to remain in the system for up to 5 years.

                             PEOPLE ON FEDERAL AWARDS.
                             If you currently work under a Federal award, your minimum wages and basic
                             entitlements (such as annual leave, personal/carer’s leave, parental leave and a
                             maximum 38 hour ordinary working week) will be guaranteed by law under
                             the new Fair Pay and Conditions Standard. If your award differs from the Fair
                             Pay and Conditions Standard, the more generous of the two will apply. There
                             will be protected award conditions such as public holidays, rest breaks,
                             incentive-based payments & bonuses, annual leave loadings, allowances and
                             overtime loadings. These protected award conditions can be the subject of
                             workplace bargaining, though they can only be modified or removed by
                             specific provisions in an agreement. If these entitlements aren’t mentioned in
                             the agreement the award provisions will continue to operate.

                             If you currently work under a Federal Collective Agreement, all the working
                             conditions and entitlements negotiated in that agreement will remain except for
                             clauses which inhibit the ability of the parties to bargain or are currently
                             prohibited such as compulsory union bargaining fees for non-union members.
                             Otherwise, no changes can be made without the approval of the employees to the
                             agreement. In relation to Collective Agreements made under the new system, the
                             Fair Pay and Conditions Standard will apply throughout the life of these
                             agreements, which can be up to 5 years. Because the Fair Pay and Conditions
                             Standard represents the minimum which all employees are entitled to, wages
                             and conditions in agreements will always need to be equal to or higher than the
                             Standard, which may change from time to time.

                             PEOPLE ON AWAs.
                             If you currently work under an AWA, the conditions and entitlements you
                             negotiated in that agreement will remain intact. No changes can be made to your
                             AWA without your specific approval.
                             In relation to AWAs made under the new system, the Fair Pay and Conditions
                             Standard will apply throughout the life of these agreements, which can be up
                             to 5 years. Because the Fair Pay and Conditions Standard represents the
                             minimum which all employees are entitled to, wages and conditions in
                             agreements will always need to be equal to or higher than the Standard, which
                             may change from time to time.

                             PEOPLE MOVING INTO THE NEW SYSTEM.
                             If you currently work under a State award or agreement and are moving to
                             the national system, your State award or agreement will become a transitional
                             agreement that applies to your workplace and protects your current working
                             conditions until replaced by a new agreement. Some content in former State
                             awards and agreements such as union preference clauses or those which are
                             currently prohibited in the Federal system will be unenforceable, like
                             compulsory union bargaining fees for non-union members.

                             PEOPLE IN VICTORIA.
                             Because Victoria led the way in referring its workplace relations powers to
                             the Commonwealth, you will continue to be covered by the Federal system
                             regardless of whether you are employed by an incorporated company or not.
                             All employees in Victoria will benefit from the Fair Pay and Conditions
                             Standard, ensuring that minimum wages and conditions are guaranteed by

For more information call the WorkChoices
hotline on 1800 025 239 or visit the WorkChoices

    Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra, ACT.
       Written by Senator the Hon. Eric Abetz, Special Minister of State.
Printed by J.S.McMillan Printing Group. Pre-media by Wellcom Group Limited.
                   Printed on paper with recycled content.
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