Work pack for Hair and Beauty.

Page created by Cody Bowen
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
UC02 The hair and beauty sector - End of unit quiz

     1.   List 5 hair services available in the hair and beauty sector.           4. Choose 5 of the places of work you circled and write down the different
                                                                                     job roles that are available there. Try not to use the same job role more
                                                                                     than once.
                                                                                  Please see the example below:
                                                                                              Place of Work                Job Role
                                                                                              Hotel                        Massage therapist

2.     List 5 beauty treatments available in the hair and beauty sector.

3. Please circle all of the places you could go to work in the hair beauty sector.

 Cruise ship         Fashion and photography   Leisure centre/Gym    Education and training      Doctors surgery

     Airline        Supermarket    Mobile hairdresser/beauty therapist     Cinema             Barbers

 Hair salon         Restaurant    Theatre and media      Product Manufacturing       Bank        Casino
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
UC02 The hair and beauty sector - End of unit quiz

5. Choose 3 of the job roles you listed in question 4 and state some of the daily tasks they
   would do at work.
Try to think of different daily tasks for each job role.

Job Role                                              Daily tasks and responsibilities

6.   Where could you find out about Post-16 jobs and courses in the hair and beauty industry? List 3 places below:
      Example: Recruitment agency
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
Instructions for Hair and Beauty work pack.

Self Evaluation – Complete before you complete the tasks.

Task 1. Produce a collage, poster, leaflet (computerised or written), about 8 different plaiting
techniques. You can use the provided document A or your own 8 favourite plaiting techniques.
Write a description of each plait for example:

Task 2. Produce a document best suited to your learning about the different products used
to support plaiting hair. See work sheet B.

Task 3. Describe the safety considerations for plaiting hair. See work sheet C.

Task 4. Give after care advice. See work sheet D.

Task 5. Equipment used for plaiting hair. See work sheet E.

Task 6. Read through work sheet F and answer the questions.
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
Self-Evaluation- read through the statements below. Circle the smiley face that reflects
how you feel about the statement.
I am looking forward to completing
the plaiting unit.
I am confident researching
different plaiting pictures on the

I am an artistic, creative person.

I am confident that I will be able
to complete a French plait.
I am happy to work on a human
I am happy to be a model for other
I am confident working towards a
distinction grade in theory.
I am confident working towards a
distinction grade in practical.
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
Task 1 Document A   Plaiting hair
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
Three strand plait
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
French braid
Work pack for Hair and Beauty.
Dutch braid
Waterfall plait
Milk maid plait
Corn Row
Box braid plait
Task 2 Document B

     Search the benefits of the following products and write in the text boxes, scan the QR codes on
     the next page with your phone camera and this will help you.

                         Hair Wax                                            Hair Gel

           Hair Spray
                                                                         Hair Serum
Hairspray QR Code   Hair Gel QR Code
Hair Serum QR Code   Hair Wax QR Code
Task 3 worksheet C
                      Place a line from the incidents to the correct procedures.

              Something that might happen           What to do if something happens.
                  when plaiting hair.

            Dropped comb or equipment                                              Seek medical advice

                                                              Rinse with cool water, seek medical advise
            Hair knotting

            Products get in the clients eyes              Choose another available product, ask advice

            Hair starts to become tangled                               Wash and sterilise in barbicide

            Shortage of product                              Gently untangle, work from ends to roots

            Scalp becomes red and itchy                     Comb hair through and take smaller
Fill in the gaps for what could happen during plaiting and how you would stop it happening.
Look at the example for a non contagious scalp condition to help you. Use work sheet C.

A safety                What might happen:                How can you stop it happening:
Dropped Comb.

Hair knotting when

Products get into
your client eyes.

Lack of product.

Scalp condition (non-

Scalp condition         You could infest the salon with   Tell your client to seek medical
(contagious)            head lice/nits.                   advice, say you suspect head lice.
                                                          Do not do their hair.
Produce an aftercare document to hand to your client after the plaiting service stating the following.

                                         It is normal for hair to
   You should use a light                 fall out when the plait
    oil to keep the scalp                       is removed.                      Remove the plaits from
   moisturised with cane                                                         points to end using a tail
             row.                                                                comb, then comb with a
                                                                                        rake comb.

  A satin or silky pillow
  case may help prolong                                                          Recommend light gentling
  the life of your plaits                                                         shampoo movements if
     whilst sleeping.                                                              cane row is washed.

                                         Do not rip out the bands
                                          that secure the plaits.
 Task 4 Document D
Write a list of equipment you will need to plait a clients hair with.
              Use the images below to identify them:

Task 5 Document E
Task 6 Document F

   Braiding started in Africa with the Himba race of Namibia. These people have been braiding
   their hair since 3100 BC. In many African tribes, braided hairstyles were a unique way to
   identify each tribe. Braid patterns and hairstyles were an indication of a person’s tribe, age,
   marital status, wealth, power, and religion. Braiding was and is a social art. Because of the
   amount of time it can take, people often would take the time to socialise. It began with the
   elders braiding their children, then the children would watch and learn from them.

   Younger children would start practicing on each other and eventually learn the traditional styles.
   This tradition of bonding was carried on for generations and quickly made its way across the
   world. It was around the 1900s when braids became most popular around the world. Almost all
   women, children, and most men in some way had their hair braided.

   Braiding, for enslaved Africans, was a political act. For those Africans who made the middle
   passage and were forced into slavery, their hair was often shaved off completely before they
   set foot on American soil. However, once their hair began to grow again, they deliberately
   engaged in hair braiding to hold on to their cultural identity and to demonstrate a silent act of
   resistance and defiance to servitude.
Answer the questions below from reading and using work sheet F.

1.   Where did braiding start?
2.   What race did it start with?
3.   Since how long have this tribe braided their hair?
4.   How could you identify a tribe?
5.   What does a braided pattern identify?
6.   When did braiding become more popular?
7.   Who did the youngsters start practicing on?
8.   What was braiding for enslaved Africans?
9.   Before the enslaved Africans set foot in America what happened to their hair?
10. When the enslaved Africans hair started to grow after shaving, what did they do?
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