Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting

Page created by Arnold Newman
Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
Wood Creek Civic Association                                                                            February 2015
                                                                                                   Volume 2015, Issue 1

  Wood Creek Trails
                                                                                        Inside this issue
                  Upcoming Community Meeting
                                                                                        Upcoming Events................ 2
                        Thursday, March 12, 2015
                                                                                        Wood Creek Corner with
                        First Bap st Church—7pm                                         Wayne West ....................... 3
                 Topic: Natural Gas lines in Wood Creek
                                                                                        Info on Natural Gas ............ 4

 Are you looking to purchase a new HVACR system but wish you had the op on of nat-      Traffic Calming Efforts ........ 5
 ural gas? A few residents in Wood Creek are discussing with Delmarva Power the op-
  on of having natural gas available in our neighborhood. If you may be interested in   WCCA Annual Mee ng ....... 5
 conver ng from propane or electric heat to natural gas, please a&end this mee ng
 with representa ves of Delmarva Power.                                                 WC Adver sers ..............6 & 7
 Current propane users should be able to convert to natural gas with a simple change
 of orifices. There may be a $200 deposit fee to sign-up for the conversion, but it is   Dues No ce ...................... 8
 our understanding that the fee will be returned once the conversion is complete,
 therefore no real cost to the homeowner. For exact details, please a&end on 3/12.
 Contacts for this project are Rick Rokita, a WCCA board member, at 302-740-9123 and
 WC resident Ma& Giordano who you can email at ma&gior@verizon.net. We will also
 provide an update a1er the mee ng for those who cannot a&end.
Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
Wood Creek Civic Association Events
    Spring Egg Hunt                                         call/text at 302-584-0515. Thank you!

    The Wood Creek Civic Associa on will sponsor the        Need Service Hours?
    annual Spring Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 21. It will
                                                            Prior to the egg hunt we will sponsor a clean-up day
    be held at 11 a.m. in the Wood Creek Park. There will
                                                            at the park for trash, debris, etc. If you or your child
    be egg hun ng by age categories, treat bags, and cup-
                                                            needs service hours, this is a great opportunity.
    cakes. The event will be held rain or shine—we have
                                                            Please contact Michele at woodcreekciv-
    had a few years with kids in rain boots. Be sure to
                                                            ic@yahoo.com or look for the sign at the WC en-
    stop by the park for your treat bag and cupcake no
                                                            trance area.
    ma&er the weather!
                                                            Spring Yard Sale
    Your help is needed Can you assist with the
    coordination of the hunt during the event? Or make                             The spring Yard Sale will be in
    a batch of cupcakes for the egg hunt? Any assis-                               April or May. Please look for an
    tance would be greatly welcomes. Please send an                                informa on sign to be posted
    email to Michele at woodcreekcivic@yahoo.com or                                when the date gets closer.

                                    2012-13 WCCA Oficers and Committee Chairs
NEW Website for WCCA
                                     Please contact the Wood Creek Officers and Commi&ee Chairs as needed re-
We are in the process of up-         garding our community, its newsle&er or website.
da ng the website. The new           Clayton Jose, President
site will be:                          Cell: 302-757-1799 / E-mail: cjose@deloi&e.com
www.woodcreekcivic.org               Wendy Swi , Vice-President
                                      E-mail: wendymswi1@gmail.com
We hope the new site will give
                                     Michele Davis, Secretary
our community more opportu-
                                      Cell: 302-584-0515 / E-mail: go2michele@yahoo.com
ni es for interac on and
greater informa on. This may         Jon Sturmfels, Treasurer
                                       Cell: 302-528-2126 / E-mail: jonsturmfels@yahoo.com
include a directory of services
performed by Wood Creek              Rick Rokita, Safety Director
residents and an area for our          Cell: 302-633-6373
youth to adver se baby si3ng         Michele & Wayne Davis, Community Events
and pet si3ng services.               Cell: 302-584-0515 / E-mail: go2michele@yahoo.com
                                     Pat Gallagher, Beauficaon Commiee
If there is something you
                                     Ryan Coyne, Beauficaon Commiee
would like to see or you are
able to assist, please email the     Don Gallagher, Webmaster
board at
woodcreekcivc@yahoo.com.             Vacant, Maintenance Director

Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
Wood Creek Corner
                                           By Wayne M. West                                   Annual Dues
                                     Associate Broker, REALTOR®
                                                                                              Invoices for 2015 were delivered to all
                                     Pa&erson-Schwartz Realtors
                                        302 733-7000 x 7073                                   homes in February. A copy of the
                                www.waynewest.com wwest@psre.com                              invoice is also in this newsleer, if

Wood Creek 4th Quarter Update 2014                                                            The fee is $100 and mail to:

                                                                                              Wood Creek Civic Associaon
This Fall there were FIVE homes on the market in Wood Creek. What is interes ng
                                                                                              P.O. Box 142
was that there were 35 detached homes on the market in the Mill Creek, Pike Creek,
and Hockessin areas from $300,000 to $400,000 in this last quarter. Below is the ac v-        Hockessin, DE 19707-0142
ity in Wood Creek during the last quarter of 2014.

For Sale                                                                         List Price   The WCCA dues are an investment in
705 Sweetleaf Dr    4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, “Williamsburg”         2 car garage   $349,900     your community and cover the costs of
427 Greenwood Dr 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, “Hagley”                  2 car garage   $349,900     community expenses, including snow
492 Greenwood Dr 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, “Laurel”                  2 car garage   $375,000     removal, lawn care and maintenance
602 Coralberry Ct   4 bedrooms, 2 bath, 2 half bath, “Canterbury” 2 car garage   $415,000     of common areas, and WCCA acvies.
412 Greenwood Dr 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, “Williamsburg”            2 car garage   $424,900     As we have indicated for many years,
Sale Pending                                                                     List Price   snow plowing for the neighborhood is

408 Greenwood Dr 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, “Hagley”                  2 car garage   $400,000     our single highest budget expense, and
                                                                                              also the most fluctuang as the cost is
Sold and Seled (since 1/1/2014)                                                 Sold Price
                                                                                              purely dependent upon the number of
12 Woodward Dr      4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, “Hagley”               2 car garage   $306,000
                                                                                              snowfalls and its accumulaon totals.
8 Woodward Dr       4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, “Williamsburg”         2 car garage   $369,900
                                                                                              For the 2013/2014 winter, the WCCA
502 Bluegrass Dr    4 bedrooms, 3.0 baths, “Hagley”               2 car garage   $397,500
                                                                                              spent almost $50K in snow removal .
There were also homes that have sold that are not in our MLS system. These homes
may help establish a higher value for your home for the appraisal. If you would like          Do not burden your neighbors with
more informa on regarding these homes, please call me.                                        your fair share of these expenses! As
                                                                                              always, our sincere thanks to those
I would like to thank you for your referrals and con nued confidence in me as your
REALTOR. As a resident, I am grateful that I can be a part of a community like ours. If       residents who have paid their dues and
ever I can assist you, or anyone you know, with buying and selling real estate, please        extra that allow all to enjoy WCCA pro-
call me.                                                                                      vided services.
                            Improvements Without Permits!
                                                                                              If needed, please contact our Treasur-
For years homeowners have added decks, finished basements, bathrooms, and addi-
                                                                                              er, Jon Sturmfels, to make payment
 ons without permits. Today this may become an issue when selling your home. First,
you should disclose any work that has been done to the home (with or without per-             arrangements at 302-528-2126 or
mits). Second, buyers are much more informed of the rules. There is a process                 jonsturmfels@yahoo.com.
through New Castle County that you can obtain a cer ficate of awareness for work
performed prior to 2002. If a basement was finished a1er 2002 without permits, it is
required that the basement have a second means of egress. Permits are required for
decks, pools, addi ons and even adding a bathroom or powder room. Improvements
without permits are being discovered by buyers, REALTORS, se&lement a&orneys, and
appraisers. If you would like more informa on regarding the requirements of New
Castle County, or how this changes the buying or selling of real estate, please call                                                  3
Wayne M. West at 302-733-7073 .
Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
Safety Notes
                                                More Information About Natural Gas
House Numbers                                          Heat For Your Home.
Please note that NCC Property          It just got easier and more affordable for you to switch to natural gas heat for
Maintenance Code requires              your home.
that houses have address               Here's why you should consider a switch:
numbers placed in a posi on
to be plainly legible and visible      •    Natural gas is more affordable than hea ng oil or propane
from the street. Numbers               •    Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel
shall be a minimum of four
inches high with minimum               •    Natural gas is safe and reliable

stroke of one-half inch.               •    Natural gas is primarily domes c and highly efficient

Remember, in case of an                •    Natural gas is convenient. It is piped directly to your home - no storage
emergency, such as a fire, a                 tanks, no truck deliveries
difference of a few minutes
                                       •    Natural gas has mul ple uses, including hea ng, cooking, grilling, water
can mean the difference be-                  hea ng, so you can take advantage of its affordability throughout your
tween life and death. The                   home
more camouflaged and hard to
                                       •    Delmarva Power provides free installa on of a service line within 100 feet
find the numbers are, the                    of gas main pipeline
longer it will take emergency
                                       Natural gas prices have hit a 10-year low during the past five years, and the
personnel to arrive at the sce-
                                       outlook is for prices to remain low, par cularly when compared to other fuel
ne.                                    sources, due to its growing supply.

                                       Compare Winter Heating Costs
SLOW DOWN! The speed
limit on all Wood Creek roads
                                     Winter Heang
is 25 mph.                                         Heang Oil                Natural Gas           Electric              Propane
As with all roadways, vigilance
                                           2010-11           $2,298               $724               $946                $1,350
on the part of all motorists,
pedestrians and bicyclists is              2011-12           $2,087               $608               $902                $1,260
needed to ensure that every-               2012-13           $2,442               $657               $939                $1,417
one shares the road safely.
                                           2013-14           $2,393               $742               $958                $1,444
The awareness becomes more
important as those driving in       Source: Prices based on Short Term Outlook, Energy Informaon Adm & State LIHEAP Surveys. The
                                    heang season price comparison is Oct.-March.
the area must be prepared for
the unexpected, such as some-       Informaon provided by Delmarva Power. For more informaon, visit their website at
thing dar ng out into the
roadway, sharing the road           So, how do you learn more about switching to natural gas?
with pedestrians as we do not
have sidewalks, or even sea-        Plan to a&end the informa onal mee ng for Wood Creek residents on Thurs-
sonal weather and ligh ng           day, March 12 at 7 p.m. The mee ng will be located at Faith Bap st Church
                                    across from our entrance and located in the mee ng rooms on the right side
condi ons.
                                    of the parking lot.
Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
Trafic Calming Measures in Wood Creek
 At the request of the WCCA and Representa ve Mike Ramone, the Delaware Department of Transporta on
 (DelDOT) surveyed our development in 2014 to provide traffic calming measures. Our request was to slow
 down motor vehicle traffic as well as to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. A1er their review, the plan
 included installing a speed bump on Greenwood Drive toward the back of the development and to survey the
 remaining sec ons of Wood Creek for the installa on of addi onal speed bumps. With the surveys, the street
 in ques on is polled as well as all suppor ng streets that use the main road as their primary access route.
 Over the summer months, DelDOT surveyed the different sec ons of Wood Creek and the survey results were
 provided to WCCA in the Fall. Here are the results by street:
 Woodward Drive— 35 ballots were returned, with 15 (43%) opposed, and 20 (57%) in support. DelDOT re-
 quires 67% support for the measure to pass, so the speed bump request was denied.
 Barberry Drive— 27 ballots were returned, with 10 (37%) opposed, and 17 (63%) in support. Since 67% in fa-
 vor is required, this speed bump was also denied.
 Once the ballot request is denied, there is a three-year wai ng period for addi onal requests. With that being
 said, Mike Ramone proposed and approved funds to install a speed radar sign on Woodward Drive and it is
 now func onal. The speed radar sign is interac ve, runs on solar power, and displays a vehicle’s speed as a
 motorist approaches. Although the overall speed reduc on are generally less than a physical speed bump, our
 hope is it will s ll effect drivers exceeding the posted speed.

Reminder—if inclement weather is forecasted, please make every effort to move
vehicles off the street to allow for salng and snow removal of roads.

Recap of the WCCA 2014 Annual Meeting
On December 8, the annual mee ng for the Wood Creek Civic Associa on was held at Faith Bap st Church with
a total of 11 residents in a&endance. Topics of discussion are listed below, along with the WCCA financials.
•   Status of graffi removal on signs. The WCCA Board had obtained quotes to repair and refresh the signs
    but had not moved forward to date due to a concern over finances a1er the previous winter. While our
    intent was to wait un l 2015 dues were received, residents requested that the signs be repaired asap.
    Note—the signs are currently under repair and we hope they will be re-installed in the near future.
•   Dues. Currently our due payment rate is 87%. The Board will send individual no ces to all residents that
    are delinquent in the coming month. Addi onally, the generic dues no ce will be distributed by February in
    the coming year. There was also discussion about if the dues needed to be raised or perhaps a bad weath-
    er special assessment would be necessary if the 2014/2015 winter was as costly as last year. Both are op-
     ons, but the Board stated the plan was to wait un l a1er this current winter season.
•   Police patrols. WCCA will start police patrols as the weather gets warmer. The intent will be to create a
    police presence in the neighborhood to deter speeding but also to discourage random vandalism.
•   Elecons. All offices were opened for nomina ons from the floor. With no new volunteers offered, the
    current Board members agreed to accept roles for the coming year.
•   Financials. Currently WC holds a series of CDs as well as cash on hand. As of the mee ng, a total of
    $33,700 is being held in CDs and a total of $15,500 is available in our general cash account.

Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
Wood Creek Newsletter Supporters / Advertisers

     Wood Creek Block Captains
              Name & Address                         Telephone   Assigned Area

     Block 1— Mary Facciolo, 7 Quince Court          302-994-4347    Quince Ct, Woodward Dr #1-18, Ocheltree Dr #1

     Block 2— Wayne Davis, 22 Woodward Dr            302-377-1182    Woodward Dr #19-40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, Bayberry Dr #199

     Block 3— Fran & Elizabeth Pepeta, 6 Ocheltree Dr 302-633-0564   Gregg Ct, Ocheltree Dr #2-20

     Block 4— Pat Gallagher, 198 Barberry Dr         302-994-4830    Woodward Dr #41, 43, 45, 47, 52, 54, 56, 58, Bayberry Dr
     #198,                                                                  200, 201,202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 212, Daylilly Ct

     Block 5— Debbie Dunford, 41 Woodward Dr         302-275-5564    Barberry Dr #203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213-220, 222, 224,
     226, 228,                                                                230, 232, 234, 236, 238, Jonquil Ct

     Block 6— Colleen Misec, 10 Hosta Court         302-652-2193    Greenwood Dr #400, 411, 413, Hosta Ct, Barberry Dr #240,
                                                                     Sweetleaf Dr #700-705

     Block 7— Fran & Elizabeth Pepeta, 6 Ocheltree Dr 302-633-0564   Ivy Ct, Sweetleaf Dr #706-727, Maureen Ct, Jasmine Dr #826,

     Block 8— Linda Steele, 815 Jasmine Dr           302-998-8105    Jasmine Dr #814-825, Greenwood Dr #402-410, 412, 414-
     421, 423,                                                                425, 427

     Block 9— Mary LaRue, 439 Greenwood Dr           302-994-6787    Greenwood Dr #422, 424, 426, 428-449, Bluegrass Dr #511,

     Block 10—Claire Jose, 470 Greenwood Dr          302-757-1799    Greenwood Dr #450-470, 472, 474, Bluegrass Dr #502

     Block 11—Rick & Diane Rokita, 9 Lilac Court     302-633-6373    Bluegrass Dr #503-510, 512-516, Daphne Ct, Coralberry Dr

     Block 12—Sheila Thomas, 6 Lilac Court           302-994-7563    Bluegrass Dr #500, Greenwood Dr #471, 473, 475-498, Lilac

Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
Wood Creek Newsletter Supporters / Advertisers

                    MORE THAN A PACK AND SHIP STORE
                           7209 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin

Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
  WC Babysitter List                       Wood Creek Events                         Newsletter Assistance

  Devon Collazo                             February                                 Can you provide assistance with news

       Ocheltree Dr—633-0101
                                            2015 WCCA dues payment to be             ideas, wring an arcle, or forma#ng
                                            sent                                     in Publisher? If so, please consider
  Marna Davis
                                                                                     offering assistance with the Wood
       Woodward Dr—824-2244                 March                                    Creek newsleer. I have had a change
                                            Sat., March 21 —11:00 a.m.
  Laura Desmond                                                                      in my work dues and need assistance
                                            Spring Egg Hunt, WC Park
                                                                                     in bringing the newsleer to our resi-
       Greenwood Dr—994-1029
                                            April/May                                dents in a mely manner. Any assis-
  Cassandra Padovani
                                            Community Yard Sale                      tance would be greatly appreciated.
       Greenwood Dr—995-6043                                                         My contact informaon is in the lower
                                            Look for flyers in your mailbox,          le( corner. Thank you, Michele Davis
  Bailey Sciota                             upcoming Wood Creek Trails and
                                            announcements posted on our
       Sweetleaf Dr—598-5475
                                            website at
  Maria Whing                              www.woodcreekcivic.org.

       Ocheltree Dr—633-0133

                                            Expanding our babysitter list
  Contact Michele Davis to be on          We would like to expand the list of services provided by youth in our neighbor-
  the list. You must be a resi-           hood. If you tutor, shovel snow, dog walk, or pet sit—consider lis ng it in our
  dent of Wood Creek.                     newsle&er. This opportunity is for Wood Creek residents under the age of 18.
                                          If you are 18 and s ll in high school, you may also par cipate.
  Note: the WCCA provides this list
                                                          To be included in the lis ng, send an email to Michele Davis
  only as informaon to our resi-
                                                          at woodcreekcivic@yahoo.com. Be sure to include your name
  dents. Qualificaons and refer-
                                                          and address, phone number and email address to use in the
  ences should be obtained before                         newsle&er.
  engaging a babysi!er.

Wood Creek Trails
Michele Davis, Editor
                                            Advertise Locally
                                          Consider adver sing your business in our newsle&er. The following fees apply
Phone: 302-584-0515
                                          to adver se in the Wood Creek Trails (business card ads only).
                                                   Wood Creek Residents       $24
                                                   Non-Residents              $60
                                          These fees apply for a one year period, January to December, regardless of the
Comments or suggesons for                number of Newsle&ers issued in the calendar year. Preference will be given to
this Newsleer are welcome                WC residents as adver ser space is limited.
and appreciated, and should be            To place an ad in the Wood Creek Newsle&er or renew for 2015, please contact
sent to me at the contact info            the Newsle&er Editor, Michele Davis (see side bar for contact informa on).
listed. Thank you.

Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
2015 Dues Notice
                The 2015 dues noce was delivered to your mailboxes in February.

                2015 Wood Creek Civic Association Dues Invoice
Annual Dues: $100

Make Check Payable to: Wood Creek Civic Association

Mail to: Wood Creek Civic Association, PO Box 142, Hockessin, DE 19707

Remit by: February 28, 2015

Note from the Board:
We appreciate your dues payment. Your dues pay for snow removal, salting to keep our
roads safe during icy conditions, utilities, storm clean up, beautification, maintenance
fees and any other ad-hoc bills throughout the year.

Visit www.woodcreekcivic.org for neighborhood and community information. We are al-
ways looking for volunteers to help make Wood Creek a better place to live. Contact a
board member from the website.

Keep top portion for your records.

Mail portion below with your dues payment.

______ 2015 dues check is enclosed for $100.

Please apply this payment towards the homeowner residence below:

Homeowner name: _____________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________

Wood Creek Trails Upcoming Community Meeting
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