Page created by Holly Cole
2018 Esha Bandyopadhyay Winston & Strawn LLP • Ashlie Beringer Facebook •
Natasha Innocenti Mlegal Group • The Honorable Michelle K. Lee U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office • Michelle Leetham Rodan + Fields • Sonja Perkins The Perkins
Fund • 2017 Mary A. Francis Chevron Corporation • Susan Marsch Flex, Ltd. •

Michele Coleman Mayes The New York Public Library • Mary O’Hara Blue Shield
of California • Jennifer Pileggi Zuora, Inc. • Caren Ulrich Stacy Diversity Lab &
OnRamp Fellowship • 2016 Meena Elliott Aviat Networks, Inc. • Patty Fleischmann

StolenYouth • Mary McCutcheon Farella Braun + Martel LLP • Kelly McGinnis Levi
Strauss & Co. • Anne Wojcicki and Kathy Hibbs 23andMe, Inc. • Salle Yoo Uber
Technologies, Inc. • 2015 Connie Collingsworth Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
      J        O       U         R       N       A          L
• Marie Oh Huber Agilent Technologies • The Honorable Marilyn Hall Patel U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California (retired) • Mary Quazzo Bechtel
Group, Inc. • Emily Ward eBay Inc. • Catherine Zinn DLA Piper LLP • Debra L. Zumwalt
Stanford University • 2014 Adriane Brown Intellectual Ventures • Van Dang Cisco
Systems, Inc • Carrie Dwyer Charles Schwab Corporation • Kerry Francis Deloitte
Financial Advisory Services LLP • Lucy Lee Helm Starbucks • Mary Murphy Gibson,
Dunn & Crutcher LLP • Laureen Seeger McKesson Corporation • 2013 Lydia I. Beebe
Chevron Corporation • Bavan Holloway The Boeing Company • Karen M. King
Silver Lake • Drucilla Ramey Golden Gate University School of Law • Judith Joan
Sullivan Anderson Kill & Olick, P.C. • 2012 Michelle Banks Gap Inc. • Shelley Doran
Webcor Builders • Carol C. Lam Qualcomm Incorporated • Diane Winokur ALS
Treatment & Research Center, UCSF Packard Center, The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine • 2011 John Chiang State of California • Kelly Dermody Lieff,
Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein LLP • Hilary Krane NIKE, Inc. • Kavita Ramdas Global
Fund for Women • Loretta Walker AT&T California • 2010 Leona M. Bridges Barclays
Global 1 6 Investors
              A N N I(Retired   R Y • •MJulia
                      V E R S A2009)    ARCH  T. Brown
                                                 1 1 , 2 0 Charles
                                                           21      Schwab Bank • Nancy
McFadden PG&E Corporation • Therese M. Stewart City & County of San Francisco
Legal Momentum Congratulates
Our 2021 Women of Achievement Honorees

The Honorable
Rosemarie Aquilina
Public Service Honoree

Julia Collins
Catharina Min
Phuong Phillips
Sarita Venkat
Matthew Fawcett
Man of Distinction
About Us

   Legal Momentum, originally        honoring the inextricable links to     courts makes us a leading agent
founded as the NOW Legal             racial justice, and thus achieving     of change in the ongoing pursuit
Defense and Education Fund,          equality for all.                      of gender equality in the courts
is the country’s first and longest                                          and in our society.
serving legal advocacy                   We utilize four main strategies–
organization for women and           litigation, education, advocacy,
girls. With five decades of          and defense –to ensure women
experience safeguarding the          and girls are equally protected
rights of women and girls            under the law. Our expertise
through landmark legislation         addressing gender-based
and high-impact litigation,          violence, human trafficking,
we maintain the unwavering           workplace equality, educational
commitment to gender equity,         opportunity, and fairness in the

4       Women of Achievement
Legal Momentum warmly thanks the following for their generous support of the Sixteenth Annual
Women of Achievement Awards.

IMPACT INVESTOR                                    Jan Kang

Covington & Burling LLP                            Karen King
                                                   Michelle Leetham
                                                   Levi & Strauss Co
UNWAVERING INVESTOR                                Kerry J. McLean
Apple                                              Kathleen O’Sullivan
Baker Botts LLP                                    Planet FWD
Chevron Corporation                                Peter and Sheila Strand
Robert Kaufman                                       Charitable Fund
Macrae, Inc.                                       Women At Zynga
                                                   FRIEND INVESTOR
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
                                                   Alston & Bird LLP
PayPal, Inc.
                                                   Liam Brown
Sonja Hoel Perkins
                                                   John Collins
TM Financial Forensics, LLC
                                                   Sara Collins
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
                                                   Kerry Francis
CHAMPION INVESTOR                                  Guillot Wilson Family Fund
Karen Silverman                                    Tom Larkins

White & Case LLP                                   Bonnie Lau
                                                   Jennifer Pileggi
                                                   Schyleen Qualls
Baker & McKenzie LLP
                                                   William Tulin
Michelle Banks
                                                   Charles and Cheryl Ward
Meena Elliott
                                                   Seth Weissman
                                                                                 *List as of March 8, 2021

5        Women of Achievement

Benefit Committee
Esha Bandyopadhyay                      Mary McCutcheon
Fish & Richardson PC                    Farella Braun + Martel LLP
Michelle Banks                          Kathleen O’Sullivan
Gap, Inc.                               Perkins Coie LLP
Betty Chen                              Sonja Hoel Perkins
Fish & Richardson PC                    Broadway Angels
Meena Elliott                           Jennifer Pileggi
WGCN Advisory Council                   Zuora, Inc.
Kerry Francis                           Stephanie A. Sheridan
Deloitte                                Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Mary A. Francis                         Karen E. Silverman
Chevron Corporation                     The Cantellus Group
Natasha Innocenti                       Tony West
Macrae, Inc.                            Uber
Jan Kang                                Laura A. Wilkinson
Women’s General Counsel Network         Paypal Inc.
Karen King                              Loria B. Yeadon
Silver Lake                             YMCA of Greater Seattle
Michelle Leetham                        Catherine Zinn
Rodan + Fields (Retired)                Baker Botts LLP
Susan Marsch
Former Tech Executive/General Counsel

6      Women of Achievement
16th Annual Women of Achievement Awards

            Legal Momentum Board Chair – Eileen Simon

            Emcee – Michelle Leetham

            Legal Momentum President and
            CEO – Carol Baldwin Moody


            Isabella Min Fish and Sydney Min Fish to Catharina Min

            Dee Poku to Julia Collins

            Noreen Krall to Sarita Venkat

            Lynn Hecht Schafran to The Honorable
            Rosemarie Aquilina

            Legal Momentum 50th Anniversary Equality Series
            Presents: A Conversation with Judge Rosemarie Aquilina
            and Lynn Hecht Schafran, Legal Director and Director,
            National Judicial Education Program, Legal Momentum

            Susan Eandi to Phuong Phillips

            Connie Brenton to Matthew Fawcett


7   Women of Achievement
Letter from
The President and CEO
Congratulations to our 2021 Women         1990 — Drafted Violence Against
of Achievement Honorees!                  Women Act (VAWA) with then-
                                          Senator Biden
Thank you for joining us at the 16th      2000 — 9/11 Equality Works Project
Annual Women of Achievement               launched; 2004 - NOW LDEF
Awards where we showcase and              rebrands as Legal Momentum
celebrate the accomplishments of
                                          2010 — Effected changes in
our honorees.
                                          legislation to combat technology-
                                          drive domestic and sexual violence
By publicly recognizing and
awarding our 2021 honorees for their      2020 — Women Valued Initiative
extraordinary accomplishments,            expanded to focus on gender
                                          differences exacerbated by               oppression against both women and
Legal Momentum sends a powerful
                                          the pandemic                             people of color.
message to all women and girls that
nothing is beyond their reach.
                                          During this unprecedented time           Your support of the Women of
                                          in our country, Legal Momentum           Achievement Awards helps Legal
Legal Momentum also celebrates its
                                          stepped up to the COVID-19               Momentum to fulfill its mission to
50th Anniversary! With five decades
                                          challenge and swiftly developed          protect the economic and physical
of experience safeguarding the
                                          and disseminated powerful                security of women and girls.
rights of women and girls through
                                          resources to help the most
landmark legislation and high-
                                          vulnerable women of the pandemic
impact litigation, we maintain the
                                          as well as all the women and girls in
unwavering commitment to gender
                                          our nation. We are focused and
equity, honoring the inextricable
                                          committed to changing the culture
links to racial justice, and thus
                                          of inequality that still exists in the
achieving equality for all.                                                        Carol Baldwin Moody
                                          United States.
                                                                                   President and CEO
1970 — Founded in 1970 as NOW
                                                                                   Legal Momemtum
LDEF; Title VII and Title IX litigation   Also, at Legal Momentum, we
                                          recognize that the fight for gender
1980 — National Judicial Education
                                          equality is also a fight for racial
Program (NJEP) to Promote Equality
                                          justice. In our work, we have fought
for Women and Men in the Courts
                                          to confront the social systems that
was founded
                                          are responsible for the systemic

8         Women of Achievement
National Judicial
Education Program
    Gender justice is powerfully addressed   task forces’ efforts to eradicate gender
by Legal Momentum’s National Judicial        bias in the courts, task forces established
Education Program (NJEP) which explores      by state supreme courts in response to
how gender bias can undermine fairness       NJEP’s judicial education programs.
in criminal, civil, family, juvenile, and
problem-solving courts. Formally               Once off the ground, NJEP combined
established in 1980 in cooperation           legal, statistical, social science and
with the National Association of Women       anecdotal data to convey to judges
Judges, NJEP was a project long in the       the ways in which their own, often
making. Knowledgeable judges, lawyers,       unconscious, biases interfere with the
and journalists acknowledged the need        genuine impartiality for which judges
for judicial education about gender bias,    strive. The courses developed and offered
but warned that the judiciary would never    by NJEP provided judges the opportunity
                                             to listen and understand how deeply           violence does not harm children, so
believe there was gender bias in their
                                             rooted gender bias is, and measure their      long as the children were not themselves
own courts or accept it as a legitimate
                                             responses against those of their peers on     physically or sexually assaulted. NJEP’s
topic for education. Potential funders
                                             issues which they had rarely - if ever -      article, Domestic Violence, Developing
insisted there was no need for such a
                                             discussed with one another.                   Brains and the Lifespan: New Knowledge
program because judges are impartial,
                                                                                           from Neuroscience, published in The
per their job descriptions. Many failed to
                                                In addition to pioneering judicial         Judges’ Journal, explains the profound
understand that in addition to overt bias
                                             education about gender bias, NJEP             fallacy of that belief and has been
and what we now call “implicit bias,” a
                                             pioneered judicial education about            widely reprinted.
major aspect of gender bias in the courts
                                             relevant neuroscience. In 2000, NJEP
is lack of accurate, factual knowledge
                                             added a unit on the neurobiology of             Although putting gender bias on the
about the social and economic realities
                                             trauma to its Understanding Sexual            judicial education agenda has not been
of women’s and men’s lives.
                                             Violence curriculum. This unit helps          easy, the positive responses to NJEP --
                                             judges understand victims’ so-called          evident in judicial decisions, course
    The founding of the NOW Legal
                                             counterintuitive behaviors, including         evaluations, letters of thanks, and “return
Defense and Education Fund, now Legal
                                             fear-induced states of paralysis called       engagements” to speak and teach in
Momentum, offered a unique opportunity
                                             “tonic” and “collapsed” immobility, and       several states – demonstrate that judges
for NJEP to cement itself in the fight for
                                             the extreme passivity of dissociation. A      are receptive to the combination of law,
gender justice. In the decades since,
                                             major problem in domestic violence            social science, and neuroscience that
NJEP has taken the topic of gender bias
                                             cases is the mistaken belief among judges     NJEP explores with them. One of the most
from virtual obscurity to broad-based
                                             and those upon whom they rely for expert      gratifying of these course evaluations
recognition by way of education,
                                             advice that exposure to domestic              read, “I didn’t know what I didn’t know.”
publications, and supporting high level

9          Women of Achievement
Women Valued
   Legal Momentum’s newest program, the           York, including low-income, immigrant
Women Valued Initiative (WVI), founded            women and women working in
in 2017, aims to educate, empower, and            high-risk industries.
elevate all women with a focus on the most
vulnerable women. Committed to ensuring              The Working Woman’s Bill of Rights is
women are informed of their rights and have       an unprecedented intersectional and
access to stronger legal protections, Women       comprehensive legislative agenda for
Valued addresses the problematic and              women’s economic equality that covers
chronic reality that women continue to be         the Initiative’s 13 core issues. Serving as a
undervalued in our economy. This initiative       comprehensive framework for long-term
has published critical resources, including a     advocacy, the Bill of Rights intends to
Legal Toolkit for Women’s Economic Equality       strengthen and expand our laws at the
(with an initial focus on New York State),        national, state, and local levels to achieve
which provides guidance to advocates and          workplace equality.
women; and the Working Woman’s Bill of
Rights, which serves as a national policy            The Women Valued Initiative team drafts
advocacy agenda. Spearheading targeted            and advocates for legislation and regularly
                                                  submits testimony and public comments            pay and sexual harassment claims against
policy and legislative advocacy this initiative
                                                  regarding policies, regulations, and laws that   high profile national employers, enabling
drafts innovative new legislation and
                                                  would impact women in the workplace.             women to represent themselves to their
submitting testimony and public comment
                                                  Recent submissions include: an Urgent            employers and seeking justice for domestic
at the national, state, and local levels. In
                                                  Reform Agenda to the Biden-Harris                violence victims.
addition, the nationwide SYMS | Legal
Momentum Helpline, which receives calls           administration to correct executive and
from all 50 states, provides women and girls      administrative actions that were harmful to                  WVI’s 13 Core Issues
with earliest stage legal information and         gender and racial equality, testimony on pay
                                                                                                   Sex and Gender         Reproductive and
support in the face of inequality and gender      equity and pregnancy discrimination to the       Discrimination         Maternal Health
discrimination and serves as an integral part     New York City Commission on Human Rights,
                                                                                                                          Pregnancy, Childbirth,
                                                  and international comments to the United         Sexual Harassment
of this powerful initiative.                                                                                              and Breastfeeding
                                                  Nations on trafficking of women and girls.
                                                                                                   Equal Pay              Paid Family Leave
   The Women Valued Legal Toolkit provides
accessible guidance to advocates and                 The SYMS | Legal Momentum Helpline                                   Child Care Assistance
                                                                                                   Minimum Wage and
                                                  assists women and girls nationwide to fight                             and Protections for
women on a comprehensive range of                                                                  Fair Wage Practices
workplace protections, benefits, and              inequality and gender discrimination,
                                                  tackling problems like pay inequality,           Economic
resources to advance women’s economic                                                                                     Public Benefits
security in New York State. The Toolkit           sexual harassment, and domestic violence.
                                                                                                   A Safe Workplace
encompasses the Initiative’s 13 core issues       Examples of the Helpline’s impact include        and Fair Working       Collective Action
and includes targeted guidance to uplift          representing clients bringing gender             Conditions

some of the most vulnerable women in New          discrimination claims against their                 Workplace Protections for Survivors of
                                                  employers, winning settlements in equal          Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking

10          Women of Achievement
Rights Now!

   Legal Momentum’s Rights Now!           • Social media and cyber abuse
program empowers youth, particularly
                                          • Civil rights law such a Title IX, the
young women of color, to identify and
                                            Dignity for All Students Act, and laws
respond to sexual abuse, violence,
                                            and procedures governing orders of
and sex-based discrimination. This
empowerment program is dedicated
to centering the experiences,               The Rights Now! Workshop
expertise, and leadership among
                                          Curriculum comprises five workshops
youth through a 15-week Peer
Educator training program on the          presented by the trained Peer
Rights Now! curriculum followed by a      Educators to their peers as
set of workshops led by these trained     individual workshops or as a series:
educators for groups of their peers
across NYC’s five boroughs. Rights        • Workshop 1: Power, Privilege,
Now! is generously funded by the NYC        Oppression                               • CAMBA Collegiate Express
Council’s Young Women’s Initiative and                                               • Center for Anti-Violence Education
looks forward to serving other youth      • Workshop 2: Gender Based
nationwide. The Rights Now! Peer            Discrimination                           • Covenant House
Educator Empowerment Program              • Workshop 3: Healthy Relationships        • Dreams Youth Build
trains young leaders in the recognition     and Teen Dating Violence
of, resistance to, and optimized                                                     • Harlem Educational Activities
responses to sexual abuse, violence,      • Workshop 4: Social Media and Cyber         Fund, Inc.
and gender-based discrimination.            Abuse
                                                                                     • New York Public Interest Research
Peer educators are selected to            • Workshop 5: Know Your Rights               Group at Hunter College
participate and are financially
compensated, thereby benefiting from         At each workshop, Legal                 • PowerPlay NYC
the innovative professional and           Momentum’s Peer Educators and              • Voces Latinas of Queens
personal development this training        staff work together to empower and
and subsequent workshops provide.                                                    • Women for Afghan Women
                                          educate young women about the
Designed as a “living” program, its                                                  • YouthBridge Summit
participants help develop and shape       issues on which Legal Momentum has
every aspect—from the workshop            worked for decades. These impactful
curriculum to their own training, which   workshops have been offered
includes topics such as:                  throughout NYC at leading
• Power, privilege, and oppression        organizations, including but not
                                          limited to:
• Healthy relationships and teen
  dating violence                         • Bella Abzug Leadership Institute
• Sex and gender-based                    • Brooklyn STEAM Center

11       Women of Achievement
Michelle Leetham
Rodan + Fields (retired)
2018 Women of Achievement Honoree

   After more than 30 years as       Corporation, where she led the
a strategic business and legal       effort to develop Alternative
advisor with expertise in            Dispute Resolution (“ADR”)
compliance, dispute resolution,      Programs. Michelle has been
product claims, and corporate        a regular contributor to bar
governance, Michelle retired in      association and other legal
late 2019 from her role as Rodan     group efforts to promote the use
+ Fields’ Chief Legal Officer &      of ADR in both domestic and
Secretary. Since then, she has       international venues. She has
focused on growing tomatoes,         taught courses on Mediation at
as well as various political         U.C. Berkeley School of Law and
campaigns and philanthropic          has served as an Advisor to the
endeavors. Before joining Rodan      American Law Institute project to
+ Fields, Michelle served as Vice    develop a Restatement of the
President, Chief Ethics and          U.S. Law of International
Compliance Officer and Chief         Commercial Arbitration. Michelle
Litigation Counsel at First Solar,   is a former Board Member of the
where she developed policies         Direct Selling Association and
and training programs to ensure      the California Employment Law
compliance with a broad array        Council and a former member of
of ethical and regulatory            the Legal Executive Committee
requirements. Prior to that,         of the Personal Care
Michelle was the Of Counsel for      Products Councill.
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak
and Stewart, and was also the           Michelle holds a BA in Rhetoric
Vice President, Principal Counsel    from UC Berkeley and a JD from
and Manager of Global                the U.C. Berkeley School of Law.
Litigation for the Bechtel

12      Women of Achievement
Eileen Simon
Chair, Board of Directors
Legal Momentum

  As General Auditor of Mastercard,             customers to optimize their performance
Ms. Simon is responsible for providing          while minimizing risk to the system. She
independent and objective assurance             also managed the evolution and
on the design and effectiveness of the          automation of the company’s licensing
Company’s risk management, internal             and registration processes, rules and
controls and governance processes. She          standards and led efforts to revamp the
is accountable to the Audit Committee of        Mastercard compliance and dispute
the Board of Directors and works closely         resolution programs.
with Mastercard’s independent auditor.
                                                   Earlier, Ms. Simon managed the
     Ms. Simon also sits on the Company’s       defense of complex commercial litigation   Westchester, and on the Board of
Risk Management Committee and is a              for Mastercard. She also supervised        Directors of the Westchester/Fairfield
member of its Global Diversity and               investigations of fraud and misconduct,   Chapter of the Association of Corporate
Inclusion Council. She also serves as           oversaw management of the compliance       Counsel, where she co-chaired its
the executive sponsor of the Mastercard         function and helped develop and            Antitrust and Trade Regulation
global Women’s Leadership Network.              support Enterprise Risk Management         Committee. She was also a member of
                                                at Mastercard.                             the Executive Committee of the New York
     In her previous role as general counsel,                                              State Bar Association Antitrust Section,
Global Businesses, she was responsible for         Before joining Mastercard in June of    and was named a “Super Lawyer” in 2007.
ensuring the legal connectivity among           1999, Ms. Simon practiced law at Weil,
the Products & Innovation, Services and         Gotshal & Manges LLP in New York City,       Ms. Simon graduated from the
Marketing & Communications                      where she concentrated in antitrust law    University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor
organizations, as well as Operations &          and litigation.                            of Science degree in Economics summa
Technology (O&T) and Mastercard                                                            cum laude from the Wharton School and
Strategic Growth. She also had                     Ms. Simon is Chair of the Board of      a Bachelor of Arts degree summa cum
responsibility for legal support of mergers     Directors of Legal Momentum. She is a      laude in Psychology from the College of
and acquisitions, and the Franchise,             recipient of the 2015 Legal Momentum      Arts and Sciences. She was elected to Phi
Compliance and Public                           “Aiming High” award. Previously, Ms.       Beta Kappa. She received her J.D. from
Policy functions.                               Simon was President of the Board of        New York University School of Law, where
                                                Directors of the YWCA White Plains and     she was elected to Order of Barristers and
     Prior to that, Ms. Simon led franchise     Central Westchester and remains a          served on the Executive Board of Moot
functions that protect the integrity of the     director. In addition, she served on the   Court. Ms. Simon is admitted to practice
network and brand by enabling                   Women’s Executive Society of               law in New York and Connecticut.

13          Women of Achievement
Carol Baldwin Moody
President and Chief Executive Officer
Legal Momentum

   Carol Baldwin Moody serves              Board of the New York Chapter of
as President and CEO of Legal              INROADS, working to help businesses
Momentum®, The Women’s Legal               gain greater access to diverse talent.
Defense and Education Fund. Carol
assumed this role in April 2018 after         In addition to receiving numerous
serving on the Legal Momentum Board        awards for her advocacy work, Carol is
for two years and receiving its Aiming     widely recognized for her broad
High Award in 2011.                        regulatory experience, domestically
                                           and internationally. With a strong focus
   Carol has developed a reputation        on organizational culture, her
for her outstanding efforts to fight for   specialties include expertise in global     Insurance Company of NY,
equality. Her work specifically focuses    risk management, regulatory                 Grasshopper Bank, N.A. and
on educational, economic and               compliance, and corporate                   Germantown Friends School. Her
gender equality. Known as a tireless       governance. In 2010, Black Enterprise       professional associations include the
mentor and advocate for diversity for      named Carol as one of the 75 most           Executive Leadership Council and the
decades, Carol has taken on many           powerful women in business. In honor        Council on Foreign Relations. Carol
roles to serve the community. For the      of her work and influence on diversity,     holds a JD from Columbia University
University of Pennsylvania, she served     Nationwide Insurance African American       School of Law and a BSE from the
on the Minority Permanence                 Women’s ARG established the Carol           Wharton School.
Committee, which celebrated the            Baldwin Moody Impact Award. Carol
25th anniversary of its launch of the      moved to full-time service in the public
Brister Society of the University of       sector in 2011, taking on the role of
Pennsylvania in 2018. Brister members,     acting Chief Operating Investment
by power of example, support and           Officer for CalPERS, the nation’s largest
promote the University’s efforts to        public pension fund with a fair value of
attract, encourage and maintain a          investments of over 300 billion dollars.
culturally diverse community. Carol        She was honored for her work
served on the advisory board of the        overseeing all business operations
Toigo Foundation, an organization          and her work on diversity in the
whose mission is to foster the career      Investment Office.
advancement and increased
leadership of underrepresented talent,       Carol sits on several other Boards
and she held a prominent seat on the       that include Security Mutual Life

14       Women of Achievement
The Honorable
Rosemarie Aquilina
30th Circuit Court Judge at
Ingham County, Michigan
Public Service Honoree

   Judge Rosemarie Aquilina earned         Judge in the 55th District Court, and
her Juris Doctorate degree from            she founded the Ingham County
Western Michigan Thomas M. Cooley          Sobriety Court Foundation to assist
Law School in 1984 after earning her       those in recovery. Judge Aquilina
Bachelor of Arts Degree from               was then elected to the 30th Circuit
Michigan State University in 1979. She     Court for Ingham County, where she
began her legal career working in          has served for twelve years, recently
the Michigan Senate as an                  being elected to another 6-year
Administrative Assistant after which,      term. Judge Aquilina is an Adjunct        part of the First Originals from Reese
she opened Aquilina Law Firm, PLC.         Law Professor and has received            Witherspoon and Hello Sunshine.
Judge Aquilina became part of              exceptional teaching awards at            Represented by Creative Artists
Michigan’s history as the first female     both Western Michigan Thomas M.           Agency, Judge Aquilina is a
JAG Officer in the Michigan Army           Cooley Law School and Michigan            motivational speaker who speaks
National Guard retiring honorably          State University College of Law. The      worldwide about awareness and
after twenty years. Judge Aquilina         law courses she teaches includes:         changing the narrative to ensure
also made history when she allowed         Civil Trial Practice, Criminal Trial      safety, voice, equity, and equality for
156 Sister-Survivors and other victims     Practice, Criminal Law, Criminal          all persons. She is committed to
for a total of 169 victims to speak        Procedure, Family Law, Family Law         ending sexual assault, domestic
over seven days in the People v            Trial Skills, Animal Law, Elder Law,      violence, child abuse, and human
Nassar case. She, again made               Military Law, Child Abuse And             trafficking and being part of the
history as the first female professor to   Neglect, Defending Battered               movement around the world for
speak at the MSU College of Law            Women, and Legislative Process.           athlete safety over money and
Commencement in the Spring of              Additionally, Judge Aquilina is a         medals. She has five children and
2018 and in 2020 hearing the first         published fiction author. Judge           three grandchildren and resides in
hybrid jury trial during Covid-19.         Aquilina, is an author of fiction, her    East Lansing, Michigan.
Judge Aquilina has served as a             novels include Feel No Evil, Triple
civilian judge for sixteen years.          Cross Killer, and All Rise. Her memoir,
During her first four years, she served    Just Watch Me, will be released
as Chief Judge and Sobriety Court          December 10, 2020 by Audible as

15       Women of Achievement
Julia Collins
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Planet FWD

  Julia Collins is a serial entrepreneur who realized food was her
calling as a young girl in San Francisco where it was the epicenter of
her community. She’s spent her career building food companies,
having launched brands such as Mexicue, Murray’s Cheese Bar and
Harlem Jazz Enterprises, the company responsible for the award-
winning restaurant, The Cecil. She later went on to co-found Zume
Pizza where she became the first Black woman to co-found a
unicorn company. When she became a mother, she knew she
needed to find a way to bring delicious food to people in a way that
helped heal the planet for everyone including her son.

  Today, Julia leads Planet FWD, a company on a mission to tackle
climate change by making it easier to bring climate-friendly
products to market. The company is building a software platform for
regenerative agriculture alongside a climate-friendly snack brand,

  In addition, Julia sits on the advisory council for Launch with GS,
serves on the All Raise operating committee and is an EIR for Cleo
Capital. She is an active angel investor focused on funding female
entrepreneurs and BIPOC founders.

16      Women of Achievement
Catharina Min
Covington & Burling LLP

   Catharina Min represents both U.S. and international clients in
mergers and acquisitions, private financings, joint ventures, strategic
alliances, corporate partnering, securities offerings, and other
corporate transactions. She also represents emerging companies in
general corporate matters and venture capital financings. In
addition, Ms. Min has extensive experience representing Asian
clients doing business in the United States.

   Ms. Min is a frequent speaker at many organizations, including the
Practising Law Institute, Association of Corporate Counsel, SV Forum,
the Korean IT Network, and a number of Korean incubators covering
topics related to cross-border transactions and venture capital
financings. She also regularly shares her insights at events for
California Women Lawyers, Asian Pacific American Bar Association,
Asian Business League, and others on mentoring and advancement
of women and minority lawyers.

17      Women of Achievement
Phuong Phillips
Chief Legal Officer

   Phuong Phillips is Chief Legal       Program (2019), the Trailblazer
Officer for Zynga, overseeing all       Award from the Vietnamese
legal affairs and government            American Bar Association of
relations for the company. Prior to     Northern California (2019),
joining Zynga, Phillips served as       named one of the Top 100 Legal
Associate General Counsel for           Influencers by The Business Journal
Tesla, Inc. and was the lead M&A        (2019), the In-House Outstanding
attorney. Before that, Phillips spent   Individual Contribution Award at
more than six years at SolarCity as     the North American Chambers
                                                                               Administration from the University
its Vice President, Deputy General      Diversity & Inclusion Awards (2020)
                                                                               of California, Los Angeles, and her
Counsel and Head of Corporate           as well as honored with GC of the
                                                                               J.D. from UCLA School of Law.
and Securities.                         Year from the Women, Influence &
                                        Power in Law (2020).
  Before joining SolarCity, Phillips
spent more than seven years as a           Phillips serves as the Executive
Corporate Attorney at Wilson            Chair of Women at Zynga, an
Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati.              employee-led resource group
                                        offering a variety of programming
   Phillips was honored by the          for women in gaming, as well as on
Silicon Valley Business Journal with    the Board of the California Minority
a Women of Influence Award              Counsel Program, The Law
(2015) and the Recorder with a          Foundation of Silicon Valley,
Women Leaders in Tech Law               Project Glimmer and Director
Award (2018). Most recently, Phillips   of Operations for the
was honored with a Bay Area             Straubel Foundation.
Corporate Counsel – Diversity
Award (2019), the In-House                Phillips received her bachelor’s
Counsel Diversity Award by the          degree in Communication Studies
California Minority Counsel             with a specialization in Business

18       Women of Achievement
Sarita Venkat
Head of IP Transactions

  Sarita Venkat is the Head of IP    the South Asian Bar Association.
Transactions at Apple Inc. She       She is admitted to practice in
previously managed complex,          Illinois, California, and the U.S.
high profile patent and              Patent and Trademark Office.
commercial litigations
worldwide at Apple.                    Sarita is the co-creator of the
                                     Heels of Justice podcast along
    She has also held in-house       with Katherine Minarik, which
positions at ServiceNow and          celebrates trailblazing women in
Abbott Laboratories Inc.             law. She is supported by her
managing transactions and            better half, Balaji Venkat, and
litigation. She is a registered      her two boys, all of whom are
patent attorney, has a B.S. in       champions of gender equality.
Biology and a minor in
Psychology. She is a Board
member of ChIPs, a non-profit
organization dedicated to the
advancement of women in
technology, law, and policy. She
previously served as a board
member for South Asian Bar
Association – Northern California.
She has been named one of
Silicon Valley Business Journal’s
Women of Influence, Recorder’s
Women Leaders in Tech Law, a
Corporate IP Star by Managing
IP and has been presented with
the Corporate Counsel award by

19      Women of Achievement
Matthew Fawcett
Chief Strategy and Legal Officer
Man of Distinction

  Matthew Fawcett is NetApp’s Chief Strategy and Legal Officer,
leading corporate strategy and development, government relations
and the worldwide legal team, and serves as corporate secretary.
He and his organization are routinely recognized for leadership at
the intersection of innovation, technology, and law.

  Throughout his career, Matt has advised leading technology
companies on a variety of issues, including mergers and
acquisitions, intellectual property, and litigation. Prior to joining
NetApp, Matt served as the senior vice president and general
counsel of JDS Uniphase Corporation and in private practice before

 Matt holds a bachelor’s degree in rhetoric from the University of
California, Berkeley and a J.D. from UCLA.

20      Women of Achievement
16th Anniversary
                     Women of
                          Achievement                Awards Dinner

                              Honorees 2006 to 2020

     2020 Betty Chen Principal, Fish & Richardson, P.C. • Kristen Go Managing
     Editor/News, USA Today • Connie M. Leyva California Senator •
     Kathleen M. O’Sullivan Firmwide Chair, Litigation Practice, Perkins Coie
     LLP • Analea Patterson Chief Deputy Legal Affairs Secretary, California
     Governor Gavin Newsom • Tony West Chief Legal Officer, Uber • 2019
     Aimee Allison President, Democracy in Color, Founder, She the People •
     Julie Gruber EVP, Global General Counsel, Corporate Secretary & Chief
     Compliance Officer, Gap Inc. • Jan Kang Chief Legal Officer, Chronicle
     LLC and founder Women’s General Counsel Network • Cassandra Knight
     Vice President & Chief Litigation Counsel, PayPal, Inc. • Mansi H. Shah

21     Women of Achievement
Partner, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP • Julie Wainwright Founder
     and CEO, The RealReal • 2018 Esha Bandyopadhyay Winston & Strawn
     LLP • Ashlie Beringer Facebook • Natasha Innocenti Mlegal Group • The
     Honorable Michelle K. Lee U.S. Patent and Trademark Office • Michelle
     Leetham Rodan + Fields • Sonja Perkins The Perkins Fund • 2017 Mary A.
     Francis Chevron Corporation • Susan Marsch Flex, Ltd. • Michele Coleman
     Mayes The New York Public Library • Mary O’Hara Blue Shield of California
     • Jennifer Pileggi Zuora, Inc. • Caren Ulrich Stacy Diversity Lab & OnRamp
     Fellowship • 2016 Meena Elliott Aviat Networks, Inc. • Patty Fleischmann
     StolenYouth • Mary McCutcheon Farella Braun + Martel LLP • Kelly
     McGinnis Levi Strauss & Co. • Anne Wojcicki and Kathy Hibbs 23andMe,
     Inc. • Salle Yoo Uber Technologies, Inc. • 2015 Connie Collingsworth Bill &
     Melinda Gates Foundation • Marie Oh Huber Agilent Technologies • The
     Honorable Marilyn Hall Patel U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
     California (retired) • Mary Quazzo Bechtel Group, Inc. • Emily Ward eBay
     Inc. • Catherine Zinn DLA Piper LLP • Debra L. Zumwalt Stanford University
     • 2014 Adriane Brown Intellectual Ventures • Van Dang Cisco Systems,
     Inc • Carrie Dwyer Charles Schwab Corporation • Kerry Francis Deloitte
     Financial Advisory Services LLP • Lucy Lee Helm Starbucks • Mary Murphy
     Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP • Laureen Seeger McKesson Corporation •
     2013 Lydia I. Beebe Chevron Corporation • Bavan Holloway The Boeing
     Company • Karen M. King Silver Lake • Drucilla Ramey Golden Gate
     University School of Law • Judith Joan Sullivan Anderson Kill & Olick,
     P.C. • 2012 Michelle Banks Gap Inc. • Shelley Doran Webcor Builders •
     Carol C. Lam Qualcomm Incorporated • Diane Winokur ALS Treatment
     & Research Center, UCSF Packard Center, The Johns Hopkins University

22      Women of Achievement
School of Medicine • 2011 John Chiang State of California • Kelly
     Dermody Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein LLP • Hilary Krane NIKE, Inc.
     • Kavita Ramdas Global Fund for Women • Loretta Walker AT&T California
     • 2010 Leona M. Bridges Barclays Global Investors (Retired 2009) • Julia
     T. Brown Charles Schwab Bank • Nancy McFadden PG&E Corporation •
     Therese M. Stewart City & County of San Francisco • Roselyne Chroman
     Swig Community Activist • 2009 Heather J. Fong San Francisco Police
     Department • Mary Huss San Francisco Business Times • Lynn M. Sedway
     CB Richard Ellis • 2008 Katherine August-de Wilde First Republic Bank
     • Anne W. Halsted San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development
     Commission • Katherine Lutton Fish & Richardson, P.C. • Laura Stein The
     Clorox Company • Catherine A. Yanni, Esq. JAMS • 2007 Mary B. Cranston
     Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP • Evelyn Dilsaver Charles Schwab
     Investment Management • Joanne Hayes-White San Francisco Fire
     Department Chief • Myrtle Potter Real Estate Developer • 2006 Elizabeth
     J. Cabraser Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein LLP • The Honorable
     Kamala D. Harris San Francisco District Attorney • Lauri M. Shanahan
     Gap Inc. • Brenda Wright Wells Fargo

23     Women of Achievement
We Are Not Neutral.
        Baker McKenzie strives to be a community where everyone can reach their
        full potential, where differences are celebrated.
        Congratulations to Phuong Phillips and all of the winners.


          EQUAL PAY DAY

24   Women of Achievement
Elevate &
         White & Case congratulates
         Phuong Phillips, Chief Legal Officer
         at Zynga, on her exceptional
         accomplishments and recognition
         as a champion of women’s rights.


25   Women of Achievement
Access to Justice
                            We are committed to not only fostering diversity
                            & inclusion but also to ensuring access to justice
                            for all individuals in the communities we serve.
                            We collectively benefit from a diverse and
                            inclusive workforce that comprises individuals
                            from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences
                            and values. And we also strive to assist those in
                            greatest need of our help.

                            On behalf of Baker Botts, congratulations to
                            the winners of the 16th Annual Women of
                            Achievement Awards.

                                 AUSTIN BRUSSELS DALLAS DUBAI HONG KONG
                               HOUSTON LONDON MOSCOW NEW YORK PALO ALTO
                                    RIYADH SAN FRANCISCO WASHINGTON

26   Women of Achievement
27   Women of Achievement
          Congratulations to

          Phuong Phillips                            Matthew Fawcett
          Chief Legal Officer, Zynga                 Senior Vice President,
                                                     Chief Strategy and Legal Officer,
          Sarita Venkat                              and Secretary, NetApp
          Head of Global IP Transactions,
          Apple Inc.

          and all of tonight’s honorees.

          2020 Thomas L. Sager Award
          – Minority Corporate Counsel Association

          AMERICAS | EUROPE | ASIA    orrick.com

28   Women of Achievement
PayPal is committed to cultivating a culture
         of diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging –
         for our global employees, the customers
         and communities we serve, and as a leader
         of the digital payment revolution.

         PayPal is proud to support Legal Momentum

29   Women of Achievement
30   Women of Achievement
We are proud to support

       and congratulate

       and all the honorees

31   Women of Achievement
32   Women of Achievement
          Matt Fawcett, recipient
          of the 2021 Man of
          Distinction Award

          You are a shining
          example for leaders
          around the world

                                                       All our gratitude to Legal
                                                       Momentum. We support,
                                                       respect and honor what you
                                                       do so well.

             ©2021 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

33   Women of Achievement
Covington is proud to support

         Legal Momentum
         and congratulates our partner, Catharina Min,
         a Women of Achievement Honoree.

                            © 2021 Covington & Burling LLP. All rights reserved.

34   Women of Achievement
35   Women of Achievement
                    AWARDS SUPPORTERS!

                             AWARDS SUPPORTERS!

36   Women of Achievement
Board of Directors
Eileen Simon                            Amy Leder                                Kim Gandy
Chair                                   Secretary                                Network to End Domestic Violence
Mastercard                              Holland & Knight LLP                     (Past President & CEO)
Meena L. Elliott                        Susan B. Lindenauer                      Mary Gail Gearns
First Vice Chair
                                                                                 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP (retired)
WGCN Advisory Council                   The Legal Aid Society (retired)          Vilia B. Hayes
Robert M. Kaufman                                                                Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
                                        G. Elaine Wood
Vice Chair                              General Counsel                          Lori B. Leskin
Proskauer Rose LLP                                                               Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
                                        Charles River Associates
Amy Dorn Kopelan                                                                 Nancy B. Saltzman
                                        Carol A. Baldwin Moody                   Logicalis, Inc.
Vice Chair
                                        President and CEO
Bedlam Productions Inc.                 Legal Momentum                           Stephanie A. Sheridan
Jay W. Waks                                                                      Steptoe & Johnson LLP
                                        Esha Bandyopadhyay
Vice Chair
                                                                                 Karen E. Silverman
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP                                                 The Cantellus Group
   (retired)                            Fish & Richardson, P.C.                  Yvette D. Valdez
Laura A. Wilkinson                      Dede Thompson Bartlett                   Latham & Watkins LLP
Vice Chair
                                        Philip Morris Companies Inc. (retired)   Loria B. Yeadon
PayPal Inc.                             Glynna Christian                         YMCA of Greater Seattle
                                        Holland & Knight LLP

Honorary Directors
Muriel Fox                              Betty Friedan                            Stephanie George
Chair                                                                            Fairchild Fashion Media Inc.
                                        Past Legal Momentum Board Member and
Co-Founder, Legal Momentum and the
                                        Co-Founder, National Organization for    Michele Coleman Mayes
National Organization for Women (NOW)
                                            Women (NOW)                          New York Public Library
Etta Froio                              Author, The Feminine Mystique
W/Women’s Wear Daily

37        Women of Achievement

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 Protecting Women‘s and Girls’ Rights Begins with the Law

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