Motorcycle Insurance Documents - Carole Nash

Page created by Julia Pope
Motorcycle Insurance Documents - Carole Nash
Motorcycle Insurance Documents - Carole Nash
Useful Numbers and                                          DATA PROTECTION
                                                            Please check your insurers’ privacy notice on the
Information                                                 Policy Schedule for more information on how they        Thank you for arranging your motorcycle insurance
                                                            use your information.                                   through Carole Nash, we hope you find this booklet
CUSTOMER SERVICES                                           FINANCE ACT 1990                                        useful in ensuring you get the most out of your
If you have any queries regarding this policy, please                                                               insurance policy.
                                                            The appropriate stamp duty has been or will be paid
contact us:                                                 to the Revenue Commissioners in line with Section 113   Contained within this booklet is information about
Phone: 1800 298 551                                         of the Finance Act 1990.                                your policy cover. Please take time to read the policy
                                                                                                                    wordings and your Carole Nash Terms of Business
Email:                                INSURANCE ACT 1936                                      (enclosed within your policy document pack) as they
MAKING A CLAIM                                              All money which is paid or may be paid by us to         contain vital information about your policy.
Should you be in the unfortunate position of having         you under this policy will be paid in the Republic of   If you have any queries regarding this policy, please
to make a claim, simply call your insurer as specified      Ireland.                                                contact us:
in your Policy Schedule. Insurer contact details can                                                                Phone: 1800 298 551
also be found on page 24 of this document.                                                                          E-mail:
For more details please refer to page 11 and 24
Should you need to use breakdown assistance under
the terms of this policy, simply call the number
In Ireland: 090 645 1972
In the UK: 0800 093 5318
Rest of Europe: 0044 1737 826 112
More information can be found on page 18
An insured person can contact us 24 hours a day,
seven days a week during the period of insurance.
However, we may need to arrange to call the insured
person back depending on their enquiry. All helplines
apply to the Republic of Ireland. To help us check and
improve our service standards, we may record all
When phoning, please tell us your policy number or
the name of the scheme you are in.
Please do not phone us to report a general insurance
Advice helpline, call 1850 670 747 when you require
Should you wish to travel to a country outside the EU
which is not listed in this policy, or you wish to travel
with your motorcycle overseas for longer than 90
days, please call us on 1800 298 551.
More information can be found on page 7

Important Information
You must tell Carole Nash Insurance immediately
about any changes to the information set out in the
Statement of Fact, Certificate of Motor Insurance
or on your Policy Schedule.
More information can be found on page 13
Contents                                                                                            Contract of
Contract of Motorcycle Insurance              2                                                     Motorcycle Insurance
Motorcycle Insurance Policy wording           3                                                     Details of your Insurer can be located in your Policy
Definitions                                   3                                                     We will provide insurance under the terms,
                                                                                                    exceptions, conditions and endorsements of
Section 1
                                                                                                    this policy, during any period for which we have
Liability to others                          5
                                                                                                    accepted your premium. Please take time to read
Section 2                                                                                           through your documents which contain important
Cover for fire & theft                       6                                                      information about the details you have given. Unless
                                                                                                    we have agreed otherwise, Irish law will apply.
Section 3
Damage to your motorcycle                     7
                                                                                                    Signed on behalf of Carole Nash Insurance Consultants
Section 4                                                                                           (Ireland) DAC
Foreign use                                   7

Optional Covers
Helmet and Leathers                           8
Personal Accident                             8                                                     Colm Tully
                                                                                                    Managing Director
General exceptions                           10                                                     Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC
Policy conditions                            11
Cancellation                                 12
Legal Expenses Policy                        14
Definitions                                  15
Section 5
Accident loss recovery and personal injury   15
Section 6
Motor legal defence                          15
Section 7
Motor contract disputes                      16

Irish & European Breakdown Recovery Policy   18
Definitions                                  18
Section 8
Republic of Ireland assistance               19
Section 9
European Assistance                          19

Complaints                                   23
Claims Information                           24

1                                                 Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC         2
Motorcycle Insurance                                      Counselling
                                                          Recognised talking therapy treatments undertaken by
                                                                                                                            The Insurer described in the Policy Schedule.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Certificate of Motor Insurance.
Policy Wording                                            a registered counsellor in Ireland, Northern Ireland,
                                                          Great Britain, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
                                                                                                                            Loss of Hearing                                             The total and permanent paralysis of two lower limbs,
                                                                                                                            Total loss of hearing in one or both ears to the extent     bladder and rectum which in the opinion of an expert
DEFINITIONS                                               Dental Injury                                                     that the hearing loss in one or both ears is greater        medical specialist will not be recovered.
With the exception of the Legal Expenses policy and       Damage as confirmed by a practicing dentist to your               than 95 decibels across all frequencies using a pure        Period of Insurance
Irish and European Breakdown Recovery policy, the         sound and natural teeth and supporting structures                 tone audiogram that has lasted 52 consecutive               The period of time covered by this insurance (as
following words or phrases have the meanings given        including damage to your denture whilst being worn.               weeks and that in the opinion of an expert medical          shown in the Certificate of Motor Insurance and
below whenever they appear in the main Motorcycle         Dental Treatment                                                  practitioner will not be recovered.                         your Policy Schedule).
Insurance policy wording. These will be shown in          Treatment carried out in accordance with an                       Loss of Limb or Limbs
bold.                                                     accepted and established dental practice in Ireland,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Permanent Partial Disability
                                                                                                                            The complete loss of a limb or limbs by physical
Accessories                                               Northern Ireland, Great Britain, the Isle of Man or the           separation of:                                              The permanent and total loss of use of a shoulder,
                                                          Channel Islands to restore the state of your sound and                                                                        elbow, hip, knee, ankle or wrist or the physical
Additional or supplementary parts of your                                                                                   • an arm at or above the wrist
                                                          natural teeth or denture on a like for like basis.                                                                            separation or total loss of use of a finger or fingers or
motorcycle not directly related to its function as a                                                                        • leg at or above the ankle                                 toe or toes which has lasted 52 consecutive weeks
motorcycle. This definition includes top boxes, tank      Denture                                                           • or the total loss of use of an arm or leg which in the   and which in the opinion of an expert medical
bags and other luggage carriers while fitted to your      A full or partial set of artificial teeth fixed to a                 opinion of an expert medical specialist will not be      specialist will not be recovered.
motorcycle but does not include telephone, audio,         removable dental plate.                                              recovered.
navigation equipment, helmets or clothing.                Dislocation                                                                                                                   Permanent Total Disablement
                                                                                                                            Loss of sight
Agreed Value (if applicable)                              An abnormal separation where two or more bones                                                                                Disablement which has lasted for 52 consecutive weeks
                                                                                                                            The permanent and total loss of sight that will be
This is the amount shown in the Policy Schedule,          meet your hip, knee, wrist, elbow, ankle, shoulder                                                                            and which in the opinion of an expert medical specialist
                                                                                                                            considered as having occurred:
which represents the value of your motorcycle. This       blade, collar bone, finger or toe joint or joints which                                                                       will prevent you from engaging in gainful employment of
                                                                                                                            • in both eyes if your name is added to the Register of    any and every kind for the remainder of your life.
is the most we will pay you if your motorcycle is         requires reduction under anaesthetic as confirmed                    Blind Persons or
lost, totally destroyed or where the cost of repairs is   by a medical practitioner or expect medical                                                                                   Physiotherapy
                                                                                                                            • in one eye if the degree of sight remaining after
greater than the agreed value.                            specialist.
                                                                                                                            correction is 3/60 or less on the Snellen Scale             The recognised treatments performed by a registered
Note: Agreed value can be considered only if              Endorsement                                                       (meaning that you see at 3 feet what you should see         physiotherapist in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great
you have submitted all necessary photographs              A change in the terms of the insurance which replaces             at 60 feet).                                                Britain, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands to
and completed the valuation form (and provide             the standard insurance wording, and is printed on, or                                                                         improve functional movement.
an independent valuation if requested by us) and
                                                                                                                            Loss of Speech
                                                          issued with, the Policy Schedule.                                 The complete loss of speech that has lasted for 52          Policy
these have been received and accepted by Carole
Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC. If this         Excess                                                            consecutive weeks and which in the opinion of an            The contract between us and you which is made up
documentation has not been received and your              The amount you must pay towards any claim.                        expert medical specialist will not be recovered.            of the current Policy Schedule, Certificate of Motor
motorcycle is lost, totally destroyed or damaged, the                                                                       Market Value                                                Insurance, or Statement of Fact and this booklet.
                                                          Expert medical Specialist
most we will pay will be the market value.                                                                                  The cost of replacing your motorcycle with one              Policy Schedule
                                                          A person other than you or a member of your
Bodily Injury                                             immediate family or an employee of yours who is                   of the same make, model, specification, mileage             This provides details of you, your motorcycle and
Physical injury caused solely and directly by a sudden    qualified as a consultant in the branch of medicine to            and age, and which is in the same condition your            the insurance protection provided to you.
external unforeseen and identifiable accident, event      which the bodily injury relates.                                  motorcycle was in immediately before the loss, total
or assault.                                                                                                                 destruction or damage you are claiming for.
                                                          Facial Scarring                                                                                                               The total and permanent paralysis of all four limbs
Burns                                                     Permanent facial disfigurement causing scar tissue in             Medical Practitioner                                        which in the opinion of an expert medical specialist
Full thickness burn or burns (2nd or 3rd degree) to an    the area from the hairline to and including the lower             A person other than you or a member of your family          will not be recovered.
area greater than 10% your total body skin surface        jaw and ears.                                                     or an employee of yours who is qualified and licensed
as confirmed by a medical practitioner or expert
                                                                                                                                                                                        Race Track
                                                          Fracture                                                          to practice medicine.
medical specialist.                                                                                                                                                                     Any track, field, circuit or road, including toll roads
                                                          A break of a bone in the body identified through                  Motorcycle Protective Clothing                              (with no maximum speed limit), which is being used
Certificate of Motor Insurance                            an X-Ray, computerised tomography (CT) scan                       Specialist motorcycle leathers, jackets, trousers,          at the time of the loss or damage for racing, rallies,
Evidence that you have the motor insurance required       or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and                      helmets including any motorcycle helmet camera,             pacemaking, speed trials or track days.
by law. It shows who may ride your motorcycle and         confirmed by a medical practitioner or expert                     gloves and boots that you own or are legally
what it may be used for.                                                                                                    responsible for.                                            Sound and Natural Teeth
                                                          medical specialist.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Non-restored teeth that show no sign of being
Conditions                                                Hospitalisation or Hospitalised                                   Motorcycle Helmet Camera                                    pathologically compromised, or adequately and
These describe your responsibilities and the              Being admitted to a hospital as an inpatient in                   A micro video camera or bullet camera mounted to a          permanently restored teeth with healthy supporting
procedures that you must follow. Failure to meet with     Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, the Isle of             motorcycle helmet.                                          structures or other permanently fixed prostheses.
policy conditions could mean that you do not have         Man or the Channel Islands for medical, surgical or               Your Motorcycle/Your Vehicle/Insured Vehicle
the full protection of your policy and that we may        other remedial attention, treatment or diagnosis by a                                                                         Statement of Fact
                                                                                                                            Any mechanically propelled vehicle with or without
refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the amount       medical practitioner, or in a continuous unconscious                                                                          The document completed by you or on your behalf
                                                                                                                            a sidecar that has less than four wheels as specified
of any claim payment.                                     state.                                                                                                                        which contains information you gave at the time the
                                                                                                                            on the Policy Schedule or described in the current

3                                                                         Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC                                                                         4
insurance was arranged and on which we have relied            insurance in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain,           • any person who causes an accident while travelling        maximum amount we will pay is either the lower
in providing this insurance.                                  the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.                            on or getting on or off your motorcycle.                  amount of:
Territorial Limits                                            You/Your/Policyholder                                            Business Use                                                 • the market value; or
Unless otherwise specified in the policy wording, we          The person described as the Insured on the current               If your certificate of motor insurance allows                • the estimated value of your motorcycle or the
will provide cover as set out in the policy schedule          Certificate of Motor Insurance.                                  business use, we will insure your employer against              accessory shown in the Policy Schedule.
for events which happen during the period of                                                                                   the events shown under ‘Riding your motorcycle’              Alternatively if your motorcycle is insured on
                                                                                                                               while you are working for that employer, but not             an agreed value basis (as stated in the Policy
Your Cover                                                                                                                     while using a vehicle provided by the employer unless        Schedule) payment will be issued up to or the same
                                                                                                                                                                                            as this amount.
                                                                                                                               that vehicle is shown in the Policy Schedule.
Your current Policy Schedule shows the cover applicable to your policy                                                                                                                      Suitable parts or accessories may be used which are
                                                                                                                               Legal Personal Representatives
                                                                                                                                                                                            not supplied by the original manufacturer.
                                                                         Third Party Fire                                      After the death of anyone who is covered by this
        Section             Cover Provided           Comprehensive                            Third Party Only      Page                                                                    If your motorcycle is insured on an agreed value
                                                                             & Theft                                           insurance, we will deal with any claim made against
                                                                                                                                                                                            basis in the event of a total loss you will be given
                                                                                                                               that person’s estate, provided that the claim is
    Section 1        Liability to Others                      3                 3                     3               4                                                                     the option to purchase any remaining salvage at the
                                                                                                                               covered by this insurance.
    Section 2        Cover for Fire & Theft                   3                 3                     7               5                                                                     amount your motorcycle will attract on the open
                                                                                                                               Legal Costs                                                  market in its damaged condition.
    Section 3        Damage to your motorcycle                3                 7                     7               5        In respect of any occurrence which may be the                If your motorcycle claim is settled on a market
                                                                                                                               subject of indemnity under this section we will pay:         value/estimated value basis in the event of a total
    Section 4        Foreign Use                              3                 3                     3               6        • the solicitor’s fee for representation at any Coroner’s   loss the salvage/motorcycle will become the
                                                                                                                                  inquest in respect of any death.                          property of the Insurer.
                     Loss or damage to Helmet &
    Optional Cover                                         Optional         Optional              Optional            8        • the solicitor’s fee for defending any proceedings in
                     Leathers                                                                                                                                                               WHAT IS NOT COVERED
                                                                                                                                  any Court of Summary Jurisdiction.
                     Personal accident benefit                                                                                                                                              • the amount of the excess shown in the
                                                                                                                               • the cost of legal services up to €2,000 for defence          Policy Schedule.
    Optional Cover   in the event of death or              Optional         Optional              Optional            8           in the event of proceedings being taken for
                     specified injuries                                                                                                                                                     • loss of value, wear and tear, mechanical, electrical,
                                                                                                                                  manslaughter or dangerous driving causing death or
                                                                                                                                                                                               electronic or computer failures or breakdowns
                     Legal expenses cover, in the                                                                                 serious bodily harm.
                                                                                                                                                                                               or breakages.
    Sections 5,6,7   event of an accident that is             3                 3                     3              14        • claimant’s costs and expenses.
                                                                                                                                                                                            • loss of use.
                     not your fault                                                                                            • all other costs and expenses incurred with the
                                                                                                                                                                                            • depreciation in value of your motorcycle after you
                                                                                                                                  written consent of the Insurer.
                     Irish, UK & European accident                                                                                                                                             have made a valid claim under this section.
    Sections 8,9     breakdown recovery,                      3                 3                     3              18        WHAT IS NOT COVERED                                          • loss or damage caused by deception.
                     including Homestart                                                                                       These exclusions apply to the whole of Section 1 -           • theft as a result of keys remaining in or on your
                                                                                                                               Liability to others.                                            motorcycle whilst it is unattended.
Section 1                                                     road legal and insured.
                                                              You are not insured against the following:
                                                                                                                               • Liability for death or bodily injury to any employee       • loss or damage to any accessory which is not
                                                                                                                               of the policyholder, arising during the course                  permanently attached to your motorcycle at the
Liability to others                                           • any loss or damage to the motorcycle you are                     of their employment or by any other person                   time of the loss.
                                                                 riding.                                                       claiming under this insurance, except where we need
WHAT IS COVERED                                               • any event which occurs outside of the territorial             to provide cover due to the requirements of the law.
                                                                                                                                                                                            • loss of or damage to accessories unless your
                                                                                                                                                                                               motorcycle is damaged or stolen at the same time.
Riding Your Motorcycle                                           limits.                                                       • loss of, or damage to any property belonging to           • theft or unauthorised taking of the motorcycle by
We will insure you for all the amounts you may be             • any event which occurs when this policy is not in                (or in the care of) any person claiming under this           a member of the policyholder’s family or anyone
legally liable to pay for:                                       the name of an individual person.                                Section of the insurance.                                    normally living with you.
• death or injury to other people; or                         • any liability if you are not riding the motorcycle.            • anyone covered by any other insurance.                     • loss of or damage to specialist paintwork, including
• damaging property (we will pay up to €30,000,000           • securing the release of a motorcycle which has                • loss of or damage to any motorcycle or trailer               any engraving or precious metals, on your
   including legal costs for any claim or claims arising         been seized or confiscated by, or on behalf of,                  covered under this insurance.                                motorcycle.
   from one incident);                                           any government or public authority.                                                                                        • loss of or damage to trailers.
as a result of any accident you have while you are
riding, using or in charge of your motorcycle, during
                                                              • any liability unless the owner or keeper of the               Section 2                                                    • loss or damage to your motorcycle or accessory
                                                                 motorcycle you are riding has arranged his/her
the period of insurance.                                         own insurance separate to this policy.                        Cover for Fire & Theft                                          due to or occasioned by the impounding or
                                                                                                                                                                                               destruction of your motorcycle by an authorised
Riding Other Motorcycles                                      Other People Riding or Using Your Motorcycle                                                                                     body.
We will also provide the cover shown above (if this is        The following people are also insured:                           WHAT IS COVERED                                              • loss or damage from taking your motorcycle and
specified in your Certificate of Motor Insurance)             • any person you allow to ride or use your                      If your motorcycle or its accessories are lost or               returning to its legal owner.
for you to ride any motorcycle that you do not                   motorcycle, as long as this is allowed by your                damaged by fire, theft or attempted theft during
own and have not hired under a hire purchase or                  current Certificate of Motor Insurance and has                the period of insurance, we will choose to either
leasing agreement, as long as you have the owner’s               not been excluded by an endorsement, exception                repair or replace your motorcycle or the accessory,
permission to ride it and providing the motorcycle is            or condition.                                                 or we will give the legal owner a cash payment. The

5                                                                            Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC                                                                     6
Section 3                                                  • damage you or anybody insured under this policy
                                                              has done deliberately.
                                                                                                                            other country that is not listed in this section you
                                                                                                                            must inform us. An additional premium may be
                                                                                                                                                                                        CLAIMS SETTLEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                        1. In the event of loss or damage to separate jackets
Damage to Your Motorcycle                                  • loss of or damage to accessories unless your
                                                              motorcycle is damaged at the same time.
                                                                                                                            payable. All trips must be of a temporary nature and
                                                                                                                            your permanent home is in the Republic of Ireland.
                                                                                                                                                                                            or trousers forming part of a set, we will not pay
                                                                                                                                                                                            more than the value of the individual article that
WHAT IS COVERED                                            • damage to specialist paintwork, including any                                                                               is damaged.
If your motorcycle or its accessories are accidentally
                                                              engraving or precious metals, on your motorcycle.             Optional Covers                                             2. We will decide whether to pay the cost of
or maliciously damaged or vandalised during the
period of insurance, we will choose to either repair
                                                           • loss of or damage to trailers.
                                                           • loss or damage to your motorcycle or accessory
                                                                                                                            Helmet & Leathers                                               repairing motorcycle protective clothing or
                                                                                                                                                                                            replace as new (if damaged beyond economical
or replace your motorcycle or the accessory, or               due to or occasioned by the impounding or                                                                                     repair).
                                                                                                                            This cover is applicable only if it is included as active
we will give the legal owner a cash payment. The              destruction of your motorcycle by an authorised               on your Policy Schedule.                                    3. You must be able to provide proof of purchase in
maximum amount we will pay is either the lower                body.                                                                                                                         respect of any item which is the subject of a claim
amount of:                                                 • loss or damage from taking your motorcycle and                WHAT IS COVERED                                                 against this policy.
• the market value; or                                        returning to its legal owner.                                 We will pay up to €1,500 for loss or damage to              4. You must at your own expense provide us with
                                                                                                                            motorcycle protective clothing that is damaged                  any reports, certificates, information and evidence
• the estimated value of your motorcycle or the
   accessory shown in the Policy Schedule.                 Section 4                                                        following a motorcycle accident that occurs whilst
                                                                                                                            you are legally riding, mounting or dismounting
                                                                                                                                                                                            that we ask for in support of your claim and do so
                                                                                                                                                                                            in the manner we request.
Alternatively if your motorcycle is insured on an
agreed value basis (as stated in the Policy
                                                           Foreign Use                                                      or undertaking emergency roadside repairs to the
                                                                                                                            motorcycle insured under this motorcycle policy
Schedule) payment will be issued up to or the same
as this amount.
                                                           We provide the minimum cover required by law to
                                                           allow you to use your motorcycle in any of the
                                                                                                                            during the period of insurance.
                                                                                                                            We or our representatives will be entitled to take
                                                                                                                                                                                        Personal Accident
Suitable parts or accessories may be used which are        following countries:                                             possession of any damaged motorcycle protective             This cover is applicable only if it is included as active
not supplied by the original manufacturer.                                                                                  clothing and deal with any salvage, but no items can
                                                           • any country, which is a member of the European                                                                             on your Policy Schedule
If your motorcycle is insured on an agreed value           Union.                                                           be abandoned to us.
basis in the event of a total loss you will be given
                                                                                                                                                                                        WHAT IS COVERED
                                                           • any country which the Commission of the European               WHAT IS NOT COVERED
the option to purchase any remaining salvage at the                                                                                                                                     We will pay the following benefit if you suffer bodily
                                                           Communities is satisfied has made arrangements of                1. The first €75 of any claim.
amount your motorcycle will attract on the open                                                                                                                                         injury as a result of an accident whilst legally riding or
                                                           Article (8) of EC Directive 2009/103/EC relating to
market in its damaged condition.                                                                                            2. Theft of motorcycle protective clothing.                 mounting or dismounting or undertaking emergency
                                                           civil liabilities arising from the use of a motorcycle.
                                                                                                                            3. Loss or damage caused solely by deterioration or        roadside repairs to the motorcycle insured under this
If your motorcycle claim is settled on a market            While you are visiting these countries, your                                                                                 policy during the period of insurance and which
                                                                                                                                wear and tear.
value/estimated value basis in the event of a total        insurance will be extended to cover the following:                                                                           within 104 weeks of the date of incident solely and
                                                                                                                            4. Loss or damage unless caused as a result of a
loss the salvage/motorcycle will become the                • your motorcycle being moved (including loading                                                                             independently of any other cause results in any of the
                                                                                                                                motorcycle accident.
property of the Insurer.                                   and unloading) by sea or rail between the countries                                                                          conditions listed.
                                                           where you have cover.                                            5. Loss or damage caused whilst participating in any
WHAT IS NOT COVERED                                                                                                             racing, rallies, competitions, speed tests, time        Please refer to the table on the following page for the
                                                           • in the event of any incident which results in a claim                                                                      full list of personal accident benefits.
• the amount of the excess shown in the                                                                                        trials or the like.
                                                           under Section 2 - Cover for fire and theft, or
   Policy Schedule.                                           Section 3 Damage to your motorcycle:                          6. Loss or damage while you are serving a ban from
• loss of value, wear and tear, mechanical, electrical,                                                                        holding a motorcycle licence.
                                                           − the cost of delivering your motorcycle to you or
   electronic or computer failures or breakdowns or        to your home in the Republic of Ireland after                    7. Loss or damage to the motorcycle helmet camera
   breakages.                                                  necessary repairs have been finished; or                         if it is not mounted to a helmet.
• damage to tyres by braking, punctures, cuts or          − foreign customs duty you must pay because                      TERRITORIAL LIMITS
   bursts.                                                 damage to your motorcycle prevents its return to                 We will provide cover as set out in the policy
• loss of use.                                            the Republic of Ireland.                                         schedule for events which happen during the period
• depreciation in value of your motorcycle after you      • General Average and Salvage charges if you are                 of insurance in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great
   have made a valid claim under this section.             liable.                                                          Britain, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands and
• loss of or damage to any accessory which is not         We will only provide this cover if your permanent                where cover has been provided under Section 4 -
   permanently attached to your motorcycle at the          home is in the Republic of Ireland.                              Foreign use.
   time of the loss.
                                                           COVER                                                            HOW TO MAKE A CLAIM
• damage caused by chewing, scratching, tearing
                                                           Cover does not apply outside of the territorial                  When you become aware of an incident that could
   or fouling by domestic pets, or caused by vermin,
                                                           limits, when you are riding a motorcycle that you                lead to a claim you must notify the insurer specified
   animals, insects, mildew or fungus.
                                                           do not own or have hired under a hire purchase or                in your policy schedule as soon as reasonably
• damage caused by frost, smog or any gradual                                                                              possible and follow any instructions provided to you.
                                                           leasing agreement.
   process.                                                                                                                 The details of who to contact can be found on page
• loss or damage resulting from unauthorised              Important: The length of time that we will give                  24 of this policy booklet.
   taking of your motorcycle by a member of the            cover for under this section in any one period of
   policyholder’s family or anyone normally living         insurance is limited to 90 days. If you are travelling
   with you.                                               for more than 90 days or you are travelling to any

7                                                                         Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC                                                                         8
Personal Accident Table of Benefits                                                                                       If more than one benefit is payable for injuries you
                                                                                                                          sustain in a single incident that gives rise to a claim,
                                                                                                                                                                                      10. We will not pay benefit for any fracture of a bone
                                                                                                                                                                                           due to Osteoporosis (thinning of the bone which
                                                                                                                          the maximum total amount we will pay for all                     is out of proportion to the insured person’s age)
                           Condition resulting from the Bodily Injury                       The Benefit Payable           benefits shall not exceed €27,950.                               or bone disease diagnosed prior to the period of
    1. Death                                                                                      €20,000                 The following limits apply to each physiotherapy                 insurance.
    2. Permanent total disablement                                                                €20,000                 treatment and counselling appointments:                     We will not pay benefit arising from bodily injury you
    3. Loss of sight:                                                                                                     1. If you require physiotherapy as recommended             sustain on or after your 85th birthday.
       i. in one eye                                                                              €20,000                    by a medical practitioner or expert medical
       ii. in both eyes                                                                           €20,000                                                                             TERRITORIAL LIMITS
                                                                                                                             specialist for treatment and recovery following a
    4. Loss of limb or limbs                                                                      €20,000                                                                             We will provide cover as set out in the policy schedule
                                                                                                                             valid claim under this policy for any of the benefits
    5. Loss of speech                                                                             €20,000                                                                             for events which happen during the period of
                                                                                                                             of permanent total disablement, loss of limb
    6. Loss of hearing:                                                                                                      or limbs, permanent partial disablement,                 insurance in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain,
       i. in one ear                                                                              €5,000                     paraplegia, quadriplegia, fracture, dislocation          the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands and where cover
       ii. in both ears                                                                           €20,000                    or burns we will pay you up to €100 for each             has been provided under Section 4 – Foreign use.

    7. Permanent partial disability resulting in:                                                                            physiotherapy appointment subject to an overall          HOW TO MAKE A CLAIM
    Loss of or loss of use of                                                                                                maximum of the applicable benefit as specified in        When you become aware of an incident that could
       i. a shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle or wrist                                             €6,650                    the Table of Benefits.                                   lead to a claim you must notify the insurer specified
       ii. one or more fingers (at least one complete bone)                                        €2,000                 2. If you require counselling as recommended               in your policy schedule as soon as reasonably
       iii. one or both thumbs (at least one complete bone)                                        €3,975                     by a medical practitioner or expert medical             possible and follow any instructions provided to you.
       iv. one or both big toes (at least one complete bone)                                       €2,650                     specialist for treatment and recovery following a       The details of who to contact can be found on page
       v. one or more other toes (at least one complete bone)                                      €2,000                     valid claim under this policy for any of the benefits   24 of this policy booklet.
    (Subject to a maximum of €6,650 per accident event in total)                                                              of permanent total disablement, loss of sight,
                                                                                                                              loss of limb or limbs, loss of speech, loss of          ADDITIONAL CLAIMS CONDITIONS
    8. Paraplegia                                                                                 €24,000                     hearing, permanent partial disablement,                 1. Y ou must place yourself under the care of a
    9. Quadriplegia                                                                               €27,950                     paraplegia, quadriplegia, facial scarring                   medical practitioner and follow their advice.
                                                                                                                              or burns we will pay you up to €100 for each            2. You must, at your expense, provide us with any
    10. Hospitalisation                                                                                                       counselling appointment subject to an overall               reports, certificates, information and evidence
    Benefit for each night you are hospitalised                                                      €70                      maximum of the applicable benefit as specified in           that we ask for in support of your claim and do so
    (Subject to a maximum of €1,400 per accident event in total)                                                              the Table of Benefits.                                      in the manner we request.
    11. Fracture                                                                                                          WHAT IS NOT COVERED                                         3. If we request it you must undergo medical
        i. to the wrist or one or more bones in the arm                                             €475                                                                                  examination at our expense.
                                                                                                                          We will not pay benefit for bodily injury directly or
        ii. to the ankle or one or more bones in the leg or pelvis                                  €665                                                                              4. No amount payable will bear interest
                                                                                                                          indirectly caused by or contributed to or arising from:
        iii. to facial bones or lower jaw                                                           €665
                                                                                                                          1. Your use of a motorcycle for any business trade
        iv. to finger(s) or toe(s)
    (Subject to a maximum of €665 per accident event in total)
                                                                                                                              commercial or professional purposes including but       General Exceptions
                                                                                                                              not limited to use as a courier, despatch rider, fast
    12. Dislocation                                                                                                           food delivery rider.                                    These general exceptions apply to the whole of this
        i. hip                                                                                      €665                                                                              insurance.
                                                                                                                          2. You committing or attempting to commit suicide
        ii. knee                                                                                    €400                      or intentional self injury.                             Your insurance does not cover the following:
        iii. wrist or elbow                                                                         €265                                                                              • any liability, accident, injury, loss or damage that
                                                                                                                          3. Any sickness illness or disease.
        iv. ankle, shoulder blade or collar bone                                                    €200                                                                                 happens while any motorcycle covered by this
        v. finger(s), toe(s) or jaw                                                                  €70                  4. Pregnancy or childbirth.
                                                                                                                                                                                         insurance is:
    (Subject to a maximum of €665 per accident event in total)                                                            5. You committing a criminal or unlawful act.
                                                                                                                                                                                         − being used for a purpose which the motorcycle is
                                                                                                                          6. You being under the influence of or being affected            not insured for;
    13. Facial scarring
                                                                                                                              by alcohol or drugs other than drugs taken under
        i. scarring of 2 centimetres to 5 centimetres in length                                     €325                                                                                 − in the charge of anyone who is not described in
                                                                                                                              the direction of a medical practitioner.
        ii. scarring of over 5 centimetres in length                                                €665                                                                                    the Certificate of Motor Insurance as a person
    (Subject to a maximum of €665 per accident event in total)                                                            7. Deliberate exposure to danger except in an                    entitled to ride;
                                                                                                                              attempt to save human life.
    14. Burns                                                                                      €6,650                                                                                − in the charge of anyone who is excluded from
                                                                                                                          8. Muscular or skeletal condition or injury unless               riding by an endorsement;
    15. Dental Injury                                                                            Up to €325                   caused directly by external sudden violent and
                                                                                                                                                                                         − being ridden by or in the charge of anyone who
                                                                                                                              visible means during the period of insurance and
    16. Physiotherapy                                                                           Up to €665                                                                                  does not have a driving licence and or a valid
                                                                                                                              which is not aggravated by any previous muscular
                                                                                                                                                                                            Initial Basic Training (IBT) certificate if required;
    17. Counselling                                                                              Up to €325                   or skeletal condition or injury.
                                                                                                                                                                                         − being ridden by or in the charge of anyone who
                                                                                                                          9. Your participation in active service in any armed
                                                                                                                                                                                            is disqualified from riding, who has not held a
                                                                                                                              forces the Territorial Army and other reserve
                                                                                                                                                                                            driving licence or who is prevented by law from
                                                                                                                              services whether war be declared or not.
                                                                                                                                                                                            holding one;

9                                                                       Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC                                                                       10
− being ridden by or in the charge of anyone who             − contamination;                                              You should take the registration numbers of all             whenever we ask.
      does not meet the terms and conditions of their         unless the pollution or contamination is directly                vehicles involved and the insurer’s name and policy         You must take all reasonable steps to protect the
      driving licence;                                        caused by one incident at a specific time and place              number (this should be on the insurance disc on the         motorcycle protective clothing and keep them in
   − being used on any part of an airport or airfield        during the period of insurance and is:                           vehicle’s windscreen).                                      good condition.
      provided for aircraft movement, parking or                 − sudden;                                                     You should also take the names and addresses of the         7. Keeping to the Terms of This Policy
      maintenance;                                               − identifiable;                                               other people involved and give them your details.
                                                                                                                                                                                           We will only give you the cover that is described in
   − being used to carry passengers or goods in a way                                                                         You should take the name, address and contact
                                                                 − unintended; or                                                                                                          this policy, if any person claiming has met with all its
      likely to affect the safe riding or control of your                                                                      numbers for any witness to the accident.
                                                                 − unexpected.                                                                                                             terms and conditions and endorsements, as far
      motorcycle;                                                                                                              You must also immediately:                                  as they apply.
                                                              The pollution caused by one incident will be
   − being used on a race track or off road activity of                                                                       • send us all correspondence you receive regarding
                                                              considered to have occurred at the time the incident                                                                         8. Failure to pay a premium instalment
      any description or derestricted toll roads such as                                                                       the accident without answering it, and
                                                              took place.                                                                                                                  If you fail to pay an instalment you will be charged
      the Nurburgring.                                                                                                         • advise us in writing of any prosecution once you
                                                              This exception does not apply if any compulsory                                                                              a missed payment fee and be given a notice of
   − any liability that you have agreed to accept                                                                              become aware of it.
                                                              motor insurance law says we must provide this cover.                                                                         cancellation. If payment is not made within the
       unless you would have had that liability anyway.
                                                              Any liability, damage, cost or expenses, which are              3. Defending or Settling the Claim                          period of this notice, the policy will be cancelled and
• any loss, damage, injury, or liability directly or
                                                               more than our legal liability under the relevant road           Unless they have our written permission, no person          you will be charged for the number of days cover that
   indirectly caused by:
                                                               traffic legislation for any claim, if you or any other          can represent or admit liability for us or for you or any   has been provided plus a cancellation fee. Please refer
   − war, invasion, any act of terrorism, act of foreign       person entitled to ride your motorcycle is:                     other person claiming cover under this policy.              to the Carole Nash Terms of Business for details.
      enemy, hostilities (whether war is declared or
                                                                 − found to be over the limit for alcohol to the extent       We can carry out the defence or settlement of any           9. Cooling Off Period
      not), civil unrest, revolution, or any similar event
                                                                    which would constitute an offence under the laws           claim and we can choose the solicitor who will act for
      (except where we need to provide cover to meet                                                                                                                                       You have 14 days from when you receive your policy
                                                                    of the country in which the accident occurred              you in any legal action.
      the compulsory motor insurance law);                                                                                                                                                 documents or the commencement date of your
                                                                 − Is riding whilst unfit through drink or drugs,             We can also take legal action in your name or the           policy, whichever is later, to write to Carol Nash
   − an act of terrorism as the use or threatened use
                                                                    whether prescribed or otherwise,                           name of any other person covered by this policy,            Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC if you want to
      of any action, force or violence by any person or
                                                                 − fails to provide a sample of breath, blood or urine        to recover any payment we have made under this              cancel your policy. This is known as a cooling-off
      group of people whether acting alone or on behalf
                                                                    when required to do so, without lawful reason.             policy, other than a payment in respect of a personal       period. If you cancel your policy during this period of
      of any organisation or government committed
                                                                                                                               accident benefit.                                           time, provided you have not made a claim, you will
      for political, religious, ideological or similar
      purposes including the intention to influence any       Policy Conditions                                                You must give us all the information and help we
                                                                                                                               need to deal with the claim.
                                                                                                                                                                                           be charged proportionally for the period of time you
      government or to intimidate and/or put in fear the                                                                                                                                   were on cover.
      public or any section of the public;                    You must comply with the following conditions to                 4.Total Loss Claim                                          10. Cancellation By You
   − incidents caused by riot or civil unrest outside         have the full protection of your policy. If you do not
                                                                                                                               In the event of a total loss, if the motorcycle is the      Your insurance policy has been arranged for a period
                                                              comply with them we may at our option cancel the
      of England, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland,                                                                       subject of a hire purchase or leasing agreement we          of 12 months and you are required to pay the full
                                                              policy or refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the
      Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man or the Channel                                                                          will make the payment for the total loss of your            premium. If you cancel the insurance other than
      islands;                                                amount of any claim payment.
                                                                                                                               motorcycle directly to the owner described in the           in accordance with policy Condition 9 ‘Cooling Off
   − earthquake;                                              1. No Claims Bonus                                               agreement. If our estimate of the market value              Period’ and there has been no claim(s), you will be
   − ionising radiation or radioactive contamination         If a no claims bonus applies to your policy and you              is more than the amount you owe the finance or              charged for the number of days cover that has been
      from nuclear fuel, or nuclear waste, or the             or anyone else does not make a claim under this                  leasing company, we will pay you any remaining              provided plus a cancellation fee, details of which can
      radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous        insurance, we will discount your renewal premium in              balance of the agreed settlement. If our estimate of        be found in the Carole Nash Terms of Business.
      properties of explosive nuclear equipment or            line with the scale of no claim bonus which applies at           the market value is less than the amount you owe
                                                                                                                                                                                           Your insurance premium will include a payment for
      nuclear parts;                                          the time. An endorsement on your Policy Schedule                 the finance company, you may have to pay them the
                                                                                                                                                                                           your Legal Expenses and Breakdown cover which
   − pressure waves caused by aircraft and other flying      will indicate whether a no claims bonus applies, and             rest of the agreed balance.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Carole Nash have included as part of the Carole
      objects; or                                             the number of years’ discount you are entitled will
                                                                                                                               5. Other Insurance                                          Nash product. This payment is non refundable upon
                                                              be displayed on the statement of no claims bonus at
   − carrying any dangerous substances or goods                                                                               If you were covered by any other insurance for the          cancellation of the policy other than if cancelled by
      (except where we need to provide cover to meet                                                                           incident which resulted in a valid claim under this         you during your 14-day ‘cooling off’ period. Please
      the compulsory motor insurance law).                    2. How to Make a Claim                                           policy, we will not pay any of the claim.                   refer to the Carole Nash Terms of Business for details.
• any liability, loss or damage that happens outside         You must notify your insurer immediately after any                                                                           You may cancel your policy with immediate effect by
                                                                                                                               6. Reasonable Precautions
   the territorial limits (apart from where cover is          damage or accident which might result in a claim                                                                             notifying Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland)
   provided under Section 4 - Foreign use, or unless you      under this policy. The details of who to contact can             You must take all reasonable steps to keep your
                                                                                                                                                                                           DAC by phone or by post. If any claim has been made
   have paid an extra premium to extend your cover).          be found on page 24 of this policy document.                     motorcycle in a safe and roadworthy condition
                                                                                                                                                                                           during the period of cover provided, you must pay
                                                                                                                               and protect it from damage, including fire, theft or
• any proceedings brought against you outside the            You must also let An Garda Síochána know                                                                                     the full annual premium and you will not be entitled
                                                                                                                               attempted theft, malicious damage and someone
   Republic of Ireland, unless they result from using         immediately or at the latest within 24 hours of:                                                                             to any refund.
                                                                                                                               taking your motorcycle without your permission.
   your motorcycle in a country which we have                 • an event which injures a person or animal,                                                                                 Please note you may only cancel the Legal Expenses
   agreed to extend this insurance to cover.                                                                                   Your motorcycle must be kept or used with a valid
                                                              • if your motorcycle is stolen, or                               Department of Environment (N.C.T.) certificate, if one      and Breakdown cover if you cancel your motorcycle
• any liability, injury, loss or damage caused directly or   • if it is damaged maliciously or as a result of                                                                             cover as cover is included as part of the Carole Nash
                                                                                                                               is needed. You must also keep to all legal regulations
   indirectly by:                                             attempted theft.                                                                                                             product.
                                                                                                                               relating to your motorcycle and its ownership.
   − pollution; or                                            You should not admit responsibility for an accident.             You must allow us to examine your motorcycle                11. Our Right to Cancel

11                                                                           Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC                                                                       12
We or anyone we authorise have the right to cancel
this policy at any time by sending you ten days’
                                                         • any rider develops a health condition which may
                                                                                                                          Legal Expenses Policy                                    Claims outside the Republic of Ireland may be dealt
                                                                                                                                                                                   with by ARAG offices elsewhere in Europe.
notice in writing where there is a valid reason for         affect their riding;                                                                                                   If an insured person is prosecuted for a motoring
                                                                                                                          Your Legal Expenses policy is provided by ARAG Legal
doing so. We will send the notice to the last known      • the mileometer on your motorcycle fails                                                                                offence, we will appoint a lawyer to represent them.
                                                                                                                          Protection Limited, registered in Republic of Ireland
address we have for you and we will set out the             (applicable only if you have submitted an annual                                                                       Send your claim to:
                                                                                                                          number 639625. Registered address: Europa House,
reason for cancellation in our letter. Valid reasons        mileage declaration);                                         Harcourt Centre, Harcourt Street Dublin 2, D02 WR20.     Claims Department
may include but are not limited to:
                                                         • you change your occupation;                                    ARAG Legal Protection Limited is regulated by the        ARAG Legal Protection Limited.
- Changes in the information detailed on your                                                                             Central Bank of Ireland.                                 Europa House
                                                         • you change your address.
  statement of fact or Policy Schedule which may                                                                                                                                   Harcourt Centre
                                                         This is not a full list. If you are not sure whether             ARAG Legal Protection Limited is a coverholder of the
 result in the risk no longer being acceptable to us.                                                                                                                              Harcourt Street
                                                         to report any change, please speak to Carole Nash                insurer ARAG Insurance Company Limited, a Branch of
- Where we suspect fraud on this or any other related                                                                     ARAG Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG. ARAG Insurance         Dublin
                                                         Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC. We may
  policy.                                                                                                                                                                          D02 WR20
                                                         re-assess your cover and premium as a result of                  Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the
- Where a misrepresentation has been made that           any important information you give and mid-term                  Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, BaFin (firm     Email:
 means we no longer wish to provide cover.               changes may be subject to additional fees, as detailed                                                                    Telephone: 01670 7470
                                                                                                                          reference number VU5455), the regulatory authority
As long as you have not made a claim, we will refund     in our Terms of Business document.                               in Germany, and is regulated by the Central Bank of
you for the time that was left on your policy. If                                                                                                                                  IF YOU NEED ANY OTHER HELP FROM US
                                                         If the information provided by you is not complete               Ireland for Conduct of Business rules.
any claim has been made during the period of cover                                                                                                                                 You can phone us at any time on 1850 211 433 for
                                                         and accurate:                                                    As a ARAG policyholder, you are now protected by the     legal advice on any personal legal problem or for help
provided, you must pay the full annual premium and
                                                         • we may cancel your policy and refuse to pay any               Republic of Ireland’s leading legal expenses insurer.    with general motoring emergencies.
you will not be entitled to any refund.
                                                            claim, or                                                     If you are involved in a motor accident, prosecuted
12. Avoiding Certain Terms and Right                     • we may not pay any claim in full, or                           for a motoring offence, have a motor contract            WHEN WE CANNOT HELP
of Recovery                                                                                                               dispute, need legal advice or need help with motoring    We will not be able to help you if we think there is
                                                         • we may revise the premium and/or change the
We may have to pay a claim because the law of a                                                                           emergencies, we are here to help you 24 hours a day,     little chance of recovering your uninsured losses.
                                                            compulsory excess, or
country which this policy operates in says we must. If                                                                    365 days a year.                                         Please do not ask for help from a solicitor before we
                                                         • the extent of the cover may be affected.                                                                                have agreed. If you do, we will not pay the costs
we would not have paid this claim otherwise, we can                                                                       To make sure that you get the most from your ARAG
ask for a refund from you or the person responsible      14. Fraudulent Claims                                            cover, please take time to read the policy which         involved.
for causing the claim.                                   If you or anyone representing you makes a claim                  explains the contract between you and us. If you
13. Changes in Your Circumstances                        or part of any claim that is fraudulent, false or                have any questions or would like more information,
                                                                                                                          please contact ARAG Legal Protection Limited.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Legal advice service
You must tell Carole Nash Insurance Consultants                                                                                                                                    We will give the insured person confidential legal
                                                         We may:                                                          IT WILL HELP YOU IF YOU KEEP THE FOLLOWING
(Ireland) DAC immediately about any changes to                                                                                                                                     advice over the phone on any personal legal problem,
                                                         • reject the claim or reduce the amount of payment              POINTS IN MIND:
the information set out in the Statement of Fact,                                                                                                                                  under the laws of the Republic of Ireland and the
Certificate of Motor Insurance or on your Policy            we make;                                                      AFTER A MOTOR ACCIDENT                                   United Kingdom. Wherever possible the Legal Advice
Schedule. You must also tell Carole Nash Insurance       • cancel your policy from the date of the fraudulent            If you are involved in an accident, remember to          helpline aims to provide immediate advice from a
immediately if any of the following happens:                act and not return any premium paid;                          write down as many details as possible, including the    qualified legal adviser.
• you or any rider receive any motoring convictions     • recover from you any costs we’ve incurred relating            names and addresses of anyone who may have seen          However if this is not possible they will arrange a call
   or fixed penalty endorsements (pending or not)           to the fraudulent claim and any further claims                the accident. Let us have this information as soon as    back at a time to suit the insured person.
   or any accidents, claims, thefts or losses occur         notified after the date of the fraudulent act;                you can, either by giving it to your insurance adviser   Our legal advisers provide advice on the laws of the
   including fault and non fault, whether claimed for    • pass details to fraud prevention and law                      or by sending it to us at the address below.             Republic of Ireland 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365
   or not on any motor vehicle policy.                      enforcement agencies who may access and use this              If you are not sure what to do after an accident, call   days a year. Where advice is sought in an area of law
• you or any other rider has been convicted of a           information. Other Insurers may also access this              our Legal Advice Service.                                beyond this jurisdiction or in respect of very specialist
   criminal offence or have possible prosecutions           information.
                                                                                                                          HOW WE HELP YOU                                          matters, we will refer the insured person to one of
   outstanding;                                          15. Arbitration - Settlement of dispute                                                                                   our specialist advisers. This will include certain areas
• the main rider of your motorcycle changes;                                                                              Once we have accepted your claim, we aim to
                                                         Any dispute relating to a claim between you and us                                                                        of law for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
                                                                                                                          recover your uninsured losses from the other
• the registered keeper of your motorcycle changes;      under this policy will be referred to arbitration. The                                                                    Specialist advice is provided 9am - 5pm, Monday to
                                                                                                                          person who caused the accident. Uninsured losses
• you change your motorcycle for another one;           appointment of the arbitrator will be by agreement               could include the cost of repairing or replacing the     Friday, excluding public and bank holidays. If calls are
• any modification to or alterations from the           between you and us. If we cannot agree, an                       insured vehicle, your motor insurance policy excess,     made outside these times, we will call the insured
   manufacturers standard specification, including       arbitrator will be appointed by the authorised body              compensation following injury or other out-of-pocket     person back.
   any manufacturer or dealer fitted option, whether     identified in the current arbitration legislation. If the        expenses.
   or not performance is altered or any other            disputed claim is not referred to arbitration within
                                                         12 months of your claim being turned down, we will
                                                                                                                          We normally recover your uninsured losses or             This is Your Arag Motor
   changes which could improve value, appearance,
   performance or handling;                              treat the claim as abandoned.
                                                                                                                          deal with motor contract disputes by appointing a
                                                                                                                          lawyer to handle your claim. In most cases, we will
                                                                                                                                                                                   Legal Protection Plus Policy
• the condition or specification of your motorcycle                                                                      choose the lawyer for you. If an insured person has
   changes (if your motorcycle is covered on an                                                                                                                                    We agree to provide the insurance in this policy,
                                                                                                                          been injured or killed we will help to deal with their
   agreed value basis)                                                                                                                                                             keeping to the terms, conditions and exclusions as
                                                                                                                          compensation claim through the Personal Injuries
                                                                                                                                                                                   long as:
• you change the place where you usually keep your                                                                       Assessment Board (PIAB).

13                                                                      Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants (Ireland) DAC                                                                  14
• the date of occurrence of the insured incident           Representative                                                   WHAT IS NOT COVERED                                          5. A  ny claim caused by, contributed to by or arising
   happens during the period of insurance and within        The lawyer, or other suitably qualified person, who              Parking offences.                                                 from:
   the territorial limit; and                               has been appointed by us to act for an insured                                                                                6. Ionising radiation or contamination by
• any legal proceedings will be dealt with by a court
   or other body which we agree to in the territorial
                                                            person in accordance with the terms of this policy.              Section 7                                                         radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any
                                                                                                                                                                                               nuclear waste from burning nuclear fuel;
                                                            Territorial Limit
   limit; and
                                                            For insured incident Accident loss recovery, Motor               Motor Contract Disputes                                      7. the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other
• in civil claims it is always more likely than not an                                                                                                                                        hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear
                                                            legal defence and personal injury, the United Kingdom
   insured person will recover damages (or other legal                                                                       Legal costs incurred in respect of a dispute arising              assembly or nuclear part of it;
                                                            of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the European
   remedy) or make a successful defence.                                                                                     from an agreement which you have for buying,                 8. war, invasion, foreign enemy hostilities (whether
                                                            Union, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Albania,
                                                                                                                             selling, hiring or insuring an insured vehicle or its             war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion,
DEFINITIONS                                                 Andorra, Bosnia Herzegovina, Gibraltar, Iceland,
                                                                                                                             spare parts or accessories or the service, repair or
                                                            Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro,                                                                                      revolution, military force or coup;
The following words have these meanings wherever                                                                             testing of an insured vehicle.
they appear in this policy in bold:                         Norway, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey.                                                                          9. pressure waves caused by aircraft or any other
                                                                                                                             Provided that:                                                    airborne devices travelling at sonic or supersonic
                                                            For insured incidents Motor contract disputes, the
Date of Occurrence                                          Republic of Ireland.                                             a. you must have entered into the agreement during               speeds.
a. F or civil cases, the date of the event that leads to                                                                        the period of insurance, and                             10. Any disagreement with us that is not in Condition 7.
    a claim. If there is more than one event arising at     Uninsured Losses                                                 b. the amount in dispute must be more than €150.            11. The cost of obtaining a medical report when
    different times from the same originating cause,        Losses which an insured person has incurred as a                                                                                   registering a claim with the Personal Injuries
    the date of occurrence is the date of the first of      result of a road traffic accident which was not their            WHAT IS NOT COVERED
                                                                                                                                                                                               Assessment Board (PIAB).
    these events. (This is the date the event happened,     fault, and which are not covered under the motor                 Any claim relating to the settlement payable under
                                                                                                                             an insurance policy (we will cover a dispute if your         12. Any legal action an insured person takes which
    which may be before the date you or an insured          insurance policy issued with this policy.
                                                                                                                             insurer refuses your claim, but not for a dispute over            we or the representative have not agreed to
    person first became aware of it.)                       We, Us, Our                                                      the amount of the claim).                                         or where the insured person does anything that
b. For motoring offences, the date of the motor            ARAG Legal Protection Limited.                                                                                                     hinders us or the representative.
    offence an insured person is alleged to have                                                                             WHAT IS COVERED
                                                            You, Your                                                                                                                     13. Legal costs arising from or relating to judicial
    committed. If there is more than one offence                                                                             1. I f a representative is appointed by us, we will              review, coroner’s inquest, fatal accident inquiry or
    arising at different times, the date of occurrence is   The person who has taken out this policy.                            pay the legal costs for insured incidents under               injunctions.
    the date an insured person began, or is alleged to                                                                           your policy.
    have begun, to break the law.                           Insured Incidents                                                2. For insured incidents involving the death of
                                                                                                                                                                                          14. Any claim where the insured person settles or
                                                                                                                                                                                               discontinues without consent from us.
Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB)                                                                                        or injury to an insured person we will pay the
An independent statutory government body which              WHAT IS COVERED                                                      application fee required by the Personal Injuries        CONDITIONS WHICH APPLY TO THE LEGAL
assesses the amount of compensation due to a person                                                                              Assessment Board (PIAB).                                 EXPENSES POLICY
who has suffered a personal injury.                         Section 5                                                        3. For all insured incidents we will help in appealing      1. An insured person must:
                                                                                                                                 or defending an appeal provided that the insured
Insured Incidents
a. Accident loss recovery and personal injury
                                                            Accident Loss Recovery and                                           person tells us that he or she wants us to appeal
                                                                                                                                                                                          a. Keep to the terms and conditions of this policy;
                                                                                                                                                                                          b. Try to prevent anything happening that may cause
                                                                                                                                 within the statutory time limits allowed. Before we
b. Motor legal defence                                      Personal Injury                                                      pay any legal costs for appeals, we must agree that it
                                                                                                                                                                                              a claim;
c. Motor contract disputes                                                                                                       is more likely than not that the appeal will succeed.    c. Take reasonable steps to keep any amount we
                                                            Legal costs incurred to recover uninsured losses after                                                                            have to pay as low as possible;
Insured Person(s)                                                                                                            4. The most we will pay for all claims resulting from
                                                            an event which:                                                                                                               d. Send everything we ask for, in writing;
You, and any passenger or driver who is in or on                                                                                 one or more event arising at the same time or
                                                            a. causes damage to the insured vehicle or to                       from the same originating cause, is €130,000.            e. Give us full details in writing, of any claim.
the insured vehicle with your permission. Anyone                personal property in it; or
claiming under this policy must have your agreement                                                                          WHAT IS NOT COVERED                                          2.
                                                            b. injures or kills an insured person while he or she is
to claim.                                                                                                                                                                                 a. W e can take over and conduct in the name of an
                                                                in or on the insured vehicle; or                             1. A claim where the insured person has failed
Insured Vehicle                                                                                                                  to notify us of the insured incident within                  insured person, any claim or legal proceedings at
                                                            c. injures or kills you while you are driving another
                                                                                                                                 a reasonable time of it happening and where                  any time. We can negotiate any claim on behalf of
The vehicle (below 7.5 tonnes total vehicle weight)             motor car or motor cycle; or
                                                                                                                                 this failure adversely affects the prospect of               an insured person.
specified in the motor insurance policy issued with         d. injures or kills you or any member of your family
this policy. It also includes any caravan or trailer                                                                             successfully recovering damages (or getting any          b. An insured person is free to choose a
                                                                (who always live with you) as a passenger in a
attached to this vehicle.                                                                                                        other legal remedy that we have agreed to) or of             representative (by sending us a suitably qualified
                                                                motor vehicle, a cyclist or a pedestrian.
                                                                                                                                 making a successful defence.                                 person’s name and address) if:
Legal Costs
All reasonable and necessary costs charged by the           Section 6                                                        2. Any legal costs that are incurred before we agree
                                                                                                                                 to pay them.
                                                                                                                                                                                            − we agree to start legal proceedings and it
                                                                                                                                                                                               becomes necessary for a lawyer to represent
representative on a party/party basis. Also the costs
incurred by opponents in civil cases if an insured          Motor Legal Defence                                              3. The insured vehicle being used by anyone who                  the interests of an insured person in those
                                                                                                                                                                                               proceedings; or
                                                                                                                                 does not have valid motor insurance.
person has to pay them or pays them with our
                                                            Legal costs incurred to defend an insured person’s               4. Fines, damages or other penalties which an                 − there is a conflict of interest.
                                                            legal rights if they are prosecuted for an offence                   insured person is ordered to pay by a court or           	We may chose not to accept an insured person’s
Period of Insurance                                         connected with the use or driving of an insured vehicle.             other authority.                                              choice, but only in exceptional circumstances.
The period for which we have agreed to cover you                                                                                                                                               If there is a disagreement over the choice of

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