Women at Work 2020 Insights, practices and case studies from our 2020 Best Workplaces for Women - Great Place To Work

Page created by Martin Hogan
Women at Work 2020 Insights, practices and case studies from our 2020 Best Workplaces for Women - Great Place To Work
Women at Work 2020
Insights, practices and case
studies from our 2020 Best
Workplaces™ for Women
Women at Work 2020 Insights, practices and case studies from our 2020 Best Workplaces for Women - Great Place To Work
“There isn’t really anything I
can think of that would make
this a better place to work. It’s
the first company I’ve worked
at where I have not been
discriminated against for my
age, gender or sexuality. I feel
empowered and at home here.”
Foundation SP employee

Noelle Nurse, Marketing Manager
Eduard Berndt, Quantitative Researcher
Abigail Animwa, List Manager

Great Place to Work® UK
July 2020
Women at Work 2020 Insights, practices and case studies from our 2020 Best Workplaces for Women - Great Place To Work
Building a strong female
talent pipeline – the next step
to creating a more gender-
inclusive workplace.
In the third year of releasing our annual list of UK’s Best Workplaces™ for Women
and our 20th year of releasing our main UK Best Workplaces™ list, we’ve witnessed a
lot of progress in organisational practices that encourage diversification within the
workplace. In particular, the number of women who hold senior leadership positions at
UK-based organisations steadily increased from 17% of awarded UK Best Workplaces™
in 2000 to 30% in 2020. This growth demonstrates that we are moving in the right
direction. However, the numbers also reveal that there is still a way to go in terms of
truly achieving fairer gender representation.

We’ve certainly seen, particularly during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, women
across the globe being recognised for their impactful and effective leadership style.
From New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern’s clear, consistent and empathetic direction
to Angela Merkel’s effective ability to steer her country through the pandemic, it’s
obvious that a diverse, inclusive team is essential for the success of any organisation,
government or otherwise.

However, we find that many organisations who acknowledge the need to create a more
inclusive and representative environment don’t always know where to begin. How
do you cultivate a workplace culture that creates the same opportunities to increase
employee potential across gender, race, disability etc.?

In this year’s Women at Work publication, we explore how organisations have been
able to put practices and programmes in place that build their pipeline of female
talent and convert that pipeline into opportunities for growth and development.
This includes women-focused mentorship opportunities, campaigns that centre
around creating a culture of inclusivity and building channels to identify high-
potential female employees.

Our 2020 UK’s Best Workplaces™ for Women-awarded organisations have a
strong track record of continuously developing a diversified great workplace
culture for all.

1. Trust Index©: Great Place to Work®’s core employee experience survey

Top Trends and Key Insights
                                                                                   2% 6%
                                                                                                                        86%                     77%


                                                                        Gender Pay Gap
                                                                      The differences between
    Fairness                                                         women and men in the Best                        Parental Leave
    In the UK’s Best Workplaces™                                     Workplaces™ for Women is                         UK’s Best Workplaces™ offer flexible
    for Women, over 90% of female                                      2% compared to 6% in                           options for both fathers and mothers
    employees feel they are being treated                                other workplaces.                            when it comes to parental leave. In
    fairly regardless of gender, compared                                                                             2020, 86% offered maternity leave
    to 85% in other workplaces.                                                                                       and 77% offered paternity leave
                                                                                                                      above the statutory minimum.

                           68%        BEST
                                      WORKPLACES                                                                                          74%    BEST

                           55%        OTHER                        Low-paid positions                                                     67%    OTHER
                                      WORKPLACES                                                                                                 WORKPLACES
                                                         In 2020, 1 in 5 women is considered to be working in
                                                           a low-paid position, compared to only 1 in 7 men.

    Recognition                                        Recognition is an integral part of a great                     Intention to Stay
    Best Workplaces™ for Women                                                                                        High growth and development
                                                      workplace culture. In Best Workplaces™ for
    are outperforming other                                                                                           opportunities tend to lead to an
    workplaces when it comes to                        Women, more women than men think that                          increased intention to stay in a job.
    recognising and rewarding their                 promotions go to those who most deserve them,                     74% of female employees in Best
    employees. 68% of women in                       while the reverse is true for other workplaces.                  Workplaces™ for Women compared
    Best Workplaces™ for Women                                                                                        to 67% in other workplaces would
    say that everyone has an                                                                                          like to work at their current employer
    opportunity to get special                                                     64%                                for a long period time.
    recognition, compared to 55% in                   WORKPLACES
    other workplaces.                                                              63%
                                                         “Promotions go to those who best deserve them”               Development
                                                                                                                      In Best Workplaces™ for Women,
                                                                                   52%                                77% of female employees feel they
                                                      WORKPLACES                                                      have an opportunity to grow and
                                                                                   55%                                develop, compared to 64% in other
            In 2011, the                                                                                              workplaces.
           Davies Report
                                                             Women in executive positions                                              77%
                                                      Looking at the trajectory of UK’s Best Workplaces™ over the
          that by 2020 at                              past 20 years, the number of female senior managers and
         least one third of
           the boards of
                                                    executives has been steadily increasing. 2020 Best Workplaces™
                                                        for Women in particular have nearly 40% of their senior                                     64%
           the FTSE 350                                 management and executive positions held by women.
          should consist
            of women.*                                                                                      39%
                                                                                       30%       30%
    * Source: Davies Report (2011):                              25%        25%
    Women on Boards                                   17%

                                                      2000       2005       2010       2015      2020       2020

Case Studies
Growing and Developing Female Talent Across the Workforce

                Anthemis Group’s Innovators Lab focuses on developing female talent
                within the fintech industry.

The lack of female founders in the financial technology industry was especially disappointing to the team at fintech company
Anthemis Group. To help alleviate this issue they have focused on an innovative approach to attract and seed more female
entrepreneurs in fintech through their Female Innovators Lab.

The Female Innovators Lab is dedicated to cultivating entrepreneurial talent in women from all sides of the financial services
ecosystem. The Lab’s mission is to identify female founders at the idea stage of their journey and match them with the resources and
mentorship required to develop a company and bring it to its first round of fundraising. The Lab welcomes solo entrepreneurs before
they have built a business plan or assembled a team. In doing so, the Lab has leveraged a partnership between venture capital and an
incumbent, to help close the entrepreneurship gender gap in fintech. This is to ensure that women’s ideas get the encouragement,
mentorship and, ultimately, funding they deserve.

                EY have set an ambitious public target to double the proportion of female talent
                in their UK partnership to 40% and BAME talent to 20% by July 2025.

A central pillar to their strategy is to accelerate progress by having a differential focus on race and gender by creating an inclusive culture of
belonging. EY launched an internal ‘Belonging’ campaign, which included internal communications, posters, interactive digital experiences,
and a toolkit which equips all employees with practical ways of putting inclusive leadership behaviours into action.

They also hosted workplace experience programmes (Leading Women, Discover EY - Women in Business and Discover EY - Black
Heritage in Business) and created an external recruitment campaign themed around belonging. Progress for initiatives are tracked,
leveraging D&I dashboards to enable a sustainable culture change.

As a result, leaders are now making more conscious decisions about who they select for projects, based on being equitable and
ensuring all colleagues feel included within the organisation.

                Gowling WLG have sought to develop female employees through their
                ‘Breakthrough Sponsorship Programme’.

Only 18% of senior level partners at the top ten UK law firms are women (PwC Law Firms Survey 2018). Gowling recognised that
men tend to get more access to informal sponsorship from senior leaders than women. ‘Breakthrough’ was introduced to readdress
the balance and offer high-potential women support in their career development. Some of the objectives of the Breakthrough
programme include:

 Creating opportunities for females and BAME colleagues                    Encouraging senior leaders to share their professional
    to have visibility with senior leadership to promote further              networks with female and BAME colleagues.
    coaching and sponsorship.
                                                                            Creating a platform for female and BAME colleagues to
 Supporting the success and growth of high-potential female                  recognise and capitalise on the unique strengths and
    and BAME candidates.                                                      attributes they can bring to the table.

Gowling has had good uptake and continues to track the success of the sponsorship relationships.

Employees Have Their Say!

    “McCarthy Recruitment is a ‘great place to work’ as
    they always consider your personal and individual
    circumstances. Within the last six years of working at
    McCarthy Recruitment, I have had two children and
    McCarthy Recruitment have allowed me to change
    my hours and job role on numerous occasions to fit        “My company really gets that for diversity to work,
    in with my personal circumstances, which has made         you need high inclusion and a sense of belonging -
    such a big difference for my work-life balance. I will    my favourite value is #bringyourweird. Very focused
    be forever grateful. The support I have received from     on financial inclusion and especially a big focus on
    the management team during this time has been             gender equality and female entrepreneurship. Salary,
    really understanding and helpful.”                        promotion and growth structure are very transparent,
                                                              and this is self-initiated, so quite progressive. Under
    McCarthy Recruitment employee                             the pressure of COVID-19, all of these things have
                                                              held up and I have been particularly impressed by
                                                              the ‘people first’ approach taken.”

                                                              Anthemis Group employee
    “What I love about Salesforce is the fact that we
    champion diversity and equal opportunities for all,
    not just in the office, but in our local communities as
    well. We have transparent annual reviews on equal
    pay (gender/minority groups etc...). We regularly
    champion the rights of minority groups in our             “It is a truly friendly, welcoming and inclusive
    communities e.g. LGBTQ rights in Georgia… and we          workplace that I have no hesitation in saying I am
    constantly innovate, whether that’s leading the field     proud to be connected with, and I think it is unique to
    in human rights or building innovative technologies.      be able to maintain an excellent outward reputation
    Salesforce is a company that embodies the motto           and a high quality of work.”
    “the business of business, is doing good” and it
                                                              Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons employee
    makes me very proud to work here and be apart of
    such a great organisation.”

    Salesforce employee

    As someone who has worked at Impact for many
    years, but the last 13 as a mum, I have always felt
    supported, challenged and empowered. Always
    learning and seeking out development opportunities.
    Impact is like no other organisation I know!

    Impact employee

2020 Winners

          Small                           Medium                               Large                              Super Large
        Category 1                       Category 2                          Category 3                            Category 4

           No. 1                            No. 1                               No. 1                                  No. 1
      McCarthy Recruitment                 Foundation SP                     The Sovini Group                          Salesforce

No. 2 | ISL Recruitment         No. 2 | Found                       No. 2 | Office Angels                  No. 2 | Hilton
No. 3 | Anthemis Group           No. 3 | Impact                      No. 3 | Baringa Partners               No. 3 | Mars UK
No. 4 | Intelex Europe Limited   No. 4 | Yext                        No. 4 | REL Field Marketing            No. 4 | SAP
No. 5 | TopLine Comms            No. 5 | R
                                          oyal College of           No. 5 | WaterAid UK                    No. 5 | Admiral Group
No. 6 | Opinium                         Veterinary Surgeons         No. 6 | Adobe                          No. 6 | Home Group Limited
                                 No. 6 | AXON                        No. 7 | SAS                            No. 7 | Abbott Laboratories Ltd
                                 No. 7 | Goodman Masson              No. 8 | Adecco                         No. 8 | Gap
                                 No. 8 | Kronos Systems Ltd          No. 9 | Version 1                     No. 9 | Flight Centre Travel
                                 No. 9 | A
                                          lphaSights                No. 10 | Stryker UK Ltd                       Group
                                 No. 10 | justteachers               No. 11 | AbbVie                        No. 10 | Gowling WLG (UK) LLP
                                 No. 11 | Fleet Alliance             No. 12 | Derivco UK                    No. 11 | Coleg Cambria
                                 No. 12 | Goodlord                   No. 13 | MarketMakers                 No. 12 | Bright Horizons Family
                                 No. 13 | C
                                           vent Europe                                                              Solutions
                                                                     No. 14 | Insight Direct UK Ltd
                                 No. 14 | Badenoch & Clark                                                  No. 13 | Irwin Mitchell LLP
                                                                     No. 15 | RCI Financial Services Ltd
                                 No. 15 | E
                                           drington-Beam                                                   No. 14 | Accenture
                                                                     No. 16 | Secure Trust Bank Group
                                          Suntory UK                                                        No. 15 | L&Q
                                                                     No. 17 | L’Occitane en Provence
                                 No. 16 | W
                                           ebbs Garden Centres                                             No. 16 | EY
                                                                     No. 18 | Robert Walters
                                          Limited                                                           No. 17 | Places for People
                                                                     No. 19 | SC Johnson
                                 No. 17 | Gorilla Glue Europe Ltd                                           No. 18 | HomeServe
                                                                     No. 20 | Chiesi Ltd
                                 No. 18 | Oakbrook Finance                                                           Membership Limited
                                 No. 19 | L
                                           ondon Marathon                                                  No. 19 | Deloitte
                                 No. 20 | Lansons
                                 No. 21 | M
                                           ental Health First Aid
                                 No. 22 | TJC
                                 No. 23 | Groupe SEB UK

1                                2                                   3                                      4
    20 – 50 employees                51 – 250 employees                  251 – 1000 employees                   +1000 employees
Creating a great employee
experience for all
Organisations are increasingly aware of the negative impact of gender
inequality, but don’t always know which practices to implement to
close gender gaps and increase representation. When confronting
these challenges, employers need to focus on three key areas: Trust,
Fairness and Wellbeing.
With over 30 years of global research, we know that trust, fairness and wellbeing are
fundamental to creating a great workplace culture for all; they are also areas endorsed by
the World Economic Forum.

In cultivating an impactful and inclusive workplace culture, there are a number of ways
Great Place to Work® UK can help:

1. Understand the gaps and discrepancies across
    demographics within the employee experience
    Our Trust Index© survey looks at how employees respond to 60 statements that span the
    employee experience. You are then able to break down that data based on demographics.
    This provides you with a truer reflection of the experience of specific groups across your

2. Create an action plan to address discrepancies
    Once you identify your key focus areas, the next step is to work with your Great Place to
    Work® UK consultant to help you address the root of the issue through workshops, focus
    groups and action planning.

3. Promote your inclusive culture to candidates and build a
    diverse talent pipeline
    It’s important to communicate your workplace culture through your employer brand.
    Great Place to Work® UK provides you with external recognition opportunities that
    you can promote on your website, career pages and social media channels. External
    recognition, such as our Great Place to Work-Certified™ and Best Workplaces™ for
    Women recognition badges can help you stand out from competitors, attract strong
    candidates and strengthen your employer brand.

                                                                 Get in touch
                                                                 Call: 0203 883 1240
                                                                 Email: uk_info@greatplacetowork.com
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