Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department

Page created by Ellen Mason
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Woburn Recreation
        2021 Summer Programs
              Adults & Children

        Registration for Summer
            Programs opens
             up on May 3rd!
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
      For latest updates and more information visit our website!
              Info on Summer Programs                                      Table of Contents
                                                                    Morning Clinics…………………. Page: 4 - 5
We are excited for the summer programs and to see all of            Full Day Program………………. Page: 5
our friends that we have not seen in over a year. The               Afternoon Programs …………… Page: 6
                                                                    Viking Sports Clinics………….. Page: 6
summer will still not be like it has been in the past but it will
                                                                    Super Soccer Stars…………… Page: 7
still be fun! We still have guidelines from the state that          Science & Design……………… Page: 7– 8
have to be followed in terms of program sizes, cohorts,             Ceramic Programs……………. Page: 9
masks, social distancing, etc. Unfortunately, some of the           Paint Programs ………………. Page: 10
                                                                    Barrie Bruce Golf……………… Page: 10
programs that we have offered in the past we are not able           Adaptive Recreation………….. Page: 11
to offer in the same manner as we had before.                       Moore Soccer Academy ……… Page: 12
                                                                    Tanner Pride Basketball………. Page: 13
For those of you that are not aware we are now in custody           Computer Programming ………. Page: 14
of the Spence Farm stand so we are very eager to offer our          City Pools……………………….. Page: 15
new Club Rec Program which will be a full day week long             Outdoor Movie Series…………. Page: 16
program offered for 4 weeks in the summer. We believe
this program will be very successful and will be one that                   Covid-19 Information
expands for future summers.                                          Masks must be worn at all times when you are
                                                                      not able to socially distance or unless you
Any questions at all regarding our programs please feel free          have an illness that prevents you from wearing
to call the Recreation Office at 781-897-5805.                        one.
                                                                     You must be able to wash your hands and use
                                                                      the bathroom yourself to attend programs or
                                                                      have a parent there that is able to help you.
        Important Registration Information                           Biting, Spitting, or behaviors towards other
           Registration Opens May 3rd!                                participants or staff will not be tolerated.

City Hall currently is open to the public but we are highly                 Mission Statement
encouraging everyone to register online at                          The Woburn Recreation Department
www.woburnrec.com .                                                 provides affordable programs to families
Registration will open up at midnight on May 3rd. If anyone         of all abilities, ages and backgrounds
has any problems with logging into their account, please            who are looking for meaningful ways to
give us a call and we can help you with an issues.                  drive their health & wellness, build
                                                                    friendships & create memories within
                                                                    their community.

                          City Pools
Our City Pools will be open again this summer for 8 weeks              Recreation Commission
beginning on June 28th. We still are restricted to 50%                      Gene Demers, Chairman
capacity at the pools and must continue to do reservations
for time blocks at the Pools. We will be extending the early                     Kevin Lonergan
registration rate for the pools to June 30th. We will not be                      Maura Embler
limiting the amount of reservations you can make in a week,
                                                                                    Paul Tobin
unless we encounter a heat wave
                                                                                  Michael Martini
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Registration & General Information

Payment                                                         Participants Responsibility
Payment must accompany all registrations. Checks
should be made payable to Woburn Recreation.                    We ask that all participants respect the staff, other
Mastercard, Visa, and Discover are also accepted.               participants, program equipment, age requirements, and
During COVID-19 On-line registration is the preferred           facilities when participating in programs offered by
method of Registration! If you need to pay via check            Woburn Recreation. If participants fail to cooperate with
or cash please contact the Woburn Rec Dept to                   the rules, Woburn Recreation reserves the right to
arrange an appointment.                                         dismiss or suspend a participant in any program without
If Registering for the first time with Woburn Recreation,       a refund.
you will need to create a household account. Please call
781-897-5805 if you need assistance. Non-Residents              Course Confirmation
will not be allowed in our programs for this summer due         No confirmation for registering via fax or mail will be
to COVID-19                                                     sent. A participant is registered ONLY when payment is
                                                                received. If at any time, there are questions regarding
                                                                your household account, please log onto
Inclement Weather                                               www.woburnrec.com to view your household account
Please check woburnrec.com for inclement weather                history.
updates on programs and fields operated by Woburn
Recreation. We will update or website and send e-mails
regarding program cancellations as soon as possible. It
                                                                Special Needs/Adaptive Recreation
                                                                Adaptive sports, recreation, and social programs are
is also our policy that if Woburn Public Schools close
                                                                offered to youth and adults with intellectual and physical
due to weather related issues, our programs will also be
                                                                disabilities. The programs provide options for people
cancelled. If we cancel a program we will do our best to
                                                                with disabilities to participate in programs and activities
make that scheduled class up that week.
                                                                that are specifically designed to meet their diverse
                                                                Inclusion services are also available for any individual
Refunds                                                         who may have a disability and is looking to participate in
Refunds, less the minimum $10.00 non-refundable                 a program with support. If you have any questions about
deposit, may be given to a participant who withdraws            what type of program is right for you or your family
from a program two weeks or more prior to the start of          member, please do not hesitate to contact the Woburn
the program. To be eligible for a refund, the request           Recreation Department. For planning purposes, we
must be in writing to the Woburn Recreation                     ask that if any child requires special assistance that
Department. In cases of inclement weather or other              you contact the Recreation Department 2 weeks
unforeseen circumstances, refunds or program credits            prior to the class so that we have ample time to
will not be given, however we will do our best to               provide adequate assistance.
reschedule the program. Participants who withdraw
from a program less than 5 business days prior to the
start of the program are not eligible for a refund or credit.
                                                                The Woburn Recreation Department reserves the right
Refunds or credits will not be given for early
                                                                to cancel, postpone, or combine programs. Every effort
termination of a program by a participant. Program
                                                                will be made to notify participants if a program has been
expenses have already occurred.
                                                                cancelled, changed, postponed or relocated due to
                                                                space availability. The Recreation Department does not
Financial Assistance                                            confirm program registrations.
Please contact the Woburn Recreation Department to
require about Financial Assistance. We offer payment
plans for Woburn Residents.

              Recreation Office Located on the 1st Floor of City Hall
                   Hours: Monday – Wed 9:00am – 4:30pm
                           Thurs 9:00am – 7:00pm
                              Fri 9:00am – 1:00pm
                                  (781) 897- 5805
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Summer Youth Sports Programs (Morning)
We offer a variety of sports programs in the morning that are instructed by our summer staff. We run for
8 weeks and each week offers a different variety of programs. Some sports we offer on more than one
week and some of the popular programs like Multi-sport, Basketball, & Tiny Tikes we offer multiple weeks
over the summer. Most programs run for 4 days with the 5th day being a rain date.
             Below you will find the programs we offer and the weeks they are offered.
                       Week 1: 6/28 – 7/2                   Week 2: 7/5 – 7/9
                       Week 3: 7/12 – 7/16                  Week 4: 7/19 – 7/23
                       Week 5: 7/26 – 7/30                  Week 6: 8/2 – 8/6
                       Week 7: 8/9 – 8/13                   Week 8: 8/16 – 8/20

Multi-Sport                                                 Soccer
This clinic focuses on multiple sports each day such as     This clinic will teach the fundamentals of soccer.
flag football, floor hockey, basketball and many more.      Children will be divided into groups according to age
Children will get great exercise and enjoy playing          and will participate in fun games all geared towards
outdoor games with their friends.                           learning the sport of soccer or enhancing their soccer
Weeks Run: Week 1, Week 3, Week 5, Week 7                   skills.
Ages: 5-12 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:30am               Weeks Run: Week 1, Week 3, Week 6, Week 8
Cost: $40 per week        Location: Library Field           Ages: 5-12 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:30am
                                                            Cost: $40 per week        Location: Joyce Fields
Golf Clinic
This clinic is an introduction to golf and is designed to   Basketball Clinics
teach the basics of golf to new learners. Each child will   This clinic will focus on the basic fundamentals of
learn about the different clubs and how to properly         basketball such as shooting, passing, dribbling. Fun
swing them. Children will also have a chance to             basketball games will be incorporated into this clinic.
practice their skills on the golf course for a few holes.   Weeks Run: Week 2, Week 5, Week 7, Week 8
Weeks Run: Week 2, Week 5, Week 8                           Ages: 6-12 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:30am
Ages: 7-12 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:00am               Cost: $40 per week        Location: Library Park Courts
Cost: $40       Location: Woburn Country Club
                                                            Baseball Clinic
Flag Football & Floor Hockey                                Children will get the opportunity to improve their hitting,
This clinic will be focused on learning the game of flag    fielding, base running and pitching skills through fun
football and floor hockey. We will be playing both          drills and then apply their skills to a game.
sports throughout the week. Equipment will be               Weeks Run: Week 4
provided.                                                   Ages: 6-12 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:30am
Weeks Run: Week 2, Week 6                                   Cost: $40 per week       Location: Leland Park
Ages: 7-12 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:30am
Cost: $40 Location: Leland Park                             Softball Clinic
                                                            In this clinic girls will get to improve their softball skills
Cheerleading Clinic                                         through daily drills. Our softball staff will be providing
This clinic teaches children cheers, stunts and dance       hands-on instruction on how to improve your softball
which will be performed at the end of the clinic for        game.
parents! All stunts are safely monitored.                   Weeks Run: Week 4
Weeks Run: Week 5                                           Ages: 6 - 12 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:30am
Ages: 4 - 10 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:00am             Cost: $40 per week           Location: Gonsalves Field
Cost: $40 per week       Location: TBD
                                                            Lacrosse Clinic
Arts & Crafts                                               Come learn how to play one of the fastest growing
Children will get the opportunity to show their artistic    sports!! Emphasis will be on skills and small sided
skills with many different themed crafts. We will be        games. Children will participate in drills run by HS &
painting, coloring, and much more!                          College players
Weeks Run: Week 3, Week 6, Week 8                           Weeks Run: Week 1, Week 6
Ages: 6-12 Days: M-TR Times: 9:45am – 11:15am               Ages: 7 - 13 Days: M-TR Times: 9:30am – 11:30am
Cost: $40 per week       Location: Library Park             Cost: $40 per week      Location: Whispering Hill
 Register online at www.woburnrec.com                        4                 Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Summer Youth Sports Programs (Morning)

Outdoor Track Clinic                                       T-Ball Clinic
Woburn Recreation is excited to offer a week-long          This clinic teaches children how to properly throw,
summer track clinic to be hosted by Woburn High            catch, and hit. There will be daily games so that
School Track and Field Coaches Chris Keane and             children can apply what they have learned in a game
James Fletcher. Kids will be introduced to all the field   situation. Children must bring a glove
events and running events that take place during a high    Weeks Run: Week 2, Week 7
school track and field meet. At the end of the week, the   Ages: 4-6 Days: M-TR
kids will compete in an actual meet against one            Times: 9:30am – 10:30am or 10:45am – 11:45am
another. Come learn the ins and outs of track and field!   Cost: $30 per week       Location: Leland Park
Weeks Run: Week 7 Mon - Fri
Entering Grades: 5-9              Cost: $70                Tiny Tikes Sports
Time: 9am – 11am or 2pm – 4pm                              Children will participate in fun games such as kick ball,
Location: Woburn High School                               soccer, and many more. They also will have an
                                                           opportunity to show their artistic side with some arts
Jazz/Hip Hop Dance Clinic                                  and crafts.
Can you TikTok? How about Hip Hop? Time to get             Weeks Run: Week 1, Week 5, Week 7, Week 8
outdoors and move! Join in on a Jazz/hip hop dance         Ages: 3 - 5 Days: M-TR Cost: $20 per week
class with the Woburn High Dance Team Coach                 (If low attendance in classes we will combine)
Katelyn Caldwell.                                          Location: Library Park
Weeks Run: Week 4, Week 8                                  Times: 9:30AM – 10:15AM or 10:30am – 11:15am
Ages: 4 – 6 & 7 – 12 Location: Library Park
Days: M-TR Cost: $40 per week
Times: Ages 4 - 5 - 9:30am – 10:15am                       Kids Fit
Ages 7 – 12 10:30am – 11:30am Ages                         Kids will have so much fun in this jam-packed
                                                           class. They will strengthen their bodies, build
Yoga for Kids                                              confidence and self-esteem and improve their
                                                           coordination, flexibility, balance and creativity. Your
For Balance for Focus for fun! This great intro to basic
                                                           child will continue to learn with new and exciting
poses encourages and develops flexibility, confidence,
                                                           themes each day that will keep them energized and
awareness, motor skills and physical fitness all
                                                           having fun!
disguised as fun and play!
                                                           Weeks Run: Week 6 Ages: 5-12
Weeks Run: Week 3 Ages: 5-12
                                                           Days: M - F                 Times: 9:30am – 11:30am
Days: M, W & TH         Times: 9:30am – 11:30am
                                                           Cost: $45 per week          Location: Library Field
Cost: $40 per week      Location: Library Field

                     “Club Rec” Full Day Summer Program at Spence Farm
We are excited for this new program at our new site Spence Farm! This program will be a pilot program
and if popular like we expect we will be expanding it next summer. Some of the daily activities will be:
Swimming, Sports, Arts & Crafts, Board Games, scavenger hunts, etc. If more restrictions are lifted we
will be doing a few field trips to local spots. Due to COVID and the size of Spence Farm we are limited to
the amount of registrations we can have each week. Children must bring their own lunch and
Ages: 6 – 12
Time: 9am – 3pm Monday – Thursday 9am – 1pm Friday
Location: Spence Farm
Cost per week: $140
Weeks run:
Week 3 (7/12 – 7/16)
Week 4 (7/19 – 7/23)
Week 6 (8/2 – 8/6)
Week 7 (8/9 – 8/13)
If this program ends up on a waiting list early we will add more weeks depending on staff
Register online at www.woburnrec.com                        5                Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Summer Youth Programs (Afternoon)

             Afternoon Multi-Sport                             Wiffleball League
Each week we will be running different themed week             Our annual Wiffleball program will be held weekly this
activities for you to register for. The program will be        summer due to COVID and the need to keep groups
held Monday – Thursday at various locations. Weeks             the same each week for contact tracing requirements.
where there are more than 1 activity to register for you       We will be running Wiffleball Monday – Thursday in
choose which activity it is not both.                          the afternoon on certain weeks. The last week will be
Grades: Entering Grades 1 - 5                                  a tournament week. We will be limited to 50 kids per
Times: 1:30 – 3:30                                             week and kids will need to stay in their groups.
Days: Monday - Thursday                                        Groups will be made according to grades.
Location: Library Park                                         Grades: Entering Grades 1 - 8
Cost: $20 per week                                             Times: 1:30 – 3:30
                                                               Days: Monday - Thursday
Week 1 6/28 – 7/2: Basketball                                  Location: Library Park
Week 2 7/5 – 7/9: Multi- Sport or Arts & Crafts                Cost: $20 per week or $80 for the all 5 weeks
Week 3 7/12 – 7/16: Pickleball                                 Weeks run: Week 1, Week 3, Week 5, Week 7,
Week 4 7/19 – 7/23: Speed Lax or Multi-Sport                   Week 8 (Tournament week)
Week 5 7/26 – 7/30: Soccer or Arts & Crafts
Week 6 8/2 – 8/6: Basketball or Multi-Sport
Week 7 8/9 – 8/13: Speed Lax or Arts & Crafts
Week 8 8/16 – 8/20: Flag Football & Floor Hockey

Little Sports
This program is for the little ones to get outside and engage with their friends and participate in sports, fun games &
arts & crafts.
Weeks Run: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 6, Week 8
Ages: 3 - 5 Days: M-TR Cost: $20 per week
(If low attendance in classes we will combine)          Location: Library Park
Times: 1:30 – 2:15pm or 2:30 – 3:15pm

                                             Viking Sports Clinics

Ninja Warrior                                                 Tennis Clinic
Week 2 7/6 – 7/9 & Week 8 8/16 – 8/19                         Week 2 7/6 – 7/9 & Week 8 8/16 - 8/19
Your kids will stay active at the Viking Ninja Warrior
Camp in Woburn! This high energy camp is where Boot           Under the guidance of the USTA Viking's Tennis
Camp meets Ninja Warrior. At these clinics, kids engage       program teaches tennis fundamentals through a
in a variety of activities that improve cardiovascular        combination of age appropriate skill based drills and fun
fitness, strength, and agility. During each day, kids will    reinforcing games. Our high energy staff ensures each
learn and practice specific sets of exercises that will       class is engaging fun and instructional. This clinic will
help them tackle the Viking Ninja Warrior obstacle            help develop your child’s love of tennis all while working
course at the conclusion of each day. Athletes will find      on your child’s hand-eye coordination, agility, and
themselves leaping from the ascending pylo boxes,             balance. More importantly tennis is an excellent sport
bounding between quintuple steps, and even scaling the        to help develop your child’s self-confidence and self-
wall located in our ENORMOUS obstacle bounce house!           reliance. Your child will learn proper techniques for
Fitness is made fun by supportive coaches who engage          forehands, backhands, volleying and more!
the campers ensuring everyone stays on task and               Ages: 6 - 12
improves.                                                     Times: 9:30am – 11am
Times: 9:30am – 11am Ages 5-8                                 Cost: $125 per week (4 days)
         1:30am – 2:30pm Ages 8-12                            Location: WMHS Tennis Courts
Cost: $150 per week (4 days)                                  Instructor: Viking Sports
Location: Spence Farm            Instructor: Viking Sports

 Register online at www.woburnrec.com                          6                Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Super Soccer Stars & Amazing Athletes

Super Soccer Stars                                             Amazing Athletes
Set in a fun, non-competitive environment, we offer age-       Amazing athletes are active classes that encourage
specific programs which introduce children to the              kids to explore and develop a variety of athletic skills
fundamentals of soccer through creative programming            through the introduction of 10 different sports.
and imaginative games. Our dynamic coaching staff,             Coaches break the fundamentals of each sport down
consisting of early childhood, education, and soccer           into simple steps based on each child's age and
specialists, utilize a unique curriculum which is crafted      ability. The goal is to create a fun environment that
to improve soccer skills, build self-confidence, and           establishes lifetime connections to sports and physical
develop socialization skills.                                  activity.
Days: Saturdays
Times & Ages: 2-3 Parent & Me 9am – 9:40am                     Days: Sundays
                   3 - 4.5 years old 9:55am – 10:40am          Times & Ages: Ages: 3 – 4 years old 9am – 9:45am
                   4.5 – 5 years old 10:55am – 11:45am                        Ages: 5 – 7 years old 10am – 10:50am
                   5 – 7 years old 12pm - 1                    Session I: July 11th – August 1st (4 Weeks)
Session I: July 10th – July 31st (4 Weeks)                     Session II: August 8th – August 29th (4 Weeks)
Session II: August 7th – August 28th (4 Weeks)                 Cost: $100
Cost: $100

                                        Science & Design Programs

Learn to Play Dungeons & Dragons: The Giant’s Table
Week 6 8/2 – 8/6
Become a hero and embark on a daring adventure in Dungeons & Dragons, the
world’s oldest and best roleplaying game! Trouble is brewing in the small hamlet of
Pellaford: a messenger carrying an important item has gone missing and strange
mishaps have begun to plague the town. As heroes, you have been hired to find the
courier and uncover the mystery surrounding the nearby wooded plateau called the
Giant’s Table. Over the course of five sessions, you will play through the entire
adventure as a team. Players will select from an assortment of pre-generated
characters so we can jump right in and start playing. Designed for girls & boys who are
new to D&D, though kids with past experience are also welcome!
Ages: 9 - 13             Days: M – F       Times: 9:30 – 11:30am
Cost: $100               Instructor: Chris Walters
Location: Goodyear

Rocket Science                Week 3 7/12 – 7/16              Amazing 100 Make    Week 4 7/19 – 7/23
                                                              & take-home Science Experiments!
Build and launch Wicked Cool’s - favorite solid fuel
rocket, the customizable E2X: perfect for the young           Come join this very cool and fun elementary school summer
aerospace engineer. Keep a Commander’s Log as you             program! Over the past 25 years, Top Secret Science has
investigate the solar system, design a satellite, and         worked hands-on with over 1,200,000 local children. Each
build a space base for an astronaut. Blast off with a         day the kids will explore 20 weird and wacky hands-on
solid fuel, high-flying, rocket launch at the end of the      science experiments and will make and take home all the
                                                              projects. The scientists are fast paced and funny and your
week (weather permitting).
                                                              kids will be thoroughly entertained (they’ll even learn some
                                                              interesting things too). We will explore weird motions and
Grades: K – 5                                                 flying things, air and water pressure; crazy chemistry, light
Days: M - F                                                   and sound, science magic, electricity, magnets, astronomy
Time: Half Day 9am – 12pm or Full Day 9am – 4pm               and more. Be prepared for lots of fun stuff. A wonderful 6
Location: Goodyear                                            hours of science each day. Hope to see you there!!
Instructor: Wicked Cool for Kids
Cost: $205 Half Day or $330 Full Day                          Grades: K – 5                  Days: M - F
                                                              Times: 9am – 3pm               Cost: $275
                                                              Instructor: Top Secret Science Location: Goodyear

 Register online at www.woburnrec.com                         7                Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Science & Design Programs

LEGO Robotics                     Week 5 7/26 – 7/29              LEGO Robotics:                  Week 5 7/26 – 7/29
Master                                                            Jurassic Bricks
Do you have what it takes to be Woburn's next LEGO                Young LEGO enthusiasts and budding paleontologists
Robotics Master? Join our resident LEGO expert Keira              will absolutely love Seacoast Technology Workshops’
as she guides young LEGO Masters through a series of              latest program...Jurassic Bricks! Using LEGO WeDo 2.0
daily LEGO robotic challenges! Participants will have             robotics kits we will build our way through the Jurassic
access to thousands of specialized LEGO bricks                    period! We will learn all about dinosaurs as we construct
including motors, sensors, and so much more! Then,                a dozen different species including triceratops,
using a laptop and kid-friendly LEGO WeDo 2.0                     sauropod, stegosaurus, and of course a t-rex! Then
software, teams will create programs to bring their               using laptops and specially designed drag-and-drop
creations to life! Daily challenges will include                  software we will bring our dinosaurs to life! All
amusement park rides, vehicles, animals, and much                 participants will receive a special LEGO Paleontologist
more! This is a can’t miss one-of-a-kind program for              certificate of achievement! Note: Participants do not
LEGO fans! All participants will receive a special                take projects home.
Woburn Recreation LEGO Master certificate of                      Grades: Entering 1 – 5                   Days:M – Th
achievement! Note: Participants do not get to take LEGO           Times: 9:00am – 11:45am                  Cost: $120
projects home.                                                    Instructor: Seacoast Technologies
Grades: Entering 1 – 5        Days:M – Th                         Location: Goodyear
Times: 12:15pm – 3:00pm       Cost: $120
Instructor: Seacoast Technologies
Location: Goodyear                                                Virtual Filmmaking             Week 7 8/9 – 8/13
Summer Filmmaking Week 7 8/9 – 8/13                               Virtual Filmmaking Taught by professionals, students will
By Filmmakers Collaborative                                       learn key skills in scriptwriting, character development,
                                                                  improvisation, and camera operation. From the comfort
In this class, students will bring creativity to life in a fun,
                                                                  of their home, students will write, shoot, and edit a film.
collaborative and exciting environment. They will learn
                                                                  Students who choose to participate in more than one
skills in scriptwriting, storyboard sketching,
                                                                  session will have the chance to further build and develop
improvisation and camera skills. Students who have
                                                                  their skills. Students will need a video camera or
previously participated in our program will be able to
                                                                  smartphone and basic editing software such as iMovie.
expand on their filmmaking skills. Together they will
                                                                  and access to Zoom* (link to be provided upon
write, shoot and edit a film in a genre of their choosing
                                                                  registering) All final projects are eligible for submission
and edit their project together using the professional
                                                                  into the Boston International Kids Film Festival in
editing software Adobe Premiere. All final projects are
                                                                  November 2021
eligible for submission into the Boston International Kids
                                                                  Ages: 10 – 14 (age range is flexible)         Days: M – F
Film Festival in November 2021
                                                                  Times: 9am – 11:30am                Cost: $260
Ages: 10 - 14                       Days: M – F
                                                                  Location: ZOOM
Times: 9am – 3pm                    Cost: $340
                                                                  Instructor: Filmmakers Collaborative
Location: Goodyear
Instructor: Filmmakers Collaborative
                                                                  Stop-Motion                   Week 8 8/16 – 8/20
Stop-Motion                      Week 8 8/16 – 8/20               Animation Virtual
Animation                                                         For our Stop-Motion Animation class students will learn
In this class, students will learn the principles of              the principles of Animation and produce a short film
Animation and produce their own short film using                  using objects found around the house. This course
objects found around the house and brought to class.              requires a touch screen device with access to the free
We will also bring some of our own supplies for the               app Stop Motion Studio (available for iPods, iPhones,
students to use as well! *This course requires a touch            iPads, Androids, etc.). Students will need a video
screen device with access to the free app Stop Motion             camera or smartphone and basic editing software such
Studio (available for iPods, iPhones, iPads, Androids,            as iMovie. and access to Zoom* (link to be provided
etc.). All final projects are eligible for submission into        upon registering) All final projects are eligible for
the Boston International Kids Film Festival in November           submission into the Boston International Kids Film
2021                                                              Festival in November 2021.
Ages: 10 - 14                         Days: M – F                 Ages: 10 - 14 (age range is flexible) Days: M – F
Times: 9am – 3pm                      Cost: $340                  Times: 9am – 11:30am               Cost: $260
Location: Goodyear                                                Location: ZOOM
Instructor: Filmmakers Collaborative                              Instructor: Filmmakers Collaborative
 Register online at www.woburnrec.com                              8               Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Summer Ceramic Classes

                                                  All Ceramic Classes are run by Ceramica Paint
                                                  Studio which is located in Stoneham.
                                                  Classes are held at Spence Farm in Woburn.
These weekly summer sessions are developed for children with some clay experience or none! The projects are designed
to cover the foundation techniques of hand-building, giving them the skills to express their creativity in 3D. Summer
session includes: instruction, clay, glazes, and firing.

 Planter & Pancake Pile                                       Mugs & Pots                        Week 1 6/28-6/30
 Week 1 6/28-6/30                                             Mugs with Character: We will be making a mug using
 Planter: Using the foundational pinch pot technique          the slab technique and teaching how to attach the handle
 we will create the planter and turn them into cute little    as well as give it some character. After the first fire we
 characters by adding feet, arms and little faces! (6/28)     will decorate the mug and glaze it to ensure it is food safe
 Pancake Pile: Using the foundation technique of              and dish washable! (6/28)
 coils, we will create a fun pancake pot and introduce        Connect the Pots: Using pinch pots we will attach them
 slab making to create a cover for the final pancake          together with slip, students will be able to be creative and
 box. (6/29)                                                  choose how to decorate their piece by engraving each in
 After letting the two projects dry for a couple of days      a different patter or colors. (6/29)
 they will be ready for painting! (6/30)                      After letting the two projects dry for a couple of days they
 Ages: 5 – 7                                                  will be ready for painting! (6/30)
 Days: M - W                                                  Ages: 8 - 13
 Times: 10:00 – 11:30am                                       Days: M – W Cost: $94
 Cost: $94                                                    Times: 1 – 2:30pm
 Instructor: Ceramica Paint Studio                            Instructor: Ceramica Paint Studio

                                                              Cost: $94
 Owl & Luminary                 Week 5 7/26 – 7/28            Wall Pockets
                                                              Instructor:          & Cake
                                                                            Ceramica   Paint StudioWeek 5 7/26 – 7/28
 Owl Pencil Holder: The slab technique is one of the          For full description of the class andhow
                                                              Wall  Pockets:    Children will learn   whatto each
                                                                                                             makeday andwill
 most important pottery skills to learn. Here we will         follow a  pattern to cut a slab
                                                              entail visit: www.woburnrec.com  in order to turn it into a 3D
 create slabs and cut out a template to put together          pocket. In addition, we will be stamping and pressing a
 this cute little owl. (7/26)                                 design into the clay to provide more complexity to the
 Luminary: Using the slab technique and carving, we           piece. (7/26)
 will create a cylinder that will be transformed into a       Cake anyone? Using the previous techniques covered,
 beautiful night light! (7/27) After letting the two          we will be following a pattern and building a pie slice.
 projects dry for a couple of days they will be ready for     Chocolate, cherry, apple, create your favorite piece and
 painting! (7/28)                                             explore clay sculpting! (7/27) After letting the two projects
 Ages: 5 – 7                                                  dry for a couple of days they will be ready for painting!
 Days: M - W Cost: $94                                        (7/28)
 Times: 10:00 – 11:30am                                       Ages: 8 - 13       Times: 1 – 2:30pm
 Location: Spence Farm                                        Days: M – W Cost: $94
 Instructor: Ceramica Paint Studio                            Instructor: Ceramica Paint Studio

                            Inspiration by the Masters               Week 8 8/16 – 8/19
 During this 4-day summer session, we’ll explore 4 of our favorite Painting Masters. After learning more about their
 history, experience and technique we will sketch out a design channeling their tactics and transfer the sketch into a
 ceramic plate to create out own masterpieces. What an amazing set of dishes to keep you inspired all year around!
 This four-session class includes: Fun art history facts, instruction, 8” coupe plate, glazes, firing.
 Ages: 5 – 13 Days: M – TH.
 Times: 10:00-11:00am (Ages 5-7)                             Monday 8/16 – Pablo Picasso Plate
          1:00-2:30pm (Ages 8-13)                            Tuesday 8/17 – Piet Mondrian
 Cost: $104                                                  Wednesday 8/18 – Frida Khalo
 Instructor: Ceramica Paint Studio                           Thursday 8/19 – Keith Haring

   Register online at www.woburnrec.com                         9                 Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Woburn Recreation - REGISTER ONLINE: www.woburnrec.com - Woburn Recreation Department
Summer Art Programs
Mermaid Paint                               7/21/21             BEACH Sign                                7/22/21
Calling all artists! Let's get those creative juices flowing!   Calling all artists! Let's get those creative juices
In this 90 min class students will create an original           flowing! In this 90 min class students will create an
canvas painting. The Instructor will guide the process          original canvas painting. The Instructor will guide the
step by step while leaving plenty of room for individual        process step by step while leaving plenty of room for
creativity. Each student will leave with an original            individual creativity. Each student will leave with an
painting!                                                       original painting!
Grades: 3 – 8                                                   Ages: 14 & up HS Students & Adults
Time: 6-7:30pm                                                  Time: 6-7:30pm Cost: $30
Cost: $30                                                       Location: Spence Farm
Location: Spence Farm                                           Instructor: Annemarie McGarrahan
Instructor: Annemarie McGarrahan

Shark Painting                              8/4/21              Tropical Night                            8/5/21
Calling all artists! Let's get those creative juices flowing!   Calling all artists! Let's get those creative juices
In this 90 min class students will create an original           flowing! In this 90 min class students will create an
canvas painting. The Instructor will guide the process          original canvas painting. The Instructor will guide the
step by step while leaving plenty of room for individual        process step by step while leaving plenty of room for
creativity. Each student will leave with an original            individual creativity. Each student will leave with an
painting!                                                       original painting!
Grades: K-5                                                     Ages:14 & up HS Students & Adults
Time: 6-7:30pm                                                  Time: 6-7:30pm
Cost: $30                                                       Cost: $30
Location: Spence Farm                                           Location: Spence Farm
Instructor: Annemarie McGarrahan                                Instructor: Annemarie McGarrahan

                                           Outside the lines – Art Camp
                                                Week 5 7/26 – 7/30
Join us for a fun-filled week creating unique art projects, playing games, and meeting some new friends! Outside the
 lines workshops will surely get your creative juices flowing. We will explore watercolor, collage, vision boards and
    tissue paper art. Your little artist will bring home masterpieces for the family! Bring a snack, lunch, water, and
                              creativity; wear clothes that you don’t mind if they get messy!
                                        Grades: 1 – 6                   Days: M - F
                                        Time: 9am – 3pm                  Cost: $265
                                   Location: TBD                    Instructor: Fun 4 All

                                              Barrie Bruce Golf School
      For more information on Dates/Times Contact the Rec Department at 781.897.5805 or visit woburnrec.com to see
                                                the full schedule

Jr. Golf School Clinic                                          Introduction to Golf
Junior Clinics are perfect for the beginning juniors and for    Our Intro to Golf program is for the new-to-the-game
those who want to develop better golf skills. Clinics           golfer with little (or no) golf experience. Basic
consist of 5 lessons, covering safety, set up, the swing,       fundamentals of the game are taught in a relaxed,
irons, woods, the short game, and golf etiquette.               stress-free clinic style setting. The program consists of
Equipment and practice balls will be provided. Jr Golfers       5 one-hour lessons, spaced one week apart. Equipment
are grouped by age range, so students will be playing in        and practice balls will be provided as needed. All you
age-related peer groups.                                        bring is “a pair of sneakers and a good attitude.”
Ages: 6—14               Cost: $154                             Ages: 15 & older            Cost: $194
Location: Billerica Country Club                                Location: Billerica Country Club
Clinics are run each week in the summer 9am–10:15am

 Register online at www.woburnrec.com                           10               Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Adaptive Recreation Programs

Adaptive sports, recreation, and social programs are offered to youth and adults with varying physical
or cognitive disabilities. The programs provide options for people with disabilities to participate in
programs and activities that are specifically designed to meet their diverse needs.

Inclusion services are also available for any individual who may have a disability and is looking to
participate in a program with support. If you have any questions about what type of program is right
for you or your family member, please do not hesitate to contact the Woburn Recreation Department.
For planning purposes we ask that if any child requires special assistance that you contact
the Recreation Department 2 weeks prior to the class so that we have ample time to provide
adequate assistance.

*Note for new participants, a few mandatory forms are required to be filled out and returned at least 2
weeks prior to the beginning of a new program.

 Movie Nights                                              Social Club
 Join us at Spence Farm for a movie night with your        In this program kids will participate in a variety of fun
 friends! We will provide snacks and drinks for            games, sports, activities, and crafts with their friends.
 everyone. You just need to bring a comfortable chair to   The group will incorporate important themes such as
 sit on!                                                   social skills, interpersonal relationships and more into
                                                           the daily fun!
 Ages: 8 & up
 Days: Wednesdays                                          Grades: Elementary & Middle School/HS
 Dates: 6/23, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/18             Days: Mondays beginning July 12th for 5 weeks *Not
 Times: 6:15– 8pm                                          held the week of Summer Fun Clinic
 Location: Spence Farm                                     Times: 1pm – 1:45pm Elementary School Aged
 Cost: $10 each night                                               2pm – 3pm Middle School & HS Aged
 Movie Schedule will be released on June 9th for the       Location: TBD
 summer.                                                   Cost: $30

 Summer Fun Clinic                                         Swimming
 Join us for our annual Summer Fun Clinic! We are not      Let’s cool off with our friends at the East Woburn Pool!
 able to run in how we have in the past due to COVID       We will be blocking off time at the pool every Tuesday
 regulations we plan on still having as much fun as        for a pool party!
 possible that week. We will plan on swimming and
 hopefully a few other local field trips.                  Grades: All
                                                           Days: Tuesdays beginning July 13th for 5 weeks *Not
 Grades: All *Must have completed Kindergarten             held the week of Summer Fun Clinic
 Days: Monday – Thursday 8/9 – 8/12                        Times: 2:30pm – 3:45pm
 Times: 10:00am – 12:30pm                                  Location: East Woburn Pool
 Location: TBD                                             Cost: $30
 Cost: $30

 We are looking to add more Adaptive Recreation Programs for the Fall. For any
   program suggestions or ideas please e-mail rlindstrom@cityofwoburn.com

  Register online at www.woburnrec.com                     11               Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Moore Soccer Academy

We are excited to bring back the Moore Soccer Academy this Summer! The Moore Soccer Academy will
focus on player’s skill work, scrimmages, mental & physical fitness. The Moore Soccer Academy caters to
every players’ soccer training needs. Whether it’s your first day stepping on to the soccer field, or if you
were kicking the ball while taking your first step. MSA’s training will unlock players’ full potential.
Location: Joyce Middle School Soccer Fields
Session I: July 19th – July 23rd
Session II: August 9th – August 13th
Times, Ages, Cost:
Ages 3 – 6: 9am – 10am               $120
Ages 7 – 10: 10:15am – 12:15pm       $205
Ages 11 – 13: 12:30pm – 2:30pm       $205
Ages 14 & up: 3:00pm – 5:00pm        $205

Registration takes place at www.woburnrec.com

Register online at www.woburnrec.com                     12              Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Tanner Pride Basketball Clinics

                                                  Tanner Pride
                                            Youth Basketball Camps
                                        Boys & Girls entering Grades 3 - 9
                                   Run by Woburn High Girls & Boys Basketball
                                         Girls Coach Stephen Sullivan &
                                            Boys Coach Tom Sullivan
Join the WMHS Boys & Girls Coaches Steve & Tom Sullivan for their annual Tanner Pride Basketball Clinic.
This program will focus on Basketball Skills & Drills plus small sided games. This program is a very popular
one so make sure you register online as soon as possible to secure your spot pre-registration will take place
at www.woburnrec.com but payment in the form of a check made payable to: Tanner Pride Basketball
Camp must be received 2 weeks prior to each camp to secure your spot.

Masks will be required at all times for players. The program is tentatively scheduled to be indoors at the
Woburn High Gymnasium. If we need to move outdoors the program will be held at the Shamrock Outdoor
Courts. The time for the program will be 9am – 12pm.

Weeks Run:
Week 1 (Monday June 28 - Thursday July 1) Boys Camp
Week 2 (Monday July 12 - Thursday July 15) Girls Camp
Week 3 (Monday July 19 - Thursday July 22) Boys Camp
Week 4 (Monday July 26 - Thursday July 29) Girls Camp
Week 5 (Monday August 2 - Thursday August 5) Combo 25 boys (1 court) and 25 girls (1 court)

                                         Girls Volleyball Clinic

We have had numerous inquiries about Girls Volleyball. The program we had set
up for the past few years has been very successful and very popular.
We are working with the HS Coach to get a summer volleyball skills & drills clinic
set up for this summer. At the time of the brochure release we are still finalizing
details but we are hopeful we will have something for this summer!
Once we have a program set up we will send out an e-mail to our distribution
list via constant contact. If you do not already receive our e-mails please feel
free to e-mail rlindstrom@cityofwoburn.com and we will add you to the list.

 Register online at www.woburnrec.com                     13              Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
Create & Learn
Virtual Programs
                                                                 Scratch Ninja - Level 1
                                                                Week 1 6/28 – 7/1 &                 Week 3 7/12 – 7/15
Scratch Ninja – Level 2            Week 4 7/19 – 7/22           This class uses Scratch, a coding platform developed
This is Part II of our coding class on Scratch. IN this         by MIT, as a tool to teach basic computer science and
class, students will continue to learn foundational             coding concepts such as loop, conditional, motion, and
computer programming concepts including variables,              sensing. Students will also work on a project in each
messaging, etc. Similar to Scratch Ninja I, we will build       session ranging from animation, games, to graphic
a project in every session ranging from animations,             design and storytelling, etc. The class employs a
games, to graphics design and storytelling, etc. Kids           variety of interesting topics to teach logical thinking and
will be challenged to be creative and solve tough               inspire creativity, so your kids are not only learning but
problems while learning the deeper computer science             also creating starting from day 1.
concepts. *Students need to have taken Scratch 1                Grades: 2 – 5                       Days: M - Th
offered by us or have at least 10 hours of Scratch              Time: 4:00 – 5:00pm                 Location: Online
coding experiences and are familiar with coding blocks          Instructor: Create & Learn          Cost: $65
including forever loop, conditional, motion and sensing.
Grades: 2 – 5                      Days: M - Th                 JR Robotics - Level 1               Week 5 7/26 – 7/29
Time: 4:00 – 5:00pm                Location: Online             The first unit of our robotics program will introduce
Instructor: Create & Learn         Cost: $65                    students to the basics of VEX Code and programming
                                                                in 3D. Students will learn how to navigate robots
                                                                through virtual worlds and complete exciting maze
Scratch Ninja - Level 3            Week 5 7/26-7/29             challenges!
Unit 3 covers the most advanced programming                     Grades: 2 – 4                      Days: M - Th
concepts that Scratch has to offer such as list/array,          Time: 1:30 – 2:30pm                Location: Online
defining your own blocks (functions), and complex               Instructor: Create & Learn         Cost: $65
interactions between different game elements. In this
Advanced Scratch class, students will design and
deliver projects on their own, spending significant time        JR Robotics - Level 2                Week 6 8/2 – 8/5
outside of class to complete projects successfully. The         In this second unit, students will practice navigating
end-to-end process includes designing games in                  robots through even more complicated virtual worlds full
response to a users' preferences, organizing the design         of obstacles by making use of sensors. Moreover,
process into multiple steps, and structuring codes in           students will learn how to make robots transport objects
efficient ways.                                                 and see how these topics are important in real-world
Grades: 2 – 5                     Days: M - Th
                                                                Grades: 2 – 4                      Days: M - Th
Time: 4:00 – 5:00pm               Location: Online
                                                                Time: 1:30 – 2:30pm                Location: Online
Instructor: Create & Learn        Cost: $65
                                                                Instructor: Create & Learn         Cost: $65

Lights & Beats with Micro:bit - Level 1
                                                                Lights & Beats with Micro:bit - Level 2
Week 3 7/12 – 7/15
Micro:Bit coding is the perfect fit if your child is interest   Week 4 7/19 – 7/22
in electronics. Or if they may want to build robots or          Micro:Bit coding is the perfect fit if your child is interest
rockets one day. This little device packs very powerful         in electronics. Or if they may want to build robots or
capabilities: LED lights, speakers, a temperature               rockets one day. This little device packs very powerful
sensor, a microphone, and even an accelerometer.                capabilities: LED lights, speakers, a temperature
Coding is done in a simulator that works just like the          sensor, a microphone, and even an accelerometer.
physical Micro:Bit. In this session learn how to control        Coding is done in a simulator that works just like the
electronic components like LED lights, speakers, and            physical Micro:Bit. In this session you will build more
sensors, while building fun games and interactive               fun games, while exploring advanced Micro:Bit features
experiments. Review foundational coding concepts                such as radio and buttons. Find out how to have two
such as loops and conditional statements, and learn             Micro:Bits message each other. Plus learn how to code
more about variables.                                           functions, and even master some cool math and
Grades: 2 – 4                       Days: M - Th                security concepts.
Time: 1:30 – 2:30pm                 Location: Online            Grades: 2 – 4                       Days: M - Th
Instructor: Create & Learn          Cost: $65                   Time: 1:30 – 2:30pm                 Location: Online
                                                                Instructor: Create & Learn          Cost: $65
 Register online at www.woburnrec.com                           14                 Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
City Pools

The Recreation Department operates outdoor swimming pools at 3 different locations during the
summer months. Due to COVID-19 the pools will be operating at a 50% capacity. Everyone must
socially distance on the pool deck. The opening date for all the facilities June 28th – August 20th (8
Weeks) (Dates are subject to change depending on Lifeguard availability).
 Pool Locations
  All locations have a handicap lift
    Cox Pool located on Green Street (in front of the Shamrock Elementary School)
          This location has a 2ft Wading pool in addition to the deep end pool
    Rocco Schelzi Pool located on Main Street (Ferullo Field next to St. Anthony’s Church)
    Golden Pool located on Central Street (Leland Park off of Washington Street)

Hours of Operation
 Currently the pools will be open at 50% capacity for this summer. We will be doing block reservations at the
pool this summer due to COVID-19 and the availability of lifeguards. For more information on the pool blocks
please visit: www.woburnrec.com . At this moment we will not be limiting the amount of times you can make a
reservation at the pool during a week. The only time we would limit would be during a heat wave so we can
make sure that we can accommodate as many people as we are allowed.

                                    Pool Pass Fees Summer 2021
  The pools are open to Woburn Residents only and you must purchase a season pool pass at the
                               Recreation Department or Online.
                                                                         Information regarding Family Pool
 Registration for Early Rate: May 1st – June 30th                                          Passes
 Family Pass (2 adults 3 children): $65 *additional child $10 (max 3 extra)
 Adult Pass: $20                                                            A Family Pass is considered 2 Adults
 Child Pass: $15                                                            & 3 Children. You may purchase
 Senior Pass: $15                                                           additional passes (up to 3) to
                                                                            accommodate additional children in
 Registration for Normal Rate: June         30th  – end of Summer your immediate family. Family passes
                                                                            are for your immediate family
 Family Pass (2 adults 3 children): $75 *additional child $10 (max 3 extra)
                                                                            members are not allowed to be split
 Adult Pass: $25                                                            between neighbors, friends, etc.
 Child Pass: $20
 Senior Pass: $15

                       Woburn Recreation Department Pool Safety Rules
     All pool rules are posted at each location and must be followed. Woburn Recreation
    Department Staff reserves the right to ask anyone to leave for failing to follow policies.
 Some important rules that we want to emphasize are:
        Swimmers under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Those under 8 must have an
         adult present inside the pool gated area. Parents are responsible for watching their children and
         making sure they follow the rules the lifeguards are there to monitor the safety of the pool.
        Smoking or use of drugs or alcohol is not permitted on the property.
        Children who are not toilet-trained will be allowed in the pool if they wear a swimsuit diaper and a
         swimsuit. Cloth or disposable diapers are not accepted.
        Persons with open cuts, sores, bandages, colds, coughs or communicable diseases are not
         permitted in the pool.
        All patrons must take a shower prior to swimming in the pool.
   Register online at www.woburnrec.com                     15              Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
                                                      Carpool Cinema
                                                       Movie Series
                                                       Summer 2021
                          @ Joyce Soccer Field Parking Lot

                Trolls World Tour-                       The War with Grandpa-
                     July 20th                                 July 27th

                  Tom & Jerry                            Raya and the last Dragon–
                   August 3rd                                  August 10th

  Cost is $20 per car and we have a max of 75 cars that we will be allowing in the parking lot.
This is limited to Woburn Residents only and you must be able to prove residency upon request.
              Social Distancing and masks will be required when not in your vehicle.
                      *Movie selections are subject to change per availability
 Register online at www.woburnrec.com            16            Recreation Office (781) 897-5805
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