Page created by Wesley Ortega

WISDOM                  PHASE

At The Centre for Women & Co., we recognise Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of this nation. We value and celebrate the uniqueness of
knowledges, histories, languages and cultures that have been created for over 60,000 years.

The Centre for Women & Co. pays respect to the Traditional Owners upon the land which we work including the
Yugambeh, Jagerra and Quadamooka people.
C E O , AT S I C H S
                       How it Started
                       When Stacey met Jody

                       I first met Jodie at a meeting and     The process that ATSICHS has           shone through and it was a pleasure
                       we instantly said to each other that   taken us on is transformational,       to witness. Thank you to Gail for
                       we should work together. We didn’t     it has given us an opportunity to      connecting with Delvene Cockatoo-
                       know what that looked like at the      genuinely listen, learn and know       Collins and keeping our authentic
                       time, we just knew we needed to        how we can be responsible for          visual connection throughout the
                       connect.                               how we work, what we individually      development of our plan aligned
                                                              bring to our workplace and how         to our values and culture. Finally,
                       Fast forward nearly 12 months and      that impacts our community.            thank you to Raymond Brunker, you
                       I am beyond grateful for Jodie’s                                              have been so kind, gracious and
                       team and how we have been able         Building relationships is              open. Your dedication, drive and
                       to work together developing this       fundamental in our work and more       ability to bring our reconciliation
                       partnership.                           importantly in our communities.        vision alive is inspiring and we all
                                                              Our team is openly committed to        thank you so much. We will always
                       The connection we have with            this plan and our vision to develop    be connected and for that I am
                       women each and every day is            a new storyline will be our priority   grateful.
                       deeply powerful and so the thought     moving forward. It’s not something
                       of The Centre for Women and            we will complete, it will evolve,      Our communities will truly be
                       Co. embarking on connecting            change, transform and deepen our       better for our connection and I
                       with Aboriginal and Torres Strait      connection to this work.               deeply believe that we are stronger
                       Islander Community Health Service                                             together.
                       (ATSICHS) and working together on      I would like to also share my deep
                       connecting and reconciliation is a     gratitude to Kiana for working         Stacey Ross, CEO, The Centre
                       privilege.                             on this and bringing together our      for Women & Co.
                                                              teams. Your passion and purpose
Our Vision for Reconciliation
Developing a new storyline

The Centre for Women and Co.’s         friendships, we are committed to
vision for reconciliation will         transforming how we think, feel and
acknowledge the rich history,          understand the diverse and rich
challenges and hopes of Aboriginal     cultures of Australia’s first peoples.
and Torres Strait Islander people by   We will be challenged. We will
journeying together in co-creating     be moved. But above all, we will
a new storyline at The Centre for      lean forward with our hearts and
Women and Co.                          reach out with our hands. For at
                                       The Centre for Women and Co.,
In developing a new storyline, the     reconciliation is as much a spiritual
CFW will help shape the future         process as it is an active process in

by understanding our past and          creating a safe and empowering
present – including understanding      service.
the intergenerational injustices                                                WE WILL BE
experienced by Aboriginal and
                                                                                CHALLENGED. WE
Torres Strait Islander peoples
                                                                                WILL BE MOVED. BUT
since colonisation, as well as the
                                                                                ABOVE ALL, WE WILL
continued strength of Aboriginal
                                                                                L E A N F O R WA R D W I T H
and Torres Strait Islander peoples
                                                                                OUR HEARTS AND
and cultures in the face of these
                                                                                REACH OUT WITH
                                                                                OUR HANDS.”

Through authentic and deep
connections and building enduring
Our Reconciliation Action Plan
A journey, not a destination

Reconciliation is a journey, not a     as a non-Indigenous agency. It is       Our Reconciliation Action Plan is a
destination. The Centre for Women      about actualising reconciliation by     journey of learning. By accepting
and Co.’s reconciliation journey       inner change, not merely by surface     truths, building understanding,
embodies this approach by focusing     change.                                 and being guided in our growth
on a learning journey that is                                                  by Aboriginal and Torres Strait
grounded in Aboriginal and Torres      The heart of our Reconciliation         Islander people and institutions,
Strait Islander concepts, values and   Action Plan is dawned from our          we will begin a new arc in our
worldviews. Our learning journey in    unwavering belief in Aboriginal         reconciliation storyline at The
reconciliation aims to be a panacea    and Torres Strait Islander self-        Centre for Women and Co.
for ongoing change, for current and    determination, akin to our
future teams, beyond the here and      organisations own core value of
now.                                   RESPECT.

To achieve this ambitious feat,        It is this focus of standing side-by-
we acknowledge the change              side and not proclaiming to be              “We are open and
                                                                                   accepting of each other
required needs to go deeper            an authority – by talking about –
                                                                                   and we talk to people,
than the standard topography           Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander       not about them. We
                                                                                   respect consumer’s
of most RAPs, often culminating        people in domestic and family
                                                                                   freedom to choose their
with a list of checklist tasks and     violence. Rather, we support self-          pathways to grow
                                                                                   and we stand side by
activities. Instead, our RAP has       determination of Aboriginal and
                                                                                   side to create a strong
been intentionally designed to         Torres Strait Islander communities          sense of belonging and
ensemble and cultivate new             and institutions to choose and lead
values, behaviours, perspectives,      their own pathways, solutions and
connections and ways of being          change.
Our RAP Stages of Learning
Wisdom, Dreaming & Achieving and Connection

The Centre for Women & Co.             Strait Islander leaders and Elders   change from the people that matter,     behaviours, and knowledge to              enable friendships to flourish.
alongside ATSICHS have taken           is the preamble to understanding,    the people we serve – consumers         further advance the empowerment           The final phase of the first
a different approach to our            acknowledging and appreciating       and community. The Plan will            of Aboriginal and Torres Strait           CFW RAP is about building
Reconciliation Action Plan. Each       difference. Once immersed,           encompass all aspects of the CFW        Islander communities we walk              friendships with Aboriginal and
year The Centre for Women and          CFW will work to listen, reflect     business, including improvement of      alongside.                                Torres Strait Islander Elders,
Co.’s Reconciliation Action Plan has   and empower change directed          our practice and safety, changing                                                 community, institutions and
                                       by Aboriginal and Torres Strait      the lived environments we work in                                                 agencies. These friendships
a different theme, interconnected                                                                                   CONNECTION P HASE
with and bloomed from the previous     Islander consumers. A community      and improving the look and feel of      (January 2023 – December                  and connections will serve
                                       development – a bottom-up            CFW.                                    2023)                                     the purpose of co-delivering
year’s growth. The learning journey
of our RAP approach is harnessed       approach – to redesigning the way                                                                                      values based cultural projects
                                                                                                                    ‘Before getting to know others,
across three distinct indigenous       CFW thinks, feels, behaves and       Dreaming & Achieving is                                                           into our agency, including
                                                                                                                    we must know ourselves’. This
worldviews and values – Wisdom,        delivers services is the aim.        drawn from the cultural belief                                                    the co-development with
                                                                                                                    mantra brings to life the reality that
Dreaming & Achieving and                                                    of Dreaming (often represented                                                    local community of a ‘Caring
Connection:                                                                                                         relationships in Aboriginal and
                                                                            as dreamtime). Dreaming is a                                                      for Country’ environmental
                                       D R EAMI NG &                                                                Torres Strait Islander communities
                                                                            timeless concept about creation.                                                  sustainability initiative.
                                       AC H I EV I NG PH A S E                                                      are built upon shared knowledge,
WI SD O M PHA S E                                                           Creation of knowledge, learning
                                       (January 2022 – December                                                     humility and connection. The
(March 2021 – December 2021)           2022)                                and understanding – the purpose
                                                                                                                    CFW have intentionally left
CFW will broaden deep personal                                              for being and the wisdom
                                       Based on the insight of lived                                                connection until after we have gone
insight into the values, behaviours                                         contained. For the CFW it is about
                                       experiences of Aboriginal and                                                through a journey of personal
and attitudes of team to own and                                            understanding the storyline of
                                       Torres Strait Islander consumers                                             insight, acknowledgment and
acknowledge our own cultural                                                CFW – how we have come to
                                       and community, a Dreaming &                                                  understanding. Having pedigree
biases and attitudes. Knowing                                               be, our purpose and the change
                                       Achieving Implementation Plan will                                           in the storyline of CFW – owning
ourselves, through deep insight                                             we need to make in actioning
                                       path the course over the next 12                                             our past, present and future
led by Aboriginal and Torres                                                reconciliation in practical means. It
                                       months detailing recommended                                                 responsibility to reconciliation – will
                                                                            is about improving our awareness,
The Centre for Women and Co.’s vision for reconciliation phase one
‘Wisdom’ is to instill values and behaviours consistent with compassion and
respect – two of our core values. To marry our values with our actions, we
will posture our work according to the following The Centre for Women and
Co.’s axiom:

Before   speaking, we will listen.
Before   seeing, we will be showed.
Before   assuming, we will acknowledge.
Before   knowing, we will understand.
Before   doing, we will empower.

The body of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wisdom has been crafted
over centuries. Wisdom is a relationship between knowledge, experience
and deep understanding. At The Centre for Women & Co., we commit to
expanding and deepening our knowledge, experience and understandings
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by walking alongside and
widening our mind and spirit to the different learnings we will be taught as
we embark on this journey.

All teams will adopt a spirit of deep reflection, ownership of their own
experiences – good and bad – and act with humility to listen, empower,
reflect and learn the wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders,
consumers and community members.
Continuing our Journey

EYES                                  MIND                                    EARS                                      HEART
o ve r si ght                         r eflect io n a n d i n q u i r i n g   li s t e n i n g                          em p ow er i ng c ha ng e
April – July 2021                     August – December 2021                  2022                                      2022 – 2023

                                                                              ABORIGINAL & TORRES                       ‘DREAMING’
RAP OVERSIGHT                         T E A M D E V E L O P M E N T:
                                                                              STRAIT ISLANDER                           I M P L E M E N TAT I O N P L A N :
                                      •   Package a learning program          CONSUMER FEEDBACK:
•   Establish CFW governance of                                                                                         •   Develop a scope ‘Dreaming
                                          of deep inquiry for all CFW
    the Reconciliation Action Plan                                                                                          & Achieving’ Implementation
                                          team to unveil our own personal     •     Conduct qualitative face-to-face
    (RAP) to actively monitor RAP                                                                                           Plan for year two of the CFW
                                          beliefs, attitudes, values                narrative feedback utilsing the
    actions, track progress and                                                                                             Reconciliation Action Plan.
                                          and biases. Understanding,                ‘Knowledge Circle’ framework
    report learnings.                                                                                                       The Plan will be added as
                                          acknowledging and owning                  to hear the perspectives of
                                                                                                                            an addendum to the CFW
                                          our own faults and assumptions            Aboriginal & Torres Strait
•   Develop RAP Oversight                                                                                                   RAP as part of the learning
                                          is the first step to learning.            Islander consumers, past and
    Committee (RAPOC) to assess                                                                                             journey approach. Based on
                                          Training will then open our               present, in what we should –
    progress against goals, actions                                                                                         the listening, acknowledging
                                          minds into understanding the              and must – improve at CFW.
    and deliverables.                                                                                                       and understanding of
                                          history, evolving changes and             The client-centred empowerment
                                                                                                                            Aboriginal and Torres Strait
•   Ensure Aboriginal and Torres          thriving cultures and strengths           approach will act as a north star
                                                                                                                            Islander consumers feedback,
    Strait Islander peoples are           of Aboriginal and Torres Strait           of navigation in implementing
                                                                                                                            the Dreaming and Achieving
    represented on RAPOC.                 Islander peoples.                         tangible reconciliation steps
                                                                                                                            Implementation Plan will outline
                                                                                    to permeate lasting change
•   Schedule four RAPOC meetings                                                                                            a course of actionable internal
                                                                                    in how we think, feel, behave
    per year to monitor and report                                                                                          change and improvements.
                                                                                    and deliver services alongside
    on RAP implementation.                                                          Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                                                                    Islander people at the CFW.
Design Jams
Exploring our team’s personal awareness

When beginning our journey to           show how we will be establishing,       our team to begin to reflect and          valuable for our team and a lot of
reconciliation, it was important to     implementing and reflecting on our      internalise on our own personal           great feedback was received. We
us as an organisation that our entire   RAP moving forward.                     biases, judgments, beliefs and            are grateful to have been able to
team was involved in the building                                               practices. It is necessary that we        facilitate these jams with ATSICHS
block stages of our Reconciliation      Raymond facilitated a fantastic         dug deep to gain this internal            and we are very thankful for the
Action Plan. It was fundamental for     session on what reconciliation is in    insight, especially before we begin       opportunity to learn from Raymond
our team to be invested in why we       the modern era, and we started to       to externalise. Raymond really            and have him share his time,
are doing this, how we are doing        delve into the history, generational    highlighted for our team that it is       knowledge and experience with
this and what role they have to play    hope and explore how we can             important that we know how to             us. Having a space to bring our
in The Centre for Women’s journey       enable empowerment alongside our        change before we worry about              team together to get involved and
to reconciliation.                      Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander   what to change.                           connect around our Reconciliation
                                        clients.                                                                          Action Plan was a truly powerful
With the support of Raymond from                                                The data collated from this survey        experience and we are looking
ATSICHS, we held three design           In the design jams we explored our      will be used to inform our next           forward to building upon what we
jams over the December 2020 and         team’s personal awareness and           steps in facilitating knowledge           have started and created within
January 2021 period with team           their knowledge gaps in relation        circles from an appreciative inquiry      these design jams.
from all The Centre for Women and       to Aboriginal and Torres Strait         model with our Aboriginal and
Co. sites.                              Islanders peoples, culture, history     Torres Strait Islander clients. We will
                                        and affairs and focused in on           continuously reflect on this survey       Kiana Caust, Integration & High
These sessions were key in              this further through an interactive     and come back to it to re-assess          Risk Team Case Manager
highlighting what reconciliation is     workforce survey.                       how we as a team are developing           and The Centre for Women and
and its importance within the work                                              and growing.                              Co.’s RAP Lead.
we do and within broader society.       The survey incorporated interactive
It was also a space to unveil to the    live polling and was conducted          The design jams were extremely
team our storyline for our RAP and      with anonymity to hold space for
Delvene Cockatoo-Collins
Artwork workshop and artwork development

Delvene Cockatoo-Collins is a          Time capsule May 2019, and
Quandamooka woman and artist           Redlands Coast Branding Strategy.
who lives and works on Minjerribah
- North Stradbroke Island,             Recurring themes across Delvene’s
operating her business ‘Minjerribah    artwork and expressions are
Art Studio and Cottage’. Based in      the stories of her family’s lived
a studio and retail store in Goompi    experiences on North Stradbroke
- Dunwich, and open to the public      Island, her responses to images
everyday, Delvene’s products and       and texts related to her family,
services include commissions,          the relationship to her great-great
public art, talks, workshops,          grandmother, through a body
licensed stationery, ceramics, small   of work, titled Six Generations,
sculptural works, and hand printed     Traditional mat making techniques,
homewares.                             and the use of clays and pigments
                                       found across Quandamooka
Recent highlights include,             including the islands and mainland
Reconciliation Action Plan Artwork     around Moreton Bay.
for the Star Entertainment Group,
‘Eugaries’ Public Art Place marker     Delvene is the designer of the Gold
for Mooloomba - Point Lookout,         Coast Commonwealth Games
Artwork for Fish Lane light boxes      2018 Prizewinners Medals,
for ‘Shared Connections’ public        Commemorative Medal, the large
art program with Blaklash Projects     inflatable Migalu, which featured
for Brisbane City Council, Ceramic     in the Opening Ceremony and the
Coolamon for the Queens Wharf          costumes for the medal presenters.
Weaving Workshop
with Delvene Cockatoo-Collins
Holding space for reflection

When we initially connected with        The twinning process felt hard          effected how we could approach
Delvene about the possibility of the    on our fingers and hands. As we         the weaving process but being in a
RAP artwork, she spoke about the        twisted the raffia, we teased the       focused, purposeful space, allowed
workshops holding a space where         length of the strand from under hour    us to take the time to explore and
the team could connect around           hands and we worked to keep it          reflect on our approach, with
some of the things we spoke about       untangled which felt smooth and         Delvene’s guidance.
during the design jams. Delvene         light.

emphasised how this kind of
creative space can be a space for       When the twine was complete we

healing and connection and how          wove it around in a spiral, using
enabling the team to be part of the     blanket stitch to connect the sides.     PA R T O F T H E
process around the composition of                                                FA C I L I TAT I O N O F
the piece can promote connection        Everyone’s twine and weave was           THIS WORKSHOP
to the final piece and Reconciliation   different. Some twine was loosely        I S F O R S TA F F T O
Action Plan going forward.              twisted with longer patterns created     TA L K T H R O U G H
                                        down the strand, movable and             THEIR PLAN. IT’S
Over a relaxed morning, sitting on      fluid. Others were, tighter, and less    ALMOST AS IF THE
beanbags and listening to music,        pliable. This effected how the spiral
                                                                                 C O N V E R S AT I O N S
Delvene guided us in using raffia       took shape and how the stitches
                                                                                 REMAIN WOVEN AND
strands to twine and weave pieces       became part of the piece.
                                                                                 EMBEDDED IN THE
to contribute to part of the final
artwork.                                Our approach and method from
                                        the beginning of the process,            - Delvene Cockatoo-Collins
(07) 3050 3060
      www.cen tr efor w om en . or g. a u

             H Q / H E R S PA C E :
12/126-130 Compton Road Underwood Qld 4119

               Logan Central
          Cleveland - Redland Bay

    IN STAGRA M: @thecentreforwomen.co
    FAC EBOOK : @CentreForWomenandCo
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