Winner of 48 National Awards of Excellence! - Page 4 - Ask the Editor Q&A n Page 6 - Technology Resources for Older Adults - Area Agency on ...

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Winner of 48 National Awards of Excellence! - Page 4 - Ask the Editor Q&A n Page 6 - Technology Resources for Older Adults - Area Agency on ...
Winner of   48
      National Awards
       of Excellence!

Page 4 – Ask the Editor Q&A n Page 6 – Technology Resources for Older Adults
   Page 8 – Veterans Health & Resource Fair n Page 16 & 17 – Game Pages
Winner of 48 National Awards of Excellence! - Page 4 - Ask the Editor Q&A n Page 6 - Technology Resources for Older Adults - Area Agency on ...
PAGE                                                          PAGE                                                             PAGE
                                                 05                                                           10                                                                12
SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                                n   WHAT’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE
04 Ask the Editor Q&A              07 Happy Birthday, Medicare!             12 Senior Perspectives Recipes    18 Plantar Fasciitis - Has it Slowed        21 Social Security Q&A
   by Michelle Fields                 by Vonda VanTil                                                            You Down?                                   by Vonda VanTil
                                                                            13 Food and Brain Health
                                                                                                                 by Dr. Tyler Claveau
05 Try to Remember                 08 Veterans’ Health and                     by Elizabeth Carlson                                                       22 Understanding the Money
   by Gil Boersma                     Resource Fair                                                           19 The Letter                                  Maze for Older Adults
                                                                            14 Family Fun in Grand Rapids
                                      by Charlie Batizy                                                          by Dave Kampfschulte                        by Elizabeth Zeldes
06 Technology Resources
                                                                            15 Let’s Try This with Michelle
   for Older Adults                09 Wise Sayings                                                            20 Sometimes It’s Less
   by Emily Armstrong                 by Clif Martin                        16 Game Page                         Expensive to Hire a Pro
                                   10 A Tale of Two Gretchens                                                    by Laura Kelso
                                      by Cindy Hogg

       EDITOR & PUBLISHER                              WRITERS                             MEMBER OF                   Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan
            Michelle Fields                            Emily Armstrong                                                                Information & Assistance
                                                       Charlie Batizy
                                                       Gil Boersma
                                                                                                                          (616) 456-5664 or (888) 456-5664
                                                       Elizabeth Carlson                                          | (fax) (616) 456-5692
                                                       Dr. Tyler Claveau                   MEMBER OF
            Jay Newmarch
             CRE8 Design                               Michelle Fields                                                                            Mission:                         Cindy Hogg                                                        Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan’s mission
             269-345-8845                              Dave Kampfschulte                                                is to provide older persons and persons with a disability
                                                                                                                         an array of services designed to promote independence
                                                       Laura Kelso
           COPY EDITOR                                                                                                      and dignity in their homes and their communities.
                                                       Clif Martin
           Bonnie Borgeson
                                                       Cathy Thibdaue
                                                       Vonda VanTil                                                        ADVERTISE in upcoming Senior Perspectives
                                                                                                                           publications by contacting:
                                                       Elizabeth Zeldes
                                                                                                                             Michelle Fields
                                                                                                                             Editor and Publisher of Senior Perspectives
                                                                                                                             (231) 733-3523 or toll free 1-800-442-0054

                                                                                                                      No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced
         ON THE COVER:                                                                                                           without written permission from the publisher.
          Glenn Rutgers
Glenn                            Senior Perspectives Newspapers have                                      won 48 National Awards for Media Excellence!                            Like us on Facebook!
SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY                                                            2                                                       SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
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Jackie O’Connor,
                                         Executive Director

              BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                    EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
  Bill Routley                        Chair
  Marilyn Burns                       Vice Chair
  Carol Hennessy                      Treasurer
  Richard Karns                       Secretary
  Cynthia LaBelle                     Member-at-Large
  Robert Sundholm                     Advisory Council Chair

  Richard Cain                        Allegan Elected Official
  Stuart Peet                         Allegan Consumer
  David Hodges                        Ionia Elected Official
  Dennis Sitzer                       Ionia Consumer
  Carol Hennessy                      Kent Elected Official
  Nancy Nielsen                       Kent Consumer
  Betty Dermyer                       Lake Elected Official
  Marilyn Burns                       Lake Consumer
  Ron Bacon                           Mason Elected Official
  Kim Halladay                        Mason Consumer
  Bill Routley                        Mecosta Elected Official
  Sharon Bongard                      Mecosta Consumer
  Michael Beach                       Montcalm Elected Official
  Linda Weger                         Montcalm Consumer
  Kenneth DeLaat                      Newaygo Elected Official
  Cindy LaBelle                       Newaygo Consumer                Sponsored by                                     Page # where you found
  Richard Karns                       Osceola Consumer                                                                 the fall coffee drink
  Milinda Ysasi                       Grand Rapids Elected Official
  Jane DeVries

  Thomas Peelle
                                      Grand Rapids Consumer

                    AAAWM ADVISORY COUNCIL
                                      Allegan County
                                                                      I Spy                                  Name __________________________________
                                                                                                             Address ________________________________
                                                                                                             City ____________________________________
  Natalie Van Houten                  Allegan County                                                         State _______________ Zip ________________
  Norma Kilpatrick                    Ionia County                    It’s easy!
  Kenneth Thompson                    Ionia County                                                                      Phone ______________________
  Harold Mast                         Kent County
                                                                      Simply find this fall
  Nellie Blue                         Lake County                     coffee drink in this edition.
  Robert Sundholm                     Mason County                    List where you spotted it, clip
  James Thomas                        Mason County                    and return this form for the
  Mary Bechaz                         Mecosta County
  Jerrilynn Strong                    Mecosta County
                                                                      chance to win a $20.00 gift card
  Tim Reno                            Montcalm County                 to Meijer!
  Ben Witbrodt                        Montcalm County
  Helen Taube                         Newaygo County
  Barbara Hazlett
  Mary Lou Proefrock
                                      Osceola County
                                      Osceola County
                                                                        Return to: Senior Perspectives, I Spy, 560 Seminole Rd., Muskegon, MI 49444
  Priscilla Kimboko Ph.D.             Grand Valley State University
  Martha Burkett                      Kent County Veterans Services          JULY/AUGUST WINNER: MIKE BEATTY OF KENTWOOD
                                                                                Uncle Sam was found in the All Aboard story on page 10.

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Winner of 48 National Awards of Excellence! - Page 4 - Ask the Editor Q&A n Page 6 - Technology Resources for Older Adults - Area Agency on ...
Ask the
                                                                                   Question: I’m a snowbird and go to Florida in the winter.
                                                                                   Is there a way to view Senior Perspectives on-line?

                                                                                   Answer: Yes. You can view current and past issues of Senior Perspectives

Editor Q&A
                                                                                   on-line on their Area Agency on Aging websites.
                                                                                   • Senior Perspectives Lakeshore at
                                                                                   • Senior Perspectives of Kent County at

                   As the Editor of West Michigan’s                                                         Question: Where can I pick up a
                   largest mature newspapers,                                                               copy of Senior Perspectives?
                   I thought it might be informa-
                                                                                                              Answer: Our distribution sites include senior cen-
                   tive to share a few of the most
                                                                                                              ters, libraries, pharmacies, specialty stores, private
                   frequently asked questions that
                                                                                                              apartments, independent living facilities, skilled
                   I receive from our readers.
                                                                                                              nursing facilities, beauty salons, financial institu-
                                                                                                              tions, hospitals, DME providers, Senior Neighbors
BY                 Question: I just picked up my first copy of Senior
MICHELLE                                                                                                      locations, adult day centers, assisted living facili-
                   Perspectives Lakeshore. How often is it printed?
FIELDS                                                                                                        ties, physician’s offices, dentist’s offices, therapy
                      Answer: Senior Perspectives Lakeshore and Senior                                        centers, non-profit organizations, legal offices,
Perspectives of Kent County newspapers are free,                                                              churches, and grocery stores throughout Ottawa,
bi-monthly publications brought to you by Senior Re-                                                          Muskegon, Kent and Oceana counties. If you
sources of West Michigan, an Area Agency on Aging. In                                                         need help finding a location, shoot me an e-mail at
2018, Senior Resources launched a second publication,                                                with
Senior Perspectives of Kent County partnering with the                                                        your name and address, and I’ll send you the clos-
Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan in Grand                                  est distribution site. If you know of a location that would like to offer Senior
Rapids. As stand-alone publications, both feature local                            Perspectives newspapers, please let me know this as well and I can get them
writers, interest articles, programing and local events.                           on our distribution route.
Both publications are printed in January, March, May,
July, September, and November.                                                     Question: How can Senior Perspectives newspaper be FREE?
                                                                                   What’s the catch?
Question: I noticed on the cover that
you’ve won awards. What were they for?                                                                      Answer: There’s no catch. Senior Perspectives news-
                                                                                                            papers will always be a FREE publication to our
Answer: Yes, the staff, photographer and volunteer                                                          readers, thanks in part to our amazing advertisers
writers at Senior Perspectives have won 48 national                                                         and Senior Resources of West Michigan. But I also
awards over the past years. These were received from;                                                       want to mention our incredible volunteers. These
                                                                                                            include our talented volunteer writers, photogra-
                                  North American Mature Publishers                                          pher Glenn Rutgers and my go-to copy editor Bon-
                                  Association – NAMPA                                                       nie Borgeson. Without their amazing talents, Senior
                                  Senior Perspectives is a member of NAMPA.                                 Perspectives wouldn’t be the same.
                                  Senior Perspectives writers and staff have
                                  received 41 National                                                    Michelle Fields is the Editor & Publisher of Senior
                                  Awards in Excellence.                                                   Perspectives Lakeshore and Senior Perspectives of
                                                                                                          Kent County. Michelle has been a part of Senior
                                                                                                          Resources of West Michigan since 2009. She enjoys
National Mature                                                                                           gardening, fishing with husband Mike & their pup
Media --                                                                           Tigo and spending time with her family. Michelle can be reached at Mi-
Senior Perspectives                                                      
Newspapers have                                                                    ____________________________________________________________
received a total of                                                                  If you have a question, you can submit them to
7 awards from the
Annual National Mature Media Awards held annually
in Chicago.                                                                          If you would like to advertise in Senior Perspectives,
                                                                                     please contact Michelle at 231.733.3523

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY                                              4                                          SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
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that once there was a
                  Soul Food                                                                                                                         creator, after which came
                                                                                                                                                    the redeemer and now,

                  Try to Remember
                                                                                                                                                   we have the sustainer
                                                                                                                                                   to nurture, sustain, and
                                                                                                                                                   heal our lives, not just
                                                                                                                                                   to be blessed, but to be a
 BY                                                                                                                                                blessing to others. There
 GIL BOERSMA,       In his song “Try to Remember,”       Do you wish someone, or
                                                                                                                                                   are lots of needs to serve
 M.DIV., B.C.C.     Josh Groban captures a theme of      something, would surprise
                                                                                                                                                   right where we live. So
                    reaching the maturity that often     you, so life would become
                                                                                                                                                   let us seek good health so
helps a young man or woman find another human            an adventure like it used
                                                                                                                                                   we can be good servants,
soul who seems to fulfill a dream or desire for a        to be?
                                                                                                                                                   and let God have all the
relationship, one that brings deeper meaning than
                                                         Historically, individuals                                                                 glory. And don’t worry,
can be found alone. However, in our lives there are
                                                         and families moved to                                                                     he’s got this!
also adventures and dreams that can come true for an
                                                         where new job opportu-
individual, that deepen one’s understanding of how                                                                                                    Rev. Gilbert Boersma, BBA,
                                                         nities had been created,
work or one’s chosen education can give an individ-
                                                         or when overwhelming                                                                         MDIV, is an Elder in the
ual a value beyond money and status. The meaning
                                                         climate changes like the                                                                     United Methodist Church,
and symbolism of October is prosperity. The changing
                                                         Dust Bowl forced individuals and families to set off to   and a Retired-Board-Certified chaplain. His wife Sara is re-
of the tree leaves to an abundance of color does not
                                                         find a better life, bringing courage to strike out with   tired from Muskegon Community Mental Health and offers
discourage us but rather inspires us to enjoy creation
                                                         hope and faith.                                           counseling privately, part-time. Their two sons, one daugh-
and be thankful for all of our blessings.
                                                         As a senior, one might think it’s too late to be adven-   ter-in-law and four grandchildren also live in Muskegon. Gil
How is your life going? Have you fulfilled your hopes
                                                         turous, that life is what you made of it, and now you     offers “spiritual direction” for those who have interest You
and dreams? Or are you struggling to find fulfillment
                                                         just have to make the best of it because you are not      may contact him by email:
like you used to find easily when you were younger?
                                                         young anymore. However, I say our faith informs us

SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                                             5                                       SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY
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                                                                                              are taught by their peers, retired     entities to bring low-cost internet
                                                                                              educators. In addition to classes      options to older adults nationwide.
                                                                                              on how to use certain technol-         Call for support: 877-745-1930
                                                                                              ogy, GetSetUp also offers interest
                                                                                                                                     Ideas to Maintain Connection

        Resources for
                                                                                              groups and social hours for older
                                                                                              adults.       If you are caring for a loved one/
                                                                                              partner/michigan                       checking in on them regularly and
                                                                                                                                     running out of ideas for connection,

        Older Adults
                                                                                                                                     our “boredom buster” ideas could
                                                                                                                                     be a good fit. We’ve put together a
                                                                                                                                     list on our website www.aaawm.
                                                                                                                                     org with fun activities you can
                                                                                                                                     safely do from home while social
                              If we’ve learned   Signs of Isolation Assessment                                                       distancing. This list is broken down
                              anything this      The AARP Foundation offers a free                                                   into two categories: ideas for those
                              past year of       Connect 2 Affect online assessment                                                  using “online/technology” and
                              the pandemic       to measure social isolation. This                                                   ideas for those without, so there is a
                              it is that con-    can be taken by or on behalf of an                                                  little something for everyone!
                              nection with       individual. It involves a series of 10
                              others is key to   questions and offers resources de-                                                  Emotional Support for Older
                              our wellbeing.     pending on the answers provided.                                                    Adults and Their Family
                              According to       Visit                                                        Caregivers
         ARMSTRONG            the University                                                  Older Adults Technology
                                                                                                                                     Michigan StayWell Counseling
                              of Michigan’s      Making IT Easier Video Series                Services (OATS) and Senior             is available for those who are
        National Poll on Healthy Aging*, in      At the Area Agency on Aging                  Planet                                 feeling overwhelmed. If you are
        June of 2020 more than half (56%)        of Western Michigan we recog-                Senior Planet is their flagship        experiencing emotional distress
        of older adults reported feeling iso-    nized the need for older adults to           program, providing courses,            in the context of COVID-19, call
        lated from others, compared to just      use technology. The “Making IT               programs, and activities to help       the COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-
        27% in 2018. The way we go about         Easier” video series was designed            seniors learn new skills, save         535-6136 and press “8” to talk to a
        engaging with others has certainly       to teach older adults how to use             money, get in shape, and make          Michigan Stay Well counselor at no
        changed due to the pandemic,             technology to enhance their lives.           new friends. You sign up for their     cost. The Area Agency on Aging of
        which could have contributed to          You can check out these videos               newsletter and participate in online   Western Michigan is also offering a
        the increase in social isolation as      on our website, including lessons            offerings at https://seniorplanet.     Family Caregiver Support Group
        well. Gone are the group meals,          on how to use Facetime, ordering             org/                                   that meets once a week on Tuesday
        in-person outings with friends, and      grocery delivery via Shipt, getting                                                 mornings via Zoom. You can learn
        trips. Instead there has been a large    a ride with Lyft, and more. www.             AGING Connected                        more at
        emphasis on taking these social                               In this OATS and AARP partner-
        interactions online. This can prove                                                                                          *
                                                                                              ship, their most important finding
        to be a bit of a barrier for older       GetSetUp Michigan                                                                   Emily Armstrong is the Public Rela-
                                                                                              is the enormous number of Ameri-       tions and Communications Specialist
        adults, and understandably so, as        The Michigan Department of                   can seniors – an estimated 21.8 mil-   at AAAWM. She enjoys exploring
        there are many websites, devices,        Health and Human Services                    lion – who still do not have broad-    Michigan with her husband and their
        and applications to navigate when        partnered with GetSetUp, a digital           band access to the internet. They      labradoodle, Moose. On the weekends
        trying to use technology. We’ve put      education platform for older                 recognize the need for internet        you can usually find her cheering on
        together a list of some of the top       adults, to offer 150+ technology             access across the US and sought to     the Spartans, camping, practicing
        resources that can help.                 and enrichment classes. What                 partner with telecommunications        photography, or reading.
                                                 is unique is that these classes              companies, nonprofits, and public

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY                                                         6                                                    SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
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Happy Birthday, Medicare!
This past July marked the 56th anniversary of Medicare.    with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs. To
Did you know you can apply for Medicare online even        qualify for Extra Help, a person must be receiving Medi-   • Which doctors, health care providers, and suppliers
                   if you are not ready to start your      care, have limited resources and income, and reside in       participate in Medicare?
                   retirement benefits? Applying online    one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia. Read       help-resources/find-compare-doctors-hospitals-other-
                   can take less than 10 minutes. There    our publication Understanding the Extra Help With Your       providers
                   are no forms to sign and we usually     Medicare Prescription Drug Plan for more information at
                                                                                                                      • Where can I find out more about a Medicare prescrip-
                   require no additional documentation.
                                                                                                                        tion drug plan (Part D) and enroll? www.medicare.
                   We’ll process your application and
                                                           The official Medicare website at offers         gov/drug-coverage-part-d/how-to-get-prescription-
                   contact you if we need more infor-
                                                           many online services where you can find answers to           drug-coverage
                                                           these questions:
BY                                                                                                                    • Where can I find a Medicare Supplement Insurance
VONDA               Knowing when to apply for Medi-
                                                           • What does Medicare cover?                (Medigap) policy in my area?
VANTIL              care is very important. You have a
                                                             what-medicare-covers                                       medigap-supplemental-insurance-plans
                    limited initial enrollment period to
apply. If you miss the initial enrollment period, you      • Where do I find forms for filing a Medicare appeal?      Please share these helpful resources with friends and
may have to pay a higher monthly premium. If you’re           family today.
eligible for Medicare at age 65, your initial enrollment     an-appeal
                                                                                                                      Vonda Van Til is the Public Affairs Specialist for West Michi-
period begins three months before your 65th birthday       • How can I let someone speak with Medicare on my          gan. You can write her c/o Social Security Administration,
and ends three months after that birthday. Visit www.        behalf?         3045 Knapp NE, Grand Rapids MI 49525 or via email at to apply for Medicare and          appeal/can-someone-file-an-appeal-for-me       
find other important information.
                                                           • What do Medicare health and prescription drug plans
Some Medicare beneficiaries may qualify for Extra Help       in my area cost, and what services do they offer?

                                                                                                                                                                                 FREE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                                 FREE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                                 FREE INFORMATION
                                                                                                FREE INFORMATION        FREE INFORMATION             FREE INFORMATION

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Veterans’ Health and Resource Fair
Benefits for Veterans and Their Families
Abraham Lincoln’s immortal words be-                                                                                                       be available to discuss information on
came the VA motto in 1959, “… to care                                                                                                      available programs and assistance.
for him who shall have borne the battle
                                                                                                                                           We are encouraging veterans and fam-
and for his widow, and his orphan.”
                                                                                                                                           ily members to bring their discharge
The use of Lincoln’s words as the VA
                                                                                                                                           papers to this event (form DD-214). If
motto can be traced to Sumner G. Whit-
                                                                                                                                           you cannot find your discharge papers,
                  tier, administrator of
                                                                                                                                           we can help you get a copy. If anyone
                  what was then called
                                                                                                                                           wants to find lost medals or person-
                  the Veterans Admin-
                                                                                                                                           nel files, we can help you obtain these
                  istration, who had
                                                                                                                                           as well; this could include medals and
                  plaques with these
                                                                                                                                           files of veterans who served in the two
                  words installed at the
                                                                                                                                           World Wars.
                                                                                                                                           Please call Charlie Batizy at (616) 218-
BY                  The Vietnam War
                                                                                                                                           5635 for an event update, or if you are
CHARLIE             ended on May 7,
BATIZY                                                                                                                                     unable to attend. I will help you connect
                    1975. As the brother
                                                                                                                                           to the appropriate organization to meet
                    of a veteran with a
                                                                                                                                           your needs.
100% disability, I know his fight will
never end. Fortunately, a grateful nation                                                                                                  * › opa › publica-
recognized his sacrifice. However, many                                                                                                    tions › celebrate › vamotto
veterans are unaware of their earned
                                                                                                                                           Csanad (Charlie) Batizy, a Western Michigan
benefits and how the benefits can help
                                              The Michigan Armory at 1200 44th                help your friend sign up.                    University MBA graduate, has been conduct-
their loved ones. Many are suffering
                                                                                                                                           ing briefings through various Veteran service
from wounds seen and unseen, includ-          Street SW, Wyoming and veteran ser-
                                                                                              The Veteran’s Health and Resource Fair       organizations, such as the American Legion,
ing PTSD and illnesses related to Agent       vice organizations are hosting the third
                                                                                              is for all veterans, not just for veterans   VFW, and AMvets in their Veteran Initiative
Orange. Spouses of injured or diseased        annual Veterans’ Health and Resource
                                                                                              who were in theatre. The Veterans’ Af-       Programs, for nearly a decade. He works as
veterans may be eligible for benefits also.   Fair on Saturday, November 13, 2021,
                                                                                              fairs staff will be present to discuss the   an extension of Advocate Health Advisors,
                                              for veterans, family members, and               benefits for all veterans. Members of the
Americans have been involved in Gulf                                                                                                       a Veteran owned and operated organization.
                                              supporters. Veterans are encouraged to          American Legion, VFW, AmVet, Order
Wars since August 2, 1990, yet many                                                                                                        Charlie Batizy can be contacted at cbatizy@
veterans know almost nothing about            bring their discharge papers to the event       of the Purple Heart, the Michigan Vet- or at (616) 218-5635.
Gulf War Syndrome. We can discuss this        to be signed up for the VA. If you are a        eran Service Agency, and other veteran
as well.                                      friend of a veteran, please come to             not-for-profit organizations will also

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY                                                         8                                                     SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
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Martin’s Meanderings

      Wise Sayings
                             At age 91.5, I should probably be saying some
                             wise things to our younger generations. So,
                             here are a few gems I’ve heard along the way.
                             Some are fresh out of the oven and others are
                             only half baked.

                             • Women take things pretty seriously. Men do
                             not take things seriously enough. Women and
       CLIF                  men are basically incompatible.
                           • What a strange feeling when you watch your
                           adult offspring go through the same parent-
      ing traumas, tragedies and triumphs that you lived with when they
      were young. You can laugh, cry, remember or try to forget. Or just
      pray a lot.

      • It gets easier to deal with apparent paradoxes. Two ideas that seem
      to totally contradict each other. I love the old gospel song, “His eye is
      on the Sparrow and I know He watches me.” At the same time, I am
      not all that important in the grand scheme of things and the world                                 FREE INFORMATION     FREE INFORMATION      FREE INFORMATION
      will get along quite well without me. I don’t find a big paradox there.
                                                                                      FREE INFORMATION
      • Everything matters when you are young. There are things you
      must take seriously to live a productive life. When you get way up
                                                                                                          Mail Us for FREE Information
      in years you remember the often-quoted line, “Ultimately, nothing                                   For free materials on local housing opportunities,
      matters.” Supposedly those words were first spoken to the dying                                        contact us! Let us know who you would like
      President Woodrow Wilson by an unnamed aide. Whoever said it,                                        to hear from and we’ll provide your information
      it’s an interesting idea to think about.                                                                           to those advertisers.
      The word “legend” is tossed around pretty
                                                                                                            o Mission Point, Pg 5          o Pilgrim Manor, Pg 17
                                                                                      FREE INFORMATION

      loosely. I am a 91-year-old legend from
      writing in this publication for 20 years                                                              o Grand Brook, Pg 7            o Clark Retirement/
      and flapping my lips on the radio for                                                                 o Samaritas, Pg 11               Keller Lake, Pg 24
      almost 50. Anybody can be a legend.
      It’s easy. Just be old or dead.
                                                                                                            o Beacon Hill, Pg 15

      If you have nothing better to                                                                      Name ________________________________________________
      do, stay tuned for more Mar-
                                                                                                         Address ______________________________________________
                                                                                      FREE INFORMATION

      tin Meanderings and further
      philosophical foolishness.
                                                                                                         City ______________________ State ________ Zip ___________
      You can find Clif on                                                                               Phone _________________ Email__________________________
      Facebook as Clif
      Walter Martin.                                                                                     Please mail form to: Senior Resources, Attn: Community Living,
                                                                                                         560 Seminole Rd., Muskegon, MI 49444

SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                                          9                                                 SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY
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A Tale of Two Gretchens
                                                “Silver Linings” from the Pandemic
                                                  Everyone in Michi-           passed away a few parks short of the        Two granddaughters, ages 5 and 9, had
                                                  gan knows the                total, but she and her owner hit the        fun feeding the ducks, and the older
                                                  first Gretchen, our          majority of the parks, creating many        one climbed a tree – exactly what I
                                                  governor Gretchen            happy memories along the way.               would have done at her age!
                                BY                Whitmer. She’s not
                                CINDY                                          I was impressed by the dog’s age and        On our next visit, we checked out the
                                HOGG              always popular, but
                                                                               spirit, but I was just as impressed by      nicely landscaped playgrounds then
                                                  I don’t envy anyone
                                                                               the fact that our small city has twelve     headed back along the lake where,
                               in a leadership role who has had to
                                                                               parks. Who knew? I certainly didn’t!        quite by happenstance, we discovered
                               deal with the challenges and ever-
                                                                               So in the spirit of Natalie and her late,   a monarch caterpillar on a milkweed
                               changing landscape of this pandemic.
                                                                               great hound dog, I decided to explore       plant. Fortunately, I had a “critter cage”
                               The result of Gov. Whitmer’s restric-           local parks – only with some of my          in my car so we brought the little guy
                               tions, along with the recommendations           local grandchildren in tow instead of a     home with us. Sharing him with the
                               of other health officials, was to send          dog. I also decided I would start with      other local grandkids, we enjoyed ob-
                               us outdoors as much as possible – out           the ones within a 5-mile radius of my       serving the entire cycle from caterpillar
                               into the fresh air and sunshine and             house.                                      to chrysalis to Monarch butterfly!
                               wide-open spaces – but closer to home,
                                                                               First on the list was Heritage Park,        On our third visit, we returned him
                               rather than traveling far afield.
                                                                               which is technically not in Wyoming         to his original spot by the lake. With
                               During this time, I ran across the story        but just across the line in Grandville.     a little encouragement, he finally left
                               of a second Gretchen: a 19-year-old             Still, it’s only 5.3 miles from my house    the butterfly cage. We watched him
                               beagle who lives in our community. Or,          and just up the road from two of my         dip and swoop over the lake – and
                               I should say, lived. Nineteen is pretty         grandchildren, so it seemed like a good     then return to us! He landed on a
                               old for a beagle – or any dog – but this        starting point.                             nearby bush, enabling the girls to say
                               intrepid canine and her owner, Natalie,                                                     good-bye to him. We learned from our
                                                                               Previously, I simply had no idea this
                               decided to visit all twelve of the parks                                                    research that early summer Monarchs
                                                                               park existed…and it’s vast and beauti-
                               in our city of Wyoming, Michigan,                                                           live for only eight weeks but that late
                                                                               ful! There’s even a lake in the middle.
                               during the pandemic. Sadly, Gretchen                                                        summer monarchs – like this one –

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY                                         10                                                   SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
live for eight months and migrate all
the way to Mexico. Bon voyage, little
friend. Safe travels!

What a fun adventure for my grand-
children, all because we spent time at
this hidden gem of a park within just
five miles of my house. I am still con-
founded that I never knew this park
existed when it is so close to where
I live. That’s been the silver lining of
this pandemic – discovering treasures
closer to home.

Even more surprising was next visiting
                                            afternoon, my seven-year-old grand-
a park less than a mile from my house!
                                            daughter and I decided to bike there.
I did know this one existed because,
                                            What a wonderful discovery: a long,
just up the road from our neighbor-
                                            lovely trail along streams and a series
hood, I had passed the sign for “Buck
                                            of small ponds, ending at yet another
Creek Nature Trail” dozens of times.
                                            local park (Lemery Park), with a lovely
But from the road, only a parking lot
                                            playground. On the way back, we
along a tree line was visible. It just
                                            explored stream banks, finding deer
didn’t look that intriguing. Tired of be-
                                            prints in the mud, and tossed twigs
ing cooped up, however, and lured by
                                            into the water to watch them float
an unusually warm early November

                                            Simple pleasures. Simply perfect after-

                                            So, what’s within five miles of your

                                            What hidden local treasures did you
                                            discover during this pandemic?

                                            Cynthia Hogg, LBSW, is the Care Coun-
                                            selor for the Alzheimer’s Association’s
                                            Dementia Support Program. She is a
                                            freelance writer whose passion is travel,
                                            especially with her grandchildren. She
                                            is the founder of the blog skipgentravel-

SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                                                11   SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY
                                                                                                                                    Cooking Corner

                          AAAWM Eats
  Save the Herbs!                                       olive oil will turn a creamy yellow color after
  Fresh herbs are a great way to add flavor in       6. Save cubes for later and enjoy in your
  your favorite dish, but can be hard to come           favorite dishes in the winter! The cubes               Homemade Broccoli and Cheddar Soup
  by in cooler seasons. Whether you grow your           can be stored in the ice cube tray for 2-3
  own herbs at home or tend to have extra that          months if covered by plastic wrap, or they         4 tablespoons butter                                  Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer mixture
  aren’t being used, this recipe is an easy fix to      can be stored in a plastic or reusable freezer     1 small onion diced                                   until thickened, about 10 minutes. Add broccoli,
  help save your herbs for later use in soups,          safe bag for 3-6 months.                           3 tablespoons flour                                   carrot. Simmer until vegetables are tender yet
  salad dressings, scrambled eggs, or any skillet                                                                                                                crisp, about 20 minutes.
                                                     Tips for freezing garlic:                             ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  dishes.                                            • If making cubes of just garlic, add desired                                                               Reduce heat to low. Add Cheddar cheese to
                                                                                                           1 clove garlic
  Herbs of your choice.                              amount of minced garlic and fill with oil until                                                             soup and cook, stirring occasionally, until cheese
                                                                                                           1 cup half-and-half
  • Examples include: spinach, mint, parsley,        the cube is half full, otherwise you may have                                                               melts, about 5 minutes
    basil, oregano, chives, garlic and more.                                                               2 cups chicken broth
                                                     too much oil when using it in a recipe.
                                                                                                           2 cups coarsely chopped broccoli florets              Cathay is the Network Manager, Certified
  Ice cube trays.                                    • You can combine garlic and spinach or garlic
                                                                                                           1 carrot, chopped                                     HIPAA Security Professional, Certified
  • Silicone trays work best for removing the        and other herbs together in an ice cube for
                                                                                                                                                                 Medical Practice Security Professional,
    cubes but regular trays also work                more flavor!                                          2 cups shredded mild or sharp Cheddar cheese
                                                                                                                                                                 Certified PCI-DSS Security Compliance
  Olive oil                                          Elizabeth Carlson is a Clinical Dietetics             Salt and ground black pepper to taste                 Professional, Certified Healthcare
  Plastic wrap                                       graduate student at Grand Valley State                                                                      Cybersecurity Professional, and has a
                                                                                                           Melt butter in a large pot over medium-high
  1. Wash herbs and let dry completely.              University. She received her Bachelor’s degree        heat; add garlic and onion and sauté until tender,    Certificate of Leadership in Healthcare
  2. Mince herbs with a sharp knife.                 in Clinical Exercise Science and hopes to work        about 3 to 4 minutes. Whisk in flour, nutmeg and      Management Proficiency at Senior
  3. Fill the ice cube tray with 2/3 herbs and 1/3   as a Registered Dietitian in the near future. In      continue to stir until mixture turns golden brown,    Resources of West Michigan. She also
     olive oil.                                      her free time, Elizabeth loves to spend time          about 5 minutes. Slowly add half-and-half to          enjoys boating, fishing, and spending
  4. Cover the ice cube tray with plastic wrap       outside with her dogs, playing volleyball with        garlic and onion mixture, stirring until mixture is   time with her family.
     or a lid.                                       friends or hiking with her boyfriend.                 smooth. Add chicken broth; season with salt and
  5. Freeze cubes for 24 hours or until solid. The                                                         ground black pepper.

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY                                                                         12                                                                SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
Food and Brain Health
BY                   As the body ages,                                                                                                       It’s important to note that the foods in the
ELIZABETH            it becomes increas-                                                                                                     “What to Limit” list are just that -- limited
                     ingly important to                                                                                                      but not completely eliminated. When we
                     protect both mental                                                                                                     tell ourselves we can never eat a food,
and physical wellness. Although diet is                                                                                                      it often backfires and makes us want it
commonly associated with the latter, there                                                                                                   more. So, if you have a steak, enjoy it, and
is strong research suggesting a correlation                                                                                                  try to pair it with a salad or berries.
between food choice and cognitive func-
                                                                                                                                             During the fall and winter months, eating
tion. Brain health and related disorders
                                                                                                                                             enough berries and leafy greens may
such as dementia have been studied to
                                                                                                                                             require more creativity. Planning meals
respond to the presence or lack of certain
                                                                                                                                             ahead of time or finding unique ways to
foods such as omega-3 fatty acids, leafy
                                                                                                                                             incorporate these foods into your routine
vegetables and nuts.
                                                                                                                                             will help to ensure that you are protecting
In 2015, the Mediterranean-DASH In-                                                                                                          your brain health. Smoothies, yogurt and
tervention for Neurodegenerative Delay                                                                                                       oatmeal all pair well with berries, while
(MIND) diet was created as a compilation                                                                                                     omelets, wraps, and soups are a great
of food guidelines to support healthy                                                                                                        place to introduce more leafy vegetables.
brain function and reduce the risk of                                                                                                        The “AAAWM Eats” recipe in this issue
chronic cognitive disease.                                                                                                                   shows another way to get greens such
Two staples of the MIND diet are green,                                                                                                      as spinach in your diet over the fall and
leafy vegetables and berries. Kale, spin-                                                                                                    winter. As you are focusing on these food
ach, broccoli and collard greens are rich     Here are some foods to focus on and              What to Limit                                 groups, remember that a salad a day may
in nutrients such as lutein, vitamin K,       foods to decrease when following the                                                           help keep dementia away.
folate and beta carotene. These nutrients     MIND eating plan:                                o Red meat: Less than 4 servings per
                                                                                                                                             Elizabeth Carlson is a Clinical Dietetics
have been shown to protect the brain                                                           week
against cognitive decline and diseases like   What to Eat                                      o Cheese: Less than 1 serving per week
                                                                                                                                             graduate student at Grand Valley State Uni-
Alzheimer’s. Berries such as strawberries,                                                                                                   versity. She received her Bachelor’s degree in
                                              o Green leafy vegetables: 6 or more serv-        o Pastries or sweets: Less than 5 serv-       Clinical Exercise Science and hopes to work
blackberries, blueberries and raspberries
are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants aid    ings per week                                    ings per week                                 as a Registered Dietitian in the near future.
in brain health by protecting cells against   o Berries: 2 or more servings per week           o Fried foods: Less than 5 servings per       In her free time, Elizabeth loves to spend time
free radicals that are harmful to the body.   o Nuts: 5 or more servings per week              week                                          outside with her dogs, playing volleyball with
Antioxidants also aid in reducing inflam-                                                                                                    friends or hiking with her boyfriend.
                                              o Beans: 3 or more servings per week
mation and repairing cell damage.

SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                                                  13                                             SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY
Family Fun in Grand Rapids
 Frederik Meijer Gardens Announce Latest Events and Exhibits
                                                         showcase the chrysanthemum through the artistry
                                                         of many designers, among them our own Frederik
                                                         Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park horticulture
                                                         staff. In the Gunberg Corridor, a different local
                                                         floral designer each week will create a singular
                                                         arrangement highlighting the chrysanthemum as
                                                         its primary element.
                                                         Of equal note are stunning displays in the Grace
                                                         Jarecki Seasonal Display Greenhouse, Earl and
                                                         Donnalee Holton Victorian Garden Parlor, and
                                                         Lena Meijer Tropical Conservatory, each lush and
 Chrysanthemums & More!                                  lovely.
                                                                                                                  Herb & Gourd Fest
 September 17 – October 31, 2021                                                                                  September 18 & 19, 2021
                                                                                                                  Discover a variety of ways to use herbs and
 An annual celebration of autumn, Chrysanthe-                                                                     gourds in this fall event. A variety of gourds will
 mums & More! is the largest of its kind in Michi-                                                                be available for purchase.
 gan, featuring expansive chrysanthemum displays,
 fall foliage and family-friendly activities.

 Part art, and part science, Chrysanthemums &
 More! celebrates its 23rd year with a curious look
 into how the interplay of light and shadow trans-
 form the Autumn Glow theme at Frederik Meijer
                                                         Treat your senses with a trek into the crisp fall air.
 Gardens & Sculpture Park.
                                                         Venture onto the Stuart and Barbara Padnos Roof-
 A perennial favorite and the largest of its kind in     top Sculpture Garden, with its seasonal wetland
 Michigan, our exhibition spans thousands of blos-       views, then make your way to the Lena Meijer
 soms across 158 sprawling acres. Peruse pathways        Children’s Garden and its cornucopia of chry-
 aglow with vibrant fall plantings, paying attention     santhemums, intermingled with nontraditional             Fall Bonsai Show
 to how their look and mood change as you move           autumn plantings to form a quilt-like tapestry.
 from the intensity of sun-filled spaces to the un-      Continue to Michigan’s Farm Garden, where the            October 2 & 3, 2021
 derstated low light of autumn afternoons. Watch         abundant autumn harvest boasts heirloom vegeta-          See a variety of bonsai on display, from trees in
 textures soften and shadows elongate as the light       bles, herbs, gourds and larger-than-life pumpkins.       early stages of training to lovely older trees. Watch
 of day takes hues from warm to cool. Each display       This example of a working family farm occasion-          bonsai artists at work and shop for bonsai trees as
 is a visual spectacle of flowers and foliage, appear-   ally provides some of its more than 40 varieties of      well as bonsai tools and supplies.
 ing to glow from within.                                produce for our James & Shirley Balk Café.
 Plentiful plantings in the Grand Entry, Welcome         Fall wouldn’t be the same without you. Come              For more information about Meijer Gardens,
 Center, and Gunberg and BISSELL corridors               glow with us!                                            visit

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY                                                14                                                 SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
You are never too old to try something new. Try this fun
  experiment with your neighbor, friend or grandchildren.

SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                    15   SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY
                                    A P
                                    M A
                                    E G
                                      E               by

                                    on Page 23

Plantar Fasciitis –
                                         Has it Slowed You Down?
                                                           Have you ever wo-        If it sounds like you may be suffering
                                                           ken up in the morn-      from plantar fasciitis then it may be
                                                           ing and stepped          time for you to make an appointment
                                                           out of bed only to       with your local podiatrist. Your doctor
                                                           be met by a sharp,       will likely examine your foot to deter-
                                                           shooting pain in the     mine where the pain is coming from
                                                           heel of your foot?       and then perform an x-ray. Often, the
                                          BY               If this sounds like      x-ray may show that you have what is
                                          DR. TYLER        you, then you may        referred to as a heel spur. A common
                                          CLAVEAU          be suffering from        misconception is that this is what is
                                                           a very common            causing your pain, but actually the
                                         condition known as plantar fasciitis.      heel spur is often the result of the
                                         Approximately, 2 million patients a        pull of the plantar fascia and is very
                                         year are affected by this condition,       unlikely to be the cause of pain.
                                         and many more go undiagnosed.
                                                                                    Luckily, plenty of treatment options
                                         On the bottom of your foot there is a      exist to combat this condition. First,
                                         broad, dense ligament that runs from       your doctor will likely teach you
                                         the heel of your foot into your toes;      stretching techniques to help stretch
                                         this ligament is known as the plantar      out the plantar fascia on a daily basis.
                                         fascia. The plantar fascia serves some     Along with the stretching exercises,
                                         very important purposes: it supports       its very common to start wearing
                                         the arch of the foot, assists in shock     orthotics in a good supportive shoe
                                         absorption, and aids in propelling         to help support the plantar fascia
                                         your body forward. Repetitive stretch-     throughout the day. Occasionally, if
                                         ing and tearing of this ligament can       the pain persists your doctor may
                                         irritate and inflame the fascia, causing   provide a small injection of low-
                                         you pain. Symptoms of plantar fas-         dose steroid into the plantar fascia
                                         ciitis can be broad but almost always      to relieve pain and inflammation.
                                         involve sharp pain to the bottom of        Other treatment options exist as well
                                         your heel. Typically, the pain is worse    such as: anti-inflammatory medica-
                                         with the first few steps in the morning    tions, ultrasound therapy, physical
                                         or after a period of rest, but improves    therapy, and night splints. Very rarely,
                                         as you get up and start moving.            some patients may require surgery to
                                                                                    release the plantar fascia and remove
                                         While there are many causes of
                                                                                    the tension from the ligament. But rest
                                         plantar fasciitis, the most common ap-
                                                                                    assured, there is an answer to relieve
                                         pears to be biomechanical in nature.
                                                                                    your pain!
                                         Individuals who excessively pronate,
                                         or roll their feet inward while walk-      Dr. Tyler Claveau is trained in both fore-
                                         ing, are at a higher risk to develop       foot and rearfoot reconstructive surgery,
                                         plantar fasciitis. Other common            correcting conditions such as bunions,
                                         causes include: flatfeet, high arches,     flatfeet, and traumatic injuries. He is
                                         tight or short Achilles tendon, obesity,   physician at Shoreline Foot & Ankle As-
                                         long distance running, being on your       sociates with his office in Ludington. www.
                                         feet for long periods of time, and even

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY   18                                                  SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
The Letter                                                                                             ily members. It gives me a chance
                                                                                                                                      to say just what the impact of that
                                                                                                                                      person was on me. The family has
                                                                                                                                      a keepsake and I have had a chance
                                                                                                                                      to reflect over several weeks on my
                                                                                                                                      thoughts about this person.

                        Giving and receiving                                                                                          If someone is terminally ill and I
                                                                                                                                      know that, I do my best to write them
                                                                                                                                      a letter before they die. From my hos-
                                                                                                                                      pice work writing Life Stories for pa-

                         meaning in words
KAMPFSCHULTE                                                                                                                          tients, I have learned it is important
                                                                                                                                      to know that we have had an impact
                                                                                                                                      on others. It is probably the question
                                                                                                                                      most of us ask at some point. Did
                                                                                                                                      my life have meaning? The answer is
Some of you reading this may have                                                                                                     found in The Letter. The letter helps
noticed the title of this article is the                                                                                              them with that realization, and it
same as the music hit The Letter by                                                                                                   helps me to realize the impact they
the Boxtops in 1967. I am sure you                                                                                                    had on me. It is a win/win. Wouldn’t
thought to yourself, “Isn’t this nice,                                                                                                you rather receive a letter like that
Dave is going to talk about ‘60s                                                                                                      before you die, rather than having
music.” Alas, that is not the case. This                                                                                              your relatives get one after the fact?
article is about letters written with                                                                                                 Here is the deal. To get a letter like
feeling, but not about the Boxtops.                                                                                                   that, it takes someone to write it.
                                                                                                                                      Writing that letter can be a bit over-
In our high speed, high tech world,                                                                                                   whelming. I find that jotting a thank
emails or texts seem to be the pre-                                                                                                   you or “thinking of you” note is a
ferred way of communication. True,                                                                                                    good way to get your feet wet. Mom
they are highly efficient and a fast                                                                                                  would write little notes to family
way to go. But I believe that some                                                                                                    members, encouraging them as they
of the feeling gets lost after sending                                                                                                entered a new phase of life and usu-
them on their way, hitting the send        Funeral home visitations have always           him, at least for our relatives, and        ally wrapped around a story from her
button with a dramatic poke of the         been awkward for me. There is usu-             watched him “pay his respects.” He          own life. They are family treasures.
finger. In the words of another ‘60s       ally a huge crowd and long lines to            would stay the whole two hours
song we seem to “have lost that lov-       talk to the survivors of the deceased.         and tell friends and family members         It is not that hard. If you forgot your
ing feeling.” I will try to make that      I do get a chance to talk, but it is           stories, usually humorous, about the        cursive or it is illegible, you can do
the last reference to ‘60s music!          usually brief, never enough time to            deceased and their relationship. It         what I do – print. As that old Boxtop
                                           convey my thoughts beyond, “Sorry              was his way to start his own grieving       song goes, “Give me a ticket for an
I have returned to writing letters with    for your loss.” I find myself thinking,        process but also to let the survivors       airplane, I ain’t got time for a fast train.”
pen and paper. It gives me a chance        “There has to be a better way.”                know that their loved one had an            You don’t need to spend money on
to gather my thoughts and reflect on                                                      impact on others.                           the ticket; all you have to do is find
the person at hand. Deeper thoughts        My better way is courtesy of my dad.                                                       some paper, pen, and a quiet place to
and words come from the recesses of        He religiously read the obituaries,            When Dad died people came up to             write your letter.
my brain. After a trickle starts they      and, as he was a lifelong resident of          me and said, “We loved having your
seem to form into a flowing stream,        Grand Rapids he knew many, many                dad come to the funeral home! He            Dave Kampfschulte is the Director of
stimulated by having a pen in my           people in town. “Paying his respects”          made us smile and made us appreci-          Amazing Circle Workshops and an
hand.                                      was a priority for him. I remember             ate our family member in a new way,         instructor at Aquinas College’s OLLI
                                           him calling across the house to Mom,           with an aspect of their life we did not     program. He is the author of I’m Dy-
One place this has really come in          “We need to go to the mortuary to-             know.”                                      ing to Talk with You: 25 years of end of
handy is writing letters to family         morrow night, as ______ has died.”
                                                                                          I have adapted his approach with            life conversations. He can be reached at
members of the recently deceased.
                                           As I got older, I often went with              a twist. I write a letter to the fam-

SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                                             19                                           SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY
Aging in Place

                             Sometimes It’s Less
                             Expensive to Hire a Pro
        I don’t know about you, but I love certain                                                                       you ultimately need to hire someone to
        commercials. Not every commercial, of                                                                            “fix” what you just fixed?
        course, but the ones that make us feel like                                                                      3. Are you physically able to perform this
        superheroes. I might be sitting on the couch                                                                     repair without putting yourself in harm’s
        with a bowl of ice cream when the Home                                                                           way? Serious, even fatal falls often start
        Depot announcer says, “Let’s DO THIS!”                                                                           with a well-intentioned look at the roof.
        The cool music in the background, and the
                                                                                                                         4. Could an incorrect repair be dangerous
        enthusiasm, make me start to think about
                                                                                                                         to you or your family? A roof leak is one
        what walls need to be painted. Or maybe I
                                                                                                                         thing; a gas leak is another.
        should paint my kitchen cabinets! Perhaps
        I should tear them all out and install new                                                                       5. Will not hiring a licensed professional
        ones. Heck, I might as well do the whole                                                                         affect your ability to sell your house? If
        kitchen. After all, I GOT this!                                                                                  you have no intention to sell in the near
                                                                                                                         future--- who cares! If you know you will
        If my husband had a dollar for every time
                                                                                                                         be selling your home soon, this is an impor-
        I morphed from a couch potato into a “DIY            of the roof, furnace, water heater, and electrical          tant consideration.
        warrior” he would be a rich man. The truth is, I     systems. When buyers are considering whether
        feel a great sense of satisfaction when a project                                                          6. If you are using a friend who is also a contrac-
                                                             to purchase a home, they not only want to know
        turns out the way I planned. As a homeowner,                                                               tor, will they guarantee their work just like they
                                                             that repairs were done correctly, but they also
        house flipper, and real estate broker, I have also                                                         would for any other client?
                                                             want PROOF. Some repairs even require permits
        learned that the outcome does not always match       and inspections by a township official upon           Use these questions as a starting point when
        my original vision.                                  completion. The Sellers Disclosure Statement          considering the long-term benefits of doing any
                                                             specifically asks sellers to disclose if their home   project yourself. If you have a critical repair you
        The Correlation Between DIY                          had “structural modifications, alterations, or        cannot afford, look for assistance resources in
        and Your Home Value                                  repairs made without necessary permits or li-         your area. At the end of the day, if you have the
        When I’m working with prospective sellers, one       censed contractors?” So, if Uncle Henry built his     time, talent, and drive to complete home projects
        of the very first things they ask is, “How much      own house and says he can replace your water          on your own, grab your tools and get to work!
        is my house worth?” That is a fair question.         heater for $200, should you let him? Once again,
                                                             it depends.                                           Laura Kelso is an Associate Broker with NextHome
        The answer is, “It depends.” House values in
                                                                                                                   Champions Real Estate who specializes in downsiz-
        any given area are determined by the price of                                                              ing. She created the Grand Rapids Savvy Senior
        recently sold comparable homes. While this is        Questions to Help You Decide                          Learning Series (currently on hold) to educate and
        a complex process, for simplicity’s sake we will     1. Do you enjoy fixing things yourself, or is sav-    empower older adults and their families on topics as-
        just say the main criteria for comparison is size,   ing money your only reason to muddle through          sociated with safe living options. For more info, visit
        aesthetic desirability, and mechanical updates.      on your own?                                 or contact Laura at 616-724-
                                                                                                                   7200 or
        Mechanical updates include things like the age       2. Are you good at fixing things yourself, or will

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY                                                      20                                                        SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
ing your my Social Security account. Go to      Medicare Part D. Call Social Security at
                                                                                         for more infor-           1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or
                                                                                                  mation on how to create an account. You         visit any Social Security office. Also, see
                                                                                                  also can get a replacement Medicare card        our publication, Medicare, at www.ssa.
                                                                                                  by calling us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213       gov/pubs/10043.html. For even more
                                                                                                  (TTY 1-800-325-0778). Keep your card in a       information, visit
                                                                                                  safe place. You don’t want anyone getting
                                                                                                                                                  Question: I have medical coverage
                                                                                                  hold of your Social Security number. They
                                                                                                                                                  through my employer. Do I have to
                                                                                                  could steal your identity.
                                                                                                                                                  take Medicare Part B?
                                                                                                  Question: Is it true that if you have
                                                                                                                                                  Answer: You are not required to take
                                                                                                  low income you can get help paying
                                                                                                                                                  Medicare Part B if you are covered by a
                                                                                                  your Medicare premiums?
                                                                                                                                                  group healthcare plan based on either
                                                                                                  Answer: Yes. If your income and resourc-        your employment or the employment of
                                                                                                  es are limited, your state may be able to       a spouse. When your coverage ends, you
                                                                                                  help with your Medicare Part B premium,         may contact Social Security to request a
                                                                                                  deductibles, and coinsurance amounts.           special enrollment for Medicare Part B. We
                                                                                                  State rules vary on the income and re-          will need to verify your coverage through
                                                                                                  sources that apply. Contact your state or       your employer in order for you to be
                                                                                                  local medical assistance, social services, or   eligible for a special enrollment. For more
                                                                                                  welfare office, or call the Medicare hotline,   information, visit
                                                                                                  1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227), and
                                                                                                  ask about the Medicare Savings Programs.        Vonda Van Til is the Public Affairs Special-
                                                                                                  If you have limited income and resources,       ist for West Michigan. You can write her c/o
                                                                                                  you also may be able to get help paying         Social Security Administration, 3045 Knapp
                                                                                                  for prescription drug coverage under            NE, Grand Rapids MI 49525 or via email at
Question: I                                                                insurance
will rely on                                                               doesn’t cover.
                                                                           • Part C
when I retire.
Can you ex-
plain the dif-
ferent parts                     and Answers                               plans): If you
                                                                           have Medicare
of Medicare?
                                                                           Parts A and B,
Answer: The                                                                you can join a
different parts                                                            Medicare Ad-
of Medicare                                                                vantage plan.
cover your                                                                 Private com-
specific needs. There are four                           panies offer Medicare Advantage
parts, all of which work in                              plans, which are approved by
tandem to deliver healthcare                             Medicare. These plans generally
services:                                                help you pay the medical costs
                                                         not covered by Medicare Part A
• Part A (hospital insurance):                           and B.
Helps pay for inpatient care in a      BY
hospital or skilled nursing facility   VONDA             • Part D (prescription drug cov-
                                       VANTIL            erage): Helps pay for medications
(following a hospital stay), some
home health care, and hospice                            doctors prescribe for treatment.
care.                                           Question: I lost my Medicare card.
• Part B (medical insurance): Helps pay         How can I get replacement?
for doctors services and many other
                                                Answer: The easiest and newest way to
medical services and supplies that hospital
                                                get a replacement Medicare card is by us-

SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                                                     21                                              SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY
                                            CPA, CDMM

                                         the Money Maze
                                         for Older Adults
                                         Isabel lives alone in a modest house     Martha’s husband recently passed
                                         she has owned for over 50 years. She     away. He had always taken care of
                                         has no children, but her niece pops      the family finances and paperwork
                                         in from time to time. On one of those    and she feels stressed and lost. Mar-
                                         visits, Isabel’s niece noticed a stack   tha’s two sons live out of state and
                                         of unopened mail on top of the re-       she is estranged from her daughter.
                                         frigerator and her aunt complained
                                                                                  Both Isabel and Martha are worried
                                         about all the letters from the bank.
                                                                                  about their finances. Their families

SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY   22                                               SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021
want to help but aren’t sure where     resources and programs available             Alzheimer’s a few years later. With    Elizabeth is the manager of CPA for Se-
 to turn or what to do. In today’s      locally. Since daily money manag-            the help of a coordinated team of      niors in Grand Rapids. She is a member
 world there are many financial         ers are in regular contact with their        legal and financial professionals,     of Elder Abuse Coalition, Caregiver
 tools available to older adults, but   clients, they can also coordinate            Isabel and Martha successfully         Resource Network, and Kent County
 it has become increasingly difficult   communication among team mem-                navigated the money maze.              Council on Aging, American Institute of
                                        bers.                                                                               CPAs and the American Association of
 to keep track of them all. Most
                                                                                                                            Daily Money Managers.
 financial tools are not inherently
                                        So, what about Isabel and Martha?
 good or bad, but need to be used
                                        Isabel’s niece hired a daily money
 appropriately. What works well for
                                        manager who discovered thou-
 Isabel may not be the right thing
                                        sands of dollars in overdraft fees
 for Martha.
                                        from the bank. The daily money
 So, what are some of these options?    manager went to the bank with
 Financial professionals tend to be     Isabel to get the fees reduced, then
 specialized by necessity and the       regularly visited her at home to
 best outcomes occur when they          review the mail and make sure Isa-
 work as a team to support the older    bel’s accounts stayed in the black.
 adult. They are able to recommend      She also put Isabel in touch with
 the appropriate tool for each cli-     benefits and programs in her area
 ent’s situation. Elder law attorneys   that eased the financial strain. A
 are the ones to see for Medicaid       CPA educated Isabel and her niece
 applications, wills, trusts, and       on the pros and cons of a reverse
 estate planning. Investment advisors   mortgage so they could make an in-
 make recommendations on how            formed decision on long term care.
 to invest savings and make it last.
                                        Martha hired an elder law attorney
 CPAs give objective advice on the
                                        to review and amend her estate
 use of reverse mortgages, annuities,
                                        plan with input from Martha’s in-
 long term care insurance, and other
                                        vestment advisor. The attorney rec-
 financial tools and can provide tax
                                        ommended a CPA and daily money
 preparation and planning. Daily
                                        manager who filed claims for long
 money managers assist seniors with
                                        term care insurance and provided
 keeping track of income and ex-
                                        extra support with day-to-day
 penses, organizing records, manag-
                                        finances when Martha developed
 ing cash flow as well as accessing

                                                 Answers - Boggle Game:
                                MAY     JUNE    JULY    MARCH         APRIL      AUGUST        JANUARY
                                                                                                                       ANSWER - JUMBLE PUZZLE #1:
   PAGES                                                                                                             PAUSE SKUNK TATTOO WALLOP
                                                                                                                 They were able to get away from the porcupine
   16 & 17                                                                                                        because the porcupine was a --- SLOWPOKE

                                                                                                                       ANSWER - JUMBLE PUZZLE #1:
                                                                                                                    ABOVE HEFTY ADRIFT WICKER
                                                                                                                 When asked if she wanted a ring made of gold
                                                                                                                      or silver, she said --- EITHER “ORE”

SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2021                                                        23                                     SENIOR PERSPECTIVES - KENT COUNTY
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