Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN

Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Wiltshire Training

Supporting learning and development in communities

Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Introduction                                                           2
Consultancy and e-learning                                             3
Health and social care                                                 4
First aid                                                              6
Professional development                                               8
Health and wellbeing                                                  10
Digital skills                                                        11

Introduction                           Scheduled or bespoke?
Advice, guidance and bookings          Our most popular courses
                                       are open to everyone and are
This booklet gives you a snapshot      delivered remotely using Microsoft
of available learning. For further     Teams and are accessible to all
information and advice, and to         with access to a computer, laptop
enrol onto a course please contact     or tablet. A few of our courses are
the learning and development           still offered as face to face delivery
team. Contact details, including       and these are marked within the
how to follow us on social media, is   brochure. Scheduled courses will
on the final page of this brochure.    be best if you have small numbers
                                       to train. We know though that
Why choose Wiltshire training?
                                       sometimes one size does not fit
• A wide range of training courses    all so you always have the option
  for individuals and organisations    of booking group training for your
• Bespoke training programmes         team. For larger numbers, this
  available for group bookings         will be the most cost-effective way
                                       and what’s more, you’ll be able
• Excellent value for money
                                       to choose a mutually convenient
• Quality, engaging training.         date.

Prices                                 Blended learning
Prices are per person for              We are committed to meeting
attendance on a scheduled course.      training needs via a blended
For group training costs, please       learning approach that includes
contact the team to discuss your       face-to-face workshops and
requirements. All prices are correct   remote sessions.
at time of publication.
Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Group Training                          E-learning design and
If you need specific or bespoke         development
training for your team, get in touch.   Imagine short courses - efficient,
                                        effective, bespoke training to
Training design and                     engage and challenge your
development                             learners… and accessible 24/7.
Collaborating with local business       Find out how we can help you
to design and develop bespoke           make that a reality with our
learning programmes fit for             bespoke elearning design and
purpose for your organisation!          development service.
Cost, as a guide, for designing and
developing a bespoke 3-hour*
training programme only £950**
This includes:
•1 to 1 or remote meeting to
  discuss training needs and
  completion of a training needs
•D esign of a 3-hour training
  programme and review of
  programme with organisation to
  ensure fit for purpose.
Add on a one day train the trainer
session with your staff delivering
the programme for only an
additional £450
* length of training programme
** cost will vary depending on
     organisation requirement and
     length of training programme

 All of the courses in this brochure are remote sessions
 using Microsoft Teams unless otherwise stated.                              !

Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Health and social care
Managers safeguarding                    Safeguarding when working
   three hours          £60              with children

Based on the Group B                         two hours         £45
Bournemouth University                   This course is designed for
safeguarding standards for care          staff working with children, to
managers.                                ensure all understand the shared
                                         responsibility to safeguard others,
 Learner feedback                        how to identify abuse and the

     Very informative and enjoyable      correct reporting procedures.
     – loved the interactive learning.
     I left feeling empowered.           Medication awareness

Safeguarding adults for
frontline staff
                                  ”          two hours         £45
                                         Designed to suit a range of care
                                         settings and fully complies with
   two hours            £45              the National Minimum Standards,
This course is designed for staff        whilst fulfilling CQC guidelines
working within adult care, to
ensure all staff understand the          Risk assessment in adult care
shared responsibility to safeguard           two hours         £45
others, how to identify abuse and
                                         This course is designed for staff
the correct reporting procedures.
                                         working within adult care to
End of life care                         ensure all staff understand the
                                         value of a working risk assessment
   two hours        £45                  for everyone within a care setting.
This course is designed to
embed all aspects of care that             Learner feedback

are essential when providing a                Positively charged my
comprehensive and humane                      confidence to support people
approach at end of life.                      with the condition.

                                                                         ”     4
Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Reporting and recording                   Dementia support part one -
positive information in care              Dementia awareness
   two hours            £45                  two hours           £45
This course will support you to fill in   Understanding of types of dementia
communication logs, observations          and its impact on carers. Includes
and documents in your care role.          the importance of communication
It focuses on using appropriate           for someone with dementia.
language and recording accurately
so the document can be used in a          (!) Dementia support part two
court of law.                             Dementia in depth
                                             two hours           £45
Personal care
                                          An increased knowledge and
   two hours            £45
                                          understanding of dementia.
Understand the principles of good         Including dementia for someone
personal care, and how to support         with a learning disability, different
an individual to maintain their own       therapies and dealing with
personal hygiene.                         challenging behaviour.

Autism support part one -                 Manual handling and
Understanding autism                      moving people - part one theory
   two hours            £45                  two hours           £45
An awareness of autistic spectrum         This theory-based course improves
conditions and how to support             understanding of manual handling
individuals in the community              legislation; includes how to move
                                          people with the least amount
(!) Autism support part two -             of personal risk and with an
Autism in depth                           emphasis on comfort.
   two hours            £45
                                          Alternative and augmentative
Learners to gain an increased             communication
knowledge and awareness of
autistic spectrum conditions.                two hours           £45
                                          Signs are based on gestures – a
                                          form of communication that most
 (!) L
      earners with little or limited     of us use naturally. This course
     understanding of this subject are    looks at signing as a visual form
     advised to complete ‘part one’
                                          of communication and how it can
     before attending this sesion.
                                          support speech.
A practical manual handling course is also available,
please contact us for further information
Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
First aid
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance

Employers’ legal duties
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide
adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their
employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work.
These Regulations apply to all workplaces, including those with less than five
employees and to the self-employed.
What is ‘adequate and appropriate’ will depend on the circumstances in the
workplace. This includes whether trained first-aiders are needed, what should
be included in a first-aid box and if a first-aid room is required. Employers should
carry out an assessment of first-aid needs to determine what to provide.

What’s a first-aider?
A first-aider is someone who has done training appropriate to the level identified
in the needs assessment. This may be:
•   first aid at work (FAW); or
•   emergency first aid at work (EFAW); or some other first aid training appropriate
    to the circumstances of your workplace.
Our first aid trainers are approved and certified by Qualifications Network, a
leading first aid national awarding body, and audited regularly by internal and
external qualified assessors.

Which course?
If your risk assessment leads you to conclude that your workplace does not need
accredited first-aiders on hand, then our non-accredited courses could be your
perfect training solution. If the risk assessment requires your first-aider(s) to have
a fully accredited qualification, then look to our range of accredited courses.

Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Basic first aid                        QNUK Level 3 Award in
    three hours        £60             Emergency First Aid at Work
Basic first aid skills that will be
invaluable when accidents happen.         one day           £120
Includes CPR, recovery position        Emergency first aid at work
and how to handle minor and            includes CPR, recovery position
deteriorating conditions in any        and first aid for choking casualty.
                                       Blended Full First aid at work
 Learner feedback                         two days          £180

     The trainer was excellent with
     fantastic knowledge and a         Our new HSE compliant blended
     great method of delivery.         first aid training combines

Paediatric first aid
                                 ”     e-learning and face to face
                                       training. The online section of this
                                       course must be completed before
                                       attending the face-to-face session
    one day + elearning         £120
                                       and will be followed with 2 days of
A blended training program that        face to face practical training.
incorporates both knowledge and
practical application in a small
group, instructor-led environment.
There is an additional six-hours
of e-learning study and an online
assessment to gain certification.

Note: Successful completion of the
course and assessment will lead to
an OFSTED-recognised certificate.

 Learner feedback

     I liked the pace of the course,
     not too much information


 All of the first aid courses have face to face delivery

Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Professional development
Assertiveness training                   Presentation skills
    two hours        £45 per person         two hours         £45
An opportunity to discuss and            Effective presentation techniques
experience the different behaviour       to present professionally and
types and to understand the              confidently, and how to keep your
impact you have on others.               audience engaged.

     Learner feedback                    Time management
                                            two hours         £45

     An enlightening and insightful
     course to revisit the impact you    Understanding the value of
     can have on others.

                                         managing your time and developing
                                         skills to use time efficiently.
Effective communication
                                         Equality, diversity and
    two hours        £45 per person
                                         inclusion in the workplace
Importance of effective                     two hours         £45
communication and the benefit of
frequent and effective feedback.         Understand the essentials of
                                         equality and diversity at work
Handling conflict and having             including the factors essential
difficult conversations                  to promoting equality and
                                         diversity. You’ll learn about cultural
    two hours        £45
                                         diversity and sexual orientation
This course looks at how we can          in the workplace, understand
deal with conflict effectively and how   how to handle issues relating to
to facilitate difficult conversations.   discrimination and raise concerns.

     Learner feedback                         Learner feedback

“                                      “
     Thoroughly enjoyed – some                This is an excellent course that
     really useful hints and tips.            everyone should attend

                                     ”                                     ”      8
Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Creating an inclusive workplace       Delegate with confidence
    two hours       £45                  one 1/2 hours       £45
Understand the nature of              Effective delegation skills are an
unconscious bias and how it           important part of the modern
can impact on organisational          managers role. Delegation is a
processes and decision-making;        process of entrusting a task or
explore strategies and tips for       responsibility to a member of staff
managing unconscious bias and         who is less senior to you. Effective
action planning for an inclusive      delegation skills help managers
work environment.                     to get more from their team by
                                      utilising strengths, motivating
De-escalation skills training         others, and developing skills and
    two hours       £45               knowledge.
This course is for frontline staff    Developing your influencing
to explore challenging behaviour      skills
and promotes the ability to resolve
conflict through interpersonal           two 1/2 hours       £60
skills rather than force.             This course is designed to
                                      help delegates become more
                                      influential, persuasive and
     Learner feedback
                                      successful in the workplace.

     I think everyone should do       Looking at the traits of influential
     this course. Well delivered.
                                      people and reflecting on your own
     The theory was backed up
     with evidence, studies, etc.
                                      strengths and development areas.
     really a good knowledge of
     the subject and we could see
     the trainer’s passion about
     this subject. It made me

     reflect on my own practice.

Wiltshire Training - Supporting learning and development in communities LIVE.WORK.LEARN
Health and wellbeing
Workplace wellbeing and support        Stress Awareness
   three hours       £60                  two hours       £45
This course will help to develop and   This course is for all, to gain
reinforce skills and competencies      an increased understanding
that build confidence in having        of what stress and pressure is.
conversations about mental health      An awareness of the negative
and wellbeing. It also includes        effects of stress on the body. An
tools for these conversations and      understanding of the causes of
signposting for further support.       stress and methods to alleviate
                                       along with methods of relaxation.
Mental health awareness and
wellbeing                              Personal resilience
   three hours       £60                  two hours       £45
This course will cover the most        This workshop is all about helping
common mental health conditions,       learners to learn how to recover
their contributing factors and how     quickly from setbacks, adversity
to look after your own mental          and respond positively when
health.                                the demands of modern day life
                                       becomes challenging.

 Contact us for new accredited courses available:
 QNUK Level 1 Award in Mental Health Awareness (RQF)
 QNUK Level 2 Award in Awareness of Young People’s Mental Health (RQF)
 QNUK Level 2 Award in Mental Health at Work (RQF)
 QNUK Level 3 Award in Mental Health at Work (RQF)

Digital skills
Excel stage 1- Fundamentals            MS Outlook- Basics
   two hours         £45                  one hour           £35
This course will cover the benefits    This course is for anyone with no
of using Excel, including an           / low knowledge or confidence
understanding of the environment       in using Outlook for managing
and interface. It also covers how to   diary, email, tasks, finding internal
complete basic data entries.           contacts, and attending / hosting
                                       Teams meetings.
Excel stage 2- Building on the
fundamentals                           MS Teams- Getting started
   two hours         £45                  one 1/2 hours         £45
This course is for anyone who has      Overview of the key functions
attended the Excel Fundamentals        within Microsoft Teams, how to
course, or already has some            create a private and group chat,
experience in using Excel and has a    share a file, create a meeting and
good basic knowledge of navigation     much more.
and data input.
This course builds upon that           MS Teams- Delivering Training
essential fundamental knowledge            two hours         £45
and will cover the basic features in   This interactive remote training
more depth.                            session is for new and existing
                                       trainers wanting to use Microsoft
                                       Teams effectively when delivering
                                       their courses online.

Learner feedback
                                                    Had a fantastic day training in
                       learner                      first aid and manual handling.
                                                    Learnt so much and spent the
                       feedback                     evening practising with my 5

                                                    year old son

                                                            Learner feedback
                                   Learner feedback

                                                                 We have had fantastic

                                     Great course,               training sessions all
                                     great group,                week, delivered with such

                                     great trainer               enthusiasm, it made it feel

                                                                 very light and enjoyable!

                                        Learner feedback

                                          We completed training today with this
                                          amazing team, having completed the
                                          autism awareness course also with these
                                          guys we highly recommend from the team

                                          at Westbury parent carers support group

                                                                        Learner feedback

                                                                          and informative


                       For more information or to book
                       Tel: 01225 713183
                       Email: learning@wiltshire.gov.uk
                       Visit: wiltshire.gov.uk/skills-training             Wiltshire Training
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