WHO's WHO 2022 Leaders in Education - Long Island Business News

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WHO's WHO 2022 Leaders in Education - Long Island Business News
   Leaders in Education
WHO's WHO 2022 Leaders in Education - Long Island Business News
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 Leaders in Education

           SJC President Donald R. Boomgaarden, Ph.D.,
           and the St. Joseph’s College community salute

           Heather Barry, Ph.D.,
           as you’re recognized as a leader in Long Island higher education.
           You continue to inspire countless students and help to build a
           brighter future for our community.

                                                                                   SJC Long Island 631.687.4500
          sjcny.edu                                                                   SJC Brooklyn 718.940.5800
                                                                                           SJC Online 631.687.4501
WHO's WHO 2022 Leaders in Education - Long Island Business News
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                                                                                                                                                                       Leaders in Education

       WHO’s WHO

                                                                                                       3 R. SENTWALI BAKARI, PH.D Adelphi University

       Leaders in Education                                                                            3 HEATHER E. BARRY, PH.D St. Joseph’s College

                                                                                                       4 DR. ED BONAHUE Suffolk County Community College
      The region’s colleges and universities
    are held in high regard and continue to                                                            4 DR. KIMBERLY R. CLINE, Long Island University

    grow in offering exceptional academics
                                                                                                       4 KENNETH D. DALY, St. Thomas Aquina College
    and state-of-the-art facilities. In this Who’s
    Who in Leaders in Education, some of the                                                           4 RICK GATTEAU, PHD Stony Brook University

    area’s top educational leaders share what                                                          5 PETE GRIZZAFFI, Farmingdale State College
    their college/university have in store for
    2022 and beyond.                                                                                   6 DR. MICHELLE PISKULICH, Molloy College

                                                                                                       6 DR. SUSAN POSER, Hofstra University
                                                                — Lisa Morris Josefak

                                                                                                       6 JOSEPH POSILLICO, ED.D., CPA New York Institute of Technology

                                                                                                       7 TIMOTHY E. SAMS, PH.D. SUNY Old Westbury

                                                 Co-Curricular and Residential Program,”           News & World Report, Adelphi serves                   “In addition to our new programs, we are
                                                 Bakari noted. “NCC students live in Adel-         more than 7,500 students at its main cam-         pleased to report that construction has be-
                                                 phi residence halls and participate in stu-       pus in Garden City — just 23 miles from           gun on our state-of-the-art new student cen-
                                                 dent organizations and campus events.”            New York City’s cultural and internship           ter at SJC Long Island in Patchogue,” she
 R. SENTWALI                                         “We recognize the importance of being         opportunities — and at dynamic learning           said. “Upon completion, the 32,000-sq.-ft.
 BAKARI, PH.D.                                   flexible and agile in responding to stu-          hubs in Manhattan, the Hudson Valley              student center will become a central hub for
 Adelphi University                              dents’ needs while still personalizing the        and Suffolk County, as well as online.            student life for our nearly 4,000 students. It
                                                 Adelphi experience, leading to profession-           More than 118,000 Adelphi graduates            will be the first new building constructed at
                                                 al accomplishments,” Bakari said.                 have gained the skills to thrive profession-      SJC Long Island in 18 years and will include
                                                     Prior to Adelphi, Dr. Bakari served as        ally as active, engaged citizens, making          a dining area, art gallery, chapel, veterans
                                                 vice-chancellor for student success at the        their mark on the university, their com-          lounge, E-sports unit, meeting rooms, and
   R. Sentwali Bakari, Ph.D. is vice presi-      University of Colorado, dean of students          munities and the world.                           offices for faculty, staff and student clubs.”
dent for student affairs at Adelphi Univer-      and senior student affairs officer at Drake                                                             Dr. Barry earned a bachelor’s degree
sity in Garden City and is a member of the       University and dean of student for Semes-                                                           and master’s degree in history from Pepper-
president’s executive leadership team. Dr.       ter at Sea.                                                                                         dine University, and a Ph.D. from the State
Bakari is responsible for student services           Dr. Bakari earned a Ph.D. in college                                                            University of New York at Stony Brook.
at Adelphi that includes counseling and          student personnel administration and               HEATHER E.                                       She has published several works, including
health services, student engagement and          leadership from the University of Northern                                                          her latest on seventeenth-century Quakers,
co-curricular leadership, student conduct,       Colorado. He is passionate about promot-
                                                                                                    BARRY, PH.D                                      and has taught an array of courses during
residence life and housing, career services      ing and infusing global and multicultural          St. Joseph’s                                     her tenure, including Women and Gender
and professional development, student ac-        engagement with today’s youth and college          College                                          in American History, African-American
cess office, multicultural student organi-       students. He received the International Ed-                                                         History, History of New York State and
zations and various diverse student clubs        ucation Administrators Fulbright Award to                                                           City, Historiography and Senior Capstone.
and organizations, including Student and         the United Kingdom in 2013, participated                                                                Dr. Barry’s focus is currently on help-
Parent Orientation and Student Access.           in an African American faculty delegation            Heather E. Barry, Ph.D. is the associ-         ing develop the college’s next strategic
   Adelphi students are resilient and have       to Israel in 2012, and co-led faculty/staff-di-   ate provost of St. Joseph’s College (SJC)         plan and leading a programs task force to
a strong desire for meaningful engage-           rected travel courses to Egypt and Turkey.        and professor of history. Dr. Barry also          develop new programs in areas of need to
ment, Dr. Bakari said.                               Dr. Bakari has presented at national          serves as the accreditation liaison offi-         help future students find the right career
   “They seek a sense of belonging, social       and regional conferences such as the Asso-        cer for the Middle States Commission on           path and live a life characterized by integ-
connectivity and inclusion, career readi-        ciation of International Education Admin-         Higher Education.                                 rity, intellectual and spiritual values, so-
ness and campus vitality,” he explained.         istrators, National Association of Student           Dr. Barry has been at the college since        cial responsibility and service.
   “During the pandemic, we’ve sustained         Affairs Administration, Association of In-        2002 and previously served as associate               St. Joseph’s College has been dedicat-
hybrid delivery of engagement through            ternational Educators, and National Con-          dean, director of the Faculty Center for          ed to providing a diverse population of
co-curricular and civic engagement lead-         ference on Race and Ethnicity.                    Teaching and Learning, and assistant              students in the New York metropolitan
ership initiatives such as our Leadership            Adelphi University is a highly award-         provost for Strategic Planning and Insti-         area with an affordable education rooted
Certificate Program, Spirit Weekend,             ed, nationally ranked, powerfully connect-        tutional Assessment.                              in the liberal arts tradition since 1916. In-
learning experiences with diverse student        ed doctoral research university dedicated            St. Joseph’s College continues to grow         dependent and coeducational, the college
organizations, and our Jaggar Community          to transforming students’ lives through           with new programs and a new construc-             provides a strong academic and value-ori-
Fellows program that offers student em-          small classes with world-class faculty,           tion project.                                     ented education at the undergraduate and
ployment with non-profit organizations,”         hands-on learning and innovative ways                “At St. Joseph’s College, we are con-          graduate levels, aiming to prepare each
Dr. Bakari said.                                 to support academic and career success.           tinuing to introduce new programs, includ-        student for a life characterized by integ-
   “We continue to prioritize students’          Adelphi offers liberal arts and sciences          ing a master’s and advanced certificate in        rity, intellectual and spiritual values, so-
health and well-being through various            programs and professional training, with          TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of            cial responsibility and service. Through
platforms—telehealth, in-person therapy,         particular strength in its Core Four-Arts         Other Languages), an M.B.A. in Market-            SJC Brooklyn, SJC Long Island and SJC
mindfulness and peer mentoring,” he said.        and Humanities, STEM and Social Sci-              ing, MSW (Master of Social Work) and our          Online, the college offers degrees in 60
   “We have strengthened our collabora-          ences, the Business and Education Profes-         newest five-year degree program that com-         majors, special course offerings and cer-
tion with Nassau Community College by            sions, and Health and Wellness.                   bines a B.A. in Child Study with an M.A.          tificates, affiliated and pre-professional
launching the Nassau-Adelphi Gateway                 Recognized as a Best College by U.S.          in Literacy and Cognition,” Dr. Barry said.       programs.
WHO's WHO 2022 Leaders in Education - Long Island Business News
4B I LONG ISLAND BUSINESS NEWS I Special Advertising Section I April 2022 I LIBN.COM

   Leaders in Education
                                                    dent of Long Island University (LIU). Dr.         Long Island Association. Along with a Bach-      ment of the “STEM@STAC” offerings.
                                                    Cline assumed leadership in July 2013 and         elor in Science in Industrial Relations, Dr.         “Having benefited from a strong STEM
                                                    has led the nearly century old institution        Cline earned a Master of Business Admin-         education and successful career in a
 DR. ED                                             through a transformational process to pro-        istration, Juris Doctor, and Doctor of Ed-       STEM-related field, I know firsthand the
 BONAHUE                                            vide students with an exceptional educa-
                                                    tion that emphasizes experiential learning
                                                                                                      ucational Administration. She previously
                                                                                                      served as vice chancellor and chief financial
                                                                                                                                                       value of a strong STEM education,” ex-
                                                                                                                                                       plained Daly. “The combined experience of
 Suffolk County
                                                    and excellence in teaching and research.          officer of the State University of New York      our new STEM Advisory Board will help
                                                        Dr. Cline’s tenure has seen dynamic new       system and president of Mercy College.           further our mission of providing a lead-
                                                    schools, centers, and career-ready programs           Long Island University with two main         ing-edge, transformative education de-
                                                    launched at LIU to increase retention and         campuses (LIU Post in Brookville and LIU         signed to prepare our students for career
                                                    graduation, attract high achieving appli-         Brooklyn in Brooklyn) and other campus lo-       success in a changing world.”
    Dr. Ed Bonahue is a seasoned higher             cants, and improve philanthropy, while ex-        cations, was founded in 1926 and continues           STAC is furthering its legacy of prepar-
education executive and the seventh presi-          posing students to high-demand academic           to redefine higher education, providing high     ing students for their future with diverse
dent of Suffolk County Community College,           programs led by innovative leadership.            quality academic instruction by world-class      and cutting-edge offerings. “We are creating
the largest community college in the State              Under Dr. Cline’s direction, her initia-      faculty. Recognized by Forbes for its em-        skills camps, internships on campus, co-ops
University of New York (SUNY) system.               tives have garnered national exposure and         phasis on experiential learning and by the       and other real-world experiences for our stu-
    Dr. Bonahue has more than 25 years              increased visibility for the university result-   Brookings Institution for its “value added”      dents,” noted Daly. “It is no longer the re-
of experience in community college educa-           ing in higher enrollment while remaining          to student outcomes, LIU has a network of        mit of a college just to educate students, but
tion, including service as a tenured faculty        committed to only 2 percent tuition increas-      over 285,000 alumni, including industry          to create pipelines so that they can launch
member and senior executive, He joined              es. The Roc Nation School of Music, Sports        leaders and entrepreneurs around the globe.      their careers or continue with their school-
SUNY Suffolk in 2021.                               and Entertainment is led by well-known                                                             ing at higher levels. That is why we have
    Previously, Dr. Bonahue served as pro-          musical artists, and The Roosevelt School                                                          opened a new Career Center and built an
vost and vice president for academic affairs        for civic education and global leadership is                                                       enhanced Career Services team to support
at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida         chaired by Tweed Roosevelt, great grandson                                                         our students on their career journeys.”
where he provided leadership for planning,
management, and assessment of all credit
                                                    of Theodore Roosevelt. Dr. Cline has secured
                                                    premier partnerships to leverage industry
                                                                                                       KENNETH D.                                          The college is also focused on providing
                                                                                                                                                       its students and members of the local com-
and non-credit instructional programming,           leaders and icons as professors and guest          DALY                                            munity with a lifetime of learning oppor-
and economic and workforce development              lecturers. She has also brought university         St. Thomas                                      tunities to meet the emerging needs of so-
initiatives. He successfully implemented            Athletics to Division 1 status.                    Aquinas College                                 ciety. The College has partnered with high
nine new baccalaureate programs and mul-                She has worked to magnify the student                                                          schools and community colleges to develop
tiple associate of science degree and certif-       experience by increasing Hope Scholar-                                                             camps and pipeline programs, which en-
icate programs, as well as two deferred-ad-         ships for students who need significant                                                            able students to advance their studies and
mission partnerships with the University            financial assistance, and spearheaded the             Kenneth D. Daly is president of St.          graduate on time, while introducing new
of Florida. In addition, he served as the           establishment of the School of Arts and           Thomas Aquinas College (STAC), located           certificate programs and graduate degrees
associate vice president for academic af-           Communication at LIU Brooklyn, and a              in Rockland County, NY. Joining STAC             in emerging fields, such as health care,
fairs; chair, Department of Humanities and          groundbreaking partnership with Brook-            on July 1, 2020, Daly has led the college        data analytics, and justice studies.
Foreign Languages; co-chair, International          lyn Sports & Entertainment to restore the         through the COVID pandemic.                          St. Thomas Aquinas College is an in-
Education Initiative, and he earned tenure          legendary Brooklyn Paramount Theatre.                 Daly flourishes as a mission-driven lead-    dependent liberal arts college, which
as a professor of Humanities and Theatre.               Further, Dr. Cline has established a          er who energizes students, faculty, and staff    provides education at the undergraduate
    Dr. Bonahue’s scholarly research on Re-         film school in which students will produce        alike. His diverse corporate and educational     and graduate levels. The college’s approx-
naissance literature has appeared in Stud-          their own feature length film, as well as         background offers the best of both worlds,       imately 2,000 full and part-time students
ies in Philology, Renaissance Papers, Stud-         the new 3DS lab with virtual reality tech-        blending innovation and inspiration. Prior       can choose from more than 100 different
ies in English Literature, and elsewhere,           nology to advance health and sciences             to joining STAC, Daly served as a business       majors, minors, specializations, and dual
and his work on Stephen Sondheim has                learning across the board.                        leader with a 30-year career focused on clean    degree programs across three Schools:
been reprinted and cited repeatedly since               Long Island University seeks to trans-        energy with National Grid and as a proven        Arts & Sciences, Business, and Education.
its first publication. His study on best prac-      form higher education as the “University          educator having served on the boards of              The college is recognized by U.S. News
tices in international education has been           of the Future,” said Dr, Cline.                   several colleges, while teaching in the class-   & World Report in the Top-Tier for Region-
published by NASPA, and he has served                   “Visionary leadership inspires excep-         room as an adjunct professor since 1992.         al Universities, by Colleges of Distinction
as managing editor of Shakespeare Quar-             tional outcomes,” she said. “LIU’s recent             The future of education in 2022 and          in both its New York and Catholic editions,
terly at the Folger Shakespeare Library. In         designation by the Carnegie Classification        beyond at STAC is underpinned by the             by Affordable Colleges Online as a top Col-
2009, Dr. Bonahue was a Fulbright Scholar           as a university with high research activ-         college’s new three-year strategic plan.         lege in New York for Return on Investment,
with the U.S. International Administrators          ity - the only university with this desig-        Developed by a faculty-led team under Da-        and is included as a Military Friendly
Program in Germany, and in 2016-2017, he            nation on Long Island, joining Villanova          ly’s leadership, the plan includes five key      School®. STAC is accredited by the Middle
was an Aspen Institute College Excellence           and Fordham. LIU’s dynamic programs               pillars: Access and Affordability, Student       States Association of Colleges and Schools;
Program Presidential Fellow. He current-            in artificial intelligence, business and ac-      Success, Experiential Learning, Student          its School of Education is a candidate for
ly serves on the board of directors of the          counting, music, film and sports manage-          Engagement, and Lifelong Learning.               accreditation by the Association for Ad-
Hauppauge Industrial Association.                   ment led by prestigious faculty, feature              Before he even arrived on campus, Daly       vancing Quality in Educator Preparation
    Dr. Bonahue earned a Ph.D. and M.A.             industry icons as guest lecturers. Leverag-       has passionately committed that every            (AAQEP), and its School of Business is ac-
degrees in English literature at the Univer-        ing innovative technologies as an integral        student will have access to an affordable        credited by the International Accreditation
sity of North Carolina and a B.A. in English        part of the curriculum is revolutionizing         education. “We have made a commitment            Council for Business Education (IACBE).
literature from Wake Forest University.             degree programs in the health sciences,           that financial need will never be a barrier
    SUNY Suffolk is a comprehensive pub-            veterinary medicine, pharmacy, finance,           to our students receiving their education
licly-supported, two-year, open enrollment          nursing, vocal performance and fashion.”          and we are raising scholarship funds to
college, with campuses in Selden, River-                “Recognized as a national teaching and        support them,” explained Daly, who re-
head and Brentwood, and downtown cen-               research institution, LIU is at the forefront     cently made a $100,000 gift to the college.       RICK
ters in Sayville and Riverhead. The college
has an enrollment of more than 23,000
                                                    of groundbreaking discoveries with high so-
                                                    cietal impact,” Dr. Cline said. “Distinguished
                                                                                                      Daly has ensured that all current STAC
                                                                                                      students can continue their education un-
                                                                                                                                                        GATTEAU, PHD
                                                                                                                                                        Stony Brook
credit students, 7,000 continuing education         faculty and students are researching cancer       interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
students, and more than 140,000 alumni.             treatments, Alzheimer’s therapies, genom-         He introduced the STAC Pledge, which
                                                    ics, precision medicine, and uncovering en-       provides incoming students with at least
                                                    vironmental advancements.”                        $50,000 in scholarships over four years.
                                                        “LIU is preparing graduates to pursue             Daly is laser-focused on student success        Rick Gatteau, PhD is vice president for
                                                    their passion and change the world,” Dr.          and engagement so that students are well         student affairs at Stony Brook University.
 DR. KIMBERLY                                       Cline noted.                                      prepared for their future. This includes         In 2018, he was appointed interim vice
 R. CLINE                                               Dr. Cline is a recognized leader in educa-    the introduction of new initiatives, includ-     president for student affairs and dean of
 Long Island                                        tion; she has been named to the Long Island       ing a newly launched STEM school, which          students, and accepted the permanent
 University                                         Press Power List of the 50 most influential       is supported by a STEM Advisory Board,           position a year later. Dr. Gatteau leads
                                                    people on Long Island, to the inaugural Long      composed of faculty, alumni, recognized          the university’s efforts to support student
                                                    Island Power 50 by City and State, and as         industry leaders, and, most importantly,         success beyond the classroom, focusing on
                                                    one of Brooklyn’s Women of Distinction.           current STAC students. This strategic ad-        student health and wellness, engagement
   Dr. Kimberly R. Cline is the 10th presi-             She serves as a board member of the           visory board will help further the advance-      in campus life, and experiential learning.
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                                                                                                                                                                  Leaders in Education
    He also strengthens efforts to build            was the founding director of the Higher       sity is one of only eight universities that    vestment in systems and training that will
community, spirit and pride among Stony             Education Administration master’s pro-        has a role in running a national laboratory.   enhance the faculty’s ability to deliver the
Brook’s undergraduate and graduate stu-             gram, serving in this role from 2011-2019,    Providing economic growth for neighboring      highest quality education to students.
dents.                                              and currently teaches in the program.         communities and the wider geographic re-           In response to the growing cyber threat
    “We are excited to return to in-person              Dr. Gatteau earned a bachelor’s degree    gion, the university totals $7.23 billion in   landscape that all schools and organiza-
events, including special traditions like           in business administration from Bucknell      increased economic output on Long Island.      tions face, Grizzaffi also leverages his ex-
Roth Regatta and Brookfest, Dr. Gatteau             University and a master’s degree in high-                                                    tensive experience in the area of cyberse-
said. “We’ve also focused on promoting the          er education and student affairs from the                                                    curity to continuously invest and harden
health and wellness of our students and ex-         University of Vermont. He completed his                                                      FSC’s technical ecosystem, driving the
panding access to care, including extensive         PhD in educational leadership and admin-                                                     technical innovation necessary to ensure
tele-counseling and telemedicine services, to       istration at Fordham University. His dis-      PETE                                          continued safety and security of campus
meet the needs of our diverse student body.
    “This fall, we are opening a meditation
                                                    sertation focused on female presidential
                                                    leadership in higher education.
                                                                                                   GRIZZAFFI                                     systems, networks and the community.
                                                                                                                                                     Farmingdale is a leading college of ap-
                                                                                                   Farmingdale State
room, a new Center for Service Learning                 Stony Brook University, regarded as                                                      plied science and technology learning, Griz-
and Community Service, and several revi-            a SUNY flagship, has more than 26,000                                                        zaffi said.
talized outdoor spaces to host events and           students, 2,800 faculty members and more                                                         “Farmingdale State College has seen
community gatherings,” he noted.                    than 200,000 alumni, an academic medi-                                                       tremendous growth of new and highly
    “In addition to our student-centered            cal center, 18 NCAA Division I athletic                                                      enrolled programs in the computer pro-
efforts, we’re currently building a long-           programs, and is one of only four Univer-        Pete Grizzaffi is chief information offi-   gramming and information systems fields
term, collaborative strategic plan for Stony        sity Center campuses in the State Univer-     cer and chief information security officer     including computer security technology,
Brook, called Project REACH,” Dr. Gatteau           sity of New York (SUNY) system.               at Farmingdale State College (FSC) in          security systems, software technology,
said. “There’s also great excitement around             Stony Brook University, located in        Farmingdale.                                   geographic information systems, and a
Stony Brook being named a SUNY Flag-                Stony Brook, has been ranked among the           Grizzaffi joined FSC in 2020 and has        new master’s degree in technology man-
ship, which helps amplify the outstanding           top 35 public universities in the nation by   led the successful transformation of the       agement,” he noted. “These programs,
research, scholarship, teaching, and health         U.S. News & World Report. Fostering a         college’s academic programs by driving         which enroll over 2,000 students have
care that are central to our mission.”              commitment to academic research and in-       technical excellence across the academic       solidified Farmingdale’s enrollment and
    Dr. Gatteau first worked as hall director       tellectual endeavors, Stony Brook’s mem-      experience, while creating new opportuni-      maintained its competitive position in a
at the University of Vermont, and as assis-         bership in the Association of American        ties for students with demonstrated finan-     region with a vibrant technology corridor.”
tant director and director of residential life      Universities (AAU) places it among the top    cial need to access the tools and technolo-        Prior to coming to Farmingdale State
at Iona College before transitioning to aca-        65 research institutions in North Amer-       gy that they need to achieve their goals.      College, Grizzaffi worked in the insurance
demic advising. He was the senior dean of           ica. The university’s faculty have earned        As a member of Farmingdale’s Cabinet,       and financial services industries, most re-
Columbia University’s sophomore advising            esteemed awards such as the Nobel Prize,      Grizzaffi partners closely with the presi-     cently with MetLife for 12 years as a Glob-
center before coming to Stony Brook Uni-            Pulitzer Prize, Indianapolis Prize for ani-   dent and other leaders to drive a multi-year   al IT Officer where he developed and led a
versity in 2002 as director of academic and         mal conservation, Abel Prize and the inau-    strategic roadmap that will result in an ex-   multiyear strategic transformation across
pre-professional advising.                          gural Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics.      pansion of the college’s academic offerings    the Global IT portfolio of systems and orga-
    In 2011, he became an assistant pro-                Part of the management team of            into new growth areas, transformation of       nization, for 45 countries and in 7 languag-
vost, and in 2014, he became associate              Brookhaven National Laboratory of the U.S.    business operations to improve efficiency      es, driving millions in sustainable savings
provost for academic success. Dr. Gatteau           Department of Energy, Stony Brook Univer-     and effectiveness, as well as continued in-    and efficiencies across the organization.

         Adelphi is proud to congratulate our

         Executive Circle
         Award winner
         R. Sentwali Bakari, PhD
         Vice President for Student Affairs

         Dr. Bakari has been key to leading our students and our community through
         challenging and uncertain times. Having just taken on the position of vice
         president for student affairs in December of 2019, Dr. Bakari was quickly tasked
         with guiding our more than 7,500 students through lockdown, online classes
         and new protocols.

         His leadership in career planning and diversity is recognized across the
         institution. His close work with students has benefited our campus and our
         Long Island neighbors. Dr. Bakari has proven himself to be a reliable and
         invaluable ambassador and advocate for the student body, helping to make
         our campus the home and haven that it is.
6B I LONG ISLAND BUSINESS NEWS I Special Advertising Section I April 2022 I LIBN.COM

   Leaders in Education
    In addition, he has worked for multiple         develop training or pathways to help part-      and over 33,000 students, from 2016-2021.       and personal attention, with the resources,
colleges and universities over the course of        ners develop talent internally, while also      At UIC, Dr. Poser’s ­major accomplishments      technology and facilities of a large universi-
his career delivering best in class technical       finding ways for currently enrolled students    include UIC’s 2019 acquisition of the John      ty. Students can choose from more than 160
solutions to Boston College, Bryn Mawr              to contribute while they complete their de-     Marshall Law School, creating the first and     undergraduate program options and 165
College and Northeastern University.                gree,” Dr. Piskulich explained.                 only public law school in Chicago. Anoth-       graduate program options in the liberal arts
    Grizzaffi earned a bachelor’s degree in             “Molloy remains committed to fueling        er major focus was the creation of several      and sciences, education, health professions
industrial & labor relations from Cornell           and supporting the economic development         initiatives to support faculty and enhance      and human services, the Peter S. Kalikow
University and a master’s degree in infor-          efforts here on Long Island,” she said.         diversity, including establishing pipeline
                                                                                                    ­                                               School of Government, Public Policy and
mation technology from Hofstra University.              Prior to joining Molloy College, Dr. Pi-    programs for underrepresented faculty;          International Affairs, the Fred DeMatteis
    Farmingdale State College is a recog-           skulich served for 32 years at Oakland Uni-     overseeing a bridge program to hire un-         School of Engineering and Applied Science,
nized leader in applied learning. With near-        versity as a member of the political science    derrepresented postdoctoral fellows and         the Frank G. Zarb School of Business, the
ly 10,000 students, FSC delivers exceptional        faculty, MPA program director, depart-          transition them to faculty positions; creat-    Lawrence Herbert School of Communica-
student outcomes and opportunities through          ment chair, associate dean in the College       ing the Faculty Administrator Leadership        tion, the Maurice A. Deane School of Law,
teaching, scholarship and applied research          of Arts and Sciences, associate provost and     Program to mentor faculty; and creating a       the Hofstra Northwell School of Graduate
for Long Island, New York and beyond.               senior associate provost. She also served       new Center for Teaching Excellence with a       Nursing and Physician Assistant Studies,
    As one of the largest institutions in the       as interim provost during the second half       special focus on assisting faculty in creat-    and the Donald and Barbara Zucker School
State University of New York system, FSC            of 2020. She has been involved in many          ing inclusive classrooms.                       of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell.
prepares graduates to be exemplary citi-            initiatives including Strategic Enrollment          She also played a key role in creating
zens equipped to excel in a competitive, di-        Management, the reimagining and recen-          two new cultural centers on campus – one
verse and technically dynamic society. FSC          tralization of continuing education and pro-    focused on Arab American students and an-
was the first institution of public higher ed-      fessional development in collaboration with     other focused on students with disabilities.
ucation on Long Island and has long been            the schools and college, pandemic response,     An advocate of interdisciplinary work, Dr.
a cornerstone of the region’s economy with          development of the Oakland University           Poser created regular forums for faculty from    POSILLICO,
96% of graduates working in New York                William Beaumont School of Medicine, and        across the disciplines to meet and share re-
State and 75 percent working on Long Is-            the campus master plan.                         search in order to generate interdisciplinary    ED.D., CPA
land. Farmingdale prepares emerging lead-               An advocate for, and mentor to, women       research and scholarship. Dr. Poser’s work       New York Institute
ers in the growing technology, engineering,         faculty and other professionals, Dr. Pisku-     supporting data-driven student success us-       of Technology
business and health care fields.                    lich was awarded the Phyllis Law Googas-        ing innovative approaches led to increases in
    FSC is home to the Broad Hollow Biosci-         ian Award from Oakland University and the       student retention and graduation rates.
ence Park, which supports the development           Distinguished Woman in Higher Education             Dr. Poser also served in several posi-         Joseph Posillico, Ed.D., CPA is vice
of biotech start-up companies and partners          Award from the American Council on Edu-         tions at the University of Nebraska. She        president for enrollment management
with surrounding businesses and research            cation (ACE) Women’s Network Michigan           was the dean of the College of Law from         and interim vice president for strategic
institutions along the growing Route 110            Network for Women Leaders in Higher Ed-         2010-2016, the associate to the chancellor      communications at New York Institute
Business Corridor. The college hosts one of         ucation for her work to improve the status of   from 2007-2010, and a law professor for         of Technology (New York Tech). Posillico
New York State’s leading Small Business             women at Oakland University and beyond.         over 15 years. While she was dean, the Col-     has nearly 30 years of higher education
Development Centers, which provides pro-                Nationally she served as president of       lege of Law moved up 35 points in the U.S.      experience in strategic enrollment man-
fessional business advisement, education,           the Network of Schools of Public Affairs        News & World Report rankings and annual         agement, student financial services and
network resources, and advocates for small          and Administration (NASPAA), was a              giving to the school increased significantly.   recruitment and retention.
business and entrepreneurs.                         member and chair of the Commission on               Dr. Poser grew up in New York City             “At New York Tech, we know that en-
                                                    Peer Review and Accreditation (COPRA)           and majored in Ancient Greek at Swarth-         rollment is just the beginning of a stu-
                                                    that accredits Public Administration pro-       more College, graduating with honors.           dent’s life-long relationship with their uni-
                                                    grams internationally. During her pres-         She earned a JD and a PhD from the Uni-         versity,” Posillico said. “Given this, we’ve
                                                    idency and her work on the commission,          versity of California.                          leveraged exciting technology to enhance
                                                    she helped move the organization from its           Before beginning her academic career,       the student experience long before they
 DR. MICHELLE                                       U.S. focus to its current international foot-   Dr. Poser clerked for the Honorable Do-         set foot on campus.”
 PISKULICH                                          print. Dr. Piskulich earned a bachelor’s        lores K. Sloviter, the chief judge of the          “One example is the introduction of
 Molloy College                                     degree in journalism and a master’s degree      U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit     virtual admissions events, which provide
                                                    in political science from the University of     in Philadelphia, and served as the Zicklin      students and their families with the op-
                                                    Missouri-Columbia and a PhD in political        Fellow in Ethics at the Wharton School at       portunity to learn about New York Tech’s
                                                    science from Binghamton University.             the University of Pennsylvania.                 academic programs, student life, clubs and
                                                        Molloy College, an independent Cath-            Dr. Poser’s scholarly work is primari-      organizations through enhanced virtual
    Provost and Vice President for Academ-          olic college based in Rockville Centre, was     ly in the areas of legal ethics and tort law    interaction,” he said. “We’re now able to
ic Affairs Michelle Piskulich joined Molloy         founded in 1955 by the Sisters of Saint         and she has published widely, including in      reach students from across the country and
College in 2021. As provost, Dr. Piskulich is       Dominic in Amityville. The college serves a     the Michigan Law Review and Georgetown          the globe in a powerful way that we were
the chief academic officer of the college and       student population of approximately 4,800       Journal of Legal Ethics.                        unable to do previously through on-campus
oversees the School of Business, the School         undergraduate and graduate students. Mol-           Dr. Poser is a member of the Long Is-       events alone. In addition, the events are re-
of Arts and Sciences, the School of Educa-          loy students can earn degrees in a variety      land Association Board of Directors. A          corded and archived, allowing families who
tion and Human Service and the Barbara H.           of academic programs, including nursing,        member of the Economic Club of Chica-           cannot attend in real time to view them as
Hagan School of Nursing and Health Scienc-          business, education, social work, music ther-   go, her board service, past and present,        their busy schedules allow.”
es, the School of Continuing Education and          apy, computer studies and more.                 includes the International Women’s Fo-             Prior to joining New York Tech as vice
Professional Studies, Graduate Academic                                                             rum (Chicago chapter), the Nebraska Hu-         president for enrollment management in
Affairs, Blended and Online Learning, Ac-                                                           manities Foundation, the Strategic Air &        May 2019, Posillico served as senior vice
ademic Assessment and Academic Services.                                                            Space Museum (Omaha) and the ACLU               president for Caldwell University, where he
    Dr. Piskulich has expertise in entrepre-                                                        (national board and Nebraska chapter).          oversaw admissions, financial aid, market-
neurial program development, shared gov-                                                                She is a member of several bar associ-      ing, communications, registrar, athletics,
ernance, diversity, equity, and inclusion,           DR. SUSAN                                      ations and has served in leadership posi-       finance, and facilities operations. He also
and faculty affairs and development, emer-
gency preparedness, and academic space.
                                                     POSER                                          tions for the Association of Public & Land
                                                                                                    Grant Universities, the American Bar As-
                                                                                                                                                    served as acting president in June-July 2016,
                                                                                                                                                    and vice president for enrollment manage-
                                                     Hofstra University
    Long Island employers need trained                                                              sociation Section on Legal Education, and       ment from February 2005 to December 2015.
employees to meet today’s workforce de-                                                             the Association of American Law Schools.        During his time at Caldwell, the university
mands, Dr. Piskulich said.                                                                              Hofstra University is a nationally          experienced significant increases in under-
    “In response, Molloy is collaborating in                                                        ranked and recognized private university        graduate enrollment and first-year retention.
education, business, health care and other              Dr. Susan Poser is the 9th president of     in Hempstead that is the only school to            Prior to joining Caldwell, Posillico held
industries to help employers meet their             Hofstra University in Hempstead. She as-        ever host three consecutive presidential        positions of increasing responsibility at
workforce needs while still providing a             sumed the office of the president on August     debates (2008, 2012 and 2016). Hofstra          Adelphi University for nearly 14 years, in-
strong foundation in critical skills all em-        1, 2021.                                        University is a quick train ride away from      cluding the role of assistant vice president
ployers want – critical thinking, writing,              Dr. Poser served as the provost and         New York City and all its cultural, recre-      for enrollment management from 2001 to
and oral communication, to name but a               vice chancellor for academic affairs at the     ational and professional opportunities.         2005. In this capacity, he directed strate-
few,” she said.                                     University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), a Car-        Hofstra University is a dynamic com-        gic enrollment planning, marketing and
    “Through our more than 20 partnerships,         negie Research One university with 16 col-      munity of more than 11,000 students from        advertising, budgeting, systems devel-
we hone in on specific employer needs and           leges, including 7 health sciences colleges,    around the world and offers small classes       opment and staff training, and helped to
LONG ISLAND BUSINESS NEWS I Special Advertising Section I April 2022 I LIBN.COM I 7B

                                                                                                                                                        Leaders in Education
increase freshman and transfer enrollment
by 47 percent and 40 percent, respective-
ly. At Adelphi, he also served as director
of university admissions and student finan-
                                                  Dr. Sams has taken an active leadership role
                                                  in his new community since his arrival on
                                                  Long Island. His ideas and efforts to develop
                                                  the college work have been featured in News-
                                                                                                         molloy college
cial services, assistant director of student
financial services, and manager of financial
reporting for student financial services.
                                                  day, the Long Island Press, the South Asian
                                                  Times, and other area news outlets.
                                                      “SUNY Old Westbury has been called
    Before entering higher education, Posilli-    a ‘hidden gem’ because few have known
co served as a senior accountant at Deloitte      about our legacy of access, liberal arts ex-
and Touche, where he supported a range of
clients from not-for-profit to SEC-registered
and Fortune 500 companies.
                                                  cellence, and social justice,” Dr. Sams said.
                                                  “Since 1965, these values have transformed
                                                  the lives of many who today contribute to
                                                                                                    c. michelle Piskulich, Ph.D.
    Posillico earned a bachelor’s degree from
St. John’s University, a master’s degree
from Adelphi University and an Ed.D. from
                                                  all sectors of society. In the year ahead,
                                                  Long Island’s public liberal arts college will
                                                  advance upon its legacy by again innovat-
                                                                                                                 Provost and Vice President
Northeastern University. He has authored
numerous articles and is affiliated with mul-
tiple professional organizations centered on
                                                  ing its curriculum and student experience,
                                                  and by preparing graduates to address the
                                                  challenges of our ever-changing world.”
                                                                                                                    for Academic Affairs
college admissions, counseling, and financial
aid, including the National Association for
College Admission Counseling, American
                                                      “We have begun this work by creating
                                                  new bachelor’s degree programs in bioinfor-
                                                  matics and computational biology, econom-
                                                                                                                      at molloy college
Association of Collegiate Registrars and Ad-      ics, and environmental studies,” Dr. Sams
missions Officers and National Association of     noted. “We are adding to our ability to pre-
Student Financial Aid Administrators.             pare our vastly diverse student body for life
    New York Institute of Technology’s six
schools and colleges offer undergraduate,
                                                  and career success, while preparing them to
                                                  be the world’s next generation of leaders.”                 and the other lIBN honoreees
graduate and professional degree programs             “At the same time, our distinctive val-
in in-demand disciplines including comput-        ues of social and environmental justice and
er science, data science, and cybersecurity;      sustainability have never been more im-
biology, health professions, and medicine;        portant to society than they are today,” he
architecture and design; engineering; IT          said. “This ethical education is embedded
and digital technologies; management; and         throughout our college experience, where
energy and sustainability.                        we teach students to understand our com-
    A nonprofit, independent, private, and        plex world and train them to lead our di-
nonsectarian institute of higher education        verse global community.”                                                               Molloy College, an
founded in 1955, New York Tech welcomes               Prior to SUNY Old Westbury, Dr. Sams
nearly 8,000 students worldwide. The uni-         served as vice president of student affairs                                            independent Catholic college
versity has campuses in New York City and         for Prairie View A&M University in Prairie
Long Island (Old Westbury), New York;             View, Texas. At Prairie View, he showcased                                             based in Rockville Centre,
Jonesboro, Arkansas; and Vancouver, Brit-         his deep commitment to excellence, student                                             Long Island, New York, was
ish Columbia, as well as programs around          support, and inclusivity through the cre-
the world. Nearly 110,000 alumni are part         ation of the university’s residential college,                                         founded in 1955. The College
of an engaged network of physicians, archi-       emergency resource center and LGBTQ+ Re-
tects, scientists, engineers, business leaders,   source Center. His work there built on past                                            serves a student population
digital artists, and healthcare professionals.    experiences at respected institutions across
                                                  the country. As the senior vice president for
                                                                                                                                         of approximately 4,800
                                                  student development at Morehouse College,                                              undergraduate and graduate
                                                  he held a portfolio that included student
                                                  services, enrollment management, campus                                                students. Molloy students
 TIMOTHY E.                                       safety and athletics, among other units. As
                                                  vice president for student life at Rensselaer                                          can earn degrees in a variety
 SAMS, PH.D.                                      Polytechnic Institute, he led such services                                            of outstanding academic
 SUNY Old                                         as residential life, health and mental health
 Westbury                                         services, the campus center and career ser-                                            programs, including nursing,
                                                  vices. He is also credited as inaugurating the
                                                  Student Life Office at New York Universi-                                              business, education, social
                                                  ty-Abu Dhabi and, for 13 years, led the Black
   Dr. Timothy E. Sams began his tenure           Cultural Center at Swarthmore College.
                                                                                                                                         work, music therapy and many
as the 6th full president in the history of           Dr. Sams’ career accomplishments include                                           more.
State University of New York at Old West-         reaccreditation and two strategic plans, stu-
bury on January 11, 2021. Across a career         dent success, efforts to increase student and
spanning three decades, Dr. Sams has              staff diversity, and elevating residential col-                                        Founded by the Dominican
demonstrated leadership in improving stu-         lege models at three institutions. He helped
dent success, particularly for students from      create the nation’s first ROTC Center of
                                                                                                                                         Sisters of Amityville.
disadvantaged and marginalized commu-             Excellence, a campus-based PrEP program,
nities. He brings to the college an emphasis      a J-Mester program, a bridge program, an
on institutional excellence, inclusive inno-      undergraduate completion program, an ex-
vation and strategic change management.           periential learning and cultural immersion
   Dr. Sams has led SUNY Old Westbury             program in Ghana, West Africa, two major
to numerous achievements, including the           LGBTQ support initiatives, a student emer-
renewal of its accreditation by the Middle        gency resource center, and a $1.5 million fed-
States Commission on Higher Education,            eral community intervention grant.
the accreditation from the Association to Ad-         Dr. Sams earned a Bachelor’s Degree in
vance Quality in Educator Preparation for its     History and Sociology from Union College in
School of Education, and earning the “High-       Schenectady, NY; a Master’s Degree in Afri-
er Education Excellence in Diversity Award”       cana Studies from the University at Albany;
from Insight into Diversity ­magazine.            and a Ph.D. in African American Studies           1-888-4-MOLLOY
   From frequent meetings with state and          from Temple University. He is an MSI Aspir-       www.molloy.edu
local leaders about the region’s response to      ing Leaders Fellow and recipient of the 2020      1000 Hempstead Ave., PO Box 5002
the COVID-19 pandemic to his election to the      Champions for Student Success Award from             Rockville Centre, NY 11571-5002
Long Island Association Board of Directors,       American Campus ­Communities.
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