Page created by Katie Mason



Our White Paper outlines the story of                         The NFT-MAKER Wallet will be a web-
NFT-MAKER and presents our plans for                          based wallet focused specificially on
the future.                                                   creating the easiest way for users to
                                                              come into the NFT space for the very first
NFT-MAKER is creating a multi-chain NFT                       time.
ecosystem focused on reducing the en-
try-barrier to NFTs for end-users, artists,                   The NFT-MAKER Payment Gateway is our
brands and corporations by building tools                     standardized checkout system for NFT
to cover the full range of onboarding, min-                   Sales. It integrations all major wallets on
ting & secondary market selling.                              Cardano and will be tightly coupled to the
                                                              NFT-MAKER Wallet to simplify the pro-
Even though NFT-MAKER will be creating                        cess of buying NFTs with FIAT currencies.
a blockchain agnostic NFT ecosystem,
the Cardano blockchain will remain its                        The NFT-MAKER Game Launchpad will
main focus.                                                   be a decentralized Digital Rights Ma-
                                                              nagement platform & store focused on
NFT-MAKER PRO was the first public                            Non-Play-To-Earn videogames.
‘Mint-On-Demand’ tool for the Carda-
no Blockchain that has since evolved to                       The $NMKR Token will bridge the full
become the powerhouse behind around                           NFT-MAKER ecosystem by enabling de-
50% of all unique projects and nearly                         centralized utility & governance for all
20% of all NFT’s that currently exist.                        NFT-MAKER products.

It is a multifunctional infrastructure built                  The NMKR Stake Pool will provide ad-
to maximise the power of NFT’s, whilst                        ditional      utility   to   the   NFT-MAKER
minimising the technical complexity nee-                      community like reduced fees on cer-
ded to use them. We strive to solve the                       tain products, NFT airdrops and $NMKR
key challenges of High Transaction Fees                       token distribution.
and Sustainability whilst catering to au-
diences beyond those who are already                          We      are      extremely     humbled   and
Crypto-Savvy.                                                 thankful for the amazing response we
                                                              have had so far and can‘t wait to see
The NFT-MAKER Marketplace will be a                           you with us on this journey.
multi-blockchain NFT marketplace fo-
cused on creating the best possible                           By providing the tools for artists,
secondary market user experience for                          developers, brands, corporations and
both seasoned crypto-users and also                           end-users, we aim to make NFTs a part
crypto-beginners.                                             of everyones daily life.

All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vol. 01

Team                                                          Blockchain
25+                                                           CARDANO

Prototype Release                                             Location
11.04.2021                                                    SWITZERLAND

Total Token Supply                                            Token Name
10 000 000 000                                                NMKR

Products                                                      Token Distribution:
MARKETPLACE                                                   PRE-SALE ICO
MINTING & SMART                                               PUBLIC ICO
CONTRACT API                                                  IDO
WALLET                                                        STAKE POOL REWARDS
STAKE POOL                                                    AIRDROP
PAYMENT GATEWAY                                               COMMUNITY DISTRIBUTION

Target Groups                                                 Engineering
FANS & COLLECTORS                                             TBA

ICO Date                                                      IDO Date
TBA                                                           TBA

All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

1         WHAT WE STAND FOR                                                        7
1.1       NFTS AS TECH. INFRASTRUCTURE ON THE FUTURE                               9

2         TEAM BACKGROUND                                                          11

3         ORIGINS & HISTORY                                                        13

4         BLOCKCHAIN AGNOSTIC BUT CARDANO FIRST                                    15

5         OUR STANCE ON REGULATION                                                 20

6         BUILDING AN NFT ECOSYSTEM                                                22
6.1       NFT-MAKER PRO                                                            24
6.2       NFT-MAKER MARKETPLACE                                                    28
6.3       NFT-MAKER PAYMENT GATEWAY                                                32
6.4       NFT-MAKER STAKE POOL                                                     34
6.5       NFT-MAKER WALLET                                                         37
6.6       NFT-MAKER GAME LAUNCHPAD                                                 40
6.7       NFT-MAKER LICENSES                                                       43
6.8       CNFT AWARDS                                                              45
6.9       PARTNER PROJECTS                                                         47
6.10      THIRD-PARTY PROJECTS                                                     49
6.11      EDUCATION                                                                52

7         ROADMAP                                                                  54

8         CONNECTING THE ECOSYSTEM THROUGH $NMKR                                   56
8.1       ARTIST VERIFICATION & FRAUD PREVENTION                                   58
8.2       ECOSYSTEM GOVERNANCE                                                     65

9         TOKENOMICS                                                               67

10        TOKEN DISTRIBUTION EVENTS                                                69

11        DISCLAIMER                                                               73

12        REFERENCES                                                               77

All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vol. 01

 At its core, NFT-MAKER provides the
 infrastructure for NFT projects, allowing                     In terms of sustainability, it’s become
 creators, brands, companies and artists                       clear that the Proof-of-Work consensus
 to focus on what they do best, being                          algorithm used by many Blockchains,
 creative.                                                     require an enormous amount of energy
                                                               as their core protocol element. It is very
 We make NFTs accessible for everyone                          important to us that we bring NFT’s
 by providing an end-to-end ecosystem                          to the world whilst ensuring that the
 that adapts to the various use cases and                      infrastructure we are building is as
 needs of web3.                                                environmentally friendly as possible.

 Mission                                                       We see these as challenges to overcome
 MAKING NFTS ACCESSIBLE                                        and with our holistic approach, we feel
 TO EVERYONE                                                   this is possible. By focusing on energy-
                                                               efficient Proof-of-stake blockchains like
 Values                                                        Cardano, we will be the intermediary
 EMPOWEREMENT                                                  between NFT suppliers and their cus-
 COMMUNITY                                                     tomers – offering an easy to use and EU
 DECENTRALISATION                                              compliant product ready for the world.

 In its current form, the NFT space has three                  In order to solve the verification concerns
 key challenges: High barriers to entry,                       we will introduce a mix between a token
 sustainability concerns and verification                      verification         mechanism   focused   on
 issues.                                                       game-theory to reduce bad behaviour
                                                               and introduce Digital Identity tools to
 The high barriers to entry come in the                        give users to prove their authenticity.
 form of the extremely high transaction
 fees, as well as the initial knowledge
 needed to operate in an ecosystem
 geared towards those who are already
 well acquainted with Crypto.

 All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1


  A t their core, NFTs really are the
  technological infrastructure for                              Unspent you ask? In this context, unspent
  proof-of-o wnership.                                          describes how every transaction actually
                                                                spends your full amount of coins and then
  The fundamental idea being that if we can                     essentially sends the remainder back to
  store data on the blockchain, that data                       you, almost like getting change from a shop.
  can reference anything. If it can reference
  anything, then we can use it to store the                     Cardano uses the eUTXO (extended
  ownership of any physical or digital item;                    Unspent Transaction Output) model,
  houses, cars, licenses, certificates - the                    whereby the UTXO is extended with an
  possibilities really are endless.                             additional script (smart contract) that
                                                                must return True before the tokens will
  No longer do we need to rely on paperwork                     be sent. Think of this as an additional
  or central 3rd parties to transfer complex                    check in conjunction with the public/
  and expensive assets – we can do this in                      private key pair. All UTXOs actually have
  a trustless, decentralised manner using                       smart contracts attached to them[1], but
  the blockchain. From the point of view of                     having this results in there being no way
  the general public, as with most techno-                      to distinguish a unique smart contract –
  logy, people want to have the best                            this is where NFT’s come in. Attaching
  results without needing to know exactly                       an NFT to a smart contract allows it to be
  how it works. This is one of the key pillars                  uniquely identified and thus, completes
  in our philosophy of bringing the power of                    the security of the Cardano Blockchain.
  NFT’s to everyone but to explain some                         This is particularly important, because
  of the detail, here is an overview of why                     Bitcoin does have a very locked-down
  NFT’s are important on Cardano.                               scripting       lang-uage   and   coins   such
  The Bitcoin blockchain pioneered the use                      as Ethereum aimed to improve the
  of the UTXO model of accounting, whereby                      expressiveness of smart contracts but
  instead of logging the current balance                        were unable to solve this whilst using
  of each account, the blockchain stores                        UTXO and instead opted for the balance
  the set of unspent transactions.                              based accounting model. The researchers
                                                                at Cardano did manage to crack this and
                                                                thus, Cardano is the current best-in-
                                                                class infrastructure, for the best method
                                                                of storing ownership ever created.

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

 Patrick Tobler                                    Fahim Popalzai                    Peter Jaschkowske
 Founder & Technology                              Founder & Designer                Blockchain Gaming

 Founder of NFT-MAKER and                          Interaction Designer with 4+      4+ years experience in Game
 Cardano blockchain techno-                        years experience in crafting      Development and 3D Design
 logy expert                                       digital products

 Sascha Tobler                                     Ann-Kristin Mackensen             Kristian Portz
 Technology                                        Finances                          Management

 20+ years in building tech-                       7+ years experience in            Founder of LE4F Agency
 companies and Software                            financial modelling and invest-   and 10+ years experience in
 Development                                       ment/spin-offs for Siemens &      production management and
                                                   Porsche                           team structuring

 Chris Flato                                       Maximailian                       +20 other amazing
 Marketing & PR                                    Technology                        team members

 10+ years in Communications,                      10+ years Software Develop-
 previously Director of PR for                     ment experience
 ESL Gaming

 All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.    WhitePaper Vers. 1

  The initial idea for NFT-MAKER was
  ​​                                                            after the launch of this tool, a initially small
  first conceptualised by our co-founder(s)                     number of projects started using it, which
  during the early months of 2021. After                        then grew to many, until NFT-MAKER
  the rise of NFTs on Cardano with the                          became synonymous with ‘the best way
  initial release of the SpaceBudz project,                     to mint’ on Cardano using its system of
  it became clear that there’s a lack of                        unique, reserved addresses.
  accessible tools for creating NFTs on the
  Cardano blockchain. Thus the idea was                         Although powerful and solving many of
  born. A few weeks later, our Founders                         the issues with minting, the system of
  Patrick Tobler and Fahim Popalzai created                     unique, reserved addresses does require
  the initial NFT-MAKER V1 website which                        considerable coding skills to imple-
  for the very first time on Cardano allowed                    ment, especially in regards to backend/
  non-technologically-savy users to create                      frontend of a website. Because of this, the
  their own NFTs. It immediately became a                       team started making the tool even more
  huge succes and has since then allowed                        accessible to non-programmers. Since
  more artists to create NFTs on Cardano                        then the growth has been exponential,
  than any other Minting Tool.                                  leading to over 800 000 NFTs minted
                                                                through NFT-MAKER products in less
  Shortly after this, our founders were                         than 9 months after the initial NFT-
  contacted by the artists behind two of the                    MAKER V1 release.
  earliest large-scale Cardano NFT projects:
  The     Hoskinsons           and      the     unsigned_       We now arrive at today, having released
  algorithms.                                                   countless additional functionalities,
                                                                ing the team to now 27 people and con-
  Both of these artists were looking for a                      tinuing to push forward in increasing the
  service that would allow them to give their                   user experience for everyone involved in
  audience the ability to mint on demand, in                    NFT’s.
  bulk. For these specific projects, the small
  but growing NFT-MAKER team created
  their own internal API to assist with the
  minting and after the huge success of
  these projects they realised how powerful
  this really was.

  The decision was then made to release
  a public tool & API allowing creators to pre-
  load their NFT’s, ready for minting. Shortly

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1


  Technological progress seems to nat-                          Cardano is a third-generation block-chain,
  urally result in having around 5 key players                  created to solve the blockchain trilema
  in any given space as time passes. We                         using the scientific method – ensuring deep
  expect the same thing to happen with                          research and peer-reviews are completed
  blockchains, leaving the Pareto principle                     well in advance of implementation. The
  majority of users being active on the top                     ethos is to take the time needed, to get it
  chains that are optimised to perform                          right on the first attempt.
  best in a given scenario. Over time, we
  plan to bring NFT’s into the mainstream
  which will mean making them available
  on multiple blockchains to ensure users
  are able to access them. Having said
  this, we did need to select a single chain
  to get started on – here is why we selected

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1


  Security is the singular most important                       Cardano on the other hand uses a unique
  element of any blockchain – without it,                       consensus mechanism known as ‘Ouro-
  everything else is almost irrelevant. The                     boros’[3].
  huge innovation brought in by Bitcoin was                     Rather than using the underlying Proof-
  how it enables transactions to be verified                    of-work model, Ouroboros uses Proof-
  without a central, trusted authority. We                      of-Stake which relies on randomisation
  wanted to ensure we were building on                          weighted by the amount of ADA that has
  infrastructure that was future-fit and                        been staked when selecting the node
  could be proven to hold up against the                        that validates a given set of trans-
  extreme security needed, whilst being                         actions. Validators are selected based
  energy efficient.                                             on the amount of ADA that they have
  Blockchains          are     largely        defined      by   delegated to a stake pool. Having this
  their consensus protocol, Bitcoin most                        instead removes the need for the heavy
  famously uses Proof-of-work, which                            computational challenges in Proof-of-work
  was then implemented by most of the                           and thereby drastically reduces the energy
  early ‘alt’ coins such as Ethereum. Proof-                    consumption. The Ouroboros protocol
  of-work seeks to pick the next trans-                         is mathematically verifiable as being
  action validator by allowing all potential                    guaranteed to be secure so long as 51% of
  validators to attempt to solve very difficult                 the stake is held by honest participants.
  computational problems. The first to solve                    To put it plainly – Cardano’s Ouroboros
  the problem ‘wins’ the right to become                        provides fantastic security, whilst using
  the validator and thus is rewarded with                       0.005% of the energy. For some perspective,
  Bitcoins. This incentivises people to run                     Cardano uses about the same energy as 600
  Bitcoin Nodes that use powerful hardware                      US residencies[4], Bitcoin uses more than
  to maximise the computational power in                        most countries and if it was a country,
  an attempt to maximise the chance of                          would rank 31st for the most energy usage.
  becoming a validator. This results in the                     Smart contracts are also crucial for
  compute power of the Bitcoin network                          any blockchain, Cardano in particular
  being so large that it uses 115,000 Giga-                     uses NFT’s within its Smart Contracts
  watts of energy per year            [2]
                                            (more than the      to give them uniqueness, which will likely
  entirety of the Netherlands). Bitcoin’s                       be traded and have utility. Cardano’s
  security therefore relies on the premise                      native smart contracts language ‘Plutus’
  that unless a bad actor can gain control                      is also the first of its kind to be written
  of more than 51% of the network‘s                             in Haskell – a highly secure functional
  computational power, they will be unable                      programming language known for its ability
  to consistently solve the problems to                         to allow developers to ensure ‘correctness’
  become the validator and the rest of the                      in their software. With Smart Contracts,
  network will simply pick ‘the longest                         correctness is everything.

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1


  Scalability is a consistently difficult chall-
  enge as part of the blockchain trilema. Our
  long term vision is to have NFT’s be the
  infrastructure that will be used to track
  ownership of all kinds of real (and digital)
  goods and services. In order to do this, it
  needs to solve the biggest challenge in the
  space – Scalability, to meet the demand of
  the world and the sheer number of trans-
  actions that happen on a day to day basis.
  Fortunately, Cardano has this in the 4th
  stage of its roadmap known as Basho,
  whereby various optimisations are starting
  to occur such as block size increases,
  more efficient usage of memory and later
  – Hydra. Hydra will use the concept of side-
  chains to offload computation and batch
  process smaller transactions to massively
  improve throughput and become one of
  the most high performance blockchains in

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1


  Continuing with the theme of long-term                        Having this in place will make Cardano not
  thinking, Cardano has had governance in                       only decentralised in terms of its currency
  its roadmap from the very early stages.                       and assets, but also fully decentralised
  Its creators very quickly acknowledged                        in terms of its governance, maintenance
  that they would need to build a system                        and long term direction.
  that could govern itself over time frames
  far beyond the medium term, which is                          Given the above-mentioned qualities [6] ,
  something quite rare in Crypto.                               we clearly believe that Cardano is the
                                                                best blockchain to build on long term. We
  At the moment, Cardano has the Catalyst                       however are still very much committed to
  voting system, whereby community                              bringing NFT’s to the world and understand
  projects are put forward for voting and                       that a necessary part of this will be to
  those with ADA staked can cast their vote                     expand our ecosystem onto other Proof-
  toward the project, which may then be                         of-stake blockchains in the future.
  funded from the (currently centralised
  Cardano treasury). The coming Voltaire[5]
  era will bring this to its full, decentralised
  fruition, allowing network participants to
  present their own Cardano Improvement
  Proposals (CIPs) which can be voted
  on using the already existing staking
  and delegation processes that has been
  available since the Shelly era. They have
  even considered how improvements will
  be funded in the long term and as such, the
  Voltaire era will implement a decentralised
  treasury system, whereby a fraction of the
  transaction fees will be collated as funds
  for future developments.

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

  Although the specific timelines are                           of $NMKR will be able to flag what appear
  unclear, something that we know for                           to be “unusual purchases”.
  sure is that more regulation will come                        The idea behind this is that it will
  to Crypto.                                                    again deter bad actors from using our
                                                                ecosystem for these purposes, as they
  The main reason for this regulation is to                     know that our community is actively
  protect investors and to counter money                        engaged in (initially) identifying potential
  laundering. Regardless of how we feel                         cases so that further information can be
  about this, our best option is to get ahead                   gathered.
  and consider what would be the best
  solution for the space before any new                         This is difficult, user experience in our
  rules come into effect. Doing so of course                    ecosystem is extremely important to
  has the benefit of preparedness for our                       us and we have no plans to degrade this
  ecosystem – but if we get this right, we                      with unnecessary additional forms or
  may well be able to create the bench-                         checks. On the other hand, we do need
  mark of how this can be implemented                           to ensure that we comply with all related
  for governments to adopt. Solve the                           regulations. The good news is that small
  problem, before they create the rules –                       trades tend not to be the target of such
  show the world how it can be done.                            regulation (unless there are clear groups
                                                                of trades that have been made to combine
  NFT’s are at particular risk of being used                    to a larger total). This means that the
  for money laundering, given the fact that                     majority of users will likely not have to
  the primary use case at the moment is Art,                    complete anything more than the usual
  which has a very subjective value. For this                   sign up process for any Crypto Market-
  reason, it is essentially possible to argue                   place. For people who want to engage in
  why anything was purchased for such                           larger trades though, more KYC may be
  a high (or low) price. Being a completely                     required, but our plan is to initially keep
  public ledger, the Cardano Blockchain                         KYC as an option that gets rewarded,
  naturally has some defenses against                           rather than something that results in
  money laundering whereby anyone can                           punishment if not completed. The idea
  track any transaction at any time, thereby                    behind this is that it will encourage
  using Cardano to commit such acts                             people to complete the KYC and thus
  results in the perpetrator leaving behind                     as regulations do become more strict,
  an incorruptible and permanent log of                         many users will already have everything
  their actions. This alone should be enough                    they need to continue thus reducing
  to deter many, but sadly not all.                             the impact on the userexperience. This
                                                                will be a gradual process that we, as a
  As a further proactive measure, we plan                       community can work together to ensure
  to bring in functionality whereby holders                     is handled correctly.

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1
ECOSYSTEM         6

  From our humble beginnings as a simple
  website that allowed people to mint one
  image onto the blockchain – we have never
  stopped working to make our platform
  as powerful and user friendly as we can.
  Today we launch our full ecosystem which
  will consist of the following parts.

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   Following the release of our initial                          NFT Metadata has a maximum per-
   minting service for minting single NFT’s,                     field limit of 64 characters, which
   we wanted to set up a system whereby                          gives plenty of room for creators
   projects could mint large drops (1000’s of                    to add further information to their
   NFT’s) of which makes the single minter                       collections. Lots of creators like to add
   system infeasible. For this reason, we                        further utility to their collections by
   built our API, which has been the minting                     providing opportunities for people to get
   bridge used for over 800 000 NFTs so far                      ‘whitelisted’. Being on this list can grant
   (05.02.2022) – this has been the backbone                     the person a free airdrop, a guarantee
   of our infrastructure and is something we                     of minting another NFT or something
   are extremely proud of.                                       else entirely. NFT MAKER PRO has this
   As a high level overview, our API allows                      capability built in, allowing the creator to
   the creators to set up a minting front                        create custom sell conditions that must
   end that can make calls to our backend                        be met for the person to be able to mint.
   infrastructure, granting the developers                       This means creators can ensure their
   a fantastic user interface and a highly                       community gets what they have been
   robust minting on demand service.                             promised and also opens up possibilities
                                                                 for current holders to be granted the
   Pre-Mint – as outlined previously, the                        rights to mint automatically, further
   NFTs      themselves           contain        metadata        incentivising the desire to be part of a
   which contains pointers to the location                       given community. It can also be used to
   of where the actual asset is stored. This                     ensure a wider distribution of NFTs by
   means that any creator will need to find                      allowing creators to set a max purchase
   a storage location that is both public and                    count which will check the buyers wallet
   secure, whilst also being likely to exist for                 first to ensure they don‘t already have
   a very long time. Creators then also need                     more than their fair share before minting.
   to ensure their minting system can then,
   at run time, match up the relevant asset,
   with the NFT metadata, which means
   storing reasonably complex mappings
   that must work first time. Our backend
   allows creators to upload the asset files
   and metadata to our servers, which
   then store the files on IPFS and align the
   metadata mappings ahead of minting. The
   intuitive UI then allows creators to easily
   perform checks at any time to ensure
   everything is correct for the launch.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   For creators, once they have their assets                     Because of this, our ‘on-demand minting’
   ready, they then need a method of                             already solves the biggest issues with
   allowing the community to purchase a                          CNFTs at the moment:
   random NFT which means handling what
   may be thousands of concurrent trans-                         Sending ADA after the mint has ended –
   actions and then distributing random                          by reserving and issuing a unique address
   NFT’s to those that have sent the correct                     for each NFT, we are able to handle the
   amount of ADA. To help with this, we                          load balancing off-chain, this means that
   created the following powerful elements:                      the quickest people to request an NFT, will
                                                                 be those that receive it. For high-demand
   Reservation System – Instead of using the                     projects, people who unfortunately miss
   outdated Pay-In method of selling NFTs,                       out on the NFTs will be told immediately
   where thousands of people just pay into                       that the minting has completed, avoiding
   one single address which will then be used                    the need for an individual to send ADA
   for minting the NFTs, we offer a different                    despite no NFTs in the project being
   and more user-friendly way. By creating                       available, and the effort/time needed to
   a scalable reservation system we reduce                       complete a refund.
   the amount of on-chain transactions
   required and create the best possible                         Network Congestion – NFT-MAKER PRO
   user experience.                                              checks if there are any NFTs left before
                                                                 providing a unique address for the user to
   Payment Handling – following on from                          send ADA to, therefore, only successful
   above, by using our API, creators leave                       minting transactions will ever reach the
   any required refunds or other distribution                    blockchain, thereby keeping congestion
   challenges to our backend. Firstly, by                        to an absolute minimum. This further
   only enabling transactions for reserved                       solves other issues that many have faced,
   assets, this means that only the minimum                      whereby people have submitted a trans-
   number of purchasing users will ever                          action to the blockchain, but it registers
   submit a transaction, therefore, anyone                       many minutes later. NFT-MAKER PRO
   who submits a transaction will receive                        ensures that if an individual sends ADA,
   an NFT. Those who are too late will never                     they receive their NFT.
   even have the chance to submit an
   unnecessary transaction that would then
   have to be refunded. Finally, for any users
   that do send the wrong ADA amount, our
   backend automatically refunds this to
   that user.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   Bot Proof – by using Captchas, comb-                          Scams – by communicating to the comm-
   ined with the unique address system                           unity about how our API works, this can
   mentioned above, we can stop the                              help the users to ensure they never
   majority of bots from attempting to                           become a victim of one of the many
   mint more than their fair share. This                         scams that essentially involve a fake
   further increases decentralisation and                        Address circulating through social media.
   fairness on our Cardano Blockchain.                           Users will know that the only way they
                                                                 can get their own, unique address is via
                                                                 the official website. Now that we have
                                                                 the Payment Gateway, the users NEVER
                                                                 actually see the Cardano address, which
                                                                 makes this very easy for creators to
                                                                 communicate with their community.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1


   The Marketplace is the main project                           As each asset genuinely is unique, you
   that we have been quietly working on for                      need to find a buyer/seller pair for that
   many months and is the centrepiece for                        specific NFT to make a trade. This is very
   everything we do going forward. We are                        different to traditional ‘Fungible’ stock/
   proud to announce that it will run on Smart                   crypto markets whereby you only need
   Contracts from day one.                                       a buyer or seller for a quantity of that
   Smart Contracts can be defined as code                        We will never be able to fully solve this,
   that is stored on the blockchain and can                      but what we can do is create features
   be triggered by on chain actions. On our                      that maximise the amount of ‘acceptable
   Marketplace, the smart contracts will                         trades’ in the ‘order book’. What we
   store the NFTs/ADA, ready to send them                        mean by this is that, of the set of people
   immediately, once the conditions are met.                     that would trade their NFT, many do not
   By utilising this powerful functionality, we                  simply because of the effort to list it for a
   are able to offer a Decentralised secondary                   price they would be happy with. The more
   marketplace where we can guarantee the                        options we give people and the better the
   results of all accepted sales.                                user interface, the more likely people will
                                                                 list their NFTs.
   User experience is everything to us and
   with NFT, the user experience needs to                        The most common use case will be the
   cater for the uniqueness of the tokens.                       ‘Buy It Now’ Functionality.
   We are going to start by ensuring we have
   the best possible searching functionality                     This will allow the NFT seller to set up a
   in the space, we will use all of the data                     smart contract to temporarily ‘store the
   available to ensure you are able to find the                  NFT’ and will be set to ‘trigger’ at a given
   exact NFT you are looking for, as quickly                     price that the seller decides. Potential
   as possible. Further to this, we want to                      buyers can then view the listing and if
   allow users to feel like the collectors that                  they wish to purchase, will simply send
   many of us are, allowing you to set your                      the amount of ADA to the smart contract
   collection as public to show your NFTs to the                 address using our Payment Gateway,
   community and be open to offers on them!                      thus triggering the contract to send the
   Combining these elements with a smart                         NFT to the buyer and forwarding on to the
   notification system will ensure you are able                  ADA to the seller. This option will allow
   to react quickly in a fast moving space.                      users to remove their listing (by canceling
   One of the biggest challenges with NFTs is                    the smart contract). No more waiting
   the ‘liquidity problem’. This is essentially                  for the seller to send the NFT, no more
   a problem unique to the space.                                uncertainty.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   We will offer a ‘Standard Auction’                            their listing (thus canceling the contract).
   functionality.                                                Conversely, we will be offering ‘Dutch
                                                                 Auctions’ whereby the price will be set
   This will allow the NFT seller to set up                      initially high by the seller which then
   a smart contract to temporarily ‘store                        slowly falls until either a buyer purchases
   the NFTs, set to ‘trigger’ after a given                      the NFT or the timer expires. This feature
   time that the seller decides (assuming                        will add an alternative bidding strategy
   the reserve price is also met). Potential                     whereby people can risk missing out in
   buyers can then view the listing and if                       the hope of getting the NFT for a lower
   they wish to purchase, will simply bid the                    price or buy it early to ensure they obtain
   amount of ADA they desire.                                    the NFT.
   Behind the scenes, this will send the ADA
   bid to a smart contract address where it                      Future additions.
   will remain whilst the auction is in progress,
   higher bids will then automatically close                     Those listed above are the initial types of
   the smart contracts containing lower bids                     auctions we plan to host, later additions
   so that buyers receive their ADA as soon as                   will see options where an auction can be
   it is not going to result in a win.                           extended by a short period of time if a
   Once the auction has completed, the                           new bid has been added in the closing
   smart contract will send the correct NFT                      minutes,       which   should   add   a   new
   to the smart contract of the highest                          dynamic to this process. We are also
   bidder to claim the ADA, thus triggering                      considering adding functionality to allow
   the contract to send the ADA to the seller.                   bartering, whereby people will be able to
   This option will not allow users to remove                    offer to trade actual NFTs with or without
                                                                 additional ADA which will help collectors
                                                                 to swap the collections they are looking for.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   We will also integrate a ‘Seeking’                            fungible assets.
                                                                 As you can see, using the smart contracts
   This will be a new type of method that will                   process has many advantages and some
   mostly be used by dedicated collectors,                       of the common bad practices such as
   but will allow the buyer to create an open                    canceling sales or taking several hours to
   ADA Bid amount for a specific NF T, utilizing                 send the NFT are eliminated by default.
   multi-signature transactions.                                 All payments, listings, offers will be
                                                                 handled through our native NFT-MAKER
   Potential sellers can then view the list-                     Payment Gateway that easily connects
   ings and, if they have an NFT that matches                    with all major Cardano wallets. For more
   the buyers criteria, they can then send the                   information regarding the NFT-MAKER
   NFT to the Smart Contract, thus triggering                    Payment Gateway, please see the relevant
   the contract to send the ADA to the NFT                       section below.
   seller and the NFT to the buyer. This is
   particularly interesting as it further helps
   to solve the NFT liquidity issue, whereby
   due to their unique nature trades can
   only occur between parties that desire
   the single, specific NFT as opposed to

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   The NFT-MAKER PRO API does require a                          familiar ‘online shopping-like’ experience
   reasonable amount of technical skill to                       offered by services like PayPal.
                                                                 Until now, one of the most noticeable
   Because of this, we wanted to bring it to                     differences with using Crypto vs FIAT
   the next level and have created the native                    has been the specifics of requiring the
   NFT-MAKER Payment Gateway, which is                           user     to   personally   manage   working
   a ready made interface that projects can                      with large random cha-racter strings
   add to their sites as needed by simply                        for addresses. This can be particularly
   copy-pasting the code. Releasing this not                     stressful and complex when trying to
   only removes yet another technical barrier                    get involved in a popular mint and likely
   to entry but also creates a more uniform                      causes many users to accidentally send
   approach to the way our community                             ADA to the wrong address. Knowing this,
   interacts with NFT drops or anything else                     as the Payment Gateway makes the
   Cardano NFT related.                                          API calls, it automatically handles the
                                                                 target wallet address for the user, allowing
   This powerful component handles all                           them to focus on the amount of ADA and
   of the complexity behind the scenes,                          identifying themselves.
   utilising NFT-MAKER PRO by making the
   calls to our API, which in turn will reserve                  As our Payment Gateway auto-
   the NFT and prepare a transaction, ready                      matically handles this in the back-
   to be signed by the users wallet. This all                    ground, we expect the days of manually
   happens behind the scenes not just for                        copy and pasting strings to slowly fade.
   the end user, but for the project creator
   too. No more single addresses, no more                        Moving further into the future, you can
   copy and paste.                                               quickly see how this is a gamechanger for
                                                                 mass adoption, when a user is purchasing
   In essence, any NFT project receives all of                   a ticket, some art, a car or a house – users
   the benefits of our powerful API, without                     ultimately want to know that the details
   needing the deeper technical knowledge                        are correct with the minimum effort.
   to set it up. This already is the gold-                       They want the item, not the responsibility
   standard in Cardano minting techno-                           of getting the data right. Because of the
   logy and we just made it better and more                      considerable increase in usability and the
   accessible so as to help ensure a uniform                     user experience – we expect this to be
   approach across the ecosystem.                                the primary payment gateway within the
                                                                 Cardano community going forward.
   Our Payment Gateway has been designed
   to evoke more of the seamless and

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   After completing 422 blocks and just over                     Stake Pool partners to form ISOs. This
   1 years of active service, the BABEL Stake                    is a big differentiator and encourages
   Pool was retired, but the community                           people to look at those pools over others
   built around it lives on. We are happy to                     as the delegators will receive rewards in
   announce that this Pool and all of its                        the form of tokens for the DEX.
   previously pledged assets are being
   rebuilt as the NFT-MAKER Pool.                                At NFT MAKER, we want to push this
                                                                 even further with absolute focus on
   Crypto in the broadest sense represents                       the CNFT space, by offering the best
   innovation, just as Crypto has been at the                    possible rewards for people who are
   cutting edge of technical advancements                        interested in CNFTs.
   in the field of finance, such advance-
   ments must be reflected in Cardano
   Stake Pools.

   The base reality is that all pools average
   out at ~4.5% APR in terms of their
   staking rewards (this is built into the
   protocol) making it hard for Stake Pools
   to stand out.

   Overtime we have seen the space
   innovate, initially by coupling rewards by
   giving to charity, some pools have also
   moved to ‘bare-metal’ implementations
   over using Cloud instances offered by
   large corporations.

   These are great methods for making
   the pool unique but only offer indirect
   benefits to their delegators. Already we
   are seeing how DEXs are launching with

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   Staking       to    this     pool     will    bring      its   As if this wasn’t enough, we are also
   delegators         unique       benefits        that     no    working with an initially small group of
   other pool can offer to begin with, as                         stake pools for other CNFT Secondary
   summarised below:                                              Markets – this can expand over time to
                                                                  include other select pools but will need a
   • Lower exchange fees when trading                             large majority decision to do so.
     CNFT’s on the NFT-MAKER Marketplace
                                                                  To put it simply, if you have any interest
   • Lower minting fees when buying NFTs                          in CNFTs – this will be where you stake
     from projects using NFT-MAKER PRO                            your ADA.

   • Exclusive CNFT airdrops                                      We believe that continuing to innovate
                                                                  in this way not only helps to provide
   • Regular $NMKR Token distributions                            maximum              value   for   the   Cardano
                                                                  Community, but also further establishes
                                                                  Cardano as a key player in the Crypto
                                                                  market. Other blockchains may use
                                                                  Proof-of-stake in the future, but no other
                                                                  blockchain will be able to offer this level
                                                                  of utility from its staking. The more utility
                                                                  we can offer, the more likely people are
                                                                  to hold and stake their ADA, resulting in
                                                                  a stronger, more decentralised Cardano

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.    WhitePaper Vers. 1
WALLET   6.5

   Wallets are the way you ultimately
   interact with the blockchain.

   And Cardano has a plethora of options to
   choose from, ranging from the full-node
   wallets like Daedalus[7] to the lite-clients
   like Nami[8] and CCVault[9]. These wallets
   range in their complexity of use, but one
   thing that is not regularly discussed is
   the base level knowledge needed to get
   started on Cardano (or any blockchain).
   Even the simplest of wallets (necessarily)
   requires the user to download an app, write
   down and remember a seed phrase, sign up
   to an exchange, move fiat to that exchange,
   purchase ADA, find the destination wallet
   address (which is essentially a very long
   string of random text) and then send it,
   finally then, they have ADA in their custody.

   As people very deep into Cardano and
   Crypto as a whole, this challenge is often
   overlooked, but is one that we need to
   solve if we are to obtain the mass adoption
   that we all strive for. You may even have
   anecdotal evidence of trying to show a
   friend or family member how to get started
   and seeing them immediately confused or
   apprehensive at the prospect.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   To solve this, we are developing a                            This wallet will be integrated into the NFT-
   beginner wallet.                                              MAKER Marketplace accounts and will be
                                                                 similar to the user experience of Ada-lite[10].
   This wallet will be specifically built as a                   We believe this is required to get people
   first step into the Cardano ecosystem                         from outside of the Crypto community to
   and aims to allow for the fastest and                         be involved in Cardano.
   simplest entry.
                                                                 You may be thinking about the security
   The onboarding process will work be                           implications of this, possibly thinking
   presented like this:                                          about how does the user get their seed
                                                                 phrase and other queries about this being
   1. User wants to Buy an NFT for                               an initially non-custodial wallet. We believe
   the very first time                                           that this is something that can be solved
                                                                 through education which will be covered
   2. User clicks on the „Buy with                               in more detail in one of the next sections.
   NFT-MAKER“ button                                             Even so, this wallet will still be highly secure
                                                                 and is only meant to be the first step into
   3. Payment Gateway opens,                                     the ecosystem.
   user selects the „Pay with FIAT“

   4. User then pays using their
   FIAT currency as with any other
   online payment

   5. The user is presented with
   an option to „Claim the NFT
   by creating your NFT-MAKER
   Marketplace Account“. They
   select that option, register
   in 1 click via a Third-Party
   Registration connector and
   voila, they have an NFT in their
   first non-custodial wallet.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1
6.6 GAME


   In the early console generation of gaming,                    What if, by using the power of NFT’s, we
   games were distributed on discs that                          can have the best of both worlds?
   players would be able to purchase for
   a one time fee from stores. Part of the                       Imagine the NFT being the equivalent of
   revenue would go to the publisher and                         a ‘digital disc’ whereby if your wallet has
   part to the store. Over time, many gamers                     the game NFT in it, then you can access
   would decide to ‘trade in’ their games for                    the game. With this in place, people would
   a reduced price to recover some money                         then be able to purchase the game ‘brand
   for which they could then purchase                            new’ from the publisher and eventually
   another game, leaving the store with the                      sell it on a secondary market later which
   opportunity to sell the returned game as                      can be tracked to provide a royalty to
   ‘pre-owned’. Pre owned games worked                           the developers over time. Pushing this
   exactly like the brand new games (as                          concept further, it is easy to see how the
   long as the disc was in good condition).                      idea of collectors editions can be set up
                                                                 as ‘limited collection NFT’s whereby the
   But after that original sale, the publisher                   biggest fans of a series or more serious
   would never get any more revenue.                             collectors can aspire to hold the rarer
   For this reason, a new era began with the                     editions. Beyond this, certain editions of
   games being owned digitally which meant                       the game may provide an in-game skin or
   that the game ownership was linked with                       other item (something commonly seen
   the users digital account and thus they                       with collectors editions) – the possibilities
   could play the game on any console they                       are endless.
   were logged in on without the disc, but
   were unable to ‘trade it in’. Doing so meant
   that developers essentially ensured that
   they earned revenue from every game

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1
6.6 GAME


   Often, especially with the AAA studios,
   there is an enormous amount of risk in
   developing the next title – with 10’s, even
   100’s of Millions of Dollars to recover, they
   often have to ‘play it safe’ or compromise
   in other ways to ensure a return.

   Instead of this, we will use decentralisation
   and NFTs to allow for the next iteration of
   crowdfunding, whereby the community
   can decide to pre-purchase a game (as an
   NFT) before it is released at a discounted
   price. Doing so not only allows the
   community to directly decide which
   games they want to be created but also
   allows for potentially more adventurous
   concepts to be implemented as the risk
   will be spread across so many people.
   Once the game releases, it can then be
   set to the full price, thus rewarding those
   who helped to fund its development whilst
   allowing everyone to play. Later down the
   line, we intend to create a decentralised
   treasury that can further help to develop
   and market these games, inspired by
   Cardano Foundation Treasury.

   Implemented how we plan to, we think this
   will truly revolutionise the way that games
   are funded, developed and distributed –
   at the very least, you won‘t ever need to
   create another account ever again, just
   bring your wallet.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   One of the bigger discussion points we
   see amongst the public regarding NFTs is
   the question about:

   ‘What do you actually own’.

   For this reason, we are launching a
   range of NFT licensing options which
   should bring clarity to this somewhat
   undefined area. The objective of the
   CNFT license(s) is to allow for a modular
   approach that has the interests of both
   the creator and the user in mind.

   It is important that the work and creativity
   of the creator is protected, whilst ensuring
   that the user is free to enjoy and utilize
   the NFT in the way that they desire.
   Most importantly, these license(s) provide
   several options that will grant clarity,
   meaning that either party can offer and
   obtain the agreement they are looking
   for. Once released, we will then be able to
   add this as a part of the metadata for the
   project creators to specify, thus locking
   this information on the blockchain forever
   and confirming exactly what the NFT
   represents for the owner.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1
6.8 CNFT

   This past first year has been incredible                      For this event, we hope to bring everyone
   for Cardano and the NFT space as a                            together, putting all competition aside to
   whole and to show our appreciation, we                        acknowledge what we have all achieved
   are bringing the community together for                       and inspire us to continue for many years
   a celebration of all the amazing projects                     to come. This will be the first of many
   that have been built over this short                          events which we plan to return on a yearly
   period of time. In true Cardano Style, we                     basis, maybe even in person.
   will in future iterations giving you all the
   opportunity to participate in selecting                       For now though, we look forward to this
   the winners by using on-chain voting. For                     spectacular event and hope you will be
   this event, we hope to bring the spotlight                    there with us!
   onto our communities favourite projects,
   with awards such as; Most Impactful,
   Best community driven and of course,
   Best Digital Art.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1


                            Budja.io                                                    OCCVLT Archives
                            budja.io                                                    occultarchives.io

                            live                                                        live

                            ADA Ninjaz                                                  The Watchm3n
                            adaninjaz.com                                               thewatchm3n.com

                            live                                                        live

                            Bluechip Exchange                                           The Hoskinsons Season 1
                            bluechip.exchange                                           thehoskinsons.com

                            live                                                        live

                            Ore Ore Ore Season 1                                        Heist on Alpha
                            ore-nft.com                                                 heistonalpha.io

                            live                                                        live

                            unsigned_algorithms                                         Cardano Collector Bills
                            unsigs.com                                                  cardanocollectorbills.io

                            live                                                        Q1 2022

                            CXVENANT.ART                                                TrueEra Festival
                            cxvenant.art                                                truerafestival.com

                            live                                                        Q1 2022

                            iAnnet                                                      The Rare Reptiles

                            live                                                        Q1 2022

                            Fluid NFTs                                                  Ed Walsh

                            live                                                        Q1 2022

                            Hornnies                                                    Neon Tiki Tribe

                            live                                                        Q1 2022

                            Enter the Mandala                                           Wolves of Rome
                            enterthemandala.io                                          wolvesofrome.io

                            live                                                        Beta Q1 2022



                            Alt Press


     All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1
PROJECTS      6.10


    The 2600 NFT Project                              Bitlands                               CNFT Oil Paintings
    2600.quest                                        bitlands.art                           keww.io/Oil-Paintings-/-CNFT/

    ADA Exotics                                       Blockchain Games                       CryptoRaggies
    adaexotics.com                                    blockchaingames.company                cryptoraggies.io

    ADA Apocalypse                                    Borg Club                              Cuddly Koala Club
    ada-apocalypse.com                                borgclub.io                            cuddlykoalaclub.io

    ADA BLOCKS                                        BotBois                                Darts World Championship NFTs
    adablocks.wixsite.com                             botbois.io                             dartsnft.co.uk

    ADA Bulls Club                                    Bull-Ish                               Degen Crypto Club
    adabullsclub.com                                  bull-ish.io                            degencryptoclub.com

    Ada Clouds                                        Burn these Dudez                       EARTH NATIVES
    adaelementz.io                                    burnthesedudez.com                     earthnatives.io

    AdaCubes                                          Cardano Caricatures                    Empowa Founding NFTs
    adacubes.io                                       cardanocaricatures.com                 nft.empowa.io

    Ada Dragons                                       Cardano Combat                         Ethermobs
    adadragons.com                                    cardanokombat.com                      ethermobs.co

    ADA HEADZ                                         Cardano Feeds                          Fort Gotten
    adaheadz.io                                       cardanofeeds.io                        fort-gotten.com

    ADAPunkz                                          CardanoPix                             Galactic Guardians
    adapunkz.io                                       cardanopixel.com                       galactic-guardians.com

    ADA Skullz                                        Cardano Waifus                         Gentophile
    skullz.io                                         cardanowaifus.com                      gentophile.art

    Ash and Tray                                      Carda Worlds                           Greasy Monkey
    pixelado.art/projects/ash-and-                    cardaworlds.io                         greasy-monkeys.com

    Avocado Breakfast Club                            Cardania                               NFT Ghostchain
    avocadobreakfastclub.com                          cardania.com                           nftghostchain.com

    Baby Alien Club                                   CardogeNFT                             Grumpy Bunny
    babyalienclub.com                                 cardogenft.io                          grumpybunny.io

    Baby Dragon NFT                                   ChaosColony                            Heroes, Reimagined
    babydragonnft.com                                 muse.place/chaoscolony                 heavymetalteacup.com

    Barn Riot                                         Cheeky Unts                            ADA Apocalypse
    barnriot.com                                      cheekyunts.com                         ada-apocalypse.com

    All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.         WhitePaper Vers. 1

    Grumpy Bunny                                      Old Money                               Unbounded
    grumpybunny.io                                    oldmoney.io                             unbounded.earth

    Heroes, Reimagined                                PlayerMint                              UniCoins
    heavymetalteacup.com                              playermint.com                          unicoinscnft.com

    ADA Apocalypse                                    Project Wights                          Veggiemates
    ada-apocalypse.com                                projectwights.com                       veggiematesnft.com

    Inherited plants                                  PunkAss                                 Viral NFTs
    inheritedplants.io                                punkass.io                              cryptohippoz.io

    Kid Yokai                                         PunkBabyHouseParty                      VyFi NFTs
    kidyokai.com                                      punkbabyhouseparty.io                   vyfi.io

    Knitties                                          ROBOROBO
    knitties.io                                       roborobo.gg

    Lord of the Coins                                 Savage Rabbits
    fireflyshire.com/lordofthecoins                   savagerabbits.io

    Lucid Dreams                                      Shark Squad
    luciddreamsupply.com                              sharksquadcnft.io

    MADA‘s Lemur                                      ShelterPets
    mada-s-lemur.xyz                                  shelterpetscnft.com

    MAD in Art                                        Snow Skellies Park
    madinart.io                                       snowskellies.io

    MechVerse                                         Soho Kids
    mechverse.co                                      sohokids.net

    Moonimals                                         Stik Friks
    moonimalsnft.com                                  stikfriks.com

    Mutant Crocs.                                     Teddy Troops
    crocs.mutant-nft.com                              teddytroops.io

    NeoTribes                                         Cardano Waifus
    neotribes.io                                      cardanowaifus.com

    NFT Hubs                                          ThreadWorldCNFT
    nfthubs.io                                        threadpunks.org

    nftseed                                           Threefold Bold
    nftseed.io                                        threefoldbold.io

    All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.          WhitePaper Vers. 1

    Something we know for sure is that to                         adopting it.
    facilitate mass-adoption, we need to
    help educate the wider community and                          Regarding the NFT-MAKER wallet, this
    the general public about NFT’s as much                        will be the first interaction many people
    as possible. This is not just interns of                      have with using Crypto, so we will ensure
    understanding             the      technology           but   that this beginner wallet has very clear
    actually how to get started using it.                         initial warnings and explanations about
                                                                  how they will eventually need to take
    So far we have worked with NFT Project                        custody of their NFT’s. We plan to have
    Creators to create various guides on what                     this user experience naturally flow into
    NFT’s are and how to launch a project,                        very clear guides on how they can create
    ranging from specific clips to full end-                      their own wallet and take full custody of
    to-end implementations. This has been                         their NFT.
    a great start and is something we will
    continue in the future by enriching our                       We are focused on providing
    Knowledge Hub to become a place where                         education through multiple channels
    people of all experience levels can learn                     and establishing the NFT-MAKER
    about NFT’s, Crypto and of course the                         Knowledge Hub.
    NFT-MAKER Ecosystem.

    Currently, our information is stored in the
    NFT-MAKER Knowledge Hub as well as
    our YouTube Channel and we have long
    term plans to fully enrich this with content
    designed for developers, creators and
    anyone looking to venture into the space.
    We want this Knowledge Hub to become
    the ‘go-to’ place for all information
    related to NFT’s, a genuine place where
    people can learn about this technology
    with the hope that this will lead to them

    All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

Q1 2022                            Q2 2022                                Q3 2022                   Q4 and beyond

• Marketplace Launch               • Fiat Payment                         • NFT-MAKER Game          • NFT-MAKER News
                                     Integration                            Launchpad                 Outlet
• Stake Pool Launch                •
                                     Milkomeda Integration                • NFT-MAKER Wallet        • Additional Voting
• $NMKR Token                        in NFT-MAKER PRO                                                 Mechanisms
                                   •                                      • Unannounced Chain         for $NMKR
• Whitepaper Release                 CNFT Stake Pool                        Integration
                                     Alliance                               in NFT-MAKER PRO        • Inegration of
• Smart Contracts in               •                                                                  NFT-Minting & Trading
  NFT-MAKER PRO                      Smart Contract Audit                 • Additional Voting         for 2 more additional
                                   •                                        Mechanisms                Blockchains
• Marketplace Trust                  NFT-MAKER as 3rd                       for $NMKR                 in NFT-MAKER PRO &
  Score                              Party Login                                                      the Marketplace
                                   •                                      • Marketplace Bundle
• Marketplace ADA                    Marketplace Social                     Sales                   • NFT-MAKER Party
  Handle Integration                 Features
                                   •                                      • NFT Calendar            • Physical Asset NFT
• CNFT Awards                        Digital Identity for                                             Integration
                                     NFT Artist Verification              • Live Minting Ticker
                                   •                                                                • NFT Staking
                                     Procedrural                          • NFT Fractionalization
                                     3D NFT Galleries                       in NFT-MAKER PRO        • NFT-Focused-Layer 2

            All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.       WhitePaper Vers. 1
WITH $NMKR      8

  We want this ecosystem to be as engaged                       In the following section, we have outlined
  as possible, the best possible place to be                    in detail some of the initial elements that
  for anyone interested in NFTs. In order to                    we plan to implement in the short term,
  make this possible, we will be releasing a                    whilst providing an idea for our vision in
  Utility Token $NMKR. Our goal therefore,                      the long term. Ultimately this token will
  is to provide the maximum possible utility                    represent your engagement within the
  via the $NMKR token. At a glance this                         Cardano NFT space and we plan to ensure
  means that holding $NMKR will grant                           it has the best possible utility for all things
  you rights to vote on all kinds of changes                    NFT related.
  related to the NFT-MAKER Ecosystem,
  ranging from how we adjust reward para-
  meters to verifying NFT projects as being

  All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1

   Bad actors are currently one of the biggest                   you are to actually be the person you
   threats to the space, with scams ranging                      claim to be – getting this right opens up
   from convincing victims to send ADA to a                      unbelievable opportunities for a better
   false address to stealing art for minting –                   user experience and in the early days
   this is something that we must work hard                      will help the com-munity to assess the
   to stop. To do this, we plan to introduce                     trustworthiness of sellers.
   a form of ‘trust score’ for every user on
   the platform. The initial metrics for which                   In essence, this will provide potential
   will be rated by two data points; their level                 buyers with information which can help
   of identification through a digital identity                  them assess how much the seller has
   focuses system and their level of Stake*.                     to lose by being a bad actor. Gene-
                                                                 rally speaking, the more identifiable
   The digital identity part of this could                       a person is and the more they have to
   very easily become a whitepaper of its                        lose, the less likely they are to be a bad
   own, the main concept to convey here is                       actor. We feel that this is a balanced
   how we plan to bring in the next iteration                    approach that still allows people who
   of solving digital identities. Ultimately,                    wish to remain anonymous or are unable
   every username, email password combo,                         to acquire large amounts of the $NMKR
   account and sign up you have ever done has                    token to participate in the market, whilst
   been for the purpose of allowing platforms                    ensuring that potential buyers know ‘how
   to verify who you are. In later sections of                   much skin the seller has in the game’.
   this document, you will see the basis of ‘My                  Having this in place, as well as the further
   wallet is my game library’ – well what if your                verification process listed below, should
   wallet was your digital identity too? Rather                  help to reduce the scope for scams and
   than creating yet another account, you just                   other negative actions on our platform.
   show them your Digital ‘Driving License’.

   We are in the very early stages of designing
   this solution, but to put simply, the plan
   is to create an identity where you can
   progressively link various already existing
   accounts to this digital wallet.
   As an example, if you want to claim to be
   the owner of a certain Twitter Account,                       *Identification Level – What % of the NFT-
   you will link this to the wallet and in doing                 MAKER Profile (linking to social media) and KYC
   so provide a two-way verification. The                        has this user completed.
   more links are made (and potentially                          Stake Level – How many $NMKR tokens is this
   including actual KYC), the more likely                        user risking if they are found to be a bad actor.

   All rights Reserved. Confidential And Proprietary Material.   WhitePaper Vers. 1
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