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The Sjolie Mission Michael and Ashley Sjolie founded Sjolie Sunless in 2009 with the idea of mastering the industry with a superior product, and just as valuable, the customer experience At Sjolie Sunless, our mission is to formulate the most afford- able, luxurious, and health-conscious products while offering a per- sonalized, educational experience with each customer interaction. While, after years of development, a formula unparalleled to any other in the sunless industry was born. Sjolie has a direct partnership with agriculturists allowing Sjolie Sunless to send blending experts the highest quality ingredients at peak freshness. These direct partnerships provide guaranteed demand for harvest and exclusivity for our company’s product. These unique blends enriched with Aloe Vera and Vitamins A, C & E, are further supplemented with natural extracts for added moisture, tan longevity, and a natural, healthy glow. Sjolie uses the highest, purest quality of FDA approved Dihydroxyac- etone(DHA) derived from sugar beets and sugar cane to avoid compromising the clean and straightforward formulations. Sjolie products contain organic and naturally derived ingredients, because to Sjolie, this is more than looking good on the outside. Sjolie Sunless products are free from Gluten, Parabens, and Erythrulose, and each product is certified PETA and Vegan. This healthier alternative to sun tanning is essential for the overall health of the consumer, and Sjolie will always strive to create a product that aligns with youthful living and healthy beauty. Sjolie Sunless offers a customer platform which instilled building relationships through their ever-evolving knowledge of the industry, continuing education pro- grams, personalized services, and tailored experiences unique to each customer’s need. The innovative concepts took off from a small, family-owned operation to a thriving corporation in a few short years. What started as a two-person operation, indeed became a network of employees and customers working together to change the beauty world forever.
Our Commitment to Private Label Sjolie Sunless has created a simple, no-hassle White Label Division because we believe running a private labeled brand should not be filled with hidden fees and fine print. Allow Sjolie and our team of experts to handle the burden of time-consuming research, devel- opment, and costs that come with building a custom product for your brand, and instead Private Label, a best selling healthy alternative to tanning. We have translated our mission statement to our White Label Division by offering the same premium ingredients and naturally derived blends our most loyal Sjolie customers receive with every order. Sjolie Sunless is an OTC Certified Manufacturer upholding all certifications and standards; in other words, the quality of your Private Label product will be of the highest standard. The Sjolie logo and label will not be on your products, and there will be no direct correla- tion between you and Sjolie, Inc. The Sjolie White Label Division provides you with insur- ance the manufacturer name and recipes remain secret while your customized branding launches your sunless business or franchise to the next level.
The Original Line Aloe Vera, Olive Undertones The Original Solution Line consists of 5 aloe-vera based shades. These hydrat- ing solutions create a built-in moisture lock for skin-enhancing benefits and im- proved spray tan longevity. The Original Solution line contains Olive undertones which best compliment pink and red undertones to produce a natural, golden-glow like tan. Sjolie solutions have a shelf-life of 8-months unopened and 3-5 months opened. Solutions should be stored at room temperature, best between 65 and 75 degrees and away from direct sunlight. These Private Labeled solutions are available in 4oz, 8oz, or 32 oz. and come in our stan- dard black bottles with white caps, as pictured. Dark Depth No. 12 Dark
No. 6 - L i g h t No. 9 - C l e a r No. 9 - M e d i u m The lightest of the Original No.9 CLEAR con- A perfect medium blend, this Sjolie formulas, this 6% tains no cosmetic bronzers, solution will produce an iden- DHA solution is ideal for meaning this solution will tical color to the No.9 CLEAR. fair complexions and is not have an immediate col- Original No.9 however does most popular during cooler or guide when applied. No.9 contain a cosmetic bronzer months. MSRP $6 | $10 | $35 CLEAR also contains a mild and is a Sjolie best seller. This green-tea scent unlike the oth- solution is known for its ver- er blends. MSRP $6 | $10 | $35 satility. MSRP $6 | $10 | $35 No. 12 - D a r k No. 14 - D a r k D e p t h A perfect medium color for A perfect medium color for those wanting a quick-dry those wanting a quick-dry feel without added hydra- feel without added hydra- tion. This solution contains tion. This solution contains 10% DHA and is compara- 10% DHA and is compara- ble in color to the Original ble in color to the Original No.9 . MSRP $6 | $10 | $35 No.9 . MSRP $7 | $12 | $40
The Icon Reserve Line Alcohol, Olive Undertones The Icon Reserve Solution Line includes three alcohol-based shades for quick-drying bene- fits. Although these products do not have the built-in moisture lock like the aloe-vera blends, they will allow clients to dress in minutes without any tacky-like feeling. Simular the Original Line, these solutions contain Olive undertones which best compliment pink and red under- tones and develop to a natural-looking golden tan. Sjolie solutions have a shelf-life of 8-months unopened and 3-5 months opened. Solutions should be stored at room temperature, best between 65 and 75 degrees and away from direct sunlight. These Private Labeled solutions are available in 4oz, 8oz, or 32 oz. and come in our stan- dard black bottles with white caps, as pictured. Ultra-One Rapid Ultra-One Rapid Tier Two
The Icon Reserve Line Alcohol, Olive Undertones T i e r O n e - 10% T i e r T w o - 12% Ultra 1-Rapid A perfect medium color for A dark, golden formulation Our only rapid formula with those wanting a quick-dry for a beautiful, natural tan. an olive undertone, this solu- feel without added hydration. This 12% DHA solution will tion will allow clients to rinse This solution contains 10% leave the skin feeling dry with- within 4-hours, rather than DHA and is most comparable in minutes of application. the standard 8-hours. Alot- in color to the Original No.9. This blend is comparable in hough this formula allows for MSRP $7 | $12 | $40 color to the Original No.12. a quick rinse, the DHA will MSRP $7 | $12 | $40 still require the full 24-hours to develop. MSRP $9 | $15 | $50
The LUXE Line Alcohol, Violet Undertones The LUXE Solution Line is one of a kind, professional product. Available in only an alco- hol-based formula, this product contains violet undertones. These violet pigment best com- pliment clients with natural yellow tones to product a deep, chocolatey like tan. This formula is available in three shades including two 8-hour solutions and 1-rapid. Like the Icon Reserve Line, these solutions will leave the client feeling comfortable and ready to dress within min- utes. Sjolie solutions have a shelf-life of 8-months unopened and 3-5 months opened. Solutions should be stored at room temperature, best between 65 and 75 degrees and away from direct sunlight. These Private Labeled solutions are available in 4oz, 8oz, or 32 oz. and come in our stan- dard black bottles with white caps, as pictured. Luxe No.12 Luxe No12 Luxe No.12&DarkDepth Tier Two Luxe No.9
The LUXE Line Alcohol, Violet Undertones L U X E N o. 9 L U X E No. 12 LUXE Rapid An excellent year-round col- Our LUXE No. 12 solution This formula is perfect for or, the LUXE No.9 is great for is a top-seller in the summer your on-the-go clients. Rinse medium complexions and months when clients are look- between 2 and 4 hours only, can be used on all skin tones; ing for a deep, gorgeous tan no need to develop over- however, it will most definite- without any added warmth. night. This rapid formula will ly compliemnt warm under- This formula leaves the skin cater to all skin tones, giv- tones. MSRP $8 | $14 | $45 with a beatiful cocoa brown en the appropriate shower tan. MSRP $8 | $14 | $45 time. MSRP $10 | $18 | $60
Pre-Tan Prepare and Polish It is especially important to prepare your client for their spray tan session in conjunction with the prep steps they’ve taken prior to arriving to their scheduled spray tan. Proper prep will improve the outcome of the spray tan for your client while elevating your service style show- ing you value your clients. Pre-Tan products have a 12-month shelf life. They can be stored at room temperature. During summer months, store the pH Balancer in the refrigerator for a cool refreshening mist. Our Private Labeled Barrier Cream and Spray Gun Cleaner are available in standard 16oz bottles. The pH Balancing Spray is available in an 8oz spray bottle or 32oz refill size. pH Balancer Barrier Cream Spray Gun Cleaner This pH Balancer is non-drying Our 50% DHA Booster Drops Our 50% DHA Booster Drops moisture-enhancing formula are designed to give an extra are designed to give an extra designed to fight the leading boost of color to your pro- boost of color to your pro- causes of uneven fading and fessional solution of choice. fessional solution of choice. discoloration. The pH Balanc- Customize any solution, any Customize any solution, any ing Spray acts as an astringent time to formulate the per- time to formulate the per- by bringing the pH of the skin fect color for your client. fect color for your client. to ideal levels for DHA absorp- DHA Booster Drops are in- DHA Booster Drops are in- tion while gently removing tended for 8-hour solutions tended for 8-hour solutions residues that may be lingering and should not be used in and should not be used in on the skin. MSRP $10 | $30 Rapid formulas. MSRP $18 Rapid formulas. MSRP $18
Additives Elevate, Tone, and Enhance Additives are a great way to customize your clients spray tan services and set you apart from the competition by creating a one of a kind spray tan for each individual. Additives have a 12-month shelf life. They can be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight. Our Private Labeled Additives are available in standard 1oz bottles with medine dropper top. DHA Booster Anti-Aging Skin-Firming Our 50% DHA Booster Drops This revolutionary formula The Skin - Firming Additive is are designed to give an extra aids in both the prevention a cutting edge formula created boost of color to your pro- and reduction of the skin’s ag- to tone and tighten the skin. fessional solution of choice. ing process. This Anti-Aging This additive contains Caffeine Customize any solution, any Additive helps to tighten the to will attack cellulite where time to formulate the per- skin and reduce the appear- applied and provide instant fect color for your client. ance of wrinkles giving the tightening benefits. These re- DHA Booster Drops are in- skin a beautiful, refreshing, sults are not permanent and tended for 8-hour solutions and younger look. These re- require continued product use and should not be used in sults are not permanent and for lasting benefits. MSRP $18 Rapid formulas. MSRP $18 require continued product use for lasting benefits. MSRP $18
Additives Elevate, Tone, and Ehance Seasonal Scent Pineapple Orange-Ginger Our seasonal scents are a great Pineapple Scent is undoubtedly This delicious scent creates way to customize your clients the best selling scent additive an energizing sunless experi- services when the seasons be- that helps to enhance any ser- ence. It’s refreshing fragrance gin to change. Each limited edi- vice. This scent will make you will leave your client feeling tion scent is tested and chosen wish you were sitting on the vibrant and ready to con- to best compliment the time beach in the tropics. Mix this qour the day. Mix this scent of year. You can expect fruity scent in with sunless solution or in with sunless solution or a and floral in summer months a daily moisturizer. MSRP $10 daily moisturizer. MSRP $10 while the colder season will be complimented with comfy and warm smells. MSRP $15
Additives Elevate, Tone, and Enhance Golden Shimmer Opalescent Shimmer Golden Shimmer elevates your The Opalescent Shimmer adds spray tan to a new level. This the perfect glowing effect to formula creates a bronzing any sunless tan. Opal is great glow, great for any skin tone. for lighter complexions. Apply Apply it with a sunless solution it with sunless solution or as a or as a stand alone service. This stand alone service. This prod- product is also great mixed in uct also makes an excellent with a daily moisturizer for makeup highlight to the cheek- an every day glow. MSRP $12 bones and décolleté. MSRP $12
Retail Product Washes, Lotions, & Accesories
Retail Cleanse and Scrub A quality at-home prep and maintenance routine is the most important factor when it comes to a good, lasting spray tan. Proper exfoliation prior to the spray tan will create a smooth and even surface for application while using a spray tan safe cleanser will reduce the chances of removal and improve spray tan longevity. The Sjolie Body Wash, Body Scrub, and Sugar Scrub contain 0 harsh ingredients, moisturize and cleanse the skin of impurities, and have a shelf-life of one year. These products should be used in conjunction with a spray tan but can also be used when self-tanning or on a daily basis without a tan. Our Private Labeled Body Wash and Body Scrub are available in standard 8oz bottles with chrome cap. The All Natural Sugar Scrub comes in standard oz. jar with white screw cap. MSRP $30 MSRP $30 MSRP $35
Retail Amplify Professional grade self-tanning products are a great alternative when you can’t make it to the salon for a custom spray tan. The Sjolie Bronzing Mousse, Skin Perfecting Lotion, and Bronze Fusion Gel are superior self-tanning products beneficial in their own ways. These Products provide a medium to dark color and can be used weekly or every few days. Our self-tanning products are designed to be applied with Applicator Mitt or by hand. Sjolie’s Tan Extend is an ideal daily lotion to use with an existing spray tan or self-tan. This lightweight, moisture rich lotion will help to prolong any existing tan without creating too much color. This Sjolie line contains 0 harsh ingredients, moisturize & nourish the skin, and tan the skin with organically derived DHA. These products have a shelf-life of one year. These products are available in their own custom size, between 3oz. and 8oz. with a standard chrome cap. MSRP $30 MSRP $40 MSRP $35 MSRP $30
Private Labeling a Sjolie product means you’re getting a great existing formula. There are no customizations to these products, so you’ll receive the advertised formula and packaging. Please contact your Private Label Representative by email at pl@sjolieinc. com to discuss your questions and concerns, or to move forward to the next steps of the White Label Division. We look forward to working with you and your brand.
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