WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX

Page created by Adam Franklin
WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
Summer 2021

                    Senior Center Update
                 Aquatics Centers Update
                  Hurst Stars and Stripes
WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
    Our Community........................ 4

    Parks & Recreation................... 18

    Healthy Hurst............................. 20

    Facility Information................ 22

    Park System............................... 24

    Henry Wilson Mayor
    Cathy Thompson Mayor Pro Tem
    David Booe Council Member
    Cindy Shepard Council Member
    Jon McKenzie Council Member
    Gary Waldron Council Member
    John Miller Council Member

    Clay Caruthers City Manager
    Clayton Fulton Assistant City Manager
                                                           ON THE COVER
    Malaika Farmer Assistant City Manager                  We are looking forward to enjoying our aquatics centers again this
    Greg Dickens Executive Director of Public Works        summer! There will be plenty of opportunities to beat the heat and
    Rita Frick City Secretary                              have some fun with your friends and family, however, we will be
    Steve Niekamp Police Chief                             offering a modified operating schedule for this summer season. You
    David Palla Fire Chief                                 can find out all of the information on page 19. We look forward to

    Matia Messemer Executive Director
                                                           seeing you at the pools this summer!
                   of Human Resources
    Steve Bowden Executive Director
                 of Economic Development and Tourism
    Kyle Gordon Executive Director of Community Services
    Michelle Lazo Executive Director
                 of Planning and Community Development
    Shelly Klein Outreach Coordinator
    Kara McKinney Public Information Officer

2         WHERE WE LIVE | SUMMER 2021
WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
After the harsh winter we experienced, summer         Academy, hosted
is a welcome thing! Summer is bringing with it        by the Police
so many exciting activities, including an aquatics    Department. This
season! As you remember, due to the pandemic          free learning event is
in 2020, our aquatics centers were closed. This       an opportunity to get
year, we are excited to offer an aquatics season      to know some of the
by opening the Chisholm Aquatics Center to the        staff and their roles
public. So be sure to go cool off at this fantastic   and better understand
facility this summer. Swim lessons will take          police activity. Page 4
place at Central Aquatics Center. Stay tuned as       has all the details.
we plan to host a few exciting events at Central                                 Mayor Henry Wilson
Aquatics Center as well. Catch all the details on     I would like to take
page 19. And, be sure to catch Finn’s summer          a moment to recognize Councilmember Larry
safety tips to stay safe in all pools this year on    Kitchens for his 20 years of dedicated service
page 17.                                              to the city as a city council member. He retired
                                                      in May, and we have a special piece honoring
Another great bit of news is that our Hurst           his service on page 10. We are grateful for
Senior Activities Center reopened on May 3.           all that he contributed to Hurst during his
Our members have sincerely missed the facility        time on council. During the recent election,
and the fellowship it brings. Be sure to catch all    Councilmember John Miller was elected to fill
of the re-opening details on page 14.                 Place 2. I look forward to serving alongside him
                                                      and wish him years of success as part of this
Our annual Stars & Stripes event is returning         council.
this year with a few changes. You can get the
details of the event on page 21. I look forward       I’m sure you are just as excited as I am to be
to celebrating Independence Day with you once         getting back to our normal activities that we
again.                                                have missed so much. I hope you have a great
                                                      summer ahead, and I look forward to seeing you
Also returning this year is the Citizens Police       out at some of our events.

                                                                                — Mayor Henry Wilson

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WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX

The Social Media Connection
    City of Hurst
    WEBSITE: www.hursttx.gov
    FACEBOOK: @CityofHurstTX
    TWITTER: @TheCityofHurst
    INSTAGRAM: @CityofHurstTX
    NEXTDOOR: City of Hurst

    Hurst Public Library
    WEBSITE: www.hursttx.gov/library
    FACEBOOK: @HurstPublicLibrary
                                                Citizens Police Academy
    TWITTER: @HurstLibrary
    INSTAGRAM: @HurstPublicLibrary
                                                offers education to public
                                                The Hurst Police Department sponsors the Citizens Police Academy
    Hurst Public Safety                         (CPA) with the goal of educating the citizens of Hurst on the “Hows
    FACEBOOK: @HurstPublicSafety                and Whys” of the Hurst Police Department and its operations. This
    TWITTER: @HurstPoliceDept, @HurstFireDept   is accomplished through a series of lectures and hands-on activities
    NEXTDOOR: Hurst Police Department           on Thursday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. for 10 weeks. The CPA
                                                classes are held at the Criminal Justice Center, located at 825 Thousand
    Hurst Conference Center                     Oaks. The next Citizens Police Academy is scheduled to start August
    WEBSITE: www.hurstcc.com                    12, 2021.
    FACEBOOK: @HurstCC
    INSTAGRAM: @HurstConferenceCenter           There is no cost to attend the CPA. Graduates of the Hurst Citizens
                                                Police Academy are NOT trained to be police officers or vigilantes.
    Hurst Parks and Recreation                  The purpose of the CPA is to educate attendees as they become
    FACEBOOK: @HurstParksandRecreation          ambassadors of good will to the community.
    INSTAGRAM: @HurstParksandRecreation
                                                Each applicant must be at least 21 years of age, live or work in the
    Hurst Senior Activities Center              city of Hurst, and successfully pass a background investigation.
    FACEBOOK: @HurstSeniorActivitiesCenter      Applications must be turned in no later than Monday, August 2, 2021.
                                                To successfully graduate, each participant is required to attend at least
                                                8 of the 10 sessions.

                                                Contact Evelyn McAmis at 817.788.7342 or email at

4       WHERE WE LIVE | SUMMER 2021
WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
City Council helped recognize volunteers who reached over 200 volunteer hours.

              Volunteers in Action
                                            This past April, we celebrated our wonderful volunteers during
                                            National Volunteer Appreciation Month.

                                            Our first celebration was Tuesday, April 13 at the City Council
                                            meeting, where we recognized those members of our VIA program
                                            who had reached the 200-hour milestone in volunteer hours.

                                            The following week we celebrated our volunteers that had donated
                                            hours during 2019 and 2020. Due to COVID, we were unable to
                                            celebrate these wonderful volunteers for their dedicated service in
                                            2019. For that reason, we had an even more festive event with two
                                            years of volunteer service being recognized at our drive-thru event
                                            on April 21!
Volunteers were recognized for their
dedicated service during a drive-thru
                                            Our volunteers are a true asset to the City of Hurst! We thank all
                                            of our volunteers for helping us continue to be a community built
                                            on connection.

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WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
Property Pride
    A winner of Hurst’s Seasonal Property Maintenance Award.

                 Have you noticed any of your neighbors
                         going the extra yard?
                               Seasonal Property Maintenance Award
    The City of Hurst Property Pride program is a              for the recognition. Nominations should be made for
    quarterly property maintenance award designed to           overall property maintenance. Winning properties
    recognize those that go the extra yard!                    will receive a yard display, a gift card, and will be
                                                               featured in various communication outlets, with
    Anyone can nominate a residential property in Hurst        owner consent.
    for this award. Up to four properties per season will      Properties are eligible to receive the award once
    be chosen by our Neighborhood Services division            every three years.

                                       Nominate them at

WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
Aerial shot of the new facility and dog park.

  Hurst Animal Services                    Opening 2021
      The City of Hurst’s new Animal Services and Adoption Center and dog park will be
      opening soon! Look for more information on these exciting new facilities through our
      website and social media outlets.

   Aerial shot of the facility.                                Aerial shot of the dog park.

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WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
          Water conservation involves us all.                                               WATER
                                                                                         BY THE DROP
          This summer while keeping your                                               Use drip irrigation for

          lawn and plants hydrated, be water                                           trees, shrubs, and
                                                                                       flowerbeds. Drip systems
          aware with these tips from Water Is                                          put water in the root
                                                                                       zone - that’s right where
          Awesome.                                                                     the plants need it. And
                                                                                       adapters make it easy
                                                                                       to convert from spray to

           TUNE UP YOUR                 DON’T WATER           CYCLE AND SOAK            TWICE A WEEK
            IRRIGATION                BETWEEN 10 A.M.         TO AVOID RUNOFF             OR LESS
              SYSTEM                     AND 6 P.M.           Irrigate in shorter      If you’re watering more
          Fix leaks or damaged        Up to 30 percent of     bursts to give water a   than two days a week,
          sprinkler heads and make    the water we spray on   chance to soak in, and   you’re watering too
          sure they’re aimed at the   lawns during the heat   allow 30 minutes or      much.
          landscape, not the street   of the day is lost to   more between cycles.
          or sidewalk                 evaporation.

WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
  They trigger automatic      They are like
  systems to shut off         irrigation clocks that
  during downpours or         automatically adjust
  when temperatures           run times in response
  dip near freezing. And      to weather conditions.
  they could reduce your
  outdoor use by 5–10

                              REPLACE THAT
                              THIRSTY TURF
    GIVE YOUR                Grass is great for play
 SPRINKLER A REST            spaces, but do we really
  ON WINDY DAYS              need so much? Replace
  There are certain things   those little-used areas
  to avoid doing on windy    of your lawn with other
  days. Watering your lawn   types of landscaping or
  is one of them.            water stingy plants.

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WHERE WE LIVE Summer 2021 - Senior Center Update Aquatics Centers Update Hurst Stars and Stripes - Hurst, TX
Councilmember Kitchens presents a proclamation recognizing Constitution Week honoring the ideals the Framers of
      the Constitution had in 1787.

              Larry Kitchens Retires
            ouncilmember Larry Kitchens retired from           history teacher and coach at Eastern Hills High
            Hurst City Council in May after serving for        School in Fort Worth. A graduate of Texas Wesleyan
            20 years. Before joining the City Council,         University with a Bachelor of Science degree in
     Larry served on the Parks and Recreation Board            History and Physical Education, he also has a
     from June 1982 to May 2001. He also served on             Master of Educational Administration degree from
     various other Boards and Commissions including            Texas Christian University. Leaving public schools,
     the Crime Control Board, Community Service                he assumed duties as Director of the Instructional
     Development Corporation, Hurst Public Facility            Media Center and Instructor in the School of
     Corporation, and then as Council Liaison for the          Education at Texas Wesleyan University. Later, he
     Historical Landmark Preservation Committee.               was appointed Dean of Educational Resources at
                                                               Richland College of the Dallas County Community
     Larry began his professional career as a high school      College District. During his last year at Richland,

he also served as Acting Vice-President for
Student Development. Larry retired from Texas
Christian University in 2015 as Director of the
Center for Instructional Services after twenty-
eight years of service.

Larry is married to Carolyn, also a graduate of
TWU, who is retired from the public schools
as a teacher, consultant, vice-principal, and
principal. She is also a former adjunct instructor
at Texas Christian University in the College
of Education. They have lived in Hurst since
1969. Larry and Carolyn have three children:
Kathy Lyda, David and his wife Patti, and
Mark. Among their children, they have four
granddaughters: Avery, Lindy, Emma and Ella.

Larry said he and his wife, Carolyn, were
“committed to community service as that was
the way they were brought up.”

Larry’s commitment to serving the residents of
Hurst has been evident over the last 40 years.
With his professional background, cybersecurity
was of particular interest to him. He was
a member of the National League of Cities            Councilmenber Larry Kitchens
Information and Technology Committee. Under
Larry’s guidance, the City of Hurst held the
first municipal cybersecurity awareness event in
Texas. Larry also presented about this subject at
a Texas Municipal League Annual Conference.

Additionally, Larry and Carolyn have a strong
passion for history and worked to develop
a more detailed history of Hurst and Post
Oak/Parker Cemetery. Larry championed the
recently completed Post Oak/Parker Cemetery
Improvements Project. His love for history
and tradition has also left a mark on Council
proceedings. He requested the Texas Pledge
of Allegiance be said at every Council meeting
after the US Pledge. We wish Larry luck in his
future endeavors!

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Clear the Shelters
                                            Aug. 23 - Sept. 19
          Our effort to help Clear the Shelters will be
          taking place August 23-September 19!

          Adoption fees will be waived September 13-
          19. As we get closer to the date, we will share
          all the details on our social media pages and
          our website. We look forward to finding loving
          homes for more animals in need!

     Tarrant County
     HOME Program                                Want to stay informed?
     Do you know someone who…
                                                            We have the perfect way!
     •   Owns their home
     •   Has a lower income                                  Sign up to use our email notification system!

     •   Is either over 62, disabled              We are always excited to share our great news and events with
         (receiving Social Security               Hurst citizens. Our email notification system is one of the
         disability) or has dependent             best ways we can get information directly to you, keeping you
         children living at home                  informed. How do you get this great service? Sign up at
     And is in need of a home repair
                                                  Upon registering your email address, you will be introduced to a

     Tarrant County offers a housing              list of topics. Select one or select them all!

     repair program with assistance
     from the City of Hurst to provide            Once you are subscribed to begin receiving emails from the City

     roof, foundation, plumbing,                  of Hurst, you will also begin receiving our Hurst Happenings

     electrical and weatherization for            e-newsletter. This e-newsletter is typically generated bi-weekly, in

     homeowners.                                  front of each council meeting so you’re always in the know about
                                                  our council meeting dates. But it can be generated more often if
     Call Tarrant County Community                there is information to share.
     Development office at
     817.850.7940 for more information            So visit hursttx.gov/getconnected, register your email, select your
     or to apply.                                 topics and stay connected!

Citizen Survey
  During our recent citizen survey, we asked you “If someone you knew was considering moving to Hurst,
  what is the most positive characteristic you would share with them about your city?” Here are a few of the

                                Hurst has a very                Everything!
                              good infrastructure.                                       The city is very safe
                                 It is convenient                                            and secure.
     Absolutely love           and looks after the
  the police presence         quality of life for the
   and family geared                 residents.
    town, it’s almost
   a small town feel
   in the center of a
   large metro area.

                                                               Diversity and
                                                               cost of living.
                                                                                         Everything you are
                                                                                         looking for is here.
                                 Hurst has all you                                       I call living in Hurst
                                  need and all                                             the sweet spot.
                                  you want. . .
     Solid financial              nice people.
   standing and wise
    decisions by city
  government; quality
                                                               Great place to
  schools and city and
                                                              raise a family —
     retail services.
                                                            safe, good schools,
                                                            lots of things to do.
                                                                                         The infrastructure is
                                                                                        safe and well planned.

We greatly appreciate everyone who took the time to complete our citizen survey to let us know how we are
doing. The city council takes your responses into consideration when developing the city budget each year and as
they plan for future projects. We were left especially encouraged by your positive feedback about what you love
most about your city!

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A group of Hurst Senior Activities Center members pose for the camera on May 3 during a re-opening celebration for
         the facility following its closure for COVID-19 during the pandemic.

                             Hurst Senior
                           Activities Center
               Facility re-opens after closure during pandemic
                Guess who’s back? Seniors, that’s who! That’s right, the Hurst
                Senior Activities Center re-opened on May 3, so come by and
                see us!

Hurst Senior Activities Center members
                                                                        work-out in the gym and enjoy coffee
                                                                        during the facility’s re-opening celebration.

Above: Hurst Senior Activities Center staff
pose under a welcome back sign. Right: A
visitor gives a thumbs-up after his workout.

As we continue to focus on safely re-opening,             activities are resuming with a phased approach, so
there are a few changes, including our new hours          check our monthly Senior Pipeline to see what’s been
of operation. We are open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.           added!
- 5 p.m. The fitness center is open. As an extra
precaution, staff will assist with sanitizing equipment   Re-opening information is constantly evolving.
throughout the day.                                       Updates are posted on our website hursttx.gov/hsac,
                                                          our Facebook page, and in the Senior Pipeline. Of
Coffee is available all day in the multi-purpose room.    course, you can call 817-788-7710 or stop by during
The library is open to grab a book or two. In-person      open hours.

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Household Hazardous
                                Waste Collection Event
                                                         July 10
                            Hurst Service Center | 2001 Precinct Line Rd. | 8 - 11 a.m.

      Bring your household hazardous waste to the Service Center along with an ID and Hurst water bill.

      Accepted Items:
      Automotive fluids, batteries, cleaners & degreasers, cooking oil, lawn/garden/pool chemicals, light bulbs, and
      paint. There is a limit on paint of three five-gallon containers.

      Items Not Accepted:
      Ammunition or explosives, appliances or electronics, building materials, bulk trash and yard waste, butane or
      propane cylinders, medicines or sharps, and tires.

      Document shredding will be available. Three (3) box limit, no larger than 15”x12”x10” accepted. Limited
      space. First come, first served.

Summer Safety Tips
        with Finn!
With summer around the                                  Make sure a grown up is watching me!
corner, Finn is back with some                          •   Constant Supervision of your child in the
                                                            water is the number one layer of protection
important safety tips!                                      when it comes to water safety. This includes
                                                            lifeguarded pools. Lifeguards are there for
 Too much sun is no fun!
                                                            the safety of the entire facility, but only
 •   Don’t forget the sunscreen! Make sure you
                                                            you know your child. Watch for signs of
     apply to all exposed areas to ensure total
                                                            becoming overtired, and encourage them to
     coverage. Don’t forget to reapply often.
                                                            take breaks between all the water fun.
 •   Hats, sunglasses and long sleeves provide
     extra protection as well. Shade is important,
                                                        Don’t just pack it, wear your jacket!
     too. Sit under a tree or umbrella for added
                                                        •   U.S. Coast Guard approved lifejackets is
                                                            another layer of protection for water safety.
                                                            Children and adults should wear them at all
 Don’t wait too late to hydrate!
                                                            times on lakes, rivers, oceans; in any type of
 •   Drink lots and lots of water! Sodas, tea,
                                                            boat and in pools if they cannot swim. U.S.
     coffee, etc. don’t provide enough hydration on
                                                            Coast Guard approved lifejackets are tested
     their own.
                                                            and approved though several safety tests.
 •   Try to limit strenuous activity to early morning
                                                            Look for the seal with the approved number
     or evening to avoid the hottest part of the day.
                                                            before purchasing a lifejacket.

                       Have a fun and safe summer!
            For additional tips from Finn, stop by our Chisholm Aquatics Center
                        for our Water Tip Wednesdays this summer!

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                                                                    Our Park

                 he month of July is all about parks and   This year’s theme is all about you! “Our Park
                 recreation! Since 1985, cities across     and Recreation Story,” is about what parks and
                 the nation have celebrated National       recreation mean to you, or how it has impacted
         Parks and Recreation month by exploring their     your life. Did you use parks as spots of respite
         local parks and activities. Last year’s theme,    or to celebrate life’s special moments? Did our
         “We Are Parks and Recreation,” focused on the     pools encourage a lifelong love of swimming?
         importance of parks during a pandemic and         Did you learn to play a sport or cook because
         especially those staff members who were in the    you participated in a class? Or do you simply
         middle of it. Virtual programs were the norm,     love nature? Whatever parks and recreation
         but people needed to get outside. Our parks       means to you, we want to hear your story.
         saw unprecedented use as residents needed to
         distance themselves physically from others but    As we get closer to July, follow us on social
         still wanted to socialize.                        media for updates, and encourage others to do
                                                           the same. #OurParkAndRecStory is going to be

Hurst Aquatics Centers Update
After COVID-19 disrupted the City of Hurst’s ability       •   Our Learn-to-Swim Program is offered at the
to operate our aquatics centers in 2020, we are excited        Central Aquatics Center on weekdays in both the
to offer a 2021 aquatics season! However, despite              morning and evening. There will be no lessons
significant recruitment efforts from our staff, we have        offered at the Chisholm Aquatics Center.
not received enough seasonal aquatics applications         •   We are excited to be able to host a Dive-In Movie,
to operate our facilities at “normal” levels safely. The       Special Needs Swim Night, and a Doggie Dive-
safety of our citizens and aquatics center guests is           In Event at the Central Aquatics Center. And as
our number one priority. As a result, we are offering          staffing levels allow, we will add Pop-Up Open
a modified operating schedule for the 2021 summer              Swim Nights at the Central Aquatics Center.
                                                           For more detailed information on the 2021 aquatic
The modified 2021 operating schedule includes the          season offerings, you can visit hursttx.gov/aquatics. To
following:                                                 access Learn-to-Swim class information in our Activity
•   The Chisholm Aquatics Center is open for public        Guide, visit hursttx.gov/recreation. We look forward to
    swim for the 2021 season.                              being able to serve you this summer!
•   The Central Aquatics Center is open for swim
    lessons and special events only in 2021.

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     Healthy Hurst Wellness Program
     The Healthy Hurst initiative was created in 2006 as        vibrant, healthy heart. The colors orange, green, yellow,
     a way for Hurst citizens to track their exercise goals.    and blue represent the four seasons and the city’s pledge
     Over the past 15 years, the program has evolved into       to promote positive health throughout the year. As the
     a health initiative representing the varying external      slogan at the bottom states, the ultimate goal is to “Feel
     forces contributing to a balanced lifestyle. To convey     Good & Live Well.”
     this idea in a visual format, the Parks and Recreation
     Team created the Healthy Hurst logo composed of            A Healthy Hurst is a culmination of the programs,
     five different symbols. The logo seeks to represent        businesses, and other city amenities that citizens utilize
     everything about Hurst that contributes to a synergy       daily. Whether visiting a park, working out at the Hurst
     between community and individual. The symbols, which       Recreation Center, checking out a book at the Hurst
     portray sunshine (sun), nature (leaf), physical activity   Public Library, or shopping at the North East Mall, you
     (bike), and social events (music note), surround a         are actively making a Healthy Hurst.

                   Healthy Hurst Kid’s Triathlon
                              Saturday, Aug. 14
                Heritage Village Plaza/Hurst Community Park
          Back again this year, the Healthy Hurst
          Kid’s Triathlon provides a fun and
          challenging opportunity for the kids in our
          community to stay active! Athletes will take
          part in a run, bike, and slide component
          to complete the course! Medals will be
          presented to all athletes who cross the
          finish line! For more information, visit us
          online at hursttx.gov/recreation.

          For more information about Healthy Hurst,
          please visit hursttx.gov/healthyhurst.

     & Stripes
            July 2 | 9:30 p.m.
The Annual City of Hurst Stars & Stripes event
schedule will look slightly different as we emerge
from the COVID-19 pandemic. In the future, the
event will be held on July 3, unless the 3rd falls on
a weekend. In that case, the event will default to
the Friday before the 4th.

The 2021 Stars & Stripes Fireworks Show will be
on July 2. With budgetary and safety restrictions
in mind, this year’s activities are limited. We will
have an extended firework show, which will begin
at 9:30 pm at Hurst Community Park, and will
last approximately 30 minutes. You can access
a projected map of visibility around town for the
show on our website at hursttx.gov.

The park will open at 8 p.m. to a limited number of
vehicles, and seating on the west and south sides
of the park will be available.

               For more information,
     visit us online at hursttx.gov/recreation,
     on Facebook @HurstParksandRecreation,
                or call 817-788-7320.

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        Hurst Recreation Center
        Hours of Operation:
        Monday-Thursday: 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
        Friday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                     To view the full class and program schedule, please visit
        Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                     hursttx.gov/recreation or pick up a Rec Guide at the
        Sunday: Closed
                                                     Hurst Recreation Center.

        Contact information
        700 Mary Drive
        Hurst, Texas 76053

       Hurst Tennis Center
       Hours of Operation:
       Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., 5 – 9 p.m.
       Friday*: 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
       Saturday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
       Sunday: Noon – 4 p.m.

       Court Rental Fees                          Contact information
       Resident: $3                               701 Mary Drive
       Non-Resident: $5                           Hurst, Texas 76053
       * Gates will be open for free play         817-788-7330
        on courts 2-4 from 1-5 p.m. on weekdays

        Hurst Public Library
        Hours of Operation
        Monday, Wednesday and Saturday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
        Tuesday & Thursday: 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.                        Find out all the information on the Hurst
        Friday & Sunday: Closed                                     Public Library, including programming, at
                                                                    hursttx.gov/library and on social media
        Contact Information                                         @HurstPublicLibrary.
        901 Precinct Line Rd.
        Hurst, Texas 76053

Hurst Senior Activities Center
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For the latest news and updates, please visit hursttx.gov/senior
and on Facebook @HurstSeniorActivitiesCenter.

Contact Information
700 Heritage Circle
Hurst, Texas 76053

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                                             Taking Care of City Parks
                                   We make sure our crews inspect our parks on a regular
                                   basis, however, litter and vandalism still may occur and
                                   additional maintenance may be needed between crew

                                   The next time you visit one of our parks and you notice
                                   anything that needs attention, please notify the Parks
                                   Department at 817-788-7220 or submit a request through
                                   the Where We Live mobile app.


Bellaire Park                                Cotton Belt Trail
500 Pecan Drive | 6.4 Acres                  7300 block of Precinct Line Road
 • Playground                                 • Railway Bridge
 • Youth Baseball/Softball Field (Lighted)    • The Hurst section of trail is one mile
                                              • Shade
 • Jogging/Walking Trails (1/3 mile)
 • Pet Water Fountain
                                             Echo Hills Park
Billy Creek Park                             500 Heneretta Drive | 7.1 Acres
                                              • Pavilion
161 Billy Creek Drive
                                              • Playground
                                              • Jogging/Walking Trail System
Central Park                                    (1/3 mile)
                                              • Picnic Tables
700 block of Mary Drive | 17.5 Acres
                                              • Youth Athletic Practice Fields (Unlighted)
 • Recreation Center
                                              • Pet Water Fountain
 • Aquatics Center
 • Tennis Center (10 Lighted Courts)
 • 2 Pavilions                               Heritage Village Plaza
 • Playground
                                             841 W. Pipeline Road
 • Picnic Tables
                                              • Historical Plaza
 • 2 Outdoor Basketball Courts (Lighted)
                                              • Picnic Table
 • Pet Water Fountain
                                              • 2 Decorative Water Fountains

Chisholm Park
                                             Highway 10 Linear Park
2200 Norwood Drive | 50 Acres
                                             188 Arwine Drive
 • Aquatics Center
 • 4 Youth Softball Fields (Lighted)          • Hurst’s undeveloped park land
 • 2 Playgrounds
 • 3 Pavilions
                                             Hurst Athletic Complex
 • Pond with Fishing Island
 • Picnic Tables                             2104 Precinct Line Road | 42.2 Acres
 • Jogging/Walking Trails (1.5 miles)         • 4 Adult Softball Fields (Lighted)
 • Fitness Course                             • 6 Youth Soccer Fields (Lighted)
 • Group Shelter                              • 4 Youth Soccer Fields (Unlighted)
 • Concession/Restroom Building               • Playground
 • 2 Basketball Courts (Lighted)              • 3 Group Shelters
 • 4 Pet Water Fountains                      • 2 Concession/Restroom Buildings

                                                                                         WWW.HURSTTX.GOV   25

     Hurst Community Park                    Jaycee-Baker Park
     601 Precinct Line Road | 44.9 Acres     500 Belmont Drive | 4.1 Acres
      • 4 Youth Baseball Fields (Lighted)     • Playground
      • 2 Youth Soccer Fields (Lighted)       • Picnic Tables
      • 2 Sand Volleyball Courts (Lighted)    • Pavilion
      • Pavilion                              • Youth Athletic Practice Fields (Unlighted)
      • 2 Playgrounds                         • Pet Water Fountain
      • Multi-Use Trails (1 mile)
      • Picnic Tables
      • Wooded Natural Area                  Library Park
      • Open Field Play Area                 901 Precinct Line Road
      • Concession/Restroom Building          • Pavillion
      • 2 Group Shelters
      • 2 Pet Water Fountains

      Hurst Hills Park
      575 Billie Ruth Lane | 4 Acres

Mayfair Linear Park                     Smith-Barfield Park
1725 Norwood Drive | 8.3 Acres          640 Pleasantview Drive | 6.9 Acres
                                         • Youth Baseball/Softball Field (Lighted)
Mayfair Park                             • 2 Tennis Courts (Lighted)
                                         •   Youth Athletic Practice Field (Unlighted)
1725 Norwood Drive | 14.4 Acres
                                         •   Playground
 • Pavilion
                                         •   Pavilion
 • Playground
                                         •   Picnic Tables
 • Jogging/Walking Trails (1/4 mile)
                                         •   Restrooms
 • Youth Athletic Fields (Unlighted)
                                         •   2 Pet Water Fountains
 • Pet Water Fountain

Post Oak/Parker Cemetery                Valentine Park
                                        610 Bedford Court West | 4 Acres
1308 Cardinal Lane
                                         • Youth Athletic Practice Field (Unlighted)

Redbud Park
                                        Vivagene Copeland Park
525 Redbud Drive | 7.2 Acres
 • Soccer Field (Unlighted)             501 Pecan Drive | 5.2 Acres
 • Playground                            • Pavilion
 • Jogging/Walking Trails (1/3 miles)    • Playground
 • Picnic Tables                         • Multi-Use Trails (1/3 mile)
 • Fitness Course                        • Open Field Play Area
 • Pavilion                              • 3 Outdoor Basketball Courts (Lighted)
 • Pet Water Fountain                    • Pet Water Fountain

Rickel Park                             Wan-Ka-Kani Park
1001 Bluebonnet Drive | 29 Acres        748 Shadylane | 4.1 Acres
 • 2 Pavilions                           • Picnic Tables
 • Picnic Tables
 • Nature Trails
 • Scenic Overlook
                                        Windmill Park
 • Winding Stream with 2 Bridges        840 W. Cheryl Avenue | 2 Acres
 • Jogging/Walking Trails (1/2 mile)     • Historical Marker
 • Playground
 • 2 Pet Water Fountains

                                                                                   WWW.HURSTTX.GOV   27
City of Hurst                                presorted standard
1505 Precinct Line Rd.                       U.S. POSTAGE PAID
Hurst, TX 76054                              hurst, tx permit no. 21

                         Visit HURSTTX.GOV
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