Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles

Page created by Roberto Morgan
Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
IAA Commercial Vehicles
                                                             September 20–27, 2018
                                                             Hanover, Germany

                                                                                     a NMW event of the

Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins
Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
We are excited to invite you to the New Mobility World Logistics 2018 (NMWL 18), which will take place at the
IAA Commercial Vehicles in Hanover, Germany (September 20–27, 2018) – the leading trade show for mobility,
transport and logistics in the world.
Since the launch of the New Mobility World at the IAA Cars three years ago, we have received overwhelming
positive feedback from partners, speakers, exhibitors and attendees alike. Why? Because the NMW brings
together the most important stakeholders and shows how the world of tomorrow will look like.
At our first NMWL in 2016, we had close to 2,000 conference attendees, most of whom were decision makers of
the commercial vehicle sector. Some 250,000 people visited the IAA Commercial Vehicles that year; 87 % came
for trade-related reasons. This year, we anticipate similar, if not better, attendance numbers.
In 2018, we will feature our second New Mobility World Logistics. The NMWL 18 will discuss topics such as
Automated Driving, Connected Vehicle, Alternative Powertrains, Urban Logistics and Transport Services, and
will also focus on Urban Mobility, Advanced Materials and IoT.
The NMWL 18 consists of three main formats: FORUM, EXPO and LIVE. The FORUM is only open to conference
attendees; we will offer a curated program on two stages over the course of four days (September 24–27) and
discuss the above topics to learn firsthand how digitization is transforming the mobility, transport and logistics
landscape of today and tomorrow. EXPO is our space for exhibitors; LIVE is our outdoor demonstration area.
Both will be open to all IAA Commercial Vehicles visitors from September 20–27. As an additional benefit, you
can participate in thematic Guided Tours.
We are offering you a truly exciting conference and exhibition and we look forward to seeing you!

Klaus Bräunig                            Dirk O Evenson
Managing Director                        Director New Mobility World
VDA                                      on behalf of VDA

                    NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                     2
Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
In Review

IAA Commercial Vehicles                                   250k                 >2,100                   52                   >330

                                                          Visitors             Journalists      Exhibiting Countries      World Premiers
                                                   87% business-related     from 58 countries
                                                    97% satisfaction rate

New Mobility World 2018
                                                         >24h                   150+                1,500+                     100

New Mobility World 2017
                                                          40h                   250+                8,000+                    200
@ IAA Cars

                                                      Curated Content        Companies and          Conference         International Speakers
                                                                              Organizations        Registrations

           NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                         3
Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
New Mobility World Logistics 2018
At the NMWL 18, we will focus on how innovation and digitization are affecting urban spaces, transportation and logistics. The colored tiles below serve as a thematic guide for businesses and
visitors alike, around which FORUM and EXPO will be structured. This will make it easy for attendees to learn about the companies and topics that interest them most and to see how they are
The NMWL 18 provides the perfect platform for businesses, who can participate as speakers or attendees at the FORUM, as exhibitors during the EXPO and by demonstrating technical innovations
at the LIVE outdoor area. Further involvement is provided in our various partnership packages.
Each format allows companies to share with a business-minded audience the developments that are changing their industry and impacting the urban space in which we live.

                    Connected                        Automated                         Alternative                        Urban                           Transport
                     Vehicle                          Driving                          Powertrain                        Logistics                        Services

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Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
Don’t Miss the Bus
Reasons for Attending the NMWL 18

• Introduce your company’s most recent innovations at the world’s leading trade
  show for mobility, transportation and logistics

• Add new and strengthen existing relationships with relevant partners

• Build relevant brand awareness for your company

• Learn how digitization will affect your business in the future

• Get to know the latest trends, solutions, products and companies

• Leverage the international platform of the IAA to grow your business

• Meet and hear from the decision makers of the mobility, transportation and
  logistics space

• Find inspiration from across industries for your own business and ideas

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Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
Where Leaders Meet
                                                               An Interdisciplinary Platform for the Future
                                                               of Mobility

                                                               • Vehicle and mobility companies and their partners

                                                               • Representatives from politics, NGOs and local communities

                                                               • Public transportation representatives and city planners

                                                               • IT, telco and tech companies

                                                               • International media

                                                               • Scientists, researchers and students

                                                               • Energy and infrastructure companies

                                                               • Start-ups, venture capitalists and digital influencers

NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                 6
Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
NMWL 18: Formats
FORUM                                                        EXPO                                                       NMW LIVE

Our conference will offer a curated program on two stages,   Our 2,500 m² exhibition space allows you plenty of room    Become part of one of the most dynamic spots at the IAA
the Main Stage and the Speakers’ Corner. Become a speaker    to showcase your business to your partners and potential   Commercial Vehicles: present your innovations live and in
at our conference and address our high-quality audience      customers. Book either our “ready-made” stand in our       motion - from vehicles and services through to applications
with your vision of the future of mobility.                  theme park or build your own individual stand.             or individual features.

Apply at nmw-forum@evenson.de                                Book at nmw-expo@evenson.de                                Book through Katharina Pollück at pollueck@vda.de

                    NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                 7
Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
NMWL 18: Schedule                                                 Deutsche Messe, Messegelände, Hermesallee, 30521 Hanover, Germany

 Wed, September 19        Thu, September 20   Fri, September 21   Sat, September 22   Sun, September 23   Mon, September 24   Tue, September 25   Wed, September 26   Thu, September 27

 Press Days

 Commercial Vehicles



                                                                                                          NMWL FORUM

Construction Period:
September 8–18, 2018

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Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles

                                                                                                          Bus Stop*

 There will be shuttle busses on the trade ground that stop directly at P11.   *IAA’s On-Site Shuttle Bus Stop @NMWL 18

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Where the Future of Mobility, Transport & Logistics Begins - IAA Commercial Vehicles
NMWL 18: Overview of P11


                                                                                                                    EXPO: • Theme Park

                                                                                                                           • Individual Exhibitor

                                                                                                                    Speakers’ Corner
1st Floor

                                                                               Bus Stop                             Lounge

                                                                                                                    NMW Lab
                                                                                                                    An international challenge supporting high-
                                                                                                                    potential mobility start-ups.
       Ground Floor

                                                                              *This is an exemplary illustration.

               NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                       10
NMWL FORUM: The Knowledge Platform
The Main Stage and Speakers’ Corner allow you to get your message across to the world’s leading managers and influencers in the mobility, transportation and logistics sector. Our tentative
program on the next page will be filled with exciting talks and panels. Your visions will be heard by a large audience that is paying close attention to what the future of mobility holds.

To apply as a speaker, please check our website for the Call for Papers, or contact us for further questions at nmw-forum@evenson.de.

                    NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                              11
NMWL FORUM: Tentative Program

                                   Monday                                      Tuesday                                          Wednesday                                     Thursday
                              September 24, 2018                          September 25, 2018                                September 26, 2018                           September 27, 2018

                   Urban Logistics &                           Alternative Powertrains &                        Automated Driving                             Connected Vehicle
                   Transport Services                          Advanced Materials

                   1. Public Transport in and between Cities   1. Solutions to Climate Change and Air Quality   1. Semi and Fully Automated Driving, and AI   1. Telematics
  Main Stage
                   2. Future Urban Logistics                   2. Alternative Powertrains, Batteries,           2. Platooning                                 2. Connected Driver
       &                                                          Supercapacitors and Fuel Cells
                   3. Last Mile                                                                                 3. Security and Safety                        3. Network Infrastructure
Speakers’ Corner                                               3. Alternative and Synthetic Fuels
                   4. Logistics                                                                                 4. Ethics and Impact of Automation            4. Fleet Management
                   5. New Markets for Commercial Vehicles      4. Infrastructure                                5. Drones                                     5. Repair and Maintenance
                   6. Network and Platform Providers           5. Environmental Impact
                                                               6. Advanced Materials and Production

               NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                                   12
NMWL EXPO: Your Exhibition Space

   Theme Park                                                                                  Individual Exhibitor
   Our ready-made stands can be ordered in varying sizes from XS–L. Additional stand           For the NMWL 18, we have reserved an exclusive space for you in the glass hall P11.
   equipment can be ordered through our construction partner.                                  Create your own individual exhibition stand, min. 30 m2.

                            Size (min. m2)     Exhibitor Passes            Price               Basic Rent                           Additional Charges
   XS Stand                                                                                    Up to €230 / m2                      Corner stands (open on two sides) = +20 %
   (Start-ups Only)
                                5m  2
                                                       2                  €3,000
                                                                                                                                    Peninsula stands (open on three sides) = +30 %
   S Stand                      15 m2                  3                 €13,500               Exhibitor Passes = 4+
                                                                                               (depending on booked space)          Island stands (open on four sides) = +40 %
   M Stand                      25 m2                  4                 €22,500

   L Stand                      40 m2                  6                 €36,000

   • In addition to their exhibitor passes, exhibitors are allotted a contingent of FORUM Day Tickets that can be purchased at a discount.
   • Book by March 15 and receive a 5 % discount (excl. VAT). Contact nmw-expo@evenson.de to book directly or get in touch if you have any questions.

              NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                           13
This dynamic element of the NMWL 18 takes place at the open air site between hall 22 and 26 from September 19–27, 2018, and will offer interactive driving demonstrations of technical innovations
on the subjects of the NMW and road safety. This year our packages offer you manifold options to present your innovations and products live and in motion.

Check out our highlights      of the NMW LIVE 2016!

Choose from the participation offers below or contact Katharina Pollück at pollueck@vda.de for more details.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Basic price per partner /
                        The basic package includes the following infrastructure and services                           Our offer
                                                                                                                                                                                               vehicle (excl. VAT)

                                                                                                                       You are a partner in the NMW LIVE pool, i.e., you appear in the daily
                                                                                                                       trade show program and the PR and publicity work of the VDA, e.g.
                        •   Program planning, direction, technical consulting on advance presentation opportunities,
                                                                                                                       outdoor advertising pylons, program flyers, the internet, media
                            coordination and organization of the presentations on-site from the supporting agency
                                                                                                                       cooperation and press work. As a partner your demonstrations
 Exhibitors             •   Public address system for voices, canopied stand accommodating 155 people                                                                                                  €6,900
                                                                                                                       form an active part of the daily program on the demonstration site.
                        •   Hosting by two experienced hosts, substantive summary for co-hosting in English
                                                                                                                       The program will run daily from 09.30 to 18.00 h, with three to six
                        •   Securing of the site, access routes and demonstrations by the NMW LIVE team                presentations at fixed times of the day, depending on the product,
                        •   Use of the logistics and team rooms of the NMW LIVE                                        topic and number of vehicles.
                        •   The services will be supplied during the following periods:

                        •   5 installation and test days: from Friday, Sept. 14 to Tuesday, Sept. 18

                        •   9 press and exhibition days: Wednesday, Sept. 19 to Thursday, Sept. 27                     We also offer non-exhibitors by arrangement the opportunity to make
 Non-exhibitors                                                                                                        presentations with innovative topics at NMW LIVE – please contact us            €8,500
                                                                                                                       at pollueck@vda.de for more details.

                   NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                                                        14
 Additional services                                                                                                                                                                                                    Price (excl. VAT)

 Supplementary charge for additional vehicles                                                                                                                                                                               €2,000

 LED wall*
 •   Use of the LED wall to show company trailers/additional product information during your demonstrations, etc.
 •   Testing of technical equipment and direction starts on Saturday, September 15                                                                                                                                          €3,900
 •   Requires a minimum number of bookings: 8 partners
 •   Early bird discount: 10 % on bookings received by March 1, 2018

 Live camera*
 •   Use of the NMW Live camera team on site: 3 people, 3 cameras for live recordings during demonstrations – from the vehicle, outside the vehicle …. with live transmission to the LED wall
 •   Live interviews, etc. - production of trailers for your presentations, which you are free to use for advertising on your exhibition stands
 •   Recordings start on Saturday, September 15
 •   Requires a minimum number of bookings: 8 partners
 •   Early bird discount: 10 % on bookings received by March 1, 2018

 Booking personnel                                                                                                                                                                                                     €450 / day (driver)
 You can book experienced drivers and assistants through the NMW team to take part in and support your presentations. During your presentations, these persons are responsible for your driving demonstrations, and
 otherwise are part of the NMW team. They can be booked from Saturday, September 15, so they are also available for the driving and technical equipment tests.                                                        €220 / day (assistant)

 Booking mobile flag stands
 Flag stand 7.50 m high, incl. installation and removal, mounting of your flag Standard dimensions: 1.0–1.50 m wide x 3.0 m high

 Fixing banners to the perimeter fences surrounding the entire NMW LIVE site                                                                                                                                                 €250

 Sponsors’ packages
 •   Branding of stage                                                                                                                                                                                                Price by arrangement
 •   Partner for events on the stage                                                                                                                                                                                  Price by arrangement
 •   Branding: truck, flexible banners, flags                                                                                                                                                                         Price by arrangement
 •   Handing out give-aways on the stand                                                                                                                                                                              Per give-away €4,000

*Subject to a minimum of eight partners / 10 % early bird discount if you register by March 1, 2018

                          NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                                                                         15
NMWL 18: Partnership Overview & Guided Tours
Partnerships give you maximum visibility and reach through our communications and on site at the event.

Co-Host                                                Gold Partner                                              Silver Partner                                      Main Stage Partner
Become the exclusive New Mobility World                Your brand will be integrated in the NMWL 18              Establish a visible link between your company and   The Main Stage will be branded with your logo
Logistics 2018 Co-Host and have your company           branding and communications and will receive              the NMWL 18. Your brand will be displayed during    during the 4 conference days, visited by decision
associated with the IAA’s leading digital mobility     online visibility all year. Participate as a speaker in   the event and all year online.                      makers and thought leaders.
platform all year.                                     a Lightning Talk or in a Panel Discussion.

€125,000                                               €50,000                                                   €30,000                                             €28,000

Speakers’ Corner Partner                               FORUM Day Partner                                         Track Partner (Main Stage)                          Track Partner (Speakers‘ Corner)
During the 4 conference days, your brand will be       Become the exclusive day partner for our FORUM            Align your brand with a specific one-hour track     Align your brand with a specific one-hour track
visible to hundreds of influencers in the mobility     (two stages) and associate your company with the          and present your company’s vision as a speaker      and present your company’s vision as a speaker at
sector.                                                topic of the day.                                         on the Main Stage.                                  the Speakers’ Corner.

€14,000                                                €10,000                                                   €5,000                                              €4,000

Lounge Partner                                         Guided Tours
Be part of the place that everyone wants to visit!     NMWL thematic Guided Tours to IAA exhibitor                                  See page 17 for more details. For further information contact
The Lounge is the perfect area to network and          stands with selected trade visitors. To participate                          nmw-partner@evenson.de.
relax. Your brand will be integrated on site as well   in Guided Tours, please e-mail Bettina Heidemann
as in the NMWL 18 branding and communications.         at heidemann@vda.de.


                       NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                                                  16
NMWL 18: Partnership Benefits

                                                                                                              Main Stage   Speakers’ Corner     FORUM       Track Partner     Track Partner
                                                         Co-Host              Gold Partner   Silver Partner                                                                                      Lounge Partner
                                                                                                               Partner         Partner        Day Partner    (Main Stage)   (Speakers’ Corner)

# of Partnerships Available                                  1                       2             3              1               1                4             10                 9                  1

Sponsorship Costs (excl. VAT)                            €125,000                €50,000        €30,000        €28,000         €14,000          €10,000        €5,000             €4,000            €12,500

Estimated Unique Visitors Reached                         500,000                175,000         50,000         8,000           5,000            1,500          700                500               7.000

Exclusive "in Partnership with"*                            P                        -             -              -               -                -              -                 -                  -

Website Header*                                             P                        -             -              -               -                -              -                 -                  -

Website Partner Integration*                                P                        P            P               -               -                -              -                 -                  -

Press Release Integration                                   P                        P             -              -               -                -              -                 -                  -

Social Media Mention                                        P                        P            P              P               P                 -              -                 -                  -

Blog & Newsletter Integration                               P                        P            P              P               P                P              P                 P                  P
NMWL 18 Sales Material Integration                          P                        P            P               -               -                -              -                 -                  -

NMWL 18 Program Integration                                 P                        P            P              P               P                P              P                 P                  P
Logo on Logo Wall + Info Counter                            P                        P            P               -               -                -              -                 -                  -

Dedicated On-site Branding                                  P                        P            P              P               P                P               -                 -                 P
XS Stand Presence                                           P                        P             -              -               -                -              -                 -                  -

Display for Marketing Material                               -                       -            P               -               -               P               -                 -                 P
IAA Exhibitor Passes                                        14                       8             6              4               2                0              0                 0                  4

FORUM Day Tickets                                           14                       8             6              6               4                4              3                 2                  2

Keynote (15 min.)**                                         P                        -             -             P               P                P               -                 -                  -

Lightning Talk/Panel (10 min.)**                             -                       P             -              -               -                -             P                 P                   -

Total Included Benefits***                                  18                       13           11              9               8                9              7                 7                  7

*Benefit is yearlong until end of 2018
**Content is subject to approval
***For a total list of partnership benefits, please e-mail nmw-partner@evenson.de.

                            NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                                          17
NMW Past Partners (Selection)

      NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018   18
NMW Past Exhibitors

“We are happy that the New Mobility World really covered all of the relevant
topics on the future of mobility.“

Britta Seeger
Board of Directors at Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz Cars Sales

“All in all it was the best trade fair that I have experienced so far. It was the first
time that almost all my business cards ran out.“

Torsten Scholl
CEO, TeleRetail

“We had a very successful stay with a lot of visibility to members, potential
members, press and policy makers...“

Sigrid de Vries
Secretary General, CLEPA

                     NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018         19
NMW Press Reviews

           “And yet many exhibitors want to talk about the next steps: autonomous cars and mobility services, where one no longer pays for the vehicle but rather only the usage. For
           this, the IAA has designed the New Mobility World.”

           “Tech giants like Facebook and Google made a big appearance at the IAA. Facebook is a Partner of the New Mobility World, a tech trade fair that takes place within
           the IAA...Google is a Platinum Partner of the Media Night.[...]The example from Mercedes and VW clearly shows how much the borders between tech firms and car
           manufacturers will blur in the future.”

           “A step in the right direction is, for example, the New Mobility World, a special exhibition area within the IAA, which focuses on themes such as alternative engines,
           connectivity and digitization.”

           “The trade fair dedicates itself to themes of the future, displaying the entire spectrum of industry innovations, from digitalization to electric mobility and new concepts of
           mobility. The “New Mobility World,“ which is organized parallel to the IAA, will also contribute to these topics.”

           “It [the IAA] must become an event that consistently dedicates itself to all forms of movement on four wheels, no matter whether it is with one’s own car, a shared car or a
           car-sharing service. It must concede more room and time to digital themes like connectivity and autonomous driving. In this respect, it is good that the new mobility will
           be seen during the entire trade fair at the Outdoor Parcours. It belongs to the IAA side-event “New Mobility World.” This “fair within a fair” also demonstrates the type of
           balancing act the organizer will be facing in the future. To present a car-sharing app in a stuffy hall is not particularly appealing. One way or the other, without new cars
           it will not work. Whether or not it is also enough to convince car fans is still to be seen.”

     NEW MOBILITY WORLD LOGISTICS // IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018                                                                                                                     20
Booking & Contact Information

                                                                                                   General inquiries: nmw-info@evenson.de

                                                                                                   FORUM: nmw-forum@evenson.de

                                                                                                   EXPO: nmw-expo@evenson.de

                                                                                                   LIVE: pollueck@vda.de

Please contact us with further inquiries, to book your                                             Partnerships: nmw-partner@evenson.de
exhibition space or to become a NMWL 18 Partner.
                                                                                                   Guided Tours: heidemann@vda.de





                                                                                                   Tel: +49 30 726 21 99 71

The terms and conditions of the IAA and NMWL 18 apply. All prices are excluding VAT. The New Mobility World is a registered trademark and an event of the IAA, the International Motor Show in
Germany. Evenson is the project office of the NMWL 18 on behalf of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA).

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