Where Technology Meets Experience - CEREC Chairside Dentistry dentsplysirona.com/CEREC - Dentsply Sirona

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Where Technology Meets Experience - CEREC Chairside Dentistry dentsplysirona.com/CEREC - Dentsply Sirona
CEREC® Chairside Dentistry

Where Technology
Meets Experience

Where Technology Meets Experience - CEREC Chairside Dentistry dentsplysirona.com/CEREC - Dentsply Sirona
Where Technology Meets Experience - CEREC Chairside Dentistry dentsplysirona.com/CEREC - Dentsply Sirona
02 I 03

Are you ready for CEREC®?
CEREC gives you the tools for superior digital chairside dentistry

The latest generation of our CEREC system sets new standards so you can offer
patients an unmatched combination of single-visit dentistry and excellent quality.
After 36 years of continuous optimization, CEREC gives you the options you need to
treat multiple indications with the confidence that comes from outstanding results.

The CEREC system comprises world-class components that interact perfectly ensuring
seamless workflows. CEREC Primescan quickly delivers highly accurate scan data
to the new CEREC Software 5, supporting you with patient-specific proposals based
on the patented biojaw algorithm. The powerhouse of the system is the new
CEREC Primemill. With this state-of-the-art milling unit, digital chairside dentistry
is faster, easier and more reliable than ever before. Zirconia restorations can also be
sintered and glazed in the CEREC Speedfire furnace right in you practice. It now comes
with a new pre-heating function and updated design features in black and white.

Restorations                           Implantology                            Orthodontics
• Artificial intelligence creates     • Chairside implantology with custom   • Faster aligner treatment plan
  excellent patient-specific initial      abutments or screw-­retained         •D
                                                                                 igital storage and on-demand
  proposals                               crowns in one visit                   model creation with 3D printers
• Intuitive operation of the          • Placing implants with the            •P recise digital impression for
  CEREC software                         ­cost-­effective CEREC Guide, the      ­better fitting appliances
• Wide variety of materials               fastest produced surgical guide
                                          on the market                        • Integrated tools for model analysis
• Excellent
          milling and
  grinding results                     • Time-saving implant planning
                                         thanks to mySimplant®
  xtremely fast sintering and
 glazing with the innovative           • Atlantis® abutments and crowns
 CEREC SpeedFire                         from Dentsply Sirona

• Direct
       connection to the lab of
  your choice
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CEREC® Primescan™
Enjoy the scan.
An excellent choice for outstanding results: CEREC Primescan is
your perfect starting point into digital dentistry. No matter how
you would like to design your workflows, CEREC Primescan is the
enabler for efficient digital workflows – both chairside in your
practice and with your preferred partners.
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04 I 05

Accuracy. Usability. Speed.
What you see is what you get                     Start scanning right away                        Accelerate the process
The innovative Smart Pixel Sensor                CEREC Primescan offers continuous                CEREC Primescan’s unique
processes more than 1,500,000 3D                 self-heating for fog-free scanning               technology allows for easy
points per second, producing                     – which means you’re always ready                capturing and quicker processing
photorealistic and highly accurate               to go. Steep angles? Hard-to-access              of more data in higher resolution.
data. In fact, in certain aspects,               areas? Reflective materials? An easy             Intelligent processing in CEREC
Primescan was viewed as the most                 job for CEREC Primescan. Thanks to               Primescan ensures optimum
accurate among the tested intraoral              the increased field of view, you’ll be           interaction with the software by
scanners that were compared in an                able to visualize larger areas with              transmitting exactly the data the
in-vitro study*. Its dynamic depth               less scanner movement and                        software needs to proceed. The
scan technology enables perfect                  immediate precision. The excellent               result: complete 3D-models
sharpness and outstanding                        scan results are instantly displayed             are displayed immediately, no
precision, even at a measuring depth             on the touchscreen of the new                    matter how fast you scan.
up to 20 mm – a crucial advantage                Acquisition Center.
                                                                                                  Enhance your connectivity
for sub-gingival indications. Due to
                                                 Take control of infection
CEREC Primescan’s ability to scan at                                                              Thanks to validated and open data
an incredible data density, it delivers          Three different sleeves guarantee                transfer options, laboratories and
complete 3D structures of every-                 that you’ll fulfill your practice needs          other partners receive high-
thing in its field of view – from the            as well as all general hygiene                   resolution models in an instant. With
very first scan.                                 requirements. Choose from stainless              CEREC Primescan, you benefit from
                                                 steel sleeves with either sapphire               the freedom to make the best
                                                 glass or as an autoclavable option.              choice of workflows for you and
                                                 Single-use disposable sleeves are                your patients.
                                                 also available.

  nder et al, Accuracy of complete- and partial-arch impressions of actual intraoral scanning systems in-vitro, Int J Comput Dent 2019;
 22(1); 11-19; in the peer group of intraoral scanners, which did not cover several systems commercially available today, Primescan
 showed the best median and mean values across complete arch, anterior and posterior segments, few statistical limitations apply,
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Primescan for high
performance scanning
Digital impressions with CEREC Primescan deliver optimum results that please
patients and dentists alike. CEREC Primescan impresses with its outstanding
performance, is easy to use, features ultra high precision sensors, and creates 3D
models in photorealistic and unsurpassed resolution that is immediately obvious.

Precision and speed                    Usability                                Hygiene
The sensors ensure ultra high          Scanning with CEREC Primescan            With three different sleeve varieties
resolution and data density of the     is simple and comfortable. Even          you can seamlessly integrate the
scans from Primescan is able to scan   novice users can quickly create          intraoral scanner into your hygiene
deep volumes and inclined areas,       impressive results.                      workflow. The sleeves can be
and delivers precise digital models                                             disinfected and autoclaved or
in a very short time.                                                           disposed after use.

New hygiene protection sleeves

Single-use sleeve                        HLD Steel sleeve with sapphire glass
                                         viewing window

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06 I 07

   90% of Primescan
     clinicians who
    have used other
    digital intraoral
     scanners think
    that Primescan
   performs better1.

1. Source: N=129 among U.S. Primescan & CEREC Primescan clinicians, April 2021
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CEREC® Software
A new software generation: CEREC 5 supports you with artificial intelligence that
enables improved initial proposals, and the ultimate custom chairside restorations for
each individual patient. This saves time and lets you move to production faster. You will
benefit from the simple, clearly structured and visually appealing user interface that is
operated via touchscreen or touch pad.

Quick and easy                         Intelligent and individual                 Flexible and networked
It only takes 5 clicks to create a     The new software generation,               The export and import function
finished restoration. The optimized    CEREC 5, makes use of artificial           of restoration data as a DXD file
user interface features a well-        intelligence to calculate better-than-     creates a seamless connection with
structured menu and is easy to         ever initial proposals. It also            the inLab® software of your lab. The
operate. The clearly arranged dialog   automatically recognizes the               direct upload of scan and model
windows allow for quick navigation.    indication of the restoration, based       data from the CEREC software to
This now automates most of the         on the scan. The artificial intelligence   the Connect Case Center makes
workflow.                              component optimally calculates             collaborating with any dental lab
                                       the model axis, preparation margins,       much less time-consuming. The
                                       and initial restorative proposals.         export of scan data as open STL
                                       With all this, you can fully focus on      files allows for versatile workflows
                                       your patient.                              and indications.

                                “In most cases, the initial proposal of the CEREC
                                  software is so good that I can move straight to
                                  production without any further modifications.”

                                             Dr. Mike Skramstad, Orono MN

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08 I 09

AC Acquisition Unit

The touchscreen interface enables intuitive operation.

                                                                                                          The battery capacity
                                                                                                          also makes it suitable
The new CEREC® software offers photorealistic presentations.
                                                                                                          for mobile use.

Touchscreen                                        Connect Software 5                        Ergonomics and design
Use customary touchscreen                          The software with its new graphic         The modern, elegant design of the
gestures to naturally and intuitively              user interface and touchscreen            CEREC Primescan AC meets the
operate the software. The smooth                   functionality offers high-precision       highest aesthetic and functional
surfaces of the acquisition unit are               digital impressions of the full arch as   standards. The large touchscreen
particularly easy to clean and                     well as secure data transfer to your      with glass surface can be moved in
disinfect.                                         partners. It is included with each        all directions to enable ergonomic
                                                   acquisition unit.                         work in every position as well as
In contrast to a regular laptop,
                                                                                             comfortable patient communication.
CEREC Primescan AC may be pla-
ced right next to the patient as an                                                          The battery charge of the AC lasts
approved medical device.                                                                     for hours of continuous case work
                                                                                             that include scanning, designing,
                                                                                             and manufacturing with up to 5
                                                                                             hours on standby, the device can
                                                                                             not only be comfortably moved bet-
                                                                                             ween treatment rooms, but can also
                                                                                             be used during treatments without
                                                                                             the need for a power outlet.
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Prime design: The
                                 unitis is
match the new Acquisition
               acquisition center
10 I 11

CEREC Primemill™
Milling is Now Prime
The new grinding and milling unit utilizes state-of-the-art technology and
CAM strategies to produce outstanding chairside restorations easier, faster and
more precisely than before. A modern setup for achieving predictable results
with an outstanding chairside experience – for both the user and patient.

                          Quality                             Convenience

                        Natural looking                 Its interactive user interface and
                       restorations with                   intuitive machine operation
                     smooth surfaces, very                offer clear guidance for every
                      precise results and                 workflow step making it easy
                          perfect fit.                   to integrate it into the practice
                                                              and delegate operation
                                                                      to staff.
                                                 MIlling is
                                                Now Prime

                           Speed                                Versatility

                  The fastest milling unit on the         Wet and dry milling and wet
                   market saves valuable time              grinding for a very broad
                    for patients and increases            range of materials offer an
                  productivity for users – it can          optimal choice for every
                  produce beautiful and precise                    situation.
                    zirconia crowns in as little
                         as five minutes.

CEREC Primemill™
A prime chairside experience
CEREC takes another big step forward with the introduction of CEREC Primemill
empowering dentists to provide and experience superior chairside dentistry.

Powerful Touch Interface               Super Fast Mode for Zirconia Crowns     New Electronics and Mechanical
                                       The unique parallel milling maxi-       Components
The new 7" touch interface is highly
intuitive and user-friendly, making    mizes speed, delivering an excellent    Improved high edge-stability of the
operation easy.                        Zirconia crown in around 5 minutes.     margins and very accurate material
                                                                               removal for smoothest surfaces.

Block Scanner                          RFID Reader                             New 0,5mm Tool
The block scanner quickly scans        Type and status of tools is recorded,   New extra fine bur for producing
compatible data matrix codes on        ensuring failsafe workflows and         highly detailed fissures as well as
blocks, speeding up the workflow.      increased productivity.                 inter-dental areas on bridges.
12 I 13

Essential chairside indications
The CEREC MC X is our economically priced milling and grinding unit solution.

    Precise and fast, approx.   Entire range of chairside treatment            Implant surgery with the
     11 minutes for a crown.     with up to 40 mm block size, incl.          cost-effective CEREC Guide 2
                                      bridges and abutments.                      or CEREC Guide 3.

                                          “Treatment often used to take a long time. With CEREC
                                            I got a complete crown in just one visit – without a
                                             temporary or follow-up visits. I call that service!”

                                                        Meike Tramitz, patient from Gießen
Chairside implant therapy.
Place implants safely and precisely –
in just a single session.
CEREC® is also an integral part of the safe and individualized chairside implant solution
from Dentsply Sirona. That means CEREC not only enables you to create customized
implant prosthetics, but also helps you plan the surgery and insert the implant. The
prosthetic situation can be taken into account when planning the implant. This prosthetic-
oriented planning ensures the implant properly positioned with the CEREC Guide surgical
guide milled in the office.
CEREC is compatible with many different implant systems and enables the manufacture
of individually designed abutments and crowns for cemented and screw-retained
restorations, made from a variety of materials of the highest quality. Thanks to the
introduction of meso block options, you can now also quickly complete the implant with a
screw-retained crown over Dentsply Sirona TiBase. This solution is particularly gentle on
the gingival tissue due to its extremely high biocompatibility and extraoral bonding.

 1     Data capture
       During the first step, all scans that are necessary for planning are performed: intraoral impression for
       information about the soft tissue and to create a prosthetic proposal, as well as 3D x-rays. Both sets of
       data are needed for precise, prosthetic-oriented implant planning.

     With the help of CEREC Primescan, digital impressions of freshly placed implants can also be taken. The
     implant prosthetic is then designed in the CEREC software in a few steps, finalized with a suitable grinding
     and milling unit and sintered with the CEREC SpeedFire, the smallest and fastest furnace. More information
     about prosthetics steps, please refer to pages 12 and 13. You‘ll need the CEREC Pro module for planning
     CEREC surgical guides. This module includes all necessary interface licenses.
14 I 15

      ptimized clinical success and safety thanks to prosthetics-oriented implant
     planning and fully guided surgery
    • Individual prosthetic with patient-specific abutment and crown or screw-
      retained crown
    • Fewer treatment sessions thanks to the option of completing the implant directly
      after the surgical procedure

2   Implant planning                                   3   Guided surgery
    The data sets are brought together in the              Due to the precise transfer of the implant
    Sidexis 4 Imaging software. They allow implant         planning, the implant can be safely placed with
    planning and manufacturing of the surgical             CEREC Guide. Use CEREC Guide for all Dent-
    guide at a low price, in less than one hour with       sply Sirona implant systems, or CEREC Guide 2
    the help of a suitable CEREC® grinding and             for implants by other manufacturers.
    milling unit.

4 Scanning                    5 Designing              6 Grinding/milling          7 Sintering/finishing
An excellent scan
is just the beginning
                   The integrated
                   CEREC practice
                    See pages 18 I 19

                    See pages 20 I 21

                    From practice
                    to lab
                    See pages 22 I 23

                    From practice
                    to specialized
                    See pages 24 I 25

                    From practice
                    to specialized
                    See pages 26 I 27
16 I 17

CEREC digital workflow solutions

  1. Scanning        2. Design        3. Production           4. Sintering and

                    2. Prosthetic       3. Guided               4. Scanning        5. Design       6. Production     7. Sintering and
                    proposal and         surgery                                                                          glazing
                  implant planning
1. Data capture

  1. Scanning       2. Checking       3a. Transmission        3b. STL export
                                     via Connect Case

                    2. Prosthetic       3. Guided               4. Scanning       5. Design and    6. Finalization
                    proposal and         surgery                                  production of
                  implant planning                                               the restoration
1. Data capture

  1. Scanning       2. Analysis      3a. Transmission          3b. Export to
                                        to a lab or            different file
                                         external                formats
The integrated
CEREC practice
Single-visit restorations
Imagine being able to offer your patients restorations in a single visit – with all
­commonly used materials. CEREC makes it happen. Regardless of the material,
 CEREC offers your patients fast and comfortable treatment without uncomfortable
 impression trays or annoying temporary restorations, with just a single injection
 of anesthesia. It’s a ­win-win situation: You will meet the highest expectations, and
 your patients receive the best possible treatment.

                                      • Highly aesthetic restorations in a single visit
                                      • Maximum
                                                automation and excellent initial proposals,
                                        thanks to artificial intelligence
                                      • Easy
                                           and intuitive software with touchscreen and
                                        gesture control
                                        arge variety of materials for both anterior and
                                       posterior solutions
18 I 19

1   Digital impression                                   2   Design
    Spare your patients the discomfort of conventional       The CEREC software creates outstanding
    impression. Take digital impressions with CEREC          design proposals, based on the unique Biojaw
    Primescan or CEREC Omnicam, our two powder-              algorithm. Automatically reconstruct genuine
    free intraoral scanners. They make scanning              tooth restorations that are customized for each
    easier, more intuitive and ergonomic than ever           individual patient. This saves time since the
    before. The precise 3D models in natural colors          initial proposal is so accurate that you can
    will impress both you and your patients.                 generate the final design of your restoration in
                                                             no time at all. You benefit from the simple,
                                                             clearly structured and intuitive user interface.

3   Grinding or milling                                  4   Sintering and finishing
    The CEREC grinding and milling units and                 All-ceramic zirconium oxide restorations can
    the CEREC software by Dentsply Sirona are                be sintered and glazed in the CEREC SpeedFire
    completely synchronized. The grinding or                 furnace right in your practice. The induction
    milling process for your designed restorations           technology of the furnace offers the shortest
    is extremely precise and creates smooth                  firing times, together with highly intuitive and
    surfaces and margins, as well as ultrafine               simple operation. In addition to zirconium oxide,
    structures. The large variety of materials is            all other glass ceramics can be processed.
    optimally coordinated with the Dentsply Sirona
    software and production units. Even zirconia
    can be processed and placed in a single visit.
Chairside implantology
Place implants safely and precisely –
in just a single visit
CEREC is also an integral part of the safe and individualized chairside implantology
solution from Dentsply Sirona. That means CEREC not only enables you to create
­customized implant prostethics, but als helps you plan the surgery and insert the
CEREC is compatible with many different implant systems and enables the manu­
facture of individually designed abutments and crowns for cemented and screw-­
retained restorations, made from a variety of materials of the highest quality. Thanks
to CEREC Zirconia meso, you can now also quickly complete the implant with a screw-
retained crown on Dentsply Sirona TiBases. This solution is particularly gentle on the
gingival tissue due to its extremely high biocompatibility and extraoral bonding.

 1     Data capture
       During the first step, all scans that are necessary for planning are performed: intraoral impression for
       ­information about the soft tissue and to create a prosthetic proposal, as well as 3D x-rays. Both sets of data
        are needed for precise, prosthetic-oriented implant planning.

     With the help of CEREC Primescan or CEREC Omnicam, digital impressions of freshly placed implants
     can be taken immediately. The implant prosthetic is then designed in the CEREC software in a few steps,
     finalized with a suitable grinding and milling unit and sintered with the CEREC SpeedFire, the smallest
     and ­fastest furnace. For more about prosthetics steps, please refer to pages 18 and 19. For planning the
     surgical guides you will need the CEREC Pro module. This module includes all necessary interface licenses.
20 I 21

      ptimized clinical success and safety thanks to prosthetics-oriented implant
     planning and fully guided surgery
    • Individual prosthetics with patient-specific abutment and crown or
      ­screw-­retained crown
    •F ewer treatment sessions thanks to the option of completing the implant
     ­directly after the surgical procedure

2    Implant planning                                    3   Guided surgery
     The data sets are aligned in the Galileos Implant       Due to the precise transfer of the implant
     software. They allow implant planning and               planning, the implant can be safely placed with
     cost-efficient manufacturing of the surgical            CEREC Guide 3. Use CEREC Guide 3 for all
     guide, in less than one hour with the help of a         Dentsply Sirona implant systems, or CEREC
     suitable CEREC grinding and milling unit.               Guide 2 for implants by other manufacturers.

4 Scanning                     5 Designing               6 Grinding/milling           7 Sintering/finishing
From the practice
to the lab
Freedom of collaboration –
secure data transmission
When you work with the lab of your choice, there are different workflows available to
you. You can transfer data with the open STL format; however, the responsibility for
the data transmission and the associated due diligence remains with you. If you prefer
not to worry about any of this, make use of our validated processes. Transmit your
data securely – in anonymized format, if desired – to your dental lab via the Connect
Case Center: It only takes a single click. Regardless of the software your lab uses. The
connection is established seamlessly to inLab or via the Connect Case Center Inbox
to any other laboratory software (e.g. that of our new partner exocad).

New: Connect Case Center Inbox

Good news for your lab. In the past, only inLab users were able to receive cases via
the secure Connect Case Center. With the Connect Case Center Inbox, your lab can
now use its usual software and still have full access to the patient case. And best of all:
Whether CEREC Primescan or CEREC Omnicam – each device comes with a free
license that you can make available to your lab.
22 I 23

• Fast and accurate scans
  igital ordering for work of all
  asy and convenient data transfer
 via the Connect Case Center
• Open STL export available

                                      1   Scanning
                                          Both CEREC Primescan and CEREC Omnicam
                                          can quickly and accurately generate an
                                          ­impression of the preparation, the antagonist
                                           and the bite in the patient’s mouth – powder-­
                                           free and in color. You can interrupt and resume the
                                           scan procedure at any time. Digital ­impression
                                           models have the advantage that you can assess
                                           quality right there on the screen.

                                      2   Data transmission via the
                                          Connect Case Center
                                          With a single click in the software, the case is
                                          transmitted to the lab of your choice without
                                          fail. In addition to secure and anonymized
                                          trans­mission, if desired, you and your lab also
                                          have a high level of documentation. You can
                                          even use the Connect Case Center for a case-
                                          specific chat. All agreements with your dental
                                          lab will be documented. All of these processes
                                          are much faster than with traditional impressi-
                                          ons. You can even respond to questions from
                                          your lab while your patient is still in the chair.

                                      3   Data reception by the
                                          lab of your choice
                                          Upload the 3D model to the Connect Case Center
                                          and complete the digital order form – in a matter
                                          of seconds. Third parties will not be able to
                                          access the transmitted case data. By installing
                                          Connect Case Center Inbox, labs without inLab
                                          software can also be easily connected to the
                                          Connect Case Center. Thanks to the digital
                                          technology, your lab can now exchange images
                                          with you and discuss details in real time.
                                          Your collaboration will become closer than ever
From the practice to
­specialized partners
Guided implantology and patient-specific prosthetics
from industry leaders
Connect Case Center offers a comprehensive solution for collaborating with established
partners. If you need help with any workflow steps, simply access our centralized
functions and take advantage of our knowledge and experience. This solution saves
time, and you don’t have to invest into additional software or equipment.

 1   Data Capturing                    2   Restorative and                      3   Guided surgery
     See more with a CBCT image            Implant planning                         When the Simplant treatment
     that visualizes and gives in­-                                                 plan has been approved, the
                                           mySimplant planning service is
     formation about the patient’s                                                  Simplant Guide is produced by
                                           the outsourced way to receive
     anatomical situation.                                                          Dentsply Sirona using a
                                           a plan of the implant surgery
     With the intraoral scanners                                                    state-of-the-art manufacturing
                                           without the need to purchase a
     CEREC Omnicam and                                                              process to ensure the highest
                                           planning software. CBCT data,
     CEREC Primescan, you can                                                       precision and quality each and
                                           intraoral scan data and clinician-
     capture the patient’s dentition                                                every time. Using a surgical
                                           ­made case specifications are
     and surrounding soft tissues.                                                  guide ensures precise implant
                                            sent to Dentsply Sirona to
     The combination of bone                                                        placement and sets the path
                                            prepare a Simplant treatment
     ­situation and soft tissue                                                     for safe and accurate treatment.
                                            plan. When the planning
      ­information are the optimal                                                  Together with the surgery kit,
                                            proposal has been designed,
       basis for ideal restorative                                                  guided surgery drills and the
                                            it is sent back to the dentist
       and implant planning.                                                        Simplant Guide, the implant
                                            for validation and approval.
                                                                                    can be placed according to the
                                                                                    treatment plan.
24 I 25

    • Rely on the safe, seamless workflows of guided
      implantology for greater patient comfort and best
    • Simplant® offers dentists the right surgical guide
      for each individual case to achieve precise and
      ­predictable implant treatments.
    • Atlantis® is our solution for the manufacturing of
      patient-specific prosthetics for all common implants.

4    Digital                             5   Restorative design                6   Final
     Impression                              and manufacturing                     restoration
     Right after the implant is placed       The order is initiated by             Atlantis abutments and
     within the surgery, take an             the dentist directly in the           crowns are produced by
     accurate digital impression in          Connect Case Center and               Dentsply Sirona using a
     natural colours. It couldn’t be         sent to Dentsply Sirona               state-of-the-art milling process.
     easier. With the easy-to-handle         central production for Atlantis       The design of Atlantis patient-
     Primescan or Omnicam,                   solutions. A design proposal is       specific solutions is based
     impression taking is more               sent to the dentist and dental        on the anatomy and clinical
     pleasant and time-saving than           technician to review, discuss         situation of each patient,
     ever before.                            and approve. Atlantis abut-           truly mimicking natural tooth
                                             ments, crowns or digital files        function and appearance.
                                             are available for both cement         The crown can also be milled
                                             and screw-­retained restorati-        using an inLab machine and
                                             ons. The crown can also be            sintered using inFire HTC
                                             finalized using Atlantis Core         speed.
                                             File and inLab software.
From the practice to
­specialized partners
Special treatment methods – such as orthodontic procedures –
require specialized partners

Besides local dental labs, there are also providers who specialize in certain applications
and indications, such as orthodontic procedures. Make use of the multitude of
indications and options for collaborating with your partners via the Connect Case Center.
The following orthodontic treatment workflow is just one example, among others. The
transmission to connected partners takes place via the Connect software. The optional
CEREC Ortho software is available for special orthodontic tools such as model analysis
and treatment simulation.

                                                         With SureSmile Aligner, you can expand your
                                                         treatment range with orthodontic procedures.
                                                         SureSmile has over 15 years of experience
                                                         with the treatment of complex orthodontic
                                                         cases and, thanks to its seamless workflow,
                                                         getting started is easy.
26 I 27

• Expand your treatment options
  with orthodontic procedures
• Large variety of export options,
  including treatment with SureSmile

                                       1   Scanning
                                           Orthodontic treatments require full arch scans.
                                           That’s where CEREC Primescan really shines.
                                           The scan is not only significantly faster than
                                           with traditional procedures (including alginate
                                           impressions), but also less prone to errors.
                                           ­Powder-free of course, and in natural color.

                                       2   Data transmission via the
                                           Connect Case Center
                                           Once you have reviewed the model on the
                                           screen, the data are transmitted to your external
                                           service provider. You can choose from a wide
                                           selection of applications, including aligners,
                                           bonding trays, retainers and many more.

                                       3   Data reception by your partner
                                           Validated central manufacturers now receive
                                           your model data so they can process your
                                           order – in many cases in a file format specifically
                                           tailored for the needs of your partner to create
                                           optimum results.
Patient Monitoring Software

Visualize intraoral changes over time with Oracheck

Make the best of your intraoral scanner and visualize volumetric changes in the soft
tissue, hard tissue and the position of the teeth over time. OraCheck provides a 3D
comparison between two or more digital scans. The software superimposes the scans
and visualizes differences in color. With OraCheck, an intraoral scan becomes a standard
procedure in the dental office, because it supports the clinician to see and monitor
the individual patient situation.

Main features of the OraCheck Software

Volume measurement                                     2D cross section
Calculation of the volumetric change (increase/loss)   Presentation and measurement of distances in any
in mm3.                                                cross-sections that can be interactively defined.

Tooth movements                                        Distance analysis
Calculation and visualization of tooth movements.      Visualize the distance between two scans.
28 I 29
CEREC Club                                           Guaranteed

                                                 CEREC software updates              Extended parts warranty
With CEREC Club, you are always a                    and upgrades
step ahead of the game; you continuously
benefit from the latest CEREC innovations
and comprehensively secure your system
while developing it further at the same               Top value                       The Club grows
                                                      for money                          with you
time. This keeps your investment
automatically up to date.
                                                 Comprehensive service              CEREC Club will scale with
                                                 for your CEREC system              you as your practice grows
                                                                                     with added technology.

CEREC for you and
your patients
What would you say about fitting
your patients with crowns in a
single visit instead of two? How
would your patients feel about
that? We already know: they
would love it!
                                        Two thirds                 50 %                       Two thirds
                                        of patients would          of patients would be       of patients would
                                        switch their dentist in    willing to pay more        travel further for
                                        order to receive a         for single-visit           single-visit dentistry.*
                                        single-visit-dentistry     dentistry.*

Imagine that you could now offer
your patients restaurations in a
single visit – with all conventional
materials. And that you could also
offer implantology and orthodontic
­treatment. What possibilities would
 that open up for you and your         95 %                        Every five seconds          > 250
                                       proven long-term            a CEREC restoration         scientific studies prove
 practice? Efficiency, greater added   stability.**                is placed worldwide.        the clinical safety of
 value and safety: CEREC makes all                                                             CEREC.

 of this happen.
                                        * Source: Exevia GmbH, survey of dental patients, November 2015.
                                        ** Source: Posselt, Kerschbaum, Longevity of 2328 chairside CEREC Inlays and
                                           Onlays, Int J Comput Dent. (2003).
28 I 29

Your production options with CEREC
                                                                           CEREC MC XL
 Performance specifications                          CEREC Primemill                            CEREC MC X
                                                                           Premium Package

 High Speed Double Spindle 4-Axis Technology         4 Motors              4 Motors             2 Motors

 Wet & Dry                                           n                     n                    n

 Milling & Grinding                                  n                     n                    n

 Wide Range of Materials                             n*                    n                    n

 Block Sizes                                         15,5 x 19 x 70 mm     15,5 x 19 x 85 mm    15,5 x 19 x 40 mm

 Single-tooth restorations                           n                     n                    n

 Bridges                                             n**                   n                    n

 Abutments                                           n                     n                    n

 Surgical guides                                     n**                   n                    n

 Extra fine grinding                                 n***                  n                    –

 Extra fine milling with 0,5 mm tool                 n                     –                    –

 Smart Touch Interface                               n                     –                    –

 RFID reader                                         n                     –                    –

 Block scanner                                       n                     –                    –

 Block pre touch                                     n                     –                    –

 Super fast Zirconia Milling                         n                     –                    –

 LED Light strip                                     n                     –                    –

* validation process finished by Q3 2020   ** available by Q2 2020   *** available by Q3 2020

n available

CEREC certified material partners
CEREC Product workflow
 1    Scan

CEREC Primescan –
the best intraoral scanner for highest demands:
• Latest, future-oriented technology
• Easy handling even for frequent full arch scans
• Powder-free and photorealistic colour visualization
• Extremely fast
• Very precise und accurate
• Comprehensive hygiene concept
• Intuitive handling

CEREC Primescan and CEREC Omnicam compared

                                                CEREC Primescan

 Scan procedure                                 Dynamic depth scan (up to 20 mm)
 Powder-free                                    yes

 Scans shiny metal surfaces                     yes
 (gold, amalgams, etc.)

 Scans in color                                 yes
 Photorealistic scans                           yes
                                                yes   (not available with single-use sleeve
 Shade detection
                                                and for autoclave solution)

 Can be heated to prevent fogging               yes, internally active
 Heating time                                   a few minutes after starting the AC

 Full arch scan* (upper, lower, bite            approx. 2–3 min
 ­registration, model calculation)

 Disinfectable with wipes                       yes
 High Level Disinfection                        yes
 Dry heat sterilization                         yes
 Single-use sleeves                             yes

 Overall dimensions (W xH x L)                  50,9 x 58,8 x 253 mm
                                                457 g (plastic sleeve)
                                                524,5 g (Metal sleeve)
 Scanner tip     (W x H)                        22.5 x 20.7 mm
 Mirror sleeve (L)                              110 mm

* Depending on experience and routine with the system.
30 I 31

 2     Design
                                                  The Acquisition Center – a single base for two scanners
                                                  •	State-of-the-art technology
                                                  • Modern design of hardware and software
                                                  •	Medical device approved for use next to patients
                                                  • Ergonomic working thanks to swiveling screen
                                                  • Easy to clean, smooth surfaces
                                                  • Mobile workplace
                                                  •	Extra-long battery charge for over 60 minutes of uninterrupted s­ canning

 3     Grinding/milling

CEREC Primemill                                   CEREC MC X
• 7‘‘ Touch Interface                             • Complete range of chairside
  uper Fast Mode for Zirconia                      applications up to 40 mm block
 crowns                                             size, including bridges and
  lock scanner and RFID reader
 for an easier and faster workflow                • Precise and fast
  omplete range for a huge variety               • Production of CEREC Guide 2 and
 of indications up to 70 mm block                   CEREC Guide 3 surgical guides
  moother Zirconia restoration

 4 Sintering/Finishing
                                                  CEREC SpeedFire**

                                                  • Fast sintering of full-contour zirconium oxide: The much shorter processes
                                                    allow for restorations in a single session
                                                  • Speed + Pre-Dry: Wet restorations can be processed in a single procedure
                                                  • Maximum sinter temperature: 1600 °C
                                                  • SpeedGlaze process: Fastest glazing process in < 9 minutes
                                                  • Maximum heat-up speed 300 °C/min: No preheating or holding
                                                    ­temperatures necessary
                                                  • Shorter waiting times due to active cooling of furnace, chamber and
                                                  • Interfaces: 2x USB 2.0, 1x LAN (RJ45), WLAN (optional via WLAN-USB

*    Scanner and acquisition unit can also be obtained without CEREC license for digital impression only. Upgrades are available at any time.
**   The numbers apply to the processing times of CEREC Zirconia and depend on the sintered volume and color.
Procedural Solutions

                                Enabling Technologies
Dentsply Sirona                 CAD/CAM
13320 Ballantyne Corporate Pl   Imaging
Charlotte, NC 28277             Treatment Centers
dentsplysirona.com              Instruments
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