When Will This Game Stop? - Harwood Financial Group

Page created by Wayne May
When Will This Game Stop? - Harwood Financial Group
In this issue
When Will This Game Stop?
Shares of GameStop, Blackberry, and AMC exploded this week. These events
prompted the media to run countless stories of everyday people getting rich
overnight. What’s going on, and is there still time to get in on this trade?

January 29, 2021
On January 6th, shares of Signal Advance        events prompted the media to run
(ticker: SIGL) closed at $0.60. The next day,   countless stories of everyday people
Elon Musk tweeted “Use Signal” to his loyal     getting rich overnight. There is much
followers, and the stock closed at $3.76 for    speculation into why this keeps happening
a jaw dropping gain of 627%.                    and if it’s a precursor to an impeding
                                                bubble burst. But before we even attempt
There was just one issue. Signal Advance is
                                                to answer these questions, let’s dig deeper
a micro-cap biotech company, and Musk
                                                into the mechanics of a stock price to better
was referring to Signal, which is a
                                                understand what is really driving these
messaging platform/app and even more
                                                stocks and if it can last.
amusingly, a nonprofit. Stories of traders
confusing stock tickers make headlines a        Under The Hood
few times a year, but what made this one
                                                An asset price is the combination of some
special is that even after the truth was
                                                fundamental factor and the demand to own
discovered, the stock soared so high that it
                                                that factor, represented by its valuation:
crossed $70 at one point. It’s come down
since then but still trades above $5 (over        Price = Fundamental Factor x Valuation
820% since January 4th).
                                                For example, a house price is equal to the
Shares of GameStop, Blackberry, and AMC         square footage (fundamental) multiplied by
Entertainment exploded this week. These         the price-per-square foot (valuation).

Viewing asset prices in this manner allows      Fast forward a year, and XYZ reports record
us to compare one investment against            sales. Earnings rise by 20%, but the stock
another. If two houses with equivalent          price doesn’t move because all that has
square footage are selling for $500/sqft        happened is the expectations that were
and $750/sqft respectively, the more            baked into the stock a year ago have now
expensive home needs to justify its             been met. If earnings rise by 20% and the
valuation or else it could be viewed as         stock price doesn’t change, that means the
overpriced relative to the cheaper option.      valuation has compressed, making the
                                                stock cheaper (and arguably less risky).
Stock prices work the same way, and
                                                Long term investors hope this process of
investors tend to value stocks based off of
                                                increased expectations being met by the
earnings (although sales and cash flow are
                                                company will keep this cycle going.
other examples). Using the formula above,
a stock price is equal to earnings multiplied   Now, let’s assume that XYZ failed to meet
by the price-to-earnings ratio. Stocks with     expectations. The new product was a flop,
similar earnings but different valuations       and earnings are flat a year later. In this
require deeper analysis to better               instance, XYZ looks overpriced because the
understand why the demand differs.              fundamentals never caught up to justify the
                                                boost in demand from a year ago. This
Prices move when the fundamental factor
                                                could cause the stock to take a big hit, and
and/or its valuation changes. If a
                                                any investor that bought after the initial
homeowner adds a second story, the
                                                spike in price is at risk of losing money.
square footage rises and should increase
the price of the house (holding all other       Both of these hypothetical scenarios
variables fixed). Furthermore, if demand to     happen a few thousand times every single
live in the neighborhood rises, the             day in the stock market. Investors anticipate
homeowner may benefit purely from the           some event in the future, and if those
increased interest in the area.                 expectations are met, the stock usually
                                                maintains its price. When expectations are
Again, the same applies to stocks. Either a
                                                not met, the price usually falls.
company can improve its fundamentals or
demand for its stock can rise. Let’s assume     Getting Squeezed
that Company XYZ just announced the
                                                There are also times when valuations move
release of a new product. The excitement
                                                for reasons unrelated to fundamentals.
causes its stock price to rise from $100 to
                                                Signal rose because traders misunderstood
$125 right after the press release. Here, the
                                                Musk’s tweet, while GameStop appears to
earnings have not changed, but demand
                                                be a massive “short squeeze.”
just rose by 25% because investors
anticipate a boost to future earnings.          At the beginning of the year, GameStop
                                                was one of the most “shorted” stocks in the

U.S. Investors short a stock when they want         encountered challenges that inspired
to bet that the stock price will fall, and it’s a   shorts to pile into the stock. Porsche then
risky strategy because of a stock’s                 began buying a larger stake in Volkswagen,
asymmetric payout. When investors buy a             which caused shorts to cover their positions
stock, they can only lose what they put into        (buy back the stock). This created a vicious
the position. They also have unlimited              cycle seen in the chart below.
upside since a stock can rise forever. The
                                                    It’s not like Volkswagen invented a flying car
situation is reversed for short sellers. The
                                                    that was going to change the world. If
upside is capped (stocks cannot fall below
                                                    anything, its fundamentals were in bad
zero), but the downside is unlimited.
                                                    shape and showing little signs of
This asymmetry can occasionally fuel a              improvement. All that happened was a
short squeeze. This happens when a heavily          massive supply and demand imbalance
shorted stock begins to rise. That’s not            that briefly caused the stock price to surge.
good for someone who is exposed to
                                                    The same is happening to GameStop, and
unlimited downside, and it can quickly
                                                    it’s hard to say when this is going to end. But
ignite panic buying (the opposite of panic
                                                    it is going to end because a stock price
selling) as short sellers scramble to cover
                                                    cannot rise like this without the support
their positions. The ones who can’t get out
                                                    from the fundamental side of the equation.
first get squeezed as the stock soars higher.
                                                    Without it, the stock is a ticking time bomb.
Back in 2008, Volkswagen’s short squeeze
was so massive that it briefly made them the
                                                    The Bottom Line
most valuable company in the world1.                More than one pundit has labeled this
During the financial crisis, the company            recent behavior as “crazy,” but given the

events of the last year, I’d say it’s rather      better to feel a little FOMO when reading
“consistent.” Don’t forget what has               about people sitting at home making
transpired. We’ve seen everything from            millions than losing your own home
laughable valuations of initial public            because you took on too much risk. But
offerings (IPOs) to Hertz doing a stock           don’t take my word for it. The legendary J.P.
offering after declaring bankruptcy. Oil          Morgan said it best over a century ago:
even traded negative back in March.
                                                    “Nothing so undermines your
Several theories are floating around to             financial judgement as the sight of
explain why these stories seem to be more           your neighbor getting rich”
prevalent today than pre-COVID. It’s hard
to say for sure, but what I do know is that I
want nothing to do with them because they
don’t involve the fundamentals. Hence, I’m
unable to ascertain what could happen next
with any degree of confidence. GameStop
could hit $2,000 or $2 next week. Your
                                                  Mike Sorrentino, CFA
guess is as good as mine.
                                                  Chief Investment Officer
But that doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad to
want to join this party. Speculation is fine as
long as it’s kept to no more than 5% of
investible assets. Who knows, it may pay off.
Just don’t go too wild and bet the farm on
something that is almost certainly going to
end like the Volkswagen chart above.

Lastly, ignore any fearmongering that this
market activity is a precursor to a dot-com
style bubble forming. This is not 2000. It’s
not even close. Despite the media
attention, they are isolated events that are
microscopic when compared to the rest of
what looks to be a relatively healthy and
ambitious equity market.

The bottom line is that the only two possible
outcomes from speculating are either
being lucky or wrong. If you want to roll the
dice, please do so only with what you are
comfortable watching go to zero. It’s far
1 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-

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