WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside

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WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside
MARCH 2021 • Vol. 09 • No.03

      - Andrew Spence,
Workforce Futurist, Global Speaker,
  HR Technology Board Advisor

             Edition on
            The Future
              of the
            HR Function

                                       The Future of
                                       the HR Function 2021
                                                      Page 21- 56
                                      Sponsored by:
WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside
HR Strategy & Planning Excellence
INDEX                                                                  MARCH 2021         Vol.09        No.03

                                                                       What Will Drive The
                   Edition on
                 The Future                                                 Future Of HR?
                   of the
                 HR Function                                        Organizations need new
                                                             workforce strategies to succeed
                                                               - Andrew Spence, Workforce Futurist,
                                                              Global Speaker, HR Technology Board Advisor
      On the Cover

     Articles                   17 One Unprecedented Year
                                   For Everyone Including
                                                                        68 A COO’s Take On Lessons
                                                                           Learned From The
                                   Human Resources                         Pandemic
     SPONSORED                      What employees are missing              What’s changed and what
  10 Reimagining HR For             and yearning for the most               should remain the same
     Physical Therapy               - Philippe Weiss, President,            - Sankar Lagudu, Co-Founder
                                    Seyfarth at Work and WorkRight          & COO, RFPIO Inc.
     A conversation with Dr.        Solutions
     Shondell Jones
                                                                        70 Fundamental Steps HR
     - Amy Frampton, Head of    61 DE&I Commitments: Do                    Managers Must Take To
     Marketing, BambooHR           You Have The Data And                   Improve Hiring
                                   Technology To Walk The                   To become an employer of
                                   Talk?                                    choice, flip the script and
                                    It’s up to HR to turn promises          engage in a growth mindset
                                    into real progress                      - Todd Palmer, CEO/
                                    - E.J. Marin, Director, Solution        Entrepreneur, Diversified
                                    Engineering, HCM, HANELLY,              Industrial Staffing

                                The Future of the HR Function 2021
                                Prepare HR to meet the challenges of a newly
                                         transformed world of work

                                                    Page 21- 56
WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside
Top Picks                                       INDEX
3 Ways HR Can Drive Lasting
Changes In The Workplace
The best thing a company can do today
is to scrutinize its working processes
- Lynn Langrock, Vice President, Human
Relations and Corporate Affairs, Bimbo Canada

                  HR Needs To Continually
                  Reinvent Itself
                  Moving from benchmarking and
                  best practices to guidance
                  - Dave Ulrich, Co-Founder
                  & Principal, RBL Group, Norm
                  Smallwood, Partner and Co-Founder,
                  RBL Group and Alan Todd, Founder
                  & CEO, CorpU

The Future Of HR Is Global
How can HR prepare
- Ragu Bhargava, CEO & Co-Founder,
Global Upside Corporation

                  Beyond Hi-Tech: Taking A
                  “Deeper Dive” Into HR Issues
                  Realize what technology can do,
                  and where human insight still
                  needs to play a lead role
                  - Scot Marcotte, Chief Technology
                  Officer, Buck
WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside
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WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside
A    s organizations today
     are struggling to manage
their workforce and keep their
                                                      download the complete report
                                                      and infographic here.
                                                                                                   The Future of HR is Global by Ragu
                                                                                                   Bhargava discusses why HR
                                                                                                   professionals will increasingly be
businesses steady, they are                           Check out our cover article, What            asked not just to think globally,
relying on their HR departments                       Will Drive The Future Of HR? by              but to develop policies and best
to support employees. Seldom                          Andrew Spence that talks about               practices that work for a range of
in history has the HR function                        the drivers of change that will              different states and countries.
needed to pivot so quickly and                        shape how we think about and
dramatically to meet such urgent                      deliver workforce solutions in the           The year 2020 shed light on many
workforce and business needs.                         next decade.                                 HR practices and processes in
These trends are requiring HR                                                                      need of improvement, and nudged
to rethink its roles and priorities                   In 2021, HR professionals and                one to look back at what’s
while the world of work is                            business leaders will continue to            changed and what should remain
transforming.                                         have the attention of associates,            the same. The strategic goal for
                                                      customers and stakeholders like              HR – now and always – is to
How well does your HR                                 never before, says Lynn Langrock             have the right people to meet the
department meet the needs of                          in her article, 3 Ways HR Can Drive          needs of the business, today and
your organization? What should                        Lasting Changes In The Workplace.            in the future.
HR focus on to prepare for the                        Lynn puts forth three strategies to
future? This issue of HR Strategy                     help make change stick.                      We hope you enjoy reading all the
& Planning Excellence includes                                                                     articles in this issue and get back
articles that offer strategies to                     In their article, HR Needs To                to us with your valuable feedback.
prepare for the future of HR.                         Continually Reinvent Itself, Dave
                                                      Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Alan              Cheers!
Also included in this issue is a                      Todd talks about why HR needs
survey-based study by HR.com’s                        to continually reinvent itself to
HR Research Institute, The Future                     realize its potential for creating,                       Have a say?
                                                                                                             Write to the Editor.
of HR Function that looks at the                      delivering, and capturing value.
attitudes, concerns, priorities, and
skills of today’s HR professionals
as well as their views on what                                     Debbie Mcgrath                             Babitha Balakrishnan
is critical for the future. You can                                                                          Editor, HR Strategy & Planning
                                                                    Publisher, HR.com

Editorial Purpose: Our mission is to promote personal and professional development based on
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WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside

What Will Drive
The Future Of HR?
   Organizations need new
   workforce strategies to succeed
    By Andrew Spence

T   he way we manage people
    in organizations has always
been influenced by forces
external to the HR function.
The biggest driver of new HR
operating models from the 1990s
was not from a particular book
or influencer, but from what was
going on outside of HR.  

The big industry developments
shaping our functions were in
enterprise software, shared
services, account management,
and the pressure to demonstrate
value. These developments
directly changed IT, Finance, and
HR, in different ways.

                                                    our industries and companies         earning, learning, and spending
In thinking about people
                                                    will look like in the next few       our leisure time. The digital age
management for the next decade,
                                                    years. Whether we have pay           has changed the competitive
again, we need to look outside
                                                    freezes, inflated salaries, or lay   dynamic between our leisure time
of HR.
                                                    on programs to reduce attrition      and our working time. We now
                                                    of key staff. The subsequent         have platforms where teachers
What are the drivers of change
                                                    impact on supply and demand          and coaches can directly engage
that will shape how we think
                                                    for labor will dictate many of our   with their clients and where
about and deliver workforce solu-
                                                    HR tactics.                          live-streamers can earn millions
tions in the next decade?
                                                                                         from their Twitch and YouTube
In the Digital-Covid age, the                       The workforce has changed            channels. This will require new
economic response to the                            substantially in expectations,       workforce strategies to attract
pandemic will shape what                            attitudes, and also ways of          and retain workers.

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WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside
What Will Drive The Future Of HR?

In an age where Google has struc-                   networks of teams to accomplish       society, how organizations are
tured our data, in work we still use                work projects.                        changing, workforce economics,
the humble resume, invented by                                                            and wider technological changes.
Leonardo Da Vinci in 1482. This                     The work to find and contract
means the quality of our career                     with new workers for teams will       Further Reading
data is poor, making it hard to find                be automated using insights           Blockchain and the Chief Human Resources
suitable candidates, and for work-                  from a broad set of data. This        Officer – Transforming the HR Function and
ers to find work. A new infrastruc-                 will enable more frequent and         the Market for Skills, Talent and Training –
                                                                                          PDF Report with a foreword from Don
ture for work is being built by the                 frictionless matching between
technology and staffing industry,                   people with skills and work to
using blockchain and AI technol-                    be done.
ogy. The new infrastructure will
allow people to have sole owner-                    In this scenario, the role of a
ship of their digital identities and                people function will include
career credentials in secure dig-                   supporting diverse self-suffi-
ital wallets. Over time, more effi-                 cient teams using workforce
cient and fairer peer-to-peer work                  technology, to ensure compliance
matching platforms will mean                        and that company strategy is
there is a more direct relationship                 being delivered. Instead of using     Andrew Spence is an experienced
between employer and worker.                        the management processes we           Workforce Strategist who writes
                                                                                          the Workforce Futurist Newsletter.
                                                    inherited from the last century,
In the 2020s as work unbundles, it
                                                    leadership will involve nurturing
will rebundle into interesting new
                                                    talent networks.
forms. We will see an increasingly
decentralized workforce earn                                                                   Would you like to comment?
                                                    When thinking about the future
more from work platforms,
                                                    of people management today, like
bringing more diverse groups into
                                                    in the past, it is helpful to focus
the economy. This will unleash
                                                    on the emerging changes in our

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WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside

3 Ways HR Can Drive
Lasting Changes In
The Workplace
   The best thing a company can do today
   is to scrutinize its working processes

     By Lynn Langrock

                                                                         Create a “Deeply Humane” Culture
                                                                         Humane workplace cultures help create the
                                                                         empowerment, accountability and belonging
                                                                         associates need to become change agents for the
                                                                         business. Being humane means more than just
                                                                         providing a safe place to work and fair wages. It
                                                                         means listening actively to associates’ needs and
                                                                         evolving programs and policies to meet them. One
                                                                         way to achieve this is by offering training in human
                                                                         rights and mental health, as well as investing in
                                                                         formal opportunities for associates to engage with,
                                                                         and give back, to their community.

D   uring the last year, Covid-19 has created great
    challenges for businesses that have kick-started
new ways of thinking and working. The shift to
                                                                         At Bimbo Canada, we are creating a deeply humane
                                                                         culture that values safety, potential, talent and
                                                                         compassion among our associates. For us, safety is
remote work prompted some companies to expand                            not just about protecting ourselves from something,
digital operations, while others created new safety                      it’s about protecting ourselves for something: for our
processes or improved hiring practices.                                  families, for our friends and for the things we love
                                                                         to do. Prioritizing safety and well-being – including
In 2021, HR professionals and business leaders                           mental health and belonging - is a key part of that.
will continue to have the attention of associates,                       In 2020, we provided on average 12.7 hours of
customers and stakeholders like never before. As we                      training per associate on a variety of topics including
enter the recovery phase of the pandemic, check out                      mental health, leadership, diversity and inclusion and
three strategies to help make change stick.                              resiliency to our associates.

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WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside
3 Ways HR Can Drive Lasting Changes In The Workplace

Given the opportunities to develop new technical and                     associates safe. Our approach was instrumental
leadership skills, associates in humane cultures feel                    in staying a few steps ahead and meant we were
valued and have a heightened sense of belonging –                        able to minimize the impact of the pandemic on our
whatever their skills or specialty – making it more                      operations.
likely they’ll adapt and drive change and continue to
grow and achieve their full potential.                                   Create a Sense of Workplace Belonging
                                                                         Diversity, equity and belonging are three of the most
Be Solutions-Driven and Agile                                            important issues facing leaders today. Events in the
Whatever the challenges, HR professionals are often                      summer of 2020 prompted many organizations to
tasked with helping find creative solutions. A solu-                     re-examine their commitments and this was reflected
tions-driven approach that draws on a team’s critical                    in the associate experience.
thinking, evaluative, analytical and decision-making
skills can help. Start small and assess the situation.                   Workplace belonging brings many benefits,
Drill into many potential outcomes based on all the                      including an estimated 56 per cent increase in job
information available and the resources you have at                      performance, 50 per cent reduction in turnover, and
hand. Stay agile enough to figure out what works in                      75 per cent fewer associate sick days. Even minor
the moment. This approach may not always offer a                         feelings of exclusion have been found to cause an
quick fix, but it does allow for forward-thinking action                 immediate 25 per cent decline in performance on a
that can help lay the groundwork for lasting change.                     team project. The risks of inaction have never been
                                                                         clearer. We all have both a humane and business
At Bimbo Canada, a solutions-driven approach                             responsibility to make sure every associate feels they
was instrumental in developing the Covid-19                              belong in our company.
crisis and business contingency plans that were
communicated in January, 2020, well before the                           We are living in a transformative time. Increased
virus was declared a global pandemic. Ultimately,                        stressors on HR professionals that have required a
our plans ensured a quick response in March and                          great deal of compassion are not going away any
mandated that associates start working from home                         time soon. The best thing a company can do today is
before the government instructed it, allowing us                         to scrutinize its working processes. Figure out what
to focus all efforts on ensuring the safety of our                       is working, what is needed and what needs mending.
frontline workers while maintaining our commitment                       If there is an area of your business that is no longer
to feed Canadians. Because we took learnings from                        serving a purpose – change it – because the time
past crises and applied them to a quickly evolving                       for change is now – and don’t ever forget about the
situation, we were able to act quickly to keep our                       people!

                        Lynn Langrock is the Vice President of Human Relations and Corporate Affairs at Bimbo Canada, a
                        division of Grupo Bimbo. Lynn has held a number of progressive positions in General Management
                        and Human Relation functions in a variety of public and private industries and companies including:
                        Maple Leaf Foods, The Economical Insurance Group and the Government of the Northwest
                        Territories. She is a highly-effective and high-energy change agent who leverages strategic and
                        tactical management skills to excel in demanding and dynamic environments while remaining
                        focused on pragmatic sustainable HR solutions. Her current role is that of an HR generalist who
                        understands the business issues and partners with functional leaders to support them as they drive
                        to find the best methods of achieving their business objectives. Lynn volunteers for and sits on the
                        Board of Directors of Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter that provides a safe place for women and children
                        fleeing violence.

                             Would you like to comment?

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WHAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HR? - The Future of the HR Function 2021 - Global Upside
Reimagining HR
For Physical Therapy
   A conversation with Dr. Shondell Jones

    By Amy Frampton

P   hysical therapists Dr. Shondell Jones and Dr.                         Finding the Right Technical Support
    David Edwards founded Kinetic Physical Therapy                        When Shondell started researching HR software to
and Wellness in 2010. Growing from a partnership                          help stay ahead of his growing administrative
into a group of dozens of dedicated providers, Kinetic                    workload, BambooHR was his choice for the clinic’s
provides one-on-one physical, occupational, and                           current and future needs. A technology that makes
speech therapy services throughout the Greenville,                        it easier to send communications to team members,
North Carolina area. We spoke with Shondell about                         easier to offboard with consistent processes, and
his experience in expanding a small partnership into                      easier to stay compliant, were of high importance.
a thriving provider group while keeping the employee
experience in mind.                                                       Recognizing the Employee Is the First
Beginning with the Goal of a Better                                       Shondell recognizes how giving employees a good
Workplace                                                                 experience is essential for making a good impression
Shondell and David had seen the difficulties physical                     with clients. “We’ve got a culture that says ‘do what’s
therapists face in the business administration                            best for the customer.’ But we’ve learned that once
aspects of private practice, so they set out to create                    people make their minds up, it’s harder to change it
something better. “My business partner and I worked                       than it is to make a good impression in the first place.
together for years,” he explains, “and we’d always talk                   That goes for employees as well as clients. So, your
about this dream environment where people would                           first customer is your employee—if they’re unhappy,
love going to work, [with] great benefits, good paid                      they’re not going to go out and be happy with the
leave, and an environment where people can grow,                          client. If you don’t have a good team, you’re not going
both as professionals and individuals.”                                   to get a good result.”

Providing this ideal environment meant overcoming                         Their mission is just as much about helping their
several logistical challenges. He and his business                        therapists grow and succeed as it is about helping
partner struggled with the technological aspect                           their clients grow and improve. As the company
of managing multiple therapy providers as they                            grows, Dr. Jones and Dr. Edwards give their staff new
provided services in schools, homes, nursing                              career opportunities by creating additional leadership
facilities, industrial sites, and many other settings.                    roles for teams and locations. They also recognize
“All of our administrative programs were one-device                       the importance of ongoing training, including
licenses and manual entry. My business partner                            promoting experienced therapists to support
and I had to keep up with all our time off, benefits,                     beginning therapists.
recruiting, and therapist licensing requirements on
one shared computer.”

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Reimagining HR For Physical Therapy

                                                                          “We don’t want to take for granted that hallway
                                                                          conversations are enough” remarks Shondell. “We
                                                                          use the one-on-ones to be a bit more individualized,
                                                                          to let them bring up their concerns and professional
                                                                          goals in a place where they can open up and know
                                                                          we’re listening. We’ve even created new roles based
                                                                          on feedback from our therapists.”

                                                                          Shondell knows Kinetic needs to translate its values
                                                                          into the experience their employees have every day.
“If we can find good people who want to learn,                            “As founders, we hope that, as we have grown, the
our recruiting works," says Jones. “I’d rather have                       way we imagine that Kinetic is, is truly what it is to
someone who wants to learn than someone who                               the employees. We are proud of what we have here at
thinks they know it all, even if that person only has 50                  Kinetic but we realize that everyone’s proud of their
percent of the skills. We can help that person grow,                      own baby. We hope our employees are seeing it the
give them autonomy, help them gain mastery through                        same way that we do.”
education, and link them with a sense of purpose.”
                                                                          With consistent efforts to understand their
Nailing the First Impression During                                       employees, Kinetic can better match roles to its
Hiring and Onboarding                                                     employees’ passions. And that produces better
With help from the BambooHR® Applicant Tracking                           results because, as Shondell says, “If someone
System, Kinetic can more easily find the right people                     is passionate about something, you don’t have to
in a timely manner. Shondell especially appreciates                       remind them to do it, it’s always on their mind.”
the efficiency in posting and managing job ads:
“When we’re hiring, we can put a job ad in our system                     The Best of Both Worlds
and have something out in minutes to Indeed and                           With the help of BambooHR, Shondell can balance
Glassdoor. The ATS makes referrals easy—if we                             his own passion for serving patients with the drive
have a new graduate from a school in Pennsylvania,                        to create a great place to work. “I have a passion for
they’ll say ‘my roommate is looking for a job, too,’ so                   both sides, both the clinical and the administrative. I
we’ll get a two-for-one without a lot of extra copying                    love to create the administrative systems, I love the
and pasting.”                                                             vision casting. But if I have to just sit at the computer,
                                                                          I miss being around the patients. So, I’m still involved
The onboarding process has also become much                               in patient care, although I don’t have as much of a
more streamlined, removing the need to take                               load as I did in the past. I get away with it through a
Kinetic employees away from therapy to handle                             lot of teaching and mentoring,” he laughs. With great
administration. “We used to have to do our                                technology in place, it gives Shondell the time he
onboarding manually, and printing out the paperwork                       needs to fulfill his vision by maximizing automated
for each person takes a lot of work, not to mention                       processes for both employees and patients.
scanning [it] in. As you grow, you either have to add
more people or better systems to keep up.”

                                                                                             Amy Frampton is Head of Marketing
Actively Listening to Employees                                                              at BambooHR.
With so much emphasis on the career growth of their
therapists, the clinic finds performance management
essential. They dedicate time for one-on-one
meetings or calls between employees and their team                                               Would you like to comment?
leaders two or three times each year, and schedule
semiannual self-assessments for each team member.

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With the right tools, HR can become the strategic partner every organization needs.
BambooHR streamlines hiring with award-winning applicant tracking, centralizes
and safeguards all your data, empowers employees with easy mobile and desktop
dashboards, and handles operational tasks that stand in the way of what really
matters: creating a workplace where talented people can exceed expectations.

We set you free to do great work.


HR Needs To Continually
Reinvent Itself
   Moving from benchmarking and
   best practices to guidance
     By Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Alan Todd

                                                                          must move beyond these descriptions of HR work
                                                                          to prescriptions. Descriptions chronicle what has
                                                                          been or is being done; prescriptions anticipate
                                                                          what should be done. Descriptions focus on
                                                                          activities or initiatives; prescriptions focus on
                                                                          results. Descriptions compare oneself to others;
                                                                          prescriptions show how to improve oneself to
                                                                          achieve desired results. Descriptions benchmark and
                                                                          seek best practices; prescriptions guide choices to
                                                                          deliver results through vested practices.

                                                                          We have reviewed how benchmarking should pivot

L  ike other functions (and organizations, leaders,
   and individuals), HR needs to continually reinvent
itself to realize its potential for creating, delivering,
                                                                          to guidance. Let us now propose why best practice
                                                                          focus needs to evolve to make guidance happen.

and capturing value.
                                                                          Pervasiveness of and Challenges to Best
Recently, we have had conversations with thoughtful
                                                                          For decades, all of us in the human capital profession
HR trendsetters. They almost all propose reinventing
                                                                          has relied on best practice logic. We observe what
HR through benchmarking and best practices.
                                                                          leading companies do and try to distill and share
Benchmarking reports how well HR is doing against
                                                                          that information with others. Best practice work
a standard (global, industry, or historical norm) to
                                                                          shows up as case studies of leading companies
build on strengths or to overcome weaknesses; best
                                                                          in seminars, talks, articles, books, workshops, and
practices suggest how to improve by learning from
                                                                          training sessions. Best practice work shows up when
others. Both have had a long history in shaping the
                                                                          consulting firms recommend to their clients the
HR profession and both will continue to be important,
                                                                          innovative work that their other clients have done.
but we must take them a step further.

                                                                          But using best practices falls short when human
Now is the time to reinvent HR by pivoting from
                                                                          capital issues become ever more central to
benchmarking and best practices to guidance.
                                                                          changing business conditions. Consider the
Instead of improving by comparing oneself to
                                                                          following examples.
others and by adapting what others do well, we

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HR Needs To Continually Reinvent Itself

   1. Best practices focus on others and not ones                            3. Best practices are often piecemeal and
      Here’s how this might be remedied: At a                                   not systemic. Too often a best practice is
      personal level, I don’t need to be as (fill in the                        considered in isolation (e.g., here is what a
      blank: well dressed, wealthy, educated, cheerful,                         leading company did in leadership training), but
      etc.) as someone else, but I do need to take                              not within the entire context (leadership training
      care of myself well enough to have personal                               occurs in the context of hiring, performance
      well-being and fulfill my potential. In human                             management, executive commitment, cultural
      capital work, comparing to and learning from                              norms, and so forth). Adapting only a piece
      others is good, but the primary agenda should                             of the overall system does not often transfer
      be determining whether or not the human                                   success to another setting.
      capital “best” practice will help your company                         4. Best practices create circular thinking.
      meet its unique goals. The benchmark should                               Observing and learning from others often
      not be others but yourself and working toward                             causes us to share existing ideas rather than
      personalized goals.                                                       innovate new ideas. Progress comes from
   2. Best practices focus backward more than                                   spiraling forward more than recycling the past.
      forward. Learning what others have done will
      always leave you behind them as they reinvent.                      Benchmarking that leads to using best practices
      As one leader said, “I hope others will copy                        has been and will be a fundamental approach to
      our programs today because by the time they                         improving human capital, but to reinvent HR, we
      have copied them, we have moved on to the                           need to build on that work and meaningful pivot to
      next practice. They will never catch up by                          guidance (see Figure).
      copying us.”

                                                 HR Reinvention from
                                         Benchmarking to Best Practice to Guidance

                              Benchmarking                       Best Practice                  Guidance

                                                                                                What human capital initiatives
 Answers the                  How do I compare to                What are others doing that
                                                                                                should I invest in to deliver key
 Question:                    others?                            I can learn from?
 Starts with …                How am I doing?                    What are others doing?         What should I be doing?

                              Build on strengths;                Learning and mimicking         Investing in initiatives that
 Improve through …
                              Overcome weaknesses                what others have done          deliver results

                              Description                        Imitation                      Prescription

 Primary analytics
                              Dashboards/ Scorecards             Insights and interventions     Impact and outcomes

                              Generally scores on                                               Evaluates which human
                                                        Accesses others’ practice
                              single human capital area                                         capital area (talent, leadership,
 Breadth                                                in a specific human capital
                              (talent, leadership, or                                           organization, HR) and initiative
                              organization)                                                     delivers results

HR Strategy & Planning Excellence presented by HR.com   March 2021   14                                Submit Your Articles
HR Needs To Continually Reinvent Itself

Moving to Guidance                                                        of employees within the organization through
Guidance builds on benchmarking (which sets                               surveys, with indicators from organization data (e.g.,
a baseline for how your organization compares                             productivity of employees measured by revenue or
to others) and best practices (highlighting                               profit per employee, etc.), or by public indicators
which practices others have successfully used).                           accessed through social media. For example, in the
Guidance focuses on what should be done to                                United States, the Securities Exchange Commission
deliver your organization’s results from human                            (SEC) now requires disclosure of human capital
capital investments.                                                      metrics that can be compared to others.

                Step 1: Define desired results                              Step 4: Determine which human capital initiatives
                                                                                         deliver desired results
HR is not about HR but about helping five
stakeholders receive outcomes that matter to them:                        Algorithms determine which of the 36 human capital
employee (productivity and wellbeing), strategy                           initiatives impact each of the five stakeholder results.
(direction and execution), customer (net promoter                         These algorithms provide guid0ance about where
score and customer share), investor (financial                            to invest in human capital to deliver the outcomes
results and intangible confidence), and community                         that matter.
                                                                              Step 5: Invest in the human capital initiatives
        Step 2: Classify human capital initiatives                                           that matter most

There are thousands of human capital initiatives                          Once the prioritized human capital initiatives are
(processes, practices, or interventions) that have                        identified, they can be innovated and improved.
been and can be implemented. We have classified                           Instead of putting resources into what other
these complex ideas into four human capital                               companies are doing (best practices), companies can
categories and identified specific initiatives in                         invest in tailored work they should do to achieve their
each pathway: talent (9 initiatives), leadership (6                       outcomes.
initiatives), organization (12 initiatives), and human
resources (9 initiatives). These four pathways and 36                          Step 6: Monitor the impact of human capital
initiatives capture the breadth of human capital.                                   investments on results over time
                                                                          An organization guidance system is not a single
        Step 3: Measure human capital initiatives                         event or snapshot but a longitudinal evaluation of
Each of the 36 human capital initiatives can be                           which human capital investments lead to desired
measured in several different ways: by the perception                     outcomes.

HR Strategy & Planning Excellence presented by HR.com   March 2021   15                                Submit Your Articles
HR Needs To Continually Reinvent Itself

                                                                          that guidance is not only valuable but possible. Even
                                                                          more, starting is easy. Go to www.rbl.ai to take the
                                                                          short assessment and receive a free report.

                                                                          Going forward, we envision any business or HR
                                                                          leader talking about human capital to be less
                                                                          focused on doing what others do and more
                                                                          committed and informed about what they can do
                                                                          within their organization to achieve their desired
                                                                          outcomes. Instead of talking generically about
                                                                          the latest HR trends in (fill in the blank: employee
                                                                          experience, digital HR, agility, HR design, etc.),
                                                                          business and HR leaders can prioritize and invest
These six steps sound easy; they are not. They                            in specific HR initiatives that create, deliver, and
require a fundamental pivot from focusing on                              capture value.
benchmarking and best practices to using guidance
to innovate impactful initiatives. The good news                          We strongly believe that now is the time for HR to
is that we have spent two years creating an                               reinvent itself by moving beyond benchmarking and
organization guidance system that validates that                          best practices to guidance.

                        Dave Ulrich is the Rensis Likert Professor of Business at the Ross School, University of Michigan,
                        and the Co-Founder & Principal at the RBL Group. He has helped generate award-winning databases
                        that assess alignment between external business conditions, strategies, organization capabilities,
                        HR practices, HR competencies, and customer and investor results.

                        Norm Smallwood is a Partner and                                     Alan Todd is the Founder & CEO
                        Co-Founder of The RBL Group. He is                                  of CorpU. A pioneer in the field of
                        co-author of eight books: Real-Time                                 corporate learning, Alan has served
                        Strategy, Results-Based Leadership,                                 as Chairman, CEO, and co-founder of
                        How Leaders Build Value, Change                                     KnowledgePlanet, a company that
                        Champions Field Guide, Leadership                                   helped launch the online learning
                        Brand, Leadership Code, Leadership                                  revolution. Alan served as a founding
                        Sustainability, and Agile Talent. Norm                              member and trustee of Harrisburg
                        was a founding partner of The                                       University of Science and Technology,
                        Novations Group, Inc. where he led                                  the first private non-profit university
                        business strategy, organization                                     in Pennsylvania established in over
                        capability, and design projects for                                 100 years. He also served as a
                        a wide variety of clients spanning                                  Wharton entrepreneur-in-residence
                        multiple industries and geographies.                                and education entrepreneurship
                                                                                            adviser at the Penn Graduate School
                                                                                            of Education.

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One Unprecedented Year
For Everyone Including
Human Resources
   What employees are missing and
   yearning for the most

     By Philippe Weiss

      One-Year Anniversary
                        of COVID
                  Stay-at-Home Orders
      What Employees                                                                                                                         What Employees Hope For,
      Miss Most, One Year In:                                                                                                                as COVID Recedes:
                                                                                                                                             More Flexible Work Options
                                                                                                                                             e.g. staggered remote workdays and schedules   72%
          In-Person and                                                  Regular/Daily            Return of Lunches &
      “Grown-Up” Workplace                                                 Structure               Happy Hour with
           Conversations                                                  of an Office                Colleagues                             More Employer
                     61%                                                      42%                        40%                                 Emergency Planning
                                                                                                                                             for future pandemics/crises/downturns.

                                                                                                                                             More Focus on
                                                                                                                                             Company Values
                                                                                                                                             concerned with society,
               Reduced “Kid-terruptions”                                           Resuming the AM/PM                                        not just bottom line.
                      of Workday                                                Commute (thinking/reading time)

                                   37%                                                     16%
   Source: Seyfarth at Work spot surveys of >500 presentation participants.
   (Companies of all sizes participated. Data collected through 2/12/21.                  © 2021 Workright Training LLC. All rights reserved. | seyfarthatwork.com
   Respondents could offer more than one answer.)

T   his month marks the one-year anniversary of the
    first large-scale Covid stay-at-home orders. The
milestone is significant as it provides an opportunity
                                                                                                                                   for HR professionals to look back as well as forward
                                                                                                                                   in order to best serve employees/organizations
                                                                                                                                   entering a new pandemic phase.

HR Strategy & Planning Excellence presented by HR.com                                            March 2021             17                                                        Submit Your Articles
One Unprecedented Year For Everyone Including Human Resources

HR professionals across industries have faced                             vigilant in ensuring that socializing between those
unprecedented challenges and questions during the                         who have not seen one-another in months (and want
last 12 months, including:                                                to make-up for lost time together) doesn’t pull staff
   ●● How to institute Covid safety protocols, while                      too far away from work obligations.
      reassuring jittery employees,
                                                                          Finally, HR professionals are taking cues from the
   ●● How to manage a full or partial office exodus as
                                                                          latest data regarding what team members have
      Covid emptied workspaces,
                                                                          missed most about the pre-Covid times and their
   ●● How to deal with unprecedented furloughs and                        hopes for the future at work.
      layoffs; and now
   ●● How to plan for a potential “return to office”                      In that regard, the attached infographic was
      migration- as well as a variety of hybrid work                      developed from data we recently collected from over
      arrangements.                                                       500 sessions participants representing companies of
                                                                          all sizes. It illustrates what employees are specifically
                                                                          missing and yearning for most at the one-year mark
This last item involves thinking-through tough
                                                                          and what the pandemic has changed about their
strategies that can assist with effectively integrating
                                                                          future work-life expectatins:
and or ‘re-onboarding’ your team members.

                                                                          I. What Employees Miss Most,
Such ‘re-onboarding’ includes being cognizant that
                                                                          One Year In:
some of your people might be cautious, reluctant or
worried about coming back. Accordingly, in many                           Survey responses indicated as a percentage
cases, our clients are planning communications or                         (respondents could offer more than one answer)
evaluating training intended to reassure staff that
management is doing everything it reasonably can in                         ●● Renewed In-Person and “Grown-Up” Workplace
terms of safety-related protocols.                                             Conversations - missed by 61% of employees
                                                                            ●● Regular/Daily Structure of an Office - 42%
Some HR clients are also identifying and offering                           ●● Return of Lunches/Happy Hour with Colleagues
employees “pre-views” of upcoming projects                                     - 40%
that benefit from in-person collaboration, or
                                                                            ●● Reduced Kid-terruptions of Workday - 37%
showcasing recent workspace enhancements.
As an example, one design client is sending-out                             ●● Resuming the AM/PM Commute (as a time to
interior office maps to all soon-to-return employees                           think/read) - 16%
highlighting improvements and “right of way” hallway
rules that ensure distancing. - Their plan incorporates
a set of employee-designed and highly stylized                            II. Workers’ Emerging Expectations of
directional posters. One representative sign states:                      Employers, as Covid Recedes:
“Stop Here (in our renovated employee snack bar) For a                      ●● More Flexible Work Options (e.g. remote
Socially Distanced Chat.”                                                      workdays; staggered schedules) - cited by 72%
                                                                               of survey respondents
The key is to communicate with employees with                               ●● More Employer Emergency Planning (for future
messaging that is clear, but at the same time,                                 pandemics/crises/downturns) - 59%
positive, attractive and resonant.
                                                                            ●● More Focus on Organizational
                                                                               Values (concerned with society — not just the
Other of our HR clients are already priming its
                                                                               bottom line) - 44%
managers to be both empathetic as well as more

HR Strategy & Planning Excellence presented by HR.com   March 2021   18                                 Submit Your Articles
One Unprecedented Year For Everyone Including Human Resources

Given some of these results, and beyond the                               One client, for example, is planning to encourage
strategies described above, we also recommend that                        managers to ask those “zooming”-in to any meeting
HR representatives and leaders plan for re-training of                    that also includes live participants to be the first to
managers regarding all on-site policies and protocols.                    speak, where feasible. Doing so helps ensure that
Be purposeful about giving them specific tools and                        remote folks have an equal voice. Another client
opportunities for this new age of working, such as                        - in the insurance space - is already planning to
remote interviewing skills guidance and training on                       set aside several “in-office team days” per month
how to manage a hybrid workforce (folks splitting                         — thereby allowing for periodic team cohesion as
time between home and the office).                                        well as for individual work-location flexibility all the
                                                                          remaining days.

                        Philippe Weiss, J.D. is the President of Seyfarth at Work and WorkRight Solutions. Philippe
                        collaborates with executives and business owners to help them achieve compliance, workplace,
                        and individual career success via dynamic, practical strategies and solutions.

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The Future of                              Prepare HR to meet
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                                                        MARCH 2021

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                                       March 2021 22                        Submit Your Articles
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           24    The Future of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2021
                 Survey conducted by:          Sponsored by:


            The Future of Work is                                           The Benefits of HCM
      30    Human: Reimagining HR                                    43     Software: New Year,
            Technology with Soft Skills Data                                New HCM Solutions

            Do More with Less:                                              The 2021 Sourcing
      34    7 Ways to Automate Hiring                                48     Strategy Guide
            and Background Checks
                                                                            By Kelly Peters, Content and
            By Clare Horvik, Sr. Contributor & Director of                  Communications Manager, JazzHR
            Marketing, Verified Credentials, Inc.

            The State of Diversity in                                       How to Build a
      39    the US Labor Force
                                                                     52     Virtual Onboarding
            By Katie Saba,
            Product Marketing Manager, Circa

                                    The HR Research Institute, powered by HR.com, the world’s largest social network
                                    for Human Resources professionals, is a key part of our mandate to inform and
                                    educate today’s HR professionals. Over the past three years, the HR Research
                                    Institute has produced more than 85 exclusive primary research and state of the
                                    industry reports, along with corresponding infographics in many cases, based on the
                                    surveys of thousands of HR professionals. Each research report highlights current HR
                                    trends, benchmarks, and industry best practices. HR Research Institute Reports and
23                                  Infographics are available online, and always free,
                                                                                   STATEat www.hr.com/featuredresearch
                                                                                            OF THE INDUSTRY RESEARCH
The Future of the
     HR Function 2021
                                      Prepare HR to meet the challenges of
                                      a newly transformed world of work

     Exclusive Study by The HR                                HR professionals as well as their views on what is
     Research Institute                                       critical for the future.

     S   ince early 2020, Human Resources (HR)                Key Findings
         has faced unprecedented challenges due to
                                                                 ●● A majority of HR leaders are in a good
     the Covid-19 pandemic. Seldom in history has                   position to have a strong impact on the
     the HR function needed to pivot so quickly and                 organization.
     dramatically to meet such urgent workforce and
                                                                 ●● HR professionals give themselves
     business needs. These trends are requiring HR to
                                                                    reasonably high marks in various areas, but
     rethink its roles and priorities while the world of            there are also perceived areas of weakness.
     work is transforming.
                                                                 ●● HR suffers from a number of skills gaps.

                                                                 ●● HR will face a wide range of key challenges
     How well does your HR department meet the                      in the near future.
     changing needs of your organization? What role
                                                                 ●● Higher-performing HR departments far
     does HR leadership play in your organization's
                                                                    outclass their lower-performing counterparts
     business/strategic planning process? What should               on a wide variety of factors.
     you focus on to prepare for further changes over
     the next two years?
                                                              The Current State of HR
     To learn more about the current state of the             HR professionals give themselves mixed
     HR function, HR.com's HR Research Institute              grades when it comes to meeting the needs
     conducted a survey-based study that looks at the         of their organizations.
     attitudes, concerns, priorities, and skills of today’s

24                      RESEARCH REPORT SUMMARY                           STATE OF THE INDUSTRY RESEARCH
More than half (57%) of HR professionals say that
                                                                       their top leaders would give their organization’s HR
                                                                       departments a score of 8 or higher on a 10-point
                                                                       scale, and 58% give their own departments high
                                                                       ratings. However, only 41% say employees would
                                                                       rate HR as 8 or higher. This suggests that HR
                                                                       views itself as better aligned with the needs of top
                                                                       bosses than with the needs of the employees they
                                                                       are tasked with supporting.  

                                                                       Further, only 14% strongly agree that their HR
                                                                       function boosts employee performance.

                  Survey Question: To what degree do you agree with the
                                 following statements?

     Our HR function helps managers do their jobs better                 54%                                23%        77%

                    Our HR function in highly productive                 51%                               25%         76%

           Our HR function is shaping the organization’s
                                     workforce agenda
                                                                         47%                         16%               63%

         Our HR function boosts employee performance                    46%                      14%                   60%

                                                           0    10     20       30      40      50     60        70   80

                                                               Agree           Strongly agree

                        More than three-quarters of respondents agree
                        or strongly agree that their HR function helps
                        managers do their jobs better

25           RESEARCH REPORT SUMMARY                                                    STATE OF THE INDUSTRY RESEARCH
HR leadership is an equal partner in the               talent shortages seem to indicate that many HR
     business/strategic planning process in 58% of          professionals remain hopeful about the economy
     organizations. An additional 21% say that during       and expect it to be strong enough to make talent
     the planning process, HR is asked for talent-related   shortages an issue in the near future.
     input. HR likely has a considerably lower impact in    Another potential impact of Covid-19 is distributed
     the 22% of organizations where HR leadership has       labor due to remote work technologies, but only
     no significant role in business/strategic planning     24% of respondents cite it as one of the top four
     or where HR is asked to develop a talent strategy      external challenges.
     after the business/strategic planning process is
     complete.                                              Skills Gaps that Could Hold Back HR
                                                            The biggest gap between the perceived importance
     Issues HR Will Face in the Near Future                 of a skill and HR’s current proficiency in skill is
     Looking two years ahead, HR is most likely to be       in the area of leveraging HR data/analytics. This
     concerned about economic conditions, health and        is followed closely by skills gap in the ability to
     safety, and talent shortages.                          think strategically and improve the employee
                                                            experience. Both are a critical to organizational
     The first two are likely a reaction to the ongoing     success.
     impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile,

26                      RESEARCH REPORT SUMMARY                         STATE OF THE INDUSTRY RESEARCH
Survey Questions: How important will the following skills be to the future success of your

                Leveraging HR data/analytics

                        Thinking strategically

          Improving the employee experience

                  Facilitating positive change

      Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion

         Fostering positive culture and values

                    Demonstrating leadership

                      Executing key initiatives

                   Communicating effectively

             Partnering on workforces issues

                                                  0        20      40              60                  80            100

                           Importance = essential or important   Proficiency = highly proficient or proficient

                          Only 36% of HR professionals say their organizations are


27               RESEARCH REPORT SUMMARY                                  STATE OF THE INDUSTRY RESEARCH
Is HR Prepared for the Future?
                                                            Interested to learn how these
     In looking at which HR functional areas are          outcomes and insights may apply
     expected to be most critical in the next two         to your organization? We invite you
     years, three areas are cited by just over 40% of     to download and read the research
     participants:                                         report and infographic today
       ●● diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

       ●● leadership development
                                                                  The Future of
       ●● change management                                   the HR Function 2021

     DEI seems to have become a higher priority
     as incidents of police violence and associated
     social justice movements—especially in the
     United States—have raised the awareness of DEI-
     related challenges in the workplace. Leadership
     development and change management are
     perennial issues, but the massive work-process
     changes and leadership challenges of the last year
     have likely raised their prominence as issues.

                                                             Read the Research Report

Unify your workforce
Build a culture that brings out the best in your people by
giving them the personalized experience they expect. Achieve
operational excellence by connecting your business across
HR, �nance, payroll, and planning.

The Future of Work is Human:
Reimagining HR Technology
with Soft Skills Data.

Which tools and initiatives                               consumer and business landscape. In fact, soft
                                                          skills are being recognized as more important
should HR teams prioritize to
                                                          than hard skills for reskilling, and Deloitte Access
shape talent readiness, sharpen
                                                          Economics forecasts that soft skill intensive
their competitive edge, and
                                                          occupations will account for two-thirds of all jobs
generate lasting business
                                                          by 2030, compared to half of all jobs in 2000.
outcomes?                                                 Furthermore, the number of jobs in soft-skill

Companies typically invest heavily in recruiting          intensive occupations is expected to grow at 2.5

and training for in-demand skills such as data            times the rate of jobs in other occupations.

science, cybersecurity, UX design, etc., but just as
                                                          In spite of their rather         Employers should
important is cultivating soft skills like learnability,
                                                          modest name, in reality          be thus considering
flexibility and curiosity. The speed of change in
                                                          "soft skills" are the            not only how to
the external environment not only means that the
                                                                                           attract top talent
shelf life of hard skills is diminishing (as short as     capabilities critical to
                                                                                           with the necessary
5 years according to Deloitte); it is also difficult      delivering business value
                                                                                           soft skills, but also
to predict what the next wave of innovation will          and adapting new hard
                                                                                           rethink and optimize
require. Even highly sought-after skills like coding      skills as workforce needs
                                                                                           L&D strategy to
are not immune to future automation. Therefore,
                                                          evolve                           better cultivate the
HR teams need to identify resilient talent that can
                                                          social and emotional skills that their workforce needs
withstand and adapt to change, and also foster
                                                          to provide value in the coming years.
such development internally-- and fast.

Now more than ever, there is a strong impetus for         A future with soft skills
employees to bring their “soft” skills to work. In        Prioritizing enduring human capabilities in the
spite of their rather modest name, in reality "soft       form of soft skills is the first step toward fostering
skills" are the capabilities critical to delivering       a culture that values both technical skills and
business value and adapting new hard skills as            human capabilities, and best positions employees
workforce needs evolve in the face of a changing          for long-term professional success.

To do so, you might consider rethinking key              effort, risk tolerance, attention, and more with
moments in the talent lifecycle—onboarding,              a single streamlined gamified assessment.
development, performance management, career
mobility, to name a few. Where in that lifecycle         Over the course of gameplay, pymetrics collects

can you better cultivate, assess, and reward             behavioral measures at a millisecond time

your talent’s soft skills? For example, consider         scale. For example, instead of asking someone

screening for soft skills in the hiring process          whether their approach to making decisions is

through targeted interviews, bolstered by data           more instinctive or methodical, we measure it

from intelligent, technologically-driven programs        based on how they approach certain scenarios.

designed to measure soft skills specifically.            This allows for a much more accurate and

Perhaps update L&D initiatives to focus not just on      dynamic reading of the individual’s behavior

hard technical skills, but                                                             compared to say, a self-
                                 By translating these behavioral data                  reported questionnaire,
also develop the soft skills
                                 into actionable insights, pymetrics gives             in which responses
such as focus, generosity,
risk tolerance, attention,
                                 HR leaders a way to build synchronised                are skewed towards

and more that can be             workforce transformation strategies at a              what candidates and

most instrumental to the         scale, speed, and degree of objectivity               employees think the

success of your business.        unlike any other.                                     employer is looking for,
                                                                                       inducing significant
These are changes expected to be ongoing, but            stress for applicants and amounting to a poor
in reality should begin today. By the time a late        user experience overall.
adopter has done all the necessary preparation,
earlier adopters stand to gain in considerable           The games take approximately 25 minutes to

market share and will be operating at substantially      complete and measure 11 categories of different

lower costs with better performance. As it stands        behavioral measures from which to extract signal.

today, only 10% of organizations say they are very       The pymetrics games are assessments taken

ready to address this business transformation            from the peer-reviewed academic neuroscience

trend, and 59% of organizations believe they             literature, with decades’ worth of research to

lack the insights needed to actually act on this         support their construct validity and global

issue. This is precisely where pymetrics becomes         relevance. With these assessments, our team has

mission-critical.                                        built the talent-mapping mechanism that directly
                                                         applies this data to talent management (and

Capturing soft skills data                               acquisition!) specifically.

pymetrics provides companies with a reliable and
                                                         Applying soft skills data
consistent way to identify the essential soft skills
of your workforce as they transform. Our platform        So then what? By translating these behavioral
gathers data from your candidates and employees          data into actionable insights, pymetrics gives HR
in real time to give you an unfettered view of each      leaders a way to build synchronised workforce
individual’s innate behaviors and strengths. We          transformation strategies at a scale, speed, and
evaluate soft skills such as decision making, focus,     degree of objectivity unlike any other.

You can also read