Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2

Page created by Vernon Herrera
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2
Column                             Reportback             PLUS
WORKFORCE IN 2021                                         TOP JOBS
                               2                     10

FEBRUARY 2021   |   Issue 71

                       Customer Experience
           Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2
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Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2
                                                    At the time of writing, South Africa, like many other countries,
                                                    is wrestling with the prospect of further lockdown measures as
                                                    the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc.
Publisher                                              The reality for businesses is that they have to intensify
JOVAN REGASEK                                       engagement with the market, with customers, and across all                                levels of operation in order to remain competitive. Business
                                                    owners cannot afford to ‘drop the ball’ on customer experience.
Editorial Director                                     A recent CX survey, conducted by ITWeb and Freshworks,
RANKA JOVANOVIC                                     sought to uncover the biggest challenge faced by customer                                  service teams during the crisis.
                                                       Two key takeaways: 77% of businesses had a business
Editor                                              continuity plan in place before the pandemic, and 72% of
CHRIS TREDGER                                       respondents said the crisis had a negative effect on agent                               productivity and mental health. Collaboration tools have been
                                                    identified as the most important to help maintain service levels
Sub Editors                                         during the crisis.
HEIDI HURWITZ                                          In this edition we also take a closer look at cyber security
                                                    trends, data specialists, digital transformation and automation.
Production Manager
PETER CALORE                                          Enjoy the read!
                                                    Chris Tredger
Designers                                           Editor


Business Development Director
                                                                                                         Customer Experience Survey                          6
Published by                                                                                 2
326 Rivonia Boulevard                                                                                    REPORTBACK
Rivonia                                                                                                  2020 CIO Survey                                     10
PO BOX 2785
Rivonia                                                                                                  INDUSTRY INSIGHT
2128                                                                                                     Why ERP projects fail faster than
                                                                                                         ever under lockdown                                 12
Tel: +27 (011) 807 3294                                                                                  Abandon the walled city:
Fax: +27 (011) 807 2020                                                                                  The crucial security call for 2021                  13

                                                                                                         Automation is central to healthy
                                                                                                         digital ecosystems                                  14

                                                                                                         A true data specialist knows
Printed by         , a division of Novus Holdings                                                        no boundaries		                                     15
Copyright ©2021 by ITWeb Limited.
All rights reserved. No part of this
                                                                                                         SKILLS DEVELOPMENT
publication may be reproduced or
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                                                                                                         Software upskilling programme interns
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retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.                                                                     Cloud, programming skills gap impedes
Opinions expressed in this publication                                                                   SMEs’ digital initiatives		                         27
are not necessarily those of the editors,
publisher, or advertiser.
                                                    COMPANY NEWS 		                                                                         3-5, 16-25, 28

                                                                                                                        February 2021   |                        1
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2

                             VOIP to empower remote
                                workforce in 2021
       With the broader demand for full-blown collaboration and messaging tools,
       VOIP providers are catching up in the race to offer unified communications
                                   as a true service.
                                                    catching up in the race to offer unified          more convenient ways for businesses to
                                                    communications as a true service.                 communicate more cost-effectively.
                                                       Hosting PBXs over cloud infrastructure,           Systems that are confined to offices not
                                                    with the richness of features and offerings it    only take up space and require physical
                                                    can offer, is VOIP really coming into its own.    maintenance, but they also can’t support
                                                    And not a moment too soon!                        home workers. Cloud PBX systems are also
                                                       Rapid digital transformation is now a key      easier to maintain.
                                                    priority, say 86% of surveyed board directors,       A cloud PBX is essentially a telephone
                                                    according to Gartner. Much of this is driven      system that is built, delivered and managed
                                                    due to manual and on-premises solutions no        over the Internet. It uses IP-based telephony
                                                    longer making the cut as these legacy systems     to provision and access services. It’s a great
                                                    cannot provide the safety and accessibility       way for companies to save money and space,
                                                    found with cloud adoption.                        as traditional servers for PBXs are expensive
                                                         The explosion of a remote workforce is       and require expert maintenance.
                                                    something many organisations will integrate          With a powerful and comprehensive set
                                                    into their new normal, possibly forever.          of features, full cloud PBX solutions offer
RIAAN PIETERSEN, General Manager, Wanatel

I  f it hasn’t happened yet, your business is
   probably looking down the eye of the barrel
of increased costs, piercing questions from the
                                                    The explosion of a remote workforce is something many
board on every IT expenditure, and increased          organisations will integrate into their new normal,
demands from a remote and distributed
workforce.                                                              possibly forever.
   2021 is for sure the year for shifting legacy
systems into platforms that offer flexibility and
the capability to support work from anywhere
– so long as there’s Internet, people will expect
to be connected.                                       The report states cloud-based ecosystems       the ideal solution for businesses facing a
   The explosion of a remote workforce is           will become more mainstream as companies          distributed workforce or remote worker
something many organisations will integrate         continue to implement remote work policies        environment. With many working from
into their new normal, possibly forever. Recent     and accelerate automation.                        home, or anywhere, it makes it easier for
studies show companies expect more than half           Here in South Africa, we are seeing a          workers to collaborate through voice, Web
their workers to permanently vacate the office      growing demand for IP-based phone offerings,      conferencing and instant messaging at a
– working from home as a standard feature.          particularly where companies want to shift        radically reduced cost and set monthly
   Here are some research pointers that have        previously hefty and cumbersome capex             expense.
come up during the year:                            investments off the balance sheet and achieve        It's interesting that more than half of
      34% of workers that were previously           a more affordable, and predictable, monthly       the companies (61% in one survey) with
commuting now work from home using                  operating cost.                                   traditional phone systems will adopt VOIP
telepresence since April 2020.                         Cutting costs on business                      phone systems at the end of their contracts.
      42% of companies have increased cloud         telecommunications needn’t mean losing            Much of this is due to the guaranteed levels
application and unified communication               features or efficiency. It should allow           of service quality and the high reliability of
adoption.                                           companies to streamline and upgrade systems       the service, where 99% is an expectation on
      67% of organisations are moving               to more current solutions that save money and     service level agreements.
significant portions of their unified               leverage existing infrastructure, like Internet      In an environment where the future is
communications solutions to the cloud.              bandwidth.                                        unpredictable and costs are under scrutiny,
   With these broader demands – not only for           It’s encouraging that the industry is no       shifting to a highly flexible, feature-rich and
phone services but full-blown collaboration         longer about line or handset sales, it’s now      low maintenance solution can free up valuable
and messaging tools – VOIP providers are            professionals aimed at finding simpler and        resources for any business.

2                           | February 2021
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2

Puleng Technologies on third-party risk                                       Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams promises
management                                                                    creativity for all
While third-party risk management is important as a discipline on             Dax Data says the shift to a hybrid working world in which creative
its own, it is the cyber security risks around third parties that pose        teams have become highly dispersed informed Adobe’s development
a huge challenge and risk for most organisations. For this reason,            focus for the 2020 updates and new releases, helping streamline
Puleng has chosen to give this area specific attention and to ensure          the way creators and teams work together and connect with their
it has the correct tools in place to help manage this. Third-party risk       community from wherever they are. Updates to the Creative Cloud
management is one of the specific focus areas making up the greater           desktop app have made it more user-friendly, functional and
Puleng GRC practice. The company's goal and strategy is to continue to        customisable. The new app brings all the resources you need into a
provide its customers with solutions that automate, integrate and drive       central hub, consolidating tutorial links, Adobe Marketplace, plugins
higher levels of efficiencies while enforcing and mitigating risks.           and asset stores to facilitate the digital creative process. Keep your                                                              creativity flowing with Adobe Creative Cloud!

                                       Taking to the skies:
                                       Developing world-                      Rebuilding for the future: CompTIA releases its
                                       class cloud migration                  IT Industry Outlook 2021
                                       strategies                             The IT industry will morph in 2021, prompted by its response to the
                                       Those organisations that have          chaos of 2020 and affirmation that it is the central nervous system
                                       waited to move their applications      of our digital society, according to the IT Industry Outlook 2021
                                       to the cloud now have the              released by CompTIA. The annual report provides insight into the
                                       option of many more insights           trends that will shape the industry in the new year. “The confusion,
                                       to develop a plan. The first step      disruption and uncertainty we’ve experienced in 2020 will have some
                                       is identifying and prioritising        spill-over effect in 2021, but rather than rebuilding to restore what it
                                       business and technology                was, we believe that the industry is poised to rebuild for a better and
Phil Lewis, Infor VP Solution          objectives, says Phil Lewis, Infor     brighter future,” said Carolyn April, senior director, industry analysis,
Consulting, EMEA                       VP Solution Consulting, EMEA.          CompTIA.
                                       Businesses must recognise that
                                       cloud migration requires the
                                       consideration of different kinds of
                                       complexities.                          Guide to successful ERP project management
                                                       ERP software products are designed to help companies control, monitor
                                                                              and co-ordinate activities in all of their departments in all of their
                                                                              locations. Says Dwight Harry of KPMG, Dallas, USA: “Organisational
                                                                              culture either supports [ERP] change or creates a barrier. Yet, overall,
                                        e4 appoints Proptech                  it's win-win, because accounting and finance has visibility into
                                        head, bolsters team for               project performance measurements. Suddenly, everybody is playing
                                        2021 growth trajectory                from the same sheet music. This provides tremendous productivity
                                        Fintech specialist e4 has appointed   enhancements. From a cultural perspective, that can have an impact,
                                        Ian Bayne as managing executive       but it's a positive one: now the engineer can do engineering and the
                                        of the Proptech division. The         accountant can do accounting. There's minimal reconciliation needed
                                        appointment comes as the real         between the two, and what there is, is automated.”
                                        estate sector increases its use of
                                        digital property technologies and
                                        e4 gears up for renewed growth.
Ian Bayne, managing executive of        According to Bayne, technology is                                            SYSPRO appoints chief
the Proptech division at e4             not only disrupting the industry,                                            sales and marketing
                                        but also propelling the industry                                             officer
                                        forward.                                                                     SYSPRO, a global provider of
                                                                                               industry-built ERP software,
                                                                                                                     has appointed Sandra Fraga as
                                                                                                                     chief sales and marketing officer.
                                                                                                                     Within the dual role, Fraga will

              ICT INSIGHT                                                                                            oversee all sales revenue for both
                                                                                                                     channel and direct sales, as well
                                                                                                                     as marketing for SYSPRO globally.
                   To read the FULL company releases, visit                                                          Fraga served as chief marketing
      Contact                                                             officer since 2016.
                                                                              Sandra Fraga, chief sales and
                                                                              marketing officer at SYSPRO  

                                                                                                              February 2021   |                        3
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2

  CHANNEL                                                                        INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS
iOCO achieves 100 AWS certifications                                                                               Nebula is going
Technology solutions leader iOCO has achieved its one hundredth                                                    global
Amazon Web Services (AWS) certification. iOCO’s AWS                                                                Nebula recently announced the
certifications range from solutions architect certifications to                                                    launch of OneView, its cloud-
specialty certifications across a number of business units, including                                              based technology expense
its application development (DevOps), data and analytics, quality                                                  management platform, on
assurance (testing) and cloud practices. The iOCO team has 11                                                      Microsoft’s Azure Marketplace.
out of the possible 12 certifications that AWS offers in its area                                                  In doing so, the company is
of expertise, including foundational, associate and professional                                                   opening up to a global market.
level certifications, as well as specialty certifications in advanced                                              Nebula is targeting the UK,
networking, security, data analytics, databases as well as machine                                                 Middle East and the Netherlands,
learning. iOCO intends to add the remaining certification to its                                                   with plans to expand to the US
capabilities to retain its position as a leading cloud provider.                                                   and Asia.                                                                 Daniel Nel, CEO, Nebula    

Combating COVID-19 by managing mobile                                                                             Elite Truck Hire
devices in the supply chain                                                                                       harnesses power
Enterprise mobile technology, such as bar code scanners, mobile                                                   of information with
computers, headsets, vehicle mount computers and other devices,                                                   FleetDomain
is used extensively in the supply chain to track the movement                                                     Designed specifically for the
of goods from the plant, warehouse or distribution centre to the                                                  industry, FleetDomain’s software
end-user. This mobile technology is shared and used frequently                                                    has delivered clear benefits to
by different workers during various shifts in the supply chain.                                                   Elite Truck Hire. The application
With the advent of COVID-19, these devices pose a risk of                                                         is delivered as a service to Elite
spreading infection. The need for a system to manage and track                                                    Truck Hire via a Web interface,
these devices has become imperative, as well as the cleaning of                                                   and FleetDomain is responsible
these devices between shifts. This is why the adoption of Bidvest                                                 for all support and development.
Mobility’s Asset Control software solution has increased during                                                   Key benefits include early fraud
the pandemic.                                                                 Jai Kaylyan, MD, FleetDomain        detection or revenue leakage,                                                                                         and visibility across the entire
Ensure your supply chain is ready for peak
Although it’s uncertain what sales this peak season will bring,               Media24, Huawei Mobile Services offer news
retailers are gearing up to participate in upcoming events. It’s              updates at your fingertips
not just anticipating stock levels, but also ensuring the supply              Mobile phones have become a vital resource for people through
chain is ready to fulfil consumer demands in brick-and-mortar                 convenient mobile applications and platforms. Huawei Mobile Services
and online stores. Bidvest Mobility is working closely with its               (HMS) has noticed this transformation and has therefore partnered
customers to ensure they have the necessary mobile computing                  with Media24 to further advance mobile technology and information
and bar coding technology in place to support their supply                    accessibility. News24, SA's leading and most trusted source of news,
chains. The advent of COVID-19 has made predictions and                       with 55 newspapers and 18 magazines, has partnered with Huawei to
processes more complex.                                                       be the exclusive provider of a free news feed on the new generation of                                                     Huawei smartphones. The news feed will provide article headlines and
                                                                              thumbnail images directly to Huawei’s Smart Assistant pages on their
                                                                              customers' phones.

                                            COMPANY NEWS
                                                To read the FULL company releases, visit
                                                   Contact for any sales enquiries.

4                         | February 2021
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2

  NETWORKING                                                                           SECURITY
Scaled-down SD-WAN – delivering corporate                                           Security in record time for one of the largest
quality connectivity to SMEs                                                        stadium projects ever
With business continuity at the top of most IT agendas, organisations               Since its completion in 2017, the Gazprom Arena has served as the home
have in recent months accelerated their digital transformation                      ground stadium for the Russian football club, Zenit St. Petersburg. And
plans. This is in response to the ongoing pandemic and lockdown,                    as one of the host stadiums for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2021
with significant emphasis being placed on adopting cloud solutions                  Euro Football Championship, the Gazprom Arena must also satisfy the
and enabling remote workforces. Yet, these initiatives can be                       strict security regulations of FIFA, UEFA and ESSMA. When selecting
derailed if an organisation does not have access to cost-effective                  the video security system, the managers responsible at Zenit therefore
and, more importantly, stable and secure connectivity, says Hein                    opted for a solution from the German manufacturer Dallmeier. With its
Witte, specialised sales executive for Telecommunication Services at                patented Panomera multifocal-sensor system, Dallmeier guarantees
T-Systems South Africa. This challenge can easily be addressed by                   the security of many stadiums all over the world. The stadium solution
a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) – the relatively                      from Dallmeier satisfies all criteria.
new, innovative corporate wide area networking architecture and           
infrastructure that is being deployed globally.
                                                                                                                              DDOS extortion
                                                                                                                              attacker impersonates
                                           Empower your remote                                                                well-known threat
                                           workers with Syrex                                                                 actors
                                           Syrex, a leading provider of                                                       Extortion and robbery while
                                           virtualised and hybrid network                                                     wearing a disguise are not new
                                           infrastructures and solutions, said                                                crimes in human history, but a
                                           any remote private office requires                                                 threat actor has recently taken this
                                           reliable connectivity. And, while                                                  into the online arena on the global
                                           fibre is always preferable, it might                                               stage, using distributed denial of
                                           not always be possible – and this                                                  service (DDOS) as the weapon,
                                           is where the likes of wireless and                                                 while pretending to be someone
                                           LTE solutions become invaluable to                                                 else – according to a recent threat
                                           provide alternative options.                                                       advisory by NETSCOUT’s ASERT
                                                           Risna Steenkamp, GM: ESM at               division.
                                                                                    value-added distributor Networks
Ralph Berndt, director of sales at Syrex

                                                                                    Enterprise-grade IT security for SMEs
Avaya Spaces introduces 61-participant                                              Businesses of all sizes face the threat of cyber crime, but SMEs can’t
'concert' view                                                                      always afford enterprise-grade security. TRG has developed a cyber
Avaya, a global leader in solutions to enhance and simplify                         risk management service for SMEs, backed by a sophisticated security
communications and collaboration, has announced that Avaya Spaces,                  operations centre. “For the first time, SMEs can access holistic end-to-
the all-in-one video collaboration platform for the digital workplace,              end fully managed enterprise-grade security at affordable rand-based
has added new capabilities, including an industry-best, 61-participant              pricing,” says Marc Seymour, TRG’s MD. The sheer volume of attacks
“concert” view. Avaya Spaces is a true work-stream collaboration                    directed towards the South African business community rivals the
solution that is changing the way work gets done, enabling “work                    highest in the world. Business is no longer adequately defended through
from anywhere” by centralising voice, video, messaging, chat and task               the sole use of firewall and anti-virus technology. A far more robust
management in one easy-to-use platform to improve productivity                      approach is required.
and increase employee satisfaction. According to a recent “Work from      
Anywhere” survey conducted by Avaya, 57% of businesses are now
reporting some struggle with remote communication and fatigue.

                                                 ICT INSIGHT
                                                       To read the FULL company releases, visit
                                                         Contact for any sales enquiries.

                                                                                                                       February 2021   |                       5
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2

     Contact centre agents struggled
    with productivity during COVID-19
      ITWeb, in partnership with Freshworks, conducted a survey on the state of
                     customer experience (CX) in South Africa.

                                                said the crisis had a negative effect on agent       remote. “Everyone was working from the
                                                productivity and mental health. 15% said it          office prior to the crisis. But going forward,
                                                had no effect whatsoever. “The pandemic              work from home culture will be the norm,”
                                                has been extremely stressful on customer-            he predicts.
                                                facing teams, especially the support team.              A third (33%) of respondents have seen a
                                                They were – and some still are – constantly          decrease in the number of customer service
                                                bombarded with queries from customers.               staff compared to February 2020. “The
                                                Responding to each and every simple,                 pandemic has made companies invest in
                                                mundane question to complex tasks has had            chatbots that will offload the burden faced by
                                                a negative effect on agents' mental health,”         their existing support staff,” explains Desai.
                                                says Desai.                                          “Staffing levels are expected to recover by
                                                    67% said service levels had returned to          mid-2021.”
                                                where they were before the crisis, while 65%            Customer urgency has increased since

PRANAY DESAI                                       The pandemic has been extremely stressful on
                                                customer-facing teams, especially the support team.
T    he survey ran online for two weeks
     during October 2020 and sought to
uncover the biggest challenge faced by
customer service teams during the crisis, as
well as which tools were most important in
maintaining service levels throughout the       said service levels had increased since the          February 2020 according to 69% of survey
pandemic. It also looked into the impact        crisis on support channels like Phone/Live-          participants. “Customer urgency has
that COVID-19 had on contact centre agent       chat/Email. “As anticipated, the pandemic            definitely seen a huge increase but this will be
productivity and mental health.                 has changed the way customers interact with          the status quo until the situation has become
   A total of 268 responses were captured,      support agents and this has caused an increase       normal.”
with 63% of respondents being at executive or   in traffic across all channels, especially digital      Interestingly, only 9% expect in-store
middle management level, and representation     like email, chat etc.”                               inquiries to evolve by June 2021 compared
across a wide range of industries, although        Asked to list the tools that were most            to June 2020. “Email, while traditional still
49% of respondents came from the IT sector.     important in terms of helping maintain               seems like the primary source for all customer
   Three quarters (77%) of businesses had       service levels through the crisis, respondents       queries,” concludes Desai.
a business continuity plan in place before      listed: collaboration tools (76%), cloud-
the crisis. Pranay Desai, Head of Enterprise    hosted customer service software (52%),
Marketing at Freshworks says, “Reporting        live-chat across web, mobile and messaging
and tracking metrics was the biggest problem    (47%), self-service customer portals (46%)             ABOUT THE SURVEY
faced by CX leaders worldwide.” The ability     and internal knowledge management systems
to track productivity and performance was       (38%)                                                  A total of 268 responses
cited by 45% as the biggest challenge faced        Enhancing self-service capabilities (48%)           were captured, with 63% of
by their customer service team through          was the top priority for customer service              respondents being at executive
the crisis, followed by operating with          operations, followed by maintaining service            or middle management level,
reduced staff (36%), delays in responding to    quality (46%) and boosting employee morale             and representation across a wide
customers and resolving issues (34%) and        (43%).                                                 range of industries, although 49% of
internal collaboration (32%).                      57% of CX agents were office-bound                  respondents came from the IT sector.
   Almost three quarters (72%) of respondents   prior to the crisis, only 6% were completely

6                         | February 2021
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2
The State of CX in South Africa SURVEY
                                                                            CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE SURVEY

Did your customer service operations have a                                 What are the biggest challenges your customer
business continuity plan in place before the crisis?                        service team has faced through the crisis?

                                                             Yes - And it    45%     Tracking productivity and performance
                                                            worked well

                                                                            36%     Operating with reduced staff
                                                                            34%      Delays in responding to customers and resolving issues

                                                                             32%     Internal collaboration

                                                                             24%     Other

                                                                            23%     Not having remote-ready technology in place (eg: cloud
                                                                                    helpdesk, cloud telephony, etc.)

                                                                            21%      Our customer service team has faced no major challenges
                                                                                     through the crisis
     Yes - And it worked well                                   39%
                                                                             21%     Making process changes on our technology platforms
     Yes - But there were gaps                                  38%

     No - But we did not feel the pinch                         8%

     No - And it was challenging                                14%

What effect did the crisis have on agent                                    Have your service levels returned to where they
productivity and mental health?                                             were before the crisis?



70    64%





20                15%                                                              Yes                                                  67%

                                   8%           8%                                 No                                                   33%
10                                                         4%

 0   Slightly    No effect        Highly      Slightly   Highly
     negative                    negative     positive   positive

xx                           | January 2021                                                             February 2021   |                     7
Customer Experience Collaboration tools to maintain service in crisis - 2020 CIO SURVEY 2
The State of CX in South Africa SURVEY

    Which tools were the most important in terms of                     What are the priorities for your customer service operations?
    helping you maintain service levels?

     76%      Collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.      48%    Enhance self-service capabilities

     52%      Cloud-hosted customer service software                     46%    Maintain service quality without adding headcount

     47%      Live-chat across web, mobile and messaging                 43%    Maintain service quality without adding headcount
              (WhatsApp, Apple Business Chat, and more)

     46%      Self-service customer portal                               39%    Build on business continuity planning and ensuring
                                                                                remote readiness

     38%      Internal knowledge management system                       32%    Improve knowledge management capabilities

     34%      Cloud telephony system                                     31%    Remote quality management

     25%      Workforce management software                              30%    Adjust SLAs

     19%      Customer-facing AI-chatbots                                25%    Re-evaluate vendor contracts

     11%      Feedback and coaching software                             21%    Deploy new service channels like chat and social messaging

                                                                         21%    Build customer-facing chatbots

    How has customer urgency changed since February                     What support channels do you expect to evolve by June 2021
    2020?                                                               when compared to June 2020 levels?

                                                                         58%    E-mail enquiries

    40      36%                                                          57%    Live-chat and messaging enquiries

    35                                                                   53%    Website enquiries

    30                                                                   51%    Social media enquiries

    25                                                                   44%    Overall contact volume

    20                                                                   42%    Phone enquiries

    15                                                                   9%     In-store enquiries



     0       Slight      High      No change     Slight        High
           increase    increase                 decrease     decrease

                                                                                                      January 2021   |                   xx
8                           | February 2021


      CIOs brace for doing more
           with less, again
     ITWeb Brainstorm’s 2020 CIO Survey was dissected at the Brainstorm
           CIO Banquet, held as a virtual event in November 2020.

   CIO Survey 2020 panel discussion, chaired by Nozipho Tshabalala. PANELISTS WERE: Thelma Kganakga, GM: technology security, MTN; Wilhelm Krige,
       Group CIO, ABSA; Mandla Ngcobo, government CIO, Department of Public Service and Administration; Tiyani Nghonyama, COO, Geekulcha;
                                       Thato Sopeng, head: branch network & partnership technology, Africa Bank.

N    ow in its 7th year, the survey of South
     Africa’s top technology strategists and
decision-makers is run in association with
                                                   participating CIO said they have a seat on
                                                   the exco, this is down from last year’s results
                                                   of 45%. The remainder of respondents
                                                                                                       opportunities for upcoming talent and skills
                                                                                                       of the next generation of CIOs. Is there a glass
                                                                                                       ceiling in place for younger wannabe CIOs?”
MTN Business. It captured input from 130           have indirect access or can request access             Tiyani Nghonyama, COO of Geekulcha,
private- and public-sector CIOs, between           when needed, which means that there is no           who joined the panel discussing the results,
September and November 2020.                       consistent tech voice in the top decision-          said he has been wondering what the
                                                   making group, noted Hinchcliffe.                    future of the CIO looks like. “The lockdown
Keys to success                                       Other data revealed that almost half of          imposed by the pandemic showed us there is
“We started the research by looking at the         CIOs report directly to the CEO, which is           a need to be a driver of change, and nurture
CIO’s role, and the attributes that are key        positive news, rather than reporting in via a       upcoming tech talent, who are the next
to success,” said Brainstorm editor Adrian         C-level colleague.                                  captains of industry. There is a lot of young
Hinchcliffe, who presented the key findings           When asked what word best describes              tech talent and we need to ensure a proactive
to about 200 people attending the virtual          their IT operation’s relationship with the          strategy. Upcoming CIOs need to learn from
launch.                                            business or business leaders, encouragingly,        experience, and there’s room for that.”
   The top three listed attributes are being       44% said ‘excellent’, another 35% said                 He added that we should be putting
a business influencer or strategist (74%), a       ‘satisfactory’, only 16% cited ‘a work in           pressure on businesses to do more to nurture
leader, people manager or high-performance         progress’, and 5% said ‘challenging’.               future CIOs.
team-builder (64%), and being a visionary                                                                 A first in the survey’s 7th year,
or innovator (52%). The importance of tech         Skills, diversity                                   respondents were asked to describe the
knowledge ranked fourth (36%). Being               Once in the job, CIOs tend to stick around          state of gender and racial diversity within
cost- or budget-conscious was only cited           for quite a while – 64% have been in the role       their IT organisation – ‘generally good’, said
by 11%, although this is likely to become          (across different organisations) for more           46%; ‘getting there’, said 33%, 16% said
more important in the months ahead, said           than five years, and almost 40% for more            ‘excellent’ and 5% said ‘poor’. While these
Hinchcliffe.                                       than a decade.                                      results are generally positive, Hinchcliffe
   The survey examined how the CIO role fits          “From one perspective, this shows a              said, there’s still work to be done.
in the exco, and it’s clear that as technology     degree of stability and experience at the              “We have a lot of work to do in this space,”
has infused into the business, so too, over the    highest level,” said Hinchcliffe. “However,         added Thato Sopeng, head: Branch Network
years, has the role’s importance grown to the      given that so many have been in their               & Partnership Technology, African Bank. “A
organisation, he said.                             positions for so long, and so few for so            lot of the initiatives we're running now try
   However, while some 39% of the                  little, it does raise questions about the           to incubate female youngsters into STEM-

10                         | February 2021

type programmes, where we make sure that             Wilhelm Krige, Group CIO, ABSA,              Some 34% said it will remain flat, 32% cited
girls are getting exposure to science, maths      commenting on the move to digital, said:        growth above inflation, and 16% are bracing
and technology from a very young age, and         “Simply staying alive is not an option. The     for having less money to spend than this
encouraging them to start becoming coders.        companies that are going to win are the         year.
The opportunities are definitely there; we        ones that come out swinging. After this            “Compare that to 2019. There was,
just need to have the political will to bring     pandemic, when it comes to starting to shift    perhaps unsurprisingly, more positivity
them on board and start incubating this           investment into digital transformation,         around outlooks last year,” said Hinchcliffe.
young talent.”                                    there is no better time than the present. The      Looking at which major technology
   On the subject of talent management,           pandemic caused some levellers in terms of      investments are driving the budget increase,
the survey asked CIOs about their current         competitive forces and really gave some of      if we add in 2019, he said, generally, across
approach to hiring permanent IT staff.            the laggards the opportunity to accelerate,     the board, there seem to be a lot fewer tech
Upskilling, which was added this year, came       catch up quickly and turn into leaders. So      investment areas.
in at over a third with 34%, while having an      for me, the companies of the future are            Pretty much everything is down, apart
active internship or apprenticeship, on the       going to be those that are brave enough to      from the ERP and core business applications.
other hand, was relatively low, with only         shift money from other areas into digital       It was interesting to see security investments
15% of respondents saying they had one.           transformation.”                                fall from 63% last year to only 50% this year,
   The big discrepancy between the 2019                                                           Hinchcliffe said. Data analytics dropped to
and 2020 findings is that a freeze in hiring      Focusing ahead                                  32% from 46% last year, and automation
increased from 13% last year to 33% this year     Looking forwards, at the most important         from 40% in 2019 to only 30% this year.
- undoubtedly a sign of the times of Covid,       focus areas over the next two years,               In conclusion, Hinchcliffe noted that
commented Hinchcliffe.                            Hinchcliffe said there seems to be a more       the SA economy had been in deep trouble
                                                  specific focus on survival.                     before COVID-19. “We were in recession
The elephant in the room
It was inevitable that the survey examined
the ‘elephant in the room’, as Hinchcliffe put
it, i.e. the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on
CIOs and their organisations.
    On the plus side, a whopping 67% said the
                                                        There is likely a sharpened focus for many
pandemic accelerated digital transformation.        organisations on strategic strengths and less so on
On the downside, 11% of organisations
admitted to consolidating business units,                               the big bets.
and 6% said they had to close a substantial
part of their operations. Only 17% reported
no significant change.
    Unsurprisingly, when it came to the tech
                                                                        Adrian Hinchcliffe, Brainstorm editor
investments that they had to implement
during the pandemic, nearly three-quarters
(74%) said remote work solutions, followed
by 65% with conferencing or meeting apps,
56% with Internet connectivity or data.              Cost- optimisation has risen from 21%        and had been pushed into ‘junk status’.
Surprisingly, given the widened attack            to 30%, cloud strategy and infrastructure       Now, of course, we’ve been pushed even
surface, only 52% cited cybersecurity.            consolidation has increased slightly from       further into that pit. COVID undoubtedly
    When it came to how IT budgets have           22% to 26%, as has focus on POPI and GDPR       gave organisations a platform to realise the
been affected during the pandemic, more           compliance, from 15% to 22%.                    benefits of work-from-home, and a greater
than a quarter (26%) said budgets remained           “Supporting new business and products        reliance on technology.”
the same, but had to be re-prioritised.           has decreased, there’s less focus on AI            Hinchcliffe believes there will be some
Another 24% said there was no impact,             and ML, more focus on maintaining IT            organisations that embrace the digital
21% said spending decreased, 21% said             operations. There is likely a sharpened focus   transformation and push on further down
it increased marginally, and 7% said it           for many organisations on strategic strengths   that path. “The CIOs there will be challenged
increased significantly. Combining both sets      and less so on the big bets.”                   by greater budgets and responsibilities,
of responses that indicated increases - an           In Hinchcliffe’s view, the period of         while others will refocus their priorities,
overall 28% - it goes to show that the focus      economic hardship ahead is probably going       avoiding gambling on risky bleeding-edge
on IT as an enabler has received greater          to push some organisations to move their        technologies, and consolidating their plans.”
recognition during the pandemic, said             CIOs and IT priorities back a step or two,         At the other end of the scale, there will
Hinchcliffe.                                      falling back to the old way of operating, of    also be those organisations that have to
    Speaking about the usual areas of focus       keeping the lights on, and will be less about   cut the workforces, really take a scalpel to
that have been covered in the CIO Survey for      innovation and more about cost-efficiencies     everything; the CIOs there will have to look
some time, enabling digital workplace has         and enablement.                                 at cost-optimisation and keeping the lights
grown in importance from last year (37%                                                           on and those are the organisations that are
vs 28%), while enabling digital business          An economy in trouble                           likely to push the CIO further away from the
remained a top priority at 59% for both           Looking to the future, how do the CIOs see      strategic conversations and back into the
years.                                            their budgets changing in the year ahead?       dark server rooms, he said.

                                                                                                      February 2021   |                    11

          Why ERP projects fail faster than
               ever under lockdown
 The speed at which companies found they must transform saw many take
         the first opportunity to upgrade to a cloud ERP solution.

                                                   eventually fail. It’s hardly surprising. We         any of these projects by figuring out and
                                                   hear horror stories of how the economy is in        understanding what the business need is
                                                   trouble, with smaller businesses bearing the        that drives the transformation project. Then
                                                   brunt of the impact.                                check any solution matches requirements
                                                      Business leaders in the medium to large          and ascertain what percentage fit it is.
                                                   category aren’t typically deterred by a             Anything less than 80% is going to cause
                                                   challenge. Many are entrepreneurs; they have        severe challenges farther along the road.
                                                   the spirit of innovation, leadership and action.       Another common assumption is that
                                                   However, due to the conditions that engulf us       customers are dealing with professionals
                                                   now, when they do act it can be in haste.           who listen, who hear requirements to ensure
                                                      The first and worst assumption is that the       solutions fit. That’s not always the case.
                                                   cloud solution will automatically be better         Customers are often dealing with salespeople
                                                   than the legacy system and will solve business      who have quotas, targets and fears of their
                                                   challenges.                                         own. In some cases salespeople genuinely
                                                      I’ve repeatedly seen that they interview         believe the proposed solution fits the bill but
 Gerrit Olivier, Founder and CEO of About
 IT.                                               several vendors, as many as 10, select three to     they don’t have the technical knowledge to
                                                   pitch for the ERP transformation project, then      know it may not.
                                                   select the one they feel is the best fit.              Another challenge is that these are often

M        any companies are running to the
         cloud now amid the urgent need to
digitalise operations but it’s magnifying some
of the biggest challenges that cause enterprise
resource planning (ERP) projects to fail.              The first and worst assumption is that the cloud
   The rapid speed at which companies found
they must transform to survive lockdown              solution will automatically be better than the legacy
conditions, let alone meet quickly evolving
customer requirements, strained people to                 system and will solve business challenges.
cope with unfamiliar situations.
   It’s a difficult time for many organisations.
They have to transform if they want to keep
the lights on, let alone thrive, but rushing the
task and neglecting some of the most crucial          But there are a number of problems with          grudge purchases, much like insurance.
elements is causing more projects to fail          that approach.                                      The business owner or lead executive is only
quicker than ever.                                    They’re afraid so they don’t take the time       doing it because they think they have to, so
   One of the first challenges is that many        to check the solution meets their business          they don’t put their weight behind it. They
people believed their legacy systems are           requirements because they assume too                appoint a systems integrator and discharge
unable to cope with running their businesses       much.                                               responsibility for success or failure without
online. They consequently took the first              The first and worst assumption is that the       rallying the internal team behind the project.
opportunity to upgrade to a cloud solution.        cloud solution will automatically be better            We hear it repeatedly, that time and
Yet, many quickly discovered not all cloud         than the legacy system they currently run           money are better invested upfront to better
ERP is made the same and not all are               and that it will solve their business challenges.   secure the outcome, yet we repeatedly
necessarily a good fit for their business.         It’s an easy trap to fall into when we read and     encounter the opposite. It’s because people
   These businesspeople, many of them              hear about the features and benefits of these       are afraid, hurried, pressured, lack requisite
at organisations in the medium to large            solutions in the marketing collateral from          knowledge, and they are unsupported.
category, businesses of around R1.5 billion        the radio to print, digital and social media        Those are the real challenges to ensuring
annual revenues, are frightened that profits       channels.                                           successful ERP-based digital transformation
will fall and they’ll run at a loss until they        It highlights the essential need to begin        projects today.

12                          | February 2021

             Abandon the walled city:
         The crucial security call for 2021
The cyber security mesh will be a top strategic trend in 2021, and key to a responsive
      security and risk management approach which is modular and scalable.

                                                  exponentially enlarge.                                 This mesh is designed to permit an
                                                     Forecasters point to the continuing              organisation’s security perimeter to be
                                                  importance of vigilance, even as a COVID-19         defined around the identity of an individual or
                                                  vaccine appears imminent. “Security is taking       an object rather than by material borders.
                                                  on newfound or heightened importance                   The cyber security mesh will be a top
                                                  within many companies, as cyber criminals           strategic technology trend in 2021, according
                                                  continue to exploit the global health crisis        to Gartner. It is key to the application of a
                                                  and associated business disruption,” says Ian       responsive security and risk management
                                                  Barker, a noted industry watcher and editor.        approach which is modular and thus scalable.
                                                     Give them their due; many organisations             One important benefit associated with such
                                                  have acted swiftly in attempts to protect           a scalable solution is its capacity to be applied
                                                  their remote workers. However, as the cyber         where and when it is deemed necessary to
                                                  criminals’ targets quickly multiplied, it soon      link network users to appropriate networked
                                                  became obvious that traditional protection          capabilities. Another benefit is the mesh’s
                                                  methods, previously effective within the            important contribution to centralised policy
 Paul Stuttard, Director, Duxbury
                                                  physical confines of the enterprise, were           implementation and distributed policy
                                                  becoming less reliable, less meaningful and,        enforcement.

T    he unparalleled socio-economic
     challenges of 2020, initiated by the
COVID-19 pandemic, have spawned a legion
of remote workers who have collectively
and inadvertently congregated in a “new           Give them their due; many organisations have acted
playground for hackers”, according to the
Gartner global research and advisory firm.        swiftly in attempts to protect their remote workers.
   Many IT industry insiders confirm
2020 was a year in which hackers took
unprecedented advantage of often-
defenceless employees who were preyed
upon mainly because of their inexperience         ultimately, less trusted.                              In this light, expect the cyber security mesh
in dealing with their new work-from-home             Thus, the conventional security armaments        to shape the future of enterprise IT operations
environments.                                     of the traditional “walled city” must urgently      as we know them.
   Exploiting these workers, those with           be called into question. A new solution to             In altering an organisation’s approach
malevolent intent were increasingly               replace these rusty bulwarks is imperative          to security, complexity is often increased.
successful in breaching organisations’            in order to keep pace with the burgeoning           This may come in the form of dealing
stretched defences, gaining access to sensitive   work-from-home trend, while meeting the             with additional environments, meeting
data and even infecting businesses with           modern demands of businesses whose data,            the challenge of implementing dissimilar
ransomware on an unequalled scale.                access and corporate resources are no longer        products, or fulfilling the need for the
   In the manufacturing sector, for instance,     constrained by physical boundaries.                 upskilling of essential staff members.
ransomware poses the most risk, especially           As the walled city approach to minimising           Within 10 years, many security and
for many critical industry subsectors, notes      risk and guarding company data is                   risk professionals believe the globe will be
Selena Larson, an analyst at Dragos, the cyber    abandoned, what will be its substitute?             covered by a mesh linking many billions of
security specialist.                                 In 2021, organisations can expect new            devices and individuals in every corner of
   Unfortunately, these miscreants have           technology trends to make an appearance and         the world. With every connection a latent
only just begun their tirade. Expect more of      rapidly evolve. Already on the horizon is a         access point to sensitive corporate or personal
the same in 2021, as remote work continues,       distributed architectural model which centres       data, technologies such as SASE will play
with around 50% of employees expected             on the application of a flexible, scalable “cyber   an important part in consolidating multiple
to be mobile. The “playground” will               security mesh”.                                     security components into a unified service.

                                                                                                           February 2021   |                      13

            Automation is central to healthy
                 digital ecosystems
    To enable an efficient digital ecosystem, users must be able to access and
  process the correct data, in a secure and compliant way, as swiftly as possible.

                                                  post-COVID world. With nearly six in 10           technologies are applied to help organise and
                                                  businesses facing challenges maintaining          distribute this overwhelming influx. And
                                                  operational efficiencies in a distributed         with a more distributed workforce, users
                                                  environment, there is a heavy reliance on         want increased access to collaborate in shared
                                                  developing new processes and automating           digital workspaces via mobile devices or
                                                  legacy ones.                                      online platforms.
                                                     Fintech has leapfrogged legacy systems by         Data, both structured and unstructured,
                                                  reshaping financial services at a rapid pace.     plays an integral role in almost every business
                                                     In financial services, for example,            process, from onboarding clients at a bank,
                                                  consumers live in micro-moments, with ease        to providing healthcare services to patients in
                                                  of access and exposure to a large and diverse     a hospital. People have been separated from
                                                  set of digital services. They are no longer       paper files, person-to-person processes have
                                                  satisfied with just getting what they want.       been disrupted, and companies have had to
                                                     Today’s consumer demands flexibility in        take on new automation priorities. There
Russell Glover, MD of Linxus.
                                                  how and where they engage financial services      are new loads on back-office systems that
                                                  to get what they want.                            simply cannot be supported with current
                                                     Fintech has leapfrogged legacy systems by      technologies.

C     reating, participating in and exploiting
      digital ecosystems is at the heart of
digital transformation strategy. If anything,
COVID has taught us that we need to be even
more aggressive about digitisation to adapt                  Fintech has leapfrogged legacy systems by
and meet the needs of employees, suppliers
and customers in the value chain.                           reshaping financial services at a rapid pace.
   And with digital transformation
accelerating at a rapid pace because of this,
it’s no surprise that the impact of harnessing
these digital ecosystems brings some
challenges.                                       reshaping financial services at a rapid pace.        To automate at scale, businesses need
   Customer expectations are driving business     EY’s Global Fintech Adoption Index 2019           to consider technology governance. They
transformation faster than ever before. As        shows 82% consumer fintech adoption in            need to ensure the right people are making
customer interactions shift further to digital    South Africa and is expected to increase even     decisions and executing change, from
in the new normal, leaders have accelerated       further, with the country ranking third in        technology experts to business experts to
the digitisation of customer and supply           future growth behind only China and India,        change managers, and people who inform
chain interactions by years. Industry is          and sharing the position with Russia.             their decisions, like customer experience
leaping ahead to meet changing customer              A key factor is ensuring remote workers        and governance, risk and compliance
demands by digitising business processes and      can view and modify data applicable to their      professionals.
workflows.                                        role, and have tasks assigned to them based          Easy and secure access to information is
   The impact of digital transactions, payment    on their responsibilities. Having access to the   critical in any business environment. As data
innovations and online interfaces are assisting   right information at the right time could be      is easily accessed and distributed, it’s equally
to radically transform how we view digital        the difference between success and failure        important to ensure it is secure and only
transformation strategies and frameworks.         for an automated process and ultimately, the      accessed by authorised users.
This new-found digital enthusiasm translates      business. With vast quantities of data now           The bottom line is that to enable a swift
directly into workflow efficiencies and the       available, obtaining the ‘right’ information by   and efficient digital ecosystem, users must be
end-to-end integration of processes.              the ‘right’ person is pivotal.                    able to access and process the correct data,
   A recent poll by The Harris Poll proves           In a digital ecosystem, data streams in from   in a secure and compliant way, as swiftly as
process automation is key to thriving in the      multiple sources, in diverse formats, and new     possible.

14                         | February 2021

                    A true data specialist knows
                           no boundaries
   True data specialists aren’t constrained by tools or technology, as the core
  principles and best practices remain uncompromised, becoming amplified in
                               the context of cloud.
                                                    referenced subject, especially when                 introduction of cloud computing services
                                                    the organisation is undergoing digital              in the data and analytics space. Any
                                                    transformation and transitioning towards            good data specialist that understands the
                                                    using cloud services.                               concept of distributed processing, and
                                                       The ‘data’ in both phrases is referring to       distributed storage, is well equipped with
                                                    the same enterprise data that requires the          the knowledge required to adapt to cloud
                                                    expertise of a data specialist, and the only        computing effectively.
                                                    difference between the two statements is               One of the many benefits of cloud
                                                    the locationof where the data is stored or          computing is the ability to separate storage
                                                    processed.                                          and compute to achieve phenomenal
                                                       As a result, this leads me to question why       processing speeds. The concept of separating
                                                    organisations believe they may require new          storage and compute is not a new concept, in
                                                    skills for changing the location of the data to     the broader sense.
                                                    the cloud?                                             In fact, data archiving strategies have
Windsor Gumede, Director, PBT                          One of the many benefits of cloud                leveraged on this type of architecture
Innovation at PBT Group.                            computing is the ability to separate storage        for many years, where the computation

T    he new realm of cloud computing
     services has created quite the controversy
when it comes to skills in the data and
analytics world.
    As a result, there are those that are looking
                                                       One of the many benefits of cloud computing is the
to elevate themselves into new roles in the            ability to separate storage and compute to achieve
context of cloud and there are companies
that are trying to increase their footprint and                  phenomenal processing speeds.
service offering to cloud specialisation.
    One aspect, however, that remains true, is
the fundamental role of the data specialist in
getting cloud computing right.                      and compute to achieve phenomenal                   and storage of frequently used data is the
    The phrase ‘data in the cloud’ is associated    processing speeds.                                  responsibility of a “processor and storage”
with data that does not use, or partially              As we know, the human capital that               machine, and the data that has reached
uses, an enterprise’s local infrastructure,         acquires, analyses, transforms, manages and         its retention period gets offloaded onto a
specifically regarding storage. Cloud               makes data available for the enterprise are         network-attached storage device or any other
computing, on the other hand, refers to the         the data specialists. This is irrespective of the   storage mechanism that is not attached to
delivery of compute power, database storage,        location of where the data resides or is being      the same machine that processed the data – a
applications and other IT services.                 processed.                                          process any data specialist is familiar with.
    However, what is intriguing (or confusing)         A data specialist should be an expert in the        But wait, don’t panic!
is that the phrase and term are sometimes           field of data, no matter the technology used.          Any company on a cloud adoption journey
used interchangeably. And this to my mind           Further, the field of data is very broad and        must keep in mind that the evolution
is incorrect − cloud computing should be            can be subcategorised into data architecture,       of concepts, technology and roles is an
viewed as the overarching concept that              data management, data governance, database          opportunity to skill up on new technologies.
encompasses the storage factor of data, which       administration and many others.                        Poor or inefficient development of any
is then referred to as ‘data in the cloud’.            I believe therefore there is a common            cloud data solution results in a high cost to
    Why the focus on data in the cloud?             misconception of “I need a cloud specialist in      running the solution. However, having a data
    Often, at some of our clients, we hear          order to migrate/manage data in the cloud”.         specialist on board can support a far more
the words ‘data in the cloud’ and ‘data                The reality is, there is a wide range of         successful outcome when moving data to the
on-premises’. This, I believe, is an over-          new tools that have emerged with the                cloud.

                                                                                                            February 2021   |                   15

   TELECOMS                                                                       TECH FORUM
Digital ecosystem enablers: API adoption and                                                                            Go beyond the obvious
analytics big data model standardisation                                                                                Disruptions happen all the time; it’s
The rise of digital ecosystems and new innovative business models                                                       the mindset and the ability to think
requires the standardisation of data for advanced data analytics                                                        beyond the obvious that is the key to
crossing organisational boundaries, as well as standard API                                                             success, says Minoo Dastur, director,
adoption, says Globetom. These two elements will significantly                                                          president and CEO at Nihilent. Crises
reduce enablement and integration costs and enhance speed to                                                            such as the current pandemic are
market and scalability of new business model adoption. Standards                                                        opportunities for successful leaders
that are applicable across industries are invaluable as integration                                                     and organisations to pause and focus
needs expand horizontally to drive value for organisations and their                                                    on winning rather than whining.
customers. Deploying these data models and API standards on hybrid                                            
infrastructures covering cloud-based and in-house legacy systems can
be complex because of diverging technologies and multiple suppliers
involved in existing architectures.                                             Minoo Dastur, director, president and
                                                                                CEO, Nihilent

                                                                                The benefits of online vs desktop
                                      Nomad engages Galix                       2020 has forced businesses to embrace the power of the pivot and
                                      to become PCI DSS                         adapt to the changing business landscape. Technological advances
                                      compliant                                 have presented a lifeline for many industries, especially during the
                                      Meeting the compliance requirements       pandemic, and the accounting sector is no different. This is according
                                      of Payment Card Industry Data             to Bridget du Toit, head of Services at EasyBiz Technologies, who says
                                      Security Standard (PCI DSS) can be        the accounting sector has seen cloud-based online solutions quickly
                                      a daunting task, particularly in light    replacing their conventional desktop predecessors, with many
                                      of looming deadlines. “Nomad and          pointing to the intuitiveness of online as a major contributor to their
                                      Galix continue to partner to ensure       business success. “Online accounting platforms have proven their
                                      the payment provider meets its yearly     worth as go-to solutions for all accounting needs,” she explains.
                                      PCI DSS auditory obligations. “Nomad
                                      will provide continuous evidence that
                                      it is PCI DSS compliant, which is why
Johannes Briel, QSA at Galix          maintenance and monitoring are so         The future of team collaboration
                                      important,” explains Johannes Briel,      The scramble to adapt enterprise communications in response to the
                                      QSA at Galix.                             COVID-19 pandemic has led to many organisations experiencing issues
                                                         with security, support and efficiency with their team collaboration
                                                                                solutions, says Scopserv. To explain, as the pandemic swept the
                                                                                world, enterprises found themselves having to rapidly transition
                                     Teraco completes                           from having a majority of their workers based in the office to sending
                                     first ISAE 3402 Type 1                     most of their employees into work-from-home (WFH) mode. While
                                     attestation                                some companies have since been able to introduce more structure
                                     Teraco Data Environments, the              to their WFH programmes, many are still grappling with the need to
                                     vendor-neutral data centre and             consolidate their employees’ various collaboration tools and solutions,
                                     interconnection hub of Africa, has         so their workforce is more efficient and secure.
                                     achieved International Standard  
                                     on Assurance Engagements ISAE
                                     3402 Type 1 attestation for the trust
                                     principles of security and availability.   Acceptance of a privacy culture vital for
                                     These new credentials supplement           organisations to comply with POPI
                                     Teraco’s existing PCI DSS certification    Complying with the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act
                                     for physical security across the Teraco    is a multi-layered exercise that includes governance compliance
Helen Kruger, head of operations,
                                     data centres in South Africa.              to new processes, closing gaps and securing personal information.
                                                      Paul Raath, consultant/change manager at Bizmod, says it is
                                                                                not a quick fix and the most important fundamental for all
                                                                                organisations is to ensure the adoption of a privacy culture by all

              ICT INSIGHT                                                       employees is achieved. Despite organisations jumping through
                                                                                hoops and ticking all the boxes, if employees don’t embrace the
                                                                                change and adopt a strong privacy culture, the company’s privacy
                  To read the FULL company releases, visit                      programmes will fail. Implementing new policies and procedures
     Contact                         are an unavoidable part of the process.

16                             | February 2021
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