What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly

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What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly

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What Will Be Country Music’s Songs Of Summer 2021?
If 2020 was the summer where everyone stayed home, 2021 will be the one where people can’t wait to get
back out. With Memorial Day Weekend approaching, what are country radio’s programmers seeing as the
singles for this season? “I think three are shaping up to be summer soundtracks with Luke Bryan’s ‘Waves’ front
and center,” says Audacy Country Format Captain Tim Roberts. “It’s a super-chill track that captures summer
and fun beautifully.” Also on Roberts’ summer fun list: Brian Kelley’s “Beach Cowboy,” “which I think is where
a lot of brains drift toward daydreaming about summer beach fun,” and Old Dominion’s new “I Was on a Boat
That Day.” (Continued on page 4)

    WGAR’s “Wazz & Carletta” Look Back On Morning Show Pairing Ahead Of First Anniversary.
    Bobby Bones Show’s Eddie Garcia Blows Past $10K Goal To Walk From West Virginia To Tennessee.
    Morgan Wallen Debuts Miranda Lambert, Nicolle Galyon Co-Write On Instagram.
    Consultant Mike O’Malley: Don’t Be A Bystander In Your Own Show.
    Dustin Lynch Returns As Headliner for WEZL Charlotte’s Stars and Guitars Music Festival.

1 | MAY 24, 2021                                                               CountryInsider.com
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
Dani Lynn Howe                                                   Trey Poston
                             Leuck & Howe Morning             Top 5 All-Time                    Middays/KYKR
Top 5 All-Time Songs
                                Show, WLLR-FM                 Country Bands:                    Beaumont, TX
by Female Artists:              Quad Cities, IA/IL
                                                              1. Restless Heart
 1. Safe in the Arms of Love -
    Martina McBride                                           2. Alabama
 2. Drinking Alone -                                          3. Zac Brown Band
    Carrie Underwood
 3. Turn on the Radio -                                       4. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
    Reba McEntire                                             5. Cross Canadian Ragweed
 4. hole in the bottle -
    Kelsea Ballerini
 5. Only Prettier -
    Miranda Lambert

Morgan Wallen Debuts New Song On Instagram.
Morgan Wallen has debuted his first new song since the release of “Dangerous:
The Double Album” in January, playing a song called “Thought You Should Know” on
an Instagram video. Wallen said he wrote the song for his mother: “Seemed like an
appropriate time to share it,” he said. The song, which Wallen wrote with Miranda
Lambert and Nicolle Galyon, is written in the voice of a musician with a history of bad
decisions beginning to turn his life around. Listen HERE.

Luke Bryan Adds Shows To 2022 Las Vegas Residency.
Last week, ticket demand forced Carrie Underwood to add shows to her upcoming
residency at The Theatre at Resorts World Las Vegas. Now Luke Bryan’s doing the same
thing. Bryan has tacked three shows onto his initial six-date run, which is set to start Feb.
11, 2022. Initially slated to play the new venue for six nights, he’ll now play nine, adding
shows on Feb. 23, 25 and 26. Tickets went on sale to the public this morning. “We’re
looking forward to putting on a unique show at The Theatre at Resorts World Las Vegas,”
Bryan said in a release.

Eddie Of “Bobby Bones Show” To Walk From West Virginia To Tennessee.
Taking a cue from George Strait’s “Carrying Your Love With Me,” Eddie Garcia from the
Premiere Networks-distributed “The Bobby Bones Show” will walk from “West Virginia
down to Tennessee” to benefit a national foster-care organization. An on-air discussion
about Strait’s 1997 hit turned into a challenge for Garcia to make the walk. When Garcia
committed to do it as a fundraiser for National Angels, setting a $10,000 goal, Bones and
the crew kicked in more than $1,700 to get him started. By 11am ET Monday morning,
the campaign had raised more than $19,000. The walking distance from southern West
Virginia to northeastern Tennessee is approximately 75 miles.

Dustin Lynch To Headline WEZL Charlotte’s 2021 Stars And Guitars Festival.
iHeartMedia WEZL Charlotte, SC (103.5) brings back its annual Stars and Guitars festival
for a sixth year on July 2 at Boone Hall Plantation & Gardens in nearby Mt. Pleasant.
Dustin Lynch headlines with Tenille Arts, Travis Denning and Taylor Castro as support.
“iHeartMedia Charleston is excited to bring back live events to the Lowcountry in a big
way,” iHeartMedia Charleston Market President AJ Punjabi said in a release.
3 | MAY 24, 2021                                                                  CountryInsider.com
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
2021 Songs of Summer.                     (Continued from page 1)
Cox Media Group Country Format Leader Johnny               “For me, this song captures the spirit of summer:
Chiang says two current songs stand out to him, in         Be present, take in the moment, have gratitude
terms of what a great summer song should be this           for so many things,” Foxx says. “I believe this is the
                            year. “When you listen to      summer of love and joy
                            Jimmie Allen’s ‘Freedom        and new beginnings and
                            Was a Highway,’ close          celebrating the simple
                            your eyes and you can          things, creating new
                            almost see yourself in a       meaningful traditions.”
                            convertible Mustang or
                            open-top Jeep speeding         Up in Boston, at
                            down a deserted                iHeartMedia “101-7
                            highway without a care         The Bull,” APD Amanda
                            in the world,” he says.        Jo Parker hears the
                            “Isn’t that what we all        call, too, though her
need after a year of quarantine?” Second there’s           personal anthem is Elle
Niko Moon’s “No Sad Songs.” “There is no better            King and Miranda Lambert’s “Drunk (And I Don’t
song title to describe what everyone wants, or             Wanna Go Home).” “If you’ve been single this last
doesn’t want, from their music these days,” Chiang         year you’re a little #CovidThirsty — ready to get out
says.                                                      there and meet people the old-fashioned way, by
                                                           socializing in public,” she says. “This song is some
Ashley Wilson, director of country programming             fun we all need.”
for iHeartMedia’s Kentucky/Indiana region, believes
                          Chase Rice’s “Drinkin’ Beer.     iHeartMedia “Q104.1” WTQR Greensboro, NC, PD
                          Talkin’ God. Amen.” will         JT Bosch sees “Drinkin’ Beer. Talkin’ God. Amen.”
                          resonate with country’s          raising its hand as the temperatures rise.
                          core demo through the            “Not only is Chase local to us here in North Carolina,
                          summer and beyond.               but the song just resonates with the world right
                           “We have all been through       now,” says Bosch, who also programs sister station
                           the unthinkable in the last     “Real Rock 105.7” WBVZ. “I can hear it being played
                           year,” she says. “Now that      at a lot of backyard parties this summer.” Bosch
                           we can finally get back         also expects Chris
                           together with each other        Lane’s latest, “Fill
safely, there’s going to be a lot of drinking beer,        Them Boots,” to make
catching up, talking God, life, and just savoring these    a quick impression
simple experiences more than we ever have.”                on his listeners since
                                                           Lane hails from nearby
From Cumulus Media VP Country Charlie Cook’s               Kernersville. “That’s
perspective, touring acts like Eric Church and Jason       a fun song for us to
Aldean will set the tone for the summer. Rising            be playing a lot this
singles like “Drinkin’ Beer. Talkin’ God. Amen.” and       summer,” Bosch says.
Lainey Wilson’s “Things a Man Oughta Know” will
help their respective artists have good summers,           For something a little
and Cook believes Jameson Rodgers might be the             steamier, there’s Lauren Alaina and Jon Pardi’s
summer’s biggest beneficiary of touring. “He already       “Getting Over Him,” a favorite of Jason McCollim,
has a strong base, but it should increase as he does       SVP Programming for iHeartMedia Markets Group –
more shows,” Cook says.                                    Austin & San Antonio. “With lyrics ‘hot like a match
                                                           that burned out fast,’ this song will resonate with
Brand Manager John Foxx at Audacy “New York’s              anyone who’s ever experienced a brief summer
Country 94.7” WNSH New York feels Rodgers has              romance,” McCollim says.
the right song for the time with “Cold Beer Calling
My Name” feat. Luke Combs.                                 (Continued on page 7)

4 | MAY 24, 2021                                                                CountryInsider.com
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
“Wazz & Carletta” Morning Show Pairing Was Fated.
Before Steve Wazz and Carletta Blake launched                “When it all fell into place for us to be able to do this,
“Wazz & Carletta Mornings” at iHeartMedia WGAR-              the last year has revitalized the love that I have for live
FM Cleveland (99.5) on May 26, 2020, the friends and         radio and for radio in general,” Blake says. “[Morning
colleagues had previously teamed up on-air and as            shows are] more conversational, and you get to have
event hosts several times. “It’s crazy whenever you          these deeper connections with people. The fact that I
think back about all the different foreshadowing             get to do it with one of my closest friends just makes it
moments that we’ve had,” Blake tells Country Insider.        that much better.”

“I’m not necessarily a fate-ist, but it kind of feels like   Wazz and Blake found launching a show amid the
fate sometimes — that it all happened for a reason.”         pandemic challenging. Wazz says it was important to
                                                                             not only spin the show in positive
Wazz and Blake met nearly five years                                         directions but also to keep things
ago when both worked at radio                                                “fresh and light.”
stations in Raleigh, NC. Blake, then
PD of iHeartMedia “B93.9” WNCB                                                 “We’re giving you some of the facts,
Raleigh, teamed with Wazz, from                                                but we’re also moving on to things
the local Top 40 station, during a                                             that will make you smile and to things
hurricane warning.                                                             that will make you forget we’re in the
                                                                               middle of this pandemic,” he says.
“We got thrown on the air together
on the talk AM station to keep                                                  iHeartCountry EVP of Programming
everyone informed,” Wazz says. He                                               Strategy Rod Phillips says the
recalls their bouncing ideas off each                                           company is excited about many
other like old friends. “I had in the back of my head,       things happening with WGAR. “Carletta has
‘She’s fun and she’s somebody that I could totally do a      made a major impact on the success of WGAR,
show with.’”                                                 including joining the morning show, but also as
                                                             our programming leader,” Phillips says. “And Wazz
Blake says her Senior VP at WNCB told the two that           is nothing short of a hometown success story. His
they could be a show. “It was almost foreshadowing,”         natural talent combined with his local knowledge has
she says. “It was so bizarre. It’s crazy how all this        allowed him to be a true voice for the entire market.
happened, and it all just fell into place.”                  It’s not always easy for the program director to join a
Wazz moved from Raleigh to Cleveland in 2018. “The           show, but the connection and chemistry created with
LeeAnn and Wazz Show’’ debuted on WGAR in October            our morning star, Wazz, is undeniable.”
2018 with Wazz joining longtime WGAR on-air staff            The pair say they threw away the rulebook on how
LeeAnn Sommers. Six months later, the station hired          to run a morning show. Segments like “Generational
Blake as PD and afternoon host.                              Jeopardy” and their “G.O.A.T. List” help them connect
Wazz and Blake teamed up again twice more ahead              with their audience.
of the launch of “Wazz & Carletta Mornings” last May.        “Our goal was to be interactive with our listeners and
They co-hosted Kip Moore’s album release concert at          to be relatable to our listeners and to give them a
Thirsty Cowboy in Medina on Feb. 25, 2020. Then in           source of joy and companionship and a place to come
March, when a co-worker was exposed to COVID-19              to laugh,” Blake says. “We’re friends and we just want
and iHeartMedia Cleveland closed its studios for             our listeners to feel that way too.”
cleaning, Blake joined Wazz in his basement for two
days to assist with WGAR’s morning show.                     Listeners are responding. As PD, Blake says she is
                                                             especially proud that in Q1 of 2021 the show was No. 3
At first, Blake filled in for Sommers, who stayed home       with persons 25-54, No. 2 with persons 18-49 and No.
with a newly adopted daughter over concern for her           1 with persons 18-34.
health. When Sommers requested a schedule change
for family reasons, she and Blake swapped shifts,            “I couldn’t ask for anything better,” she says. “We were
making Blake’s dream of hosting a morning show a             top three in every demo that’s predominant in country
reality.                                                     music. … I’m proud of the product that we’re putting
5 | MAY 24, 2021                                                                    CountryInsider.com
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
                                                     AIRPLAY   RETENTION   CALL OUT   AUDIO   POWER SALES   COMPOSITE

 1   Made For You
     JAKE OWEN - Big Loud
                                                        2         3           5         4         7            1

 2   Forever After All
     LUKE COMBS - River House/Columbia Nash
                                                        4         17          1         1         2            2

 3   Breaking Up Was Easy In The...
     SAM HUNT - MCA Nashville
                                                        3         13          2         3         8            3

4    Hell Of A View
     ERIC CHURCH - EMI Nashville
                                                        1         2          17         2         5            4

 5   Famous Friends
                                                        6         11          4         14        6            5

 6   One Too Many
     KEITH URBAN WITH P!NK - RCA/Capitol Nashville
                                                        13        x          16         10        9            6

 7   Settling Down
     MIRANDA LAMBERT - RCA Nashville
                                                        9         6          32         6         10           7

8    Glad You Exist
     DAN + SHAY - Warner/WAR
                                                        15        19          6         7         13           8

 9   Gone
     DIERKS BENTLEY - Capitol Nashville
                                                        7         4           3         12        27           9

10   Blame It On You
     JASON ALDEAN - Macon Music/Broken Bow
                                                        10        10         10         21        19          10

                                                     N`EAST    MID WEST     WEST      SOUTH

 1   Forever After All
     Combs, Luke
                                                        2          1          2         4

 2   Breaking Up Was Easy In The 90'S
     Hunt, Sam
                                                        5         3           1         1

 3   Gone
     Bentley, Dierks
                                                        12        4           4         15

4    Famous Friends
     Young, Chris & Kane Brown
                                                        8         2           3        34

 5   Made For You
     Owen, Jake
                                                        1         7           9         21

 6   Glad You Exist
     Dan + Shay
                                                        9         10         12         2

 7   Waves
     Bryan, Luke
                                                        7         5           5         29

8    How They Remember You
     Rascal Flatts
                                                        10        8          10         14

 9   Nobody
     Scott, Dylan
                                                        3         6           11        41

10   Blame It On You
     Aldean, Jason
                                                        14        14          6         17

                                                     AIRPLAY   COMPOSITE

     31 - Lil Bit
                                                       50         19

     17 - Chasing After You
                                                       29         12

     17 - Villain
                                                       48         31

     16 - Knowing You
                                                        31        15

     12 - Half Of My Hometown f/KChesney
                                                        41        29

     10 - You Should Probably Leave
                                                       46         36

     8 - How They Remember You
                                                       38         30

     7 - One Too Many
                                                        13        6

 9   DAN + SHAY
     7 - Glad You Exist
                                                        15        8

     6 - Wine, Beer, Whiskey
                                                       26         20
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
2021 Songs of Summer.                         (Continued from page 4)
Kelsey Schuler, content director and MD at Alpha              Dave Parker, PD at Sinclair Communications “US
Media KGNC Amarillo, TX (97.9), understands that              106.1” WUSH Norfolk, VA, is always one to look
some of this summer’s highlights will come from               beyond the Mediabase charts. So he knows most
creations that began last year when songwriters               of those stations still aren’t playing an artist that will
                              and everybody else found        factor heavily into fans’ summertime listening.
                              themselves homebound.
                              That’s why she thinks           “Despite his implosion on country radio, Morgan
                              Thomas Rhett’s “Country         Wallen will still have
                              Again” will resonate with       some of the most listened
                              listeners well beyond           to music this summer,
                              Labor Day.                      especially with “Sand in
                                                              My Boots,” “Wasted on
                              “It really encompasses the      You” and “7 Summers,’”
                              feeling of learning to slow     Parker says.
down and appreciate the small things I think we
all got in the last year,” she says. “Toward the end          “Getting away from what
of the song he says, ‘I traded sunsets with my wife           the panel plays is where
for hours on my phone/And even when I was right               you’ll find some great
beside her, I still wasn’t really home.’ But this crazy       summer soundtrack songs by Hailey Whitters —
year we’ve all been through has taught us all to              ‘Fillin’ My Cup’ and ‘Glad to Be Here’ — as well as
unplug and take the time with our family, because             Drew Parker’s ‘Party in the Back.’ Then there are the
there may not be a tomorrow. It’s such a great song           Koe Wetzels of the world, to use him as an example,
that I hope will remind us all to appreciate the small        who will be featured on far more personal playlists
things even for years to come.”                               than there are PDs and label executives.”

7 | MAY 24, 2021                                                                     CountryInsider.com
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
Mike O’Malley: Don’t Be A Bystander In Your Own Show.
If we’ve ever talked about on-air performance, you’ve        Trailer Band is coming up, my response is “So what?
likely heard me use the phrase, “Don’t be a bystander        You play their music 10 times a day.” Same for that
in your own show.” That simple phrase has far-               “sign up to win” promo that I’ve heard so many times
reaching applications and impact.                            I know it by heart. See? No fear. No reason to keep
Whether you’re talent or charged with coaching
talent, not being a bystander in your own show               However, if you promise to share something that
is critically important. “Bystanders” are invisible,         matters to me, something I haven’t heard before, and
especially compared to “Initiators.” In radio, of course,    you create a powerful enticement for me to listen
invisibility is a ratings or even a career killer.           that convinces me I would regret tuning away, then
                                                             you’ve introduced FOMO.
4 Ways to Not Be a Bystander in Your Own
Show                                                         A bystander relies on artists, songwriters and liners to
                                                             provide the content. An initiator takes creative control
Let’s look at four ways to turn Bystanders into              of their show.
                                                             4. Realize the “true” length of your show.
1. Study your “Hit-to-Whiff” ratio for every show.
Then improve it by replacing one whiff with one hit          Just how long is that show?
each day for a month.
                                                             The Bystander sees the show as three to six hours
Whiffs are breaks that ask listeners to do something         long. As such, urgency isn’t a priority because there
(go to our website, sign up, volunteer, etc.) that favors    are many opportunities throughout the show to do
facts over feelings or that fails to engage listeners in a   something that will connect.
personal way.
                                                             The Initiator, however, realizes a show is only about
Hits are the opposite. These breaks have strong              15 minutes long – the arguable length of a listening
engagement, entertainment or “must-hear” value.              session. Urgency is essential because of the limited
They’re shareable. They support the listener’s               opportunities this short time frame permits.
decision to have tuned in.
                                                             Risky Business.
2. Increase your personal brand reveals.
                                                             Sure, it’s daunting to willingly take creative risks,
Talent that reveal little of themselves have a tenuous       show vulnerabilities, share thoughts and let listeners
(at best) connection with listeners. This weak               “see the real you.” The reward, however, is an ever-
connection makes earning “valued friend status”              increasing loyal base of fans and repeat listeners.
with listeners near impossible. That’s a big problem
because, as A&O&B sees each year in our online               For the love of Pete, why would anyone want to be a
“Roadmap” studies, “DJs that are like my friends” is         bystander in their own show? — Mike O’Malley
always near the top of core listener “wants.”
                                                             Mike O’Malley is co-founder of Albright & O’Malley &
On the other hand are the revealers, talent that             Brenner and has consulted country radio stations in
consistently share their lives – both the highs              the US and Canada since 1992. Immediately before
and lows – on their shows. This isn’t talking                consulting, Mike launched WYNY, New York City,
about yourself. It’s letting listeners see their own         as a country station and
lives through your words. It’s a first step toward           programmed it for five
establishing a friendship. Listeners often know as           years. His PD background
much (or almost as much) about the talent as they do         includes country stations
their best friends. As such, they are far more likely to     in Washington, DC, and
make spending time with this type of talent a priority.      Jacksonville, FL. Mike is
                                                             a 2018 inductee into the
3. Induce FOMO.                                              Country Radio Hall of Fame.
When talking about the Fear of Missing Out, Fear is          Reach him at
the keyword. If you tell me the Redneck Airstream            Mike@AandOandB.com

8 | MAY 24, 2021                                                                   CountryInsider.com
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
Clockwise from top: Lee Brice (l) sang “I Don’t Dance” as the first dance for Brian
      Parker and singer Jillian Cararelli’s wedding. Also pictured: Charles Esten (r).
                Kacey Musgraves appears on the cover of Elle magazine.
   Arista Nashville’s Adam Doleac (c) receives a gold plaque for the album “Famous.”
                    Thomas Rhett plays Billy Bob’s Texas in Fort Worth.
Caitlyn Smith (c) visits with Audacy West Coasters at San Diego’s The Holding Company.
  WTGE PM host Brittany Rose with singer Drew Parker and WTGE MD Abby Leigh at
                         Lamar Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales, LA.
  Clay Walker visits virtually with Westwood One. Also pictured, from top: Show Dog
Nashville’s Teddi Bonadies, Westwood One’s Penny Mitchell, George King and Nick Fox.

                                         Reach The Country Insider Staff:
         Managing Editor Brian Mansfield, Editor Annie Reuter, Columnist Beverly Keel, Sales: Karen Rogers
9 | MAY 24, 2021                                                                         CountryInsider.com
What Will Be Country Music's Songs Of Summer 2021? - Bitly
ARTISTS                                 The series, “National Parks,” will
                                        premiere in 2022 on the channel.
                                                                                                ruck march on
                                                                                                Thursday, May
Brad Paisley teams with Dale            “Our National Parks are truly                           27, starting at
Earnhardt Jr. to welcome                an amazing gift,” Brooks said                           his grave in Mt.
NASCAR’s return to Nashville. The       in a release. “The land is what                         Juliet, TN. The
pair will star in an NBC Sports         defines us. The land is what tells                      Charlie Daniels
national promotional campaign           the American story. It is such an                       Journey Home
launching on Sunday, May 30             honor and I’m so excited to be a        Project and Shepherd’s Men will
                  as part of NBC        part of this series – a series that     honor founder Daniels while
                  Sports’ coverage      celebrates all our heritage.”           bringing awareness to veteran
                  of the 105th                                                  suicides. The Mt. Juliet stop will
                  running of the                                                have participants strapping on
                  Indianapolis 500.                                             83 pounds of weight to represent
                  “I’m so excited                                               Daniels’ 83 years of life. “Veteran
                  that NASCAR                                                   suicides were a critical concern to
                  is returning to                                               Charlie,” TCDJHP Co-Founder and
Nashville – after 37 long years,”                                               Daniels’ longtime manager David
Paisley said in a release. “I get to                                            Corlew said in a release.
kick off the 2021 NASCAR season
by hosting the NBC Sports’ pre-                                                 Sheryl Crow will release a new
race coverage with my buddy Dale        Florida Georgia Line will perform       song every two weeks ahead
Jr.”                                    “Always Gonna Love You” on              of her “Live From the Ryman &
                                        “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on           More” album, available Aug. 13 via
Carly Pearce, Tim McGraw,               Tuesday (check listings for air         The Valory Music Co. The project
Miranda Lambert, Brantley               times). The song is featured on         was recorded over five nights
Gilbert, Rascal Flatts’ Gary            their fifth studio album, “Life Rolls                      at Nashville’s
LeVox, Luke Combs and                   On,” and was written by FGL’s                              Ryman
Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler            Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley                             Auditorium,
Hubbard contribute songs to the         with Ross Copperman, Corey                                 Los Angeles’
soundtrack of Netflix’s “The Ice        Crowder and Michael Hardy.                                 Ace Theatre
Road.” The soundtrack, available        The duo recently announced its                             and Newport
                 June 25, will be       Encore Drive-In Nights concert                             Folk Festival in
                 released via Big       scheduled for June 12 throughout                           Rhode Island.
                 Machine Label          the U.S.                                Guests on the 27-song project
                 Group. “Musicians                                              include Brandi Carlile, Emmylou
                 live the road life,”   Justin Moore lends his vocals           Harris, Jason Isbell, Maren Morris,
                 BMLG Founder/          to CreatiVets’ latest release,          Natalie Hemby, Amanda Shires
                 Chairman Scott         “Heroes.” The song, made                and Stevie Nicks.
                 Borchetta said in a    available this past Thursday, is
release. “They know the freedom,        the latest track from the nonprofit     Collin Raye has been named
the speed, the gone and the get         that empowers wounded                   celebrity spokesperson for Smoke
there – and every single artist                           veterans.             Baum Pellet Grills, a smoker
on this soundtrack understands                            CreatiVets            company that uses WiFi, Bluetooth
exactly why these songs have                              releases a new        and remote-control technology for
such enduring appeal.” The action                         song on the 20th      safe and easy outdoor cooking.
thriller about an ice road driver                         of each month                          “These smokers
starring Liam Neeson premieres                            in tribute to the                      are revolutionary
on Netflix on June 25.                                    20 veterans that                       in how easy they
                                                          commit suicide                         are to operate
Garth Brooks partners with              every day. Big Machine Label                             and in the quality
              National                  Group contributes to CreatiVets’                         of the food they
              Geographic to             operational initiatives through                          deliver,” Raye
              narrate and               Scott and Sandi Borchetta’s Music                        said in a release.
              executive produce         Has Value Fund and Big Machine          “I’m looking forward to helping
              a 10-part series          Music.                                  promote these incredible products
              on America’s                                                      and letting folks know how truly
              national parks.           The late Charlie Daniels will           special they are.”
                                        be honored with a 15-mile
10 | MAY 24, 2021                                                                 CountryInsider.com
RADIO                                  member of the Country Radio
                                       Broadcaster Board of Directors,
                                                                            the stations. Hodgins’ Alexandra
                                                                            Communications also owns five
Veteran programmer Fletcher            Burke spent a decade as PD at        stations in Walla Walla, WA.
Keyes joins Troy Research as           KYGO Denver.
Director of Development. Keyes                                              Polly Wogg, morning co-host and
reunites with TroyResearch             Billy Jenkins joins Townsquare       digital manager at Townsquare
President Jonathan Little, having      Media KNUE Tyler, TX (101.5) as      Media “Big Frog 104” WFRG
worked together previously at          brand manager and director/          Utica, NY, has been named small-
                 WZEE, WMMM            content & country at the cluster.    market outstanding social media
                 and WOLX in                           “I’m very excited    personality at the New York
                 Madison. “It’s                        to join the very     State Broadcasters Association’s
                 great to have                         talented staff                      2021 Excellence
                 another person                        that is currently                   In Broadcasting
                 who knows and                         in place in Tyler,                  Awards. Wogg, aka
                 loves radio joining                   Texas,” he tells                    Stacey McAdams,
                 my team,” Little                      Country Insider.                    manages the
said in a release. “Fletch has been                    Jenkins, who fills                  station’s website
a ratings winner as a morning          the positions following the late                    and social media
jock and program director, and         John Roberts passing last year,                     channels, a role
he knows research. He shares my        comes from sister KEKB Grand         that includes appearing in a
commitment to helping radio be         Junction, CO where he served as      popular Facebook video series
the best it can be.”                   morning host and PD as well as       called “Cooking With Polly.”
                                       OM at the cluster.
The Independent Broadcasters                                                Maryland Media One flips
Association has teamed with            Bold Gold Media Group “Thunder       two recently acquired “Carolina
The 29 Group to create the             102 & 104.5” WDNB/WHNB               Country” stations in the Myrtle
syndicated “Chad & Meg” show for                                            Beach, SC, market — WMIR-FM
IBA members. The show features                                              Conway-Myrtle Beach (93.9) and
                 format vets Chad                                           WYAY Bolivia-Wilmington, NC
                 Brock, a former                                            (106.3) — to a simulcast “Carolina
                 country artist                                                              Gold” classic
                 and morning                                                                 format. Steve
                 personality at        Monticello, NY, raised $55,358                        Clendenin’s
                 then-CBS WQYK         with its 10th annual Country                          Maryland Media
                 Tampa, FL             Cares for St. Jude Kids radiothon.                    One, which also
                 (99.5) and Meg        The radiothon was held over 26                        owns “Gold”-
Butterly, a one-time morning           hours May 14 and 15. The station                      branded stations
host at iHeartMedia “96.9 The          has raised more than $550,000 in     in Maryland and Pennsylvania,
Kat” WKKT Charlotte, NC. More          its 10 years of radiothons.          purchased the two stations from
information about the show, which                                           Jeff Andrulonis’ Colonial Radio
                                       Tom Hodgins and Christopher          Group for a combined $900,000.
can be plugged into mornings or        Jacky’s Xana Oregon has filed
afternoons, is available from The      a $395,000 deal to buy country       LKCM Media has merged the
29 Group’s Keith Stover at keith@      “104.5 Hank FM” KNHK and             morning shows for its two
the29group.com.                        regional Mexican “Ke Buena”          “Ranch”-branded stations.
Radio veteran Joel Burke returns       KYOZ (1300) from Legend              Carey Dean and Keith James
to the country format as he joins                         Broadcasting.     from “106.9 The Ranch” KRVF
                Victory Media                             The deal also     Corsicana, TX, join “95.9 The
                KBEY Marble                               includes the      Ranch” KFWR Fort Worth, TX’s
                Falls, TX (103.9)                         Spokane,          Heather Anderson to create
                as Operations                             WA-licensed       “The Morning Fiasco.” Anderson
                Manager. Burke                            translator        had been solo at KFWR since
                most recently                             K239CL at         the dismissal of Justin Frazier in
                spent eight years                         95.7 FM           March following his arrest for
                as PD at First         which at 1,300 feet throws a         sexual assault.
Dallas Media contemporary              city grade signal over Spokane.
Christian KCBI Dallas (90.9),          It simulcasts KYOZ. Hodgins is
exiting in February. A former          currently general manager of
12 | MAY 24, 2021                                                             CountryInsider.com
INDUSTRY                               nominees for the 20th annual
                                       Americana Honors & Awards
                                                                               any box. He’s a quadruple threat
                                                                               with his vocals, world-class
TuneCore has named Becky               via a Facebook livestream on            musicianship, songwriting and
Sebber Chief Financial Officer.        Wednesday (1:30-2:15pm CT,              performing and brings contagious
Sebber, who joins the company          Facebook.com/Ameri­cana­Music           excitement to every session.”
from Conde Nast Entertainment,                           Association)
                 will report to                          from the              “It’s ‘Cause I Am” co-writer
                 TuneCore COO/                           National              Cameron Jaymes has signed
                 Co-Head Matt                            Museum of             a publishing and producer
                 Barrington. “Becky                      African American      development deal with Dann Huff
                 brings with her a                       Music. The            and Sheltered Music Publishing.
                 wealth of knowledge   awards show will take place             “Cameron is one of the bright new
                 and a deep            Wednesday, Sept. 22 at Nashville’s                      talents to descend
understanding of the technology        Ryman Auditorium. The 2020                              on Nashville,” Huff
and music worlds, exactly where        awards show, initially scheduled                        told MusicRow,
TuneCore sits,” Barrington said in     for in-person at the Ryman in                           which announced
a release. “Her experience speaks      September during AmericanaFest,                         the signing. Jaymes
for itself and I’m looking forward     announced its award recipients                          is the first signing
to her leadership as the company       via social media in December due                        under a joint venture
grows.” Sebber will be based at        to COVID-19.                            between Sheltered and Huff.
the company’s headquarters in                                                  Logan Turner has signed an ex­
Brooklyn.                              Big Loud Publishing and Warner
                                       Chappell Music have signed              clusive, worldwide publishing
Phil Guerini, the former VP, Music     Jacob Durrett to a co-publishing        agree­ment with Universal Music
Strategy for Disney Channels           deal. Durrett co-wrote Chris Lane’s     Publishing Nashville. The singer,
Worldwide and GM of Radio              latest No. 1 song “Big, Big Plans,”     guitarist and banjo player is part
Disney Networks, has joined Jonas                      as well as songs by                    of Warner Music
Group Entertainment as its CEO,                        Ernest, MacKenzie                      Nashville duo
effective immediately. Guerini,                        Porter and Devin                       Bexar. “Logan is the
              who will be based in                     Dawson. “Warner                        complete package as
              Nashville, had been                      Chappell have been                     a songwriter/artist/
              with Disney since                        my champions for                       musician/pro­ducer,”
              1992, working across                     five years now, and                    UMPG Nashville
              three divisions and      I couldn’t think of a better addition                  Senior Director A&R
              five businesses. Kevin   to my camp than the amazing             Missy Roberts sa­id in a release. “I’m
Jonas Sr. founded Jonas Group          people at Big Loud,” Durrett said in    constantly blown away by his work
Entertainment in 2005. The             a release. “These two together are      ethic and versatility.”
company houses entertainment,          truly a dream team.”                     Patsy Bruce, the co-writer of
publishing and marketing divisions.                                            “Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies
Ailie Birchfield has departed her                                              Grow Up To Be Cowboys” and
role as Director, Media Marketing                                              “Texas (When I Die),” died May
at Universal Music Group. She has                                              16 at age 81. She and the late Ed
joined Havas as Account Director,                                              Bruce, with whom she wrote those
                Consumer Division                                              songs, were married for more than
                and will be working    Ronnie Bowman renews his                20 years and had three children,
                in brand PR with       global publishing deal with             including songwriter Trey Bruce.
                clients that include   Eclipse Music Group. The hit            They divorced in 1987. Patsy
                Keurig, Dr. Pepper,    songwriter has penned songs for         was a former president of the
                Snapple, Air Wick      Chris Stapleton, Brooks & Dunn          Nashville Songwriters Association
                and Sunbasket. She     and Kenny Chesney. “We are              International and also served as a
will relocate to New York later this   thrilled to continue our journey        casting director on the 1980 film
summer. She can be reached via         with Ronnie at Eclipse,” Eclipse        “Urban Cowboy.” She worked in
ailie.birchfield@havasformula.         Publishing GM Penny Gattis said         event planning during the 80s and
com.                                   in a release. “Ronnie channels          90s and later formed Songbird
                                       a special place when he makes           Tours, a Nashville tour company,
The Americana Music                    music, refusing to write inside         with Trey.
Association will announce the
13 | MAY 24, 2021                                                                CountryInsider.com
MAY 24, 2021
LW    TW    Artist/Title (Label)                                      Total Points +/- Points Total Plays +/- Plays Audience   +/- Aud   6a-7p   %
 3    1      ERIC CHURCH / Hell Of A View (EMI Nashville)              30854        3710       8467        916     39.224      4.463     4356    51

 4    2      LUKE COMBS / Forever After All (River House/Columbia      28896        2703       7796        661     35.163      2.528     3960    51
 1    3      SAM HUNT / Breaking Up Was Easy In The... (MCA            26002        -4629      7053       -1308    35.743      -3.891    3806    54
 5    4      DYLAN SCOTT / Nobody (Curb)                               25561        1874       6972        443     32.676      2.238     3496    50

 6    5      DIERKS BENTLEY / Gone (Capitol Nashville)                 24674        2210       6615        536     33.058      4.023     3439    52

 2    6      JAKE OWEN / Made For You (Big Loud)                       24020        -3736      6766       -952     33.395      -3.229    3696    55

 7    7      CHRIS YOUNG & KANE BROWN / Famous Friends (RCA            22599        1377       6242        423     27.272      1.357     3136    50
 8    8      JORDAN DAVIS / Almost Maybes (MCA Nashville)              20286         433       5625        106     24.214      0.998     2691    48

 9    9      MIRANDA LAMBERT / Settling Down (RCA Nashville)           19419         -12       5344        76      24.389      -0.226    2736    51

 10   10     JASON ALDEAN / Blame It On You (Macon Music/Broken        19387         443       5126        123     24.833      0.863     2648    52
 11   11     COLE SWINDELL / Single Saturday Night (Warner/WMN)        18428        1262       5069        326     21.485      1.004     2388    47

 12   12     BLAKE SHELTON / Minimum Wage (Warner/WMN)                 16561         346       4497        90      20.582      0.499     2149    48

 13   13     KEITH URBAN WITH P!NK / One Too Many (RCA/Capitol         15701         485       4346        146     18.109      0.724     2069    48
 14   14     DAN + SHAY / Glad You Exist (Warner/WAR)                  15340         222       4199        80      17.541      0.419     1905    45

 15   15     TIM MCGRAW & TYLER HUBBARD / Undivided (Big               14141         189       4015        103     15.927      0.162     1828    46
 16   16     JUSTIN MOORE / We Didn't Have Much (Valory)               13906         660       3891        180     16.652      1.112     1684    43

 17   17     LAINEY WILSON / Things A Man Oughta Know (Broken Bow)     12768         108       3605        59      13.862      0.029     1593    44

 19   18     THOMAS RHETT / Country Again (Valory)                     12657         768       3552        262     14.733      0.745     1668    47

 18   19     CARLY PEARCE / Next Girl (Big Machine)                    12191         172       3491        57      13.277      1.335     1286    37

 20   20     CHASE RICE F/F.G.L. / Drinkin' Beer Talkin' God Amen      11972         697       3161        231     13.987      1.243     1354    43
             (Dack Janiels/BBR-BMLG)
 21   21     LUKE BRYAN / Waves (Capitol Nashville)                    11218         722       3118        215     13.201      0.909     1408    45

 22   22     ELVIE SHANE / My Boy (Wheelhouse)                          9464         195       2732        58       9.574      0.018     1028    38

 23   23     SCOTTY MCCREERY / You Time (Triple Tigers)                 8328         481       2313        92       9.247      1.161     831     36

 24   24     KANE BROWN / Worship You (RCA Nashville)                   7818         310       2083        91        7.7       0.431     662     32

 26   25     LEE BRICE / Memory I Don't Mess With (Curb)                7308         461       2000        128      8.439      0.876     533     27

14 | MAY 24, 2021CountryInsider.com/Newsletters                                                                        AUGUST 7, 2020 | 1
MAY 24, 2021
 LW   TW    Artist/Title (Label)                                         Total Points +/- Points Total Plays +/- Plays Audience   +/- Aud   6a-7p   %
 25   26     GARTH BROOKS & TRISHA YEARWOOD / Shallow (Pearl)              7143          82       1922        23       6.762      0.653     789     41

 27   27     JAMESON RODGERS / Cold Beer Calling...f/L. Combs (River       6776         239       1747        114       6.64      -0.013    648     37
             House/Columbia Nash)
 28   28     LADY A / Like A Lady (BMLG)                                   6507          -2       1746        62       6.627      -0.104    504     29

 33   29     RYAN HURD W/MAREN MORRIS / Chasing After You                  6122         583       1626        145      5.947      0.376     434     27
             (Arista Nashville)
      30     OLD DOMINION / I Was On A Boat That Day (Arista               6065        6065       1613       1613      8.243      8.243     1058    66
 30   31     KENNY CHESNEY / Knowing You (Blue Chair/Warner/WEA)           6020         300       1649        86       6.147      -0.016    497     30

 29   32     LITTLE BIG TOWN / Wine, Beer, Whiskey (Capitol                5739         -122      1630        -45      3.205      -0.162    293     18
 31   33     PRISCILLA BLOCK / Just About Over You (Mercury                5676         109       1480        26       5.672      -0.424    377     25
 32   34     JIMMIE ALLEN & BRAD PAISLEY / Freedom Was A                   5623          59       1551        27       5.733      0.701     390     25
             Highway (Stoney Creek)
 34   35     RUSSELL DICKERSON / Home Sweet (Triple Tigers)                4685         279       1240        87       5.648      0.799     340     27

 35   36     MICHAEL RAY / Whiskey And Rain (Warner/WEA)                   4481         322       1203        77       5.002      0.756     327     27

 36   37     JON PARDI / Tequila Little Time (Capitol Nashville)           4188         126       1133        38       4.172      0.292     298     26

 37   38     INGRID ANDRESS / Lady Like (Warner/WEA)                       4109         213       1119        77       3.313      0.021     301     27

 39   39     PARKER MCCOLLUM / To Be Loved By You (MCA Nashville)          3358         -80        813        29       3.138      -0.34     170     21

 41   40     HARDY / Give Heaven Some Hell (Big Loud)                      3196          31        891         1       2.176      0.035     172     19

 44   41     CALLISTA CLARK / It's 'Cause I Am (Big Machine)               3079         461        837        96       1.962      0.379     141     17

 43   42     MATT STELL / That Ain't Me No More (Arista Nashville/         2778         -62        804         3       2.025      -0.05     185     23
 40   43     CHRIS JANSON / Waitin' On 5 (Warner/WAR)                      2754         -429       786       -121      2.084      -0.158    163     21
 45   44     KELSEA BALLERINI / Half Of My Hometown f/KChesney             2666         124        792        41       2.402      0.417     206     26
             (Black River Entertainment)
 47   45     LAUREN ALAINA / Getting Over Him w/Jon Pardi (Mercury         2562         177        743        61       1.633      0.061     122     16
 49   46     DUSTIN LYNCH / Thinking 'Bout You f/M. Porter (Broken         2489         326        666        106      1.453      0.075     143     21
 46   47     BRETT YOUNG / Not Yet (BMLG)                                  2488          79        657        31       1.378      -0.087    128     19

 42   48     LOCASH / Beers To Catch Up On (Wheelhouse)                    2412         -534       719       -138      1.374      -0.308    121     17
 48   49     RILEY GREEN / If It Wasn't For Trucks (BMLG)                  2166          -9        672         3       1.239      0.07      148     22

 50   50     CLAY WALKER / Need A Bar Sometimes (Show Dog                  2022          56        662        12       1.066      -0.029     94     14

15 | MAY 24, 2021CountryInsider.com/Newsletters                                                                           AUGUST 7, 2020 | 1
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