What Sounds "Right" to Me? Experiential Factors in the Perception of Political Ideology - ACL Anthology
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What Sounds “Right” to Me? Experiential Factors in the Perception of Political Ideology Qinlan Shen Carolyn P. Rosé Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University qinlans@cs.cmu.edu cprose@cs.cmu.edu Abstract Zhou et al., 2011). The relationship between a so- cial media artifact and various forms of established In this paper, we challenge the assumption political knowledge can also be used to ground or that political ideology is inherently built into validate ideology labels. Some examples of this text by presenting an investigation into the im- include using author interactions with politicians pact of experiential factors on annotator per- ceptions of political ideology. We construct with known party affiliations (Djemili et al., 2014; an annotated corpus of U.S. political discus- Barberá, 2015), ideological communities (Chan- sion, where in addition to ideology labels for drasekharan et al., 2017; Shen and Rosé, 2019), texts, annotators provide information about and central users (Pennacchiotti and Popescu, 2011; their political affiliation, exposure to politi- Preotiuc-Pietro et al., 2017) as a starting heuristic, cal news, and familiarity with the source do- or evaluating a labeling approach by comparing main of discussion, Reddit. We investigate geolocation tags attached to posts with historical the variability in ideology judgments across annotators, finding evidence that these experi- voting patterns (Demszky et al., 2019). ential factors may influence the consistency of A limitation of these approaches, however, is how political ideologies are perceived. Finally, that behavior on social media does not evenly or we present evidence that understanding how uniformly reflect the held political beliefs of par- humans perceive and interpret ideology from ticipants. While there is evidence that people tend texts remains a challenging task for state-of- to engage with others who share similar beliefs the-art language models, pointing towards po- (Halberstam and Knight, 2016), people also com- tential issues when modeling user experiences monly interact with or even seek out communi- that may require more contextual knowledge. ties and users they do not agree with (Kelly et al., 1 Introduction 2005; Tan et al., 2016). Additionally, the practice of displaying one’s political beliefs, which many Social media companies, like Twitter, Facebook, grounding techniques rely on, varies in prevalence and Reddit, play an important role in political dis- across online communities (Lampe et al., 2007; course by providing a space for users to interact Zhong et al., 2017; Pathak, 2020). The concept with different viewpoints. Understanding political of linguistic agency (Goffman et al., 1978) also discussion on these platforms often requires one to challenges the idea that individual factors, such as identify the ideologies behind texts, as understand- ideology, are predictably presented in text. Based ing the viewpoints reflected in a text can provide on an author’s social goals for participating in po- insight into the partisanship of beliefs (Monroe litical discussion, it may not be contextually rele- et al., 2008) or the persuasive strategies used by vant to project a strong impression of their political different ideological groups (Tsur et al., 2015). ideology. People engaged in interactive political Prior research on political discussion often relies discussion, however, still form perceptions about on a ”ground-truth” to aid in obtaining ideology la- the alignments of others based on how they sound, bels for social media data. For example, due to the often relying on their own conceptions of ideology scale of political content on social media, a com- in the process. mon paradigm is to obtain some ground-truth labels The issue of perceiving ideology also plays a that are propagated to a larger set of texts using role when ideology labels are obtained using crowd- semi-supervised learning (Lin and Cohen, 2010; sourced annotators. While making judgments, the 1762 Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1762–1771 April 19 - 23, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
annotator plays a similar role to a user participating political candidates, organizations, and issues. For in the discussion when perceiving the ideology of our analyses, we aim to label political distinctions the speaker behind a text. However, annotators are on Reddit along the left-right political spectrum in expected to assign an explicit ideology label to a U.S. politics. Using the monthly dumps from May text with less contextual knowledge about how the to September 2019 from the Reddit Pushshift API text was produced. Thus, annotators may rely heav- (Baumgartner et al., 2020), we collect all submis- ily on their own experiential factors, such as one’s sions and comments from the top political subred- own beliefs or level of political engagement, when dits2 by subscriber count. The collected subreddits considering ideology. As a result, this process may were manually labeled as left or right, based on the introduce inconsistencies and biases in ideological subreddit description and top posts. We then select labels used for political analysis. the top 12 left and top 12 right subreddits from In this paper, we present an exploration of how the monthly dumps where discussion is primarily experiential factors play a role in how annotators focused on U.S. politics.3 The selected subreddits perceive ideology in text. Building upon prior work are shown in Table 3 (Supplementary Material). investigating annotation bias (Zaidan and Callison- Burch, 2011; Waseem, 2016; Joseph et al., 2017; 2.1 Paired Ideology Ranking Task Ross et al., 2017; Schwartz et al., 2017; Geva et al., Prior work on annotating viewpoints (Iyyer 2019), we construct an annotated corpus of posts et al., 2014; Bamman and Smith, 2015) generally from political subcommunities on Reddit but in- presents annotators with texts in isolation to label corporate additional contextual information about with an ideology of interest. One drawback of this the annotators making ideology judgments.1 While approach is the high degree of political expertise previous work (Joseph et al., 2017) has shown that annotators are required to have to recognize that a source-side contextual features, such as user pro- text matches an ideology. To reduce the amount of files and previous tweets, can influence label qual- overhead in recruiting and training political anno- ity in stance annotation, we focus our analyses on tators, we present annotators instead with a paired contextual factors on the side of annotators. Most ideology ranking task. Rather than examining texts similar to our work, Carpenter et al. (2017) and in isolation, annotators are shown two texts and Carpenter et al. (2018) examine the impact of an asked to select the text that is more likely to be annotator’s identity and openness on their ability to authored by someone with the ideology of interest. accurately assess author attributes, including politi- For our setup, our goal is to pair a text authored cal orientation. In our work, however, we examine by a left-leaning user with one by a right-leaning the impact of an annotator’s political beliefs, knowl- user. We use a heuristic-based semi-supervised edge, and Reddit familiarity, on their judgments, approach to label texts based on the subreddit par- using factors more specific to political participation ticipation patterns of their authors. To expand the on Reddit. We additionally consider the issue of set of subreddits with ideological labels, we label annotator bias in ideology labeling not as an issue all subreddits in the monthly dump data as left, of accuracy but rather an issue of social variabil- neutral, or right based on user overlap with the 24 ity. Under this view, we evaluate the performance political subreddits with a known ideological slant of a state-of-the-art language model on its capac- (Section 2). For each subreddit, we calculate the ity to mirror different human perceptions of ide- z-score of the log odds ratio of a user participating ology to examine whether extralinguistic factors in that subreddit and a known left-leaning subreddit introduced through annotation may degrade model vs. a right-leaning subreddit. A subreddit is labeled performance compared to other labels. as either “left” or “right” if the calculated z-score satisfies a one-tailed Z test at p = 0.05 in the corre- 2 Dataset Construction sponding direction or “neutral” otherwise. Authors Our dataset is drawn from the popular content ag- are then labeled based on their distribution of par- gregation and discussion platform Reddit. Politi- ticipation on the left vs. right subreddits. While cal discussion on Reddit is centered on subreddits, 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/redditlists/ subcommunities centered on support for specific comments/josdr/list_of_political_ subreddits/ 1 3 This study was approved by the institutional review board r/politics was not included due to its initial history as a at our institution. default subreddit contributing to its high subscriber count. 1763
users on Reddit have been shown to primarily en- tors for what cues to consider, we train workers to gage with pro-social home communities (Datta and consider the following features in the instructions: Adar, 2019) and similar heuristics have been used • Attitude: evaluation in favor of or against an in prior work as an indicator of user interests and/or entity. Ex: I trust Bernie from someone who ideology (Olson and Neal, 2015; Chandrasekharan favors Bernie Sanders (left). et al., 2017; Shen and Rosé, 2019), we empha- size that we use this heuristic to create a basis of • Positioning: situating one’s viewpoint with comparison, rather than assuming that it provides respect to the entity’s. Ex: Listen to the Dems “correct” ideology labels. refers to Democrats as an out-group (right). In order to ensure that the text comparison • Jargon: use of speciality in-group vocab. Ex: helps annotators to perceive ideological differences, Trump GEOTUS! – “God-Emperor” abbrevia- rather than presenting two unrelated texts that are tion specific to Trump supporters (right). essentially considered in isolation, we want to The annotation task is shown in Figure 1 (Sup- present paired texts that are similar in content. As plementary Material). Each worker was asked to a first step for generating comparisons with simi- annotate 18 pairs from our main task set and 8 lar content, we require paired texts to discuss the screening questions, which were scattered through- same entity, since political discussions are primar- out the assignment as an attention check. For each ily centered on the politicians, organizations, and main task pair, we assign up to 5 workers for an- geopolitical entities influencing policy decisions. notation. We restrict the worker pool to the U.S. To identify entities of interest, we use Stanford and filter out workers who scored less than a 75% Core NLP (Manning et al., 2014) to extract oc- on the screening questions. Overall, we collect currences of people, locations, organizations, and annotations for 630 non-screening pairs. ideologies over our corpus of 24 subreddits. We limit entities under consideration to those that have 2.3 Annotator Background Post-Survey occurred at least 300 times in our corpus and are After the annotation task, workers were asked to easy to disambiguate. The considered entities are complete a survey (questions listed in Supplemen- shown in Table 4 (Supplementary Material). tary Material A) to assess their political affiliation, To limit the impact of confounds, such as topic exposure to U.S. political news, and familiarity or entity salience, when comparing texts with the with political discussion on Reddit. Answers to the same entity, we use propensity score matching survey were inspected manually to assign annota- (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983) to match each left- tors labels along three identifier categories: aligned text with a right-aligned text that discusses • Political ideology: This category indicates the same entity in a similar context. A subset of the annotator’s political ideology. Annotators 65 pairs was manually curated to use as screen- are labeled as left, center, or right based on ing questions to ensure that workers had a baseline their self-identified ideology and affiliation knowledge of U.S. politics. These screening pairs with U.S. political parties. were selected to be easier than the main task pairs – they are more limited in which entities discussed • News access: This category indicates the an- and express more explicit and/or extreme attitudes. notator’s exposure to political news. Annota- tors are labeled as news or non-news based on 2.2 Annotation Task Details how frequently they access news on the 2020 U.S. presidential election. We recruit workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk to complete our paired ideological ranking task. • Reddit familiarity: This category indicates Given a pair of texts discussing the same high- the annotator’s familiarity with participation lighted political entity, we ask annotators to deter- in political discussion on Reddit. Annotators mine which of the two posts is more likely to have are labeled as a redditor or a non-redditor been written by someone who is either left-leaning based on their level of participation on Reddit or right-leaning. Annotators were instructed to use in the past year. Redditors are further subdi- as many contextual cues as possible to form an im- vided into political and non-political redditors pression of the political views held by the authors based on their familiarity with the political of the texts. To provide some guidance to annota- subreddits included in our corpus. 1764
# workers α people who do not identify with the left or right (α = 0.325) – have lower agreement. This sug- Overall - 158 0.388 gests that familiarity with the norms of political left 89 0.427 discussion on Reddit may contribute to a more con- Ideology right 43 0.372 sistent perception of ideology for Reddit texts. center 26 0.325 We additionally use McNemar’s chi-squared test news 126 0.393 over pairwise comparisons of annotator groups un- News der the same category to examine whether anno- non-news 32 0.336 tators with different backgrounds differ in their redditor 114 0.393 judgments. To ground the comparison, we evaluate –political 86 0.389 annotator groups based on whether the majority Reddit –non-political 28 0.430 of workers in the group gave the same answer as non-redditor 44 0.359 our semi-supervised labels (Section 2.1). Because these semi-supervised labels only provide a noisy Table 1: Number of workers and Krippendorff’s α estimate of ideology, we use these labels to cre- agreement within the annotator groups over the full non-screening set. Agreement over other question sets ate a basis of comparison. Rather than to check can be found in Table 5 (Supplementary Material) how “accurately” each group estimates ideology, this heuristic allows us to specifically quantify dif- ferences in judgments between groups. We find 3 Dataset Statistics and Analysis that for all comparison pairs, groups differ signif- 3.1 Annotator Demographics icantly in their answers over the same questions. In our pairwise comparisons, we also saw that the Of the 180 recruited workers initially recruited for ideology of the annotator contributes heavily to the task, 22 were discarded for answering fewer variability in annotator judgments. The two groups than 75% of the screening questions correctly, giv- with the highest percentage of questions with mis- ing us a final pool of 158 annotators. Table 1 il- matched answers are left-leaning and right-leaning lustrates the distribution of the remaining workers annotators, and 3 of the top 4 comparison pairs across labels within the three categories. Labels with the most mismatched answers are between across categories do not appear to be correlated ideology groups (Supplementary Material Table 6). (mean variance inflation factor = 1.043). 3.2 Agreement/Difference Results 3.3 Sources of Variability We use Krippendorf’s α (Krippendorff, 2004) to To examine possible explanations for the variabil- evaluate annotator agreement on our task to account ity in annotator judgments across groups, we fo- for different user pools for each question. Despite a cus primarily on differences in judgments between high degree of agreement across the pool of screen- left-leaning and right-leaning annotators. When ing questions (α = 0.7311), the overall agreement examining differences at the entity-level, we find across annotators in our general, non-screening set that the entities with the most mismatches tended to is relatively low (α = 0.3878), suggesting that the be highly visible entities that had a strong connec- task of predicting the ideology of a text is nuanced tion to a particular party during the 2020 election, and open to interpretation. such as highly visible political figures (e.g. Joe We also calculate agreement for workers within Biden, Nancy Pelosi) or the most common ideolo- each of our annotator groups (Table 1) in order gies associated with each side (e.g. Republican to examine whether annotators with similar back- Party, conservatism, liberalism), compared to less grounds are more likely to perceive ideology simi- salient entities. This is unsurprising, as we expect larly. Overall, in-group agreement remains around people to develop different conceptions of salient the same level as the general task. However, an entities building up to major events like elections, interesting pattern across annotator labels is that even with relatively limited media exposure. workers who are less likely to be familiar with Finally, to investigate what aspects of the posts the expression of political ideology on Reddit – themselves contributed to variations in judgments non-redditors (α = 0.359), people who do not between left-leaning and right-leaning workers, we frequently read political news (α = 0.336), and ran a salience (Monroe et al., 2008) analysis for 1765
mismatched question pairs with highly visible enti- SS (F) H (F) SS (C) H (C) ties. We found that annotators were less likely to Overall 69.28* 56.82 70.16* 58.62 select a post that expresses explicit abuse towards an opposing entity as being authored by someone left 68.60* 60.13 69.75* 63.00 with the same political views as themselves. For right 65.97* 53.41 69.51* 56.49 example, a right-leaning annotator was less likely center 63.81* 52.58 70.41* 60.27 to consider a post calling Biden a “pedophile” as news 67.48* 57.43 68.86* 59.43 right-leaning compared to liberal annotator. This non-news 66.01* 54.03 67.89 63.27 may suggest that social desirability bias (Krumpal, 2013), may have an impact on decision-making, redditor 70.89* 57.65 69.46* 59.95 even when the task is not directly related to collect- –political 70.59* 57.25 67.90* 59.01 ing data about the annotator themselves. –non-political 69.62* 57.01 72.63* 58.57 non-redditor 65.89* 51.65 64.06* 55.49 4 Perceptions vs. Heuristic Labels Table 2: F1 scores for a BERT-based ranking model on Prior work (Castelle, 2018) suggests that deep text semi-supervised (SS) and human annotator (H) labels classification models perform poorly when labels for the full non-screening set (F) and a high-consensus subset (C). *p < 0.05 difference in performance be- are influenced by extralinguistic contextual factors. tween the semi-supervised and human annotator labels While the semi-supervised labels that we gener- ated are based on a behavioral heuristic outside of the text, our analyses of human judgments suggest bels, suggesting that matching human understand- that the annotation process introduced additional ing of ideology is challenging for these models. interactional factors into ideological labeling. We investigate whether these factors influence model 5 Conclusion and Future Work performance by evaluating a BERT-based (Devlin et al., 2019) model on its ability to match human In this paper, we reconsider the idea of ground- judgments on the paired ideology ranking task. truth labels of political ideology and investigate the impact of experiential factors on human perception For our evaluation model, we finetune BERT- of ideology in text. We construct and analyze an mask on the 24 subreddit corpus. Next, for each annotated corpus that incorporates experiential in- text, we average its contextual embeddings in two formation about annotators, finding evidence that ways: over (a) all tokens in the text and (b) all annotator backgrounds influence the consistency entity-related tokens in the text. We then concate- of political ideology judgments and that current nate the averaged embeddings, then use the result- classification models struggle to match human per- ing vector as input to a pairwise logistic regression ceptions of ideology across different groups. From model. For each annotator group, we use the ma- our analyses on factors contributing to variations jority answer for each question as the group label. in judgments, there is a greater need for targeted Table 2 shows the performance of the model on recruiting of annotators that are familiar with and the full 630 pair non-screening set. For all anno- contextualized to the domain being annotated. In tator groups, we found that the model has a sig- future work, we aim to extend our investigation to nificant drop in performance when asked to match examine how stylistic elements of text contribute to human judgments vs. labels generated through people’s perception of political ideologies in inter- our semi-supervised heuristic on the same dataset. action. These analyses may provide further insight To examine whether this drop in performance was into the effectiveness of political communication due to inconsistencies in human judgments on par- strategies or the differences in how political groups ticularly difficult or contentious distinctions, we interact with in-group and out-group members. additionally present results on a higher consensus subset (α = 0.6216) of 459 text pairs, where at Acknowledgements least 75% of workers select the same answer. We found that while there was a small increase in per- This work was supported in part by NSF Grant IIS formance on matching human judgments on the 1546393 and the K&L Gates Presidential Fellow- high consensus subset for all groups, performance ship. still dropped compared to the semi-supervised la- 1766
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Selected subreddits r/LateStageCapitalism, r/SandersForPresident, r/democrats, r/socialism, r/Liberal, Left r/VoteBlue, r/progressive, r/ChapoTrapHouse, r/neoliberal, r/esist, r/The Mueller, r/The Mueller r/The Donald, r/Libertarian, r/Republican, r/Conservative, r/JordanPeterson, Right r/TheNewRight, r/Anarcho Capitalism, r/conservatives, r/ShitPoliticsSays, r/POLITIC, r/AskTrumpSupporters, r/AskThe Donald Table 3: Selected subreddits included in the construction of the dataset and their ideological alignments. Selected entities Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, People Robert Mueller, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Andrew Yang, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg conservatives/conservatism, liberals/liberalism, libertarians/libertarianism, Ideologies socialists/socialism, capitalists/capitalism Organizations Republican Party/Republicans, Democratic Party/Democrats, Congress Locations Russia Table 4: Selected entities included in the construction of the dataset. Italicized entities are also included in the screening set. Figure 1: Screenshot of a question in the paired ideological annotation task. Annotators are presented with two texts discussing the same highlighted entity in a similar context, one from a left-leaning user and another from a right-leaning user based on a semi-supervised labeling heuristic. Annotators are asked to select which of the two texts is more likely to be authored by someone with the highlighted ideology. 1769
A Survey Questions • Once a week • Several times a week A.1 Political ideology • Once a day 1. Please indicate where you identify on the • Several times a day liberal-conservative spectrum. • Liberal 2. On average, how often have you posted con- tent to Reddit in the past year? • Somewhat liberal • Moderate • Never • Somewhat conservative • Less than once a month • Conservative • A few times a month • I don’t know • Once a week • Several times a week 2. Please indicate how strongly you identify with • Once a day the following U.S. political parties. • Several times a day • Parties – Democratic Party 3. Please indicate your familiarity with the fol- lowing subreddits (listed in Table 3). – Republican Party – Libertarian Party • I have never heard of this subreddit – Green Party • I have heard of but never accessed this – Constitution Party subreddit – Democratic Socialists of America • I have accessed or posted on this subred- – Reform Party dit at least once • Responses • I sometimes access or post on this sub- – I do not identify with this party reddit – Somewhat identify • I often access or post on this subreddit – Identify B Detailed Agreement Results – Strongly identify – I don’t know Agreement A.2 News access F S C 1. On average, how often did you check the news related to the 2020 presidential election in the Overall - 0.388 0.731 0.621 U.S. in the past year? left 0.427 0.632 0.674 • Never Ideology right 0.372 0.638 0.583 center 0.325 0.493 0.609 • Less than once a month • A few times a month news 0.393 0.627 0.622 News • Once a week non-news 0.336 0.638 0.588 • Several times a week redditor 0.393 0.644 0.622 • Once a day –political 0.389 0.641 0.615 Reddit –non-political 0.430 0.582 0.676 • Several times a day non-redditor 0.359 0.586 0.608 A.3 Reddit familiarity Table 5: Krippendorff’s α agreement results for sur- 1. On average, how often have you visited Reddit vey categories for the full non-screening annotated set in the past year? (F), the screening questions (S), and the high-consensus questions subset (C). • Never • Less than once a month • A few times a month 1770
C Mismatch Statistics D Human Judgments vs. Labels Group comparison % mismatch Worker Match left/right 28.15 Overall - 68.53 right/center 26.97 left 70.05 non-political/non-redditor 26.47 Ideology right 67.30 left/center 24.44 center 65.38 right/non-news 23.74 non-political/right 23.17 news 69.24 News news/non-news 22.71 non-news 65.80 non-political/political 22.61 redditor 68.49 non-political/center 21.05 –political 69.03 non-redditor/political 20.40 Reddit –non-political 66.87 non-redditor 68.65 Table 6: Comparison pairs with highest percentage of questions where the majority gave different answers. Table 8: Average percentage of human judgments that match with semi-supervised labels per annotation group. Entity % mismatch libertarians/libertarianism 100.0 Republican Party/Republicans 53.85 Russia 43.75 conservatives/conservatism 42.86 Hillary Clinton 39.13 Joe Biden 38.89 Nancy Pelosi 36.36 liberals/liberalism 31.81 Robert Mueller 28.57 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 26.67 Table 7: Entities with highest percentage of ques- tions where the left-leaning and right-leaning annota- tors gave different answers. 1771
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