What's feeding our food? - The environmental and social impacts of the livestock sector

Page created by Jeremy Hodges
What's feeding our food? - The environmental and social impacts of the livestock sector
What’s feeding our food?
The environmental and social impacts of the livestock sector

                                             Friends of the Earth December 2008

What's feeding our food? - The environmental and social impacts of the livestock sector
Indoor broiler farm for meat production

              “Livestock’s contribution
              to environmental problems
              is on a massive scale.”
              UN Food and Agriculture Organisation 2006

What's feeding our food? - The environmental and social impacts of the livestock sector

INTRODUCTION                                4


  Agricultural expansion in Latin America    9
  Land use change                           10
  Local environmental impacts               14


  Unemployment and land ownership           17
  Slavery                                   17
  Health impacts of pesticides              18
  Food insecurity                           18

  LIVESTOCK AND HEALTH                      19


  Growing consumption                       20
  Soy and animal feed                       20
  Exporting soy to Europe                   21
  Soy and animal feed in the UK             22
  Poultry farming                           22
  Pork production                           23
  Dairy farming                             24
  The role of agribusiness                  24
  Global finance                             24
  Agricultural policy and soy               26

3. SOLUTIONS                                28

REFERENCES                                  32


The global food supply is under                Beef raised on cattle ranches in highly       Growth in demand for livestock
increasing scrutiny. Climate change,        biodiverse areas of the Amazon, Cerrado        products is set to continue, leading to the
volatility in the cost of staple foods such grasslands and Chaco habitats is               conversion of more and more land for
as rice and grain, and fluctuations in oil   shipped to Europe and Britain to put meat      crops and grazing, further exacerbating
prices have exposed vulnerabilities in a    on our plates. Increasing quantities of       the associated impacts. The developing
system that is failing to feed some of the chicken and pork are also being imported.       biofuels market adds to the demand for
poorest people around the world.               As forests and other precious wildlife      land.
   Our globalised food system is failing    habitats are destroyed to make way for        s    This report gives a detailed account
fundamentally. It requires ever-growing     crops for animal feed and pasture for               of the environmental and social
quantities of land, water, energy and       grazing, indigenous people also lose their          impacts of the current system of
chemical inputs to produce the food we      territories. Rural communities are being            producing meat and animal products,
eat. This is particularly true of intensive forced off their land, and small scale              in particular from the UK’s reliance
livestock production.                       farmers have nowhere to grow the food               on imported soy for animal feed.
   Animals in factory farms in the UK and they need for their families.
Europe have been bred to require high          Latin America is a major player in the     s    It uncovers the interdependence
levels of protein to fuel fast growth and   livestock market. Brazil is responsible            between intensive livestock farming
high yields of meat, dairy and eggs. This for almost a third of global beef exports            in the UK and Europe and soy
industry is increasingly global. Even       and 40 per cent of exported chicken.3              production in Latin America, and
though bacon, burgers, milk and cheese The country is also the second largest                  investigates the role of agribusiness,
may be produced in the UK, most will        exporter of soy after the USA, followed            global finance and agricultural
have come from animals fed on crops         by Argentina4 and Paraguay. The vast               policies in driving this system.
grown on the other side of the world -      majority of soy grown worldwide is used
many of the damaging impacts of mass        for animal feed.                              s    It makes the case for an urgent
production are being exported.                 This global system is not working for           overhaul of the current model, and
   According to the UN’s Food and           farmers in the UK. With commodity price            proposes policy changes in the
Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the         rises, farmers have seen the cost of               UK and Europe to help create a
livestock sector “emerges as one of the     animal feed and other inputs increase.             sustainable and equitable livestock
top two or three most serious contributors The price of fertiliser grew by 156 per             system for farmers, consumers and
to the most serious environmental           cent in the last year.5 The cost of chicken        the environment.
problems, at every scale from local to      feed has risen by £80/tonne in the same
global”.1 In fact it is responsible for 18  period.6 The UK pork sector has already
per cent of global greenhouse gas           seen its market share shrink as a result,7
emissions.2                                 and pig farmers have been hit by volatile
   Great swathes of Latin America have      feed costs.
been given over to growing soy, which is
shipped around the world to be used in
animal feed as cheap protein for chicken,
pigs and cattle.

Cattle ranch in Mexico


 Livestock uses 70 per cent of all available
 agricultural land, and uses 8 per cent of the
 global human water supply.

 Global intensive livestock production       Fattening a cow                              Land conversion
 has a high environmental price. Rearing     1 kg of intensively-reared beef requires     Land for grazing covers more than a
 animals for food uses large areas of        up to 10 kg of animal feed11 and 15,500      quarter of the planet’s available ice-
 agricultural land, vast quantities of water litres of water.12 It produces as much       free surface.15 An average of 6 million
 and significant amounts of energy. It        pollution as driving for three hours while   hectares of forest – an area twice the
 is a cause of deforestation and land        leaving the lights switched on at home.13    size of Belgium – and 7 million hectares
 use change, generating greenhouse                                                        of other land have been converted to
 gas emissions and destroying valuable       The global spread of intensive farming       agriculture every year for the last 40
 carbon sinks and wildlife habitat. The      has led to a major increase in the use       years.16
 livestock industry is also a significant     of high protein animal feeds, comprising
 source of pollution.8                       cereals and vegetable proteins such as       This massive demand for land has
     Livestock already uses 70 per cent of   soy. In fact, 97 per cent of the soymeal     been heightened by the growing biofuel
 all available agricultural land, and uses   produced worldwide is used for animal        market – soy is used to make biodiesel,
 8 per cent of the global human water        feed, and with demand set to double          while sugarcane is the main source
 supply.9                                    by 2050, more and more land is being         of ethanol. Government figures show
     Livestock’s contribution to climate     turned over to feeding livestock.14          that soy, partially sourced from Brazil,17
 change is greater than that of transport.10                                              was the main source of biodiesel in
 It is responsible for 18 per cent of global                                              the UK following the introduction of the
 greenhouse gas emissions – including 9                                                   Renewable Fuel Obligation (April - May
 per cent of anthropogenic global carbon                                                  2008).
 dioxide (CO2) emissions and 37 per cent                                                    Latin America’s growing agro-industry
 of anthropogenic methane.                                                                has led to new roads and waterways
                                                                                          being built to transport soy, increasing
                                                                                          access to remote areas, often at
                                                                                          the expense of natural habitats and

“Livestock impacts on ecosystem goods and services are
largely negative, through impacts such as deforestation nutrient
overloading, greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient depletion of
grazing areas, dryland degradation from overgrazing, dust
formation, and bush encroachment.”
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005

Cattle ranching in Latin America
Cattle ranching is big business in Brazil.
With 204 million cattle, the country is
the world’s largest exporter of beef,
producing 7.6 million tonnes in 2003.18
Exports of leather goods, predominantly
shoes, are also growing.
Brazilian beef cattle are almost entirely
fed on pasture, with some 86 per cent
of Brazilian agricultural land used for
grazing.19 This recent expansion has
been primarily on forest land which has
been cleared to make way for pasture.20
Land in the Amazon is cheap and
provides good quality pasture.
Cattle ranching in Mato Grosso
traditionally takes place on the Cerrado
(savannah) grasslands. But this land is
increasingly being converted to arable
land for soy, pushing cattle ranchers into
the forest, which provides nutrient-rich
soil and high quality pasture for cattle
Brazilian beef accounts for 13 per cent of
the UK’s total beef imports or 4 per cent
of all beef consumed in the UK.22

                                             Pastureland that has been burnt for cattle
                                             ranching in the Amazon rainforest



                     Changes in the way that land is used         Agricultural expansion
                     affects biodiversity as plants and animals   in Latin America
                     lose their natural habitats. Such changes    Soy production in Latin America has
                     also release huge quantities of carbon       more than doubled in the last 15 years.
                     dioxide, contributing to climate change.23   This rapid expansion is driving the
                        Land use change – from forest to          conversion of forests and grasslands to
                     farmland – also affects the water cycle.     cropland and grazing, devastating vast
                     Stripped of its vegetation, the soil holds   areas of wildlife habitat with wide-ranging
                     less water and is more vulnerable to         effects on the global environment. It
                     erosion as it drains away.24                 is estimated that a further 100 million
                        Soy cultivation itself uses fertilisers   hectares of pasture could be converted
                     and pesticides that pollute the soil and     for crop land in Brazil alone.26 Cattle
                     ground water.25 Genetically modified (GM)     farmers, displaced by the expansion of
                     soy requires an even more intensive          soy, have sought out new land, burning
                     chemical regime – almost all soy grown       undergrowth to clear areas that were
                     in Argentina and Paraguay is GM.             once covered by forest.

Soy expansion has had dramatic effects
on rural life, as well as impacting on other
areas of agriculture. Many small-scale
farmers have been priced off their land
or forced to sell to bigger producers,
losing their homes and their livelihoods.
Rural unemployment has increased as
large scale soy farms need little labour.27
As a result, many rural labourers have
migrated to the cities to look for work.28
   Intensive livestock farms in Europe are
a major destination for Latin American
soy exports. Agricultural policies and
trade agreements with the United States
mean that Europe grows few crops for
animal protein and now depends on
imports for animal feed.29

Soybeans are harvested at Fartura Farm, in Mato Grosso state, Brazil – March 2008


 Land use change                              Paraguay Paraguay is the fifth largest         Brazil Brazil is the second largest global
 Argentina Soybean production covers          producer of soy and the fourth largest        producer of soybeans after the United
 around half of Argentina’s cultivated land   exporter globally. The country has seen       States, followed by Argentina and then
 and is centred in the states of Cordoba,     a rapid expansion in recent years, with       Paraguay.33 Production is increasing in
 Santa Fe and Buenos Aires. Expansion         nearly 2.5 million hectares planted with      all three countries, with a 170 per cent
 is spreading into the heavily forested       soy in 2006/7.32                              increase in Brazil in the last 15 years.
 northern states such as Salta and              The Atlantic Forest extends into              Within Brazil, soy production is
 Santiago del Estero – around 415,000         Paraguay’s high altitude grasslands. Only     concentrated in the state of Mato Grosso
 hectares of forest were cleared in Salta     2 per cent of the country’s original forest   (27 per cent), Paraná (22 per cent), Rio
 between 2002 and 2006.30                     area remains, in increasingly isolated        Grande do Sul (15 per cent) and Mato
    Soy is also eating into the rich          fragments, due to clear cutting to make       Grosso do Sul (12 per cent).34
 biodiversity of the sub-humid Chaco-         way for agriculture.                             Recent expansion has been
 Yungas area, leading to the destruction         Displaced cattle farmers and,              concentrated in Mato Grosso, Paraná
 of habitat and rural settlements. Large-     increasingly, soy plantations are moving      and Goiás – with half of the growth in
 scale plantations are effectively forcing    into the Chaco. This diverse habitat          Mato Grosso and Goiás at the expense
 small scale farmers off their land.          and important ecosystem includes dry          of natural habitat.35
    According to government figures a total    savannah and wet forest and extends              Mato Grosso forms part of the Amazon
 of 250,000 hectares of forest are cleared    across large parts of Paraguay, Bolivia       region, with forest covering more than
 annually, with 80 per cent of this making    and Central and Northern Argentina.           half of its total land area. Cerrado
 way for soy and cattle farming in the        Agri-business giant Cargill’s planned         (savannah) covers most of the remaining
 Chaco.31 A further 4.9 million hectares      mega port facility on the River Paraguay      territory. More than half of Brazil’s soy
 are vulnerable to soy conversion by 2020.    threatens to drive further expansion of       production is in the centre and south of
   The Atlantic Forest, which runs along      soy into the region.                          the state on land that was once covered
 the eastern coast of Brazil and inland to                                                  by Cerrado. A study of the displacement
 Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay, has                                                       impacts of soy expansion in Mato Grosso
 also suffered from soy expansion which                                                     found that for every four hectares of soy
 has destroyed unique habitat and put                                                       planted, five hectares of natural habitat
 rare species at risk.                                                                      were destroyed.36

 Around 92 per cent of the Atlantic
 Forest’s amphibians are unique to the area.




                                                                                                                                     SAO PAULO


                                                                                                                         URUGUAY                    Remaining Atlantic Forest

                                                                                                                BUENOS                              Original Atlantic Forest


                                    Biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest
                                    The Atlantic Rainforest is one of the
                                    world’s most biodiverse ecosystems,
                                    classified as a biodiversity hotspot. It
                                    extends from Brazil’s Atlantic coast,
                                    inland to Paraguay and into Argentina.37
                                    It now covers less than 10 per cent of its
                                    original area.
                                    The rainforest is home to around 8,000
                                    unique plant species and more than 20
                                    critically endangered species, including
                                    the eskimo curlew, white-collared kite,
                                    the black-faced lion tamarin and the
                                    leatherback and hawksbill sea turtles.38
                                    Approximately 92 per cent of the forest’s
                                    amphibians are unique to the area.
                                    There are fears that soy expansion in the
                                    Atlantic Forest could destroy another 1.5
                                    million hectares by 2020.39

                                                                                 The Atlantic Forest boasts 20,000 plant
                                                                                 species. Yet less than 10 per cent of the
                                                                                 forest remains.
Simon Rawles/Friends of the Earth

                                                                                 Biodiversity Hotspots, Conservation International


 Biodiversity in the Amazon                    It is estimated that a further 9.6 million   Biodiversity in the Cerrado
 The Amazon rainforest is the world’s          hectares of Cerrado could be lost to soy     The Cerrado is one of the largest and
 largest tropical forest extending across      expansion by 2020.46                         most biodiverse savannah areas in
 Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Venezuela,                By 2005 over 6 million hectares had      the world covering an area the size of
 Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and        been converted to soy within the legal       Western Europe. Its unique habitat is
 French Guiana.40 The Amazon is one            boundaries of the Amazon.47 Vast areas       made up of large stretches of grassland,
 of the world’s most biodiverse regions        of the Amazon have also been cleared         scrub and areas of woodland which run
 comprising a mosaic of ecosystems and         to raise cattle,48 causing much greater      alongside river banks.
 vegetation types including rainforests,       indirect impacts due to ranching and         It is internationally recognised as a
 seasonal and deciduous forests.               slash and burn farmers.                      biodiversity hotspot – an area that is
 It is home to almost a third of the world’s      The recent soy price boom has also        home to a large number of unique
 known species,41 with more than 1,300         fuelled an increase in deforestation,        species, and which has already lost more
 species of bird alone. These include the      with more than 3,000 square miles of         than 70 per cent of its original natural
 toucan, the harpy eagle and more than         forest cleared between August 2007 and       vegetation.52
 300 species of hummingbirds. There are        August 2008 alone.49 If current trends       The Cerrado is home to 40 per cent of
 3,000 fishes42 and over 100,000 types of       continue, cattle ranchers and soy farmers    Brazil’s mammals,53 reptiles and fish,
 invertebrates43. Many of these species        alone will destroy 40 per cent of Amazon     including a number of endangered
 are only found in Brazil, including the       rainforest by 2050.50                        species, such as the giant armadillo, the
 critically endangered black-faced lion            Brazil’s forests play a crucial role     giant otter and the hyacinth macaw.54 It
 tamarin, the buffy-headed marmoset and        in the fight against dangerous climate        also provides a habitat for at risk species
 the maned three-toed sloth.44                 change, storing carbon dioxide which         such as jaguars, maned wolves and
 The forest is also home to around 220         is released when the forest is cleared.      ocelots.
 groups of indigenous people who have          Continuing deforestation at the present
 lived in the Amazon for thousands of          rate will make it all but impossible to
 years.45                                      bring greenhouse gas emissions under

PA photos
                                                If current trends continue, cattle ranchers
                                                and soy farmers alone will destroy 40 per
                                                cent of Amazon rainforest by 2050.

Bolivia Bolivia is not a major global           Uruguay The soy industry is moving        EU efforts to tackle deforestation
exporter of soy, but plantations have           into Uruguay, where plantations are       The European Union (EU) has put
expanded into the country as a result           concentrated primarily on the west        forward proposals to stop global
of state and World Bank funding. Soy            coast – a number of these are owned by deforestation by 2030 and to halve
covered 950,000 hectares in 200655              Argentine soy farmers who are attracted   tropical deforestation by 2020.59
and plantations are now moving into             by Uruguay’s tax regime. The country      The EU believes that a Global Forest
the Chiquitano forest region, which has         produced 460,000 tonnes of soy beans      Carbon Mechanism, operated as part
been described as one of the largest            in 2005.57                                of the United Nations Framework
remaining tracts of “relatively undisturbed        As more and more land is converted to Convention on Climate Change’s
tall dry forest in the Neotropics, if not the   soy, local food production is reduced. As (UNFCCC) mitigation measures, will
entire world.”56 The area provides habitat      plantations move into the Sauce region in help reduce deforestation by providing a
to vulnerable species including the jaguar,     which fruit and vegetables are grown for  financial reward for retaining forests.
maned wolf, ocelot and spider monkey.           the capital, organic farmers and market   It also wants European timber suppliers
                                                gardeners are concerned about pollution to seek guarantees that the timber they
                                                from the soy fields and the effects of GM sell has not been sourced illegally. It has
                                                soy.58                                    proposed further studies of the links
                                                                                          between deforestation and the imports of
                                                                                          non-timber products like soy.

Soy field in Santa Cruz, Bolivia


                                      The UK uses 1.43 billion cubic metres of
                                      Brazilian water a year through imported soy.
                                      WWF UK Water Footprint 2008

                                                                               Local environmental impacts                  Pesticide pollution
                                                                               Damaging soil                                Much of the soy in Latin America is
Clare Oxborrow/Friends of the Earth

                                                                               The soil on soy plantations is exposed to    grown from Monsanto’s Roundup
                                                                               wind and rain and therefore vulnerable to    Ready genetically modified (GM) seed,
                                                                               erosion. Brazil loses 55 million tonnes of   prompting growers to use even more
                                                                               soil through erosion each year. As much      intensive farming methods. Roundup
                                                                               as 8 tonnes per hectare is lost in the soy   Ready soy is genetically modified
                                                                               fields of the Chaco. Intensive farming        to tolerate Monsanto’s Roundup
                                                                               methods deplete the soil’s nutrients and     (glyphosate) herbicide, but reliance on
                                                                               require fertiliser to compensate.60          this technology has led to the emergence
                                                                                                                            of herbicide-tolerant weeds. As a result,
                                                                               Water use and water pollution                increased quantities of Roundup, as well
                                                                               Soy plantations need water and can be        as older and more damaging herbicides
                                                                               irrigated to boost yields. Irrigated crops   like 2,4-D and Paraquat, have to be
                                                                               can even provide three rather than two       used.66
                                                                               harvests a year.61 Recent dry years in           GM soy accounts for 98 per cent of
                                                                               Paraguay and Brazil have led to smaller      the soy harvest for Argentina and 90 per
                                                                               than expected harvests.62 Although Brazil    cent in Paraguay. GM crops have been
                                                                               is rich in terms of its water supply, 40     introduced more slowly in Brazil and
                                                                               million Brazilian families do not have       some restrictions exist in the Amazon
                                                                               access to supplies of clean drinking         region. It is estimated that around 50 per
                                                                               water63 and parts of the country have        cent of the Brazilian crop is still non-
                                                                               suffered severe drought in recent years.     GM.67
                                                                                  Water supplies in the soy-producing           Glyphosate has become a major
                                                                               areas are contaminated with the              source of pollution which contaminates
                                                                               chemicals used by soy growers. Large         surface water and aquifers, threatens
                                                                               quantities of mineral fertilisers are        human health and kills other vegetation.
                                      Young soy plants in a field in Paraguay   needed to compensate for the degraded        It is sprayed onto crops from huge
                                                                               soil, causing excess nutrients to build up   spraying tractors or from the air. Farmers
                                                                               in the soil and in the water, alongside a    in neighbouring fields report that the
                                                                               cocktail of pesticide residues.64            spraying destroys their crops and some
                                                                                  The FAO estimates that 7 per cent of      have reported poisoned livestock.
                                                                               global human water use is for growing            Few insects or other wildlife live on soy
                                                                               feed crops for livestock.65                  plantations, making the plants vulnerable
                                                                                                                            to pests and increasingly reliant on
                                                                                                                                In Paraguay, laws requiring soy farmers
                                                                                                                            to plant buffer zones of native vegetation
                                                                                                                            around fields to help protect neighbouring
                                                                                                                            communities are routinely flouted. If any
                                                                                                                            trees are planted at all, they tend to be


                        non-native eucalyptus or pine trees.
                        The livestock sector is a huge contributor
                        to climate change, generating significant
                        emissions of carbon dioxide, methane
                        and nitrous oxide throughout the
                        production process.
                          The conversion of forest and grassland
                        to cropland emits stored carbon and
                        reduces the global capacity for absorbing
                        carbon dioxide. Globally, this land-use
                        change set in motion by livestock farming
                        leads to the release of 2.4 billion tonnes
                        of carbon dioxide a year – equivalent to
                        around 6 per cent of global greenhouse
                          The manufacture of animal feed is also
                        a major source of emissions through
                        fertiliser production and from processing.
                        Soy is a particularly energy-intensive
                        crop because of the process used to
                        extract oil from the bean.70
                           Methane emissions from livestock
Land-use change         contribute around 6 per cent of global
                        greenhouse gas emissions.71 Cows,
set in motion by        sheep and goats emit methane
                        through the digestive process (enteric
livestock farming       fermentation), while manure is also high
                        in methane.
leads to the release       As meat and dairy consumption
                        increases, methane emissions are
of 2.4 billion tonnes   predicted to rise by up to 60 per cent by
of carbon dioxide          Livestock also generates nitrous oxide    Mature rainforest

                        emissions from fertilisers, crop waste
a year.                 and the intensive storage systems used
                        for animal waste. This contributes around
FAO, 2006               6 per cent to total greenhouse gas


 Greenhouse gas emissions from soy            Energy use
 Livestock is responsible for 18 per cent     Energy use continues at practically every
 of global greenhouse gas emissions.74        step of the livestock chain, from feed
 The production of animal feed from soy       crop to the fridge. Rearing, slaughter,
 generates greenhouse gas emissions           processing and storage all require energy,
 both at the cultivation and the processing   as does the transport involved at each
 stage.                                       stage.78 Once meat has been eaten, its
 Soy is a nitrogen-fixing plant, which         packaging and the uneaten elements
 means it stabilises nitrogen in the          are transported and treated, generating
 soil. But after harvest, nitrogen can be     further CO2, methane and nitrous oxide.
 released, producing nitrous oxide (N2O)
 as the plants rot in the soil. Argentina     In the UK, 18 per cent of greenhouse gas
 lists soy as a source of greenhouse          emissions come from food production
 gas emissions in its report to the United    and consumption.79
 Nations Framework Convention on                 Emissions from agriculture have
 Climate Change75 after studies showed        stabilised within Europe, mainly as a
 that plantations increase the country’s      result of reduced fertiliser use. But with
 emissions of N2O.                            large quantities of feed crops and food
 Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse         now imported from Latin America, much
 gas, but nitrogen also plays a crucial       of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions
 role in the Earth’s living systems through   from livestock have effectively been
 the nitrogen cycle. Nothing can grow         exported rather than reduced.
 without nitrogen but too much stimulates        A recent study by the Tyndall
 excessive growth, which poisons water        Centre for Climate Change Research
 courses through eutrophication.76            highlighted how levels of deforestation
 Once soybeans have been harvested            and greenhouse gas emissions from
 they are processed to extract the soy oil    food production affect our potential to
 and the soybean meal. This is an energy-     meet carbon reduction targets elsewhere
 intensive chemical process that was          in the economy. The study found that
 found to be the most significant source of    even if emissions from food production
 CO2 emissions77 during a study of energy     were halved by 2050, and if 70 to 80 per
 use in Minnesota, United States.             cent of the current forest carbon was
                                              preserved, global emissions from other
                                              sectors would need to peak by 2015 and
                                              then decrease by up to 6.5 per cent a
                                              year if there was to be any chance of
                                              avoiding dangerous climate change by
                                              limiting the temperature rise to 2˚C.80
                                                                                           Placio Duarte, from Organización
                                                                                           Campesina del Norte, stands in his
                                                                                           brother’s small farm next to an exposed
                                                                                           soy field in the state of Concepcion,
Three out of four soy farms in Paraguay are
                                        owned by foreign landowners.

                                        IMPACTS ON RURAL COMMUNITIES

                                        Unemployment and land                       profits. Indigenous communities, whose
                                        ownership                                   traditional land rights are not always
                                        The majority of soy plantations are owned recognised or respected, have seen their
                                        by large landowners and multinational       lands and way of live destroyed by the
                                        companies and can cover up to 50,000        spread of soy.
                                        hectares.81 Large-scale soy production        The growing demand for land has
                                        is highly mechanised and very profitable. led to conflicts across the soy-growing
                                        The planting and harvesting is carried      region, with reports of violent attacks on
                                        out by machines, meaning few people         rural communities. A large number of
                                        are employed – a mechanised farm has        communities have been forcibly evicted
                                        an average of one employee per 200          from their homes and their houses burnt,
                                        hectares.82                                 often in the middle of the night.86 The
                                          This has had a dramatic impact on rural Paraguayan police and security forces
                                        populations in soy-growing areas. Small     have been accused of operating death
                                        landowners, who find soy production          squads, with at least 18 rural leaders
                                        is not viable on a small scale, are         killed.87
                                        displaced by the bigger producers, while       Paraguay’s new president, Fernando
                                        campesinos (people who live and work        Lugo, elected in 2008, has promised
                                        in the countryside) are left unemployed.    support for small farmers through land
                                        Many have been forced off their land and reform, but will have to fight his way
                                        thousands of others have left rural areas through a corrupt system to achieve
                                        to look for work in the cities.             this.88
                                           Around 80 per cent of Paraguay’s soy
                                        is destined for export83 due to the export- Slavery
                                        orientated agriculture model introduced     Soy producers in Brazil have been found
                                        in the country in the 1960s. This has       to use slave labour to clear forest land
                                        encouraged companies to develop large- to make way for soy plantations. In 2004,
                                        scale soy farms, often ignoring the rights the government intervened and found
                                        of the rural poor.                          1,012 slaves on farms in Mato Grasso,
                                          There are around 1.5 million small        some of whom were children.89
                                        farmers in Paraguay, yet 70 per cent of        Workers clearing the land are paid
                                        the land is owned by just 2 per cent of     minimal wages and, in some cases, they
                                        the country’s landowners.84 The vast        are forced to work for free at gunpoint
                                        majority of the rural population does not   in return for food provided by the
                                        own land and lives in extreme poverty.      companies. Anyone trying to escape is
                                        Only 15 per cent of this population has     shot or punished. Hundreds of reports
Clare Oxborrow / Friends of the Earth

                                        access to safe drinking water and 42 per of slavery at soy companies are being
                                        cent to medical care.85                     investigated by the Brazilian Ministry of
                                           Many soy developers in Paraguay          Labour.90
                                        are from abroad, particularly Brazil,
                                        attracted by cheap land prices and easy

A crop-spraying aeroplane showers a
field with pesticides.

                                                                                                                                  Gerd Ludwig / Panos Pictures
Health impacts of pesticides                Pesticide poisoning in Argentina93            Food insecurity
Once the plantations have been              Villagers in Colonia Loma Senés, a small      Across the region, the spread of soy
established, surrounding communities        farming community in Formosa Province,        has reduced the number of small farms
are at risk from the pesticides and         Argentina, were the victims of repeated       – traditionally the source of food for the
herbicides mechanically sprayed on the      sprayings from the long-armed tractors        local community, as well as changing
soy crops. In the Brazilian state of Piauí  used to spray soy, known as mosquitoes.       farming patterns on larger farms.
there were 65 reports of poisoning during The tractors were spraying glyphosate              In Argentina, traditional farming
2005, 15 of which were fatal.91             and 2,4-D.                                    methods used until the 1990s saw
                                            In February 2003, at least 23 farming         farmers rotating maize, wheat and
Killed by pesticides in Paraguay            families suffered after a northerly wind      soybeans to allow the soil to recover, but
In 2003, Silvino Talavera, an 11-year-      directed a cloud of pesticides towards        this method of farming has now virtually
old boy in Paraguay, died after a tractor   their fields. The chemicals destroyed          disappeared.95 The number of dairy
spraying chemicals on a soy field failed to most of their crops, leaving the plants        farms also halved between 1988 and
see him in its path. His two sisters were   burnt. Chickens in a neighbouring barn        2003, while production of corn, rice, oats
also hospitalised, but survived.            were poisoned and died. People suffered       and beans has decreased substantially.96
Supported by CONAMURI, a peasant            vomiting, nausea, nose bleeds, breathing        The result has been an increase in food
and indigenous women’s organisation,        difficulties and problems with their eyes.     insecurity. Figures show that between
the boy’s mother took legal action to       The damage left the communities without       1996 and 2003 the number of people
seek justice for the murder of her son.     enough food to feed themselves, let           in Argentina unable to access a “basic
As a result, the family were repeatedly     alone sell at market. When the authorities    nutrition basket” rose from 3.7 million
threatened, their animals killed and        checked water supplies, they found they       to 8.7 million. Urban poverty and high
farmland sabotaged.                         were contaminated with pesticides.            unemployment have been exacerbated
Silvino’s older brother, a member of the    No official action was taken to stop the       by the loss of rural employment due to
National Peasant Movement in Paraguay, spraying so the community resorted to              the expansion of soy.97
was murdered.                               legal action, asking for an injunction. The
Silvino’s older sister suffered numerous    judge granted a six-month ban, which
health problems following the pesticide     was extended for a further three months,
incident and two years ago gave birth to    but in September 2003 the farm resumed
a baby who was diagnosed as suffering       spraying.94
from birth defect hydrocephalus.
In November 2006, the two landowners        Communities living near soy plantations
responsible for the spraying were finally    report ongoing health problems including
sentenced to two years in jail, after their continuous headaches, skin rashes,
appeal was turned down by the Supreme stomach problems, increased rates
Court.92                                    of miscarriage and babies born with

Skinned pigs hanging in a slaughterhouse


                                           Meat and dairy products are considered      problems, including an increased risk of
                                           an important source of protein in the       kidney problems. A diet rich in animal
                                           human diet, and provide a range of          protein also tends to have high levels of
                                           minerals and vitamins including iron, zinc animal fats, which in excess increases
                                           and vitamin A. But the high levels of       the risk of heart disease and stroke.
                                           consumption of livestock products in the      There is also evidence of a link
                                           industrialised world have been clearly      between the consumption of meat,
                                           linked to a number of health problems,      particularly red meat, and some cancers.
                                           particularly heart disease, stroke and      The World Health Organisation (WHO)
                                           certain cancers.                            estimates that 30 per cent of cancers
                                              Levels of meat and dairy consumption in the Western developed world (and
                                           vary significantly between different         20 per cent in developing countries) are
                                           countries, rural and urban areas, and       caused by dietary factors.102 Cancer is
                                           income groups.                              responsible for 7.1 million deaths globally
                                              Consumption generally rises as           each year, and more than 20 million
                                           incomes increase,98 and as more people      people suffer from cancer worldwide.103
                                           move into towns and cities giving them        The World Cancer Research Fund
                                           greater access to refrigerated produce.     Expert Report warns that there is strong
                                              From 1997 to 1999, average global        evidence that red and processed meats
                                           consumption for meat and dairy products cause bowel cancer and recommends
                                           was 88 kg/year in industrialised countries limiting consumption of red meat and
                                           compared to a global average of just 36     avoiding all processed meats.104 The
                                           kg/year. In South Asia it was just 5 kg per report found that eating 150 g of
                                           person per year.99                          processed meat a day (equivalent to
                                              Studies show the total protein           three   sausages) increases the risk of
                                           requirement from plant or animal sources developing bowel cancer by 63 per
                                           for a healthy 70 kg adult living in a       cent.105
                                           developed country is approximately 22         The WHO has also raised concerns
                                           kg/year. The exact requirements depend      about the health impacts of food
                                           on the individual, age and level of         produced intensively with high levels of
                                           activity.100                                fertilisers and pesticides, residues of
                                              Most people living in the industrialised which can contaminate food supplies.
                                           world, particularly meat eaters,              Longer food chains mean longer
                                           consume more than their daily protein       storage and transport routes, creating a
                                           requirement.101                             greater risk of food products deteriorating
                                              Eating more protein than the body        and   increased use of preservatives.106
                                           needs has been linked to health


                                                   Average meat consumption per person in 2002







 Figure 2: Food and Agriculture Organization       0          20           40        60             80           100      120       140

 of the United Nations (FAO)                       Meat consumption per capita (kilograms per person)

 Growing consumption                               How soy is used

 The livestock sector is estimated to              Soy is a legume which grows in North
 double in size by 2050.107 As figure 2             and South America, Asia and Europe. It
 shows, the United States consumes the             produces beans containing high levels
 most livestock produce globally, with             of protein and oil. The harvested beans
 each American eating an average 125               are processed to extract the oil (around
 kg of meat a year – equivalent to more            20 per cent of the bean), which is used
 than 400 sirloin steaks.108 Per capita meat       for human consumption, animal feed and
 consumption in Europe averaged 74                 biofuels.
 kg in 2002, while the UK consumed an              The high protein soymeal left over after oil
 average 80 kg/person109 – equivalent to           extraction (around 75 per cent) is toasted
 1,400 pork sausages – nearly 4 a day.110          and ground. Animal feed accounts for 97
 What’s more, poultry consumption in the           per cent of global soymeal production.
 UK has doubled in the last 20 years.111
    Demand is also growing in some           Europe’s reliance on imported soy is a
 developing countries as a result of         legacy of European agricultural policy
 rising incomes and a growing urban          dating from the start of the Common
 middle class112, although it is still well  Agricultural Policy (CAP), which stated
                                                                                                         Soy beans
 below European and US levels. Meat          that imports of animal feed were not
 consumption in China has gone from          subject to the same tariffs as other
 an average of 20 kg per capita in 1980      agricultural produce. This meant it made
 to 52kg today.113 Although in India meat    sense for farmers to import feed, initially
 consumption has grown by 40 per cent        from the United States.
 in the last 15 years, it is still 40 times lessIn 1992 the United States negotiated                 outbreak in the 1990s. The reduction in
 than average consumption in the UK.         a limit on European oilseed production                  availability of fishmeal due to increased
                                             as part of the Blair House Agreement                    demand from aquaculture was also a
 Soy and animal feed                         which   led to even greater dependency on               significant factor in the switch to soy.115
 Soy contains high levels of vegetable       imported   soy.114                                        It is possible to grow alternative
 protein and has a lower oil content            A further significant increase in                     sources of protein within the UK and
 then other seeds, making it suitable for    demand for soy came after the ban                       Europe – including oilseed rape meal,
 protein-rich feed meal. Soy accounts for    on processed animal proteins in feed                    peas and beans – but the distorting effect
 65 per cent of all proteins used for animal as a result of bovine spongiform                        of the CAP and trade barriers introduced
 feed in Europe (40 per cent in the UK).     encephalopathy (BSE) crisis. Meat and                   by the United States, mean that for many
                                             bone meal were a common source of                       European countries it has been cheaper
                                             protein for livestock feed prior to the                 and more convenient not to do so.

Percentage of total soybean harvest exported to EU by Latin American countries 2006-07




                                              0          10          20         30         40           50      60         70

Figure 3: Food and Agriculture Organization        Total soybean harvest (1000 tonnes)
of the United Nations (FAO)                        Soybean equivalent exported to EU (million tonnes)

Exporting soy to Europe

The European Union (EU) relies on Brazil
for 64 per cent of soybean imports and
Argentina for 61 per cent of soymeal
imports.116 This demand accounts for
almost a third of Brazil’s total soybean
harvest – see figure 3.
  In 2007 more than 78 per cent of UK
soybean imports and 34 per cent of
soymeal imports came from Brazil. A
further 47 per cent of the UK’s soymeal
was imported from Argentina. A small
percentage of soy was imported from
Paraguay,117 although as the country
exports most of its soy to Brazil and
Argentina, it is likely that the EU is
indirectly consuming significant amounts
of Paraguayan soy.

Europe’s land grab
The amount of land needed to produce
soy for the European market since the
ban on meat and bone meal in 1996 is
roughly equal to the area of deforestation
in the Brazilian rainforest since that

                                              Sacks of soy beans for export

Soy and animal feed in the UK                Three million chickens each week          Pork production
Soy is a particularly significant feed        The UK’s poultry market is dominated      The UK consumes approximately 803,000
ingredient for pigs and poultry where high by five companies who process more           tonnes of pork and 488,000 tonnes of
protein levels are needed to achieve the     than 50 per cent of the chicken meat      bacon – that is 74 pork chops and 270
quick growth rates. Other sectors, such      on sale.126 The biggest of these is       bacon rashers132 – per person a year.
as dairy, are also reliant on soy to provide Grampian which was acquired by Dutch      Around two thirds of this is reared in the
the protein element of the feed. Figure      company VION in 2008.127 Grampian         UK, with the remainder imported from
4 shows the relative quantities of soy       processes 19 per cent of chickens sold    Europe.
needed to produce the livestock products in the UK – almost 3 million chickens         Cereal, oilseed (soy) and pulses are used
consumed in the UK.                          a week that are sold as fresh, frozen     for pig feed. Amounts vary according to
                                             and cooked products. Other big players    the age of the pig and the price of cereal
Poultry production                           in the UK  include Faccenda   (2 million  compared to soy – soy usually makes up
Poultry is the fastest growing sector in     chickens   a week), 2 Sisters Food  Group 8 to10 per cent of the total feed.133
the global livestock industry119 and is the  which supplies Tesco, Waitrose and
most frequently eaten meat in the UK.        Marks &Spencer, the rapidly expanding
  There are around 3,000 broiler farms       Northern Irish company Moy Park,          Poultry feed accounts
in the UK (raising chickens for meat) with and Sun Valley, which is owned by the
approximately 120 million broiler chickens US grain giant Cargill and supplies         for more than half of
in production at any one time.120            McDonalds and Morrisons.128
   High-protein diets have been                                                        all the soy used in the
developed to make birds grow faster,         The Latin American poultry sector has
keeping the cost of the meat low. Most       grown significantly in recent years and    UK livestock sector.
chickens now reach their desired weight      provides 10 per cent of UK imports.129
within about 40 days121, compared to 84      Poultry production is increasing in
days for organic birds.122 Cereals, soy      Argentina and Chile, but Brazil is home
and legumes form the basis of most           to the largest Latin American poultry
poultry feed,123 with soy making up          industry and accounts for 40 per cent of
between 20 and 25 per cent.124               exports. Around half of Brazilian poultry
  The UK poultry industry supplies           is exported. Major markets include
around 88 per cent of the overall UK         China, Japan, Russia and the European
market, but imports roughly twice the        Union.130 The country’s top 10 companies
quantity of chicken that it exports.125      account for 85 per cent of poultry
                                             exports. The same companies lead in
                                             pork exports, feeding poultry and pigs on
                                             soymeal to keep costs low.131

Soybean equivalent required to produce a UK citizen’s average annual intake of meat
                                               and dairy products (in kilograms per person)







         Fig 4. Van 1.7 Gelder et al,

         Soy Consumption for Feed and Fuel     0                 5                 10               15                 20                   25

         in the European Union, October 2008   Kilograms per person

                                                                                                                                     Broiler farm


 Dairy production                              The role of agribusiness                      Global finance
 Most of the UK’s dairy herd are Holstein-     Corporations involved in the soy trade are    The rapid expansion in soy production
 Friesians which have been bred to yield       key drivers of expansion and intensive        has also been facilitated by multilateral
 between 5 and 10,000 litres of milk a         production. US companies Bunge and            banks, including the World Bank and the
 year.134 Soy is an important source of        Cargill (the world’s largest commodity        Inter-American Development Bank, who
 protein in their diet – even during the       trader) dominate the soy industry in          are keen to encourage agriculture for
 summer when grass is available, animal        Brazil and Argentina, buying the beans        export.
 feed constitutes around half of their food.   from farmers, running crushing mills and        The International Financial Corporation
 Varying quantities of soy are used in         exporting soymeal and oil to the UK and       (IFC), which is part of the World Bank,
 dairy cattle feed, but estimates suggest it   the rest of Europe.                           provides investment in the livestock
 can make up as much as 10 per cent.135           Cargill also runs crushing mills for soy   sector, and its approach has been
   Each year we consume an average of          and rape seed in the UK.139 Archer Daniel     criticised by the World Bank’s former
 118 litres of milk per person in the UK,136   Midland (ADM), Dreyfus and Brazilian          environmental director Robert Goodland.
 3.6kg of butter, and 10.2kg of cheese.137     company André Maggi are important                According to Goodland, the IFC has
 Most of this milk is sourced from UK          players in Brazil.                            contributed $732 million (around £460
 dairy farms, but significant proportions         Trading companies, like Cargill and         million) to damaging livestock projects
 of butter, cheese and yoghurt are             Bunge, have a crucial role in controlling     in South America, Asia and Eastern
 imported.138                                  the whole soy production process              Europe, of which $36.6 million (around
                                               because farmers depend on them to             £23 million) would have come from British
                                               provide credit and supplies of fertiliser     tax payers.140
                                               and pesticides. These companies also             One of these projects involved a $90
                                               manage the logistics, arranging storage,      million loan to Bertin Ltda, one of Brazil’s
                                               transport and processing.                     leading beef and leather producers, to
                                                  Although the largest public UK             fund the expansion of the Bertin Amazon
                                               companies are required to report on their     Cattle Ranching project, which poses a
                                               environmental and social impacts under        recognised risk of deforestation in the
                                               the Companies Act 2006, there are no          Amazon. The IFC funding enabled the
                                               standards in place that dictate how they      project to secure $250 million (around
                                               should report and few actually provide        £158 million) in further loans from the
                                               comprehensive information on their            Inter-American Development Bank.

UK taxpayers’ money is also being        Dominating the soy feed chain                                                 Soy certification
 used to finance intensive livestock         US commodity trader Cargill owns one                                          Soy certification schemes are
 production through the European Bank       of the UK’s main chicken processing                                           increasingly being proposed as a way
 of Reconstruction and Development          companies, Sun Valley. The company                                            of managing the damaging impacts
(EBRD). The EBRD has provided funding       operates across Europe and processes                                          of production. The Round Table on
for thousands of agricultural projects in   around 1 million chickens a week in the                                       Responsible Soy (RTRS) was established
 central Europe, including a contribution   UK. Customers include McDonalds and                                           in November 2006, representing different
 of £7.8 million to intensive livestock     supermarket chain Morrisons.                                                  stakeholders from the industry, with the
 production in 2007-08.                     Sun Valley chickens are fed on Cargill                                        big soy producers dominant.141 NGOs
   British and European banks play an       soy, imported through the company’s                                           in Latin America have largely rejected
 important part in financing the soy trade   plant in Liverpool, 25 per cent of which is                                   or boycotted certification and most
 by holding shares and providing finance     sourced from Brazil.                                                          schemes have failed to consult with
for key companies:                                                                                                        affected communities while developing
s     Barclays has investments in ADM,                                                                                    their criteria. The RTRS has so far only
      Bunge and Cargill.                                                                                                  established draft criteria, but these do not
s     Barclays and HSBC both provide                                                                                      take into account the damaging impacts
      credit for ADM and Bunge.                                                                                           of soy expansion. An earlier attempt
s     HSBC and the Royal Bank of                                                                                          at setting a sustainability standard led
      Scotland hold bonds in Cargill.                                                                                     to the Basel Criteria142 – a broad set of
                                                                                                                          principles which can be applied to local
                                                                                                                          schemes. Pro Terra is the only Brazilian
                                                                                                                          scheme in operation that meets the
                                                                                    Friends of the Earth/Clare Oxborrow

                                                                                                                          Basel Criteria and there is relatively
                                                                                                                          little Basel-accredited soy available
                                                                                                                          on the market.143 The UK Foreign and
                                                                                                                          Commonwealth Office has invested
                                                                                                                          £236,520 in a soy certification project in
                                                                                                                          Brazil aimed at reducing deforestation.144
                                                                                                                          While the scheme was successful in
                                                                                                                          reducing deforestation rates, there are
                                                                                                                          concerns that such schemes displace
                                                                                                                          problems and disregard property and
                                                                                                                          land rights.145
                                                                                                                          Questions remain about the enforcement
                                                                                                                          of sustainability standards for any
                                                                                                                          scheme. Evidence suggests that criteria
Cargill soy-processing plant, Paraguay
                                                                                                                          will be used to justify expansion while
                                                                                                                          having little impact on the methods of
                                                                                                                          production or the macro effects of large-
                                                                                                                          scale expansion.

Agricultural policy and soy                   The European Union currently spends
UK and European agricultural policies       £34 billion each year on the CAP, of
have played a key role in developing        which £3.4 billion comes from the UK –
Europe’s reliance on imported soy           the equivalent of £500 per family. Around
for animal feed. When the Common            88 per cent of this is spent on direct aid Soybeans are harvested at Fartura Farm,
Agricultural Policy (CAP) was established   to farming and food production. The rest   in Mato Grosso state, Brazil, March 2008
in Europe in 1962, it established an        is used to protect farmers from sudden
agreement with the United States that       drops in market prices.
animal feed would not be subject to            Farmers receive funds according to
import tariffs.                             the size of the farm, meaning large-scale
   Under the CAP, the European              farmers and agribusinesses receive most
Community effectively guaranteed prices     of the aid – 80 per cent of funds reach
for most European farm produce when         just 20 per cent of farms.
the market price fell below an agreed          In 2002, more than 60 per cent of the
target level. This encouraged farmers       CAP budget went to livestock-related
to focus on producing cereals, milk,        production. Following changes in the
beef and sugar – where the price was        way payments were made, it is no longer
guaranteed – and to import animal feed.     possible to know how much money goes
This meant that land previously used to     to livestock production, but 14 of the top
grow feed was converted to produce          20 UK recipients are involved in dairy
cereals.146                                 production.
As a result, Europe became dependent           For example, Meadow Foods, a leading
on soy imports, initially from the United   manufacturer of bulk fats and proteins
States. Attempts to reform the CAP met      used in ice cream, spreads, sports drinks,
with considerable resistance from the       processed meats and confectionery,
United States and the European animal       received nearly £26 million in 2003-04.
feed industry. In 1992, European farmers
limited the amount of oilseed that they
could grow by signing a 10-year deal with
the United States.147 When this expired
BSE was already having an impact on
farming – in 1996, the use of meat and
bone meal in animal feed had been
banned and farmers turned to soy as an
alternative protein source.

Farmers receive subsidy funding according to their size so large-
scale farmers and agri-business receive most of the aid.


 It is clear that the current model               Less intensive production systems and
 of livestock production is no longer          a greater reliance on organic production
 affordable in environmental or social         can reduce the damaging environmental
 terms. The climate, water systems, soil       effects of over-reliance on pesticides and
 and wildlife cannot sustain the damage        other inputs, as well as reducing farmers’
 that is being caused.                         costs.
    There are increasing pressures on land        However, a switch to more sustainable
 use. Our demand for food is growing in        livestock systems will necessitate an
 line with the world population and there is   overall reduction in livestock production
 an urgent need to maintain our forest and     and consumption.
 grasslands and to prevent the erosion of         The considerable environmental and
 soils.                                        social damage caused by the livestock
     Soy is not the only available source      sector requires a significant policy
 of vegetable proteins suitable for animal     response. There is no single policy that
 feed. Alternatives include hemp, lupins,      can address the complex factors driving
 legumes and oilseed rape. Many of             unsustainable consumption. Action
 these are already produced in the UK          from governments in producing and
 and some are suitable for production          consuming countries will be required to
 on farms, reducing the need for               initiate the necessary changes across the
 transportation. For example, in France        whole supply chain.
 peas are grown for use in pig and poultry        Friends of the Earth has identified
 feed.                                         eight key policy areas where action by
     A more localised system of food           the UK Government, including changes
 production – using animal feed grown in       to UK and European policy, could help
 Europe to feed animals reared in Europe       to significantly reduce the impact of our
 – would help to reduce the devastating        livestock consumption.
 impacts of habitat loss in Latin America,
 as well as reducing the climate-changing
 emissions generated by land use change
 and transporting vast quantities of feed.
     Local food production also encourages
 the production of a wider range of food
 crops, locally-appropriate diets, greater
 local control over food supplies and less                                                  Forest and organic farm in Altos,
 price volatility for farmers.                                                              run by Sobrevivencia/Friends of the Earth
                                                                                            Paraguay for training and education

“If we are serious about tackling food-related greenhouse gas
emissions, we need to consider making significant reductions in
our overall production of livestock products, while seeking to
maximise the benefits that livestock can bring.”
Food Climate Research Network 2007

                                                                                Changes to agricultural                       Changes to the Government’s
                                                                           1    and rural policy                         2    food procurement policy

                                                                           The UK currently spends large amounts         Around £2.2 billion of public money
                                                                           of taxpayers’ money subsidising               is currently spent on food in schools,
                                                                           damaging large-scale intensive food           hospitals, prisons and care homes. Little
                                                                           production, processing and export             consideration is given to where this food
                                                                           through the CAP.                              comes from or its wider impacts, despite
                                                                              The Government must work within            the Government’s Public Sector Food
                                                                           Europe to transform the CAP objectives        Procurement Initiative. A ‘cheapest is
                                                                           (as set out in Article 33 of the Treaty       best’ approach dominates.
                                                                           of Rome) to reflect the wider needs of            The Government must introduce new
                                                                           sustainable modern farming policy with        enabling legislation by 2012 to ensure
                                                                           reduced greenhouse gas emissions.             that food procurement in the public
                                                                              The subsidies which underpin intensive     sector: complies with carbon reduction
                                                                           livestock farming 148 should be removed.      targets and national environmental
                                                                           New measures must be introduced to            legislation; does not damage biodiversity;
                                                                           promote low-impact livestock systems,         and supports local sustainable organic
                                                                           the domestic production of sustainable        livestock production where possible.
                                                                           feeds, and research into the introduction        Such measures are already in use as
                                                                           of different livestock breeds better suited   some local authorities and NHS trusts
                                                                           to a new feeding regime.149                   are finding ways to reduce the levels of
                                                                              A sustainable livestock system, with       meat and dairy in the meals they provide
                                                                           locally-grown feed, will lead to reduced      in schools and hospitals.150
                                                                           livestock consumption. The UK does               In the Netherlands, the government has
                                                                           not have sufficient agricultural land to       set a target of 100 per cent sustainable
                                                                           grow the levels of feed crops it currently    food procurement by 2010. A similar
                                                                           consumes. Investment is needed                UK government policy could deliver real
                                                                           in raising public awareness of the            environmental and health benefits, while
                                                                           environmental impact of intensive meat        also influencing the European green
                                                                           and dairy production and the health           procurement policy currently being
                                                                           benefits of eating less meat.                  discussed in the European Council and
                                                                              Support and incentives must be made        Parliament.151
                                                                           available to farmers to help them adopt
                                                                           less environmentally damaging practices
                                                                           while maintaining a thriving UK industry
                                     Clare Oxborrow/Friends of the Earth

                                                                           – it is crucial that farmers receive a fair
                                                                           price for their produce.

Clare Oxborrow/Friends of the Earth

                                                                                        Clare Oxborrow/Friends of the Earth
    Solar panel for drying fruit at sustainable                                                                               Sustainable agricultural college students show
    agricultural college in Itapua, Paraguay                                                                                  Sobrevivencia/Friends of the Earth Paraguay
                                                                                                                              pigs’ swill made from scrap food and other
                                                                                                                              farm waste

         Changes to global                             Addressing climate change                                                     Funding for research
    3    investment policy                        4    policy and impacts                                                       5    and development

    UK public money is funding damaging           The Climate Change Act requires the                                          In recognising the urgent need for
    intensive livestock production through        Government to find ways of substantially                                      new ways of farming to reduce global
    the World Bank’s International Financial      reducing greenhouse gas emissions                                            greenhouse gas emissions and
    Corporation (IFC), the European Bank of       from the food sector, particularly from                                      biodiversity impact, the government
    Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)         UK livestock farming. Measures already                                       must increase public funding (or redirect
    and the Foreign and Commonwealth              being considered include reducing the                                        existing funds, such as those destined
    Office’s Strategic Programme Fund. This        number of animals and using maize                                            for agricultural biotechnology research)
    support contradicts the World Bank’s own      silage for beef and dairy farming to                                         for research into modern sustainable
    policies, including the Livestock Strategy,   improve dairy yields. Ireland, Poland,                                       farming systems which use lower levels
    which stipulates that no funding should       Austria and Belgium are already                                              of livestock and inputs and which
    be directed towards industrial livestock      addressing livestock numbers as a                                            maximise the potential for mixed farming.
    production.                                   means of meeting environmental                                               This research needs to investigate
      The Government must commit to               goals.153                                                                    changes to livestock breeds, feed plant
    ensuring that, within two years, public           However, the Act does not take                                           varieties and cropping systems to deliver
    money is no longer invested – via the         into account the global impacts of                                           a UK farming system that matches need
    World Bank, the EBRD, or other financial       importing food or animal feed. The                                           with environmental, rural development
    institutions – in intensive livestock         Government must look at effective                                            and public health goals.
    farming systems which depend on high          measures for reducing our unsustainable                                        To facilitate this research and to
    levels of imported feed. The Government       dependence on imported feeds. As                                             provide an appropriate and well-funded
    must also use its governance role within      part of this, the Government must push                                       institutional setting, the government
    the World Bank to ensure that the IFC         for equitable solutions to forest loss                                       should set up a Sustainable Agricultural
    adheres to World Bank policy.                 through agricultural expansion and over                                      Research Council.
      The UK must stop promoting soy              consumption at international climate                                           Organic mixed farming systems in the
    certification schemes which facilitate         talks.154                                                                    UK provide a valuable base from which to
    large-scale production and expansion             The impact of agriculture on climate                                      start as they have benefited from a period
    with little reference to the wider            change must also be a primary                                                of considerable investment in breeding,
    impacts.152                                   consideration in future European                                             cropping and input testing to maximise
                                                  discussion on the CAP to ensure that                                         outputs whilst minimising impacts. Public
                                                  it includes financial support for climate                                     funds must also be directed into finding
                                                  adaptation measures.                                                         ways to help consumers choose diets
                                                                                                                               containing lower levels of livestock

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