What is hypertension? Recent studies on neurogenic hypertension

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British Heart Journal, I97I, 33, Supplement, I09-II2.

What is hypertension?
Recent studies on neurogenic hypertension
Peter Sleight
From the Cardiac Department, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford

The indirect measurement of arterial pressure      dysfunction of these reflexes. This position
is deceptively easy; for the last 70 years it has  was gradually eroded when experimental
been almost an obsession for practising            neurogenic hypertension in animals was
physicians.                                        found to be variable and sometimes transient.
   The identification of a small group of cases It differed from established essential hyper-
of hypertension secondary to other diseases tension in that it was associated with a tachy-
resulted in an enormous effort to discover a cardia (Koch and Mies, 1929; Boyd and
cause or causes for all cases of hypertension. McCullogh, 1938). Furthermore, in man,
This proved elusive, and Pickering (I968) Pickering, Kissin, and Rothschild (1936)
questioned, 'Did the Holy Grail really exist?' found by digital compression of the carotid
   It is perhaps fortunate that I do not have sinus that the reflex was active in essential
the time or space to comment on all aspects hypertension. Later McCubbin, Green, and
of this question, for as a relative newcomer Page (1956) demonstrated that the activity of
to the field I am not qualified to do so. I the carotid sinus nerves of renal hypertensive
therefore propose to deal mainly with the dogs wa 'reset', so that there was a normal
influence of the nervous system, particularly pulsatile discharge at the new higher pressure,
the autonomic nerves, on arterial blood pres- instead of the continuous maximal discharge
sure, reviving the interest of the investigators to be expected if the receptors had not 'reset'.
of the I930's.                                     Christensen, Warner, and Pryor (I967) re-
   Before doing so I should attempt to give a ported very rapid resetting of the receptor to
brief answer to the question, 'What is hyper- a change in sinus pressure. Later Aars
tension?' Increasing evidence from popula- (I968a, b) qualified and quantitated this work,
tion surveys and life assurance statistics sup- showing in hypertensive rabbits that the
ports Pickering's view that blood pressure is a receptors were less sensitive as well as reset.
continuously distributed variable in the popu-        Our group at Oxford became interested
lation; that the cardiovascular consequences again in the autonomic control of blood pres-
which we know as hypertensive disease are sure as a result of the work of Richardson et
closely and quantitatively related to the level al. (1964), who described the fall in blood
of arterial pressure; and that this level of pres- pressure which occurs in sleep. We investi-
sure is determined by many factors, some gated the behaviour of the baroreceptor reflex
genetic, some environmental, and all poorly in normal and hypertensive man awake,
understood. We shall see from the evidence anaesthetized, and asleep (Smyth, Sleight,
of other contributors this morning that and Pickering, I969; Bristow et al., i969a, b).
lowering the arterial pressure reverses the The method related the reflex cardiac slowing
disease processes and prolongs life. The diffi- to a transient rise in arterial pressure produced
culty under these circumstances is to define by the sudden intravenous injection of angio-
normal. The same dilemma is seen with an- tensin or phenylephrene. A linear relation is
other quantity - the serum cholesterol. This obtained when the systolic pressure of a pulse
too varies considerably with race and environ- beat is plotted against the pulse interval which
ment; there is the same difficulty in defining follows. Thus the slope of this line (in msec.
normality.                                         increase in pulse interval for i mm. Hg rise in
  I return to the nervous system. After the systolic pressure) is used as an index of the
discovery by Hering of the reflex control of sensitivity of the complete baroreflex arc.
blood pressure by the carotid sinuses it was         Contrary to the earlier studies reported
thought possible that so-called essential above, we found a clear decrease in the sensi-
hypertension was a consequence of disease or tivity ofthe reflex when the subject was hyper-
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I10 Peter Sleight

                                  * NORMTENSIVE            r   -
                                                                       0.757              p< 0.001
                                      HYPRTENSIVE          r           0.578              p
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                                                                        What is hypertension ? III

view and has added data of his own (Julius and      nificantly, although the arterial pressure has been
Conway, I968) which suggest that in younger         lowered to normal from previously high levels
subjects raised arterial pressure is associated     (B. Gribbin, D. 0. Oliver, T. G. Pickering, and
with a high cardiac output. Lund-Johansen           P. Sleight, 1970, unpublished). This is not con-
(I967) in a population survey in Bergen also        clusive evidence, since fixed changes in the
                                                    arteries may have already occurred and the
reported a high cardiac output. Both these          lowered arterial pressure may be due to changes
studies showed that even in these younger           in blood volume.
subjects with raised pressure and high output          (2) In a group of patients with aortic incom-
the peripheral resistance did not fall normally     petence we found extremely low baroreflex sensi-
with exercise.                                      tivity, but there was no relation between this and
   Thus in future studies of the effect of sleep    the arterial pressure (T. G. Pickering and P.
on blood pressure it may be important to            Sleight, I970, unpublished). Again this is incon-
allow for this influence of age. It may be par-     clusive; we do not know whether the change in
ticularly in the young that sympathetic tone        reflex sensitivity is due to damage to the receptors
is abnormally high, although it should be           or to 'saturation' of the receptors by the great
pointed out that studies of catecholamine ex-       increase in pulse pressure.
cretion have usually shown normal values in           The mechanisms of blood pressure control
established hypertension.                           are extremely complex. They have been liken-
   I have reported above that we found also a       ed to a 'mosaic' (Page, I968) and the 'layers
clear decrease in baroreflex sensitivity with       of an onion' (Dickinson, I965); if one takes
increasing arterial pressure. It is therefore       away one mechanism, another is there to take
tempting to speculate that the long-term            over. Whatever the factors responsible for
level of arterial pressure is indeed controlled     the variability in arterial pressure from one
by the baroreflexes. However, at present it         individual or race to another, it is difficult to
appears more likely that high arterial pressure     ignore entirely the influence of the autonomic
inactivates the baroreceptors. It may do this       nervous system. Whatever the type of hyper-
by two mechanisms: (a) by damage to nerve           tension, renal or 'essential', it is possible in
elements in the arterial wall (Abraham, I969);      the majority of cases to lower pressure with
(b) by increasing arterial wall stiffness either    drugs which affect the autonomic nervous
by early infiltration with salt and water           system. It is also possible to achieve long-
(Hollander et al., I968), or by later medial        term control by carotid sinus nerve stimula-
hypertrophy or arteriosclerosis or both.            tion (Schwartz and Griffith, I967). Nestel
This would splint the baroreceptor endings          (I969) has recently reported increased urinary
and reduce their sensitivity to a change in         excretion of catecholamines in subjects with
arterial pressure. Mitchell and Schwartz            borderline hypertension compared with nor-
(I965) in a post mortem series found plaque         mals during mental arithmetic.
formation in every carotid sinus examined              Perhaps the genetic factors so important in
when the subject was over the age of 35 years.      hypertension express themselves through an
The carotid sinus region appears especially         increased activity of the sympathetic dis-
prone to arterial degeneration, being second        charge to the heart and blood vessels or an
only to the iliac arteries in the frequency with    increased vascular reactivity (Doyle and
which it was affected. Such a splinting             Fraser, I96I) leading to the high cardiac out-
mechanism would explain why Pickering et al.        put or peripheral resistance we have already
(1936) could not find any evidence of reduced       discussed. This high cardiac output type of
baroreflex sensitivity in hypertension. Digital     hypertension found in young subjects does
compression of a stiff sinus might still stimu-     resemble the neurogenic hypertension seen
late receptors. Indeed, the effect of digital       in the experimental animal. It remains to be
compression of what was a previously 'silent'       seen if these same subjects go on to develop
sinus might be expected to have a greater           essential hypertension as is suggested by epi-
effect than normal. This could certainly be an      demiological studies. An increased sympa-
explanation for the so-called carotid sinus         thetic discharge might be reflex in origin,
syncope syndrome. We are currently corre-           might be determined by the action of angio-
lating vessel wall distensibility with the reflex   tensin on the central nervous system (Scroop
changes we observe.                                 and Whelan, I968), or might be a response to
   Evidence that the baroreflex sensitivity may     poorly understood environmental influences
have little to do with long-term regulation of      acting through the central nervous system
arterial pressure falls under two main heads:       (Folkow and Rubinstein, I966).
   (i) In a group of patients subjected to renal
dialysis or nephrectomy, baroreflex sensitivity,    The work reported here has been carried out with
measured before and after, does not change sig-     many colleagues: Dr. J. D. Bristow, Dr. B. Grib-
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112 Peter Sleight

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Smyth,Prof. G.W. Pickering, Dr. T. G. Pickering,                 studies in patients with borderline blood pressure
and Dr. C. Prys-Roberts. It has been supported                   elevation. Circulation, 38, 282.
by grants from the Medical Research Council,                 Khatri, I. M., and Freis, E. D. (i967). Hemodynamic
the British Heart Foundation, the Beit Memorial                  changes during sleep. Journal of Applied Physiology,
                                                                 22, 867.
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                                                                 tung der Blutdruckzugler. Krankheitsforschung, 7,
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                        What is hypertension?: Recent studies
                        on neurogenic hypertension
                        Peter Sleight

                        Br Heart J 1971 33: 109-112
                        doi: 10.1136/hrt.33.Suppl.109

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