What is a housing association? - Gov.uk

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What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
m a t t e r s             www.mod.uk/jshao

           what is a housing association?
                                    Dealing with Estate Agents
                                                  HOUSING IN
                                               WEST MIDLANDS

October 2012
What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
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What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
   m a t t e r s
        THE MAGAZINE OF THE JOINT SERVICE HOUSING ADVICE OFFICE                                                                       OCTOBER 12 ISSUE 114

                                                                                                                   coon tne tn tesn                                               t
                            m a t t e r s              www.mod.uk/jshao
                                                                                                                   4         What is a Housing Association?

                                                                                                                   6         Dealing with Estate Agents
                                  THE MAGAZINE O
                                                 F THE JOINT SERV
                                                                  ICE HOUSING ADV
                                                                                  ICE OFFICE

                                        WHAT IS A HOUSING ASSOCIATI
                                                                 Dealing with Estate Agents
                                                                                HOUSING IN
                                                                                                                   8	Homeshub is First Port of Call for
                                                                             WEST MIDLANDS

                                                                                                                             Navy Family

                                                                                                                   10	Buying a Property at Auction

                                                                                                                   12        Housing in West Midlands

                                                                                                                   14	Solicitors (Conveyancers)

                                                                                                                             & Surveyors
                         October 2012

                                                                                                                                 r e g u l a r s
                                                                                                                                      M O D       n e w s

“This editorial is rather different from any that I have written over the                                                   R e g i o n a l           P r i c e s
past 2 years in that it is my last.                                                                                                   C o n t a c t s
                                                                                                                                    S a l e s      L i s t s
By the time you read this I shall have left the office in Upavon for the last
time. Not unnaturally I shall be very sad to go. I leave expressing the
greatest respect for what you do in the Armed Forces. I now have a greater
understanding of the emotions that you all may go through when you are                                             jshao staff
                                                                                                                   Telephone Numbers:
leaving the Services. I am now in the same boat, after working for the
                                                                                                                   01980 61 + last 4 digits of extension
Ministry of Defence for 15 years and facing the same challenges as you.                                            or Mil 94344 + Ext
Personally, I am now finally looking forward to leaving and very excited about
life outside MoD.
                                                                                                                   Paula Jones                  OIC                       5520

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the help and support                                    Philip Arundel               Senior Housing Advisor    8004
that you have given to the JSHAO since my arrival as OIC. This has been                                            Flight Sergeant Neil Rowlands Office Manager           5808
invaluable to my team. I wish my successor, Ms Paula Jones and the JSHAO
                                                                                                                   Andrea Emmens                Housing Advisor           5807
team all the very best for the future.”
                                                                                                                   Vacant                       Housing Advisor           8925

                                                                                               James Turner, OIC   Christine Hodges             MOD Referrals             8219

                                                                                                                   Natalie Dew                  Asst Housing Advisor      8925
                Published for The Joint Service Housing Advice Office by Method Publishing,
                Sutherland Press House, Golspie, Sutherland, Scotland KW10 6RA
                Telephone (01408) 633871 Fax: (01408) 633876
                email: j.alker@methodpublishing.co.uk to whom all enquiries regarding advertising should
                                                                                                                   Fax: 8068
                be addressed.                                                                                      Email: AWS-JSHAO-Mailbox@mod.uk
 Design and Typography: @ Method Publishing 2012                                                                   Website: www.mod.uk/jshao
 Editorial Matter: ©Crown Copyright 2012
 No responsibility for the quality of goods or services advertised in this magazine can be accepted by the
 Publishers or Printers or by the Ministry of Defence. Advertisements are accepted on the express condition        The Joint Service Housing Advice Office,
 that the advertiser warrants that they in no way contravene the provisions of the Trades Descriptions Act         Building 183, Trenchard Lines, Upavon,
 1968 nor any other prevailing legislation in the United Kingdom.
                                                                                                                   Wiltshire, SN9 6BE
 The Publishers reserve the right to refuse acceptance of any advertisement, either before or after receipt of
 copy, without stating a reason.

                                                                                                                                                                         Page 3
What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
What is a

What types of housing is there       be registered charities, and            in larger cities, housing association   supported accommodation in the
in the UK, and who provides it?      they may or may not be geared           rentals may increasingly provide the    UK is run by housing associations.
                                     towards assisting particular social     best opportunity for younger people     This is targeted at specific
Questions not normally at            groups with accommodation –             to find a home in a desirable           groups – older people, or those
the forefront of most service        for instance, older or disabled         area. They may also offer financial     with mental health problems or
personnel’s minds on a daily         people. Rent may or may not be          assistance for people buying their      disabilities, etc. To be classified
basis. Until of course you           subsidised to varying degrees.          own property who, for a variety         as “supported accommodation”,
realise that your discharge date                                             of reasons, would be unable to          a certain amount of services must
has appeared on the horizon,         Housing associations are                honour a commercial mortgage            be provided in addition to housing
or if you’ve been selected for       classified by the property industry     deal.                                   – assistance, therapy, meals, etc.
compulsory redundancy, is            as “registered social landlords”,
approaching faster than my 14        along with YMCA hostels and             Housing association                     How did housing
year old son on pocket money         housing co-operatives.                  accommodation is often utilised         associations develop?
day. You may have knowledge of                                               as an alternative to council-owned      Unique to the UK, they originally
what local Housing Authorities       Accommodation owned by                  housing and the majority of             appeared in the post-Industrial
(the local council) are and do;      housing associations is known as        tenants are still referred to housing   revolution years of the 19th
you may know about private           “social housing”, a loose term          associations through their local        century, emerging alongside the
rental or house purchase options,    which incorporates government-          authority, generally because they       new middle-class. They grew in
but do you know what a Housing       owned council housing and other         initially apply for council housing     importance in the 1960s and
Association is?                      affordable accommodation.               but are assessed as not being in        70s with the increase in emphasis
                                                                             great enough need. The referral         on social inclusion, and grew
Housing Associations are not-for-    Who is their accommodation              might also be given because a           in the 1980s, when limitations
profit organisations who own,        for?                                    housing association in the area         imposed on council housing by
let and manage rental housing.       Everybody. Housing associations         which is specifically tailored to       the Thatcher government enabled
As not-for-profit organisations,     were developed with the aim of          their needs (for example, younger       them to take over a much bigger
revenue acquired through rent is     making accommodation available          single people or those with mental      share of the social housing
ploughed back into the acquisition   and affordable for all. In the recent   health problems).                       market, increasing in size and
and maintenance of property.         past they have been perceived as                                                importance.
                                     an option for those in the lower-       Do they provide any other
Beyond this definition there is      income brackets or in particular        services?                               In recent years, housing
very wide variation. Housing         need. However, as housing               In addition to general housing          associations have been put
associations may or may not          becomes more expensive, especially      provision, the majority of              under increased pressure to be

Page 4
What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
a housing

                                                                                                                              Information sourced from

 accountable and to provide value      However, the obvious advantages       be ineffectual and long-winded,      Ireland Housing Executive,
 for taxpayer’s money, which           to renting from a housing             and endless hours of meetings        and the Welsh Assembly.
 have caused the government to         association include rent which is     required to resolve any problems!
 come under the criticism that         usually subsidized to below market                                         These agencies provide housing
 their service is becoming more        value. As mentioned above, some       Although the properties owned        associations with advice and
 commercial and less beneficial to     may also offer shared-ownership       by associations do vary in           support, and regulate their
 the poorest sectors of society.       schemes to assist people who          character, the majority of           performance through regular
                                       want to buy a property but cannot     accommodation is composed            inspection against specific
 What can I expect from the            afford to do so independently.        of complexes (typically blocks       criteria. Inspections are geared
 service? Pros and Cons                                                      and estates of flats) rather         in the main towards financial
 Just as associations vary in          Additionally, you are dealing with    than individual properties. You      performance and efficiency,
 so many ways (in terms of the         a large, registered and audited       should consider this before you      rather than the experience they
 type of property they own, their      company rather than an individual     approach a housing association       provide for individual residents,
 objectives, the type of resident      landlord, providing increased peace   (or your local council, usually      but it might be worth visiting the
 they target services at, etc), so,    of mind; you have less chance         the first port of call).             relevant website and checking a
 too, the quality and efficiency       of getting a dodgy deal, and an                                            housing association’s performance
 of the services provided vary         established complaints procedure to   How are these associations           before you seek their help in
 greatly between organisations.        deal with any difficulties.           regulated?                           finding accommodation.
 Investigate thoroughly before                                               The Housing Corporation is
 you commit to a property. Talk        One of the key characteristics        the quango or non-departmental       Facts and Figures
 to existing residents and ask         of housing associations is that       public body responsible for          In England:
 about the procedures in place         they are overseen by a voluntary      funding and regulating housing
 for investigating complaints and      committee or board, which             associations in England. It should   • there are 1,500 housing
 service requests. Walk around: are    usually includes residents. If        be noted that it is not ideal for       associations
 pavements and walkways clear of       the system works, this makes          one organisation to both fund        • providing around 2 million
 rubbish? Is graffiti a problem?       them a democratic housing             and regulate an industry, due to        homes
                                       management process, allowing          the potential for conflict between   • for over 5 million residents
 Housing associations generally        residents a say in the running        those two roles.                     • overseen by more than 30,000
 provide rental accommodation          of their homes. Unfortunately,                                                volunteer committee members
 at “affordable” prices; of course,    as with any democratic system         Elsewhere in the UK, this function
 the definition of affordable varies   there is of course a risk that the    is performed by Communities          Neil Rowlands
 between areas and associations.       decision-making process may           Scotland, the Northern               JSHAO Office Manager

                                                                                                                                            Page 5
What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
ESTATE AGENTS                                                                                                                  Source: www.findaproperty.com

Buying a new home is bound up with all your hopes and dreams                   2. Sort the money
for the future (as well as with all your money), but to an estate              That said, you still need to cultivate them. Get a mortgage in principle
agent, the name of the game is business, pure and simple.                      before you begin to house-hunt. You’ll save yourself time and heartache
                                                                               by having a clear idea of your budget from the start.
That’s not to say that the right estate agent can’t help you to find the
best possible property at a fair price that you can afford.                    And more importantly, you can make yourself a dream client for an
                                                                               estate agent, who will appreciate the fact that she is dealing with
Nor that there aren’t thousands of scrupulously honest agents out there,       someone who is not only ready to move on a deal immediately, but who
who not only voluntarily follow industry codes of practice, but also           is organised, efficient and serious.
maintain high ethical standards in their business dealings.
                                                                               3. Put yourself about a bit
However, there is an art to getting the best from even the finest and          When you start your search, sign up with a number of local estate
most professional of agents. Remember too, if you’re in the market             agents. It won’t cost you anything but time – but do make sure they deal
to buy a property, you can expect to have to deal with lots of agents,         with the kind of properties you are interested in, to avoid wasting their
unlike sellers who normally deal with just one or two.                         time and yours.

So do yourself a favour and think it through. Do a little preparation,         You won’t always have this luxury, but if you can, deal with agents who
figure out how to get on their good side, and you’ll be a lot closer to        are members of the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA), or
turning the key in the door to your new home.                                  who are registered with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

12 Ways To Make Estate Agents Love You                                         They follow a professional code of practice and rules of conduct.
(And Find You A Nice Home)                                                     Better still, ensure that agents are in the Ombudsman for Estate Agents
1. Get it straight                                                             scheme, which has the power to award compensation.
First off: remember whose side an estate agent is on. They are paid a
percentage of the sale price, so it’s in their interest to sell the property   4. Get a name
as quickly as possible for the highest price they can get – don’t forget       When you contact agents – if possible, visit their offices – get the name
who is paying the piper.                                                       of someone who you can make your contact there.

Page 6
What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
                                                                                                                                          m a t t e r s

Provide them with your basic details – your name, address, contact               10. Pick their brains
number(s), when you want to move, whether you’re selling anything, the           Take the opportunity, while you are spending so much time in the
type of property you want, the area(s) you’re interested in.                     company of professionals, to find out about the state of the market,
                                                                                 local developments, up-and coming areas – whatever you need to
They’re busy people and this will save them time and impress upon                know.
them that you’re organised and on the ball.
                                                                                 We’re talking about chatting here, not interrogation – but work it into
5. Be honest                                                                     the small talk and approach it in the right way, and you might find they
Don’t bother misleading agents about what you can and can’t afford;              have something to say that could help you enormously.
and only view properties that are within your budget.
                                                                                 11. Check it out
By the same token, let them know exactly what your budget is, what you           Don’t take it on trust. Do your research into the area, follow up claims
want and where you want it – and be prepared to listen if they have              an agent makes about a property that you are serious about, and verify
reservations about your chances.                                                 them to your own satisfaction.

Work out what you are prepared to compromise on, just in case you                Whether it’s about planning permission for an extension, or local
have to – location? size? price? If you are using more then one agent,           catchment areas for schools, check it out. And if you are unable to
you should soon be in a position to make your own judgement on the               check something, and it seems appropriate, get it in writing from the
plausibility of your demands for your budget.                                    agent.

6. Be businesslike                                                               12. Be nice
This doesn’t mean coming over like Alexis Carrington – you are unlikely          Estate agents are people too. They work exhausting hours, they work in
to endear yourself to agents that way.                                           a highly pressurised environment and they get messed about by all sorts
                                                                                 of time-wasters.
It simply means knowing what you want and being clear about it, and
making it obvious that you’ve done your research and that you have a             Don’t get so uptight and anxious about the whole thing that you forget to
realistic notion of what you are going to be able to afford.                     be civil and friendly. It could help you in your quest for a new home to be
                                                                                 ‘in’ with a good agent – but, more importantly, it’s just nice to be nice.
It also means treating the whole process in a calm, level-headed and
businesslike manner. It helps to look the part – dress smartly.
                                                                                  Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
7. Stay in touch
If you haven’t heard from a particular agent, call your contact once or
twice a week to remind them that you’re still looking and to find out if
they have anything new on their books.
                                                                                            INDEPENDENT ADVISERS
They may possibly suggest a compromise on what you are after –
something of interest in another area might immediately spring to their           ExpEriEncEd in working with sErvicE
mind, for example. Keep an open mind on this but get as many details as           pErsonnEl and thEir familiEs
you can about the area and the property before you agree to a viewing.
                                                                                       Full financial advice service available
8. Keep your wits about you
                                                                                        with access to the whole market including
Don’t be seduced by blissful descriptions in particulars. Use them as a guide
                                                                                        mortgages, insurance, pensions, savings
to decide whether the property is worth a viewing; but once you are viewing
                                                                                        and investments.
it, think up your own adjectives to describe it and forget the soft sell.         
                                                                                       FREE consultations at a time and
                                                                                        location to suit you.
If the details are limited ask the agent to send you more pictures, floor-
plans, a more detailed description or get them to ‘talk and walk’ you                 BFPO? No problem. Worldwide Service
through the property on the phone.
                                                                                          talk to Us aBoUt thE
Ask about the street, the area – they may not know everything, but it’s
                                                                                  armEd forcEs homE ownErship schEmE
worth getting as much info as you can before you agree a viewing. Look
for the deal-breaker, from your point of view, and for other possible             Phone: 0044 (0)1793 771205
problems and put them to the agent.                                               Fax:    0044 (0)1793 772280
                                                                                  E-mail: advice@pearsonia.co.uk
9. Be available
If the property sounds genuinely interesting, be prepared to move fast
                                                                                  Web: www.pearsonia.co.uk
and try to find time that day, if you possibly can, to view it. It puts you in    Pearson Independent Advisers is a trading style of Mortgage Horizons Ltd
pole position in case the property is what you want, and it signals your          Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a
                                                                                  mortgage or other loan secured on it.
serious intent.

                                                                                                                                                   Page 7
What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
                                                                                                                             m a t t e r s

HomesHub is first port
of call for Navy family
2012 is proving to be a busy          Advance of Pay). This is a special
year for couple Graeme and            interest free loan for Military of
Gemma from Sefton. With               Defence personnel provided by
new baby Caiden, a new house          the government to help to help
and their wedding in August           the forces into home ownership.
this family have been very busy
and all of this fitted around         “The Navy really promote home
Graeme’s career in the Navy!          ownership, as such a high
                                      percentage of service personnel
Graeme, 28, spends 6 months           end up homeless when they finish
of the year away on tour with the     up at the Navy and are back on
Navy and feels relieved to finally    Civvy Street,” explains Graeme.
have a haven off shore that he        “I think it’s great that these
can call home.                        schemes are there to help people
                                      like me and my family. I have
“We have been looking to              been recommending the scheme
buy a our own property for a          to all my fellow sailors back on
few years as we were sick of          ship.”
privately renting, and living in in
Portsmouth with the other Navy        “The process was so simple and
families just hadn’t been right for   straight forward; we moved in
us. We knew we wanted to be           within two months of viewing the
close to family and ideally we        property and could have been in
wanted a new build property,”         within a month if we hadn’t been
explains Graeme.                      waiting for Graeme to come back
                                      from sea,” says Gemma.
“I had heard of HomesHub
through a magazine in work and        “We are already saving money on
we knew that they could help          gas and electric bills as the house
people in the forces get onto the     is so well insulated. We would
property ladder. We had a look        recommend a new build property
on the website and thought that       to anyone.”
FirstBuy sounded ideal.”
                                      For Graeme and Gemma owning
“We looked at a couple of             their own property and not having
sites in our area but we fell in      to rely on Navy accommodation
love with this house and we           or private rent mean they really
got a really good deal with           can put down roots in Bootle.
an upgraded kitchen and free
carpets. Keepmoat really looked       And Gemma has her own links
after us. I call my home the little   with maritime history, working in
Duchess,”says Gemma, 24.              The Doric pub in Seaforth. The
                                      Doric was a sister ship of Titanic,
Through HomesHub, the couple          making her maiden voyage from         HomesHub are committed to         hundreds of people like
were able to access FirstBuy.         Liverpool to Montreal, Canada in      assisting Ministry of Defence     Graeme and Gemma into home
This scheme provides an               1923.                                 Personnel into homeownership      Ownership across Merseyside
affordable equity loan for 20%                                              across Merseyside and Cheshire.   and Cheshire.
of the property’s value, enabling     Gemma told us, “I’ve got a great      FirstBuy is just one of the low
customers to obtain a 75%             circle of friends here in Bootle;     cost homeownership schemes        For more information on the
mortgage with only a 5% cash          we all work in the same pub and       available through HomesHub to     Regency Park or any other
deposit.                              have young children, so we all        assist people onto the property   Developments visit
                                      chip in and help look after each      ladder.                           www.homeshub.co.uk
The couple were also assisted         other’s kids. This is a great help                                      or call
through the LSAP (Long Service        for when Graeme is at sea.”           HomesHub have helped              0845 603 4559.

Page 8
What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
Specialist Insurance and
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                                                        » Complaints

                                                                             Page 9
What is a housing association? - Gov.uk
 Source: www.primelocation.com

 Buying a property at auction
 has a reputation for seat-of-
 your-pants excitement, quick-
 fire action and potential profits
 – if you know what you’re

 Be prepared
 Buying a property at
 auction is both exciting
 and potentially profitable.                                                    Legal matters
 It avoids all of the lengthy                                                   When you express an
 purchasing procedures                                                          interest in a property
 that you usually have to endure         properties you’re interested in,       to the auctioneers,
 and the risk of everything falling      contact the auctioneers and            there is usually a
 through at the eleventh hour.           arrange a viewing. As when             legal pack available for
 At an auction, as soon as that          buying any property, I would           you to read. It is essential
 hammer falls, that’s it – the           advise more than one viewing as        that you digest this thoroughly,
 property is yours. But it isn’t to be   you need to be aware of every          and if you’re not sure about         Preparing for the property
 undertaken lightly and it pays to       facet of the property if you are       anything, have your solicitor        auction
 do some research.                       considering bidding. Very often,       check it out. It could contain       When the time comes for the actual
                                         auction properties are in a poor       covenants or certain legalities      auction, be prepared. The whole
 Locating a property auction             state, so it is advisable to take a    which could have potential           process can be quite daunting, and
 You’ll need to find out when            builder or an architect with you to    implications on the value of         it may be useful to go on a dummy
 and where there is an auction.          find out what can be done to the       the property. It might even pay      run and experience an auction as
 You can do this by scouring the         property, and how much it is likely    to carry out property and land       a spectator before going to one
 property papers and magazines,          to cost.                               searches of your own if you have     to actually bid. You don’t actually
 or by speaking direct to a local                                               any concerns and if you have the     have to be there in person, as you
 estate agents. For a list of            It would be prudent to remember,       time.                                can bid by telephone. It may be
 upcoming property auctions, visit       though, that time really is of the                                          better though to feel the buzz of the
 www.ukauctionlist.com.                  essence. There is usually four         Arranging your finances              auction room and be able to look
                                         weeks between the publication          You will also need to make your      around and assess the competition.
 Finding the right property              of the auction catalogue and the       financial arrangements prior to
 Once you’ve found an auction, next      auction, so you have to act fast.      auction. You must have a ten         The property auction
 get hold of its catalogue and spend                                            percent deposit with you on          When you arrive at the auction,
 time studying it. It has been known     Research the property                  auction day, and you must come       you’ll need to register – make
 for people to turn up at auctions       Make sure that you do your             up with the remaining ninety         sure that you bring identification
 with no knowledge of the catalogue      research thoroughly, and compare       percent within twenty eight days.    and enough funds for your ten
 list and bid on properties on the       the price and condition of the         If you need a mortgage, it is        percent. Auction houses can be
 spur of the moment. This may            property to others that are similar    prudent to have discussed all of     pretty crowded affairs, so get there
 sound like an exciting and even         or that might be for sale with local   the financial implications with      early if you want a seat! When the
 brave thing to do, but our opinion,     estate agents. You will often find     a bank or building society, and      time comes to bid, make sure that
 while you might occasionally get        that the guide price of auction        have arranged a mortgage in          you can be seen by the auctioneer
 lucky going on instinct, it is always   properties is set relatively low in    principle. Some people have paid     and that he is aware of when
 better to be prepared.                  order to entice bidders, so have in    their ten percent and lost the lot   you’re bidding – don’t risk any of
                                         your mind what you think the true      because they couldn’t come up        the casual scratching of the nose
 Viewing properties                      market value of the property is,       with the rest of the balance in      type bidding that you see in the
 Once you’ve identified the              and bid accordingly.                   time.                                movies!

Page 10
                                                                                                                              m a t t e r s

As the bidding increases, so will your heart rate, believe
me. This is where you have to make sure that you don’t
get carried away. Try to have a figure in your head that
you don’t want to go over. It can be very tempting to go
over budget, particularly if you’ve invested a lot of time
and effort prior to auction, but try not to go silly. If you
don’t trust yourself, then you can get someone else to go
and do the bidding for you.

If you are bidding on a property and it fails to meet its reserve
price, this doesn’t necessarily mean that this is the end of the    Get yourself a bargain!
matter. The auctioneers can still act as agents and are able        Ultimately, whilst it can take time to do your homework prior to auction,
to do a deal between yourselves and the vendors, if a price         and it is admittedly pretty nerve-racking actually taking part. The thrill
can be agreed at the end of the lot. This is often a good way       and euphoria at having a bid accepted, and knowing that it is a legally
to pick up a bargain, as a vendor might have been chancing          binding deal, is just fantastic, and if you’ve done your research correctly,
their arm with their reserve price, but could be willing to do      then you might just end up getting yourself a bargain in the process.
a deal after the auction. Likewise, it isn’t unheard of for a
deal to be tied up prior to auction, so it may be worthwhile        Search for property for sale at auction
           checking this possibility out with the auctioneers.      If you’re keen to buy a property at auction yourself, start by searching
                                                                    for property on Primelocation.com by typing ‘auction’ into the keyword
                                                                    search box, or by speaking directly to the relevant estate agents.

                                                                    The content provided in this guide is for information only. In all cases,
                                                                    independent and professional advice should be sought before buying,
                                                                    selling, letting or renting property, or buying financial services products.

                                                                                                                                     Page 11
                                                                                                                                     m a t t e r s

 There are 29 housing authorities in this region – seven in West Midlands, one in Shropshire, nine in Staffordshire, five in Warwickshire, six in
 Worcestershire and one in Herefordshire. These authorities have, in the majority of cases, decreed that applicants must have local connections to
 be considered for their general housing registers. The JSHAO can obtain information on every local authority in the country on request.

  The following are the housing authorities operating within the region:
  HEREFORDSHIRE (www.herefordshire.gov.uk)
  HEREFORDSHIRE                                   01432 261600

  SHROPSHIRE (www.shropshire.gov.uk)
  SHROPSHIRE                         0345 678 9005

  STAFFORDSHIRE (www.staffordshire.gov.uk)
  CANNOCK CHASE                       01543 462621                                      EAST STAFFORDSHIRE                       01283   508000
  LICHFIELD                           01543 308000                                      NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME                     01782   717717
  SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE                 01902 696000                                      STAFFORD                                 01785   619000
  STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS             0345 6053010                                      STOKE-ON-TRENT                           01782   234567
  TAMWORTH                            01827 709459

  WEST MIDLANDS (www.wmleadersboard.gov.uk)
  BIRMINGHAM                      0121 3034125                                          COVENTRY                                 024 76834025
  DUDLEY                          0300 555 2345                                         SANDWELL                                 0845 3582200
  SOLIHULL                        0121 7171515                                          WALSALL                                  01922 653405
  WOLVERHAMPTON                   01902 554747

  WARWICKSHIRE (www.warwickshire.gov.uk)
  NORTH WARWICKSHIRE                01827 719314                                        NUNEATON & BEDWORTH                      024 76376406
  RUGBY                             01788 533837                                        STRATFORD-ON-AVON                        01789 260861/2
  WARWICK                           01926 412828

  WORCESTERSHIRE (www.worcestershire.whub.org.uk)
  BROMSGROVE                         01527 557557                                       MALVERN HILLS                            01684 862151
  REDDITCH                           01527 534069                                       WORCESTER                                01905 722233
  WYCHAVON                           01386 565020                                       WYRE FOREST                              0800 169 0933

 HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS                                                        HAIG HOMES is an organisation dealing exclusively with ex-Service
 Housing Associations vary in size dramatically from less than 50            personnel nation-wide. They have over 1300 properties in the UK.
 properties to a stock of over 40,000. They are becoming the major           All their properties are let to people with Service connections, priority
 providers of social housing in the UK, being responsible for almost         being given to families with children.
 a third of new housing. Their objective is to provide affordable good
 quality homes for rent or low cost home ownership. Some are able to         For more details telephone: 020 8685 5777 or visit
 accept direct applications whilst others will only take nominations by a    www.haighomes.org.uk
 local authority.
                                                                             REGIONAL HOMEBUY AGENT
 PLACES FOR PEOPLE is one of the largest property management                 Orbit: ofs@orbit.org.uk
 and development companies in the UK. Their focus is on creating             www.orbithomebuyagents.co.uk
 places where people choose to live. Their aim is to create sustainable      Tel: 0345 8502050
 communities by building homes for sale and rent alongside homes for
 reduced and part ownership, as well as commercial units, live/work          AVERAGE HOUSE PRICES IN WEST MIDLANDS SECOND
 apartments, homes with care and support and nurseries for pre-school        QUARTER 2012
 children. You can contact Places for People by free phone within the        £152,980
 UK on 0800 432 0002 or through their website at                             Annual Change: +1.3% Quarterly Change: -2.7%
 www.placesforpeople.co.uk                                                   (Figures sourced from www.lloydsbankinggroup.com)

Page 12

Head Office telephone numbers for some of the other larger Housing       HomeBuy         in the
Associations operating in the area are listed below.
                                                                         current housing market
WEST MIDLANDS                                                            Buying a home via HomeBuy has a range of clear benefits. Most
                                                                         notably, lower deposit requirements and monthly repayment amounts,
Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands
                                                                         mean lower required household incomes.
and Worcestershire
                                                                         The table below shows a comparison of the average monthly costs of
                                                                         owning a home outright against buying through HomeBuy:
Name                  Tel            Counties Covered
                                                                                                             New build                    Outright sales
Accord                0300 111 7000 Shropshire, W Midlands &                                                 shared ownership             purchase
                                                                         Full purchase price                 £180,000                     £180,000
Anchor Trust          0845 140 2020 All                                  Shares purchased                    30%                          100%
Bentilee Community    01782 252575   Staffordshire Housing               Typical mortgage                    5%                           10%
Beth Johnson HA       01782 219200   Shropshire & Staffordshire          Deposit required                    £2,700                       £18,000
Bromford Carinthia HA 01902 773618   All                                 Interest rate                       6.25%                        6.25%
English Churches HG 0845 112 7722 All                                    Monthly mortgage                    £320.60                      £1,068.66
Focus HA              0121 525 3626 W Midlands                           repayment monthly
Jephson Homes HA      01926 339 311 Shropshire, W Midlands,              Rent payment monthly                £315.00                      N/A
		                                   Warwickshire &                      Service charge monthly              £81.95                       £81.95
		Worcestershire                                                         Total outgoing                      £717.55                      £1,150.61
Marches HA            01568 610100   Herefordshire, Shropshire &         Buying this or a similar property through HomeBuy would require a
		Worcestershire                                                         household income of £24,900.
Midland Area HA       0121 554 8000 W Midlands
                                                                         This example is based on a two bedroom house at Darland View in
Optima Community      0121 687 3111 W Midlands
                                                                         Chatham, Kent. This table should not be taken as a definitive guide.
                                                                         Monthly payments will vary depending on the full purchase price of the
Orbit HA              0345 8 500 500 W Midlands, Staffordshire &
                                                                         property, shares purchased and mortgage product chosen.
Sanctuary HA          0121 525 3131 W Midlands, Staffordshire,           For more information about any HomeBuy options visit
(Beth Johnson) 		                    Warwickshire &                      www.HomeBuy.co.uk.
		Worcestershire                                                         Looking to live in Essex, Kent or Sussex? Visit
Touchstone HA         08459 507200   W Midlands, Staffs &                www.HomeBuyOptions.co.uk or contact Moat, your Local
		Warwickshire                                                           HomeBuy Agent by calling 0845 359 6161 or by
William Sutton Trust  0845 217 8601 Staffordshire                        emailing marketing@moat.co.uk.

       Discover your HomeBuy options through Moat

                                                                        Are you looking for an affordable home in Essex, Kent
                                                                        or Sussex and have a household income of less than
                                                                        £60,000 per annum?

                                                                        Then we invite you to join the thousands of people
                                                                        who are on the first step of the home ownership
                                                                        To find out more call us on 0845 359 6161 or you can
                                                                        check eligibility, search for properties and apply online
                                                                        at www.HomeBuyOptions.co.uk.
                                                                        Other eligibility criteria may apply.
                                                                        Please quote ref MoD1 when applying.

                                                                                           Moat Homes Limited is a charitable housing association. July 2012.

          MoD personnel will be given the highest priority for any HomeBuy homes.

    MoD advert 131 x 186.indd 1                                                                                                                    26/07/2012 10:42
                                                                                                                                                       Page 13
                                                                                                                                        m a t t e r s

Finding the right professional           is notified of any restrictions in     their searches and pre-contract       the appropriate area of law. You
help can mark the difference             advance of purchase. In most           enquiries. The seller’s solicitor     can find details of solicitors on
between a smooth and a                   mature jurisdictions, conveyancing     or conveyancer will prepare the       the Law Society website at: www.
stressful move and one that              is facilitated by a system of land     draft contract to be approved by      solicitors-online.com or go to
you may wish to forget entirely          registration which is designed         the buyer’s solicitor. The seller’s   the Ministry of Justice website at
! Conveyancing is the transfer           to encourage reliance on public        solicitor will also collect and       www.justice.gov.uk
of legal title of property from          records and assure purchasers of       prepare property information
one person to another.                   land that they are taking good title   to be provided to the buyer’s         NORTHERN IRELAND
                                                                                solicitors.                           In many ways, the process is
A typical conveyancing transaction       ENGLAND & WALES                                                              similar to England and Wales,
contains two major landmarks: the        In England and Wales, this is          It takes on average 10-12 weeks       conveyancing companies also
exchange of contracts (whereby           usually done by a solicitor though     to complete a conveyancing            offer their services and again there
equitable title passes) and              could be a licensed conveyancer.       transaction, but while some           is fierce competition on prices.
completion (whereby legal title          The domestic conveyancing              transactions are quicker, many        If you are considering using a
passes). Conveyancing occurs             market is price competitive, with a    take longer. The timescale is         solicitor? Then go to the Northern
in three stages: before contract,        high number of firms of solicitors     determined by a host of factors       Ireland Legal Services website at:
before completion and after              and conveyancing companies             – legal, personal, social and         www.nilsc.org.uk
completion.                              offering a similar service.            financial. During this period
                                                                                prior to exchange of contracts        SCOTLAND
A buyer of real property must            Under English and Welsh law,           (exchange being the point at          The position in Scotland under
ensure that he or she obtains a          agreements are not legally binding     which the transaction becomes         Scots law is that the contract is
good and marketable ‘title’ to           until contracts are exchanged.         legally-binding) either party can     generally concluded at a much
the land; i.e., that the seller is the   This affords both the advantage of     pull out of the transaction at any    earlier stage, and the initial offer,
owner, has the right to sell the         freedom before contract, but also      time and for any reason, with no      once accepted by the seller, is
property, and there is no factor         the disadvantage of wasted time        legal obligation to the other.        legally binding. This results in
which would impede a mortgage            and expense in the event the deal                                            a system of conveyancing where
or re-sale.                              is not done/completed.                 NB                                    buyers get their survey done
                                                                                The decision to employ a Solicitor    before making a bid through
A system of conveyancing is              The normal practice is for the         or Conveyancer is personal to         their solicitor to the seller’s
usually designed to ensure that          buyer to negotiate an agreed           the individual. Detailed and          solicitor. If there is competing
the buyer secures (obtains) title        price with the seller then organise    thorough research; both on-line       interest for a property, sellers
to the land together with all the        a survey and have the solicitor        and through advice sought from        will normally set a closing
rights that run with the land, and       (or conveyancer) carry out             neutral sources and trusted family    date for the initial offers. The
                                                                                            and friends should        contract is normally formed by
                                                                                            be considered before      letters between the solicitors on
                                                                                            your decision is made.    behalf of each of the seller and
                                                                                            There are points to       purchaser, called missives. Once
                                                                                            be considered in          all the terms of the contract are
                                                                                            both solutions and        agreed, the missives are said
                                                                                            ultimately the choice     to be concluded, and there is
                                                                                            lies with you the         then a binding contract for the
                                                                                            buyer!                    sale of the property. Normally
                                                                                                                      the contract is conditional upon
                                                                                            Welcome to the real       matters such as the sellers being
                                                                                            world eh?                 able, before completion of the
                                                                                                                      transaction, to prove that they
                                                                                            If you decide you         have good title to the property
                                                                                            need a solicitor, you     and to exhibit clear searches
                                                                                            should choose one         from the property registers and
                                                                                            who has experience in     the local authority. The fact that
there is a binding contract at a     important decision in a rush. A
relatively early stage, compared     conveyancer’s job is to take care
with the normal practice in          of all legal aspects of moving
England and Wales, decreases         house, which include:
some of the risks inherrent
in buying in England. The            •   Local search
disadvantage for the buyer is that   •   Land charges search
they usually have to bear the cost   •   Land registry
of the survey for unsuccessful       •   Stamp duty
bids.                                •   Home information packs (in
                                          Scotland only) though Energy
In Scotland, properties for               Performance Certificates are
sale have to be marketed with             used UK wide and should be
detailed information, referred            sought by a purchaser.
to as the ‘Home Information                                               Most conveyancers will ask for       conveyancing solicitors
Report’. This consists of: a         One of the best means of             payment of land registry and         when buying a property. It’s
Single Survey, an Energy Report      finding a suitable conveyancer       local authority search fees in       an interesting perspective;
and a Property Questionnaire         is through a personal                advance. The balance will be         remember that property purchase
of local authority searches          recommendation, so ask friends       due when you’ve completed on         is probably the most expensive
and evidence of legal title.         and family who have bought a         your home.                           thing you’ll ever undertake……..
The Home Report will be              property in the area or the estate
made available on request to         agent or mortgage broker.            Consider carefully professionals     PROPERTY SURVEYS
prospective buyers of the home.                                           that are offering a ‘cheap deal’.    It’s estimated that on average
The date of final settlement is in   Apart from the conveyancing          This could mean that they are        only 20% of all homebuyers
Scotland known as the “date of       work there is also the lender’s      dealing with many clients, which     commission a professional
entry”.                              legal work to be done. Your          will more often than not result in   survey. This is somewhat
                                     conveyancer could act for the        a slow service.                      surprising considering that
You can find details of solicitors   lender, which should save you                                             buying a property is probably
in the Law Society of Scotland’s     money. The principal task is         Once you’ve chosen a                 the biggest purchase in most
website www.lawscot.org.uk           to draw up a mortgage deed,          conveyancer they will ask to see     people’s lives. One explanation
                                     which sets out the conditions of     some form of identification, such    for this low take up is that
So, on with the article:             your loan. The lender will hold      as a passport or driving licence,    many homebuyers believe the
Here are some guidelines to          this and the title deeds of your     and your mortgage lender’s           mortgage lender’s survey is
help you in your decisions in        property until the loan is paid      details. Most importantly, you       sufficient.
making your choices.                 in full.                             will also need your chequebook,
                                                                          ask for an estimate of costs.        In fact, the lender’s survey is
Conveyancers                         Cost                                 These are professionals skilled      simply a mortgage valuation, a
The legal process of buying          Fees for conveyancing work vary,     in purchase of properties and        property inspection to establish
and selling a property is called     so it’s a good idea to obtain at     should be able to give a very        the amount and terms of the
conveyancing. Conveyancer            least three quotes from different    good idea of costs. You do not       loan. This survey will not tell you
is the generic term given to         companies. Make sure that            want to be agreeing to ‘Carte        if the property is worth the price
either a conveyancing solicitor      you know what costs the quote        Blanche’ or a blank cheque           you’re paying for it, nor point out
or licensed conveyancer. All         includes. You will usually be        scenario. If you are working to      any structural defects. To obtain
solicitors practising law in         charged for the conveyancer’s        a budget, take care to outline       this vitally important information
England and Wales must also be       time, phone calls, letters and       when communication is required       you’ll need to get a professional
registered with the Law Society.     faxes and their indemnity fee.       on costs. Consider setting limits    opinion by commissioning a
There are separate societies for     They may state that if any           before you agree to a solicitor      chartered surveyor before you
Northern Ireland and Scotland.       unforeseen problems arise these      acting on your behalf, he is         sign any contracts.
Website details can be found         will be dealt with through an        working for you after all and you
above.                               extra charge.                        will be paying his final bill.       NB
                                                                                                               It is a commonly held belief
As soon as you place an offer        For a property costing               NB                                   amongst the Service community;
on a property, an estate agent       £100,000, you should expect          One of the presenter briefings       that more effort and care is
will ask for your conveyancer’s      to pay about £550 in fees.           that are being added to the          taken when buying a second-
details to pass onto the seller’s    However, the cost will also          Housing Options all-day              hand car, rather than a second-
conveyancer. It’s therefore          depend on whether your               briefings given by the JSHAO         hand property !!! Whether this
wise to establish contact with       property is leasehold or freehold.   (Joint Services Housing Advice       is a result of inferred trust in
a professional before you            Leasehold properties will cost       Office) is given by a Solicitor      housing, as service property is
start looking for a property         more as they involve additional      who gives best advice on the         cared-for and that implied care
to avoid having to make this         work checking the lease.             benefits of using specialist         exists in other homeowners.

                                                                                                                                       Page 15
                                                                                                                                                        m a t t e r s

       Remember: Buyer Beware.                   purchase at the agreed price.        valuation, however this can be                forget to ask any friends who’ve
                                               • M
                                                  ake clear what decisions and       arranged as an agreed extra.                  recently purchased a property. If
       There are two main types of               actions should be taken before                                                     these options fail to find someone
       survey - the ‘Homebuyer’s Report’         contracts are exchanged.             The cost of this survey is from               suitable, contact the Royal
       and the ‘Building Survey’.                                                     £500 upwards and will usually                 Institution of Chartered Surveyors
                                               Building survey                        take one to two days to complete.             (RICS), who currently have over
       Homebuyer’s report                      This type of survey is suitable        You can expect the final report               80,000 members working to the
       This type of survey is designed         for all residential properties         within three working weeks of the             highest professional standards.
       to keep costs to a minimum and          and provides a full picture of         original survey.
       is likely to be the best choice         the property’s construction and                                                      Search for a Surveyor on the
       if the property you are buying          condition. Because the level           NB                                            website at http://www.rics.
       is conventional in type and             of detail is higher than the           You can reasonably expect to                  org/
       construction is apparently in           Homebuyer’s Report, a Building         recoup some of the costs of a
       reasonable condition and built          Survey is more expensive. This         detailed survey in your negotiated            It’s a good idea to assist
       within the last 30 years. The           type of survey is required when        purchase price. If expensive                  your surveyor by passing on
       survey focuses on defects and           a property is of an unusual            defects are found, you’ll certainly           information about the locality,
       problems that are urgent and            construction or has had extensive      want to discuss costs ? if it’s a             including any information you’ve
       likely to have an effect on value.      alterations, if it’s old, in need      clean bill of health, think how               gathered about properties that
       According to the Royal Institution      of serious structural repair or        much happier you’ll feel when                 are for sale or have recently been
       of Chartered Surveyors, the main        if you’re planning a major             buying ?                                      sold in the area. Also, inform the
       objectives of the Homebuyer’s           conversion or renovation.                                                            surveyor of any potential problems
       report are to:                                                                 Choosing a surveyor                           that you noticed when you viewed
                                               The final report will include          Once you’ve worked out which                  the property.
       • M ake a reasoned and informed        detailed technical information on      type of survey to go for, the next
          judgement on whether or not          the construction of the property,      task is to find a suitable surveyor.          Sources: www.bbc.co.uk/
          to proceed with the purchase.        materials used and a listing of        Your mortgage lender or estate                homes/property/ http://
       • Assess whether or not the            all major and minor defects.           agent may be able to offer a                  www.adviceguide.org.uk/
          property is a reasonable             The report does not provide a          recommendation, also don’t                    (Citizens Advice Bureau)

                                                                                                       MERSEYSIDE COUNTY
                                                                                                        TRANSITIONAL FAIR
                                                                                           Many Service Leavers (SL’s) who are planning to return to or move into the
                                                                                            Merseyside area may not necessarily know all there is to know about the
                                                                                           region. What are the employment prospects; how they register with a GP;
                                                                                                    what schools are available for their children and so on.

                                                                                           To help ease the path back into Civvy Street, Merseyside Garrison is holding
                                                                                             a “County Transitional Fair” at which the 5 Local Authorities in the area
                                                                                            (Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton & Wirral) will each deliver a brief
                                                                                                       presentation showcasing their respective Boroughs.

                                                                                               In line with the “Five Pillars” of Transition (E2H2W or more simply:
                                                                                           Education, Employment, Health and Housing & Welfare) visitors to the Fair
                                                                                           will be able to discuss, in detail and directly to officers of the Boroughs just
                                                                                           what each one has to offer. Additionally, there will be a Merseyside-centric
                                                                                                Employment stand (in conjunction with CTP and JobSeeker Plus),
                                                                                            an NHS-sponsored stand together with other participants, aiming to offer

                 Your time to                     Properties available in:
                                                                                                                           advice and help.

                 own a home                       Beds, Berks, Bucks, Herts
                                                  and London, through
                                                                                           The Merseyside Garrison CTF will be in support of the NorthWest Regional
                                                                                                      Employment Fair to be held on 21 Nov in Salford.
                 with Paradigm                    shared ownership                                                          Venue:

                 is NOW!                          (part buy, part rent).                               TAC Drill Hall, Mather Avenue, Liverpool L18 6HF
                                                                                                                 20 Nov 2012 – 1400-1630 hrs

                                                                                                                           Start: 1400 hrs

                            For more information                                                 Introductory Brief – CO 156 Regt RLC(V)
                            Call: 0845 337 4877                                                       Local Authority Overview Briefs
                            Email: sales@paradigmliving.co.uk
                            www.paradigmliving.co.uk                                                               Stands available to visit
                                                                                                                      Close of CTF 1630 hrs

Housing      16
        Matters Advert Oct 2012.indd 1                                  31/07/2012 13:13
Sales list of                                                                                                                                HOUSING

Former Married Quarters
                                                                                                                                             m a t t e r s

 Location Home Types	Prices                                    from          Incentives/ 	For        more information contact
 Lale Walk                 3 bedroom £109,950 L/S* Annington’s appointed agents; Sharman Quinney,
 Wittering, Cambridgeshire houses			               38 St Mary’s Street, Stamford, Lincs PW9 2DS. Please call
 				                                              01780 752136 or email: stamford@sharmanquinney.co.uk

 Elmwood Avenue    One bedroom £89,950 L/S*                                                     Annington’s appointed agents: William H Brown,
 Colchester, Essex flats			                                                                     141 High Street, Colchester CO1 1PG. Please call 01206 577772
 				                                                                                           or email: colchester@sequencehome.co.uk

 Millson Close     2, 3 and 4 bedroom £295,000 L/S*                                             Annington’s appointed agents: Bernard Marcus,
 Whetstone, London houses			                                                                    1285 High Road, London N20 9HS. Please call 020 8446 6888
 				                                                                                           or email: whetstone@sequencehome.co.uk

 Annington Point                   2 bedroom     £105,000 L/S*                                  Annington’s appointed agents; Fox and Sons,
 Gosport, Hampshire                maisonettes			                                               10 High Street, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 1BX
                                   and 4 bedroom			                                             Please call 02392 503733
                                   houses			                                                    or email: Gosport@sequencehome.co.uk

 Peronne Road          3 bedroom semi- £160,000 L/S* Annington’s appointed agents: Fox & Sons,
 Portsmouth, Hampshire detached houses			            126 London Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO2 9DE
 				                                                Please call 0239 267 1110 or
 				email: portsmouth@sequencehome.co.uk

 Barton Road            3 bedroom semi- £115,950 L/S*                                           Annington’s appointed agents: W H Brown,
 Badersfield, formerly  detached houses			                                                      5 Bank Plain, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 4SF. Please call
 RAF Coltishall, Norfolk				                                                                    01603 760044 or email: norwich@sequencehome.co.uk

 Park Road, Longhoughton 2 bedroom terraced £75,000 L/S* Annington’s appointed agents: Your Move, 39 Bondgate Within
 Northumberland          houses			                       Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 1SX. Please call
 				                                                    01665 603443 or email: alnwick@your-move.co.uk

 Landy Close                       4 bedroom terraced £122,950 L/S*                             Annington’s appointed agents: DB Roberts, 6 Oxford Street
 Donnington, Shropshire            and end of terraced			                                       Oakengates, Telford TF2 6AA. Please call 01952 620021
                                   houses			                                                    or email: oakengates@dbroberts.co.uk

Please go to www.annington.co.uk for a full              Useful   property   Websites       www.home.co.uk                    Useful Broker Websites
listing of all our forthcoming sites and to register
                                                                                            www.home-sale.co.uk               The following websites offer
your interest.                                           The following sites offer
                                                                                                                              information about a range of
                                                         properties for sale in the UK;     www.linkprop.co.uk                mortgages from different
                                                         some also offer properties to
Legal and Survey Fee Incentive (L/S)                                                                                          lenders.
                                                         rent and the opportunity to sell   www.naea.co.uk
Annington will pay £750 towards the buyer‘s              your home online. The larger                                         www.cdvmm.com
legal fees and mortgage survey fee*.                     property websites also offer       www.new-homes.co.uk
(*Subject to terms and conditions. Please ask                                                                                 www.charcolonline.co.uk
                                                         properties for sale abroad and     www.primelocation.co.uk
the sales adviser on site or the appointed estate        information and tips on home-                                        www.moneyextra.com
agent for further details.)                              buying and mortgages.              www.propertybroker.co.uk
                                                         www.belvoir.com                    www.propertyfinder.co.uk          www.mortgage-next.com
All information is correct at time of going to press –   www.estateagent.co.uk
August 2012.                                                                                www.reallymoving.com              www.siiap.org
                                                         www.fish4homes.co.uk               www.rightmove.co.uk               www.spf.co.uk
*Terms and conditions apply, please ask the sales        www.hol365.com                     www.smartestates.com              www.virginmoney.com
adviser or agent for further details

                                                                                                                                                     Page 17
                                                                                                                                      m a t t e r s

  United Kingdom
  Average Price: £161,346 Quarterly Change: -0.3%, Annual Change -0.5%
                                                                                                                Source: www.lloydsbankinggroup.com

                                                                                                         Commenting, Martin Ellis, housing
 1 Scotland                     7 The West Midlands                                                      economist, said:
 Average Price: £113,417        Average Price: £152,980                                                       “The underlying trend in house prices
 Quarterly Change: +5.9%        Quarterly Change: -2.7%
 Annual Change: -5.4%                                                                                         was flat in the three months to July
                                Annual Change: -1.3%
                                                                                                             compared with the previous three months.
 2 Northern Ireland             8 Wales                                                                     House prices fell by 0.6% in July following
 Average Price: £102,211        Average Price: £129,095                                                      consecutive increases in May and June
 Quarterly Change: -1.5%        Quarterly Change: -2.5%                                                         as prices continue to fluctuate on a
 Annual Change: -12.1%          Annual Change: +1.3%
                                                                                                                  monthly basis.
 3 The North                    9 East Anglia                                                                     “At a national level, house prices
 Average Price: £123,298        Average Price: £157,495                                                              have been very stable over the
 Quarterly Change: -5.3%        Quarterly Change: -6%
 Annual Change: +1.6%           Annual Change: -3.4%                                                                   past year or so. This can
                                                                                                                           largely be explained by
 4 Yorkshire and The Humber     10 Greater London                                                                               the static nature of
 Average Price: £115,539        Average Price: £266,198                                                                         supply and demand
 Quarterly Change: +5.5%        Quarterly Change: +0.2%
 Annual Change: +2.9%           Annual Change: +2.4%                                                                            conditions during
                                                                                                                               this period. Looking
 5 The North West               11 The South West                                                                              forward, we expect
 Average Price: £122,658        Average Price: £180,486                                                                   little change in prices over
 Quarterly Change: -0.7%        Quarterly Change: -2.5%
                                                                                                  the remainder of 2012 so long as the economic
 Annual Change: -1.5%           Annual Change: -2.4%
                                                            climate in the UK does not worsen substantially.”
 6 The East Midlands            12 The South East           “Recent monthly house sales figures have clearly been affected by the ending of the stamp
 Average Price: £141,139        Average Price: £224,696     duty holiday for first-time buyers in late March. Overall, the trend for sales – like that for
 Quarterly Change: +1.5%        Quarterly Change: -1.2%
 Annual Change: +8.8%           Annual Change: +0.9%        prices – appears to be one of broad stability.”

Page 18


                                                                             Green is top
                                                                             for city and
HomeBuy Schemes in                                                           For house hunters looking for a stylish new home in a great village

Hampshire & Isle of Wight                                                    location, Parish Green at Lee Mill near Plymouth is certainly worth a visit.
                                                                             Located between the commuter towns of Ivybridge and Plympton, Parish
When Melvyn and Cherish found out they were expecting their first child,     Green is just two miles from Dartmoor National Park. The wide range of
they started to look at their options of getting onto the property ladder.
                                                                             stunning village homes – including two-bedroom apartments and coach
“A family member told us about the part-buy, part-rent scheme as we          houses, as well as a selection of two, three and four-bedroom homes – offer
knew we couldn’t afford to buy on the open market. We looked on the          low maintenance, energy efficient living, each with two parking spaces.
internet and found out about our HomeBuy Agent for Hampshire and Isle
of Wight, HomesinHants.” Explains Cherish.                                   Sales Manager Karen Heywood-Cann said: “Parish Green is attracting a
“Shared Ownership was ideal for us! We now pay under £600 each               number of service personnel and their families looking for a new home
month on our mortgage and rent combined for a 2-bed house, and we            in a village location which has great access to the cities of Plymouth
only needed a 5% deposit for our mortgage which made it even more            and Exeter, as well as the region’s renowned coast and countryside”.
affordable for us,” says Cherish, “I’d recommend the scheme to any first
time buyers.”                                                                All homes at Parish Green include parking provision and benefit from
                                                                             contemporary fitted kitchens and bathrooms, with PVC-u double glazed
If you are looking to buy a place of your own but are unable to do so on
the open market, and have a household income of less than £60,000,           windows and a 10 year NHBC Buildmark Warranty.
the HomeBuy schemes could be for you. And what’s more, as existing           For more information on the available properties and special offers at
serving MOD personnel, you have the highest priority to assist under the     Parish Green throughout October please visit www.cavannahomes.
                                                                             co.uk or telephone 01752 690568
Contact your HomeBuy Agent for Hampshire, HomesinHants, on                   or email parishgreen@cavannahomes.
023 8062 8004 or visit the website www.homesinhants.co.uk for
further information.

                                                                                                                                              Page 19
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