What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses

Page created by Dennis Wright
What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses
Hello! Well 2020 wasn’t quite what any of us had expected was it?! We hope you still managed to have fun with your
horses and you and your families stayed healthy and didn’t suffer too much with the strains of the year. Looking forward
to a bumper 2021 has to be the way forward so we hope next year brings the success and happiness you deserve, and
we hope you enjoy reading our newsletter as we take a look back at the year and share our excitement for next season.
As always, we are always here for our breeders and clients through the ups and downs of breeding through our support
programme and look forward to seeing and speaking with you very soon.

What Did Happen in 2020…(?!)

Whilst the season was curtailed significantly we were very impressed by British Breeding’s
efforts to continue with its world leading Futurity Scheme. This scheme assesses foals to 3yr
olds to attempt to identify horses with the potential to reach the very top of the Olympic
disciplines at a very early age. This is the time that veterinary or management intervention can
make the difference between a world beater and a horse that never quite reaches its potential
or is able to withstand the stresses of top flight sport.

Unable to hold physical evaluations as they have done in previous years, British Breeding rapidly adapted and overcame
by creating a ‘digital’ assessment. This enabled breeders to provide detailed video footage and photographs of their
young horses which the senior vet Jane Hastie, and a panel of extremely experienced International judges from
Germany, Holland and the UK then assessed. The requirements of the video supplied by breeders was very prescriptive
with specific views; front and behind, conformation, walk, trot, canter and gallop all reviewed to determine the athleticism,
correctness and veterinary condition of the candidates. The benefit of video was that it enabled the assessors to pause,
slow motion and repeat clips in order to thoroughly review locomotion, joint articulation and technique.

                                      This scheme has now been identified as one of the most comprehensive young
                                      horse evaluation systems in the world and is now well placed for global rollout –
                                      what a feather in British Breeding’s cap! That coupled with the fact that one of the
                                      driving forces behind British Breeding, Dr. Eva-Maria Broomer has now been
                                      appointed as a Vice-President of the WBFSH is a huge step towards cementing
                                      British Breeding as a major player in the breeding and production of sport horses
                                      on the world stage. We take our hat off to the energy and dedication the team at
                                      BB has put into establishing real credibility behind this programme.

                                    Future Sport Horses entered three foals into
                                    the series, all in the Eventing section, and all
 Future Iconic Pleasure HH
                                    by our young AES Stallion Licensing
Champion, Future Guilty Pleasure. We were excited to see how they did this year,
having been fortunate enough to have the top scoring Eventer across all ages by
him last year. All three were out of very differently bred mares – one Dutch, one
French x British, and one Irish.

129 Eventers were assessed from foals to 3yr olds and the FSH-bred ones all placed
in the top 10, with one taking the top spot! ‘Future Iconic Pleasure HH’ (Future Guilty
Pleasure x Contendro I) (see photo) was the only Eventer awarded the coveted
status of Elite with the score of 9.125 / 10. He scored an elite mark of 9 or higher in    Iniki – dam of
                                                                                           Future Iconic
every section of the assessment – Veterinary, Conformation, Walk, Trot, Canter. He
                                                                                           Pleasure HH
then went on to be top Eventing lot sold at the British Breeding Elite Auction.

Ribbons and Rosettes!
Notwithstanding the very curtailed season, there were some notable successes for our clients horses, primarily…

    •   ‘Cosmic Charm’ - by Future Illusion - contested his first CCI4* at Little Downham International, jumping clear
        cross country and claiming a top 25 placing in a very competitive section, adding to his qualifications to compete
        at CCI5*. Bred by Lesley Prince, owned by Michelle Bartlett and ridden by Lucy Robinson this young horse
        looks to have a very exciting future.
    •   Mary King’s 5 year old ‘King Cyrus’ - by Future Gravitas - had his first season eventing and capped the season
        off by upgrading to Novice and jumping double clear at Bicton Arena International. There are many young horses
        by Future Gravitas who experienced their first competitions this season and have shown huge potential with
        many taking multiple placings in their very first runs.
What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses
Stallion News

Future Guilty Pleasure                      We introduced Future Guilty Pleasure (Levisonn x Cantoblanco x Primitive
                                            Proposal xx) to you in 2018 as a first season stallion having been Champion
                                            of the UK AES Stallion Licensing from over 90 stallions inspected. We were
                                            thrilled when from his first crop foaled in 2019 he sired both the Futurity
                                            National Eventing Champion and the Elite Foals Registration Tour Eventing
                                            Champion! He also sired winners at both of the prestigious In Hand Shows,
                                            The National Hunter Show and the British Show Horse Association
                                            Championship Show. As a result of his offspring’s scores he was awarded
                                            the Champion Sire of Futurity Eventers and the Best Newcomer in 2019.

                                             As you’ve already read above, the
                                             2020 Champion Futurity Eventer
                                             was again sired by him and the
                                             success of his stock at the Futurity
resulted in him winning the Champion Sire of Futurity Eventers Award for the
second consecutive year. He not only sired the highest scoring eventer of any
age, but based on an average of the top 3 scoring horses for each stallion,
Future Guilty Pleasure is also Champion Sire – hopefully demonstrating his
consistency at siring athletic, correct horses and not just exceptional one-offs.    Futurity Champion Stallion Awards

In 2021 we plan to compete him in the 5yr old eventing series and in order to enable him to focus completely on this he
will only be available for fresh and chilled semen for a short period at the beginning of next season. Due to demand from
abroad he will be resident at Stallion AI Services between February and early April 2021 whilst he is quarantined for
semen collection. In order to preserve the quality and quantity of semen collected for freezing, sadly there will only be a
limited number of collections for mares. If you would like to use fresh or chilled during this period please get in
touch ASAP to book your nomination as once these slots are gone he will only be available via frozen semen.

It was a thrilling debut season for our youngest stallion Future Hepsilon
(Upsilon x Heraldik xx). He completely filled his first season covering book in
2020, being selected for CCI4* and 5* mares and is already pre-booked for
2021 coverings for breeders from Australia to the USA.

Future Hepsilon is the only UK based licensed son of the international eventing
star Upsilon. Coupled with a dam who has already produced 2 International
eventers, is by the legendary thoroughbred Heraldik xx, and descends from the
same damline that produced the €1 million winning Grand Prix stallion
Embassy II, these genetics have tempted breeders to use him in his very first
season. We are extremely grateful to the breeders who selected him this
season for taking that leap of faith and using him purely based on his
credentials. Future Hepsilon has now been backed by Will and Ginnie Turnbull
and will hopefully be presented under saddle at the Stallion Show in February,        Future Hepsilon – photo as a 2yr old
before spending a couple of months at Stallion AI Services having semen
frozen for export.

                                                    Future Gravitas (Grafenstolz x Bohemond xx) had his busiest stud
                                                    season for a number of years and had a record number of mares in
                                                    foal first time. His semen quality and fertility are proving exceptional.

                                                    He spent 2020 undertaking his breeding duties after an eventing
                                                    career which saw him win at every level from 5YO Qualifier, through
                                                    BE100 to BE Novice and BE Open Novice, culminating with him
                                                    jumping double clear at International CCI2*, finishing his eventing
                                                    career sound. With Guilty Pleasure now taking up the eventing
                                                    mantle, Gravitas is now back under saddle and having a change in
                                                    direction to pure dressage. With talented rider Natasha Leak, he won
                                                    his first 4 Elementary tests with scores up to 74%, qualifying for the
                                                    Winter Regionals at Gold level in just 2 outings, and then went on to
 Future Gravitas
                                                    win his first Medium test. He was also on track to qualify at Medium,
                                                    unfortunately last-minute cancellation of the Qualifier prevented this.
What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses
His stock began emerging under saddle in 2020 and even with a
                                                      hugely disrupted schedule of events, several of his stock showed
                                                      exciting potential – ‘GBC Gee Whizz’ placed in the top 10 in three
                                                      of their four outings, taking 11th spot in the fourth; ‘After The
                                                      Storm’ jumped a number of double clears at BE100 and 5 Year
                                                      Old level to take three top 10 spots; and Mary King’s 5 year old,
                                                      ‘King Cyrus’, cruised through BE100 level and finished the
                                                      season jumping double clear at Bicton Novice.

                                                      There are a number of exciting Show horses waiting in the wings
                                                      including ‘Future Perfect Gravitas’ – bred by ourselves out of the
                                                      dam of Future Prophecy. She will be aimed at Showing by her
 Mary King and her 5yr old King Cyrus                 owner Katie Astbury, but she has begun with affiliated dressage
                                                      where she won her first two tests with scores up to 73%. ‘Future
Etiquette’, also bred by ourselves, has already been a multiple In Hand and ridden showing Champion with her owner
Lana Whitelock. With these and others making debuts next season, 2021 will definitely be an exciting year for his stock.

 Future Prophecy xx
                                          Our     thoroughbred      Future
                                          Prophecy (Powerblade x Hand
                                          In Glove) has certainly been
                                          noticed and will now have
                                          frozen semen collected to meet
                                          global demand. His first foal was
                                          an     Elite  Foals     Regional
                                          Champion purchased for a
                                          CCI5* rider. Feedback from
                                          breeders has been unanimously
                                          positive, with size, athleticism
                                          and good temperaments being         Future Prophecy xx
                                          the consistent themes.

We are excited about the mares that are booked to him for 2021 and for the levels of interest he is garnering around the
world. He surely is a very unique package with his gold-plated jumping pedigree, full thoroughbred genetics, size,
movement and temperament. For those interested in colour – he cannot sire a chestnut even out of a chestnut mare.

                                        Our senior stallion Future Illusion (Fleetwater Opposition x The Outlaw) saw
                                        his first stock reach CCI4* level with ‘Cosmic Charm’ putting in a fantastic
                                        performance to take a top 25 position at Little Downham International. He has
                                        a number of other horses coming through the International ranks including ‘To
                                        Love and Honour’, and ‘Unis Midnight Illusion’ amongst others.

                                         He is also fortunate to have some
                                         stunning Show horses including
                                         H.M. The Queen’s ‘Fools Paradise’
                                         who was a Supreme Champion in
  Cosmic Charm                           Hand in 2019 and will be ridden by
                                         Katie Jerram in 2021, Rena Daley’s
‘Tell Me Another’ who again was a multiple Champion in hand with producer
Steve Pitt taking Balmoral Show Champion Youngstock in N. Ireland, and
Champion Light Horse at the National Hunter Show, plus Lynn Openshaw’s
‘Shude Hill Bertie’ who featured in Horse & Hound with Team Moore.              Tell Me Another

LOYALTY DISCOUNT - If you bred to any of our stallions in 2020 as a thank you we are offering you a £100 loyalty
discount off the stud fee of the stallions in 2021 – just our way of saying “thank you” J
FROZEN semen is being offered on a new 50/50 deal in 2021. With 50% of the stud fee being paid prior to ordering,
and the other 50% only being due once pregnancy has been confirmed. This covers 3 doses.
FREE advertising - As part of our ongoing commitment to you we also offer advertising of horses by our stallions or on
our Facebook page completely free of charge, so please let us know if you’d like to take advantage of this service. We
can also produce short marketing videos for your stock with fees charged dependent on the work required.
What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses
2020 was a real roller coaster with the foaling season getting off to an upsetting start with the loss of two very precious
foals which were aborted due to twisted umbilical cords. In all the years we have been breeding we have never lost a
foal in this way and to lose two in the space of a couple of months, was devastating. When nothing has changed – your
management regime, feed, or herd dynamics - it really does leave you scratching your head.

However, things picked up and we had six fit, healthy foals –                                     Future Devilish Pleasure

A filly by Guilty Pleasure x Future Diamond Cruise (Diamond Roller x Cruising)
A colt by Guilty Pleasure x Future Coeur de Reine (Desir du Chateau x Rock King)
A colt by Guilty Pleasure x Iniki (Contendro I x Indoctro)
A filly by Murka’s Gem x Future Golden Glove xx (Hand in Glove x Golden Heights)
A filly by Billy Congo x Miss Skyport (Porter Rhodes xx x Sky Boy xx)
A filly by Vincent II x Future Intrigue (H-Tobago x The Outlaw)

All were sold to professional homes with the exception of the thoroughbred filly by
Murka’s Gem which we chose to retain because of her exceptional TB genetics.

We are excited to have 7 foals due in 2021, including the first foals by Hepsilon:

                                  * Guilty Pleasure has three foals due out of the following mares:
                                  -Iniki (Contendro I x Indoctro) – foal will be a full sibling to the 2020 Champion Futurity
                                   Eventer & Top Priced Eventing Lot ‘Future Iconic Pleasure HH’
                                  -Future Coeur de Reine (Desir du Chateau x Rock King) – mare is from CCI5* dam line
                                  -Future Panache (Herald III x Hand In Glove) – mare is maternal sister to Prophecy
                                  * Hepsilon has two foals due out of the following mares:
                                  -Future Guilty Secret (Cantoblanco x Primitive Proposal)– mare is Guilty Pleasure’s dam
                                  -Future Golden Glove xx (Hand in Glove x Golden Heights) – mare is Prophecy’s dam
                                  * Gravitas has two foals due out of the following mares:
 Future Iconic Pleasure HH        -Future Illicit Opposition (Fleetwater Opposition x The Outlaw) – mare is Illusion’s sister
                                  -Future Intrigue (H-Tobago x The Outlaw) – mare is maternal sister to Illusion

We sold out of foals by our stallions in 2018, 2019 and 2020 with several sold before they were a week old, so
if you are interested in this season’s crop please do get in touch early to avoid disappointment.

FSH Partnership Programme
At the beginning of 2018 we placed our first horse into
the FSH Partnership Programme and this new
initiative was reported on by Horse & Hound. We
formed a partnership with the exciting young rider
Taggy Forester-Bennett, placing Future Gravitie with
her who is the twin sister (via embryo transfer) to our
International eventer, Life Graded SHBGB and Life
Approved AES stallion Future Gravitas.

Taggy runs her own yard ‘TAG Eventing’ producing
and competing horses in deepest Devon with the help
of her family and staff. Whilst not exactly local to us in
East Yorkshire, we just had a good feeling about this
pairing and decided to go for it.

What a fortuitus decision that was as two years later
and Taggy has transformed Future Gravitie into an
International eventer, having won her first BE100 and
then going on to win at BE Novice level, taking 5th in
an Intermediate and finishing the season off with a
fabulous double clear at Bicton CCI2*, placing 6th on
her International debut.
What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses
Future Gravitie & Taggy Forester-Bennett – FSH Partnership Programme - #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork!

We are excited about how much further we can take Future Gravitie together. Taggy is a supremely talented rider and
horsewoman who we have been very lucky to find. Occasionally she has spaces for new rides and from time to time
has a small number of quality horses for sale, so if you are looking for a rider to produce your horse, or seeking a new
ride for yourself, Taggy may be able to help – see ‘TAG Eventing’ on Facebook.

Taggy has this to say about the Programme - “This was my 3rd season with ‘Future Gravitie’ (Lara) and it’s been an
amazing opportunity for me to have a horse of this calibre after retiring my only Advanced horse in 2017. Lara is well
on her way to filling those boots and has been a fantastic horse to work with along the way. Julia is very skilled at
breeding horses with top class ability and also a trainable brain, which is so important. Since starting on the FSH
Partnership Programme we’ve used two of their stallions – Future Gravitas (Lara’s twin brother), and Future Hepsilon –
on our own mares. I really believe in the work they’re doing and am so grateful that the Programme brought us together”.

New Services

                                                 In 2019 we set up our sister company Future Equine Services which
                                                 allowed us to offer for the first time, mare and stallion livery services
                                                 as well as foaling services and a stallion collection and shipping
                                                 service for third party stallions. The philosophy of this business is
                                                 the same as for Future Sport Horses – quality rather than quantity. We
                                                 focus on providing the very best levels of care and attention to all the
                                                 visiting and livery horses and were delighted when at the end of the
                                                 2020 season all horses returned to their owners having either
                                                 maintained their weight or gained weight. The in-foal results were also
                                                 very pleasing with 100% mares in foal after 3 cycles on site, and the
                                                 vast majority in foal after just a single insemination.
Mare and foal paddocks

We have invested in new ‘nursery’ paddocks designed specifically for
newborn foals or ones requiring restricted exercise, with the ultra-
safe HorseRail railings, anti roll-under kick boards and fully meshed
gates, with direct access onto an all-weather exercise area.

                                                                                                  All weather turn-out

                                                 Because we focus on a restricted number of visiting mares, we are
                                                 able to offer personalized services specifically for your mare. If she
                                                 needs a particular feed, exercise or turn-out regime this can be
                                                 accommodated. Mares can have individual turnout, or be turned out
                                                 with a small group of mares. We go to great lengths to create as
                                                 stress-free and relaxed an environment for visiting mares as possible
                                                 as we believe this is crucial to gaining the best fertility results.
                  Mare barn
What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses
We not only take mares to be bred to our own stallions, but also
                                                take mares to be bred to external stallions whether UK or Europe-

                                                You can therefore have the convenience of sending all your mares to a
                                                single breeding centre regardless of their intended mate, saving on
                                                travel and costs, and making your life just that little bit easier!

We are delighted that through our collaboration with James
Crabtree’s Equine Reproduction Services (UK) vet practice that in
2021 we will be able to offer an enhanced range of services:
   • Fresh and chilled semen AI
   • Frozen semen AI
   • Embryo Transfer*
   • Foaling**
   • External stallion collection and shipping

*If you’re considering embryo transfer please contact us well in advance
to enable organisation of recipient mares if you don’t have your own.
**We have limited availability for foaling mares and are always fully         Foaling cameras
booked so please contact us as soon as possible to book your mare in.

                                                In addition to our on-site services we are delighted to be the supplier of
                                                FoalWatch kits in the UK. These are a tool for managing foaling to
                                                ensure you don’t miss your mare foaling! They are also unique in that
                                                they don’t just tell when a mare is imminent they are the only clinically
                                                trialed tool that will tell you a mare is NOT going to foal, enabling you to
                                                continue with your normal sleep patterns and social life (COVID

                                                They are available for purchase at £70.99 inc. postage and contain 20
                                                separate tests. We supply this product to many of the leading UK
                                                Veterinary practices. If you would like to order one please contact us
                                                well in advance of your mare’s due date as at peak times we can
                                                sometimes sell out due to delivery times from the USA being protracted.

      We would like to thank you for your continued interest in Future Sport Horses and
             hope to be able to support you with your breeding goals in 2021.
                                                                                                    Best Wishes,
                                                                                                    Julia Hodkin

      Future Sport Horses                              Website:                                         07951 519288
      @fsporthorse                          www.FutureSportHorses.co.uk
                                          Email: info@FutureSportHorses.co.uk                           07775 633004
What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses What Did Happen in 2020 - Future Sport Horses
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