Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Corey Pearson
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS

End of Term 3 ‐ 2020/2021
12th February 2021

Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS

Dear Parent / Carer,
Thank you one and all for working collabora vely with the school through these con nuing difficult mes.
You will see throughout this Newsle er why I am constantly in awe of our magnificent children and young
people as they show skills and resilience during circumstances that bring so much uncertainty.
The term ahead will bring new challenges but none that we cannot face together.
Keep Strong, Keep Safe.
The light at the end of the tunnel is ge ng closer and closer.

Best wishes
Steven Ackerley
Execu ve Headteacher


2 Steven Ackerley

3 Tina Bisse /Jody Specht

4 Fundraising

5 Out and About

6 Art & Design

7 Art Design & Engineering
8 Remote Learning/Independent Study
9 Big Garden Birdwatch
10 Food Technology/Mexican Lunch

11 Pancakes and Milkshakes

12 Informa on
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS
Tina Bisse
 Ac ng Head of School (West) EDUCATION

I thought I would include a Charlie Macksey quote in tribute to the wonderful work that Dhara has been
doing in lockdown ‐ you can see her story on the next page.
It has been a long term! I know many of us have struggled through the dark days and nights of winter, and it
has seemed that this lockdown has gone on for ever; today I drove to
work in the light, now the sun is shining and so suddenly everything
feels much be er.
I know how hard all of you have been working both at home and in
school this term‐the quality of the work you have been producing is
fantas c, and it has been lovely to see the posi ve engagement in
lessons as I go past students with their tablets in TEAMS.
Nothing replaces face to face interac on, and we are all missing
those posi ve rela onships in school that make us stronger, but I
know that parents, teachers and students are apprecia ng the virtual
contact that has con nued throughout the term.
We all know it is a priority for all of us to get back to school ‐ please
be assured we will see you all again once it is safe for everyone – let’s
hope it is as soon as possible.
Have a lovely break.
Tina Bisse

 Jody Specht
 Ac ng Head of School (North)

I can feel a li le gloomy returning to school a er the Christmas break with the dark evenings and wet days.
Thankfully in my role, I always have the young people of Broomhill Bank School to add a smile to my face. I
have been so proud of the work I have seen produced and how so many of our students have engaged in
their online learning. Over the term I have witnessed students developing their
Independence skills, problem‐solving and their resilience to the challenges they have faced. All of these
a ributes will help support them throughout their lives.
I have had the pleasure of seeing how students have con nued to develop their learning. Some highlights
have been reading a cri que of Shakespeare, observing remotely how students have developed their
drawing technique in Art or seeing the outcomes from students using new so ware in Engineering and
Compu ng (the digital picture drawn of Mr Sealy by Anthony is outstanding). Also I have con nued learning,
finding out new facts about different sports from the research undertaken by the BTEC sport group. It has
been wonderful to see the response to the RSPB Big Garden Bird watch and how our young people are taking
more no ce in their surrounding environment.
It is all of these events and more, that put a smile on my face each day and remind me, that whilst the
present climate is difficult for all of us, the young people of Broomhill Bank School are amazing.
Jody Specht
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS
Raising Funds for the ‘Undercliff Pony Rescue’. BROOMHILL
Dhara has been fundraising for the ‘Undercliff Pony Rescue’ whose mission is to
rescue as many ponies and horses from neglect and mistreatment as they
possibly can. To rehabilitate the ponies, and help them regain their trust in
Dhara went along to Undercliffe and handed over the funds she had raised.
Undercliff put the following note of thanks on their website.
“This young lady Dhara has been collec ng money for Undercliffponyrescue, and
today we met, so she could hand over what she had collected, what a lovely young
lady you are to think about Undercliffponyrescue, she has travelled to other
countries and will be raising money for the horses there to, she loves these majes c
animals that she has been to college to understand how they think, myself and the
horses want to say a big thank you to you and the money will go towards their feed
hay, treats and general upkeep, what a lovely thing you have done, and when this
COVID has gone you are more than welcome to come and help out and meet the
 Duke—the inspira on behind Undercliff Pony Rescue
horses, thank you again x”
 It was Duke’s plight that touched Dhara’s heart and
We asked Dhara a few ques ons about her love of horses and her empathy in inspire her to raise funds for other neglected Horses
ac vely raising funds for these vulnerable ponies.
How long have you been involved with horses?
I started doing horse riding in Switzerland when I was four years old. I got further
inspired when I moved to Etchingham.
How did you raise the funds? I decided to help the Undercliff Charity by leaf
raking because we have lots of trees in our garden. I wanted to wash other
people’s cars, but because of the restric ons of COVID‐19 I couldn’t do it. But I did
wash my parents’ cars several mes during lockdown.
Do you ride horses yourself? I go to a stable called Ten Oaks Equestrian centre in
Hawkhurst. I ride different horses if I’m in a group or when I have a lesson on my
own with a riding instructor.
What made you want to raise funds to help these horses? I first no ced a sign on
the wooden gate next to the field. It had a descrip on of the horses that had been
badly mistreated. For example: Li le Dukey was rescued in July 2018 from North
London. He had been dumped in a field and the owner never returned. If they had
not rescued him, he would have been shot and buried by the landowner. Duke
was a lovely natured pony, but he had been severely neglected, mistreated and
allowed to graze in dangerous environments. He was emaciated when they
rescued him. And this is why I wanted to help the horses because of the shocking
stories they had been through.
What are you currently studying in rela on to understanding animals?
Before lockdown, I went to Hadlow College to understand about horses. I learned new informa on about the horses how to undo
all the equipment from the horse saddle. During the equestrian work at Hadlow College I learnt how to carry out an
assessment about animal accommoda on including their welfare and well‐being along with knowing what is the appropriate work
clothes for working in all weather when in the yard.
We also had to do prac cal work around the horses like giving the horse food and water, mucking out the stable, how to e up
your horse and put a rug on a horse, carry out a risk assessment and wear the correct PPE which provides protec on, a knowledge
and prac cal applica on on the grooming kit and what they would use on the horse’s body. We studied horse behaviour when
we worked around them in the stable in groups up to 2 as well as how take the horse temperature using a horse thermometer
and how to put the horse bridle on the horse’s mouth.
My confidence grew every week when I went to College. I improved prac cal skills and the ability to clean out the animal’s
accommoda on including inside the stable and areas immediately around me.
Do you hope to work in the charity sector in the future or indeed animal rescue? I think yes, because it would be a nice thing to
do and a new adventure and make new bonds with the animals and the people around me.
Dhara finishes the Interview by saying ‐ Thank you for taking me to talk to me. I hope this informa on is helpful and will inspire
people to help horse chari es.
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS
Out and about

 All visitors to the nature reserve MUST follow this
 advice at all mes.

 For further informa on go to the website:
 h ps://

 Let’s Walk and Talk!!

 A very muddy two hour walk through the Nature
 Reserve with student and teacher.

A Walk and a Catch up in the Local Park.
Mr Ackerley meets with a student to have a
walk out in the fresh air at a local park.

Why not check your local park arrangements
and go for a walk or indeed meet with one
friend for a socially distanced walk and a
 ‘Walking as Exercise Makes You Happy’

 A Walk a er the Snow had Melted.

 Mr Day, goes for socially distanced walk a er the snowfall and a catchup,
 finding a snowman on the way!

 Did you know?
 To stay fit and healthy, it's recommended you get at
 least 150 minutes of moderate physical ac vity a week,
 or around 20 to 30 minutes a day.
 Source: NHS
 Download the NHS Walking App using the link below:
 h ps:// veten&hl=en_GB
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS
Art & Design
Art lessons at BBSN and BBSW have been great fun this BROOMHILL
Term. KS4 and 5 students have all been working on EDUCATION

their por olios (for GCSE and A Level) by edi ng a
PowerPoint version. This allows them to add their own
wri en work straight into the por olio and play
around with the design of the page, even when they
are working from home.

Caleb has done some amazing research and is ‘paid’
for each new addi on to his sketchbook with a new
photo of Piglet!

Prac cal work has con nued to, as you can see from
the images displayed here, which show just a small
selec on. We have found different ways to paint and By Josh Barden
draw when resources can’t be found at home. Dylan
in Y7 wasn’t sure about drawing with coffee, as it
 By Josh Barden
smelled a bit!

Alex Strong has been using Digital so ware in a very
sophis cated way, using many layers to create her
fantasy imagery.

Working from home has allowed some students much
more me to complete their artwork and we have
seen some amazing progress as a direct result.
 By Gracie Rogers
Well done to you all!

Keep up the good work everyone.

 @crea vityforlife

By Alex Strong

 By Vienna GS

By Alex Strong
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS
Art & Design & Engineering

 By Max Wade

 By Anthony Eggington

Anthony Eggington has been prac sing his Computer Digital Art Skills.
He turned his hand at crea ng a portrait of his teacher while
prac sing a new piece of so ware called BLENDER, which is used in
the anima ons’ industry. Blender allows ar sts to turn their s ll
characters into impressive anima ons’.
No prizes for guessing who his teacher is.
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS
Remote Learning/Independent Study
 Helpful Jobs

 lunch for their Dad as part of the

 Joshua and his sister prepare a
 Life Skills task. Well done!!
 Nature Detec ves
 Keeping Ac ve
 Planning Your Day
 Mindfulness Colouring
 Ac on Calendar

 Year 10 Student making
 Malteser fudge as part of
 the Life Skills task

 h ps://
Life Skills

 A Victoria sponge and a Walnut cake a student made for his teachers.
 Mrs Bisse had a slice of his Victoria sponge and said it was “Delicious” 

Mindful Study Design Brief for Mul cultural Finger Food
Joshua and his sister prepare a
 Both Peter and Damien

 Peter’s Design Brief
lunch for their Dad as part of the
 set out to analyse their
Life Skills task. Well done!!
 Design Brief covering;
 diet, budget, mescale,
 type of foods, loca on,
 venue type, client and
 quan es to cook for.

 Theo Kerr: MINDFUL STUDY Their analysis and the
 USING CLAY MODELS se ng out using the
 various formats is
 crea ve and clear.
 Damien’s Design Brief

 Lovely venues at Nan’s
 house and on a boat!
 The food budget well
 researched from grow‐
 ing your own or a shop
 at the local Asda have all
 been well‐thought‐out!

 Well done Damien and
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS
Big Garden Birdwatch
 How many did you spot? BROOMHILL
 Students took part in this year’s
 ‘Big Garden Birdwatch’ run by the RSPB.
 Broomhill Bank prepared a resources pack
 inclusive of bird seeds and sent these out
 to all pupils so that everyone could take
part in Big Garden Birdwatch.
Mrs Law is colla ng all the returned forms and will submit the
results by 19th February to the RSPB. Early returns are
showing that our gardens are very busy and that you all
enjoyed the ac vity pack!
Here are some photographs, drawings and completed
worksheets from some of the
students. Miss Ashby and a student making up the packs of seeds as
Well done to all who took part, part of the resource packs sent out to students.
the results will give a snapshot
of how our garden birds are

 Aaron Simmonds
 Spo ed
 Aaron Simmonds h ps://‐involved/ac vi es/
 Aaron Boon used
 1 Chaffinch
 Spo ed birdwatch/which‐garden‐bird‐are‐you/
 binoculars to help iden fy 2 Blackbirds
 the birds. The magpies 1 Chaffinch
 were building a nest high
 4 Woodpigeons
Aaron Reid made food 2 Blackbirds
balls, which the Robin
 up in one of the fir trees 1 Magpie
 and Aaron saw them 4 Woodpigeons
thoroughly enjoyed see carrying up large twigs
picture right below. 1 Magpie
 Drawing of a Buzzard from Amelia as a
 follow up ac vity from the RSPB.

 Robin Feeding
 Preparing the
 Birdfeeders at home Photo: Aaron Reid

 What did J see?
 10 House Sparrows 1 Robin
 1 Blackbird 7 Starlings
 1 Blue t 3 Wood Pigeon
 1 Magpie

 Joshua Knowles
 Spo ed
 5 House Sparrows Blackbird feeding taken by Quinn,
 2 Robins
 Quinn also spo ed two Blue ts.
 3 Blue ts
 2 Woodpigeons
Broomhill Bank School - End of Term 3 2020/2021 12th February 2021 - Amazon AWS
Food Technology/Mexican Lunch

 Flapjacks made
 by Aaron Reid

 Shortbread made
 by Harry T Flapjacks

Mexican Lunch
Mr Ackerley cooking up a culinary delight in
the school kitchen!
Mexican lunch for all students and staff .
 Level 2

 BTEC Assessment—Pizza Prac ce : Kiera

 Breakfast Cookie Dhara
 made for her family Brandon made a Co age Pie
 Chicken Dansak
 made by Oliver
 for his family.

 Delicious Bread and Bu er Pudding
BTEC Food Surveys made by Mr Ackerley.

Family and teachers help students with
their research for the BTEC Food

The BTEC Food groups have been
working on a FINGER FOOD project,
producing food surveys to gather
informa on to help make decisions on
what each Chef will choose to make.

Molly, Nathan and Brandon researched
various types of finger food from all
over the world.
 Nathan’s Research

 Brandon’s Research
 Molly’s Research
Pancakes & Milkshakes

 Prep: 10 mins Year 7 North, having fun making pancakes and milkshakes
 Pancake Recipe

 Cook: 20 mins Prep: 10 mins Method

 Milkshake Recipe
 Nutri on: per serving Step 1
 Makes 6 Kcal 170 Fat 9g Saturates 6g
 Carbs 16g Sugars 16g Fibre 0 Blitz the ice cream, milk and vanilla
Nutri on: per pancake extract in a blender un l combined
 Protein 6g Salt 0.2g
Kcal 61 Fat 2g Saturates 1g Carbs 7g Ingredients and creamy. Pout into large jug.
Sugars 1g Fibre 0 Protein 3g Salt 0.1g (low) 200g vanilla ice cream Step 2
 500ml semi‐skimmed milk, or whole milk Dip the rims of four glasses in the
Ingredients 1 tsp vanilla extract melted white chocolate, then some
100g plain flour Melted white chocolate and sprinkles, to sprinkles, if you like. Leave to set
2 large eggs serve (op onal) slightly, then divide the milkshake
300ml milk between the glasses.
1tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil, plus a li le extra for You can customise your shake top‐
frying pings of your own choice.
Lemon Wedges/Caster sugar/Toppings of your choice Source: BBC goodfood

Step 1
Put 100g plain flour, 2 large eggs, 300ml milk, 1 tbsp
sunflower or vegetable oil and a pinch of salt into a
bowl or large jug, then whisk to a smooth ba er.
Step 2
Set aside for 30 mins to rest if you have me, or start
cooking straight away.
Step 3
Set a medium frying pan or crepe pan over a medium
heat and carefully wipe it with some oiled kitchen
Step 4
When hot, cook your pancakes for 1 min on each side
un l golden, keeping them warm in a low oven as you
Step 5
Serve with lemon wedges and caster sugar, or your
favourite filling. Once cold, you can layer the pancakes
between baking parchment, then wrap in cling film
and freeze for up to 2 months.
Source: BBC goodfood
Informa on
Half Term Week Broomhill Bank School
Local Favourite
walks throughout Term Dates for 2020 / 2021
Kent. Choose a Term 4
walk that’s Mon 22nd February to Thurs 1st April
local to you!! _

 Easter Holiday
 Fri 2nd April to Fri 16th April

 Term 5
 Mon 19th April to Fri 28th May

 (Bank Holiday Mon 3rd May 2021)

 Broomhill Bank School
 Term Dates for 2021 / 2022
 Term 1
 Fri 3rd September to Fri 22nd October

 Half Term
 Mon 25th October to Fri 5th November

 Term 2
Recommended Walking Routes Mon 8th November to Tues 21st December

 64. Walmer, the White Cliffs and Dover Christmas Holiday
 2. Cudham & Berry's Green Wed 22nd December to Mon 3rd January
 67. Sandwich and the Sea
 5. Foots Cray Meadows
 69. Ightham Mote and Fairlawne Estate ________________________________________________________________________________________
 7. High Elms and Down
 70. Cowden Sta on and Trugger's Gill Term 3
 11. Chevening & Turvin's Farm
 73. Elham Valley Tues 4 January to Fri 11th February
 17. Chartwell and Toy's Hill ________________________________________________________________________________________
 76. Grove Ferry and Preston _
 18. Keston Ponds and Padmall Wood Half Term
 77. Woolage Green and Nonington
 28. One Tree Hill and Underriver Mon 14th February to Fri 18th February
 79. Kearsney and St Radigund's
 21. Toy's Hill & Ide Hill ________________________________________________________________________________________

 82. Harbledown and Dunkirk _

 29. Edenbridge and Haxted Mill Term 4
 83. Barham and Four Churches Walk
 32. Chiddingstone Causeway
 84. Hythe, Royal Military Canal, Romney Mon 21st February to Fri 1st April
 35. Ma ield and Kent College _
 Marsh and Dymchurch Easter Holiday
 36. Four Elms and Bough Beech Reservoir
 87. Groombridge & Withyham
 41. Marsh Green and Starborough Castle Mon 4th April to Monday 18th April
 90. Hucking and North Downs Way
 47. Shoreham, Pluto and O ord ________________________________________________________________________________________
 99. Wadhurst & Bewl Water _

 52. Sevenoaks Weald and Elses Farm Term 5
 124. Rolvenden and Tenterden
 55. Penshurst & Bidborough Tues 19th April to Fri 27th May
 125. Benenden and Rolvenden
 56. Sholden and Fowlmead Country Park ________________________________________________________________________________________
 126. Cranbrook and Benenden
 59. Joyden's Wood (Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May 2022)
 132. Groombridge, Broadwater Warren,
 60. Stubbs Wood and Whitley Forest Half Term
 Eridge Rocks & Harrison's Rocks

 Many thanks to B&Q and their Duty Manager for

 arranging the generous dona on of the Christmas
 Tree to the Students and Staff at the North Site.
 The Christmas tree was a light of Joy for everyone
 and was very much appreciated!!

 h ps://
 Many thanks to Darrell, the Manager at Hawley
 Garden Centre who kindly donated a variety of apps/details?
 Christmas decora ons. The decora ons looked id=com.thinkninja
 amazing and the students enjoyed pu ng them up.

 Broomhill Bank School (North) Broomhill Bank School (West)
 Rowhill Road Broomhill Road
 Hextable Rusthall
 Kent Royal Tunbridge Wells
 BR8 7RP Kent TN3 0TB
 Tel: 01322 662937 Tel: 01892 510440
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