2020 Renata, a Natura Beauty Consultant (CE) - Instituto Natura
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Contents Our manifesto 03 Purpose, aspirations and beliefs 04 A word from our CEO 05 The Natura Institute and Crer Para Ver products 07 The Natura Institute Brazil’s 4 commitments 10 The Natura Institute in Hispanic America 18 Our network 21 Projects we supported in 2020 23 Our partners 25 Credits 26 Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 2
Natura Institute Our manifesto Let’s talk about Because together we are stronger. A network that puts Education center-stage—at the center of education. That is why we at the Natura Institute our universe. are a part of this vast network in support of Education. An Education that’s there for every girl and boy. An Education that’s there for A diverse network made up of people everyone. and organizations who work each day That transforms the lives of to ensure that children and youth in children, youth and families. An That includes children and youth, Brazil can attend high-quality public Education that makes the world a teachers and families, and entire schools. beautiful place to live in. communities. Where the Education they receive Let’s talk about Education. The kind of high-quality gives them the opportunity to dream, to transform and to achieve; to live a we need to public Education that opens doors, broadens horizons, and fulfilled life. make this makes the world a more just, A network that also includes other prosperous and compassionate place. third-sector organizations; which help to make our voices heard and work education This is the Education we aspire for. This is the Education we need to build collaboratively with the public sector and broader society. happen. systemically and at scale. A network that is funded with the We know the journey to get there won’t sales proceeds from Crer Para Ver We all learn. be easy, but is necessary. products, sold by more than 1.5 million We all teach. Natura Beauty Consultants; who sell We are all responsible. And we can only get there these products and give their profit. if we do it together. Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 3
Purpose Aspiration Beliefs The world will only be To work together to transform 1. W e are stronger working a just, prosperous and Education in Brazil, ensuring together compassionate place when that all children and youth have 2. W e respect and value high-quality Education is access to high-quality learning. diversity available for everyone. 3. W e are daring and resourceful to deliver results 4. N atura Beauty Consultants form a network that can change the world 5. W e are indignant when children and youth are not given the opportunity to learn Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 4
A word from our CEO 2020 was a very challenging year for state and municipal governments have the Natura Institute. As we celebrated primary responsibility for Education We want all our first decade as an Institute and rolled out our new strategic plan, the initiatives, with the third sector playing a supporting role in implementing children and COVID-19 pandemic struck, with all policies and laws to strengthen public youth to have the resulting impacts on Education. education. the opportunity Under our new plan, we will focus Although the task may seem daunting, to attend efforts on four commitments by which we believe that by working together we we aim to ensure that all children and can ensure that all children and youth high-quality youth have the opportunity to attend high-quality schools that open doors have access to a transformational education that will empower them into schools that and create opportunities for them to adulthood. open doors achieve their dreams, as well as giving Natura Beauty Consultants the oppor- Amid the challenges created by and create David Saad tunity to expand their own educational development. COVID-19, we worked with govern- ments and third-sector partners to find opportunities CEO, solutions for navigating the pandemic for them to the Natura Institute Each of our commitments aims to link efforts to find solutions for better Ed- and helping children to continue learn- ing even when away from school. achieve their ucation. It is our view that the Federal, goals. Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 5
We placed an emphasis on activities that could be done remotely, such as In 2020, we expanded into Argentina, Chile and Mexico. And in 2021 we will We made good progress training teachers and staff at state have chapters in Peru and Colombia. on our commitments amid education departments; providing support in implementing remote and Institute chapters are independent yet united in purpose, and all are funded by the challenges created by hybrid learning approaches; and pre- local sales of Crer Para Ver products. the pandemic. paring to safely reopen schools. Everything we’ve achieved over the We took part in a task force of years has been made possible by sales organizations that created a platform, proceeds from Natura Crer Para Ver called Aprendendo Sempre (“Learning products, which for 25 years have been Always”), for schools and families, with donated to the cause of Education. curated ideas and content to support continued learning during the pandemic. Our many thanks to all the Natura We also organized online seminars to Beauty Consultants – our true sponsors discuss two topics that are central to our – who inspire us each day to achieve activities in Brazil: Literacy at the right our best for Education. And we also owe age and Full-Time Secondary Education recognition to the people and organi- zations that have accompanied us on We made significant strides, even in this journey. Together, we have formed a such a turbulent year, toward our aspi- strong and diverse network that believes ration to ensure access to high-quality that the world will only be a just, pros- education for children and youth, both perous and compassionate place when in Brazil and in the countries where Education is available to everyone. Natura operates in Hispanic America. Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 6
The Natura Institute and Crer Para Ver products The Natura Institute was founded in Last but not least, 2020 marked the profit to fund improvements in Educa- 2010 to expand the Education initia- first year under our new strategic plan, tion for Brazilian children and youth. tives that Natura had begun in 1995 which places a major emphasis on with proceeds from the sales of Natura public education policies, as well as From 1995 to the present, more than R$ Crer Para Ver products—the profit is supporting Natura Leaders and Beauty 360 million* has been invested in Edu- entirely donated to initiatives support- Consultants in their own education. cation initiatives, all thanks to the dedi- ing this cause. cation of this vast network. And speaking of Natura Beauty Con- As we celebrated a decade of support sultants, they have been at the center We are much indebted to the Natura for Education in Brazil, the Natura Crer our efforts from the beginning. Beauty Consultants who put Education Para Ver product line celebrated its at the center and help to transform the 25th anniversary. We are currently supported by around lives of children, youth, families and Consuelo, 1.3 million Natura Beauty Consultants broader society. A Natura Beauty Also in 2020, the Natura Institute across Brazil, who sell Natura Crer Consultant (Paraná) opened local chapters in Argentina, Para Ver products and donate their Chile and Mexico. The chapters in each country are separate legal entities, funded by the proceeds from 1.3 million consultants local sales of Natura Crer Para Ver products, in a model similar to the one throughout Brazil sell Crer in Brazil. In 2021 we will open chapters in Colombia and Peru. Para Ver products and donate *Investment amounts have been indexed to their profits. the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA) from 1995 to 2020. Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 7
The Natura Institute and Crer Para Ver products By the numbers Crer Para Ver Natura Institute proceeds Investments R$ million R$ million “I’m very happy to work 55.9 with a brand where I can help children all 38.7 around Brazil by selling 37.4 Crer Para Ver products. 29.1 28.9 I’m thrilled to be a 25.0 part of this.” Diogo, 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020 A Natura Beauty Consultant (SP) The amount of proceeds may differ from the amount invested in a given year as the Natura Institute, in designing its budget, takes account of historical investment in previous years and its strategic planning in order to ensure that available funds are managed responsibly. Any surplus is carried forward to the following fiscal years. All funds are audited. View our financial statements: bit.ly/in-demonstracoes-2020 Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 8
Natura Institute States with ongoing public-policy support 1,321,243 students benefited partnerships AP AM MA CE RN 21 state education departments PI PB supported by the Natura Institute PE 953 AC AL TO SE RO MT municipalities impacted GO 2,389 MG ES MS SP schools PR 145,020 SC Natura Beauty Consultants benefited through education Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 9
The Natura Institute Brazil’s 4 commitments Natura Institute 2020 annual report 10
Commitment 1 To turn this trend around, the Natura Institute launched the Collaborative One of the highlights of the Partner- ship in 2020 was an online event, Literacy Literacy Partnership (PARC) alongside dubbed “Writing Tomorrow”, in collab- the Lemann Foundation and Asso- oration with the Lemann Foundation, ciação Bem Comum. Through the Associação Bem Comum, the National partnership, we support states in de- Council of State Education Secre- signing and implementing literacy pro- taries (CONSED) and the National grams—in collaboration with municipal Union of Municipal Education Officials governments—to increase the number (UNDIME). In a milestone conference, of children who achieve literacy by 2nd nine governors met with staff from We want to ensure that all 2020 was a challenging year for us, grade in Primary School. state and municipal education depart- children can read and write but especially for elementary school ments, experts, teachers, third-sector by the age of seven students as they are less indepen- We provide technical support in: de- organizations and Natura Beauty Con- dent in their learning process and veloping supplementary education- sultants to discuss the challenges and may struggle with distance or hybrid al materials; training teachers and progress made in advancing literacy at learning methods. Even so, much was school managers; designing and im- the right age through collaboration. accomplished in the year. plementing assessment methods for 2nd graders; and institutionalizing the In Brazil, more than half of children do program through legislation and by not achieve literacy at the right age conducting census-based proficiency (National Literacy Assessment 2016). assessments for all 2nd grade students This means they will struggle more in the states we support. in school, have high truancy rates, and can reach adulthood without The Partnership was inspired by the being able to read, write, perform Literacy at the Right Age Program simple arithmetic calculations or (PAIC) launched by the government of independently interpret texts. Ceará in 2007. Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 11
Literacy States we support “a world where our children and students have equal AP opportunity and an equal shot at life.” MA Lígia, PI A teacher in the PE AL Child Literacy Program SE MS GO ES 597,754 children benefited by the PARC Program Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 12
and builds the entire learning approach tion Model, but suited to local needs. Commitment 2 and methodology around who they are and what they dream to be. The knowl- School expansion prioritizes regions with the highest social vulnerability. Full-time edge-building process also addresses In 2020, 20 states were supported secondary education learning goals by the Natura Institute, ISG and ICE and students’ academic development. partnership, benefiting approximately 720,000 students at 2,389 Full-Time Secondary The Natura Institute’s efforts draw Secondary Education schools. inspiration from Pernambuco’s suc- cessful Full-Time Secondary Education To include more voices in the program, Program. A study, titled “Mais integral, in December 2020 the Natura Institute education mais oportunidade”, by Instituto Sonho organized a three-day seminar on full- Grande (ISG)—our other partner in this time secondary education with gov- initiative—found that 63% of students ernors, state education secretaries, who completed Full-Time Secondary experts and representatives from civil Education went on to enter college, a society. The event was live streamed We promote high-quality Improving Secondary Education has rate 17 percentage points higher com- on YouTube for all full-time secondary education for the all-round been an integral part of our efforts pared to part-time secondary educa- education schools in Brazil. During the development of youth since 2013, when we began support- tion students. The same survey found seminar, several studies were pre- ing full-time public schools in São that, when entering the job market, sented on the impacts from Full-Time Paulo. These efforts have been sup- these students earn 18% more than Secondary Education. The seminar ported by several institutions, includ- those who completed part-time sec- also featured a brand new study by ing our then and current technical ondary education, and that there is education expert Ricardo Paes de partner, Instituto de Corresponsabili- no pay gap between white and black/ Barros about the Full-Time Second- dade pela Educação (ICE). brown employees who studied at full- ary Education Assessment in Santa time secondary schools. Catarina. Learn more about the event Full-Time Secondary Education sup- by clicking here. ports students’ all-around develop- Each state develops its own program ment. It puts students at the center within the Full-Time Secondary Educa- Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 13
Full-time secondary education “With the full-time school States we support model I was told: ‘It’s not just about secondary education! Where do you want to AP go? Do you want to go to university? Do you want to start a business? What do AM CE you aspire for?’. So I realized MA RN PB that my goal was more than PI PE just completing secondary AC AL RO TO SE education—my childhood MT dream was to be a teacher.” GO Sinelandia, A former Full-Time 723,489 MG ES MS Secondary Education student (PB) SP PR students enrolled in full-time SC secondary education 2,389 full-time secondary education schools in Brazil Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 14
Commitment 3 Coordinate priority address major priority areas for improv- ing Education in the country. Six prior- ities have been chosen, two of which are within the Natura Institute’s scope education agendas of activity: Literacy and Secondary Ed- ucation. Within this systemic model and using a coordinated approach, we have part- nered with organizations that support the public sector in building robust, struc- turing public policies in order to achieve progress on these other priorities. In 2020, as a way to minimize impacts We catalyze priority education In our new strategic plan, we High-quality public Education is a fun- from the pandemic on the scholastic agendas by coordinating with recognize that to achieve our damental right; achieving this requires performance of children and youth, the public and third sector aspiration, i.e., for all children and a systemic, integrated, multi-stake- we joined a task force of third-sec- youth to have access to high-quality holder approach that coordinates all tor organizations that, among other education, we need to go a step the actors involved, including govern- initiatives, launched a platform fea- beyond. We can no longer focus ments and civil society. turing free curated content and only on Literacy and Secondary solutions for teachers, school man- Education, and neglect other In 2018, several Brazilian Education agers, students and their families priorities that are as important for the experts organized a civil-society move- (aprendendosempre.org). Education we aspire for. ment called “Educação Já” (“Educa- tion Now”), a non-partisan initiative to Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 15
Commitment 4 Surveys of our Natura Beauty Con- sultants and Leaders have shown that portant initiatives for Natura Beauty Consultants and Leaders. The first Education and around 70% have knowledge gaps was the creation of an education loan in Financial Education, and 17% still fund with proceeds from Natura Crer struggle from a lack of digital profi- Para Ver product sales. Using a simpli- ciency. Not to mention those who, for fied loan application process, Natura engagement for various reasons, were never able to Beauty Consultants and Leaders can complete basic education, or even to apply for interest-free student loans learn to read and write proficiently. We for technical, professional, higher need to ensure that these consultants, education and basic education pro- Natura beauty who have enabled us to guarantee a grams. Another important initiative high-quality education for so many was the development of our COVID-19 children and youth, are themselves Response Plan, including a series of consultants and given the opportunity to develop fully. 40 videos on different topics related to the pandemic response. Since 2016, we have provided a range of education opportunities for Natura A second part of our commitment to leaders Beauty Consultants. Through partner- Natura Beauty Consultants is engag- ships, we offer education grants and ing them around the cause of Edu- discounts for technical and university cation. There is tremendous power programs, language courses, and prep when 1 million women work together courses for the National High School in support of Education as a way to Exam (ENEM) and National Proficien- transform the country as a whole. With We support the all-round development cy Certification Exam for Youth and this is in mind, in 2020 we launched a of Natura Beauty Consultants and Adults (ENCCEJA). national mobilization movement under leaders, and work to engage them the theme #WritingHistory. The goal around the cause of Education Year 2020 was marked by two im- of the movement is to raise awareness Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 16
145,000 among Natura Beauty Consultants Natura beauty consultants benefited by at least one Crer Para about our ambition to ensure that all Ver education opportunity in 2020 154,000 children in Brazil can read and write by the age of seven, and emphasize the signed a statement on role that the Natura Institute and our achieving literacy by the Beauty Consultants and Leaders play age of seven in championing this cause. We distrib- uted more than 850,000 copies of the children’s book “Um sonho feito de linhas” to Natura Beauty Consultants, “my message to and collected more than 150,000 sig- all Natura Beauty natures on an online statement about the importance of achieving literacy by Consultants is to the age of seven. The statement was seize this opportunity, then delivered to several education embrace it, because departments. there’s so much we can transform through Education.” Dalva, A Natura Business Leader (SP) Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 17
The Natura Institute in Hispanic America Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 18
As part of an ongoing international- In Argentina, efforts are focused on ization process, in 2020 the Natura literacy and transforming second- Institute expanded into three Hispanic ary education schools; in Mexico, Mexico American countries: Argentina, Chile the focus will be on what have been and Mexico. The chapters in each termed in the country as fundamental country are separate legal entities, learning goals: achieving literacy by funded by the proceeds from local the age of eight (across the country’s sales of Crer Para Ver products, in a more than 40 native languages) and model similar to the one in Brazil. In proficiency in mathematics; in Chile, Colombia* 2021 we will open chapters in Peru efforts are targeted at increasing the and Colombia. quality of education in public schools, where academic achievement is The approach will be similar to the significantly lower than in private Natura Institute’s operating model in schools, which account for more than The Natura Institute Brazil: supporting the implementation 60% of schools in the country. in Hispanic America Peru* of transformational public policies; coordinating with the third sector In both Peru and Colombia, efforts and public sector to catalyze priority will be informed by the findings education agendas; and supporting from a survey in 2021 about local Chile the all-round development of Natura education conditions. Beauty Consultants—a contingent of Argentina more than 700,000. However, initiatives in each country are being designed to suit local needs. *from 2021 Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 19
Natura Institute In 2020 we also identified priority In Hispanic America areas to be addressed in our educa- tion efforts for Natura Beauty Consul- tants, to ensure the courses we offer are suited to their needs. The priority areas are: formal education; math and 45,000 reading comprehension; financial and digital education; health and wellness; mental health; and childcare. In 2020, the proceeds from Natura Crer Para Ver product sales in Hispanic consultants attended at A large event was organized in 2020 America were channeled for the first least one course offered to mark the launch of the Natura Insti- time toward the development of con- by the Natura Institute in tute in Hispanic America. During the sultants in these countries. Through- Hispanic America event, we launched the Institute-spon- out the year, 45,000 consultants sored book “The Keys to Educa- attended at least one course offered tion—a comparative study on educa- by the Natura Institute in Hispanic 1,970 tion system improvement in Hispanic America. Our goal is for this number America". The online event, featuring to reach 60,000 in 2021. One of our prominent education experts, was at- planned initiatives will be a digital tended by 1,970 people from different mentoring program in which digitally countries to discuss ways to improve proficient Natura Beauty Consultants Education in the region. One of our will support peers who are still unfa- people from priorities going forward is to coordi- miliar with the digital world. different countries nate efforts across non-government participated in the organizations involved in Education online event efforts in these five countries. Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 20
Our network Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 21
Our team David Amanda Anita Caio Carla Carolina Elaine Board of Directors Chair Pedro Villares Eliane Elis Eloá Fabiana Fabiane Florencia Gabriela Members Antonio Luiz da Cunha Seabra Denis Mizne Diego Fernando de Leone Guilherme Peirão Leal Glória Haline Juliana Karina Lucila Marcela Márcia João Paulo Ferreira Pedro Luiz Barreiros Passos Ricardo Henriques Audit Board – Brazil Maria Natália Priscila Regiane Ricardo Rodolfo Rodrigo Chair Lucilene Prado Member Sabrina Santiago Sarah Saraí Silvia Victoria Yuri Lavínia Junqueira Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 22
Projects we supported in 2020 Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 23
TRILHAS portal Comunidade de Conviva Educação Rede de Apoio portaltrilhas.org.br Aprendizagem convivaeducacao.org.br à Educação comunidadedeaprendizagem. The TRILHAS portal supports com Conviva Educação, an initiative As a member of Rede de Apoio continuing education for ele- led by the National Union of à Educação (RAE), we support mentary school teachers and This initiative promotes a Municipal Education Officials the municipal education depart- university students pursuing school model that enhances (UNDIME), is a system that ments of Benevides (PA) and bachelor’s degrees in educa- learning and interaction among provides management support Cajamar (SP), where our oper- tion. In 2020 the management students, is open to families to municipal education depart- ations are located. Our support of the project was transitioned and residents in a school dis- ments in Brazil. In 2020, the aims to improve management to Fundação Telefônica Vivo. trict, and helps to drive efficien- Natura Institute’s last year as practices and enhance the cy, equity and social cohesion. manager of the initiative, we quality of education in these In 2020, Grupo Baobá was undertook an intensive and municipalities. With the incum- tasked with leading the imple- closely coordinated process to bent mayoral administrations mentation of the initiative in transition the project to its new coming to an end in 2020, our Escola Digital Brazil, with support from the co-managers, UNDIME and Itaú RAE activities were wound up escoladigital.org.br Natura Institute. Social. in these municipalities. Escola Digital is a platform of- fering teachers, school manag- ers and students a collection of free digital resources, with more than 30,000 content titles. The focus in 2020 was on transition- ing the platform to Fundação Telefônica Vivo, which now manages the platform. Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 24
Our partners in 2020 • Fundação Lemann • Instituto Unibanco • Fundação Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal • Instituto Votorantim • Associação Bem Comum • Fundação Roberto Marinho • Itaú Educação e Trabalho • Associação Cidade • Fundação SM • Itaú Social • Avante • Fundação Telefônica Vivo • Jeduca • BCG • Fundação Vanzolini • Movimento Colabora Educação • Inter-American Development Bank • Fundação Victor Civita • Movimento pela Base (IDB) • Instituto de Corresponsabilidade pela • Movimento Profissão Docente • FGV Center of Excellence and Educação (ICE) • Center for Social and Innovation in Education Policy (CEIPE) • Instituto Ayrton Senna Educational Research and • Center of Innovation for Brazilian • Instituto Chapada de Educação e Action (NIASE) Education (CIEB) Pesquisa Instituto Conceição Moura • Oi Futuro • National Council of State Education • Instituto Humanize • Parceiros da Educação Secretaries (CONSED) • Instituto Península • Porticus • Center of Research in Theories and • Instituto Positivo • Todos pela Educação Practices that Overcome Inequalities - • Instituto Reúna • National Union of Municipal University of Barcelona (CREA) • Instituto Sonho Grande Education Officials (UNDIME) Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 25
Credits General coordination Photos Natura Institute Biscos Comunicação LTDA Tração Live Marketing Design and layout Flavia Ocaranza, Gisele Fujiura, English version Gustavo Inafuku, Luciana Mafra LatAm – Latin American Translations and Naná de Freitas Writing Tita Berton Natura Institute 2020 Annual report 26
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